Aeveria Confederation

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The Aeveria is a considerably old empire that has existed in relative stability in the Galactic Community for several thousand years. It is one of the few Empires to successfully integrate many different races and cultures under one Empire, with upwards of 10000 different major races, the exact number being unknown, and arguably the most seamless in daily life, resembling a sort of "Space America" as it is often jokingly called by Historians.

Although referred to most commonly as the Aeveria Confederation, internally they generally refer to themselves simply as "The Aeveria". The 'Confederation' title is in fact a somewhat inaccurate description of the Empire, as they are officially a Union with a centralized government. The 'Confederation' name is used mostly as a result of tradition, as early in their history they were a loose Confederation as opposed to the modern Centralized Union.

The Aeveria tends to keep to themselves in military interaction with others, and prefers political cooperation and economic relations. Despite their usual insistence to remain militarily un-involved when possible, there is a strong self-imposed moral obligation, which often encourages involvement with relief aid, as well as delivering support after major disasters of both natural and military causes.

At the same time, the Aeveria is rather expansionist and imperialistic in comparison to many other Peacekeeper Empires. Their territorial expansion usually is limited to unclaimed worlds and regions, however in the aftermath of military conflicts, the defeated empire or some of it's territories are often annexed into the Union.

The Aeveria has its spiritual roots on Planet Aiden'Veil. Although having technically been formed on Aiden'Veil (And for a while even having had the capital located there) the current Capital is located on Planet Iliveria, a planet that was found un-touched amidst Aeveria Territory and is the heart of the rich and thriving Aeveria Culture. The Aeveria has a very long history and one of the most diverse cultures in the Galaxy due to it's multi-racial population which consists of countless different races and species.

Aeveria Confederation
Spore 2010-11-20 20-49-26.png
Faction: Peacekeeper
Homeplanet: Iliveria
Capital: Federal Administrative District (FAD)
Government: Democratic Republic
Lifespan: Varies. Medical Preservation Technology does not apply.
Race: Varies, Multi-racial
Currency Aeveria Domestic Dollar (ADD), Intergalactic Basic (Sporebucks)(Credits)
Economic System Capitalist-Socialist Mix
Current Number of Wars (Present) 3
Number of Allied Empires Not Available

Summary[edit | edit source]

Faction: Peacekeeper

Philosophy: Peace Through The Shifting Balance

Capital: Iliveria

Description: An Empire comprised of many races and cultures. If diversity had a face in the Galactic Community, the Aeveria would be it. Despite their open stance toward diplomatic means of solving conflicts, the Aeveria possesses a formidable and capable military that has been flexed in action many times to solve it's problems. By comparison to some other Peacekeeper Empires, the Aeveria is rather imperialistic and expands it's borders and territories quite regularly. With thousands of races and cultures and equally as expansive territory and resources, the Aeveria is an Empire that is no stranger to the universe.

States[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria distinguishes it's territory between States, Territories, Colonies, and Occupation Zones. States are determined by any Planet with a sufficient population and sustainable economy. States are free to govern themselves and contribute delegates to the Imperial Congress for representation. Typically a State is heavily defended, and in most cases States tend to be located in the Aeveria Main within the protection of the Border Blockade. Most states are guarded by several forces stationed there at military bases as a secondary precaution. Civilian travel between states is very common with commutes between worlds and regions happening non-stop, and as such open space between worlds tends to be heavily patrolled as well.

Listed below are notable States, host to places of interest throughout The Empire.

Iliveria[edit | edit source]

"The Aeveria", a statue crafted in honor to the Aeveria Armed Forces is located in Delacour Plaza, Veradell, Iliveria.

Planet Iliveria is the current 'Homeworld' and political capital of the Aeveria. Although its cities are incredibly large and the overall population of the planet is enormous, much of the planet still remains wild. The Planet is comprised of many features, from rolling hills and fertile plains, dry valleys and gulches, to High mountain peaks, and largely untouched woods, Iliveria sports an enormous amount of varying ecosystems. It is sometimes jokingly referred to as the "Blue Planet" or "Home Away From Home" by humans. It boasts the most proffitable economy in the Aeveria and beyond. The Capital of Iliveria, Veradell, is a thriving metropolis of the rich and thriving Aeveria Culture.

Federal Administrative District (FAD) -

The Grand Hall of the Congress Building.

The Capital Plaza, located in the FAD (Shorthand for Federal Administrative District) houses the Congress Building, which plays host to both the House of Representatives and the Senate, as well as the High Court. The Plaza itself is essentially a large garden. The Grand Hall of the Congress Building played host to the first annual Peacekeeper Conference.

The FAD is also home to many important governmental offices and facilities. Despite the heavy focus on Government Facilities in the FAD, there is still quite a large civilian presence. The FAD does not count under Iliveria's jurisdiction, and is considered a separate entity from any state.

Fort Charendoff - Fort Charendoff is one of the largest military bases in the Empire, surpassed by but a handful of others and that of Fortress Worlds. It houses several important military facilities, such as the Aeveria Government Laboratories Headqaurters as well as the Aeveria Military Highl Command, the central command center of the Aeveria Military. ACI, the Empire's elite intelligence service, operates it's headquarters here.

Alerisa[edit | edit source]

A lush world of forests, fields, lakes, and mountain ranges, Alerisa is located near the heart of Aeveria territory and is a huge center of trade and commerce. If you bought an import in the Aeveria, chances are it's passed through Alerisa during it's journey to market, the same could be said of an Aeveria-made product being bought elsewhere. The entire system in which it lies is one of the most densely populated under Aeveria control as well as one of the most lucrative centers of business in the galaxy. As expected, security on the system and sector in general is very tight. The planet is also known for it's many shipyards, including the largest commercial shipyard in the Aeveria.

United Empires Assembly Headquarters - Located in the largest city on Alerisa is the headquarters of the United Empires Assembly, or UEA. The delegates of the involved empires convene here for meetings, most of them living part to full time in the city.

Aiden'Veil[edit | edit source]

The Spiritual Homeworld of the Aeveria, Aiden'Veil is now an economic powerhouse. The Planet is characterized by it's terrain diversity, featuring a wide variety of environments. The planet has become a key location to the Aeveria Economy, housing an enormous population of civilians and being home to one of the Empires largest Military Bases. The Planet has provided many jobs and opportunities to the masses. It is also the number two choice for immigrants to the Aeveria.

Territories and Colonies[edit | edit source]

Over time Military Colonies often evolve into Settler Colonies. These sorts of Colonies often resemble militarized versions of regular Aeveria Cities.

Territories and Colonies are any Aeveria held region that is not inducted as a State. Typically a Territory is any area that is considered under Aeveria administration, resulting from any number of reasons such as annexation, treaty, or simple claims of un-administrated space. Colonies refer to any settled planet or space, that has yet to attain state status. Territories and Colonies typically become States shortly after they are considered large enough, should the desire be expressed by the body. Colonies are often the result of corporate operations, Military Bases or simply as a result of large amounts of civilians moving into the area as settlers. Colonial expansion into largely empty Aeveria Territories is encouraged by the government. Colonies founded by Corporations, while technically not an official claim of the Aeveria government, typically comply with Aeveria law due to regulatory laws, and in many cases wind up becoming settler colonies as a result of Aeveria citizens living in the same area for labor.

Territories and Colonies often fall just outside of the Aeveria Border Blockade, and as such protection can vary greatly depending on the circumstance of a given regon. Government founded military Colonies generally have similar defensive forces to those of States. In the case of Corporate ventures and civilian Colonies, protection is usually on a more personal basis. Corporations often hire Private Military Corporations, and the Aeveria Military does it's best to place reserve troops near any civilian colonies that request it. Despite this, most Settler Colonies and Occupation Colonies also support a local volunteer militia.

Protectorates[edit | edit source]

Protectorates differ vastly from Territories or Colonies as they are rarely located anywhere even near the heavily fortified Aeveria Borders. Protectorates are regions where the Aeveria has established temporary or indefinite control over the local peoples.

Most commonly, small empires are offered Protectorate Status, and occasionally, Protectorates are the result of negotiations with indigenous peoples near Colonization sites. In these cases the Empire attempts to negotiate a mutually beneficial agreement whereby the local population is free to govern themselves and even ultimately apply for state status if they wish, or inversely pull out of the agreement at any time. Protectorates also receive trade benefits with the Empire and may move freely around the Empire. In exchange the Empire will provide military protection via a proportionate garrison and receive a modest tax adjusted from the standard federal model.

In some cases, the Protectorates are the result of successful military conflicts, where the Empire has negotiated a treaty of minimal military occupation and limited administrative advisory roles. These are special cases however, where the status is only limited to a specific time and upon expiration, may not be renewed by the Aeveria.

In the long run, most Protectorates often apply for state status of their own desire, gaining the full benefits, though some Protectorates in the past have pursued self governance, choosing to neither renew the Protectorate Agreement or applying for State status.

Border Blockade[edit | edit source]

Mighty Nonpareil Warships that are roughly the size of moons form the backbone of the Border Blockade. No hostile force has successfully broken the blockade thus far.

While not strictly a location, the Border Blockade that surrounds the majority of Aeveria Territory is large enough and important enough to be warranted as it's own sector. As it's title states, the Border Blockade is a colossal Defensive Blockade that surrounds the Aeveria main. The vast majority of the Aeveria Space Armada resides in this blockade, with ships and forces constantly moving between Reserve in the Aeveria Main and in position on the Blockade, as well as in the field outside the Aeveria Main, and into the Blockade. The Blockade also features a number of Space Vessels rarely seen outside the Blockade, such as the famed Nonpareil Warships. As well as the abundance of forces stationed in position here, many Deep Space Shipyards and Command Stations are also located here. Combined with the precision and extent of knowledge provided by Central Command, the Border Blockade effectively defends the Aeveria Main from any conceivable threat, and counters any unwanted intrusions into the Empire.

History[edit | edit source]

The history of the Aeveria is far less peaceful than may be assumed at first glance. The majority of their time in the galactic community was spent fighting many wars of varying sizes, thought that's not to say that civilian life flourished in culture and technology. Despite their famous history in the galactic community, not much is known of the era prior to the war that ultimately unified the people of Aiden'Veil. This is likely as a result of several wars waged by nations whose leaders can only be described as zealous mad men, who's war efforts likely resulted in the destruction of countless historical records several times. Add in the likely hood that other space faring sentient life forms may have removed historical objects as part of their research on Aiden'Veil, and there are many holes in the exact history of Pre-Unification Aeveria. Below is a timeline of the most important known events in Aeveria History.

AU = After Unification BU = Before Unification

Dark Ages

100,000,000 BU - The first Sevelton and Aeovon Settlements appear, first tools are developed

75,000,000 BU - First intricate weapon is designed. The device works simalar to a bow, launching pointed projectiles with ease.

17,000,000 BU -The first City States are formed, short lived wars are sparked between two prominant nations.

Evenian Era

10,000 BU - A mighty empire known as the Eve empire rises to power. Comprised of Aeovon, they seek to force thier religion into dominance.

10,050, BU - Many uprisings from angry citizens eventually weaken the Eve empire

9,070 BU - The Eve empire goes to war with a minor empire

9,000 BU - Proving to be more of a threat than thought, the combined peasant uprisings and war with others has caused the collapse of the Eve empire.

Anarchy Era

9,000-7,050 BU - A prolinged period of anarchy ensues. The dark times lead many to turn to religion.

Feudal Era

6,000 BU - Several empires have risen and tamed the anarchy, ushering in a new era of Fuedalism.

6,560 BU - A Gunpowder like substance is developed and used by the Croll empire to conquer thier enemies, but it also falls into their enemies hands.

Expansion Era

5,000 BU - Continental Colonization begins, a Sevelton Empire called the Coryau Empire are the first succsesful at establishing a place in the 'new world' on the continent of Voraya. New forms of government arise.

5,892-1,000 BU - An age of trade art and culture blooms into existance, Aeovon and Sevelton life is now widespread.

Industrial Revolution

644 BU - Electricity is harnessed for the first time.

500 BU - Electricity has proven useful. The first complex machines are made. Democracies and Republics become popular forms of government.

497 BU - A Conquest driven nation begins to brutally take down other nations, a coalition of several nations is formed to stop them.

459 BU - The coalition is succsesful and disbands. Three of the Nations decide to stay in close work with the one another, This marks the first iteration of the Aeveria Confederation.

460-480 BU - The world undergoes a second industrial revolution, now using assembaly lines and natuaral recources in greater amounts.

Energy Revolution

200 BU - The first computers are assembled.

156 BU - Many forms of energy are now available. The remaining coalition members become prominent Nations in this era, along with a large militaristic nation; Eroria

The Great War

130 BU - Eroria Empire begins a conquest, threatens world with WMD.

131 BU - The Coalition members go to war with Eroria. The same year, First Aeovon and Sevelton in space.

136 BU - Sevelton and Aeovon cultural seperation is displed around the world.

100 BU - Eroria is defeated, remaining Eroria government asks to join the coalition in hopes to salvage the collapsing Nation, accepted. The outcome of the war was devastating on many nations, However peace ensues.


