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The Collection are a series of races that have been augmented to obey the "Overlord", who is located on the planet (REDACTED). The Collection is effectively the successor to the Neo-Synthetic Party. While they align themselves with the (REDACTED) faction, their true goal remains to be a mystery.

WIP; mostly using for redirects atm.

The Collection
General Information
Years Active as an Interstellar Race: 82 years
Philosophy Obey the Overlord
Faction: (REDACTED)
Home Planet: Remusia (Destroyed), (REDACTED) (Current)
Governing Body
Central Government Collective Hivemind
Allies: N/A
Enemies: You, probably.

Biology[edit | edit source]

The biological composition of Collection members is very little, as they have been augmented to be mostly synthetic as mandated by the Overlord. Vital organs remain intact, including the brain. Independent thought processes & function is blocked by a small chip inserted into the brain. This chip is specially designed to block independent thought, and facilitates the operating signal of Collection members.

History[edit | edit source]

Following the events of the Calamity, the members of the Neo-Synthetic Party wandered the stars for an unknown amount of time before landing on a derelict Ecumenopolis. It showed clear signs of war and desertion, but provided a new home for them. After several days of exploration, they located the location of the previous emprie's archives, which detailed several key locations scattered across the planet. Among the points of interest was a supercomputer of immense processing power which was linked to the internals of the planet.

Further exploration of the planet revealed a small portion of the race to cryogenically frozen, and Cael hatched an idea. During his time spent drifting amongst the stars, he designed a device, which in theory, when inserted into the nervous system, was capable of overriding independent thought patterns. This chip would then respond to a frequency unique to Cael's biomechanical structure, effectively allowing him to have control over those with the chip. Cael plotted revive these subjects and with the aid of the supercomputer, he would also begin experimenting and rebuilding his cause. The planet wide city would expediate this process due to the already existing production and development structures scattered across the globe. Upon initial investigation, Cael found the computer the be locked behind several encrypted protocols and firewalls. While a singular neural interface was present, it was alien to them, so Cael and his team constructed several more in a similar fashion.

After several weeks, the NSP breached the final firewall, but were faced with another issue. The planets machinery came back online, and all members connected the neural network were forcefully ejected, and were met a newly activated defense grid designed to protect the hibernating creatures. They retreated back to their makeshift base, and attempted to communicate or dismantle the system.

After significant losses though trial and error, Cael snuck his small team back to their neural interfaces, albeit they were in pieces. As they entered the chamber, the defenses became aware of their presence. With no other choice, Cael wired himself into the alien neural interface he had foregone previously. Cael discovered the planet's defenses were controlled by a lonesome AI left by its creators to watch over them. It is unknown how the AI was ousted from his position, but in this process some of the creatures onboard the planet were jettisoned out into space, along with the AI who escaped with them. With no way to pursue them, the NSP was forced to let them flee. With Cael at the helm of the planet, his plan could be set into motion.

Quickly he began the process of converting the Creatures, known as the KreeTah, into subserviently members for Cael to puppet. Access to the KreeTah's technology gave him the resources and knowledge to complete a FTL drive, and construct a new Navy. Before long, Cael rebranded himself as the Overlord, as his army as The Collection .

The Collection conquered its neighbors with relative ease and continued their assimilation process. They encountered the Remusian Republic during the Collection Conflict in the early months of Year 15 of the Great War. Proving capable foes for the Collection, The Remusians eventually began to dwindle on resources and manpower, and with no support from their few allies, were looking like they were going to be completely wiped out.

The rapid mobilization of Collection forces against the Remusians inadvertently attracted the attention of the Xenochytrids, who were drawn to the massive amounts of energy generated by the Empire. After infiltrating and assimilating several Collection Relays and Boom worlds, a new spaceborne hive formed, becoming colloquially known as Hive Ognir (Placeholder) , became active in the Tomastahl Sector, and a very pressing threat for the Collection. While the original plan was to finish of the Remusians as an Empire, The Overlord had to bring the Synthetic Horde back home in order to deal with the Xenochytrid blight. The Collection has sought the help of other empires, such as the Telkevan Union, in thier conquest of the Remusians, but were met with rejection. While unable to directly attack the Remusians due to the Xenochytrid problem, the Collection has initiated an infiltration of the Remusian government, as well as attempts to replicate the infiltration in Kusheen, Sauran and Telkevan societies alike.

Planet Composition[edit | edit source]

With very little need for actual colonies, Collection occupied planets are converted into one of several planet archetypes that serve a more practical purpose than most empires would use them for.

