The Xeverra

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The Xeverra
File:Spore 2012-05-26 07-57-17.png

"The universe is but a vast ocean."

Faction: Warlord
Homeplanet: Xer (rendered uninhabitable by nuclear fallout)
Lifespan: 50 - 70 Earth Years
Height (in meters) 4.6 - 10.7 m (15 - 35 ft)
Economic System Credit Exchange System
General Information
Government System Communistic Democracy
Strengths Precision attacks, adaptive mechs, holding captured territory, powerful navy
Weaknesses Large-scale offensives, reliance on technology
Notable for Anti-gravity technology, mass-production techniques, widespread AI use.
Main Territory The Central Territories
Colors Grey, black, aqua
Military Volunteers and AI-controlled drones
State Inactive
Population Unknown
Technology Futuristic
Empire Size Unknown. Many temporary colonies and colonial ships, several permanent colonies.
Diplomacy (Only races in the Great War.)
Allies 2
Enemies 1
Current Top Military Commander Commander Galacia
Current Conflicts Betel Recyclers

Overview[edit | edit source]

Faction: Warlord

Philosophy: Expand and gather resources as necessary. Eliminate oppressive empires and those who threaten their safety.

Summary: The Xeverra are a fairly new race, driven by their desire to learn more about the universe. Spending their entire lives aboard massive spaceships, the majority of them dedicate most of their waking hours to manufacturing ever-increasing amounts of spaceships, tanks, and other military instruments. They travel from system to system, harvesting asteroids with an efficiency gained from centuries of knowledge and occasionally establishing a new colony as a refueling station. Unlike many Warlords they are not innately hostile to other species, though they are indiscriminate of borders and will respond aggressively to their most vital ships being approached. Overall, the Xeverra have the potential to be quite a threat, however, their general lack of interaction with other races has rendered them quite naive and susceptible to be manipulated.

Home System[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Xer

The Xeverra originated from the Gerrus system, a G-type main sequence star slightly more luminous than the sun. Orbiting the star are seven planets: two rocky worlds rendered uninhabitable by their close proximity to Gerrus, an unusually close gas giant believed to be a captured rogue planet, another cool rocky world further out, two ice giants, and finally a frozen ice world. OF these seven planets, only Gal orbits within the habitable range; two of its many moons evolved life separately from one another. One of these moons, an oceanic world with a thick atmosphere, is the homeworld of the Xeverra, Xer.

History[edit | edit source]

Evolution[edit | edit source]

The Xeverra evolved on the planet Xer, the largest of four large moons orbiting the gas giant Gal. With an oxygen-rich atmosphere and nearly 90% of the surface covered in warm oceans, Xer was extremely conducive towards the development of aquatic life. Later on, a variety of land-based plants and animals also evolved, surviving in the face of volcanic eruptions, fluctuations in sea level, and intense hurricanes fueled by the abundant water and energy available. Land animals on the far side of Xer also had to deal with Xer’s 192.48 hour long days, alternating between four blistering days of sunlight and four pitch-black nights lit only by Xer's three large sister moons.

Ocean Development

The Xeverra started out as small eel-like creatures roughly two feet in length, with three small sets of fins along their bodies for stability. As millions of years passed they grew larger and more intelligent, banding together to ambush prey. Over time the proto-Xeverra migrated closer and closer to land, moving out of range of some of the more vicious predators of Xer while gaining new sources of food. In time, fins grew into six stubby limbs, a swim bladder evolved into a lung, and the proto-Xeverra clambered on to land for the first time.


After emerging on to land, the proto-Xeverra faced a whole new set of challenges. Airborne predators were a constant threat, along with severe storms and other natural disasters. Some adapted by taking to the trees, developing the ability to glide with large flaps of skin. Others remained close to the ground, retreating to the water when danger was near. Of the latter, one particular species would evolve into what would become the modern Xeverra. Losing several sets of legs in favor of slithering in swamps, developing potent venom, and growing too large to be plucked into the air by most predators, the Xeverra were on the path to dominance until a particularly severe volcanic event contributed to the beginning of a mass extinction event. Large amounts of dust and ash released into the atmosphere caused many plant species to die out and sea levels to drop as global temperatures cooled and ice built up at the poles. The Xeverra managed to survive by retreating into the oceans, waiting out the miniature ice age as larger predators died off.

Formation of Subspecies

After global temperatures and ocean levels re-stabilized, the Xeverra branched off again, forming two major divisions. Those who returned to the land became the Terran Xeverra, retaining their venomous lower fangs and the ability to move freely on solid ground. On the other hand, those that continued to prowl the oceans became the Oceanic Xeverra, gaining size in exchange for their ability to leave the water. Both branches gained sentience at roughly the same time, but only Terran Xeverra had the resources to create fully fledged towns and cities. In time several major empires rose and flourished, giving rise to Xeverra civilization.

Civilization[edit | edit source]

The Major Nations[edit | edit source]

Struggle For Dominance[edit | edit source]

Dawn of the Space Era[edit | edit source]

The War of Torred[edit | edit source]

Galden and the Exodus[edit | edit source]

Created in the last days of the War For Dominance in secrecy by the brightest minds of the Xeverra, Galden is an evolving sapient AI named after the king of the gods in an old Quoten Farr religion. Cobbled together out of scraps of Astatanian technology and Xeverra engineering, it was constructed with the mandate to preserve the Xeverra as a race, their history, and the DNA of as many Xer organisms as possible before an inevitable nuclear war destroyed all nations and their respective lore. Unfortunately, nuclear attacks started occurring far sooner than the scientists had predicted. With the last of their resources, they launched the AI into orbit around Xer aboard a satellite. Not long after, the facility the scientists were working at was flattened by a nuclear strike on the nearby military base that they had been pilfering their equipment from.