51 BU - Great Technological advances are made during this period.

0 BU - The worlds remaining nations slowly join the coaliton, now known as the United Aiden'Veil Confederation. Aiden'Veil has united itself as one.

The Glorious Renaissance

0 BU-30 AU - Space programs have recieved considerable funding. First landing on another planet occurs during this period.

35 AU - First Terraforming project has begun on the closest planet to Aiden'Veil

50 AU - Civilization undergoes another age of flourishing of arts and technology.

216 AU - Terraforming project is done, though leaving a massive dent in world funds. Talks of speration in the Confederation begin to make some political figures uneasy.

458 AU - The terraformed planet has proven to provide a new community and market, helping to revive the economy. Rumors of political instablility are dispeled.

521 AU - First Space weapons systems are developed as Extra-Solar exploration ramps up to a massive scale.

600 AU - First Contact is made on peaceful terms, but the thrill was short lived as countless other peoples are encountered on both hostile and peaceful terms. Reckless war at times leads to annexation of defeated foes.


700 - 4021 AU - After extensive exploration many new empires are met, some meetings ensue in alliance, though many others in war. Many of the defeated empires are annxed into the Confederation, and a number of alliances become willing members of the Confederation.


5000 AU - After many, many empires had either confederated or been annexed into the Aiden'Veil Confederation, the leaders approve a vote to rename it the "Aeveria". Aeveria is an Ancient word for "Union" in a long dead language, intended to reflect the shift from their Confederation system into a centralized Union. This marks the birth of the modern Aeveria Government and administration. Many new allies are made during this time, as well as many technological advances and art and culture flourshing. Many Human Empires enter the Union. Large numbers of humans becoming citizens cause English, French, and other human laguages to become wide-spread to the point of dominance.

5150 - 9000 AU - A large galaxy wide war breaks out around this point in time. Though not directly involved, the Aeveria did become involved with a wide range of conflicts throughout the duration of the war, which ultimately grew the Aeveria in both numbers and territory through annexation and alliance.

9180 AU - Over 5000 Races from across the Galaxy have entered the Union, making it one of the most diverse Empires in the Galaxy.

9181 AU - Vir Audentia Ensis is developed as a means of self defense on fringe colonies, later becoming a popular training method in the Aeveria Military.

9077 - 9729 AU - The Aeveria becomes involved in a series of wars that stemmed from conflicts in a war-torn region of space. A foothold is established in the sector as an attempt to keep peace.

90210 AU - The Aeveria Government encourages expansion and colonization. Aeveria Territory expands rapidly in the following years and continues to do so.

The Far Spread Wars

10,345 AU - Following an era of rapid expansion, a number of aggressive militaristic empires have begun attacking the Aeveria in contest of territory. Several wars ensue across the Galaxy, dubbed "The Far Spread Wars". A revolutionary product that allows any life form to "Freeze" their age and and prevent most any form of natural death is created. It is marketed by a government operated company and is encouraged for use.

10,388 AU - The Far Spread Wars end, leaving many empires on the verge of collapse, the Aeveria annexes several of them, others request to be entered into the Union. As a result of prolonged warfare on several fronts now, the Aeveria has begun to bulk up it's military considerably. The Aeveria has become very diverse both culturally and racially.

The Flourishing Wars

10,445 AU - The Aeveria Capital is moved from Aiden'Veil to an uninhabited and unaltered Planet named Iliveria.

10,479 AU - Former capital to the becomes an economic powerhouse. Colonization has boomed and Aeveria territory is expanding more rapidly than ever before.

10,600 AU - Extensive activity near the outer rim of the Grox Blockade over many years has invoked the Grox, who threaten "The Complete Destruction of The Aeveria". Several large scale attacks have been carried out by the Grox. Grox attacks escalate in size and frequency over time.

10,602 AU - Aeveria Congress declare war on the Grox.

10,630-10,755 AU - During this period all aspects of life flourish. Trade is blossoming even more than ever, the Arts are being encouraged and are flourishing, and technology and military advances are occuring periodically.

10,766 AU - The conflict with the Grox has begun to take an upward direction for the Aeveria, as they move to a more offensive position.

10,800 AU - The Aeveria is pulled into the EAW by the Zaretians. The Aeveria acts on this immediately and the Congress declare War. The Aeveria has become deeply involved in the EAW, siding with the Peacekeepers.

The Great War

10,800 AU -???

Culture[edit | edit source]

Daily life in the Aeveria is a large melting pot of literally thousands of unique cultures from many different races, species, and cultures. Though some are quick to dismiss the Aeveria as having no original culture of it's own, many components of other cultures have crossed with others and changed and evolved to create all kinds of new cultural ideas and aspects. Aeveria Citizens live in a world with a relatively high standard of living, high mobility, and high opportunity.

Social[edit | edit source]

Language[edit | edit source]
Conversation has become completely seamless in daily life, with countless races and species all speaking to one another fluently and effortlessly.

Language, more often than not, was an issue whenever a new culture entered the Union. This was often remedied by Translators up until the development of a Medical Procedure which allowed the brain to recognize almost any language and nearly any text and convert it to a language the receiver can understand. Today, Languages are quite interchangeable in Aeveria life, with all communication being quite seamless as a result of the procedure.

Despite this, census studies have found that nearly 92% of all Aeverians speak English as their primary language. The shift from so many countless languages is often attributed mostly to the astronomical population of humans that spread throughout the Aeveria over time. The "Official" Language of the Aeveria is English. A large variety of languages are still spoken however, often in private settings or in areas with particularly heavy population density of a given culture. Dutch(Also known as "The Universal Language" in East Hexagon 12) is also used quite widespread in some parts of the Aeveria.

Entertainment[edit | edit source]

People of the Aeveria are fairly easy going people, typically with comparably far more emphasis on recreation than other empires. Teens love Vidoe Games and Sports, countless music genre's are enjoyed by the masses, and meeting up with a friend on Saturday is still the cool thing to do. Shopping accounts for a large amount of peoples lives outside of Work and Schooling, this leads to malls and other shopping centers being key locations in any city. The focus on shopping as a social activity has long been an integral part of Aeveria society, where most people use it as not only a means of acquiring goods, but as a social experience between a group of people in a location bursting with pop-culture.

The people of the Aeveria have as much a love for the arts as other races, be it Music, Art, Sports, or any variety of other everyday things. Aeveria Popular Culture has spawned a few things to which could truly be called their own, such as a number of new music genre's and sports, but by and large, most of their culture is adapted from the many species and cultures that came to Aeveria over time. Art very much plays a big role in advertising, as companies base entire advertising campaigns around broadcast media such as radio and television. Aeveria Popular Culture is rife with fiction classics, movie stars, musicians, artists, fashion designers, video game classics, and a whole host of other unique ideas. To walk through an Aeveria City is to be bombarded on all sides by a thriving popular culture that is embraced by the youth and adults alike and appears in nearly every way.

Family Structure[edit | edit source]

Aeveria Culture became somewhat awkward when cross species relationships began. Naturally the idea was somewhat odd, but at this point, Aeveria Society had come to the point where Racial boundaries were eliminated in all possible ways. The Government of course didn't want any animosity amongst the people over relationships, and as such, Cross Species Relationships are not unheard of in the Aeveria, though Couples within their own race are still more common. In the event a Cross Species couple wish to have a child, they must undergo a long and difficult process. The couple is to consult with a Doctor, who will run the operation. Genes from both the Male and Female are extracted, then, depending on which race of the two in the couple wish the child to be, the Genes are Converted in a difficult Laboratory Process. The two pairs of Genes are now either to be carried by the Mother in the couple (If the Race is the same as her own) or by a Surrogate Mother, often a volunteer. Despite being a seemingly awkward social aspect, this is accepted as completely normal in Aeveria society. More often than not however, a couple of different races do not have children, often content simply with the "Good-Friends" style relationship, despite marital bonds. Naturally some religions and religious sects disagree with this practice, however the Aeveria government leans no way or the other on the matter, and largely avoids questions regarding it. The practice developed out of Individual Doctors and Medical Foundations.

(On a less serious note, you can chalk the above passage up to Futurama Logic- It's one of those things that just happens).

Family structure is rather tightly knit in most Aeveria families. Though it varies from each family, most families raise their children in their home until either the age of 16, 18, or 21. At 16 a child becomes a legal adult and may move out, own property, and operate motor vehicles (with proper licensing). At 18, their allowed to partake in "Adult" activites, such as gambling, drinking, and other similar activities. However, age 21 is the most common age to move out, as most parents will support their child up t0 21, an age at which most want to move out anyway. Typical Aeveria families tend to have no central "Leader" role, rather favoring a mutual leadership between the spouses.

Education & Occupation[edit | edit source]

Aeveria Schooling consists of 12 Primary Grades and two preschool-style grades. Students begin school at around age 5 or 6 and often graduate by 17 or 18. Grades 5, 8, and 12 are grades which are tested once a year using a standardized assessment that covers all the basic required classes. Failure to pass these assessments with adequate grades results in the student repeating the grade. Upon graduating, students are encouraged to apply for Colleges and Universities for expanded education in pursuit of a College Degree. Alongside traditional colleges and Universities, there are Colleges and Universities for literally nearly every topic imaginable in the working world.

Social classes still very much exist, though the lower class is much smaller than most empires. Many still consider it possible to easily rise in class through sheer effort and a fair bit of luck by means of Free Enterprise. Jobs are generally fairly abundant due to the rapid growth of business in more densely populated areas, with most people beginning their career at the age of 18. Apprenticeships are a common practice in the more physical-labor oriented job field, often times young adults between the age of 14 and 18 will take up a apprenticeship to experiment in fields of interest. Legally, an Aeveria citizen can apply for work at age 16.

Transportation and Transit[edit | edit source]

A Cadenza M15 Skybus in the Skyways above a busy city street. The Skybus is popular for local transportation as well as with tourists.

The Aeveria covers a large area, most of which is densely populated, especially in the regions dense with States. As such, moving people and goods from one place to another is a huge part of daily life. Aeveria civilians generally travel a lot, daily commutes are oftentimes between nearby planets for many. When it comes to Space Travel, most people opt for mass transit aboard commercial Space Flights provided by a wide variety of commercial transportation companies. All transportation of goods between planets in Aeveria territory is handled by commercial fliers, with the exception of Government operated deliveries. Both civilian passenger flights and trade flights outbound of Aeveria territory are either accompanied by Aeveria military forces specifically assigned to protect travelers, or protected by Private Military Corporations hired by company's to protect shipments, and in some cases pilots trained by the commercial company to protect their assets. For longer trips in space, spacecraft can stop to re-fuel at space stations operated by corporations, these space stations are in quite the abundance, and essentially act as "Gas Stop Convenience Stores In Space", with some larger ones even supporting their own local population. A fair amount of Aeveria Civilians also travel privately by their own spacecraft, which results in busier interplanetary civilian-travel than most empires.

Planet side, most transportation is handled on a mass transit model, with commercial companies running buses, Metros, Rails, Skyways and airlines for prompt and frequent travel around a City or Planet. Some citizens own their own Car or Space craft. In most regions the people often use smaller personal transportation options, such as bicycles, motorized bikes and scooters, and often going by foot, opting to walk to local destinations rather than use transit to go further from home. This is usually the result of inner-city areas having all the necessary or desired facilities or businesses within a fair walking distance due to the density of Cities. The demographic of those that own cars as opposed to those who prefer public transit varies by the region, often influenced by the density of the population and infrastructure. Due to the the majority of Aeveria cities being very advanced and dense metropolitan Cities, mass transit options such as rail and skyway are very common.

The entire transit infrastructure is kept clean by company employed workers when maintaining company based facilities, or Government workers for City or State funded or operated facilities, taking care of whatever little garbage is present and keeping public spaces sanitary. Aeveria culture has a high emphasis on keeping public spaces clean, sanitary and presentable for public use. In the case of simpler more menial tasks such as watering plants and small-waste removal, drones are also used to handle the job. Additionally, unlike many empires, Aeveria citizens leave the territory of the Empire quite often, vacationing to planets and empires outside of the Aeveria is very popular for many. The same goes for inbound tourists, which makes the Aeveria a highly visited empire with quite a market for tourists.

Economy[edit | edit source]

Currency[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria Mint only officially recognizes the Aeveria Domestic Dollar (ADD) as a valid form of currency for domestic monetary transactions, and as such it serves as the prime note for exchange of goods and services. Despite this, in more isolated locations such as Settler Colonies and other Frontier-Regions, many people will also accept the Intergalactic Basic (Credits) and a wide host of foreign currencies for payments. Frontier Enterprises will accept the 'universal' currency and often have it exchanged at certain Banks for ADD. Although the Credit is of far less value than the ADD, people in the frontier will often use it as a chance to make a quick extra profit when possible. In common speech Aeveria currency is generally referred to simply as "Dollars".

