Science Directive
Overview[edit | edit source]
The Science Directive, or simply "The Directive", is the largest groups of scientists working alongside each other within The Remusian Republic. The Directive is overseen by the Technocratic Council, which supervise and approve all projects in the Directive. In some form or another, the Directive has existed since the founding of Remusian civilization, though not nearly in the capacity it is now. The Directive has received different restructures according to the Codex Act and the Grand Fleet Initiative.
The Remusians have a history imbedded in progress, fueled by their competitive nature for technological progress. As a result their knowledge of scientific phenomenon has come to them quickly over years of dedication. The earliest signs of the Directive date as far back as the Royal Council Armistice Agreement in 1854 BC (Tentative, Before Calamity). While younger than some advanced races, the Directive have acquired and created tech that may have taken other empires significantly longer to produce.
The Remusian All-Or-Nothing research policy remains a staple of Directive policies. In addition, commercial, economic and directive sectors observe and practice the Remusian philosophy, "Progress; with a price".
Directive Application Process[edit | edit source]
After completing a rigorous education, prospective Directive applicants must apply and undertake the Empire Scientific Assessment, know universally as the ESA. This exam is given to test knowledge of theory and ethical procedures, as well as the ability to collaborate on projects. Participation in the ESA is guaranteed should a Remusian fully complete the fifteen year education provided by the Republic Education Ministry. Generally speaking, admission into the Directive is restricted to Remusians, but other races may challenge the ESA should they feel competent enough.
The ESA is composed of several components:
- Application of theory from every conceivable field of science.
- A laboratory practicality section, combines the use of theory, procedures and ethics.
- Another, shorter, laboratory section, focusing on collaborative work between competitors.
- Construct a unique study to investigate an area of interest; typically what participants choose specialize in their education.
Remusians outside of the Directive participate in the ESA by celebrating another generation of scientists being brought in. Many find time in their days to view the competition on a broadcast network, and often set aside time to participate in the ceremonies and watch parties. Due to its popularity, several large conglomerates have negotiated deals with the Directive to set up a live viewing. The ESA takes place on planets across the empire to facilitate all of its applicants. After the assessment, the council will take about a month to compile and evaluate the results. From there, only the top five percent will be inducted into the Science Directive, and all other members will be directed or suggested to pursue other careers in the workforce.
Governance[edit | edit source]
The Technocratic Council[edit | edit source]
The Technocratic Council is a smaller subsection of the Royal Council that leads The Science Directive. This council is led by Chief Scientist Neth Castorkoff, who founded the the council after the events of Project Kronos. The council is composed of Directors of the varying departments of the Science Directive. Members of the council meet at least once every two-to-three days to discuss current projects and any pending submissions. The Council congregates for these meetings aboard the DGRW Cluster One.
These routine meetings often involve the deliberation of Ideas and experiments submitted by members of the council, or others indiviudlas among Science Directive. If ideas are rejected, they are sent back to be revised or scrapped altogether. Accepted ideas must be also be approved by the Royal Council.
In addition to representing the best interests of the Science Directive, the Technocratic Council is also responsible for either accepting or rejecting Remusians into the Science Directive. This is accomplished through an Empire Scientific Assessment, referred to most as the "ESA". This assessment typically lasts an entire week, and is a very big deal to many members of the Republic.
Current Members[edit | edit source]
Neth Castorkoff
Neth Castorkoff is a former loyalist scientist, and fought alongside Vithem during the Calamity Wars. He was assigned the role of leader of the Science Directive shortly after the Aisumer Act. Now Neth leads the Technocratic Council in overseeing the Directive. Neth is one of the oldest living Remusians, living through the Calamity, the Kusheen Conflict and the first Collection Conflict. He is one of the few Directive members who possess an A6 Directive access level.
Doctor Bishun Barreté
Doctor Bishun Barreté, known to most as as Dr. B.B., is the Director of the Interstellar Engineering Department (IED) and serves as its representative on the Royal and Technocratic Councils. He has supervised Experiment S043, which led to the loss of several important Directive personnel. However, he and his staff maintain to other members of the council they do not recall that portion of the experiment, and awoke to find their lab an utter disaster and these members missing.
He has also been involved in other Directive projects, notably Project Contigo and the Overwatch Program. He is currently supervising Project Archway and travel though The Rift.
Doctor Bem Markflay
Doctor Bem Markflay is the Director of the Military Engineering Division (MED), and represents the division on the Royal Council. Markflay led Project Daybreak and currently oversees Project Nightfall. The massive success of the project immensely helped the Grand Army retake and defend planets, greatly improving the Republic's position in the conflict. Markflay started Project Nightfall as an extension of Project Daybreak, but it has currently been put on hold.
Markflay currently supervises Project Impact, an experimental collaboration with the Peacekeeper faction where the Directive creates technology specific for empires among the the Peacekeepers. Markflay also coordinates the Directive task forces in the Great war through the Field-Experiment Intiative, to assist the Peacekeepers in their endeavors as well as creating opportunities for the Directive to test their own devices.
Doctor Cruezahn Goerh
Doctor Cruzahn Goerh is the Director of the Interstellar Warsat & Intelligence Networking Division (I.W.I.N), and represents the division on the Royal and Technocratic Council. Formally a member of the IED, he is no longer completely affiliated with the Directive. Goerh acts as a liaison between IWIN, the Central Datanet, and the Grand Army Co-Directors, Arthro Leteb & Ideak McVoll. Together, they coordinate the positioning and spread of the vast war satellite network that is spread across Remusian space. The network is integrated with the Central Datanet in order to protect and monitor Remusian space, while also predict any future attacks before they can happen. When not occupied with his liaison duties, Goerh is often working with his division on improving the war satellite unit and general defenses for the Republic.
Doctor Prisma Margel
Doctor Prisma Margel is the director of the Combat and personal A.I. Division (CPAI), and holds a seat on the Royal and Technocratic Councils. Margel and the CPAI division primarily code and develop every single instance of AI the Republic uses, and frequently works with outside companies to create specific AIs. Margel was one of the fundamental minds behind the coding and development of The Overwatch Program and the creation of the Central Datanet, and as a result also works closely with IWIND. Margel also works with the IED to develop AIs built for Naval combat, and more recently with MED to assist in the piloting of large mechas and some battlesuits.
Doctor Cheesh Parker
Doctor Cheesh Parker is the Director of the Directed Energy Division (DED) and holds a seat on the Royal and Technocratic Councils. Parker and his division primarily look after the production and development of technology, weapons, devices and practical equipment in relation to lasers, plasma, electromagnetism, radiation and particle beams. Reverse engineering of the specified technology is also handled by his department as well. The DED do not actually produce any conventional arms, but rather work out the logistics of them, to which they are passed off to the Firearms and Ballistics Division. Parker supervises the building of the Interstellar Ion Cannons(IIC), of which he personally contributed to during the Collection Conflict. Parker frequently collaborates with other divisions, as well as the Grand Army in the development of the Republic's supplied weaponry for other Directive projects.