From space, the fledgling Galden proceeding to transmit itself into any receptive electronics on Xer, a process hampered by nuclear fallout impeding the signal but facilitated by weak Xeverra encryption. Slowly, the AI amassed knowledge and vehicles left behind by the irradiated and dying remains of the Xeverra nations, even as it seized control of the remaining fleets in space in an attempt to prevent the remaining Xeverra from destroying themselves. Using its newfound wisdom along with the remaining functioning drones, Galden began to construct the frame of what would become the first world ship in Xer’s orbit. As sections of the ship were completed, DNA samples gathered from Xeverra and Xer wildlife were stored, effectively conserving the diversity of most of Xer’s biosphere. In the heart of the ship, the AI placed its own

Decades later, when the worldship was finally completed, Galden contemplated its next decision; for all the intelligence of its creators, they were just as shortsighted as any other Xeverra, and had failed to elaborate on the AI’s plan of action beyond perpetuating the Xeverra should the homeworld be rendered completely uninhabitable as it had. The few remaining Xeverra in space, despite Galden’s best efforts, had killed themselves shortly after they discovered their ships weren’t responding, believing themselves to be rendered inoperable by a new form of technology and lacking evidence of any other allies being alive to attempt a rescue. Similarly, the Xeverra in military bases on Molla had died out after attacking the drones meant to deliver supplies to them, inadvertently mistaking them for enemy ships. Left with no living Xeverra and no suitable homeworld for any potential Xeverra, the AI finally arrived at the conclusion that it would need to leave the Gerrus system if it hoped to restore the Xeverra. Before it left, however, it created the first unified Xeverra fleet, repairing and upgrading ships left to drift aimlessly in space and mining Brulik and Torred to make vehicles of its own design. Later on, Galden would begin cultivating Xer flora within the worldship, taking the first steps in creating what would become a miniature Xer ecosystem that would herald a new generation of Xeverra.

Modern Times[edit | edit source]

Notable Colonies[edit | edit source]

Bironver[edit | edit source]

Bironver (Bee-ron-vare) is a young warm terra of several Earth masses with abundant seas and volcanic activity. Much of the bare, rocky landmass consists of a single large supercontinent covering the southern hemisphere and extending toward the pole. Its thick atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, with traces of oxygen and other gases. Despite the presence of an ozone layer, intense UV radiation from its parent star precludes the existence of life on the surface; in the crushing depths of the oceans, several primitive species of extremophiles thrive around volcanic vents. Bironver has an expansive and beautiful ring system, along with several small moons.

An image of Bironver, taken during the initial survey of the system. Later images would reveal the existence of a supercontinent, dubbed Gernalea.

Though surface conditions on Bironver are harsh, its comfortable (by Xeverra standards) atmosphere, large oceans, and ideal location along Xeverra fleet migration routes made it one of the first worlds to be colonized by them. Surface scans later revealed abundant deposits of heavy metals, brought to the crust through millions of years of volcanism. Noting a potential for the fledgling Xeverra industry, a small armada of ships broke off from the main fleet while they were developing the colony. After mining the more easily-accessed rings and moons, they constructed a space station and towed it to Bironver's L1 point. Once in place, the ships themselves were then disassembled to their most basic components and added to the structure.

The space station, known as Ordovan Point, originally only housed a crew of several hundred. Ever the industrialists, the Xeverra soon established a robo-mining operation several times that size. With generous use of gravity-counteracting technology, mined materials made their way from Bironver to Ordovan Point. Imports from both the planet and the fleet soon expanded the space station even further. In the interest of terraforming the world, the array of solar panels at the end of the station was built into a large shroud, limiting the amount of light — and deadly UV radiation — that reached the planet. After recouping initial losses, the Ordovan Point's living crew departed, leaving the autonomous workforce to continue the mining operation.

From the surface, colonists continued terraforming efforts on Bironver during and after the fleet's efforts on the space station. Once the shroud portion of Ordovan Point was completed, cyanobacteria cultivation tests began in underwater city domes where the Xeverra had taken up residence. Showing minimal adverse reactions to composition of Bironver's oceans, a particularly fast-breeding strand was dumped at key ocean currents. By the next century, with repeated dumps at other sites, the atmospheric oxygen level had risen to a bit over eight percent. Progress became slightly erratic after bacteriophages began appearing in the environment, but the Xeverra nevertheless predict that the use of rebreathers will be greatly reduced within another two centuries.

Today Bironver and Ordovan Point remain a military and industrial stronghold in Xeverra territory. The station provides a safe repair point for passing Xeverra fleets and a steady, if slowly dwindling, source of raw materials. The space surrounding the planet is well protected by orbital laser cannons cleverly hidden around Bironver's ring systems and moons. The station itself possesses numerous defenses, ranging from shield generators to broadside railguns and laser turrets to swarms of AI-controlled fighters. A defensive fleet, including a dreadnought, is also stationed around Ordovan Point at all times.

Mihkon-Herpal System[edit | edit source]

From left to right, Herpal and Mihkon, respectively.

