RSC Irukon

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Irukon-Class Destroyer
Role: Assault Destroyer
Built by: Sky Commission Shipyards
Length: 630m
First Battle Appearance: Sometime after they started fighting Repzork maybe
In Service: X - Present
Race: Betel Recyclers

Development[edit | edit source]

Origin[edit | edit source]

Named after the current Sky Spear Overlance Tachko Irukon.

Main article: Ambush over Joldi

The Xeverra had been phasing out their medium capital assets in favour of larger ships and greater emphasis on strikecraft. In a battle over the rocky desert military installation of Joldi, Overlance Venerad planned to lure the Xeverra into an engage. Falsifying easily-intercepted communications, the Xeverra arrived anticipating the interception of an armed convoy.

On the Xeverra theatre, the Sky Spears were deploying exclusively non-standard ships in the middle-size tier. Bulwark Tachko Irukon was given command of the 5th Company, which had been recently granted several spears worth of medium ships. During the battle Tachko displayed both his own tactical prowess and the value of light destroyer-class vessels against typical Xeverra tactics. The victory in space at Joldi would lead to the long and difficult development of the Irukon. It would also lead eventually to Tachko's promotion to Overlance and provide the namesake for the destroyer.

Production[edit | edit source]

The Irukon is one of a handful of advanced designs constructed exclusively at Golden-Face supervised Sky Commission dockyards. This means they are only deployed in small numbers compared to smaller designs, but meet certain standards.

Armaments[edit | edit source]

Weapon Type Amount
Heavy Lado Twin Lasercannon Turret 2
Spinal Arphaxad-Shell Cannons 4
Hematite Twin Howitzer Turret 2
Boarding Pod Launchers 18
Large Strikecraft Hangar 2

Like all non-strikecraft Sky Spear ships, the Irukon carries Marauder squads for boarding offense and defense. An Irukon typically carries 25 Marauder Squads, but that number can vary.

Note: They probably have some kind of point defense

Variants[edit | edit source]

Selective Archetype[edit | edit source]

A version of the Irukon that drops the Heavy Lado Lasercannons in favour of banks of highly accurate heavy Caliber anti-strikecraft cannons. Normally only used for ground based military installations, the usage of Calibers in space can eliminate heavy strikecraft effectively and before they can reach striking distance. Selective archetypes can shut down strikecraft reliant navies like the Xeverra, but the loss of firepower severely hampers them against larger targets. It also overspecializes the ship to ballistics alone.

Umbrella Mod[edit | edit source]

To radically support Sky Spear doctrine, some Irukons completely forgo the spinal Arphaxad-Shell cannons in exchange for a powerful forward shield generator that builds on technology used for planetary residential shields. The shield covers an half-ovoid shape that can cover allied ships behind it. This mod promotes the forward push that closes to melee range by shielding ships from long to medium range fire.