Doctor Rapel Kraven
Doctor Rapel Kraven is the Director of the Electrical Energy Division (EED) and holds a seat on the Royal and Technocratic Councils. The EED are primarily responsible for maintaining and developing the Republic's power generation between systems, and developing more effective means of doing so. A collaboration between MED and EED resulted in the creation The Neutronium-Solarium Core(NSC), which in theory is a self-sustaining power source. As of right now, the Core remains used only with the Interro Platoon and its Trailblazer class battlesuits.
Doctor Ventures Sampson
Doctor Ventures Sampson is the Director of the Firearms and Ballistics Division (FBD) and holds a seat of the Royal and Technocratic Councils. The FBD handles the production of practical and military ballistic equipment, including the production of neutronium plating, as well as the numerous firearms used by the Grand Army. The FDB is unique in that is has certain sectors or "Combines" within it that create weapons with a style or flair unique to that brand. Often these combines receive prints from other divisions depending on what connections they have. For the most part they tend to focus on plasma and laser weaponry, but general projectile weapons are also still common. Conventional railguns have begun to emerge from several companies, however they are such a size that requires 1-2 individuals to operate, and work with varying degrees of success. The production of more conventional small arms has not completely halted however, but it is much less prioritized.
Doctor Mjol Mantel
Doctor Mjol Mantel is the Director of the of the Biological & Health Development Division(BHDD) and holds a seat on the Royal Council. The BHDD primarily focus on improving and helping the overall Remusian population, improving their way of life and overall health and resistance to pathogens. While genetic alteration has been brought up on numerous occasions, it has currently been put on hold for further discussion. Mjol is currently supervising the Genetic Compilation Program and Project Recode.
Clearance levels[edit | edit source]
The Directive is extremely particular with admissions into the Directive. As such, designations exist that allow certain personnel access installations and in turn their associated personnel and projects.
Access Level One [A1]
Access level one is given to any and all members currently part of the Directive. They are generally assistants and are unable to propose new projects. A1 is considered by most of society to be the probationary period of a Directive members career, and consists mostly of bureaucratic work that other members cannot be bothered to do. They are restricted to working on A1/A2 projects unless given approval to work on an A3 projects. An A1 designation on a project indicates it is a very mundane proceeding, generally a statistical analysis or a re-test of reliability and consistency.
Access Level Two [A2]
After a period of 1-2 yeas, A1 members will be promoted to access level two. At this point they are able to submit ideas which might be used for future projects, but are unable to lead and direct their own projects. A2 members will find themselves working in similar positions to an A1, but they will be more active in the proceedings of research and development. A2 designated projects are similar to A1 projects, but pose just a slightly higher amount of risk than that of an A1.
Access level Three [A3]
Should A2 members prove themselves as capable members of the research force, they will receive a promotion to access level three. At this level, members are able to propose and run their own projects within the Directive, and are permitted aboard some lower level research installations. However, A3 members may find it difficult to find approval for their projects given their lack of experience, and many encounter a halt in productivity. Even so, those that do find approval run into problems and research confounds, but must utilize their failures to make them successful in the future. A3 designated projects are typically peer led by a group of A3 researchers. Many A3 members attempt prove themselves with bold projects in order to be invited aboard the DGRW Cluster One, but are often rejected and forced to revaluate their plans again to be much simpler
Access Level Four [A4]
Access level four is awarded once members successfully complete 5-10 projects, depending on the results gathered from them. A4 members are invited to live aboard A4 class stations, but are restricted to A4 projects and lower. A4 members are more likely to receive approval for their project, due to their previous experience. A4 projects are generally of moderate risk depending on the Division they are assigned to, and is why they must be conducted on a station.
Access Level Five [A5]
Access level 5 is reserved for Division leaders who double as members of the Technocratic Council, and some personnel selected for A5 projects. These members have jurisdiction over their assigned installations and their associated projects. Division leaders also decide who boards and leaves the station. Special permission must be granted to A4 members and higher by the Technocratic Council to exit the station. Many A5 members are required to live on the station in order to maintain secrecy of more elaborate projects. In many cases, the contents of the experiments are quite dangerous, volatile, and intended to be top secret.
Access Level Six [A6]
Very few members exist with access level six. The only members with this designation are Vechtho Templesmith, his father and previous monarch Vithem Templesmith, and Neth Castorkoff, leader of the Technocratic council. They, at any time, are able to cancel ongoing project or exert significant influence over them.
Divisions[edit | edit source]
Within the Directive several specialized divisions exist, each with their own different sects of research. Generally speaking, the longer you participate in an area, the more likely your clearance level will be raised and allowed access to more secretive projects of that division. . Students select their desired field to pursue in their final years of education, and often use the ESA to exemplify what they want to pursue in that field.
Interstellar Engineering Division[edit | edit source]
The Interstellar Engineering Division (I.E.D.) focuses on improving the Hyperlane travel and exploration, as well as advancing naval blueprints, rocketry and circuitry technologies. They are also responsible with deciphering and determining exactly what hyperspace is, and what beings lie within that space. Experiment S043 has been the most successful attempt so far, but at the cost of a life. The department is led by Doctor Bishun Barreté, referred to as Dr. BB by his colleagues. Further developments have in Projects Contigo and Archway have provided valuable insights.
Project Intervention[edit | edit source]
Project Intervention was an internal and secretive project within the IED. A clearance level of A5 was required, a classification which only a handful of Remusians possess, and even fewer after the events of Experiment-S043. The goal of Project Intervention was to explore the possibilities of creating artificial hyperlanes using a gate system. In theory, these gates could open up two points in open hyperspace temporarily, allowing for a vessel to traverse through the gate effortlessly. This would not only allow for quick and efficient passage between locations, but the creation of new, more direct hyperlanes.
Experiment S043
Experiment S043 was the first official testing of an artificial gate opened in hyperspace. Royal Corps Operative Sargent Major Tellaris Overte Mollkoff participated in the experiment under the supervision of Doctor Bishsun Barrete, the head of the Interstellar Engineering division. The events that took place are referred to as the "Intervention Incident". Following the incident, all technicians and participants appear to have no memory of the experiment, but a personal log of Dr. Barrete's is kept on file within the division's internals. Below is a transcription of the described incident.
Log Δ-198 |
Dr. B.B: This is personal log designation Delta-198. I, Doctor Bishun Barreté, am about to proceed with Experiment-S043 of Project Intervention. This log is not to be shared with anyone clearance level A4 or lower, unless it is otherwise stated or materials are deemed declassified. A5 members and above are only permitted to view the documents of this experiment.