Mihkon (Mee-con) and Herpal are a double planet system in the Harthax Cluster. Both planets are massive desert worlds with thick atmospheres. Orbiting the unstable yellow hypergiant Dimot (Die-mot), the surface temperatures of the two planets normally exceeds 2400 degrees F. Despite the apparent inhospitality of the worlds, the Xeverra have settled both planets.

Herpal is the smaller planet of the binary system. While only about half the mass of Mihkon, its proportionally smaller diameter means its surface gravity is even higher. Herpal’s atmosphere is composed mainly of water and carbon dioxide; the extreme pressures exhibited render these molecules into increasingly exotic forms closer to the surface. High above the ground, however, atmospheric temperatures and pressures reach a tolerable point. Using imported and locally mined materials, the Xeverra were able to establish a series of domed ‘sky cities’ freely floating through Herpal’s atmosphere. Electrolysis of water vapor skimmed from the atmosphere provides most of the breathable oxygen; additional helium adds enough buoyancy to support the entire dome. Electricity for the cities is provided via wind and solar power.

Mihkon, as seen from one of Herpal's sky cities.

Life on the sky cities is described by local Xeverra as ‘challenging yet invigorating’. Despite the amount of care put into the domes, individuals live constantly surrounded by danger. The domes are constantly monitored for signs of corrosion or excessive radiation. Hydroponics and meat vats are kept guarded by armed drones. Population growth is strictly monitered. Orbital stations constantly monitor the system for unexpected visitors. If directly attacked, AA guns surrounding the cities provide a last line of defense. As noted by a few of the brighter communities, even if the domes were to be ruptured, diffusion rates of the city’s atmosphere would be slow enough to allow for repairs or evacuations to be made as necessary. In exchange for their harsh living conditions, Herpal Xeverra are granted a large amount of personal freedom. Many individuals choose to own or build their own spacecrafts in their spare time. Large droves of Xeverra ships can be seen flying around the system between Mihkon mining operations.

Mihkon is the dominant planet of the binary system, and the slightly less inhospitable of the two. Its scorching temperatures and a volatile atmosphere prohibit any colonization of the surface. However, the Xeverra persist on taking advantage of Mihkon’s mineral wealth. Unmanned drones brave the adverse conditions to go through the painstaking process of charting, mining and hauling heavy metals and radioactives to orbiting stations and Herpal’s sky cities.

World Ships[edit | edit source]

The Molla[edit | edit source]

Megastructures[edit | edit source]

The Star Song[edit | edit source]

Biology[edit | edit source]

Xeverra as a whole appear a lot more menacing than they actually are. While they can grow upwards of 35 feet in some instances, most larger Xeverra are Oceanic subspecies that are quite ungainly on land; they effectively lack the scales to properly slither. As such, directly fighting a Xeverra is generally limited to pilots of downed vehicles or aquatic infantry. Their large frames make them quite easy to land a hit on, and they can easily be crippled by a shot to the spine. Having evolved on a world with only a quarter of Earth's gravity, they are innately weaker than many other species, though this has been mitigated through the rampant use of cybernetics along with artificial gravity on ships. The increased atmospheric pressure and oxygen content of their homeworld also means that Xeverra will slowly suffocate on any world with an Earth-like atmosphere. In addition, Xeverra skin is not very hard, making it easy for bladed weapons of the proper length to cut through it. However, blunt weapons struggle to do much damage due to a thick layer of subcutaneous fat. Overall, the most dangerous aspects of a Xeverra in melee combat are their tails, teeth, and in the case of Terran subspecies, venom. A direct hit from a Xeverra tail will break the bones of most species regardless of armor, setting them up to be crushed, shot, or constricted.

Physical Description[edit | edit source]

At first glance, a Xeverra seems to be a hybrid of snakes, dolphins, and several aquatic species. Their long, serpentine bodies are covered in a smooth, rubbery hide which secretes an oil-like substance. The oil both helps to cut water resistance and acts as a natural sunscreen, protecting the Xeverra during the long Xer days. Their skin is also quite prone to being scarred, making it easy to determine the age of a Xeverra by the number of scars. Underneath the skin, a layer of subcutaneous fat both insulates and cushions the Xeverra while on land. In Terran Xeverra, a series of ridges along the underbelly aid them in gaining traction on land. A single pair of arms sprout from their body, ending in claw-tipped five-fingered hands. Though quite nimble, their weak chest muscles mean that Xeverra are unable to lift or support much weight without mechanical assistance. Their eel-like mouths contain 36 teeth which are easily regrown if lost.

Xeverra senses developed to best cope with the oceanic world of Xer. Most subspecies have an acute sense of sight as predatory animals; most subspecies have poor vision in the dark due to the constant illumination from Gal keeping Xer relatively bright even at night. In addition to a regular eyelid, they posses a second, transparent eyelid, allowing them to see clearly when immersed in water. Xeverra internal ears are located slightly behind the eyes; a fat-filled cavity in the lower jaw conducts sound to their middle ears while underwater. Similar to cetaceans, Xeverra possess a melon, used to aid in echolocation. While aquatic Xeverra lack a sense of smell, both subspecies are fairly adept at detecting odors; aquatic Xeverra simply do so by 'tasting' the water instead. Due to the thickness of their skin combined with a relative lack of nerve endings, Xeverra have a fairly poor tense of touch. The most sensitive areas of their body are their hands, snout, and underbelly. At the base of their head, the two head fins detect subtle changes in humidity and air pressure, which, on Xer, would indicate an incoming storm or hurricane.

