Talk:Telkevan Union

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High Chamber quick character reference sheet[edit source]

  • Grand Marshal Tarsovis Visaria
    • Species: Arkevon

Former High Marshal of the Solar Legions. Quiet and contemplative, seldom fazed by the circumstances but firm when giving orders. Focused on long-term plans and ambitions. Reveres Saertu as his patron and Visaria as his familial god.


  • Kaiser Zervath Nezekar V
    • Species: Arkevon

Youngest member of the High Chamber, head of the Chamber of Lords. Energetic and charismatic in speech and actions. Encourages cooperation, sometimes acting as a mediator. Ardent opportunistic imperialist, saw the Nuverians as the Union's greatest threat prior to the Great War. Reveres Oltavar as his patron.


  • High Marshal of the Army Zurar Azakeia
    • Species: Arkevon

Began his career as a conscript and worked his way up, accumulating a variety of cybernetic augmentations to treat severe injuries over the years. Noted for his impenetrable calmness even in dire circumstances. Wildcard of the chamber: difficult to read and sometimes more difficult to predict. Reveres Xitav and Faea


  • High Marshal of the Aerospace Force Almali'Sosolum
    • Species: Valdar

Newest member of the High Chamber. Outspoken and passionate about her beliefs, but (usually) maintains a degree of formality. Opposed to the Warlord Pact and advocated for avoiding conflict with the Nuveria. Effective officer, but not one for politics. Reveres Athovat.


  • High Marshal of the Solar Navy Ilivaris Kindasi
    • Species: Arkevon

Royal blood. Ruthlessly efficient with regards to dynastic politics, but cynical and spiteful towards the process, believing that military rule saved the Union. Dutiful, loyal, and willing to sacrifice her own wants for the good of the Chamber. Often acts as an advisor to the younger Zervath. Reveres Livunyr


  • High Marshal of the Surface Fleets Hjalsa Amalki
    • Species: Ogvyr

Oldest and tallest member of the High Chamber. Occasionally sent if the Chamber requires his innate intimidation. Talkative, enjoys debate and playing devil's advocate. Generally disinterested in alien affairs, but the Great War posed a challenge to his beliefs. Notable for his contributions to the arts and to literature in the Ulrasni Commonwealth. Reveres Sarikarak.


  • High Marshal of the Solar Legions Nuoh Gersalv
    • Species: Arkevon

Close associate and ally of Tarsovis Visaria, rumored lover of Ilivaris. Often engages in one-on-one conversations with members of the Chamber and explains his ideas and beliefs to the letter. Reveres Riigr as his patron and Akla as a familial god.


  • High Marshal of Central Intelligence Veto Korvack
    • Species: Arkevon

A charming, sometimes jovial outward demeanor is little more than a front used by Korvack to earn the trust of others. Known in the chamber for his true personality of cynicism and distrust towards aliens. More opportunistic than idealistic. Notably derisive of the Zaretian Monarchy. Reveres Golgolag.


  • High Marshal of the Cybersecurity Service Ashitara Yoluni
    • Species: Arkevon

Associate of Korvack, but lacks the man's bitter cynicism. Methodical, dedicated, and energetic sometimes to the point of mild neurosis. Will actively seek out the truth in every situation and finds thrill in his job. Reveres Hruthvar & Hruthvair.


  • High Marshal of the Civil Defense Service Wultyr Seltenhausin
    • Species: Arkevon

Close associate of Zervath and Ilivaris due to having to navigate state politics. Unlike Ilivaris, Wultyr is open about his disdain for most politicians, and while he is willing to negotiate, he is not above using intimidation and force to get his way. Often collaborates with Ashitara. Reveres Nilzeli.


  • High Marshal of the Joint Munitions Command Gorsk Heldre
    • Species: Arkevon

Pragmatist, focused on what is possible rather than what is desired. Direct and straightforward in speech, unafraid to say no or to argue with other members of the chamber. Unwavering in his convictions and protective of his branch due to its importance to the entire AFTU. Reveres Hunovo.