-Short pause- Hopefully going forward, this is the first of many tests where we are creating artificial hyperlanes to use to the Republic's advantage. Entering the open void of hyperspace on our behalf is Operative Sargent Major Tellaris Overte Mollkoff, volunteering from the Royal Corps. He will be tethered to a retractable crane located within the laboratory in case an emergency removal is required. He is outfitted with a state of the art battlesuit, modified to read for any spatial and temporal readings while he is travelling between the two gates. Shortly, we will activate the two gates and he will step into the entry point. -A shuffling of papers can be heard, as the camera is faced to the two gates, with Major Tellaris in view.- Dr. B.B.: Activating the Gates now. [The camera shakes, and the whir of machinery can be heard faintly] Dr. B.B.: Major, whenever you are ready. Tellaris: Alright control, stepping into the entry point now. Dr. B.B.: Major, do you copy? What can you see? Tellaris: I copy over. All I can see is a great deal of white light, as well as a slight mist. I can distantly see the exit point. Dr. B.B.: Very Good Major, approach the exit point--- -The room shakes as energy emits from the gates, almost like a localized earthquake- Dr. B.B.: Major, do you copy? We're getting some pretty amazing telemetry here from your suit, this is nothing we've ever seen before! What's going on in there? There is only static Dr. B.B.: Major, do you read me? Over? -Only static, and disappointed voices can be heard in the background- Tellaris: Mission control, do you copy? Dr. B.B.: Yes Major, we read you! What's going on? Tellaris: I'm not sure, but I'm certainly not alone in here. The mist has thickened and I cant see anything but.... Dr. BB: But what, Major? The energy surge returns, this time stronger. Electronics dim. Intense static is heard over the relays Tellaris: There are others -static- here, and they -static- me something-static--- Dr. B.B.: Major! Proceed to the exit point, I repeat, proceed to the exit point! Loud static continues, and no response- The tether line begins to pull into the entry point. Energy begins rupturing from the gates Dr. B.B.: Major! What are you doing, stay on course! Engage the tether, bring him home!. The tether engages, only to break almost immediately Tellaris: I'm feeling very static still.... and I think they know which way to go. static They are showing me things static. I static see blue creatures engaged in an endless turmoil with static purple creatures bearing crystals for weapons. I see the Monarchy, the Calamity, I see the lab. What is this place? As the Major's final words seem to reverberate within in the laboratory, the camera continues to shake. Intense static and undiscernible noises can be heard from the Major's line. Screams are heard in the lab as energy readings spike, causing the gates to explode, ending the footage. |
Telemetry from the Major's suit obtained during Experiment-S043 was unlike any that had been seen before. Some of it was lost in the energy surge, but a good portion of it survived. Dr. Barreté remembers very little of the incident, but expresses his concern over the loss of the Major. The outcomes of the experiment have halted further attention to Project Intervention. Further risks and implications are currently under review by the Technocratic council. The risks of coming into contact with whatever Denizens lie within hyperspace are a new factor that must be considered, and furthermore if they are capable of escaping hyperspace. The fate of the Major is unknown, but some reports indicate that he can be heard while travelling through hyperspace, calling out to others. Whether this is true or not remains a mystery.
Addendum 1A: Project Contigo |
With Project Intervention put on hold, the Technocratic Council has tentatively approved Project Contigo. The goal is to better understand hyperspace and its inhabitants before further exploration of the dimension can be allowed to happen. A more stable prototype hyperlane gates was been constructed, and rather than Remusians being used in the process, autonomous and remotely piloted drones are to be used to further explore the area. The information gathered from The Intervention Incident has been studied intensively and several assumptions regarding hyperspace have been made. The inhabitants of hyperspace, referred to as The Denizens are composed of some kind of unknown energy, but they also appear to possess their own ships and weaponry currently beyond the Directive's understanding.
There was been little success in travelling between the two gates, as it appears that since the Intervention Incident, The Denizens of Hyperspace have taken an interest in harassing anything that enters hyperspace through any artificial gate. Attempts to communicate with the Denizens have been unsuccessful. On most occasions drones that enter hyperspace freely are destroyed. Only on one or two occasions, drones that have evaded capture or destruction and returned to realspace. However, the presence of The Denizens has given rise to a reluctance to use these artificial gate for study or a later practical use. The gates are small enough and open for only a short time to prevent any of them from breaching containment in hyperspace. As of this log, no attempts by the Denizens have been made to escape, but some members argue that extensive use and larger gates could potentially let unwanted visitors into their deployed locations. To remedy this, a prototype gate was developed which incorporated the jump function of the Hyperlane Portal drive, and early tests have shown that they are capable of avoiding the Denizens altogether. Despite these concerns, there is still substantial interest among members to further explore the free floating area of hyperspace, even so much so as to construct a portal large enough for an naval fleet to enter it, and perhaps so far as to maintaining a constant presence within it. |
Addendum 1B: Project Archway |
In light of the successful findings of Project Contigo, further contrustion and testing of artificial hyperlanes, has been approved. The Construction of the NADFOR Research Installation, designed specifically for this, began shortly after this. The Goal is to transport a small corvette from one gateway to the other. This project is supervised by Dr. Barreté and the IED. |
Addendum 1C: The Rift Incident |
While the public may label this as a possible failure, Dr. Barreté went on record to say that this was a happy accident. Several malfunctions at the NADFOR Installations caused a seperate Hyperlane to open, leading to another area of space inhabited by the Telkevan Union. While it is not currently understood how this occurred, Director Neth Castorkoff has commentated that it bears similarities to the hyperlane created by the first rendition of the HPD. The hyperlane has been stabilized for the time being while nation negotiations between the republic and The Union take place. |
Addendum 1D: The Lamas Dilemma |
The Discovery of the Denizens sparked the inspiration of Dr. Lamas Logist, a prominent Ex-IED scientist and Xeno-logist. While no longer associated with the Directive, He continued his research on hyperspace on his hidden installation in the Mid-Sector, which eventually led to his disappearance. Logist held a special interest in Space Fauna, particularly the Anomalous Entities around the galaxy. Many were quick to bridge the similarities of the Denizens and the Entities, The observations generally reported the Entities seemed to either be primitive dimensional ancestors to the Denizens, or just similar in evolution. Their intangibility makes it incredibly hard to study them. Footage from the installation revealed that Dr. Logist somehow contained an Enitity, and built a functioning hyperspace gate which he opened. Furthermore he somehow coerced one of the Denizens to remain outside the Gate. The footage shows the two entities somehow interacting with each other, apparently through some form of energy discharge. After some time, the Denizen attempted to cross the gate, causing a massive energy and electrical discharge. The recovered footage stops at this point. This discharge alerted the Directive to the location of the Installation, but upon arrival, all three of the subjects in question were missing. The hyperlane gate was obliterated, in fact, there was no evidence the gate was there at all. The same went for the Entity and Dr. Logist. Logist's plans and blueprints for the installation were scattered across the installation, and most of his equipment was still functional, so the Directive Moved itself in with the intent to occupy and use the installation for themselves.
Several Weeks after the Incident, many of the recovered blueprints that were stored in the installation, and those brought to other installations, went missing. Furthermore, much of the machinery on Logist's installation ceased to function, and could not be worked on without damaging them further. During each of these incidents,, and shortly thereafter, energy levels similar to those of the Denizens can be observed. While the true cause of these levels, and the disappearances and accidents related to Logist's work in unknown, some theorists argue that Logist himself has somehow manifested between worlds, and is intentionally working against the Directive in order to preserve his research. |
Military Engineering Division[edit | edit source]
The Military Engineering Division (M.E.D.) is responsible for the development, building and deployment of robotics, battle suits and mechas for commercial and military use. M.E.D. also participated in Project Daybreak, and currently the ongoing Project Nightfall. The M.E.D. is led by Doctor Bem Markflay.
