Skrey Nation

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The Skrey Nation[edit | edit source]

Sporecast Link: [1]

Creator: Cavalier639

Philosophy[edit | edit source]

Crush any resistance

The Skrey are warriors with a drive to conquer. However, they loosely respect rules, alliances, and a small sense of honor. They expand slowly in general but keep a firm grip on anything under their control. They will lash out at any opposition against them.

The Skrey are Atheist, and the majority strongly opposes any suggestion of religious assimilation.

Faction[edit | edit source]


Homeworld[edit | edit source]

Main article: Barrakru Kaat

A dry, rocky planet that has abundant deserts and wastelands, but many oasis and more than a few jungles. There are no oceans, only a small handful of very large lakes. There are many natural mineral resources hidden in the deserts and barrens. Cities and towns litter the planet's surface. There is no primary capitol to prevent collapse of command if it is destroyed.

Description[edit | edit source]


The Skrey are a race of bipedal reptilians. Their feet are two-clawed, being very rigid and only pivoting at several joints, and their hands five-clawed. They have a tail ending with a natural bone weapon, know to biologists as Toxic Telsons, -though they are certainly not poisonous in any respect and are quite brittle, a sturdy horn on the end of their snout, eyes ranging in color from dark red to crimson to orange to yellow, and a frill. As a whole they are a physically strong race, with tight muscles capable of great exertion, though the muscles themselves are vulnerable to breaking if punctured. Skrey are capable of fighting with impaired or punctured muscles, but the individual is more feeble and the pain often distracts them. Better Skrey generally have bigger frills and darker colored eyes. Skrey teeth are very sturdy, not notably sharp but capable of delivering crushing force. Skrey commonly wear rings or bands around their snout-horns. Skrey can tolerate and even enjoy heat ranging from moderate to extreme, but too hot an environment, such as a lava planet, will make them extremely weak. Their digestive systems are naturally built for unprocessed, organic foods such as raw meat. Cold climates and temperatures cause Skrey to become sick, induce nausea, and slow down body functions to a crawl, accompanied with vigorous shivering. Skrey can die within hours in cold temperatures. They are not very good swimmers due to poor feet shape and short breath, but with an oxygen mask they can spend quite some time underwater walking along the bottom or paddling slowly. Unfortunately, as a race they are very proud and aggressive, any attempt to injure them or their dignity will result in retaliation, even if the other side is better off. They respect those with power and who respect them, and look down on the weaker. Skrey age quickly, about 30% faster than a human, and have an average lifespan of between 15-30 years, not counting war deaths. Which are tragically many. In conclusion, Skrey are dumb and violent, to put it bluntly.


Though Skrey appear to be similar to many races as far as the spines go, this is not that case. Rather than a single backbone, Skrey have two, each ascending the left and right sides of their bodies and connecting at the tail to intertwine along its length. The Skrey ribcage is a strong thing; each rib-bone is thick and long, reaching in an arc across the inner torso and connected to the spine opposite it. Though the organs' protection is good, the organs themselves are fragile. Skrey have a single large heart, capable of great output but will inflict a burning pain if overexerted for too long. There are many large arteries leading from it down to the limbs. Skrey esophagi have tiny teeth-like structures lining the inside, which properly lacerate most ingested food for dissolving by the stomach. Both Skrey stomachs are almost connected at the top where they meet the esophagus, and a liver-colon of sorts links both at the bottom. In this lowest digestive organ, every minuscule amount of nutrient is pounded and squeezed from the food, destroying any remnants in the process after the food in question has been cycled through the process several times. As such, Skrey have virtually no waste products as a result of extraordinarily efficient digestive systems, with one small exception. Skrey bones, enveloped in muscle, tendons, ligaments, and all the rest are not prone to breaking, but the muscles themselves can be damaged and disabled, as previously mentioned. Skrey endocrine systems are hardy as well because of the merciless conditions on Barrakru Kaat. Skrey do not need near as much liquid as other races might (Say, the humans) as they draw liquid from the food they eat. Once the digestive system has had its way, it leaves behind a small amount of liquid, the most nutrient-barren, completely unusable liquid imaginable. This liquid, Ohk, seeps through the body and leaks out from between Skrey scales, therefore ridding the body of waste and sweeping away particles of dirt. This leaves the scales somewhat cleaner and shinier. Once excreted, Ohk has a rather unique smell to it, though the pleasantness of the smell varies greatly between races. It's odor is rather oily. Skrey have an undeveloped nervous system, appearing mainly in vast flat sheets in some parts of the body. Due to their nature and that of the scales and muscles, they are relatively unaffected by blunt trauma but quite susceptible to tearing, cutting, and/or rending. Skrey respiratory systems -despite being more attuned to the natural mix of elements in the atmosphere of Barrakru Kaat- technically only need air to complete its necessary functions, and are capable of breathing almost any gaseous element. As such, life support technology is a relatively foreign concept to Skrey. More to be added later...