The ADD is based on a system of 100 cents to the dollar, derived from the popular system used by Humans. Traditionally Coins are minted in values of one, five, ten, and twenty five cents, and one dollar in some occasions, usually in commemoration or celebration of an event. Dollars are printed as paper money, in values of one, five, ten, twenty, fifty, and one hundred. Coins are minted from a variety of minerals and metals, and paper currency is printed using a special nano-fabrication printer to prevent counterfeiting.

Both coins and paper money are decorated with intricate artwork that depicts a location, object, or emblem and is colored uniquely, features that with help quick identification. The Paper 'One' for example, features a print of the Aeveria flag on one side and a print of a Star Freeway on the other, with the number '1' printed clearly on the top corners of both sides, and is colored a light blue. On all paper money, the orientation of the images is vertical.

Trade & Exports[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria Economy holds great influence with many empires. The Veradell Stock Exchange on Iliveria is the largest stock exchange per total market capitalization of it's listed assets in the Aeveria. Countless businesses and companies are traded around the clock.

The Aeveria is both a chief importer and exporter of goods across the galaxy. As a result of their multi-cultural populace, many foreign goods are in high demand throughout the Empire. Despite this, the Aeveria also has a strong and thriving private sector, which produces a wide variety of goods distributed throughout both the Empire and the rest of the Galaxy. Additionally, the Aeveria is a popular choice for foreign companies and empires to ship goods through due to the famed security of the Empire's Trade Routes and Shipping Lanes. Commercial Trade with other empires is made easy by protected Shipping Lanes outside of the Aeveria Main.

Government[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria Govermnemt is organized in branches with power distributed equally and decisions ultimately driven by the people. There are three main branches of the Aeveria Federal Government- Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary.

Legislative[edit | edit source]

The Legislative Branch is comprised of two Houses of Power- The House of Representatives, and the Senate, which together form the Congress.

The House of Representatives[edit | edit source]

The House of Representatives, as it's name implies, is comprised of Representatives of the people. Each State is represented by as many Representatives as is indicative of the state's population, with one representative granted for so many people. If the population of the State is less than the requirement and for Colonies and Territories, then One Representative is allowed by default. Population to Representative ratios are based on the most recent census, which is taken every four years, coinciding with Presidential Elections.

Representatives can only serve one term, which lasts two years, allowing for two generations of House Representatives to serve within one Presidential term.

The Senate[edit | edit source]

The Senate, similar to the House of Representatives, is comprised of representatives from each State or Colony/Territory. However, each state is allowed only 2 Senators, no matter the population or perceived importance of the State. Senators serve a six year term, and exactly one third (Or nearly one third, varying by the number Senators at the time) stand for election every two years, allowing for the Senate to constantly change to prevent a "Monopoly" of sorts on the Senate.

Together it is the role of Congress to advise and consent to many decisions made by the Executive Branch and it's Cabinet as well as Federal Judges (of the Supreme Court), Department Secretaries, Military Officials, and Ambassadors. The Approval of both Houses is required to pass any legislation, which may then be passed into law by approval of the President. Should the President veto the proposed law, both houses can vote again, and if approved by a two thirds majority, can be passed into law without the President's Approval. The Congress is also tasked with evaluating Treaties approved by the President and dictating whether they be Ratified or not. To Ratify a Treaty, two thirds of the Congress must vote in favor of it. It is also the power of Congress to officially declare a state of war.

The Congress also has the power to Impeach Federal Officers and Officials, such as the President and Federal Judges. The House of Representatives must first vote to Impeach the Federal Official, if the vote passes, then it is the job of the Senate to Judge the Impeached to decide whether they are to be removed from Office or not.

Executive[edit | edit source]

The power of the Executive Branch is invested largely in the President, though a fair amount of power is delegated to the members of the Presidential Cabinet among other Officials. The President may serve up to three non-consecutive four year terms, though common tradition is to step down willingly at the end of their second term.

The President and Vice President are elected as Running Mates by the Electoral College, an organization to which each state is allotted seats to based on the population of the state, and each non-state body such as colonies and territories are allotted one seat. Each seat on the Electoral College is one vote toward a candidate, and the vote is only valid if 3/4 of population represented by the Seat are for the same candidate, at which point the seat becomes a vote for that 3/4 majority. For a president to be elected into office, they must receive at least 60% of the Seat votes. In the event of divided votes with many candidates, subsequent elections are held where the lowest voted candidates are no longer considered as valid for vote.

The Executive Branch consists of the President and those whom the President's power is delegated to. The President acts as head of the Empire and government, as the public representative to the Empire and other Empires, as well as the Commander-In-Chief of the Aeveria Armed Forces, though Presidential involvement with any particular war varies by president and war, and is also the Chief Diplomat. The President is generally regarded as the "Protector and Preserver" of the Aeveria Constitution, and the one to oversee that laws and regulations are executed as intended. The President may sign or veto Congress approved proposition for Law, denying the law be inducted, unless the Congress vote two thirds in favor of passing the proposition into law, in which case the Congress can override the President's veto. The President also is capable of signing Treaties with other Empires, though the Treaty is not ratified unless voted for ratification by two thirds of the Congress.

The President may be impeached by Congress should they feel that the President is not serving his office faithfully, committing acts of treason among other immoral high crimes. The President does not have the power to dissolve Congress, nor hold "Special Elections" to replace or appoint positions outside of the regular process. The Executive Branch was stripped of the power of making an "Executive Order" early in Aeveria history. The Vice President is appointed as the successor of the President should they no longer be able to hold the office for any reason, mortal or personal. The Secretary of State assumes the role of third-in-line for successive power.

The President and their immediate family live in the Presidential Estate, located on Amenia, a tightly protected planet that doubles as a Nature Reserve. Emergency Shuttles are on standby constantly should the President be needed at The FAD.

Judicial[edit | edit source]

In short, it is the job of the Judicial Branch to Establish and Apply the laws proposed and passed in the other branches. This branch is charged with hearing and judging of various cases and topics. The Judiciary Branch is run by various Federal Judges, whom form the Aeveria High Supreme Court, and are appointed by the President and approved by the Congress, only through a 2/3 majority approval vote. The High Court judges all matters that pertain to the Federal Government, disputes between Planets, interpretation of the statements of the Aeveria Constitution, and above all, can rule a law or any other act on any level of the Government as unconstitutional, preventing it from coming into action.

Holidays[edit | edit source]

Aeveria holidays are classified into two groups, Familiar, and Imperial Holidays, which are approved as Imperial days of Celebration to be recognized by all applicable services.

Collective Holiday Periods[edit | edit source]

"Collective Holiday Periods" span roughly 2 weeks and are considered time to celebrate the holidays within the season or general time of year. These celebratory periods were used as a way to allow all cultures in the Empire to celebrate unique holidays without over-saturating the calendar with countless federal holidays. Large Fairs and Festivals are held all over the Empire, acting as a celebration to any holiday provided it stems from a Real Culture with Historical Roots.

Aeveria Historical Holidays[edit | edit source]

These Holidays stand on their own as a single day or group of days that celebrate significant events in Aeveria History. All Historical holidays are Federal recognized Holidays, requiring businesses to cut their hours of operation to a certain minimum depending on the holiday.

Unity Festival

The Unity Festival is considered the most important holiday by far. Rather than a day, it is a whole week of celebration, with large festivals and fairs all throughout Aeveria territory. A celebration of the unity of the thousands of species, many kinds of festivities are held, the particular execution varying by region as a result of cultural diversity.+

Honors Day

Honors Day is celebrated in respect to those who serve or have served in the Aeveria Armed Forces or domestic security services (Police, Firemen). Typically it is celebrated by means of patriotic decorations of classical influence, such as banners and bunting. The day has slowly begun to double as a general celebration of Imperial Patriotism as well, with marketing and media shifting decidedly towards a patriotic theme around the holiday. The Aeveria adopted Fireworks from various Human celebrations, and plays such as War-Reenactments are commonplace in the theatrical community.

Religion[edit | edit source]

Religion is a big part of Aeveria society, with 80% of the population claiming to hold some form of religious belief. Christianity, Catholicism and other human religions also became prominent. Some other common religions include the monotheistic beliefs of Eindism and Enrentism, which are both similar to Christianity and Buddhism, with great emphasis on worshiping your savior and with the state of mind that one must be self reliant to be strong (Although the Buddhism-esque feel is far less obvious). It is almost impossible to count the amount of religions practiced in the Aeveria, much like many other componants of their culture.

Foreign Affaris & Diplomacy[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria has long been steeped in foreign affairs within the Galactic Community despite it's usual indifference to most Empires. The immediacy of the War however has caused the Aeveria to take great interest in Empires alligned with both the Peacekeepers and Warlords.

Peacekeepers[edit | edit source]

Empire of Diablos[edit | edit source]

"If there were any one example of an army comprised solely of war heros, perfect soldiers who are loyal to their comrades beyond reason- it would be the Men and Women of the Diablos Military." - General Rinocco, 2105th Fleet.

"The Warlords worry at the sound of their name, the Peacekeepers respect them beyond measure, it's a damn good thing they're on our side." - Congressman Heathrow, Planet Aluri.

"Never have I fought beside a more dedicated soldier than the Diablos during joint operations. Truly a sight to behold." - Unknown, Infantry Journal

The Aeveria holds a positive stance with the Empire of Diablos, both have a common enemy: The Zaretians. The Aeveria recently have begun to put great effort into supporting the Diabloian Peacekeeper Anti Biomatter Task Force, even merging their team into the Diabloians. Recently, Aeveria General Elicia was attending a meeting at the Warbot retreat. During the meeting, the location was attacked by Grox Forces and a Diabloian cruiser crashed into the shield during the gathered forces attempts to repel the Grox. General Elicia who was attending the meeting agreed to get the stranded Diabloians to safety, needless to say, the Diabloians were grateful for the assist. Recently, the Aeveria have begun working with the Diabloians closer to eliminating the Biomatter hordes, the event of which set this into action was a failed Aeveria attempt at stopping the Biomatter on a Diabloian held world.

The Karahotduom Magistrate[edit | edit source]

"A bit mouthy, but a pleasant enough people. Their work on the battlefield is always a plus, too." - Unknown, Infantry Journal.

"Vast and Noble, they are a race we can trust." - Gernal Arkivus, 1191st Fleet

"They're carefree love of jazz hides a wonderfully valiant militarry- I like them." - Congressman Heathrow, Planet Aluri.

The Aeveria has been quick to become good partners with the Karahotduom Empire both economically from a commerce stand point as well as on the field of battle, having fought along side one another numerous times now. While the Aeveria feels they are a valuable asset to the Peacekeeper cause, they find some of their conventions of treatment of prisoners among other touchy subjects to be somewhat unethical, and as such several representatives to the Karahotduom government have lobbied to have some policies repealed. Despite this slight clash of cultural standards, the two empires work very closely on the field of battle, even garrisoning a fair share of troops at some of one another's military bases. Despite these close Military ties, the Aeveria are still resistant to the Karahotduom insistence to aid them in their front with the IAE, whom the Aeveria have made a good point to at least attempt to avoid conflict with.

The Sauran Solidarity[edit | edit source]

"I can't put my finger on it, but I trust these lot." - Director of Foreign Relations, ACI.

"Gentle Giants, the lot of 'em. I'd hate to see one pissed, to be fair." - Unknown, Infantry Journal

"It's rather nice to see there's at least one race that hates war that much- even if it seems a bit odd." - Congresswoman Iriza, Planet Iaula.

Largely seen as pacifists, the Aeveria sees The Sauran Solidarity as being potentially key players in the Peacekeeper Faction. Due to their emphasis on Planetary protection and restoration, the Aeveria sees them as being useful in potential plans to remove Biomatter from planets and re-establish them. While the Military side of the Aeveria holds little interest in them, Economic activists and a number of other groups see them as a potential asset for Biosphere restoration.

The Rach Empire[edit | edit source]

"Thieves, and damn good ones at that. Pleasent people, but I'll be damned if they're somewhat...lacking, in firepower." - Captain Elurta, 62nd B 5998th F.

"Transparent. And I don't mean their personalities." - General Marora, 99211th Fleet.

"As much as they've been through, they're a strangely optimistic bunch." - Congressmen Kahva Mina

Despite having been absent from the War for several years, the Aeveria was quick to welcome back The Rach, even if it was in the form of a response to a distress call. The Aeveria seems the Rach as being a key morale asset to other Peacekeepers due to their involvement during the early days of the war. Despite being beaten and battered over the years, if nothing else, their distress signal has opened an opportunity for the Aeveria to go after Zaretian General Atlas directly.

Luminarian Empire[edit | edit source]

"We've saved their ass, they've saved ours. I'd call it fair." - Admiral Entus, 22nd Fleet.

"Architects of incredible machines of war, they are a force to be reckoned with." - General Ellis, 31st Fleet.