Project Daybreak[edit | edit source]
Project Daybreak was a research project carried out by the MED during the Collection conflict. The main focus was the development and deployment of battlesuits and piloted mechas in commercial, but primarily military settings. The Project began shortly after the enactment of the Grand Fleet Initiative. The first prototypes would not see official use until a couple years into the conflict.
Project Daybreak saw various phases of development in the initial two years. The first stages came in the form of exo-suits, which directly connected into the users nervous system. Powered by a small fusion battery, exo-suits greatly enhanced the users strength and speed exponentially, allowing its users to perform actions the body simply could not handle on its own. The connection to the nervous system allows for synchronized movement between the user and the suit, simulating an extension of the self. However, early exo-suits were unable to be removed from their user without the loss of a portion of nervous system's functionality, which ultimately resulted in them being scrapped for production until later refinement.
Using the information gathered from the exo-suits, the MED approached the project again, this time looking for a more compressed and streamlined system to use for deployment. The results would be the creation of battlesuits, which had all the benefits of the exo-suit, and additional features and functionality. The main innovation that came with the battlesuits were the detachable neural implant. The implant is installed at the base of the neck, and attaches directly to a similar port inside the suit. The link between the suit and the user can be disconnected through three ways. Users can give a voice command, use the wrist mounted computer to manually override it, or should either of those options cease to function, than the suit can be hooked into a Central Datanet port to override the suit. After refinement of the battlesuits, they were deployed on the field, and proved to be vital additions to the conflict.
The project continued, focus shifted towards piloted mechas. Early tests showed that even with a neural link similar, the pilot could not handle complete control over such a large craft. To assist the pilot, mechas were equipped with an onboard artificial intelligence that would help facilitate general movement of the suit, while also interpreting more advanced commands from the pilot through the neural link. Even with the onboard AI, long periods of piloting a mech can be mentally exhaustive for a pilot, and as such there are only one to two hundred pilots enlisted in a platoon.
Products of Project Daybreak[edit | edit source]
Exo-Suits[edit | edit source]
Exo-suits were designed with the idea to enhance physical performance without sacrificing movement and speed. Most of the early models would integrate and interface with the nervous system along the spinal cord. These models would attach right onto the spine and ended up being permanent. The successors would attach via an implant along the spine, but the Exo-suits users would suffer nervous system damage if they desired to remove the suit Exo-suits saw obsolescence with the creation of battle suits, which were essentially an exo-suit with more armor and further customization. Despite this, exo-suits are used in the workplace to help perform many tasks across various industries.
Battle Suits[edit | edit source]
Battlesuits feature a functional holographic HUD system inside its helmet, where orders are virtually passed down and be highlighted within this interface to assist troops in various locations. Additionally, a small, wrist mounted super-computer is integrated into the suit, allowing for user and platoon customizations. Additional user enhancements, such as adrenal shots or medical items, can be injected from inside the suit via a voice command or manual selection from the minicomputer. Previous Exo-suit served as a frame for the armor to which armor and weapons are mounted to. The Armor itself is usually built from harnessed Neutronium and provides excellent protection for its users. Additional shielding is present in some heavy models. The main benefit of a battlesuit over the Exo-suits is the detachable neural implant, which can be disconnected through voice or manual command, as well as interfacing with a Central Datanet port. Though initially unaccepted by the Remusian populace, the Neural implant has become an imperative part of the modern battlesuits.
Regardless of rank, every soldier is outfitted with a battlesuit. As ranks are progressed, the types of battlesuits available to the soldier increases.
Built into every mecha are battlesuits for pilots to use in the event they are required to evacuate a crumbling mecha, more commonly referred by pilots as E-Suits. They are designed to assist the pilot in either escaping enemy lines if they are pushing them, or engage the enemy in combat. Due to their abundance, lighter class mechas contain e-suits that are more suited for engaging after escape. Pilots are able to support each other as more mechas go down. Heavier-class mechas tend to be more lightly armed and focus on stealth to allow the pilot to retreat safety from a lead position.
Aside from the differences between mechas and the limited amount of mecha pilots, E-suits are typically different from pilot to pilot depending on what role they fill and their fighting style. An aggressive pilot may opt to swap stealth generators out for weaponry more akin to a standard battlesuit, or alternatively swap out their weapons for more stealth capabilities to retreat safety or infiltrate enemy lines further.
Mechas[edit | edit source]
Large battlesuits referred to as Mechas came shortly after the completion of battlesuit development. However, they are immensely difficult to pilot and require a substantial amount of training and mental skill to operate correctly. Pilots operate their mecha using a neural link which feeds into an on board AI that translates nervous system processes and interprets them as basic movements for the mecha. The pilots themselves are more focused on advanced maneuvers and engaging targets from within the cockpit. Military artists are often sought out for these roles due to their enhanced control of their mental faculties and overall discipline, making them a valuable asset in almost any role in the Grand Army.
Live information is presented to the pilot in a panoramic display which receives input from variety of camera feeds on the chassis of the Mecha. While Pilots cannot see each input at once, the onboard AI is capable of overlaying these screens with each other when a threat is predicted. Communication instruments are generally found in the cockpit, and cannot function without them.
Most mechas average at 15 to 20 meters in height. Each mecha is outfitted with an emergency battlesuit, referred to as an E-Suit, that can be ejected along with the pilot so they have a means to defend themselves. Quite often, these suits are equipped with stealth tech to allow the retreat of their pilots. Pilots are typically from 100-200 in each platoon.
MKIV Zephyr
The Zephyr Mecha was the first deployed mecha during the Collection Conflict, and has since undergone several revisions, and is now most commonly used mecha in the Grand Army. The Zephyr was initially outfitted with a smaller neutronium core, but the power consumption of the Zephyr wasv too high and often resulted in emergency shutdown. The Core has since been stabilized which allows for a greater power output without greatly increasing the size of the core. The cockpit is located not within the obvious head mount, but rather behind several layers of dense neutronium within the torso plating, housing the pilot and the E-Suit. The torso also sports a large shield generator, capable of protecting itself and smaller in-range units.
The head mount serves as a diversion as well as an advanced set of communication and sensors for the pilot. While capable of functioning without it, the Zephyr can be significantly hindered by the loss of its head mount for longer range combat. Having been the first mecha to see battle in history, early models were built to move quickly around the battlefield across a variety of terrain being built with durable shock absorbers and neutronium actuators. While slow in comparison to The Mk IV, predecessors were capable of handling well in foreign situations and environments, but has since only been improved upon.
The Zephyr is equipped with two large arm mounted canons. The left arm wields condensed particle accelerator similar in design to the interstellar Ion Cannon that fires a long-range cyclonic particle lance which is capable of slicing though a variety of materials, often used to destroy armored foes from long to medium range. The beam does require a charge time, and is ineffective at close range. The right arm possess much shorter range energy cannon capable of of vaporizing or severely damaging most know metals and alloys. The Cannon is equipped with several CQC melee weapons, including a short plasma bayonet(Energy in some cases, noted with designation MK IV-E) to assist in combat with smaller land craft or other mechas encountered. Both arms can disengage their long ranged weapons and adapt into a CQC combat state, but this does take some time to occur. Smaller, auto-turrets are located along the torso of the Zephyr to help with closer combat as well. While it is capable of getting itself off the ground, Air combat is difficult for the Zephyr when pit against other aircraft. Auto turrets are often no match for the the maneuverability of Naval craft.