Xeverra nostrils are located at the top of their head, between their eyes; this allows them to keep nearly their entire body underwater when tracking prey from swamps or rivers. While underwater, they reflexively seal shut, preventing water from entering inadvertently. Notably, the respiratory and digestive systems are completely separate from one another, allowing Xeverra to comfortably breathe while swallowing a large meal but preventing them from speaking as other sentient races do. The lung, which extends along the length of a Xeverra's body, is extremely efficient, allowing an individual to hold their breath from 30 minutes to over an hour. This number can be pushed even higher through the use of supplemental oxygen and a gill-like apparatus in aquatic infantry and engineers.

After ripping prey into bite-sized pieces or swallowing it whole, food eaten by a Xeverra is pushed down the long, narrow esophagus into a crop-like organ. Enzymes here begin the digestion of food, softening and breaking apart food to be thoroughly destroyed by stomach acids. Food from the crop is also regurgitated to feed the young, who can more easily process a partially broken-down meal. After a period of several hours to several days, the food continues on to the stomach, where the remainder of the meal is broken down by powerful acids. Finally, the liquefied food is absorbed into the long gut over a period of days to weeks. In the past, Xeverra commonly fed once or twice per Xer day, though in modern times they usually eat smaller meals every 12 to 24 hours in order to maximize productivity.

Bullokverra (Subspecies)[edit | edit source]

Over the course of many years, differences in geography combined with random mutations and differing predatory niches led to the branching of the Xeverra species into numerous subspecies, which in turn formed separate civilizations with different forms of culture. These subspecies are similar enough that they are capable of being recognized by an outsider as Xeverra, yet different enough that they are often picked and chosen to work in specific professions by subspecies alone. While some subspecies are genetically similar enough to interbreed, their offspring are often sterile, discouraging cross-subspecies pairs from having children.

Xeverra can be divided into two main branches: the land-based Terran Xeverra, and the water-based Aquatic Xeverra. Both branches are amphibious to some degree and have the same general form, however,they possess numerous differences. Aquatic Xeverra tend to be larger and bulkier than their Terran counterparts, with a narrow jaw designed to shear off pieces of flesh for consumption. Their claws are thin and serrated, designed to inflict damage against predators. On the other hand, Terran Xeverra have a somewhat lankier build, with a wider jaw designed to grip prey until their venom incapacitates it. They are more adept with their hands, and claws are thicker to aid in digging for crustaceans or aquatic insects. Aside from these general differences, specific subspecies of the Terran and Aquatic Xeverra have their own separate sets of traits and abilities.

Terran Subspecies[edit | edit source]

Mariver (Mainland):
Length: 16 - 18 ft (4.88 - 5.49 m)
Weight: 320 - 360 lbs (145.15 - 163.29 kg)
Diet: Land mammals and reptiles, shellfish, fish, seaweed.

Mainland Xeverra are the most common Terran subspecies, evolving on the swamp-ridden western half of the main continent, Mariver. Their most common strategy was to lurk in murky ponds or lakes, feeding on small aquatic life as they followed herds of Derrok that wandered across the continent. They often competed with packs of raptor-like Luksa over the herbivores; the Luksa had the advantage of speed and numbers, while the Mainland Xeverra had bulk, venom, and the ability to devour Luksa as well as those the Luksa preyed upon.

Mainland Xeverra have a distinctive green coloration, allowing them to blend in with the tall grass they often slithered through while stalking their prey. Their fangs, noticeably larger than other Terran subspecies, contain a potent narcotic venom, causing the victim to slip into a coma and eventually die within hours of being bit. Mainland Xeverra are the largest Terran subspecies overall, though the Spitfires are slightly longer.

Shultaka (Spitfire):
Length: 18 - 20 ft (5.49 - 6.10 m)
Weight: 324 - 360 lbs (146.96 - 163.29 kg)
Diet: Land mammals and reptiles.

Spitfires are the second most common Terran subspecies, and are the longest of the Terran subspecies. They evolved in the rivers running through the desert-filled eastern half of Mariver, gaining a sandy brown coloration and unparalleled mobility on the vast sands. Their head fins are much longer than other subspecies, reaching nearly to their shoulders, and were mainly used for intimidation and attracting a mate. Combined with their black eye markings, the head fins give Spitfires a decidedly feminine appearance, causing many a race to mistake them for female Xeverra upon first contact.

True to their name, Spitfires have the distinctive ability to spray venom at their target with great accuracy. The venom causes intense hallucinations, along with temporary to permanent blindness in those who have the misfortune to get a direct spray of venom in the eyes. In their native desert environment, the venom often caused the victim to die from dehydration or injury if they initially managed to escape. The preferred tactic of Spitfire Xeverra was to lie in wait along a riverbank, striking at animals attempting to cross or drink. Under the cover of night, they would emerge from the water and actively hunt, taking care to avoid aerial predators that attempted to feed on their young.

Velxer (Island):
Length: 14 - 16 ft (4.27 - 4.88 m)
Weight: 280 - 320 lbs (127 - 145.15 kg)
Diet: Shellfish, seaweed, fish.