The Aeveria recieved an urgent distress message while en route into Zaretian Territory. Fleet Admrial Entus had decided to stray from the fleets course to investigate. He ended up saving Outpost XC-11 of the Luminarian Empire from destruction, this proved to be a critical deciscion, as it practically saved the Luminarians from Destruction. These events lead to Peacetalks between the Aeveria and Luminarians, resulting in an Alliance between the two. They now share common enemies, the Zaretians and Valkosians.

The Dragoneteran Monarchy[edit | edit source]

"They've taken a back seat role ever since they're triumph over the Tegotians, but they're influence is not unnoticed." - Director of Foreign Relations, ACI.

"Despite they're hardships, they've proven to be fierce warriors on the battlefield. Their funding to the Biomatter Task Force has been of great help in recent times." - Director of Biomatter Task Force, Aeveria Branch, ACI.

The Aeveria openly holds a positive stance with the Dragoneteran Monarchy. Aside from being a primary funder to the Biomatter Task Force, the Dragoneteran had managed to collapse the Old Tegotian Empire at the battle of Aserai, a deed the Aeveria hold them highly for, as the Tegotians at one point posed a viable threat to the Aeveria.

WBI[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria was invited to attend a meeting at the Warbot retreat, a Warbot Industris base used for diplomatic meetings. General Elicia attended the meeting and in the midst of the meeting, the location was attacked by Grox Forces. Her fleet however, was stationed in orbit of the planet and was able to respond to the threat alongside the WBI Warbots and ITO. The joint defence operation has shown helped relations between the Empires greatly.

ITO[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria fought alongside ITO forces during the defense of the WBI's Warbot Retreat. The Aeveria holds a positive stance with them.

The Acropolan Empire[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria have had but a few small talks with the Acropolan Empire, however, within these discussions, the two Empires had clearly seen that they work toward very common goals, and as such have kept open communication and cooperation with them.

Warlords[edit | edit source]

The Margan[edit | edit source]

"I didn't think any empire could truly be described as Evil, the Margan are all that and more. The Antithesis of the Peackeepers at it's finest." - General Ecora, 4467th Fleet.

"The Margan empire is a sea of malice, and it's military an army of nightmares." - Unknown, Infantry Journal.

"A Threat to the Aeveria way at it's finest. It is the moral opposite of what we hold ourselves to be." - Vice President Ilecia

"They call us the Devils, but I'd wager it's the other way around." - General Wilson, 192nd Fleet.

"Brutal, savage and inhumane on the field of battle, they possess innumerable forces, though they lack the firepower at times. Their people know no mercy, and have been known to commit acts beyond belief in the name of their cause." - General Atkinson, 1993rd Fleet.

While the Margan Dynasty has been absent from the war for several years after pursuing the Rach, they're sudden return has more than shaken up things at Aeveria Command. The Margan Empire is marked as the highest potential threat to the Aeveria. Their goals are simply to eliminate all other life, and seem to stop at nothing to do so. Their expansive forces and brutal methods of achieving their goals is a force to be reckoned with, and the Aeveria is awaiting a time to stand at the forefront of opposition to the Margan Dynasty.

The Zaretian Monarchy[edit | edit source]

"Clever strategists, fierce soldiers, an unquestioned maniacal leader, coupled with an almost comedic approach to War. I'm honestly unsure of how to approach these fellows." - Admiral Mapes, 951st Fleet.

The Zaretian Monarchy had disguised themselves as the IAE as part of an elaborate plan to capture several worlds incognito and spark a War between the IAE and Aeveria. This ultimately failed as the Aeveria organzation, ACI, quickly saw through the rouse, by this time however, King Breys of the Zaretians learned that ACI had blow his cover and was going to forward the plot to the Commander in Chief (President), and instead made the drastic move to reveal himself in attempt to intimidate the Aeveria. The Aeveria promptly chose to take swift action against the Zaretians, with the goal of removing their Leader and his Generals from power.

Virisus[edit | edit source]

"It would be unwise not to mark them as a potential threat now- that is to say, they will certainly be an issue if the rumors of their atrocities are true." - Admiral Bronson, 19th Fleet

The Biomatter Hordes[edit | edit source]

The borderline natural enemy of all living creatures, the Biomatter Hordes were once never feared by the Aeveria, suffering few major infestations on Aeveria Colonies. The odds of their worlds being hit were incredible considering the few outbreaks. However, the hordes soon became a reality to all Aeveria soldiers. Due to their recent developments towards sentience, the Biomatter have been employing increasingly devious and sickening plans. The Aeveria immediately sanctioned an Infestation Control Task Force upon learning of the increasing intelligence of the Biomatter. The Task Force is working closely with other Peacekeeper Forces to find new ways to defeat the Biomatter Hordes.

Valkosian Empire[edit | edit source]

The Valkosian Empire has been causing a lot of trouble behind the scenes for a while now. After allying with the Zaretians, they began the development of the Stormcloud Super Weapon. The prototype of this device was to be tested on the Lastua HQ in the Milky Way, but was intercepted and captured by the Aeveria. However, a second weapon went unnoticed and manged to bypass the Planetary defenses, and was deployed. This left absolutely no trace of the Lastua in the Milky way. Within weeks the perfected Stormcloud weapon was slated to be deployed on the Luminarian homeworld by the Zaretians. This was stopped by the efforts of Dead Six and Commander Spark, who was killed by Valkosians in the process. Meanwhile, the Valkosians were focusing their full force on the Scyth'Jol Homeworld, effectively killing all but a literal handfull of Scyth'Jol. Ultimately, this led to the Luminarians declaring all out War on the Valkosians , a choice that would later ignite the Luminarian Empire splitting in two. As such, these events have had a large effect on the Aeveria, despite there being little open conflict between the two. At this moment, the Aeveria is preparing plans for how to handle the Valkosians.

IAE[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria holds a largely neutral stance with The IAE. Due to a No Aggression Pact they have formed with the Sauran Empire, the Aeveria is hessitent to show any signs of either contention or disapproval. The IAE commands a vast military force that more than rivals the Aeveria and many other Empires, and thus the Aeveria and many other Peacekeepers are rather hessitent to wind up in conflict with them. Despite this, the Diabloians have been at war with the IAE for a short time now, though the Aeveria refuses to support any military actions against the IAE.

Neutral & Other[edit | edit source]

Zaretian Rebels[edit | edit source]

A small group of rebels working in the shadows, secretly aiding the Peacekeepers. The Aeveria had extensive intel on the group, and finally managed to establish forms of cooperation with them once they convinced the heads of their organisation to attend the Peacekeeper Conference held on Iliveria.

5th Arm Ecclesiarchy[edit | edit source]

The 5th Arm Ecclesiarchy joined soley for revenge in the Zaretians, being affiliated with the Luminarians, the Lastua laid connections ot the Aeveria, despite the Aeveria never aknowledging any connections. They aided in the invasion of Nu-Zartar, but were badly beaten in the procsess. After the events of the invasion of Nu-Zartar and the Stormclouds ordeal involving the Luminarians, all contact with the 5th Arm were lost. It is presumed the Zaretians took revenge on them by using the few remaining "Stormclouds" weapons on their colonies and Hyperway Gate. Recon teams have found their planets abandonned and their Hyperway Gate practically fractured. All traces of the 5th arm seem to have been successfully wiped away by the Zaretian counter attack. How the Zaretians managed to strike the 5th Arm colonies is unkown, however it is likely due to their poor planetary defenses. The Aeveria were not troubled too much, as they were constantly skeptical of the 5th Arms motives and actions.

Tegotian Empire[edit | edit source]

Though the Aeveria was once on the brink of war with the Tegotian Empire, all that changed when the Tegotians mounted an enourmous assualt on the Dragonetera Homeworld, which resulting in failure, saw the complete destruction of their entire military force and disestablishment of their Government. This left the ravaged empire in a struggle of power between a number of separatist factions within the empire. The Aeveria was quick to extend an invitation to the "New Tegotian Republic" rebels whom had been fighting to re-establish the empire as a Peacekeeper leaning empire. With the aid of the Aeveria and several other Peacekeeper Empires such as the Acropolans, the Rebels managed to take control of the remains of the collapsing empire, re-establishing as a Peacekeeper-leaning empire, largely withdrawn from the war in hopes to rebuild and recover.

Military[edit | edit source]

A small Sqaudron under the watchful eye of a Skylord and Gale Air Bases

The Aeveria holds Imperial Security as one of their great prides, boasting some of the most secure borders around, this being the result of their well trained and cohesive Military equipped with the latest in the most advanced technology.

The Aeveria are no strangers to the galactic community, and their reputation for having one of the most formidable military's around is surpassed by but a handful of Peacekeepers and Warlords alike.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

The very core of the Aeveria Armed Forces is known formally as "Comprehensive Tactical Integration", which is a philosophy of utilizing countless sources of intelligence to create a thorough database that can better inform a military force. Information is gathered from countless sources and compiled or sorted by Aeveria Central Command, which manages a data base that any military personal can access from an authorized terminal, ranging from the on-board computer HUDs in their armor to the control terminals of a large space craft. Depending on your rank or role, you're granted varying levels of access to certain intelligence.

Commanding Officers and Soldiers on the field can use this wealth of information to coordinate with other units and forces over long distances, enabling for precise and effective actions on the battle field. The Central Database "AMIN" (Aeveria Military Intel Network) is constantly being updated and managed by central command, which is manned 24/7 on the Aeveria Homeworld. ACI works very closely with Central Command to provide and manage Intel. Organizing, compiling, and using information in this method allows any part of the Aeveria Military From Entire Fleets to single Soldiers to act with precision and efficiency by means of integrating the various branches to act as a single cohesive force.

Equipment & Uniform[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria Military puts heavy emphasis on being well equipped and well prepared. Aside from relaying of military intelligence, soldiers are equipped with a multitude of handy tools, such as DMPS (Digital Map Positioning system), a wide variety of weapons and gadgets, MRE supplies (Meal Ready to Eat) and various other “all scenario equipment”. Typically in a unit, each member will carry their own supplies, but occasionally one member may be tasked with carrying certain high value supplies or equipment.

A Human Soldier wearing the basic Aeveria BDUs

The standard Aeveria Battlesuit Armor uses advanced alloys and materials, these armor suits are both flexible and highly protective. Also equipped with the standard on-board AI, these suits can also act as targeting systems for the user. Due to the varying strengths of the thousands of races that serve in the Aeveria Military, all armor is capable of amplifying the wearers physical capabilities. These Armor systems are highly modular and can be fitted with a wide variety of modifications to better suit a particular role.

The styling of Aeveria Military BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform) is largely the same across designs for all the different hundreds of thousands of races in the Aeveria Military. On more traditional wear, the primary color is a dark blue and silver-white. The traditional ceremonial uniform uses the same color scheme put to a more elegant style similar to old earth Marine Uniforms.

Traditions[edit | edit source]

As with most military's the Aeveria Military has a collection of unique cultural traditions they follow. Of note is the "Guardians Sword", which in actuality is an honor given to members of the military whom have proven outstanding in their field of work,retiring veterans, and also as a default award if a soldier is killed in action or missing in action. When presented as an active-service award, Commanding Officers are generally the ones to forward a request to bestow this award unto any soldier under their command. These Swords are generally considered the most important honor a soldier can receive, despite it certainly not being all too uncommon. Beyond the simple status symbol, the Sword plays a role in the funeral of those whom have fallen in battle. At the conclusion of a Soldier or Veterens Funeral, is driven into their tombstone (It should be noted the sword is not strictly a make of steel- rather it is capable of running a plasma current through the blade). Those who fall in battle are almost always awarded The Guardians Sword in respect to their life having been lost in battle. By this, even completely unmarked tombstones or those that have faded over time, can be identified as those of an Aeveria Armed Serviceman.

It is also of note that the sword-like energy weapons used by many Aeveria Battle-suits and Mechs are inspired by the concept of the Guardian Sword, which in turn, was inspired by the emblem of the Aeveria Airforce. The Swords awarded actually share very little in design between one and another, as the types of swords used are of many different makes.

Enlisted Captain Program[edit | edit source]

Your typical Enlisted Captain, equipped for light adventure.

The Enlisted Captain Program, or "ECP" is the term given to an enlistment program in the Aeveria Military for a very unique circumstance of Military Service. The ECP is open for application to any willing Aeveria Citizen. Applications are reviewed and if passed, tested before being approved for service. The ECP was designed to provide "On-call" style soldiers who would to act outside of usual Aeveria Military action and plans when necessary. The Program typically prefers applicants who are both physically and mentally capable, somewhere above the effectiveness of the common soldier, but below the typical Task Force operative, but the program maintains a variety of skill levels. Despite this "Middle Ground" description, many of those who serve in the ECP are considered on par with, if not occasionally more talented than, Task Force operatives.