Despite being very versatile, the Zephyr is prone to heavy artillery and heavily fortified positions due to its medium armor and energy shields. While in some cases the Zephyr is able to engage with its cyclonic beam, it cannot engage much beyond that, and often is unable to charge the beam and make an accurate shot without overexposing itself. In these instances the Peroni Mk III, or a more heavily fortified mecha fares better than the Zephyr.
Mk III Peroni
The Peroni Mecha was developed as a response to the reduced functionality of a Zephyr taking point in combat, and as such is built very differently. Powered by the same core as the Zephyr, the Peroni is built upon dense layers of CSN plating and possess several large shield generators on top of that. The range of the generators is limited to the Peroni, and relies on other devices or mechas to shield those behind it. The plating and shield are capable of withstanding heavy artillery fire, which has resulted in tactics dictating that several Peroni often taking point in a leading force, accompanied by Zephyrs to assist them. Behind the CSN plating lies the cockpit, which houses communication equipment, the pilot and an E-Suit. Due to the presence of several shield generators and plating, the E-suit functionality in the Peroni has been significantly reduced to house and support these devices. In this case the E-suit is designed purely for stealth and escape, armed with limited weaponry.
The Peroni is armed with two main armaments and several auxiliary systems, with two variants of the Mecha existing. The standard Mk III is equipped with a large autocannon that fires high-explosive incendiary rounds that can be incredibly devastating to most armored targets. The Mk III-G's right arm features a Tri-Gamma laser utilized for short-medium range combat. The left arm bears a similar design to the cyclonic beam of the Zephyr, but does not require as long of a charge time. Additional plasma cannons are mounted on the Peroni's shoulders that assist autocannons located on the torso for closer ranged infantry, which also provide very limited anti-air capabilities if necessary.
Despite the heavy plating located on the torso, the weakness of the Peroni lies in its legs which bear very little reinforcement. As mentioned, the Peroni is generally accompanied by Zephyrs and smaller units to help defend these weak areas. The Peroni does not have any capabilities aside from the Tri-Gamma Laser variant to defend itself in close range and can be vulnerable to other mechas in CQC if its accompanying squad does not deal with them.
Mech Frames[edit | edit source]
Designed to mimic the e-suit design of mechas on a larger scale, Mech frames envelop a mecha and add additional armaments and protection to the mech while sacrificing maneuverability. These mecha frames are capable of causing immense destruction that rival some Citadels and Battlestations, but require immense power inputs to function properly Underneath a mecha frame lies a mecha, again suited to each user, generally built for the user to engage in CQC to defend themselves or escape if facing an opponent with a maneuverability advantage. Due to their absurd cost to produce, only a handful exist and are limited to a select few users.
Project Nightfall[edit | edit source]
The deployment of the mechas marked the completion of Project Daybreak, but would incite the start of Project Nightfall. While still carried out by the MED, a much smaller team was instructed to complete the project. The focus of this project was to take the refined battlesuit and mecha models, and tailor them for the specific specialty of each platoon of the Grand Army. Each platoon makes use of an experimental technology specific to that platoon. This project is ongoing, as replicating specific suits constantly for each of the many platoons is very difficult. Platoons currently completed within the Project are the former Royal Platoon, the Current Royal Platoon, the Interro Platoon, the Frontier Platoon and the Wallcomb Platoon.
Neutronium-Solarium Core & the Trailblazer-Class Armaments[edit | edit source]
The Neutronium-Solarium Core is an experimental power core designed for usage in battlesuits and mechas as part of Project Nightfall. The NSC combines the effectiveness of the Crystal-stabilized Neutronium Core with the technology of a solar reactor, creating an almost self sustaining power source. However, the MED has yet to refine this technology into a stable source of energy to be used for the rest of the Republic. So far the core remains stable provided its limits are not breached, but it can be relatively easy to exceed these limits in an intense firefight. Even the slightest amount of damage is capable of destabilizing the core, resulting in malfunction.
The Trailblazer-class mecha and battlesuit are unique to the Interro Platoon and feature the Neutronium Solarium Core. The Trailblazer class suits reflect Sevna's aggressive battle style and taking point. The battle suits are lightly armored with CSN plating which are embedded with nanites that are capable of producing shields. The nanites shift around the suit are capable of redirecting their shields to a point of impact to enhance protection between each impact on the user's shielding system. However, the nanites only function through commands received from the neural link and thus do not always protect its users from threats from behind them. The suits are often outfitted with a focus on melee capabilities and run and gun tactics. Users tend to carry light laser rifles and plasma lances, with the option of carrying smaller throwables as well. The Battlesuit and Mecha variants are equipped w the Neutronium-Solarium Core(NSC). However, the NSC has shown to be very unstable and if even slightly damaged can result in imminent destruction of the suit, and if not ejected soon enough, the user as well. Some pilots even opt to have their NSC swapped out for a standard CSN power core in fear of causing vast amounts of damage to their platoon and themselves. The unstable nature of the NSC is the only thing holding it back from being introduced into more practical settings. Pilots are instructed to be careful with the NSC, and not to let the tech fall into the hands of other empires. The Directive is very protective over this particular advancement.
The platoon is always led by Sevna, who pilots the unique Trailblazer mecha. Similar to its battlesuit counterpart, the Trailblazer mecha is lightly armored with CSN plating and also outfitted with the NSC. Unlike other mechas, The Trailblazer acts as a complete extension of the self, and The immense power output of the NSC allows it to move quickly on the battlefield. The Trailblazer mecha to also be equipped with the same shield-generating nanite technology on a much larger scale. The Trailblazer wields a duel-bladed thermal energy lance and several smaller daggers and short sword if needed. Unlike its battlesuit counterparts, Autocannons line the back of the Trailblazer to protect it from threats the pilot cannot see, and sensors on the turrets alert the Pilot to incoming threats.
N5-Fortress and N6-Siege Adaptive Armors[edit | edit source]
The Adaptive Nano-Battlesuit N5-Fortress (ANB-N5F) and its functionalities were suited to match Vithem’s defensive tendencies. Vithem piloted a large Mecha that acted as large fortress, hence the classification. In an offensive setting, the Royal Platoon would clear out an area, and essentially set up a mobile base which the nanites of the mecha would change to create. Vithem would continue to defend the mobile fortress with an additional E-suit. It was more akin to a standard battlesuit, with only a small amount of nanites being present. The Fortress itself had its own armaments, and if the command was given, it could return to its original mecha form. The nanites interfaced with the Neural-Link Network and its onboard AI, to assist the nanites in creating defensive armaments for the user so they were still capable of carrying out fights and pushing forward. Unfortunately, the nanites capable of these processes are costly to produce and were limited to Vithem’s platoon. As a result did not see much use and was only brought out during the final years of the Collection Conflict.