Island Xeverra are one of the stranger subspecies, having been re-categorized several times in the past before genetic testing revealed them to be closer related to other Terran subspecies. The most aquatic of the four Terran subspecies, Islanders have numerous appendages located along the length of their body, resembling sea plants. While lowering their agility, this camouflage allowed Islanders to both surprise their prey and hide from the watchful gaze of numerous fliers. The appendages also provided defense from other aquatic predators by containing venom-filled sacs; the appendages easily regrew if bitten off. Islander venom causes muscle paralysis when absorbed into the blood stream, eventually affecting major organs such as the lungs and causing death without medical intervention.

Quoten Farr (Four-Point):
Length: 10 - 12 ft (3.05 - 3.66 m)
Weight: 100 - 120 lbs (45.36 - 54.43 kg)
Diet: Amphibians, small mammals, small reptiles, fruit

Four Point Xeverra are the smallest and most isolated of the Terran Xeverra, and the only Terran subspecies to live on the Far Side of Xer. They evolved on the Four Point islands, a series of dormant volcanoes covered in dense jungles and filled with a variety of animals specially adapted to living in the large trees. Unlike the other Terran subspecies, Four-Pointers rarely ventured into the water, preferring to spend most of their time within the canopies. As a result of their habitat, their bodies are thinner and their arms noticeably more developed than other subspecies to help them easily weave through the branches. They also consume much more plant matter than other Terran subspecies, enjoying the abundant fruit that grow on the islands. Four-Point Xeverra venom induces both a drop in blood pressure and thinning of the blood, often causing fainting in those who are bitten. Aside from injury caused by falling, the venom can indirectly cause death by uncontrolled internal bleeding.

Aquatic Subspecies[edit | edit source]

Xerra (Ocean):
Length: 25 - 30 ft (7.62 - 9.14 m)
Weight: 625 - 750 lbs (283.5 - 340.19 kg)
Diet: Assorted fish and crustaceans

Oceanic Xeverra are the largest and most genetically diverse subspecies of Xeverra, making up nearly two-thirds of the total population. Capable of surviving everywhere but the poles, their diets and physical appearances gradually grew distinct from one another, though occasionally mingling of two or more pods prevented complete separation. While Oceanic Xeverra were the first group to gain sapience, the lack of tools in their watery environment prevented them from advancing until they encountered civilized Terran Xeverra many years later.

Oceanic Xeverra vary widely in color and shape, depending on what their ancestors adapted to. Oceanics close to the tropics typically had a lighter coloration and thinner bodies than those living in more temperate zones. Likewise, those who tended to linger near shore evolved thicker jaws and blunt teeth meant for crushing shellfish, while those who spent much of their time in open ocean possessed long, thin jaws filled with hooked teeth designed to grip and shear flesh.

Tukov (Electric):
Length: 25 - 30 ft (7.62 - 9.14 m)
Weight: 625 - 750 lbs (283.5 - 340.19 kg)
Diet: Assorted fish

Nearly identical to Oceanic Xeverra in size and weight, Electric Xeverra became genetically isolated within the Xevel Sea after the ocean receded from record high levels. Trapped in the dark, murky cave systems within the sea, they quickly switched to senses other than sight to detect prey. As suggested from their name, Electric Xeverra have an extremely advanced sense of electroreception compared to other subspecies, as well as the ability to create an electrical field. They also have a much paler complexion than other Xeverra, leaving them vulnerable to sun damage. For this reason, along with their long narrow fangs and white eyes, many races initially believe them to be undead until explained otherwise.

Galra (Giant):
Length: 35+ ft (10.67+ m)
Weight: 1050+ lbs (476.27+ kg)
Diet: Aquatic mammals, assorted fish; Anything smaller than them

Initially believed to be the result of a genetic disease, Giant Xeverra evolved near the poles of Xer, enjoying little competition as they eventually dwarfed former predators. Less group-oriented than other Xeverra, they typically hunted in pods of two or three. Though long thought to be less intelligent by other Xeverra subspecies during their civilization era, they were successfully uplifted shortly before the exodus of Xer.

Reproduction[edit | edit source]

Illnesses[edit | edit source]

Though Xeverra are normally quite resistant to disease, centuries of living on sterile ships, constant work, and malnutrition have degraded their immune systems, making them susceptible to bacterial and viral infections. As a result, the average lifespan is roughly 50 to 70 years, though they are capable of living much longer in an area with adequate food and living conditions. Xeverra themselves are unaware of this fact, at most spreading rumors about 'immortal' colonists that seemed no older whenever they delivered resources to traveling ships. The most common cause of death is pneumonia, which in Xeverra is often severe enough to infect the bloodstream and travel to other systems. There are also several common and less fatal afflictions that regularly affect Xeverra.

Eczema. Caused by a buildup of dead skin, this illness induces patches of inflamed skin, intense itching and occasional abscesses from blocked glands. Typically, the treatment involves inserting the individual in a chamber filled with long slabs of pumice to scrape off the dead skin.

Culture[edit | edit source]

Government[edit | edit source]

Councils[edit | edit source]

XONI[edit | edit source]

Created not long after the exodus of Xer, the XONI, or Xeverra Online Network Interface, is a system directly integrated with the brain and nervous system of all Xeverra to fulfill their need for constant communication. It grants access to a highly protected network filled with various forums, allowing individual Xeverra to share ideas and opinions even during their work hours. It also stores and accesses information chips that Xeverra can 'buy' using the digital currency earned from working.