Unlike mythical Dwarf women of old, the Skrey females are not fleeting legend but simply almost indistinguishable from males. Only the Skrey have the particular ancestral know-how to correctly identify who's who. There have been no mistakes in the entire history of the Skrey. The only differences between male and female Skrey is that females have no 'telsons' on their tails and have darker colored and smaller frills, generally. The reproductive system is comprised of a long chain of small organs safely contained in the dual corkscrew spine in the Skrey tail. The act of lovemaking, Jaght, isn't ostracized for Skrey as it is for humans, but it is as ecological as it is pleasurable. Any act of intercourse is sure to result in the creation of new life, unpreventable (Not that the Skrey would want to prevent it--more Skrey=more warriors=more stuff for everyone). There is no 'marriage' among Skrey, and there is a mating season in the part of the year humans would call Second January, as the Skrey year is roughly 1.6 times that of a normal one. The passage of genetic material is very quick, requiring only a few seconds of telson-stabbed-in-tailtip contact. Within a human month an egg will be laid. Information after this is provided in the Culture section. The concept of 'love' among Skrey is unspoken, and only occurs in sudden fits that usually culminate in reproduction. Unlike humans, Skrey are capable of unlimited love for unlimited other Skrey of the opposite gender.

History[edit | edit source]

The Five Factions

From an early age there were five factions competing for power among the Skrey. They were the Atranquan, who were content to live their lives peacefully, the Garriskals and the Brukrantalis, both powerful warrior factions, though the former preferred defensive tactics and the latter offensive, the smallest faction; Evastrukam, fairly dull-witted but numerous and primitive, and finally the Prograkuts, who were in favor of industrial systems and economics. Once each what each faction was was clear, war began openly.

The Extermination of the Atranquan and the Evastrukam

Early on, the Atranquan attempted to convince the others that war was not the answer. None but the Prograkuts listened. In fact, the Atranquans were the first faction to be overrun, by the Brukrantalis. Meanwhile, the Prograkuts were trying to ally with the Evastrukam for their own safety, but the primitive fighters did not care about alliances and began attacking the Prograkuts. The weak, spear-wielding primitives were crushed by the Garriskals before they had the chance.

Victory At Last

By now, by far the most interesting wars were between the warrior factions. Not wanting to fight because they knew they would lose, the Prograkuts were simply absorbed into the warrior factions and as a whole the industrialists ceased to exist. After seven years of fighting and thousands upon thousands of losses -the most notable battle of which was called Assimilation- the leaders of the Garriskals and Brukrantalis met together and decided on a treaty. However, many in both factions still fought the other, and of these the Brukrantalis won.


Soon after the allied faction, now called the Skrey Nation, was besieged by a space-faring empire. These aliens were small, canine creatures called Greera, and they underestimated the Skrey, and the reptilian warriors wiped them out. From reverse-engineering they acquired space technology and then set out to conquer the aliens' homeworld, which was actually in the same star system as the Skrey's. After the fall of the Greera, the Skrey expanded and are hosting war on several fronts.


