Talk:Tegotian Empire
Branding Redux Page : Vechtramil Directorate
Tossing together some new Ideas regarding the Tegotians:
New Name?
Vechtramils ( My Pick so far)
Intelligence Directorate? Emphasizes their spying prowess, but also blatantly advertises this. Could be relegated to their Governing Body.
Other names? -Just “Directorate” -Oligarchy -Syndicate? -Dominion
Vechtramil Directorate/Tegotian Brief History/Overview Redux
Tegotians are an old, Isolationistic empire, and the escalation of the Great War prompt them to emerge out of isolation. They were aware of the Great War as it began, and existed before the war ever began.
Population and politics is comprised primarily of Crime/ Espionage Families who specialize in certain aspects( Intel gathering, espionage, ect). The founding family leaders lead the empire prior to the Tegotian-Dragoneteran war/battle. The Government is managed by a series of espionage and crime families, who all coordinate intel and agent placement among each other.
An old, but stagnant race, which has retreated into several large colonies, relying primarily on sabotage, counterintelligence and espionage to defened themselves. During their prime they had an expansive network of spies and informants scattered across several sectors. Their circle of influence dramatically decreased since then and is now only maintained in the Local and Tomastahl Sector. Empires strayed away from Vechtramil Space for fear of falling prey to one of the many well placed traps around their borders. The once expansive Vechtramil Directorate began to fade in obscurity and myth as they continued to remain hidden away from the rest of the galaxy. While the majority of their empire remained in isolation, they spent this time created a large intelligence network across the Local Sector that allowed them to act on any information, quite often resulting in their favor.
The escalation of the Great War prompt them to emerge out of isolation. As the Great War continued to develop developed, the Vechtramil Realized they may have to remobilize their armies and intelligence networks to remain relevant in the galactic stage. They intended to infiltrate a nearby empire (Bulorians) and then use them as bait for a larger empire, the Dragoneteran Monarchy. After the Bulorians were successfully subdued, the plan was set into motion
Captain Dralan Of the Dragoneteran Monarchy fell prey to one of these traps, but was able to evade capture until a rescue party arrived for him. Anticipating the Monarchy would retaliate and attack the occupied Bulorian Homeworld, The Vechtramils mobilized some forces to deal with little forces they expected a Economic empire to possess. They were outmatched by the Monarchy's forces and forced to withdraw from Bulorian space.
Now frustrated that their cover had been blown and their recent loss, The Vechtramil Crime Families assembled their own respective fleets and took them to put the Monarchy in its place. Yet Again underestimating thier foe, The Vechtramil were unexpectedly stalled for several weeks through a combined use a guerilla tactics,and several defensive garrisons. The Death of the Dragoneteran King gave the Vechtramils and unexpected opportunity, And the Crime Families mounted a direct assault on the Dragoneteran Homeworld Of Aserai. The Dragoneteran matched this force, while their own special forces managed to kill several of the Tegotian Family Leaders. This blow caused incredibly confusion and chaos among the Tegotian Navy, and was quickly defeated by the Dragoneteran forces.
With the death of many of the Vechtramil Crime Family leaders, their Colonies descended into Chaos as they fought for control of the Houses.
- Probably remove the deployment of the Biomatter Virus, as any creation of such weapons would be very closely guarded and not used in a minor conflict.
- Changes to Dragoneteran, Economy focused, provided supplies and resources to the Alliance. May just makle changes to the Dragoneteranas work on the Tegitoans is done
Rather than having the Monarchy step in to help the crime families rebuild to form Republic like the old lore says, New house leaders arise from the infighting, and take the Tegotions forward, establishing surveillance, espionage and spy teams to monitor the PKs and provide intel to the Highest Bidder. This concept could be more applicable if the Vechtramils were kept around as a neutral race, but could also be applied in an "Evil Rach" sort of fashion by siding them with the WLs. )
For the most part they would be acting act purely on espionage, and are more like mercenaries that can be hired out to gather information. Due to their crippled economy and most of their worlds being in shambles, they cannot directly participate but still attempt to rebuild their famed intelligence network in the chaos of the Great War. If this nets them enough traction, they could establish themselves more formally once again