Education[edit | edit source]

Socializing[edit | edit source]



As an aquatic race, the Xeverra have two main forms of communication: a universal written language, and a language of body language and clicks, whistles, and songs generated by specialized organs within the head. By default, XONI online forums and translators use the former; the latter can be unintelligible even between Xeverra from two different fleets due to their 'songs' constantly evolving. Instead of speaking, the XONI system directly translates thoughts into the written language, and from there to the desired target language. This has resulted in making Xeverra sound open by the standards of most alien races, expressing opinions with little concern for their audience or potential consequences.

Interaction with Alien Species

Xeverra are generally ambivalent towards alien races when gathering resources in their carrier ships, though they tend to ignore established borders on account of their own tendency to migrate without 'holding' territory. They will avoid systems with established colonies, picking through planets most empires would consider too hostile to mine with their advanced AI-controlled mining ships for valuable metals or frozen water. Those who have the misfortune of directly approaching Xeverra world ships without prior contact will find themselves swiftly annihilated by sudden swarms of fighters and cruisers which are concealed within or around their Galacia class ships for protection. However, Xeverra are quite open to being persuaded to return to unoccupied areas of space in return for trading them necessary supplies, often in exchange for their advanced AIs or anti-gravity technology.

On the rare occasion a Xeverra is found outside of one of their colonies or a carrier ship, they tend to be polite and amicable towards other races, even those that are currently at war with their species. Due to the nature of Xeverra society, they tend to be trusting to a fault, easily manipulated by individuals with less than friendly intentions. Both quick to anger and quick to forgive, Xeverra will remain fiercely loyal to their friends unless malnourished.

Work[edit | edit source]

Calender[edit | edit source]

Based off of the rate of Xer's revolution around Gal (approximately 8 Earth days) and Gal's revolution around its star (approximately 394 Earth days), the Xeverra calender is divided into seven months of seven Xer days each. The Xer day itself is split into 12 periods of 16 hours each. In the Xeverra work schedule, these periods usually alternate between work, rest, and the occasional free period.

Philosophy[edit | edit source]

Military[edit | edit source]

In order to survive in space amidst dozens of potentially hostile races, the Xeverra have dedicated much of their livelihood to building drones, vehicles, and spaceships to defend themselves in the event they are attacked or need to secure resources. Their navy is one of the largest, with over 20 fleets, each containing over a thousand ships. Though lacking in infantry for ground-based assaults, they command large numbers of drones, used for construction, scouting, scavenging, and general harassment. They also have a wide vairety of aquatic vehicles and mechs at their disposal, depending on the terrain. While not well-equipped for large-scale assaults, they excel at wiping out key targets with a wide variety of precision attacks.

Overview[edit | edit source]


An economic powerhouse, the Xeverra have dedicated large amounts of available resources to ensuring they have military reserves at all times. Their stockpiles, along with the self-sustaining nature of their ships, allow them to keep pressuring an enemy without supply lines for a long period of time if necessary. They posses a large array of weapons for destroying anything perceived to be strategically important, ranging from Hellox CAS planes to orbital strikes by Galxer-class ships. Finally, even if they are successfully repelled, lingering drones will continue to hamper reconstruction efforts until they are all destroyed.


Though possessing a strong military by most standards, the Xeverra war machine is not without faults. Many of their vehicles are large and cumbersome, relying on anti-gravity technology to move or remain airborne. As such, launching an assault over a wide area is extremely time-consuming for them. In general, they suffer against any highly mobile force, along with races that place an emphasis on air units. In addition, many of their smaller vehicles are remotely controlled; severing this connection would cause chaos as the Xeverra scramble to regain control. Their reliance on energy weapons can also be a hindrance, depending on the type of defenses used.

Weaponry[edit | edit source]

While still a relatively new race to the galactic community, the Xeverra have shown frightening strides in weapons development over the past few centuries. With most of their population is bound in fleets, much of their research is invested in upgrading their naval capacity for combat, ensuring that they can strike harder, faster, and at greater distances than other races. Not to be neglected, their ground-side weapons have also displayed great proliferation in recent years, particularly with the mainly groundside nature of war with the Betel. The Xeverra have displayed a preference for directed energy weapons in all recorded instances in conflict, favoring lasers, particle-beam weapons, and occasionally railguns.

Infantry[edit | edit source]

Tultonav Ion Rifle

The Tultonav is a particle-beam weapon first put into use by the Xeverra during the War of Torred. It inflicts damage by accelerating streams of particles at high speed using EM fields through a lens of Xer crystal, inducing catastrophic superheating in the target. Its lightweight, recoil-less nature makes it easy for Xeverra —and other races with poor upper body strength— to wield, and its ammunition source ensures that it will last through a prolonged firefight as long as care is taken to avoid overheating the weapon. However, the limited range of the beam restricts its use outside of ships and other enclosed spaces. Given both its advantages and limitations, the Tultonav is most often employed by Xeverra ship guards or escorts; those who wield it in space must hone their reflexes to immediately release the trigger if the beam strays from the target, lest they cause an inadvertent hull breach.

Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Land Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Initially cumbersome and underdeveloped, multiple conflicts against more conventional races have allowed the Xeverra to adapt and improve upon their selection of land vehicles. While still slow and heavy, Xeverra land vehicles are notoriously difficult to destroy. Their heavy vehicles are commonly supplemented by remotely operated light tanks, turrets, and drones to adapt to nearly any form of attack.