With reverse engineering successful, Skrey were free to explore the cosmos. They beheld awe-inspiring planets, inhaled noxious gases, met interesting people...and killed them. The most persevering enemy of the Skrey Nation were the Biomatter Hordes, though they also brought down Warbot Industries, allied themselves with the Magello, and most recently have declared war on the Gronian Imperium. Despite their progress, the Skrey are still a young and relatively confined race, though the situation was ripe for change.


A new generation of Skrey, tailored by alien conflict, innovative technology, and strange new worlds, has recently come to be. Known as the Skritrulk, translated as 'void warriors' (Whereas 'Skrey' simply means 'warriors'). The Skritrulk are a little more refined and intelligent than their predecessors, as well as looking different. Spearheaded by Magello influence and the famous 'Samaritous Skrey' incident, new factions have risen amongst the Nation, based mostly off-homeworld. Time will tell if Skritrulk are destined to ascend to greatness or remain in Skrey backalleys.

Epic War Involvement[edit | edit source]

My intro adventure is of the Skrey gathering on the Greera homeworld, congregating into an Battagoko (Term defined below) and attacking. It is epic, don't you worry. The captain is locked, a Skrey Elite Warrior. For this adventure and others look down on the Documented Wars, Battles, ect. section.

Relations Data File[edit | edit source]

The Greera- small, aggresive doglike creatures native to the same solar system as the Skrey. They underestimated the Skrey and attacked our homeworld, but were driven off almost immediately. We responded to this foolhardy and stupid act by attacking their homeworld. The Greera's homeworld was ravaged and although refugees did escape, no other race will ever recognize the Greera. Status: Defeated. Threat: None.

WBI- Warbot Industries was always wary and hostile towards the Skrey Nation, but after issues with the Biomatter, we required improved technology and demanded it of WBI. When they refused, we declared war. That war still continues, but we have made several victories against the puny blue Minomits and their unthinking robotic fighters.

Update: After decades of toil, against Skrey and other Warlord empires, Warbot Industries suffered a decline as their grand leader vanished mysteriously. They are now little more than outposts and cities scattered across space, with little protection against those like the Skrey. Status: Hunted. Threat: Low

Biomatter Hordes- We had no idea such a horror and threat existed in the galaxy. We lost a fine planet to the Hordes' first attack, and though we mean to reclaim it we do not have the ability currently. The Biomatter have been spotted on several worlds with Skrey presence, all of evacuated. Luckily, all so far have been minor. Biomatter are top priority, the galaxy won't be safe with a single spore floating through space. Alliances we otherwise would never think about will need to be made against the tides of mottled grey flesh. Status: Contained. Threat: Extreme.

Magello Empire- A fellow Warlord race, older and more experienced than ourselves. Encountered in a time of need, these odd creatures proved a great ally. Now our races fight side-by-side. Not too much is known about the Magello, and though strength lies in unity (No matter how much any Skrey may disagree) we remain apprehensive of these unusual aliens. Status: Alliance. Threat: Potent

Gronian Imperium- A territorial Neutral race, met and assaulted in an encounter called 'Pride' (Listed below). Powerful warriors with viperous weaponry, the reclusive and volatile Gronians are a grave threat. The resources of worlds are consumed to feed their military, and their leadership is alarmingly strong. No matter the odds, the Skrey will fight, even to dig their own grave. If not for the recent acquirement of WBI technology, the Skrey Nation would stand little chance. At around this time the Skritrulk presence became substantial, and began to change the battlefrontStatus: At war. Threat: Great.

Culture[edit | edit source]

Young Skrey are cared for by their parents, usually the mother, until they are about three years old. From there they are taught by others how to live, work, and so on. At the age of seven, they are become somewhat independent and begin their own lives away from their parents. Usually, juvenile Skrey live with one other about their age or with three others about their age. They grow, travel, and work together. If something happens, and it almost always does, the group disbands to find others. At the age of twelve, they become completely independent and live alone. From here they can work or fight in the armies. Fighting is a huge part of Skrey society, a favored form of entertainment is getting 'Epic' creatures together and watching them fight to the death. Skrey have conquered the skies and have achieved spaceflight, but they are still extremely primitive in that respect and their ships are very irregular. As a whole they enjoy living in a less-than-technological fashion, with hand-built buildings exposed to the warm air of Barrakru Kaat.