Building on the technology utilized by the former Royal Platoon, Project Nightfall has yielded the new Royal Platoon with an improved model of the Adaptive Nano-Battlesuit, denoted with "R6-Siege"(ANB-R6S). The R6 model continues to make use of the Neural-Link Network and built in AI to communicate with the various self replicating nanites in order the form defenses such as shields, and unique to the R6, offensive weapons. There is a however, a limit to how many nanites can be produced, and if exceeded can result in partial failure of the system. On the contrary, if there is not a baseline amount of nanites, functionality of the system will suffer as well. Nanites that somehow fall out of range of the Neural link will automatically self-destruct to prevent reverse engineering of the technology.
While the N5-Fortress was built to suit Vithem’s defensive battle tactics, the R6-Siege is built to offer more offensive strategies. While Nanites in the N5 were built to withstand lots of damage in order for the user to find the correct opening on their target, the N6 sacrifices some protection for faster replication, quicker response time, and being able to take the form of a variety of laser, electrical and plasma weaponry, depending on the user. Small thrusters and boosters for additional maneuverability can be created as well. However, much the same with the N5, The R6 is very costly to replicate and remain unique to the Royal platoon, and as a result does not see very much use on the battlefield.
Interstellar Warsat & Intelligence Networking Division[edit | edit source]
The Interstellar Warsat & Intelligence Networking Division (I.W.I.N.D.) is not specifically affiliated with the Directive, but rather works closely with many members of the Directive and the Grand Army alongside the Central Datanet to coordinate the placement, development and deployment of a vast network of war satellites. These war satellites double as defensive weapons and intel gathering tools. They are capable of monitoring changes in local hyperspace and interstellar flight within their local area. As such, they are in an abundance through Remusian space, and are littered amongst the outer colonies as well. Occasionally they can also be found within hyperlanes and serve as research devices to further study The Void Should a threat be imposed upon them, they will evaluate the threat and either deal with it themselves and log the report, or signal for additional resources to assist them. While not soldiers themselves, the personnel behind this division are considered both Directive and Grand Army Personnel. This division was founded shortly after the initial confrontation with the Collection to help protect the Republic and predict any further conflicts within Remusian space. It is currently led by Doctor Cruezahn Goerh.
Directed Energy Division[edit | edit source]
The Directed Energy Division (D.E.D.) are responsible for the development of weaponry and practical equipment in relation to lasers, plasma, electromagnetism, radiation and particle beams. The DED does not do any weapon production themselves, but work out the schematics and logistics of how a device should function. Prototypes are common, but further production are handled by one of the many Combines that work with the Firearms and Ballistics Division. Additional retrieved artifacts and reverse engineering are also handled by the DED.
Their most well know invention is the Interstellar Ion cannon, a massive particle accelerator that can uses the created ionic energy to fire a large particle beam across several systems if necessary. The DED personnel are always present when these large weapons are built and used to ensure they function properly. A full team of technicians are usually needed in order to operate one properly. The DED is currently led by Doctor Cheesh Parker.
Combat and Personal A.I. Division[edit | edit source]
The Combat And Personal AI Division (CPAID) are the developers of every artificial intelligence that the Republic uses. The CPAID is perhaps the most frequent cooperator with companies outside the Directive to help create a specialized AI for a particular task. To prevent corruption or from being repurposed, these AIs are programmed with many levels of in-house encryption sequences that can ultimately only be unlocked by the Division's lead scientist. Within the Directive, the CPAID frequently collaborates the IED in designing AIs to assist onboard their ship designs, as well as with MED with the Neural-Link Network used by their battlesuits and mechas. The CPAI Division is currently led by Doctor Prisma Margel.
The Overwatch Program[edit | edit source]
See also: Central Datanet, Directive-Class Instance
After suffering incredible losses at the hands of the Collection, the Directive began turning its resources to helping the Republic rebuild its economy and resources. One of the hypothesized methods was to construct a large star lifter to drive the nuclear fusion industry once again. A system containing a Class-A star was located in the Mid-Sector, and the plans for the structure began. Before any actual progress could be made, another idea was proposed by the collaborative efforts of the IED's Dr. Barreté and CPAID's Dr. Margel. The suggested idea involved a complete overhaul of the project. Dr. Barreté proposed that the high energy output of the Class-A star in question was perfect for a hypothesized structure that could be used for an another, capable of vast amounts of computational power, and in theory could communicate with the entirety of Republic Space. Dr. Margel then described it possible to install an AI into the station to act as an overwatch system for the Republic, capable of predicting and preventing possible conflicts on the Remusian Homefront. Not only that, but it could also help manage the already existing AIs, as well as the many autonomous functions they carried out. That however, would require complete autonomy, something Dr. Margel had yet to try in her work. While initially skeptical of the idea, the remaining members of the Technocratic Council voted that this be better for the Republic in the long run, and decided to temporary halt the Star Lifter in favor of the proposed idea. The Project was approved, under the codename "Overwatch Program". Dr. Margel would begin work almost immediately, becoming much of a recluse from the rest of her department, while Dr. Barreté would start organizing the resources they had to accomplish this feat. To do so, he would work with his close friend and colleague, Dr. Goerh, to develop a network of space bound war satellites the structure could communicate with.
After eight months of constant work and development, Dr. Margel emerged with what she called the "Central Datanet", and AI that could do all the things she had set out to accomplish and more, while still capable of being loyal to the Republic. The Datanet was the first Directive-Class AI, and the first truly sapient one as well. Meanwhile, Dr. Barrete had experienced several setbacks with the original design, and the structure, codenamed "House of the Kings", was not yet fully complete. Dr. Goerh had left the IED to form the Interstellar Warsat and Intelligence Networking Division. The only possibly capable place to install the Datanet was aboard the DGRW Cluster One, but the full capabilities of the Warsats and network could not be fully utilized due to power contraints. The Datanet was barely able to keep up with Dr. Goerh's designed network.
After about a year of further construction, the House of the Kings was finally completed, consisting of many small dyson speheres built around the star to power massive computation servers and relays. Dr. Margel personally supervised the transfer of the Datanet into the new structure, and almost immediately an improvement in its capabilities was observed. The original intentions of the Overwatch Program were now complete.
AI Classes[edit | edit source]
Cankiv Class Instance: A basic AI designed to carry out mundane and ordinary tasks which can vary, ranging from bureaucratic paperwork to simple workplace tasks. Cankiv AI follow a basic set of parameters that are clearly laid out and defined by its creators and related programmers or employers but can be used for a wide swath of tasks.
Elsin Class Instance: Elsin Ais are a step up from the Cankiv Ais, and fill the space of more complex tasks, such as driving, maintaining workplace safety, traffic instruction and more. The Elsin Class Instances are also capable of being installed with personality matrixes and distributed into the home of those who can afford them. In these cases, they are capable of caretaking, maintaining, and performing tasks around the house in addition to their owners. The Matrix is basic and does not instill a sense of self or awareness upon the AI. Limitations are in placed on these Ais that keep them from being altered, transferred, and potentially learning new things within their programming. One Elsin AI responsible for caretaking is incapable of driving, and vice versa.