A service man or woman in the ECP is referred to as a "Captain" (Though not to be mistaken for the mainstream military rank, Captain). All Captains are free to equip themselves as they please, and are permitted to use any vehicles they own, as well as being provided a spacecraft by the Aeveria Government, of which there are several options they are offered- the higher the rank, the more formidable the options. At times, lower ranking Captains are placed under the command of higher ranking ones, whom often command larger ships, which require crews formed of lower ranking captains. Captains are generally free to do as they please, and are required to deploy when called upon. As such, when joining the ECP, all applicants are required to undergo extensive background checks and sign many agreements, so as to ensure betrayel is not an issue, and should it become such, it can be handled accordingly. Captains are generally tasked with jobs considered too fragile for full on military action, or to aid or lead specific military efforts where leadership or a specialists is required, but all too often many Captains are tasked with menial tasks that often have little to no risk and occasionally seemingly no purpose. The program is essentially an alternative to use of Mercenaries or Private Military Corporations when they are unable to contract for a mission, the use of which became commonplace for ACI in situations too delicate to deploy operatives too.

Originally founded as a volunteer militia in the then-frontiers of the Brentus Sector, the program's official name is the Aeveria Rangers. The Rangers were incorporated first as law enforcement in the Brentus Sector and were later contracted to act as an official military department. Whether the Rangers intend to renew the contract come it's expiration is still up to debate.

Training[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria Military uses a regimental system to determine training (Officially referred to as Aeveria Military Regimental System) The system is used to classify personal into one of three roles, or Regiments, trained to specialize in a specific field of practice. There are three basic Regiments, Infantry, Armor, and Special Forces.

Infantry[edit | edit source]

Infantry is the basic, bottom line, do-it-all training, trained for on-the-spot field combat. Typically Infantry training lasts 3 months of basic training, with extended training being mandatory after one year of service, though the extended Training is largely similar to the basic, aside from a number of more advanced critical lessons, which mostly involve basic understanding of how to operate Aeveria combat vehicles. This is to allow Aeveria Infantry to man a vehicle should it become necessary.

Infantry are trained to utilize a wide variety of weapons, equipment, and tactics, ranging from rifles and sub machine guns to grenades and rocket launcher-like weapons as well as Mechanical and Medical Support. Typically, a unit (or "Fire Team") of Infantry will consist of five to six soldiers, three equipped for basic assault and support, one equipped for mechanical duty, one equipped with heavy weaponry, and occasionally one equipped for medical treatment. There is no pre-determined method to who in a unit will be assigned what role, this decision is often left up to the Unit leader, the Sergeant.

Unlike most Empires, who use a free form method of assigning role's in a loosely organized training "Ability Tree" of sorts, the Aeveria use a "Multi-capable" method to ensure that any soldier will be able to fill any given primary role on the field rather than specializing in only one style of combat, which would potentially render them ineffective without support from soldiers of other specific classes.

Armor[edit | edit source]

The Armor Regiment is the operating force behind the Aeveria Space Armada and any armored vehicles. Soldiers in Armor Regiments are trained to operate a wide variety of vehicles as well as learning about their mechanical structure, often specializing in a particular class of vehicle.

Armor Regiment Forces are tasked with supporting Infantry when on the ground or in the air, such as Precision Air Strikes, and with combating enemy fleets and transporting forces when in space. Since most of their time deployed is spent on board a spacecraft, these soldiers are not generally equipped for battle directly with others, though on board all space vessels weapons are stored in armories throughout the vessel in the event of boarding action.

Special Forces[edit | edit source]

The Special Forces Regiments, unlike the other two classifications, vary greatly in both training and role. Soldiers in Special Forces Regiments are trained in a wide variety of fields, and rather than the three month Basic Training period, the Special Forces Basic Training lasts an additional two months, for a total of a five month program. The topics covered are largely extensions of what is taught in all of the other four branches, priming Special Forces soldiers to be able to respond to and handle most any situation.

The largest difference between Special Forces and Infantry or Armor is the intensity of and complexity of their training and conditioning. Soldiers in Special Forces Regiments have access to a wide variety of weapons and equipment, for the most part having free reign to assign gear to themselves within their Unit. On occasion prototypes and concept builds of weaponry, equipment, and vehicles are provided to the Special Forces Regiments by the Government Labs, CTI, and many other weapons manufacturers for field testing.

The actual role of Special Forces soldiers varies greatly depending on what branch of service they are, however the vast majority of soldiers in Special Forces Regiments wind up as ACI agents or Biomatter Task Force personal.

Military Branches[edit | edit source]

Like most armed forces, the Aeveria Military is divided into several branches. There are five branches in total, The Space Armada, the Marines, Maritime Navy, Air Force, And Imperial Guard.

Fleet Divisions/Space Armada[edit | edit source]

The Fleet Divisions, or Space Armada, is the very backbone of the Aeveria Military. The Aeveria keeps one of the largest and most formidable Space Armadas in the Galaxy. Though the vast majority of the Armada resides in the Border Blockade, it is still incredibly capable of facing opposing fleets with ease. The exact number of Aeveria fleets constantly changes due to merging and splitting of Fleets to disperse forces effectively over a wide area, resulting in fleets ranging in size from 10 mid class vessels to upwards of several million large class. Armada Forces are constantly being moved from reserve to either The Blockade or to the Field and vice versa.

The Space Armada not only acts as the ever present nearly impassible defense of Aeveria borders and trade routes, but also as the primary offensive force of the Aeveria, transporting all military assets and forces to and from battle as well as providing extensive support from orbit and direct combat with opposing fleets.

Marines[edit | edit source]

The Marines are the do-it-all Branch of the Aeveria. During deployment, when not stationed directly at a Military Base, Marines are stationed on ships with the Space Armada. Filling the role of the first to arrive on a planet as well as the bulk of the Aeveria's Terrestrial Combat Forces, the Marines are constantly on standby for deployment. Due to the Marines being the first to arrive at the scene of a battle on foreign, and sometimes even domestic, soil the Marines are also charged with the establishment of forward bases during an invasion. As the first to arrive they are also the first to fight, and as such they are trained for a wide variety of situations.

Navy/Coast Guard[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria Navy often takes a back seat roll by comparison to other branches, usually remaining stationed on planets held by the Aeveria to act as defenses. Similar to the Marines, the Navy also occasionally travels with the Space Armada, usually in the larger fleets fit for invasion and occupation of planets. From an offensive point of view, the Navy plays a somewhat key role in keeping a tight grip on a planet, utilizing massive, powerful, mobile bases such as the Stinger PMB to deploy Air and Sea Forces. The Aeveria Navy takes full advantage of the wide open spaces of sea, and strikes down unsuspecting air and low atmosphere spacecraft from both above and below the sea. While not practical for invasion, the Aeveria Navy can provide outstanding support by means of coordination, force distribution, and long range bombardment via intercontinental and long range weapons systems. The Navy also travels with the Space Armada.

Air force[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria Air force is one of the Military's most fundamental branches, ranging from offensive skirmishing and close Air Support, air dropping and transporting forces and goods, to providing the means to perform a full out invasion. In particular are the GALE Airbase and Skylord Command Platform, the latter being the larger and more formidable. While Skylords and GALE's are also stationed on some worlds as defense, they're primary role is acting as a platform for invasion of hostile and contested worlds. The Air force also travels with the Space Armada, however Skylord's, GALE's and a number of other larger vessels are capable of independent space flight, so often times the Air Force will provide it's own transportation. The Air Force often acts as the central command point during an Invasion if no higher ranking official is present in any of the present Space Fleets.

Imperial Guard[edit | edit source]

Back home and on newly settled frontiers, the Imperial Gaurd acts as protection if a military force from another branch is not present. For the most part, the Imperial Guard serve as reserve troops, their duties being similar to a "Minutemen", acting as a Militia Force when immediate action must be taken. Additionally, the Imperial Guard is generally the first to respond to Natural Disaster's, providing relief efforts both in and out of Aeveria Territory.

Ground Vehicles[edit | edit source]

The most commonly used ground vehicles used by Terrestial Aeveria forces are documented below. It should be noted that this listing of Aeveria Military Vehicles omits many models. This list includes only models still in production and see extensive use. As a result, some lesser known models are not represented on this document.

M1A4 Samuel MBT[edit | edit source]
M1A4 Samuel, the fourth generation of it's design

The M1A4 Samuel MBT is the run of the mill Jack-of-all-trades Light Battle Tank. The fourth generation of the Samuel MBT model, and considered the most nearly perfected thus far, the Samuel MBT was designed on Chassis model I-1114 at Corvus Technology Industries. Fitted with a revised Reflexive Armor system similar to the same advanced armor systems featured on other Aeveria vehicles and responsive energy field armor derived on a similar system to Aeveria Infantry armor, much like other Aeveria Vehicles, the Samuel MBT is capable of taking rather extensive damage of both ballistic weapons and energy based weapons before requiring shield integrity cool-down or sustaining enough physical damage so as to render crucial components inoperable.

On the offensive side of equipment, the Samuel MBT sports a 150 MM high power railgun as the main armament, which has proven effective on a wide variety of targets with the trade-off of taking up more space, and thus longer reloads in the cramped interior. To keep potential Infantry threats at bay and for when slightly more precision is called for, an optional mountable Machine Gun is attached to the top of the turret, allowing a crew member to man the gun and act as armored support on a less explosive scale. An optional Grenade Launcher can also be attached to bolster the role of the Machine Gun. As with most mid and light class Aeveria Ground vehicles, the Samuel is also equipped with several Smoke-Grenade launchers to provide visual cover from hostile forces or create smokescreens to allow for easy retreat or advance.

Tactically, the Samuel serves as a light tank for Aeveria Ground forces. Due to the surprisingly low production cost for Samuel production, these tanks are easy to amass and generally are used in a defensive sense or as armor support to infantry. Slotted far beneath the Williams and even further beneath the Striker, the Samuel is the primary Aeveria Light tank. It's bulky armor betrays it's surprisingly small size, at a mere 22 Feet Long (roughly 7 Meters).

Historically, the Samuel was designed to replace it's aging predecessor. Following several updates over a short 10 year period, the Samuel took it's contemporary M1A4 form. Intended to be a cheap, mass-producible model that could be used in bulk, the Samuel was designed with easy to assemble and repair components. This was made possible by utilizing a slower but easier to produce Tread propulsion system and basic but reliable armor systems. Classified as a Light Tank, the Samuel is in fact one of the top of it's class among other empires.

Platform MA3[edit | edit source]
MA3 or "Big Macintosh" fitted with lifting gear

Platform MA3 is, as it's name implies, a simple vehicle platform, not equipped with any weapons systems or tactical systems. The MA3 is considered a "Modular Platform" Designed to have it's turret swapped out with all sorts of different equipment, ranging from Heavy Weapons Systems, Radar Equipment, Cargo such as crates among other large containers, and even Bridge-Layers and other tactical support options. Because of this, a team of mechanics can easily convert an MA3 from Bridge-Layer to Heavy Tank in around 20 minutes, allowing for the MA3 to play a support role before returning to a base to be re-fitted for direct combat, returning quickly to serve an offensive role. Despite being so versatile however, the MA3 is most commonly the primary work-horse for Aeveria ground forces, carrying supplies and gear between Drop Zones and Bases, carrying heavy containers for construction of forward bases, and largely just doing all the heavy lifting. MA3's is often jokingly referred to as "Big Mac" or "Big Macintosh" by enlisted soldiers in reference to the name it was given prior to being officially named MA3, "MAC HDU", or Modular-Advanced-Combat, the second half being the original name applied even before MAC, Heavy-Duty-Utility.

The MA3 is propelled by Treads and powered by Hydrogen Fuel. Fitting of it's modular role and ability to act as a Heavy Tank, the MA3's body is largely modular as well, with additional armor being able to be attached and removed with ease. Due to it's large size, the MA3 is not the most maneuverable vehicle on land, but once up to speed, can travel relatively fast in a straight line. A few of the more popular configurations of the MA3 include a Heavy Tank/Transport, Urban Bridge Layer, Cargo Transport, and APC.

Archon IFV-MLRS[edit | edit source]

The Archon IFV-MLRS is a seemingly odd design, combining and wearing the titles and roles of both an Infantry Fighting Vehicle, and a Multiple Launch Rocket System, the Archon looks like something that would be impractical by all means. However, to the surprise of many, this combination has proven to be a truly formidable one, having proven this claim on the field of battle. The Archon is built on a large platform even greater than that of the Dessi'Kal Heavy Tank. The Interior is surprisingly spacious, accommodating up to twelve passengers aside from the normal crew of three. The Main feature of the Archon is it's large 12-Missile MLRS system, boasting dual rapid fire and reload MLRS Pods. True to it's title, the Archon does not forget the features of an Infantry Fighting Vehicle, a Heavy Machine Gun can be mounted on the roof of the drivers cabin, and along the interior passenger space are thick metal windows that can be opened and sealed shut tight, allowing the passengers to fire at targets from within the safety of the vehicle. Despite bearing the title of an IFV, the Archon is still slow and cumbersome like an MLRS, and as such is equipped with several Smoke Grenade Launchers to obscure it's movement when caught in a tight situation.