Hypothetical Timeline for Union in ESG[edit source]

For simplicity's sake I'm not putting specific years here, that can be worked out later

Pre-War[edit source]

  • Telkevan-Nephani Cold War in Tomastahl - Two space nations play 4D Chess as they compete for influence over the Tomastahl sector.
  • Telkevan-Nuverian Cold War - The borders of both the Telkevan Union and the Nuverian Union are slowly approaching one another. Both are wary of the other attacking them, and a complication arises with the discovery of the Kosdahl Substream, a major substream passage virtually connecting the two empires. Neither side wants their potential rival to control a valuable military and economic asset, and though fighting had not broke out, tensions were on the rise as both laid claim over the area.
  • The Union kept a wary but otherwise disinterested eye on developments within the Zaretian Monarchy. Though a mighty military power in their own right, the Union had little interest in working with a kingdom that, to the High Chamber, was built upon slavery and ruled by greed.
  • The Union had previously created a specialized unit trained specifically to track down and eliminate Xenochytrid. This unit was active in the Kentaurs Sector.
  • The Telkevan Union had been in the midst of expanding, updating & upgrading its arsenal when war broke out.
  • The arrival of the Margan in the Kentaurs Sector captures the attention of the High Chamber and spurs further military mobilization. The High Chamber considers options including a temporary truce with its rivals so as to combat the threat, but the Great War breaks out before any serious action could be taken.

Early War/Pre-Norsus[edit source]

  • At the onset of the Great War, the Telkevan Union declared neutrality. Though troubled by Nuveria's inclusion in the Peacekeeper Alliance and supportive of the purported goals of the Warlord Pact, the Union was unwilling to work with the Margan and Zaretians. The Union was content to watch the two fight it out for now.
  • More alien nations join the Warlord Pact, including Union allies such as the Vikkurl (or IAE? Or Öhgyag?). Said allies implore the Union to join the Pact, noting that the Warlords were already on the offensive, most of the Peacekeepers were weak and ill-prepared for war, and that once the war was over, the Pact could turn its weapons on a weakened and outnumbered Margan. The High Chamber ultimately comes to see an opportunity to expand Telkevan influence and to secure the Kosdahl Substream for good, and the decision is made to join the Pact.
  • Telkevan forces pour into the Nuverian theatre with the goal of securing the Kosdahl substream, forcing the Nuverians to divert additional troops to the region. After years [?] of attacks and counterattacks, the Union would ultimately secure Kosdahl and use the substream to attack outlying Nuverian colonies [those outside of the border blockade].
  • Elsewhere, the Telkevon would attempt to organize the disparate armies of the Pact into a semi-unified fighting force which would share resources and equipment and coordinate grand strategies. Gorsk Heldre, High Marshal of the Joint Munitions Command, spearheaded these efforts and would play a pivotal role in creating both a lend-lease system and the Pact Cooperative Military Command (PCMC), though some members of the Pact were reluctant to join such efforts.
  • Operation Stormbreaker - A combined Nuverian-Diab offensive throws Union forces out of Kosdahl. Fierce battles break out as Peacekeeper forces attempt to penetrate into Union territory. However, the ultimate failure of Stormbreaker would force Peacekeeper forces to withdraw, though they maintain control over the Nuverian portion of Kosdahl. Within the Pact, the ferocity of the Peacekeeper offensive fosters more support for the PCMC and an expansion of lend-lease. The Union Chamber regards the Empire of Diablos as a significant threat and begins plans for a counteroffensive. A small number of Telkevan units, disillusioned with the Pact's cause, use this opportunity to defect to the Peacekeepers.