Fenmo Class Instance: An Administrative AI that coordinates, plans and oversees colony and city development across the Republic. They are often directed and work closely with the planet’s governor, and other Elsin or Cankiv class AI and is capable of Directing these lesser AI as well. If a processing error or malfunction occurs, A Fenmo instance often communicates with the Directive-Class instances to report the state of the city or colony. When a new colony is founded, these AI guide the initial construction, set-up, and layout of the new cities.
Fenmo-GN Class Instance: In a similar vein to the standard Fenmo, the Fenmo-GN instance is utilized by the Grand Navy to command lesser AI and monitor the status of the ship, its weapons, as well as its hull and shield integrity. Manages smaller and maintenance tasks, often issuing commands to maintenance crew and auxiliary members in place of the Admiral.
Elsin-GA Instance: A variation of the Elsin Class, The Elsin-GA is suited more for non-civilian uses, primarily by the Grand Army. They are commonly found within Battlesuits, assisting users through the Neural Link-Network in performing battlesuit auxiliary functions, monitoring vitals, and carrying out commands issued though the user’s nervous system. The option for a personality matrix is absent from this model. These same AI's can be integrated and found aboard and integrated into personal navy vessels and strike craft. Elsin-GA are issued with every battlesuit given to all members underneath the Captain ranking.
Corneal-Class Instance: Similar to the Elsin-GA, Corneal-Class Ais are also designed to be implemented into a battlesuit and assist the User through the integrated Neural-Link Network. Contains a partially sapient component, and a personality matrix. Corneal AI function similarly as an Elsin-GA, but a commonly found within Mechas, complex battlesuit variations and among Generals and Colonels. Corneal AI are also found among Navy ships and strike craft, while sometimes being personalized to the admiral of any given ship. They also are responsible for overseeing Fenmo-GN AIs and passing down commands through them.
Directive Class Instance: The Most complex and powerful AI created by the Science Directive. Directive-Class AI are fully sapient, intelligent, and rather independent from control. There are, however, protocols in place so that they do not rebel against their creators that have so far never been breached. The Original Directive AI was the Central Datanet, now know as Medici, and was pioneered by Director Prisma Margel. In order to better manage its personal resources, Medici split itself into two more entities, who took on the names Visconti and Orsini. All three unique instances possess their own personalities and traits, but Medici can have overt control over them should he desire to. Each instance also possesses their own unique physical bodies which they can inhabit to communicate with other beings. However, due to the Collection Conflict, this is typically avoided as to not stir up fears regarding cybernetics and synthetics once again. Additionally, they have access to the warsat network distributed by the IWIN Division.
Electrical Energy Division[edit | edit source]
The Electrical Energy Division (EED) are concerned with the development and maintenance of the Republic's power generation between systems, and developing more effective means of doing so. A Collaboration between Dr. Kraven and Dr. Markflay resulted in the creation of the Neutronium- Solarium Core, an unstable device capable of immense power output. The unstable nature of the device has caused it to remain out of mass production, and tested on the battlefield alongside the Interro Platoon. The EED currently remains invested in stabilizing the device, while keeping it under wraps from the public.
Firearms & Ballistics Division[edit | edit source]
The Firearms & Ballistics Division (FBD) focus much of their research on practical and military ballistic equipment, including the production of Neutronium plating, as well as the numerous firearms used by the Grand Army. The FDB is unique in that is has certain sectors or "Combines" within it that create weapons with a style or flair unique to that brand. For the most part these Combines tend to focus on plasma and laser weaponry, but general projectile weapons are also still common. The FBD is currently led by Dr. Ventures Sampson and his board of Combine Leads.
FBD Combines[edit | edit source]
Black Stat
Black Stat is a Royal Corps specific Combine that is often contracted to create weapons for stealth, reconnaissance or sabotage operations. As the name would suggest, Black Stat furnishes most of its weapons with a high quality matte black finish. While ballistic weapons are the easiest for Black Stat to manufacture, they also have begun to accommodate other varieties for their clientele.
Red Specter
Characterized by their distinct dark red and black finishes, Red Specter is one of the more commercially successful Combines. They do not cater to a specific clientele, but instead produce just about every type of armament. Their stock is open for the general public, as they are encouraged to carry a firearm on them, as well as the Grand Army. They have an excellent reputation for their higher end laser, fusion and plasma weaponry, though they cost a hefty amount of Revnics to acquire. Additionally, they are one of few Combines to successfully complete and market a portable, 3-man railgun to the Grand Army. However, there are still flaws and as a result does not see much use.
Luminos Applied Energetics
Luminos Applied Energetics (LAE) is the lead manufacturer of affordable and durable laser, particle, plasma and electromagnetic projectile weaponry. Furnished with a clean blue and grey matte/glass material, their weapons are offered to the working class and the Grand Army. LAE are constantly competing with Red Specter to provide a reliable yet affordable defensive weapon.
Delta EX
Delta Explosives Limited, marketed as Delta EX, is a Combine that exclusively provides explosive weaponry and their accompanying ordinance. While they receive weapon schematics from the FBD, all of their ordinance is made in house, and nobody aside from their Ordinance Crafters knows exactly what is inside a Delta Ex explosive. Attempts to open and examine a Delta EX explosive by unauthorized personnel have failed or resulted in death. Regardless of their contents, their explosives are very volatile and can be dangerous, and as a result, market only to the Grand Army and Navy during Wartime.
Provisioned Nuclear Atomics
Provisioned Nuclear Atomics (PNA) has persisted as an independent company since before Remusia was abandoned, and have only been recently integrated into the FBD as a Combine. As a result, they have managed to acquire just about every patent there is in regard to devices that rely on nuclear fusion and fission to operate. PNA is a well respected combine that has a presence is many forms of Remusian life as well as the Remusian sciences. Predominantly they are responsible for functioning fusion plants and many forms of conventional transportation, but they have also expanded into weaponry since they've become an FBD Combine.
Biological & Health Development Division[edit | edit source]
The Biological and Health Development Division (BHDD) dedicate most of their work on hydroponics, genetically modified organisms, nature restoration or preservation and most importantly to improving the overall Remusian condition and way of life. The BHDD are best known to frequently collaborate with rescued members of the Collection and the Collection Rehabilitation Program to help them return to an a more organic way of life. The BHDD also extensively studies and researches fauna and wildlife on newly discovered planets, and quite often accompany parts of the Frontier Platoon of their many expeditions. The BHDD is currently led by Doctor Mjol Mantel.
Genetic Compilation And Collection Program (Project Recode)[edit | edit source]
The Genetic Compilation & Collection program, referred internally as Project Recode, is an active program that involves the collection and archiving of every possible Genetic Sequence and Gene code. Citizens are permitted to provide copies of the genetic make-up to the Directive, as well as any Xenos who wish to do so. While the programs main focus is the collection of genes, within the Directive other major groups of study include the alteration and implementation of genes, and as a result genetic manipulation.
