Amaker the maker, creator of Nazi lizard warlords and hypocritical polar bear men
Random Things[edit | edit source]
Peacebringers[edit | edit source]
Current Aldalta: Dalsek Tivin
Standard Colors: Dark blue
Elite Colors: Dark teal
The Peacebringers are occupation forces. Once the other divisions have successfully taken over a planet, the Peaceringers come in to maintain order and control. Much of their time is spent enslaving the remaining population and putting down resistance movements. Once a population has lost its purpose, it is the Peacebringer's responsibility to eliminate them. They and the Steel Bulwark often work in conjunction on occupied worlds. The Bulwark builds fortifications and bases while the Peacebringers keeps/ hostiles off the Bulwark's back. Most Peacebringer soldiers either come from the C.D.F, the militarized police force of the Korvar; or the Crimson Hammer division. Peacebringer training is centered around combating guerrilla fighters, and their equipment leans towards mobility and light arms, with some exceptions depending on the occupied race.
The Peacebringers often feel under-appreciated by the other divisions, especially by certain members of the Crimson Hammer, making many Peacebringer officers bitter towards the other divisions. The only two divisions the Peacebringers get along well with are the Eyes of the Goddess and Steel Bulwark. The Eyes work in the background to support Peacebringer efforts while the Steel Bulwark wards off invasions. As said earlier, however, relations between the Bulwark and Peacebringers are not mutual.
The colors of the Peacebringers comes from the depiction of the color blue within Korvar culture. Blue, synonymous with water, is calm unless it is agitated, a fitting way to describe many Peacebringer operatives. Teal refers to the same thing.
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Ilsarohs Syrelia[edit | edit source]
Commander Syrelia is one of the newer commanders in the army, only earning the rank three years ago. Syrelia's combat experiences comes from her time on the Zorock battlefront, one of the more violent and destructive fronts before the Great War began. As such, her strategies tend to focus on countering highly mobile forces, which ultimately led to her promotion. Syrelia holds respect for the Zorock, as shown by her helmet, which was made in the style of Zorock Gartok soldiers. She had the helmet designed after a squad of Gartok nearly killed her during her time as a Field Commander.
Though capable on the battlefield, she has much to learn in the ways of commanding troops. Syrelia has known to be extremely confident about her abilities and her forces, sometimes being overconfident. This has led to her sometimes overextending her forces and getting them into unnecessary and dangerous situations. Her overseers tend to pair Syrelia with another commander to make up for the current weaknesses in her ability. Despite her flaws she has still managed to attain many victories under her belt. Her experienced with highly mobile and guerrilla forces has led to her deployment on the Betel front.
EX-MI Vahlsrod Combat Exoskeleton[edit | edit source]
The Experimental-Model I Vahlsrod Exoskeleton is a battlesuit produced by a fairly small corporation that seeks to compete against the company responsible for producing the Xekelyin Battlesuit and it decades-long control of the battlesuit market. It was built from the ground up using a brand new chassis that burrows some of its architecture and systems from reverse-engineered Zorock battlesuits. This chassis, compared to its competition, is considerably slimmer and lighter, granting it a faster running speed and improved agility. Also unlike the Xekelyin, where the user's head is vulnerable to gunfire, the Vahlsrod encases the user and utilizes numerous sensors dotted around the exosuit to see. The Vahlsrod also has a more advanced shield generator mounted within its back, though this is only an advantage against older models as newer Xekelyin suits feature the same shielding.
As it currently stands, the Vahlsrod falls short in terms its weapon arsenal. While it can use many of the same weapons as the Xekelyin utilizes with few modifications, a small selection of weapons are currently too large or bulky to fit on the Exosuit's thin frame. The shape of its shoulders alongside the increased plating also means that weapons cannot be mounted there, reducing the versatility the suit is capable of.
Regardless of the currently reduced arsenal, the Vahlsrod is in many ways a direct upgrade over the Xekelyin and has proven highly popular with most of high command. A large number of the suits have been produced and sent out to all divisions for extended testing so engineers can gather data and improve the suit before it enters full production. Many predict that the suit may eventually replace the Xekelyin, at least in most large-scale military operations. The designers of the Xekelyin Battlesuit have attempted to purchase the creators and take control of the battlesuit's patent, but they have been unsuccessful, the designers wishing to retain their control.
Oovros Heavy Laser Tank[edit | edit source]
The Oovros is an experimental vehicle that, unlike many other vehicles which utilize ballistic weaponry, wields a heavy laser cannon. The laser is capable of firing either in a single, concentrated blast of energy or in a beam of energy for several seconds. The beam itself is very powerful, able to easily cut through enemy armor and shielding like butter. The extremely long range of the laser turret allows it to fire from a very far distance,safe from most enemy fire. If enemies do close in however, it can fire on them, but the fire rate would be slow, leaving most of the defensive work up to nearby troops. The Oovros was designed for "sniping" specific enemy units as well as serving an anti-orbital role by attacking enemy vessels in their vital spots, such as engines and weapons. To maximize effectiveness the Oovros is normally deployed in squadrons that are scattered around the battlefield, allowing for a large field of vision.
So far the Oovros has proved to be a reliable unit on the battlefield, and is expected to leave the experimental phase soon to enter full production for standard use. However, it does have problems that need to be fixed before entering full production. The turret overheats fairly frequently and it takes several seconds to cool down depending on how long it was in use. The energy core used for charging the weapon is also somewhat unstable, making it possible, though uncommon, for the core to catastrophically explode if it is too damaged. Because of these flaws the Oovros is kept in the hands of only experienced generals, namely Varo Arvintis.