An Archon beginning a volley of Ballistic Missiles

In the interest of maximizing combat effectiveness, the Rocket Pods can be loaded with a variety of missiles, ranging from standard ballistic munitions, Proton Missiles, Anti-Matter, Plasma, and more, to name but a few. As if this didn't make it formidable enough already, the Archon is equipped with very high precision AI systems which lock on to and track up to 24 targets at a time, able to switch targets in the blink of an eye. This function makes the Archon a formidable Anti-Air unit in addition to it's long range bombardment capabilities. Only further bolstering the Archon's destructive potential is it's phenomenally high rate of fire, capable of firing it's full 12 rockets stock in under six seconds, and by utilizing a compact reload system located in the rocket units themselves, the Archon is by no means a slouch when it comes to delivering unprecedented amounts of firepower onto it's targets.

Despite it's slow nature, the large size platform allows the Archon to bear some of the thickest and most advanced armor on an Aeveria Ground vehicle. The Archon's armoring system can take direct hits from even some of the heaviest ballistic weaponry and hardly budge. The Engine among other crucial componants sits in a relatively safe location as well, located just below the Drivers Cabin so as to allow the placement of the Door on the back of the vehicle. Storage racks are also equipped to the backside, next to the door, in the event that some cargo cannot fit inside the cabin.

Williams MBT[edit | edit source]
The Williams MBT, one of the longest produced models in the Aeveria Military

The Williams MBT is one of the oldest models still in production and use by the Aeveria Military. Having first entered service 4500 years ago, the Williams has been used in a wider variety of scenarios than most models are ever even considered for. Although undergoing several small changes over the years to adapt to new weapons, the Williams has stayed largely the same. The Williams is armed with a diagonally measured 165MM railgun. Riding on a Hover Chassis that despite it's long body-base, is considerably maneuverable as a result of engine placement and direction. The Williams is armored with a respectable two-layer Reflexive armor system, which would later become the basis for many future armor systems utilizing more layers and improved design, as well as a simple Concussive Dispersion plating armor to better resist anti-armor weapons. The engine in the Williams is located in the rear, as are the fuel tanks. Due to the size of the Chassis, the interior of the Williams is able to accommodate 8 people, with three serving as it's operators. Due to it's age and long production run, there are still countless Williams still in use despite it being rapidly replaced by it's MKII successor.

Williams MKII, rapidly replacing it's precedent

Despite the Williams long-lived success, engineers didn't cease to attempt designing an improved replacement for it, finally managing to have a replacement approved for production around a year after having becoming involved in the Great War. Rapidly phasing out the old Williams, the completely redesigned "Williams M2A1" or more commonly referred to as the Williams MKII, is armed with a larger 180MM Railgun and rides on a completely redesigned Hover Chassis which features 4 independent 'arms' where the hover engines are located. Despite being marginally taller than the original, the MKII is shorter and somewhat wider, lending a more stable stance for absorbing blows. A revised 4-layer reflexive armor and concussive dispersion armor system covers every inch of the vehicle. The engine is located in the front of the main body. So far the MKII has proven successful, surpassing the original Williams by a fair margin. As the MKII becomes more and more common, the old Williams are often being either retired, pulled from combat and put on reserve, or provided to young, new, inexperienced commanders, as the MKIIs are delivered to larger, more experienced commanders. As the MKII becomes more common on large frontline conflicts, the old model has become popular in small operations such as peacekeeping and other small affairs.

AC-XP Arkana[edit | edit source]
The Arkana, known for it's outstanding combat record

The AC-XP Arkana, or Advanced Combat- Experimental Platform, despite it's name, is a model that has been in service for some time now. Most popular with task forces, the Arkana Hover Tank is more than a formidable asset. Combining the traits of a Heavy Tank and an IFV, the Arkana is armed with a wide variety of devastating weapon systems. Most noticeable is the short energy cannon mounted on one side of the turret, which despite it's short length, possesses an incredibly devastating blow that is effective at all ranges. To accompany this devastating weapon, are two 180MM rail-guns on the opposite side. Despite being quite formidable in their own right, these dual rail-guns are intended as the lighter weapon of the Arkana, used mostly on buildings and for shorter range, usually in urban environments.

In addition to the weapons mounted on the turret, are two small pressure cannons mounted on the front of the vehicle. At first they may resemble a machine gun, however these small cannons are used to spray chemical weapons, either liquid or gas, which are contained in two containers mounted on the outside of the vehicle. Despite some protests to the use of chemical and biological weaponry on Aeveria Military equipment, the Arkana has proven an incredibly capable design with the track record to support it.

The interior is capable of accommodating eight passengers. Powering these devastating vehicles is a Hydrogen Fuel Engine much like those in other Aeveria vehicles. The vehicle can swap between either power method as according to which is more beneficial at the time. The downward facing engines in combination to the two engines in the back allow the Arkana to maintain considerable maneuverability even in tight urban environments. Not to leave itself vulnerable, the Arkana is well armored as well, capable of shrugging off hits with ease. The high maneuverability and impressive weaponry makes this model especially popular in urban conflicts. Despite it's excellent combat effectiveness, arming and maintaining, as well as the bottom line price of producing an Arkana, is incredibly high, and as a result, these tanks are far less common on the field of battle.

Striker MBT[edit | edit source]
The Striker MBT, the tried and true Main Battle Tank of the Aeveria Military

The first of the incredibly successful AC-HT series, the Striker is the go-to main battle tank of the Aeveria Military. The striker features two rapid-fire railguns, which fire imposing 300MM rounds, accompanied by two small MLRS pods. The Railguns utilize a rapid reload system, which allows it to alternate firing between one gun and the other, making for a formidable rate of fire seen rarely in most any tank even among those of other empires. In addition to the Railguns are two small Multiple Launch Rocket System pods, which can unleash a wave of missile-bombardment over a relatively mid-range distance. Adding to their already formidable capabilities is the fact that the MLRS pods are both capable of locking on to almost any target, surface or air, and thus can be utilized not only for long range bombardment, but are also effective at swatting groups of enemy aircraft from the sky. A large 50. Caliber machine gun can also be mounted and remotely controlled from within the cabin.

In addition to it's imposing firepower and generally superior mobility, the Striker is also well armored, utilizing very precise and advanced shielding technology, which can withstand respectable amounts of damage from all sorts of weaponry before any complications arise. Special materials are made especially for the armor system of these tanks, as their aerodynamic design means that under normal circumstances, they would be quite vulnerable.

From a tactical standpoint, the Striker serves as the Main Battle Tank of the Aeveria Military, alongside the Williams MKII and the Samuel, which has increasingly become regarded as a light tank more so than a main battle tank. As such, the Striker tends to be among the most common vehicles fielded by the Aeveria.

AC-HT Orchid[edit | edit source]
The AC-HT Orchid MBT, which features a unique Adaptive Camouflage System

The odd ball sibling to the AC-HT Striker, The Orchid is certainly very different from it's Striker ancestor. The Orchid was designed and fielded much later than the original Striker. The intention of The Orchid was to provide a "Stealth Tank" and despite being a borderline oxymoron, the design is considered a success, as The Orchid now boasts quite a positive track record. As it's name implies, The Orchid is built using the AC-HT platform, which had previously proven hugely successful in the form of the Striker Main Battle Tank, widely attributed to it's considerable armor without compromising maneuverability and speed. In the wake of armaments, The Orchid is equipped with a formidable energy cannon, which is effective at both close range and long range.

The Orchid features the same advanced armor as found on it's Striker relative, however with an added feature, as the entire surface of the vehicle is covered in tiny electronic sensors which constantly scan it's surroundings and project an image of the environment onto the tank itself. In combination to the very precise construction specifications of the engine bay which reduce engine sound to a relative minimum, maximizing on the already rather quiet Hydrogen Engine, The Orchid can move quickly, quietly, and blend into it's environment. Though not perfect, as it is nowhere nearly advanced as the essentially transparent capabilities of Rach engineered stealth technology, the adaptive camouflage system is incredibly effective at deceiving the naked eye, though most sensors can still detect the vehicle with ease. Despite this, The Orchid is very popular with both commanders and special operations forces. Despite the emphasis on it's stealth capabilities, The Orchid also makes a formidable MBT, and is often fielded as such, as it shares the same well armored and powerful weaponry as the the Striker, with the dual railguns being swapped out for a stealthier and arguably more deadly Directed Energy Beam weapon.

Azalea MBT[edit | edit source]
The Azalea MBT

As though the Striker and Williams were not enough, the Azalea MBT is essentially the pinnacle of the Aeveria Main Battle Tank Family. Although rare on the battlefield, the Azalea MBT has more than earned it's reputation. The Azalea rides on a completely new chassis, titled AC-BTX (Advanced Combat Battle Tank Experimental) , which takes it's first half as a reference to the AC-HT family of armored vehicles, on which it is partially derived. Despite the "Experimental" moniker in the chassis designation, the Azalea is already a reality to some commanders. The Azalea is powered by a powerful Hydrogen Fuel based engine located near the front of the vehicle, with two fuel tanks located on either side of the cabin. In cases where extra power is required, the air ducts on either side take in air and cool a combustive turbo.

The unintended Anti-Air capable main gun

Armed with a terrifying multi-purpose main gun, the Azalea is also well known for it's incredible offensive combat effectiveness. The main gun is capable of being fired as either Plasma-Based energy rounds, Particle Beams, Directed Energy Beams, or a wide variety of both traditional and alternative ballistic rounds. With the flick of a switch, several parts of the cannon can fold out of the way and others into place to switch to any given form of firing desired by the pilot. Bolstering the already stellar weapon system is the rapid-reload system that feeds munitions through the unique arched-back neck of the main gun. For a more support-based role, the Azalea can switch to a sort of molten-lead munition, which upon impact inflicts a splash-radius of damage, making it an excellent choice for handling infantry or targeting structures. The unique shape of the main gun's neck allows the Azalea to cover a wide array of angles, leaving very few blind spots. Interestingly enough and unintended by the designers, due to the nature of the main gun, when pointed upward the Azalea can act as anti-air by using the timed-detonation setting on ballistic rounds, making for an impromptu Flak Cannon of impressive effectiveness.

To ensure minimal losses and to maximize combat effectiveness, the Azalea was equipped an advanced armor system that is nearly unmatched. In addition to this, the Azalea also features the standard energy shielding used on all Aeveria armor. This armor system makes the Azalea a nearly unstoppable force on the field.

Mechs[edit | edit source]

Terrestrial Aeveria forces also employ a variety of Piloted Mechanical Vehicles that are specialized to specific roles.

Lyre HA[edit | edit source]
Lyre HA, or 'Lyra', as it's called by Aeveria Marines

The Lyre HA (Designation, Heavy Assault), or Lyra, as it's been affectionately nicknamed the Aeveria Marines, is a bipedal Heavy Assault Mech designed to take the place of light armor such as IFVs in large close-quarters skirmishes where maneuverability is key. Despite it's intended role, the Lyre HA quickly proved to be very effective in a wide variety of situations, ranging from Urban to long range. Despite it's seemingly large and bulky design, the Lyre HA is incredibly nimble and lightweight, able to move most part's of it's body into position rather quickly despite it's size.

The Lyre HA features a small Dual Railgun on one side, which fires a large projectile that's perfect for use on groups of infantry, buildings, and armor, and a small MLRS pod on the other side, which can lock on to several targets at once. In particular, the MLRS pod can act as either anti armor and anti air, and even be used for light long-range bombardment. The main armament however, the dual Railguns, are far more practical for the roles often tasked to a Lyre HA. The railguns fire a small shot when compared to that of most other Railgun weapon systems, however the small size allows it to carry far more ammunition. Additionally, the Railguns can be fired in any pattern the pilot wants, which when alternating between each cannon, makes for a respectable rate of fire.

Powering a Lyre HA is a large Hydrogen Fuel generator, located on the back of the body. The fuel tanks are quite large, and thus a Lyre HA can last around 24 hours on a single tank. Because of this, Lyre HA's have also become popular support vehicles as well, which excel in suppressing enemy movement without for long periods of time without having to refit or refuel, making the Lyre a popular choice for recon and scouting as well. The leg joints are composed of several joints and despite their appearance are very steady and stand firmly. This multi-joint design allows the legs to move quickly and stably with ease.

HCM Mako[edit | edit source]
A Mako preparing to engage a Zaretian Payne MBT in an urban environment

The HCM Mako (Designation, Heavy Combat Mech) is the Aeveria's answer to other empires popular Infantry Support walkers as well as Urban Combat Armor Specialization. A far cry from the more recon-oriented Lyre Assault Mech, the Mako is the go-to stand in for Heavy Armor in Urban or close-quarters environments. Like most Mechs the Mako is by no means intended for use in open battlefields, however makes up for this with it's mastery of Urban Combat. Carried by a powerful Bipedal leg set up, the Mako moves itself on a total of five joints per leg, allowing for maximum mobility over obstacles and in tight environments. Advanced AI helps maintain the stability of the mechs stance as it moves, and the legs have been reinforced at it's most crucial joints. The Mako is capable of making short hops into the air as well, though this seems impractical, when utilized in urban environments this feature can be used to initiate ambushes and quick movement around obstacles. Rather than having the more common, plainly visible cockpit, the Mako relies on highly advanced sensors and cameras, so to allow better overall hull integrity on the cockpit.