If you are confused about their growth rate, please refer to the above Description section.

Naming Names hold no significance among Skrey, and are commonly bunches of letters in a rough pattern. Certain letters do appear more often than others, usually r, l, k, s, u, e, a, and g. Examples: Zuakar, Hadrak, Sulekrakk. These names are given for the first sound the Skrey makes, though a parent can influence the noise without consequence.

Military[edit | edit source]

A favored battle pattern is to send in quick-moving vehicles and mobile drop shields to an area designated as a base, then to fill that secured area up with troops and burst out when the time is right. Troops are conveyed to the “Drop Zone” through heavily armored transports and their escorts. Once the mass of combat vehicles and soldiers are in position, this mass known as a Battegoko, the shields are lowered and the Battegoko attacks in a frontal charge. Additionally, small groups known as Delvers might navigate across the terrain and attempt to flank the enemy position on both sides. The Delvers are commonly made up of SAWs, Stealth Assault Warriors. For sea, air, and space battles, the strategy is the same. This makes the Skrey somewhat predictable with huge wars but smaller battles and skirmishes are conducted through lurking and ambush.

Unit Types- Please excuse the skewed format.

File:Skrey Soldier.png
Soldier- The average, rocket-launcher wielding unit. They make up the bulk of the Skrey Nation's armies.
File:Skrey Warrior.png
Enforcer- A weak, run-of-the-mill melee fighter. They are armed with Dual Swords, mostly employed as peace keepers.
File:Skrey Tank.png
Tank- A very heavily armored melee fighter. They have a weak weapon but can mop up hosts of damage.
ECW- Elite Class Warriors are skilled and adept. They are often used as shock troopers or expert fighting squads.
Marine Assault Soldier- Underwater-specialized Skrey. They come equipped with a respirator mask and a Lightening Striker blade, though activation of this underwater in strictly advised against.
Stealth Assault Warriors, or SAWs, are the designated stealth recon and covert operation units.
File:PC Skrey Grenadier.png
PC, or Planetary Conquest Skrey Grenadier- These special units were not introduced until the battle-technology revolution. They are the heavier infantry of the Skrey, equipped with a grenade launcher.
File:PC Skrey Soldier.png
PC Skrey Soldier- Better armed and outfitted than normal Skrey, the PC version came with the battle-tech revolution.

There are many more Skrey weapons of war--not to mention vehicles! Refer to the Skrey Sporecast for the other props, vehicles, and warriors. Subscribers are, ahem, always appreciated...

Guidlines for Use[edit | edit source]

If you think that you want to use the Skrey in an adventure of yours, that's OK. The Skrey are expanding, running across new challenges, and they'll certainly make mistakes and will invariably lose battles. PM me on the Spore Forum to confirm that you want to feature the Skrey, and I'll make sure that you know everything that you need to properly use the Skrey.

Documented Battles, Wars, Encounters.[edit | edit source]

"Invasion of the Greera" Due to a recent attempted attack by the small, dog-like aliens known as Greera, the Skrey responded with vengeance and began to invade the green, cheerful Greera homeworld. First, several pods containing ECW, Elite Class Warriors, were dropped onto the planet from orbit. The squad, made up of four fighters: Kalexa, Akigon, Rukkular, and their leader ECW-62 cleared the immediate area, though nearby Greera managed to send a message alerting their presence. Once a sufficient space was open, Asto-Behemoths dropped a Sido-Behemoth and two Inferno-class vehicles, as well as a few soldiers, onto the ground. The ECW squad and the soldiers escorted the vehicles across the planet surface, crushing any resistance they found, until they joined up with two other caravans and as a whole Battegoko attacked a large Greera city. The battle was won, as were many others across the planet, and the Greera destroyed. [2]