The Alkas is a small but easily mass-produced AA tank which is often employed by the Xeverra during the early stages of battle. Remotely operated, its dual rail guns pose a significant risk to enemy air units, though it has trouble against faster air vehicles. Their boxy shape makes them easy to transport en mass with Malfex transports, allowing potentially hundreds to be dropped at once in an unsuspecting location for a surprise strike against air forces.


Like the Alkas, the Mihon is an automated tank used during the initial fight against an opponent or as an anti-infantry vehicle. Its single auto cannon deals a respectable amount of damage to lightly armored units. Against heavily armored vehicles or mechs, it is little more than cannon fodder, potentially drawing fire away from more important assets.


The Xeverra raiding vehicle of choice, the Vukar is a recent accomplishment in Xeverra engineering, as highlighted by its more updated and elegant appearance. The hovercraft is designed specifically to take on Betel; its limited flight capacity allows it to easily navigate any debris on their junk worlds, and its elongated shape lets a Xeverra manually pilot it without fear of AI systems being hacked. It has also found use on other worlds for its high speeds relative to other Xeverra vehicles, especially where sending fighters and gunships would present a greater degree of risk. Examples include scouting an area known to have anti-air installations and traversing a world with excessive wind.

The Vukar's weapons consist of the tried-and-true alternating laser weapons employed by several other Xeverra vehicles and turrets. The lasers fire in bursts capable of melting light armor and severely injuring common infantry, but are for the most far incapable of taking down heavy armor or defenses. Its own armor is sufficient to resist light arms typically carried by infantry or other raiders; a unique reflective coat recently developed by the Xeverra protects it from laser-based weaponry to a certain degree. Its anti-gravity generators are located directly under the cockpit along the length of the vehicle and counteract roughly half the weight of the vehicle, along with the weight of the pilot. The Vukar's four underside thrusters are sufficiently powerful to keep it levitating an average of one meter above the surface for up to four days on a world with average gravity, or the daytime duration of a xeverra day. For rougher terrain, it can float higher, albeit for a significantly lower duration. The back thrusters require relatively little power, as it is easy for the Vukar to retain momentum as it travels at speeds of roughly 100 kph.


The Orvochs is the Xeverra's sniper mech, often used to take out artillery or attack from unexpected locations. Its superior mobility and flexible 'tail' allow it to attack from nearly any location on the ground, from the side of a mountain to the roof of a building. Built-in anti-gravity generators reduce its weight, allowing it to access more areas and be airlifted with greater ease. Unlike other Xeverra mechs, the Orvochs does not possess a true AI to guide it. Instead, it is remotely controlled, though it can also be piloted in emergencies.


The Falgan is the Xeverra's main land vehicle, capable of overwhelming a base with sheer numbers or supporting Xeverra ground turrets as necessary. While not as easily massed as the Mihon, its dual auto cannons are capable of easily ripping through defenses or stopping a ground-based offensive cold. Its heavy armor allows it to absorb more damage than most tanks, though its mobility suffers as a result. As such, it is often airdropped by Malfex transports if it is required for offensive maneuvers.


The Kilgax is the Xeverra's large AA tank, used to take down any and all forms of airborne vehicles. Nearly twice the size of a Falgan, the Kilgax is too large to be airlifted in by most transports, requiring that it be built on site. However, its four AA pods, flak cannon, thick armor and exceptional range allow it effectively deny enemy air superiority across a wide area, making it invaluable for defending a strategic area. Its speed and weight make it a poor choice for offensive maneuvers, unfortunately.

Naval Vehicles[edit | edit source]







Considered only as a last resort, the Fullok is an advanced strategic submarine capable of holding and launching dozens of ICBMs from the relative safety of the ocean. Slower than most aquatic vessels, it is nevertheless capable of withstanding pressures of over 1250 atm and hiding for months or years at a time, surfacing only to unleash its payload on unsuspecting targets.

Air Vehicles[edit | edit source]






Space Vehicles[edit | edit source]

A wandering race, the majority of Xeverra live aboard one form of spaceship or another, making a living by contributing to the maintenance of their ship and community or constructing spaceships to house additional members. After centuries of this lifestyle, it is unsurprising that the Xeverra possess one of the largest space fleets of most known space-faring races. Due to the large populations residing on these ships, however, the Xeverra are reluctant to send out ships recklessly, instead preferring to patrol set routes and destroying any possible threats preemptively. If they must go on the offensive, advanced FTL technology allows them to close in on a position undetected, unleashing a barrage of weaponry upon the intended targets from orbit.

Galacia ships

Approaching three kilometers in length not including the 'tail' of the ship, a Galacia (big mouth) class ship, often referred to as a worldship to outsiders, makes up the heart of a Xeverra fleet, effectively housing anywhere between one and three million citizens. Built in the likeness of a Xer crustacean, Xeverra carrier ships bear a certain resemblance to horseshoe crabs. The 'head' of a construction contains five large 'eyes' present on all intelligent Xeverra AIs. Directly below the 'eyes' is an enormous fighter bay giving the Galacia its name; hundreds of fighters can be deployed in minutes to defend the ship or, rarely, aid in an offensive strike. Behind the head are three curved leaf-shaped structures; one is located directly on top of the ship, and one on each side. Thickly armored, they protect the AI core from harm and contain the living quarters of the ship. Emerging behind the living quarters is the body of the ship, where ship-building factories and fisheries are located. Beneath the belly, five sets of retractable insectoid limbs act as docking stations for allied ships. In addition, they can 'hold' ships that are damaged for repair or ones that are currently under construction. The tail of the ship is a long narrow structure just under two kilometers in length that is divided into numerous segments. Miscellaneous labs not vital to the survival of the inhabitants are located here.