The HCM Mako

Armed on either side of the body is a large and rather imposing Railgun which is best used when engaging enemy armor from moderate to long distances. Since long range-combat is sparse in the urban scenarios that the Mako is most commonly deployed into, it's more common to see this weapon being put to use taking down buildings and softening fortified positions. More commonly used is the large directed-energy-cannon on the other side of the body. This weapon system directs ludicrous amounts of weaponized energy as it's means of firing. Capable of firing quickly and with little reload time, this Energy weapon is excellent at close and medium range, which is most common in the urban scenarios that the Mako is famed for. The body is rather heavily armored as well, featuring the popular multi-layer reflexive armor system that's been revised and improved on it's effective models countless times since it's introduction. The Mako runs on a compact Hydrogen Engine very similar to the one used in the Lyre HA, however increased power consumption for barriers and weapon systems results in a shorter lasting tank.

Overlord MHAC[edit | edit source]
The Overlord MHAC

The champion of the Aeveria Military's siege weaponry, the Overlord MHAC (Mechanized Heavy Assault Carrier) is a massive, heavily armed and heavily armored Mobile Fortress. As it's name implies, the Overlord acts as both a Heavy Assault unit and Carrier. On board you'll find space for 800 passengers, not including the crew required to operate the large vehicle. The Overlord is constructed using the most advanced armor technology available, making it capable of shrugging off a blow from a wide variety of weapons systems with ease, allowing it to march past enemy lines largely undeterred.

The Overlord is equipped with an impressive arsenal of weaponry featuring four large main cannons, each controlled independently, allowing the Overlord to engage multiple targets from the same direction. Mounted on either side of the vehicle is a devastating Railgun-Energy Cannon Hybrid, which can be refitted quickly to fire either preferred weapon system. On the opposite side is a MLRS system, which is capable of locking on to either surface or airborne targets, making it potent for long range bombardment as well as swatting enemy aircraft from the sky with shocking precision. Quite commonly Overlords are used to crash through Enemy Lines and deploy their forces, causing an internal weakening and eventual collapse of Enemy Positions.

The Overlord is powered by a large Hydrogen Fuel powered generator, which is located horizontally under the main interior of the vehicle. To ensure maximum combat effectiveness, the Overlord is designed to be capable of running for around Seventy Two hours before it's fuel tanks are completely depleted. Using this to their advantage, commanding officers often command from an Overlord, so that they can remain present on the field to assess the situation on a more personal level. On the ground, these vehicles typically serve as a mobile 'commander center' of sorts, acting as field hospitals and even living quarters when not on the offense.

Sea Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Terrestrial Aeveria Forces also incorporate a number of Naval Vessels, often used as defensive measures and for tactical strikes.

Stinger P.M.B[edit | edit source]
A Stinger P.M.B in the early stages of deploying both Air and Sea Forces

The Stinger P.M.B, or STINGER Planetary Maritime Base, as it's name indicates, is a massive Mobile-Base built to float in water and even be capable of slow propulsion. The Stinger is one of the Aeveria Military's most valuable assets in both offense and defense. When not deployed on a field of battle, a Stinger can be deployed in the seas of worlds held by the Aeveria, utilizing it's available support weapons systems and stationed forces to act as a center of retaliation in the event of an attack. When deployed into war, the Stinger is a key asset for invasion of hostile-held worlds.

When deployed, a Stinger Base's first priority is to deploy a portion of the forces stationed aboard it. On average, aircraft in the Hangers which can be used to transport vehicles to the mainland as well as infantry or to act as air support. A Stinger Base also possesses A wide variety of naval vessels such as AMB Irveigna Battleships, and anywhere from 200-500 small class vessels of both Air and Sea Designation between the two. All forces stationd on a Stinger Base are under the command of the Captain of the Base. Although a Stinger Base tends to be loaded with quite the wealth of available forces for deployment, the Base itself is in quite stark contrast, rather lacking in serious fire-power with the exception of a slight trump card. The Stinger P.M.B is equipped with basic point defense systems as is the case with most larger Aeveria vehicles, but in the way of sole offense, the Stinger is equipped with Weapon Systems desigtned for Support, boasting two Tactical Missile Silos which can be utilized to soften forces located far from the Base on land, pinpoint strike assets delicate to the enemy, or to target hostile vessels at sea. Despite the lack of firepower from a purely offensive perspective, a Stinger Base tends to be difficult to capture or destroy, as the forces stationed on board act as it's defenses when under direct attack.

A light sea Frigate docking at the shipyard for repairs

The Stinger P.M.B is intended to act as a long term invasion platform, and to help sustain the forces stationed on board, the Stinger is equipped with a small Shipyard and Small indoor factory that both produce a small selection of vehicles and equipment. Both installations are too small to effectively construct a large force in a small time, however in long term missions, these facilities are used to supplement the outgoing forces and replace completely destroyed vehicles. Additionally, they are often both used to make repairs on damaged vehicles.

On the "Roof" of a Stinger Base's main structure is the Airfield, which is composed of a single airstrip wide enough for two large aircraft to either take off or land. Aircraft are docked within the main structure and transported on large elevator platforms to the main hanger on the airfield. At any one time one aircraft can be taking off and one returning, allowing aircraft to come and go quickly.

The Stinger utilizes a wide variety of methods to power the ship. The vast majority of the ships power comes from a large Hydrogen Fuel based generator, which is further bolstered by Solar Panels, Hydroelectric generators along the bottom of the base, and even Wind Power, using small turbines located aft of the Air Field. Combined, the various methods produce enough energy to be completely self sufficient as far as keeping the ship running goes. On the inside, the Stinger houses several facilities, ranging from Tactical Command and Medical Wards to Private Bunks, Cafeteria's, and Recreational areas for soldiers stationed there to use in their down time. A Stinger Base can sustain itself on it's own supplies for around a month before supplies need to be delivered to restock the facilities.

AMB Irveigna[edit | edit source]
An AMB Irveigna partially submerged
Firing salvos on the surface

The Irveigna AMB (Advanced Maritime Battleship) is, as it's name implies, an advanced sea battleship. The Iveigna is not only a surface ship however- It is also capable of submerging itself much like a submarine. The massive vessel will often dive to the sea floor and remain there in low power mode, largely undetectable by hostile forces. When the time is right, the AMB opens it's armor casing to reveal an impressive array of MLRS installations.

The Weapons System featured as the AMB's primary weapon are 4 large MLRS installations, capable of firing up to 100 missiles in around a minute, from both the surface and deep under the surface of the sea. Combined with it's stealthy method of laying deep underwater, the AMB Irveigna can target passing enemy vehicles and even targets on a nearby land mass and fire several rockets, catching the target by surprise. When engaged in combat on the surface directly with another hostile vessel, the AMB takes advantage of the large Plasma Cannon mounted on the underside of the front end to assault the enemy ship.

Encasing the large interior is several layers of incredibly sturdy plate armor similar to that on mid size Aeveria Space craft. The large size of the AMB accommodates a crew of up to 350 people, making the AMB a potential choice for covert transportation at sea. In addition to this, two small hangers are located on both sides of the vessel, loaded with a few small patrol boats and Submersibles as well as Drones for recon. While certainly not an offensive force to be reckoned with, these extra vehicles make hit-and-run attacks incredibly simple and effective.

The AMB is powered by a large Hydrogen Reactor as well as a small Nuclear Reactor for a second option. The Engines are located in the very back of the vessel, where they send most of their power to the actual Engines themselves, which are similar to those found on High-Atmosphere Aircraft, allowing the AMB to move relatively swiftly on the surface, but as a drawback, is rather slow when submerged.

Air Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Air units employed by Terrestrial Aeveria Forces fill a variety of roles, from Air-Dominance and Support Strikes to colossal Flying Fortresses used as invasion platforms.

Ragnarok Skylord[edit | edit source]
One of the behemoth Skylords, in the distance

The Ragnarok Skylord is among the most crucial and formidable assets to the Aeveria Military. One of the largest vehicles in the Aeveria Miliatary bested by only a handful of others, the Skylord is larger than most large class Space craft. In battle, the Skylord essentially acts as a mobile invasion platform on par with that of a Battlestation. The Skylord can carry roughly several tens of thousands of personal as passengers, and is capable of sustaining itself off on-board supplies for up to 3 months before requiring re-stocking. The Skylord hosts several facilities on board, such as a vehicle and equipment factory nearly four times the size of that of the Stinger P.M.B, capable of producing various vehicles at a relatively steady rate to replace damaged or destroyed ones. There are four large Hangers on board, two on each of the broad sides, two containing several mid size vehicles such as Overwatch's and Humpback's as well as a ridiculous number of fighters and other small air and space craft ideal for dog-fighting and providing close air support to ground forces. The other two Hangers are optimized for larger craft such as heavy drop-ships and transports. The other facilities are similar to that of a large size Space Craft, living quarters, cafeteria/mess hall, recreational areas for soldiers who are not on the job, a Medical facility, and many, many other things.

The Skylord lacks somewhat in direct heavy weapons systems, most of it's weapons being point defenses. On the underside of the ship are a number of large heavy cannons that can be used to hit larger targets and soften up densely fortified enemy positions over a large radius. Aerial and Orbital Bombardment as well as other ground-targeting weapons are located on the underside to take care of any potential small time trouble makers. For the most part the Skylord's offensive power comes from it's Hangers in the form of the forces stationed on board. During invasion there are usually a handful of Skylords on the planet. Often times they will act as the central command center for Aeveria Forces if forward bases cannot be established. As far as defensive capabilities go, Skylord's are heavily armored both from ballistic attacks and energy-based attacks by incredibly advanced shielding technology. As the record goes to show, very few Skylords have successfully been destroyed or captured. When not on the field of battle, Skylords either travel in Space with Fleets, as their engines are in fact the designation of a Space Craft design than solely aircraft designs, or are stationed in the skies of Aeveria held worlds to act as protection in the event of an attack.

Skylord's are powered by a large Hydrogen Fuel based Generator, along with advanced Solar Energy collection methods. Unlike most Aeveria Aircraft, the Skylord actually generates most of it's power through Solar or wind, taking advantage of it's Air-borne nature to utilize large Wind Turbines mounted on the underside and along the engines to generate massive amounts of energy, with the Hydrogen Fuel part of the system acting as a rarely used emergency fuel supply or when in Space or conditions where Wind or Solar methods may not function entirely. Despite this the Wind and Solar generators tend to power the vehicle when planetside, and the Hydrogen Generator is more commonly used for spends much of it's time in space after depleting a fair share of the reserve energy from the Wind and Solar systems. The Engine propulsion design is a heavily altered Space craft Engine model designed to move large air craft and allow it to stay air-borne and remain relatively still in the same spot, essentially hovering high above the ground. Skylord's are often just above or below the main cloud layer when on a planet.

Gale Airbase[edit | edit source]
Gale Airbase

Similar to the Ragnarok Skylord, the Gale Airbase acts as an invasion platform and mobile command base. Though large compared to even a fair number of space craft, the Gale is roughly only a fourth the size of a Skylord, supporting a crew of around 4000 passengers. Though smaller than the Skylord, the the Gale still features similar facilities, albeit on a much smaller scale. Living qaurters and a Cafeteria as well as Recreational space and a medical ward among other things, are all stocked for use for around a month before supplies require re-stocking. The Gale also features a factory roughly similar in size to that of ones found on Stinger P.M.B's, capable of repairing and constructing vehicles and equipment on a small scale. Two fly-through Hangers are located near the front of the ship, holding a fair number of small air craft and a small count of larger vessels such as Overwatch Gunships.

Despite the smaller size, the Gale has far more direct fire-power than any of the other Command Platforms in the Aeveria Military, boasting several large energy weapons at the front of the ship as well as the typical defensive point defenses. The engines located in the rear of the ship are designed with similar engineering to that of Space Craft, and thus much like the Skylord, the Gale travels independent of any carrier when leaving a planet, also in part to the fact that is sized in the lower class large sizes of Aeveria Space and Air craft. The Gale uses a similar power generator setup to the Skylord, with Hydrogen Fuel acting as an emergency fuel source and the rest being powered by Solar Energy and Wind Power, using the Hydrogen Fuel based generator to bolster power output when needed.

For the most part, Gale Airbases act as support for ground forces by means of providing close air support via vehicular forces stationed on board. In smaller scale offenses, the Gale may act in the place of a Skylord if one is not present, and in non-combat situations, the Gale Bases will often fly high above the ground of Aeveria-held planets as defense. Gale Bases usually travel in groups of two or three.

Since the arrival of the Skylord on the scene however, the Gale has become increasingly less common as the vastly superior Skylord becomes the invasion platform of choice. Most Gale's are now used to defend planets held or being occupied by the Aeveria or defending worlds held by the Aeveria. As a result, Gale Airbases have become far less common on the front lines, becoming a rare sight by comparison to the Skylords.