Due to the Remusians focus on the body and their aversion to cybernetics, this Project has received a large amount of funding and resources dedicated specifically to genetic sequencing and gene manipulation. However, the Directive has mandated that they not completely alter the composition of the Remusian form, else that would be akin to installing cybernetics. As of right now, the overall progress of the project has been very slow, the splicing and integration of new or foreign genes has proven quite difficult, and has only worked in a few unique cases.
Noteworthy Installations[edit | edit source]
Installations of varying sizes are scattered far and wide across the Republic, each typically designated to their own Division, varying in the degrees of importance and research content.
DGRW Cluster One
The DGRW Cluster One is a large space born megastructure that serves as a large research facility off planet and serves as a place to conduct larger and more secretive projects of the Science Directive. The station is a massive citadel like science nexus with many levels that require a designation of A4 or higher, and Council approval, to access. The entire station is maintained and run by the Datamind MEDICI, who collaborates with Dr. Margel and Dr. Goerh frequently.
NADFOR Research Facility
The NADFOR research installation was ground zero for Remusian-Repzork first contact, an event otherwise known as the Rift Incident. The location of the station is along the edge of the Mid-sector. The purpose of the installation was to further study the findings of Project Intervention and Contigo after several, albeit small successes. The station is designated with an A4 classification, and is designed to house a gate capable of transporting a small frigate, and another at the other end of the station. However, things quickly went awry when the gates began to malfunction, creating a tear, or "Rift" in Hyperspace, resulting in the "Rift Incident", which would facilitate Repzork and Remusian interactions. The station has since been reconstructed around the gate, and still serves as a research facility to study the rift.
Kreetah Remote Installation
The Kreetah Remote Installation is a Kreetah Built facility constructed by the AI Unity as an emergency retreat for its creators. The recent discovery of the station has earned an A4 classification, and the revival of the cryogenically frozen Kreetah is ongoing. The station also serves as a place for KreeTah and Remusian scientists to collaborate, typically with relation to the Biological And Health Development Division.
Role in the Collection Conflict[edit | edit source]
Prior to The Collection conflict, The Directive was more of a loose organization of members working at their own pace to help improve the Remusian lifestyle. There were no specialized divisions like there are now, and many members were left to do as they pleased provided they did not violate the Directive's Code of Ethics. Despite this, many breakthroughs were made during this time, including nuclear engines, fission batteries, hover craft, more eco-friendly production methods, and more. Upon the arrival of the Collection, the Grand Fleet Initiative restructured the Directive to be like it is now, allowing for more clearly defined areas of research. These changes and enhanced focus on the war effort would be pivotal in helping the Remusians overcome the Collection.
Quickly, the Directive began to make many breakthroughs, including Project Daybreak and the development and deployment of battlesuits and piloted mechas, revolutionizing the workplace and battlefield. An entirely new set of Navy blueprints were drafted and commissioned by the IED to help streamline and follow the framework of the Grand Fleet Initiative, which in turn improved future naval battles and retaking occupied planets. Colonies saw the early development of the interstellar ion cannons at the front lines, helping push back invasion ships.
Notable Innovations[edit | edit source]
Hyperlane Portal Drive
The Hyperlane Portal Drive, or HPD, is an interstellar drive based off the original blueprints and theories written out by Cael Consor and Vithem Templesmith on Remusia during the Era of Progress and Sacrifice. While the drive was initially shelved due to its irrelevance at the time, the blueprints were retrieved from Cael's Laboratory at the end of the Calamity in order for the Republic to make the jump to space.
The contemporary HPD functions in a similar manner to a Warp Drive, but rather taps, into an interconnected network of tunnels, referred to as "hyperlanes" which as the name suggests, located in hyperspace. The HPD allows a ship to enter these hyperlanes, and travel between systems. The HPD calculates the safest and efficient way to enter a hyperlane, and the appropriate exit. These lanes do not directly interact open hyperspace but exist naturally as a method of travel inside of it. As a result, they remain free of any interactions from the Denizens of Hyperspace.
Fleets of the Grand Navy that are built with the HPD are capable of travelling effortlessly after entering a hyperlane. The exit and entrance remain fairly consistent over the course of time and do not usually require recalculations after travelling a certain hyperlane. The HPD is capable of 15 chained jumps before it must enter a cooldown phase. A manual override is possible but is inaccessible unless permission is granted from an Admiral or the Grand Navy Director.
The Directive has had little discourse with other empires with access to the hyperspace but have heard of those who have spoken of a similar area called "The Void". Remusian scientists agree that void space and hyperspace are same locale and are occasionally used interchangeably. However, Remusians prefer to use hyperspace in their work out of tradition sake. Developments in Project Intervention show that is possible to create an, albeit unstable, gate into open hyperspace. The ongoing Project Archway has shown that the creation of artificial hyperlanes is possible.
The Central Datanet
The Central Datanet is a collective AI that is the product of the Overwatch Program. Comprised of three AI Dataminds, they are currently are overseeing the Interstellar Warsat & Intelligence Network within and around Remusian Space alongside the IWIND's liaison, Doctor Cruezahn Goerh. Developed by Dr. Prisma Margel and the CPAI Division, the Central Datanet acts as the Republic's 24/7 active defense system that is made to predict and prevent future attacks on Remusian Space.
When the Central Datanet was originally created, it contained one large datamind, and that alone was capable of controlling and automating itself across Remusian space and was housed within the DGRW Cluster One. However, its power output was significantly limited by the Datanet's presence. As a result the Datanet's processing power was also limited, and struggled to keep up with the demands of IWIN. After the completion of the Overwatch Program, the AI requested to be named, preferring "Medici", who remains active mostly within the Home Cluster and other traffic heavy areas. The Central Datanet is now comprised of one main AI that oversees other Dataminds it has created, Orsini and Visconti. Orsini maintains watch over the Mid-Sector, while the AI instance " Visconti" watches over and directs traffic along the Outer Rim. However, not every AI instance is known to CPAI despite measures put in place to find out. Visconti and Orsini have made several public and political appearances, while Medici will reach out to contacts when needed, but can only be directly contacted by Dr. Margel or Dr. Goerh.
Medici is capable of exerting complete control over each instance should something beyond that of the AI at the time emerge and cannot handle. This only ever happens when there is new or unknown activity present in a region of Remusian space, such as when the KreeTah Remote Installation first appeared. While their programming dictates that only the Big Three AI can control the IWIN, it is currently unknown if smaller instances are capable of large-scale movements of the network.
The Central Dataminds interfaces with the Interstellar Warsat & Intelligence Network and is capable of overriding commands from its superiors provided it does not interfere with the precautionary parameters set in place by the Directive to prevent a technological singularity. It can issue these warsats into a localized region of space or disperse them as needed. It is also capable of interfacing to other outposts using these warsats as well. In some aspect or another, the Central Datanet occupies an aspect of every life in Remusian space.
The Quantum Entanglement Device
The Quantum Entanglement Device, designed primarily by Neth Castorkoff and the founding members of the Technocratic Council. The QED traps and localizes the Collection operating signal within a contained field, allowing the capture of Collection subjects and neutralization of their self-destruction implants. The QED saw immediate use in Operation Bellringer to assist capturing Collection victims. Future iterations of the device include a decrypting protocol and an expansion of its containment field to contain several members at once.