Timeline of the Great War (Branding)

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Telkevan-Nepharian Cold War, Collection Conflict

Timeline of the Great War (Branding)


Kentarus Sector, Tomastahl Sector




Peacekeeper Alliance

Warlord Pact


Main Peacekeeper Leaders

Main Warlord Leaders


For all events confirmed for canon. Go to Timeline of the Great War for the sandbox page.

Pre-War[edit | edit source]

Please note: The events of the prelude are dispersed across different periods of time; the main intent of this section is to show important events that influenced the conflict in some way or another.

  • Margan exterminate the Pale Mace Dynasty for committing the heretical act of enslaving aliens who had come to worship the Margan as gods.
  • King Moscassin of the Zaretian Monarchy, who had banned slavery and substantially downsized the Monarchy's military, is overthrown by General Breys, who crowns himself king. Breys reinstates slavery and rebuilds the military as be plans to expand the monarchy. Though a ruthless ruler, his reforms are successful in revitalizing the economy, which had languished under his predecessor's rule.
  • Infestation of Rotunin. Multiple organizations dedicated to combating the Xenochytrid organize into the ACTF.
  • After years of bloodshed following the usurpation of the Ulthubag Clan, the Barrakru Kaat are united under the socially and technologically progressive Tazorag clan and its allies, who strive to modernize the clans and prepare them for the galaxy.
  • Telkevan-Nephani Cold War The Telkevan Union and Holy Nephani Mandate begin feuding over portions of the Tomastahl Sector, with both sides vying for influence over local governments and for ownerhip of ancient relics.
  • The TmC complete the integration of the Aumpnuuk into the empire after many years of negotiations following the Deserikth Wars.
  • Tensions rise between the Karahotdoum and the IAE over economic & territorial disputes. Troops are mobilized, but neither side is willing to strike.
  • Telkevan-Nuveria tensions
  • Sauran liberate Zaretian slave colony, sparking war between the two powers.

Year 1[edit | edit source]

  • The Margan, realizing the military strength of the Kentaurs Sector, reach out to the Zaretian Monarchy to form an alliance against mutual enemies.
  • Raid on Zartar. Acting behind his generals, Rach Emperor Coradine sends assassins to Zartar supposedly to eliminate King Breys and High Priestess Massachiah during their meeting. The raid ends in disaster, with all Rach troops killed or captured and the Margan and Zaretians founding the Warlord Pact. The Great War officially begins.
  • Peacekeeper Alliance is founded by the Rach to defeat the Warlord Pact and to protect nations who could not defend themselves.
  • The Peacekeepers are forced on the defensive, with the Rach suffering several catastrophic defeats at the hands of the combined Margan-Zaretian force.
  • Raid on Station SRD72. Rach forces under the command of General Gorach and Ops Lead Kertak infiltrate a secret Vechtramil facility, stealing valuable military intelligence and discovering that a traitor had revealed the location of the gravity displacement generators protecting Norsus.

Year 2[edit | edit source]

  • Battle of Zetta Secundus. Peacekeepers achieve their first major victory when Nuverian forces deal a devastating blow to the Zaretian navy, causing Pact forces to withdraw to avoid overextending themselves.
  • The Telkevan Union, intent on curbing the growing threat posed by the Alliance to Union interests, votes 6-2 to join the Warlord Pact and launch attacks against the Nuveria.
  • Telkevon forces help the Pact regain the initiative. Siege of Zetta Secundus I begins anew with the addition of Telkevon forces.
  • Olzelion Incident. A solar storm impacts the research colony of Olzelion, driving the local Xenochytrid hives into a frenzy. The AXTF are called in and successfully contain the hives before any significant damage is dealt. The Xenochytrid regress to a docile state once the solar storm ends.
  • First Battle of Aserai. The Zaretian Admiralty test their new naval doctrine by attacking the Doramis homeworld of Aserai, dealing significant damage to the Doramis fleet and to the planet itself. Nuverian forces intervene, but are forced to withdraw before additional reinforcements finally drive the Monarchy away. The admiralty considers the operation a success.

Year 3[edit | edit source]

  • The Vikkurl joins the Pact to acquire land and resources. They work closely with Zaretian forces, who collaborate with the Vikkurl on new technology.

Year 4[edit | edit source]

  • Incident at Dralix. Contact is lost with the Doramis Xenochytrid-research colony of Dralix. Scouts discover that the local hives had overwhelmed the colony. The Doramis continue to study the hives rather than purging the infestation.
  • Operation Stormbreaker begins. The Empire of Diablos joins the Peacekeepers following a meeting with Alliance diplomats. Three months later, the Peacekeepers launch a massive combined offensive that sees the Pact retreat on all fronts. The Margan stay behind to hold off the Peacekeepers and buy their allies time.
  • The Sauran wing of Stormbreaker encounters the Asanian Syndicate and attempt to repel them from a planet the Syndicate was strip-mining. The Sauran are nearly repelled until the arrival of Diab and Kastalian reinforcements turns the tide.

Year 5[edit | edit source]

  • Stormbreaker winds down as mounting casualties and overextended supply lines cripple Alliance forces. Most Peacekeeper forces retreat to defensive positions as the Pact reclaims much of the territory lost during the offensive.
  • 1st Battle of Norsus. Coradine disables last Norsus sensor scrambler and flees. Gorach crowns himself emperor. Rach withdraw to Void with Margan Holy Dynasty in pursuit.

Year 6[edit | edit source]

Year 7[edit | edit source]

  • Asanians launch attacks against Delani with the goal of acquiring resources for W.E.R.M.

Year 8[edit | edit source]

  • First Battle of Norsus
  • Karahotdoum intervene militarily, open fronts against IAE & Zaretians.
  • Battle of Tikka (Asanian/Delani)
  • Archon Chora convince Asanians, who are being dog-piled by the Peacekeepers, to join Pact

Year 9[edit | edit source]

Year 10[edit | edit source]

Year 11[edit | edit source]

Year 12[edit | edit source]

Year 13[edit | edit source]

Year 14[edit | edit source]

Year 15[edit | edit source]

Year 16[edit | edit source]

Year 17[edit | edit source]

  • Rift Incident (Tomastahl)
  • Operation Dawnhammer (Tomastahl)

Year 18[edit | edit source]

Year 19[edit | edit source]

Year 20[edit | edit source]

Year 21[edit | edit source]

Year 22[edit | edit source]

Year 23[edit | edit source]

Year 24[edit | edit source]

Year 25[edit | edit source]

Year 26[edit | edit source]

Year 27[edit | edit source]