The interior of a Galacia is unlike any other, containing an ocean's worth of saltwater to accommodate its aquatic inhabitants. Within the ship, a system of pools and canals analogous to a circulatory system pump billions of liters of water throughout the ship, bringing numerous Xeverra to and from various locations. Smaller tubes, lined with water with the aid of gravity generators, lead to specific areas of the ship, such as houses. Large 'lunch rooms' are much shallower than canals, holding many table-like structures where Xeverra eat and socialize. Systems throughout the ship clean out waste and debris, ensuring that the water remains clean and at the correct salinity.

Galacia ships are each named after a moon of Gal, often taking over 5 years to build in the orbit of a small star. The most recently constructed is Marrus, which is also the only Xeverra ship of its class engaged with Peacekeeper forces.

Galxer ships

Nearly five kilometers in length, Galxer (grand ocean) class ships are the capital ships and powerhouses of Xeverra space forces. Though they are the largest kind of Xeverra ship, the crew of a Galxer is relatively small; under 1000 individuals permanently reside on a ship. Several travel in close proximity to a carrier ship, ready to defend it should it suddenly be attacked; when engaging an opposing fleet, one will usually break off to lead the strike. Their main gun, an enormous rail gun taking up the entire length of the ship, holds enough firepower to shatter a small planet with sustained fire, though the amount of time and energy required for such a feat makes this impractical. They can be used, however, to level a city or demolish an opposing space force. The preferred ammunition of Galxers is asteroids due to their prevalence, though they can build large shells designed for specific type of defenses. Short-ranged laser weapons attempt to destroy fighters that close in, and several bays in the dreadnought house interceptors to deal with the rest.

Galxer ships are named after old Xer tribes, taking between two and three years to construct.

Infantry[edit | edit source]

Terran Infantry[edit | edit source]

Aquatic Infantry[edit | edit source]

AI Drones[edit | edit source]

Diplomacy[edit | edit source]

Peacekeepers[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria Confederation[edit | edit source]

Status: War

"Ugh. Why did it have to be birds?" - A Xeverra Dremuir pilot examining the dead pilot of the Twilight he shot down.

To prove their strength to the Warlord pact, the Xeverra joined forces with the IAE to liberate the Zaretian from Aeveria forces. Despite minimal resistance from the Aeveria, who were unprepared for such a large invasion, the Xeverra have already taken a dim view of the Confederation, due to the large number of avian races it contains. Given the Xeverra have an instinctual hatred of bird-like creatures predating their sapience, confrontations with Aeveria infantry have been especially violent. It is likely that relations between the two empires will continue to deteriorate even after liberation efforts end.

The Betel Recyclers[edit | edit source]

Status: War

"Some call these planets "junk worlds." I'd compare them more to a sunken dreadnought at the bottom of the sea: difficult to acquire, but well worth the effort." - Maruess, Xeno Council.

The Betel Recyclers were first noticed by scouts of the Xeverra's Marrus fleet, which was traveling on a new exploratory route of a star cluster for targets of opportunity such as habitable worlds or dense asteroid fields rich in metals. What they found instead was a world protected by a force a fraction of the size of the fleet with enough raw resources to potentially build another fleet or several. Sufficiently motivated, Xeverra fighters and gunships immediately began launching raids on the world, looking not so much to destroy the inhabitants as to carry heaps of junk back to the main fleet for processing. Since then, other Betel worlds have been discovered, prompting the main fleet to move closer into Betel territory. However, increasing Peacekeeper presence in the area is forcing the Xeverra to reconsider; either they fully commit the Marrus fleet at the risk of loosing it, or they withdraw from the area, potentially drawing the ire of Warlord races.

Neutral[edit | edit source]

The Transmetallic Confederation[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"The strange heavy-worlders with their flat sounds and wonderful guns. Why do they stay so far away?" - An Ascended Engineer, recalling a contingent of Zn traders.

The Xeverra and TmC have known each other for several millennium, after centuries of Zn Spy intel correctly predicted the trajectory of one of the Xeverra fleets through the fringe of TmC territory and allowed the two empires to meet face to face. Since then, the Xeverra have enjoyed a peaceful, if rather cool at times, relationship with the TmC, going so far as to send a fleet by their territory every few decades to facilitate trade. Commonly exchanged were foodstuffs, which the Xeverra always required, and anti-gravity technology, which the TmC needed for Asterus-related experiments and several of their ships, among other things. With the induction of the Xeverra into the Warlord pact and recent TmC interactions with Peacekeeper races, the Xeverra are now more reluctant to send their next trading fleet, fearing reprisal from either side.

Warlords[edit | edit source]

The IAE[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

The Korvar Empire[edit | edit source]

Status: Friendly

"Ha ha ha! They're all dead!" - A Xeverra soldier after witnessing the death of several Betel soldiers by a Kavrass walker.

The Xeverra had the good fortune of running into the Korvar while conducting raids against the Betel Recyclers.

The Margan Empire[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"They still look too much like Luksa to me. It's like talking to your dinner." - Diplomat Kerr.

The Xeverra formally encountered the Margan during the First Warlord Conference, along with several other Warlord races. Though they are intrigued by another species choosing to wander the stars, they haven't worked with the Margan long enough to form a solid opinion of them yet.