Boom Hubs[edit | edit source]

Boom Hubs are economic and manufacturing centers, usually created from an enslaved race that easily fell before the Collection. What remains of the empire before is converted into a labor camp to strip the planet of its resources. Once this is completed, whoever remains is taken to another nearby Boom Hub, or is left on the planet to create a manufacturing-only Booom Hub.. Boom Hubs can also be strictly production worlds that focus on mass-producing equipment and armaments for the Collection.

Relay Worlds[edit | edit source]

Relay worlds are fortified positions designed with the ability to propagate the Collection operating signal though the Overlord's Mind-Override devices. AS a result, they are extremely well protected, and often building on former capital or military planets to maximize their output. Additionally, the closer a Relay is to a conflict, the Overlord or another Neo-Remusian is able to construct a Vessel and directly participate, either through faster communication to the the greater collection present, or fighting in the battle at hand

Bunker Grounds[edit | edit source]

The Bunker Grounds serve as hidden, tucked away storage facilities that house anything from synthetics to battleships that are produced from the Boom Hubs. They remain inactive until remotely activated by a Relay World. These facilities are the result of an entire planet being hollowed out and reinforced to become large storage units. These facilities are quite difficult to make due to the unique composition of each planet. Only a handful of them exist, but are capable of storing vast amounts of equipment

Enforcer Worlds[edit | edit source]

Enforcer worlds are generally created around hypothetical choke points in and around Collection space. To a certain extent, they are large living weapons at the control of the Overlord, teeming with naval fleets and planetary armaments, though he is only able to retain full control over one at a given time. Otherwise, these planets are manually run by Neo Remusians or other Collection members. This design has been applied to small moons and asteroids with a moderate degree of success.

Military[edit | edit source]

Augmented Races[edit | edit source]

Races who have fallen to the Collection are forcibly outfitted with a Neural Override Chip to serve in the Collective Army of the Collection. Smaller empires are negligible in their contributions, but larger powers tend to remain in their ranks for longer.

Neo-Remusians[edit | edit source]

The Neo-Remusians are Primarily composed of former Neo-Synthetic Party members from Remusia, who have since been augmented with their own personal "vessels" since the formation of the Collection. They are the only group among the Collection who do not possess the Neural-Override Chip embedded in their brain, and thus remain autonomous. They are fiercely loyal to the Overlord, who in return offers houses their consciousness within its supercomputer, to which they can be uploaded to any vessel they choose. Neo-Remusians generally lead most Collection fronts, as their vessels typically transmit the Collection signal to its other members under the influence of the Neural Override Chip.

KreeTah[edit | edit source]

The Kreetah are the original and first race to submit to the Collection thanks to the failure of their AI, known to them as, "Unity". The Kreetahs are large humanoids standing about 6-7 feet, with two sets of arms. They are most commonly used for their immense strength and ability to push forward. The Kreetah originated from the Collection's current home base, the Ecumenopolis [REDACTED]. Despite the failure of the Kreetah's former caretaker, a large portion of the cryogenically frozen population was evacuated to the KreeTah Remote Installation, a secret spaceborne facility built into an asteroid located within the Remusian Outer Rim. It was built by Unity in case of an emergency evacuation of the Kreetah's home planet. A large portion of the remaining Kreetah now reside within this facility.

Political Relations[edit | edit source]

Neutral[edit | edit source]

Repzork Empire

Status: Neutral

The Overlord approached Central Command in an attempt to recruit allies to fight the Remusian Republic, but was unsuccessful in doing so. Both parties have not spoken since, but neither seem keen on doing so.

Neutral[edit | edit source]

Telkevon Union


The Collection has made an attempt to cooperate with the Telkevon, but have been met with little success due to the Collection's consume all life attitudes. While not currently targeted, The Overlord PLans on disrupting thier SSN as part of the Synthetic Infiltration of the Remusina Republic and thier surroiunding neighbors

Enemies[edit | edit source]

The Remusian Republic

Status: W A R

After the events of the Collection Conflict, the Collection and the Republic frequently skirmish and fight each other whenever they are in proximity of the other. The Overlord is currently occupied with plotting the Republic downfall



The sudden emergence of the Xenocytrids caused ther Collection to redirect its attention to it after losing several relay and boom worlds to them. The Xenocytrids have assimilated collection machinery and synthetic forces which have become an immediate issue for the Collection, as they have no measures in place to protect against such a force.

The Contingency Operatives


The Contingency are a rough set of Collection victims that have somehow developed their own operating signal which overrides the control of the Overlord and allows the Contingency autonomy, but does not restore their memories of their former selves. IT is known that the Contingency has cooperated with the Remusian Republic on a handful of occasions, but also are the subject of controversy within the Republic. Many, particularly those of the Collection Rehabilitation Incident, would rather restore the memories of the Contingency's former selves to allow them to achieve true autonomy.