Warpbreak Manufacturing
(WIP) Asanian company. Subsidiary of Ketekan Diplomacaries, notable for being primarily occupied by Betel workers.
History[edit | edit source]
Administration[edit | edit source]
Betel CrewCommune[edit | edit source]
Leadership of Betel workers - meets weekly normally
Transparency Officers[edit | edit source]
Small number of Asanian Warpbreak employees who are scattered throughout the operations with extra reporting responsibilities - the number of these has been scaled back over time
Warpbreak Boss[edit | edit source]
Asanian leader of Warpbreak
Ketekan Overseers[edit | edit source]
Board of Overseers the Warpbreak Boss's activities, they do not make decisions directly but reserve veto rights.
Enterprises[edit | edit source]
Deep Space Mining[edit | edit source]
AMC Weaponry[edit | edit source]
Warpbreak purchases basic components for Altered Margan Crystals (AMCs) from Eniend Systems for use in their weapons manufacturing. The Betel workers have put their own spin on the controlled crystals by combining it with the well-understood engineering behind shard cannons.
Crystalburst Cannons operate in a two stage process:
1. The first shot scatters sharp crystal seeds which impale themselves into layers of armour. Against most heavy armour, this does not punch through.
2. Immediately after, A second high temperature gas shell containing the trigger chemicals is fired. Upon impact, it initiates massive crystal growth which fractures and rips apart the target by creating fissures. Should anything remain of the armour, any further shots by conventional weapon will easily shatter the remains.
Because the ammunition is non-toxic and only grows when exposed to the correct compound and heat, it is easily portable at a small size with little health risk to operators.
Diaspora Middleman[edit | edit source]
Relations[edit | edit source]
If not outlined, default stance is the position held by parent company Ketekan Diplomacaries
SPC[edit | edit source]
Status: Hostile
Eniend[edit | edit source]
Status: Cooperative
As the creators of AMC tech, Eniend is a major supplied for Warpbreak. They provide the crystals which are then processed by Warbreak workers into usable weaponry. The relationship is purely professional, true to Eniend's form.
Pyre-Tech[edit | edit source]
Status: Contempted
Serenia Systems[edit | edit source]
Status: Friendly
Betel Magnate Unions & Yan Front[edit | edit source]
Status: Friendly
While Warpbreak has not been permitted to join the Magnate Unions as a subsidiary, they have instead provided financial assistance and enjoy cordial relations with leading magnates. These relationships are, despite their perceived focus on the Betel, a practical means to extend trade relationships into foreign nations. Independent Betel magnates often have strong enterprises established within divers empires that otherwise would be leery of trading with the Asanians. Warpbreak and the magnates serve as the middleman for Asanian corporate interference, a useful tool for the Syndicate and a profitable venture for all involved.
DeComp Rebels (Betel)[edit | edit source]
Status: Friendly
As part of the Warlord Lend-lease program, Warpbreak has been able to supply generic arms to the DeComp rebels on behalf of the Syndicate, who despite being at war with the Betel does not wish to incite general hatred among the populace to ease transition of power to a new DeComp government. Using Warpbreak as an intermediary has hidden most of the transit of military goods from the public, acting under the guise of Magnate Union operatives.
Betel Recyclers[edit | edit source]
Status: Uneasy