GS-351 Humpback[edit | edit source]
The GS-351 'Humpback'
A Humpback Gunship firing on a target

The Humpback is the Aeveria Military's newest generation of Heavy Attack Gunship. This large two-seater model is both heavily armed and heavily armored, making it a potent asset in combat. The result of a joint-venture between the Aeveria and Diabloian Military's, the Humpback is a favorite of both Aeveria and allied forces.

In the wake of weaponry the Humpback is equipped with two modular-munition Rocket Pods housed in the wings. The weapons operator can lock on to up to eight targets at a time , unleashing a barrage of any variety of munitions on the enemy, or firing individually for precise or repetitive damage. Despite the potent fire power packed into the rocket pods, Humpbacks have a rather limited ammo supply before having to reload. As a secondary weapon system, a large railgun is mounted on the nose just under the cockpit. The Railgun boasts a rather modest rate of fire. Though not anywhere nearly as powerful as the Rockets, the auto cannon is excellent for providing close air support to ground forces. This allows the Humpback to act as both close air support and heavy assault gunship. The Humpback is equipped with countermeasures such as flares and decoys to throw off enemy anti-armor missiles as well as an advanced counter-radar to deceive even the most advanced lock on weapons. In the event the countermeasures fail to deceive enemy forces, the Humpback is also rather heavily armored, capable of taking considerable hits before receiving critical damage.

Propelled by two large hover engines as it's primary form of movement and two small rotors on the tail to maximize maneuverability when hovering in place, the Humpback is reasonably fast and fairly maneuverable both in sustained and evasive flight. The Humpback uses a Hydrogen Engine, like all Aeveria Vehicles. The rear tail rotors regenerate a share of energy by means of rotor generation. Tactically these act as the primary offensive unit for air-to-surface and occasionally air-to-air combat.

R-20 Twilight[edit | edit source]
A small team of R-20 Twilight's flying in formation

Although classified and designed as Space Craft fighter, the Twilight is quite commonly utilized as a planetary air-superiority fighter. The successor the experimental R19-Noctus fighter, which saw limited production as part of the testing phase, the R-20 Twilight is a full scale production model that has seen wide success in the Aeveria Military. Using data gathered from the Noctus test runs, the R-20 Twilight has been fine tuned for maximum effectiveness. The Engine housing features a central main engine that propels the highly aerodynamic Twilight with ease and at incredible speeds. To aid in directional control while travelling at such high speeds, two responsive 'wing engines' sit on either side, turning in conjunction with one another to provide additional thrust to manipulate over and under steer. The engine trails a thin but vivid blue stream of exhaust, leaving behind a unique but short lived trail of light as it flies.

To utilize the speed best, Twilights are armed with a load out of potent and precise weaponry. Mounted under the wings are missile pods which can both automatically and manually lock on to targets. The Missile Pods are most commonly used when performing close air support bomb-runs or when engaging a large number of enemy aircraft. When engaging in the more common Dog-Fight style combat, the Twilight typically uses two Plasma Blasters mounted into the nose of the fighter, which fire quickly and generally wreak havoc when they hit.

Tactically, Twilight's tend to fly in groups of four to seven, with the most experienced pilot usually acting as the head of the team. More often then not, Twilight's are deployed in large numbers from Gale Airbases and Skylords, as well as from Stinger PMB's or large class spacecraft. Due to the nature of their shape they tend to be difficult to identify as an aircraft when flying high enough, and to further bolster this deceptive trait, the Twilight's are equipped with very sensitive radar stealth systems. Though not perfect, this allows the Twilight to cover ground and often even strike before the enemy can realize what's attacking them. Historically the R-20 Twilight has proven vastly successful against most enemy aircraft.

D4-SH Overwatch[edit | edit source]
The D4-SH Overwatch, the military's primary workhorse Gunship

The D4-SH Overwatch Gunship is a vertical landing and take off aircraft which acts as the Aeveria military's primary light airborne workhorse. Utilizing two propeller- harrier jet hybrid engines, the Overwatch combines the versatile conventionality of a typical helicopter and the high mobility of a jet based aircraft. Powered by a powerful hydrogen fuel based engine located just beneath the cockpit, both engines can turn a complete 360 degrees for maximum mobility, and allow the vehicle to move as swiftly as a high speed jet or hover above an area much like a typical helicopter or Harrier Jet. On the utility side of things, the Overwatch is a very versatile and useful asset to Aeveria forces, moving into positions quickly and

Carrying an AC-HT Orchid

Capable of carrying 30 passengers on board in addition to a fairly large payload of supplies or equiptment, the Overwatch has no shortage of space or potential. Additionally, the Overwatch is fitted with a number of cargo hooks, which can be used to lift a wide variety of large objects. Though intended for carrying supplies, the potential of this feature as a tactical means of transporting light armor vehicle forces was quickly realized. Quite commonly, an Overwatch can be seen lifting friendly grounded vehicles into the air using it's cargo hooks and transporting them fair distances across the battlefield quickly. Tactically this makes the Overwatch perfect for moving light armor from place to place. Despite this making the Overwatch a rather noticeable target, few major issues are often faced, as the Overwatch is fitted with fairly advanced armor systems nullifying most anti-air ballistic weapons, as well as flares and other counter measures against anti-air weaponry, and additionally the Overwatch tends to carry it's load only short distances, not staying airborne with armor cargo for too long, reducing the chances of being targeted.

When exiting the vehicle, soldiers will either rope down from the access ramp or the side door, or in the event that the vehicle must continue moving while they deploy, soldiers can halo-jump from the rear access ramp. In large numbers, Overwatch Gunships can move large amounts of forces quickly across a battlefield, allowing for quick sweeps of enemy forces.

In the wake of weaponry, the D4-SH is equipped with two 50MM railgun autocannons mounted on the underside of the vehicle, as well as places to mount either heavy Machine Guns or Grenade Launchers on both the side door and the access ramp in the back. Tactically, the Overwatch provides an excellent balance between close air support and transportation. As a cargo space saving effort, most newer D4-SH's do not feature the Railguns.

Despite the available weapon options, the D4-SH Overwatch is used more commonly in non-combat scenarios however, most commonly being used to deliver relief supplies after natural disasters or other humanitarian aid efforts, as the Aeveria Military often assists in such activities when requested. The large cargo capacity makes it the prime choice for delivering supplies or equipment in both combat and non-combat scenarios. These highly versatile aircraft are among the most numerous in the Aeveria Military.

Space Vehicles[edit | edit source]

The pride of the Aeveria Military, documented here are a number of the cutting edge space craft models that compose the formidable Aeveria Armada.

Skybound Class Cruiser[edit | edit source]
The Skybound Class, the new staple of the Aeveria Space Armada

The basic staple and arguably the golden standard of the vast Aeveria Space Armada, the Skybound Cruiser is the replacement to many older models and is one of the most common large class vessels in the Aeveria Military. These ships are in themselves rather formidable, carrying a fairly large crew and a rather large number of deploy-able fighters and other crafts of various roles.

Equipped with the latest technology and top of the line equipment and facilities, the Skybound is an all around well balanced asset. The Armoring system utilizes a generated energy barrier as it's primary shielding, and should this system fail the hull is well armored against most weapon types, providing more than respectable protection. No slouch in the offensive department either, the Skybound is equipped with a rather potent weapons load out as well. Although mostly relying on it's crew and docked battlegroups as it's offensive capability, the Skybound is also equipped with a fair share of ship-to-ship combat weapons. Three large plasma turrets are mounted along the front of the ship, able to engage most mid size targets with relative ease. To fend off enemy fighters, various automated point defenses step in to handle any hostile units that the Skybound's on-board crew cannot handle. To handle the larger and more well armored enemy ships, the Skybound is equipped with large Directed-Energy cannon mounted under the front of the vessel, which is also used commonly to provide heavy support on the ground, as the Skybound also quite commonly descends into the atmosphere of a planet to act as close heavy support, firing an alternating, precise, and deadly beam on ground targets, or clearing the skies of enemy air craft with it's many point defenses.

The Skybound is propelled by three main engine units, two contained in the wings to act as guidance, and a large central engine at the rear of the craft. These ships, like all Aeveria Space Craft, are powered by massive Hydrogen Fuel based engines and generators, which safely and cleanly power the vessels with more than excess energy. Acting as a fail safe as well as 'back up' power, Skybound Class Cruisers, as well as most other large size Aeveria vessels, are also equipped with a respectable amount of Solar Cells on various parts of the ship, used to gather extra energy to alleviate some of the work from the main generator and conserve fuel.

Facilities[edit | edit source]

Using the Peackeeper Rapid-Deployment Armored Command Unit or specially equipped Construction Drones, a number of facilities can be erected quickly using a concentrated stream of nanites. Though this technology is also applied to construction in non-military applications, it's used most extensively in the Rapid-Deployment front where the Armored Command Units are being tested. Armored Command Units granted proper permissions can erect a variety of facilities.

Forward Command[edit | edit source]


Government Agencies[edit | edit source]

Corvus Technological Industries[edit | edit source]

The Head Office Structure of CTI, located in a Countryside on Iliveria

Though technically not a Government Asset, Corvus Technological Industries(CTI) is a weapons and technology development firm that is funded on occasion by the Aeveria Government. Though technically not a branch of the Government itself, the company shares close ties with the Aeveria Government Labs in terms of research and development. CTI is responsible for a wide variety of equipment and vehicles that are used by the Aeveria Military. The Company has laboratories and offices on several planets within Aeveria territory as well as a small number lying outside Aeveria space. It's corporate headquarters is located in a countryside on Iliveria. It's primary testing facility is located on Planet Iveya, with another important testing facility located in Space, consisting of several large Space Stations. CTI's vehicle designs are often constructed by a third party Shipyard, the most notable of which is Reccivas Construction, who operate a large shipyard on Planet Ikora. Despite sourcing large scale construction to third parties, CTI manufactures many of it's designs at it's own factories.

Aeveria Central Intelligence (A.C.I)[edit | edit source]

The Aeveria Central Intelligence Agency, more commonly referred to as ACI, is the highest classified Government Branch. They handle investigation into all major and minor threats to Imperial Security and foreign affairs. Their Headquarters is on the outskirts of the desert city of Steaken on the Planet Iliveria, with a second important command center at the capital, Veradell. The HQ Building is only 20% above the surface, with the rest laying deep underground. The structure is one of the safest, most secure, and in general difficult to enter even by means of infiltration, facilities in Aeveria territory, bested only by the Capital Plaza, Presidential Estate, and the Fortress Worlds. The Steaken HQ building houses all documents and Intel collected, in both a hard and digital copy, and is also used as a top security detention center, and testing facility for various designs from the Government Laboratories. ACI was the group whom contacted the Tegotian and Zaretian Rebels and convinced them to attend the first Peacekeeper Conference. They are also responsible for convincing Zaretian officer Attopos the Great to defect and aid the Aeveria.

ACI has countless outposts and bases set up across the Galaxy, and even in some others. Additionally, ACI has extensive contacts in various other Empires. Despite how useful ACI may be at times for obtaining crucial Intel and other top priority SpecOps missions, a fair number of political figures feel that ACI has too much unregulated power, often being able to carry out a mission without approval from the Commander in Chief. Despite this, rarely has anything terribly regrettable come of ACI's actions, with only a few instances of their plans having backfired on a scale that has caused a large negative impact. ACI works closely with SpecOps forces such as the Biomatter Task Force (Aeveria specific Branch), and many other Special Operations teams, as well as having it's own in-house agents trained to quite an elite degree.

Aeveria Government Labs[edit | edit source]

The Government labs perform a variety of tasks. From research to Development and production of weapons and technology, the Government labs cover it all. The Labs are known most for being the primary developer for Aeveria Military Architecture and Design. Along with CTI, the Gov. Labs produce all Aeveria Military buildings, vehicles, weapons, and more. The Government Labs also operate testing facilities for use by both themselves and on occasion, CTI. In the past, the Gov. Labs have been tasked to work with CTI to design devices and weapons. Designs from the Labs are produced by Government owned and operated factories.

The Labs also carry out terraforming tests and other miscellaneous studies, such as medical research, Census work, and technology studies. Their current focus is finding cures and immunities for viruses such as the Biomatter and deadly STD/STI's, Cancers, and many other medical issues.

Experimental Technology Testing Division[edit | edit source]

Despite the Government Military Research Laboratories conducting many initial tests on their own, more unstable prototypes and designs further along toward completion are often sent to the Experimental Technology Testing Division. Intended as a "Second Opinion" of sorts, this division runs extensive tests on all technologies being developed by the Government Research Agencies. Typically this is the last stop of testing before a new technology or device is approved for production. Working very closely with the Military Research Laboratories, experimental technologies and designs will often go back and forth between the labs and the testing facilities for fine-tuning. The testing division has facilities at a number of locations, most of which located on larger Military Bases, as well as at the Government Laboratory HQ.