Norsus[edit source]

  • Operation Downfall
    • Operation Sledgehammer [Diab Front] - Intent on preventing a repeat of Stormbreaker, Pact forces, including multiple Telkevan fleets, invade Diab space with the ultimate goal of bleeding the Diab military dry and securing a foothold from which future offensives could be deployed. Pact forces secure a major victory in capturing the regional capitol of Baltreos and its surrounding colonies. Pact forces were eventually fought to a standstill before they withdrew back into the foothold to fortify their position.
    • Operation Longbow [Nuveria Front] - The Telkevon comprise one portion of a multi-pronged attack on the Nuverian border blockade. Telkevan forces start the attack by advancing through the Khosdahl substream, drawing Nuverian forces away from other sectors and thus allowing Zaretian, Margan, and Ohgyag forces to pour in. The Nuverian frontier falls and a months-long 'siege' unfolds at the blockade. Pact forces secured numerous victories, but Zaretian forces were forced to withdraw and support their allies in the Rach theatre. In a desperate gambit, the Nuverians withdraw from their positions along the blockade, drawing the Pact into a trap. The majority of Pact forces are encircled, beginning one of the largest naval battles in known galactic history. Ultimately, the sacrifice of the Margan fleets allow the battered remains of the Pact to withdraw. Though Nuveria was successful in holding the blockade, they suffered devastating losses as a result.
    • Secret Negotiations - Believing the end of the war to be imminent, Telkevan officials begin secret negotiations with the Sauran Solidarity. The Telkevon planned on betraying the Margan once the war had concluded and planned to use the Sauran's terraforming technology to restore the worlds the dynasties had ravaged. In exchange, the Telkevon would not attack Sauran forces and, were the Solidarity to fall, would provide refuge for the survivors. Both parties agree to the terms.
  • Battle of Norsus - The Telkevan Union does not play a direct role in the fall of Norsus, though they do their best to prevent Peacekeeper reinforcements from being able to assist the Rach. Peacekeeper-aligned Telkevon do play a minor role in Norsus' defense, though they are far, far too few in number to change the outcome. A Diab fleet, defying the odds, escaped the Pact's clutches and arrived at Norsus just in time to allow the Rach to evacuate into the Abyss. The Holy Dynasty follows the Rach into the portal, and both disappear from the galaxy.

Interim[edit source]

  • The events of Norsus came as a shock to the Telkevan High Chamber, who now had to radically alter its plans. The disappearance of the Holy Dynasty caused the remaining Margan fleets to splinter into two factions: one, spearheaded by Matriarch Chilsa, sister of the High Priestess and leader of the Bronze Hammer Dynasty, continued to support the Pact as best they could; the other, led by Matriarch Li-Hosan of the Golden Blade, continued to fight the Peacekeepers but distanced themselves from their Pact allies. The Verdant Flail, stationed at the Diab front, had sided with Chilsa, and thus continued to support Telkevan and Zaretian forces in the region. Conversely, the Union could no longer count on the support of the Golden Blade in the Nuverian theatre.

(Proposal: Karahodoum still join the Peacekeepers, but they hold their attack until the beginning of Operation Burning Lance (Zaretian invasion by Nuveria). The presence of fresh Kara troops would allow for the Nuverians, still relatively fresh out of Downfall, to begin their attack against the Zaretians while the Pact was still getting its footing)

  • The Karahodoum join the Peacekeepers, providing much-needed material and financial support to the Alliance whilst launching major attacks against the Pact. They take part in Operation Burning Lance, the Nuverian-led counteroffensive into Zaretian space. Telkevan forces launch raids against the Nuverians in response as troops are sent to support the Zaretian defense. The Diab front also grows active, with Pact forces making probing attacks to plan their next move and distract the Diabs. Burning Lance devolved into a grinding stalemate, but this development exemplifies the growing severity of the war to the High Chamber. More and more of Union space is dedicated to the war effort as the development of new weapons becomes a high priority. Additionally, a secret program to develop Margnite-based weapons is formed, though such weapons are to be deployed only in the most dire of circumstances.

2nd Norsus[edit source]

Post-Norsus/Present[edit source]