"War on the Warbots" Out of spite and want for more advanced battle technology, the Skrey Nation declared war on the closest heavily civilized Warbot Industries-inhabited planet, called Rohdensi. A Skrey Battegoko attempted aerial assault on a primary WBI Command center, but the Warbot's airborne vehicles were more than a match for the primitive Skrey starships. After retreating, the Battegoko assembled at a heavily guarded valley and made camp. A wandering captain was pulled into the fray and joined several squads as they made their way across the planet. There were three routes: a water route, a wild, mountainous route, and a straight shot that was Warbot-guarded. After the masses of soldiers arrived at the Command City's gate, the gates opened and battle commenced, ultimately ending with the WBI's surrender. [3]

"Turn On You" A stray Biomatter Spore crash-lands on a Skrey-inhabited desert planet. The disturbance is detected by a watchtower nearby, specifically Desert Outpost Heatwave. a small squad of soldiers led by Lieutenant Zuakar investigates, and encounter a small hive and a Hive Lord. After a quick discussion the squad is attacked and only the Lieutenant makes it back to the outpost. Later, a larger assault team attempts to destroy the colony, managing to defeat a Biomatter attack force only to be routed by the Hordes' full force. the closest city came under attack, where an SOS was sent out. Several minutes later a transport arrived, only to rescue a pitifully small band of survivors. Only four other cities were evacuated in time and the planet was left for dead. [4]

"Contract" A rumor came to the Skrey (Later identified as false and intentionally misleading) of the existence of a Greera colony on the planet Eghan. Spurred on by mention of their first enemy, a formidable Skrey attack force landed and underwent a vigorous search. After a fruitless fortnight, a Biomatter spore crashed into a valley near the Skrey's encampment and promptly began to spread. For a while they were fended off, but eventually the unexpected infestation grew too strong (As it invariably will), and slowly overran the defense force. Out of the blue, a foreign landing party appeared and together the two species destroyed the infestation. These other Warlords turned out to be none other than the Magello, a mutual enemy of the hordes. Petitions and requests on both sides were sent to their respective leaderships concerning an alliance, which was later ratified by both parties. [5]

"Cold Monestary" Discovered by the Skrey colonel named Hadrak, the WBI-controlled planet Cawmuth was a center of Warbot technology. Naturally, its caches of tech drew the Skrey, who are always on the lookout for more powerful weaponry and tech. It was protected by four atmospheric shields, which needed to be eliminated before the Skrey could invade. The weakest was destroyed by orbital bombardment, another by Hadrak and a crew of Demolition Skrey, the third brought down by landing parties, and the fourth destroyed by the infiltration of a specialized Skrey Pulverizer named Garzlan and some cohorts. When all four shielders were down, the waiting Skrey fleet landed and began the invasion. It wasn't easy, but in the end the Warbots on Cawmuth were destroyed and the planet taken. [6]

"Pride" A prosperous Skrey colonial planet is visited (Accidentally, so we're told) by a spacefaring empire. Ever the dull-witted brutes, the Skrey fighting force their mobilized and, after a brief exchange of messages, attacked the 'invaders'. A bout of fierce fighting ensued, with both sides retreating. It turns out that these aliens were part of the Gronian Imperium. This first and woefully violent encounter is almost certain to spark a war between both prideful Warlord races. [7]

Later, the Gronians retaliated. In an act of violence almost Skrey-like in nature, the descended upon the planet and captured town after town. What forces we had weren't prepared, and citizens were slaughtered by the dozens. We sincerely hope these Gronians have realized the full potential of their actions. This means war! [8]

"Ascension" In relentless pursuit of the Gronian commander that called himself Aspis, the Skrey followed his armada -Admittedly haphazardly- to a bountiful oceanic planet under their control. The Nation took it by storm, with extreme prejudice. Though every deployment was successful, one island-mountain raid in particular, the Skrey were forced to retreat with their plunder after Lord Aspis made a colossal U-Turn and arrived at the planet. We hear the the Gronians are infuriated by our vehemence, and mean to exterminate the Skrey Nation.[9]