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Spore 2011-10-22 09-27-19.png

Spore 2011-12-13 07-09-59.png
Faction: Peacekeepers
Homeplanet: Unnamed at the moment
Reknown for: Massive units called battlestations, strong shields, extremely durable armor and their adaptiveness, advanced nanotechnology
Weaknesses: Poor stealth, ineffcient weapon systems and a lack of numbers
Government: Currently a stratocracy
Generals Lumira
Lifespan: Originally 80 years, can be extended to 150 through use of nanobots.
Height (In meters): Approximately around 1 meter to 1.4 meters
Population Approximately in between, 3 billion to 3.5 billion
Economic System Barter
Currency Mainly barter, though trying to adopt a capitalist system
Notable Conflicts Involved in
Technology Highly advanced for a young spacefaring race
Number of active serviceman Approximately around 750 million, numbers fluctuate wildly though
Allies 4
Enemies 4
Engaging the xenophobe threat

The Luminarian empire[edit | edit source]

The Luminarians, a race embroiled in wars and a civil war that decimated one side,The remaining non-xenophobic luminarians that survived the purge have now taken refugee in a planet,Waiting for the time where they can reveal themselves once again


Homeworld:Unknown as of yet

Biology[edit | edit source]

Luminarians are a short raptor like species with wings to assist them. Many luminarian biologists believe that their ancestors, lived in the mountainous region of luminaria, Their bluish greyish skin acted as camouflage against the the other aerial predators that used to hunt them. Their short stature was most likely due to the fact they lived in caves, limiting their ability to grow. A common theory about the raptor shape of the luminarians, is that the luminarians were both adapt hunters in the air and land, using their wings to swoop down on unsuspecting prey and upon missing, chase after the prey. Their mouths, contained a large number of incisors, useful in tearing huge chunks of meat from carcasses, and many believe that the luminarians used their teeth then their hands during mating fights.

Diet[edit | edit source]

Luminarians are carnivorous, consuming only meat, however, the luminarian digestive system can also absorb nutrients from plants, though lesser then meat. This has helped starting colonies prosper by eating only grains to supplement their meager meat intake. Through this biological function, many claimed that the luminarians weren't carnivores, but omnivores as well. However, others argue that the mouth and digestive system were extremely adapted to the consumption of meat, where the ability to consume plants came from an ice-age 10000 years ago. where meat was scarce and plants were the only reliable source to obtain food from. The debate still rages on till this day.

Reproduction[edit | edit source]

The luminarians reproduce through the laying of eggs. The eggs are fertilized inside the luminarian female body by the male, before the outer shell of the egg begins to harden. Each of these eggs require about 5-7 months before they hatch, these eggs require a large amount of heat to be applied on them during the 5-7 months whle they develop. In ancient times, a luminarian was appointed to take care of all the eggs in a flock, staying close to them at all times. With modern luminarian technology, most luminarian parents just place their eggs in an incubator. For the first 2 months, the embryo slowly develops its basic internal organs and body shape. In the 3-5 months, limbs begin to form, the tail is more evident, small hands begin to appear, 3 long toes begin to appear from the stubs of the legs. In the final 2 months, the embryo begins to sprout jelly like wings, its features begin to be more defined, a tinge of grey can be spotted on the pink skin.

Most luminarian infants normally have to break their own shells to get free, this is mainly due a survival mechanism. Babies that couldn't escape the shell indicated that it was weak, a handicap upon the flock. Most medical professionals still don't challenge this law, preferring not to tamper with this aspect of nature. These infants require regurgitated food to consume for 3 years, their digestive system not grown enough to be able to digest the complex meat of most animals. Requiring the parents to break it down into simpler substances first using their own digestive system before feeding it to their young. The entire luminarian body will stop growing at the age of 14, with all their organs fully grown and ready.

History[edit | edit source]

Tribal[edit | edit source]

The luminarian past is highly shrouded in mystery, not many artifacts were recovered from this period of time, highly suggesting that during their tribal phase, the luminarians were constantly attacking each other. Artifacts recovered indicated that the luminarians normally setup their tribes in mountainous regions, using tools such as bows and arrows alongside primitive stone swords to wage war.It was also during this period of time, the planet was experiencing an ice age, killing off all but a few of the luminarians on the planet, severly hampering their development. Only a select few tribes survived due to their knowledge of fire. The Ice age also caused several of the luminarian predators to go into hibernation and sent herbivores to roam the icy plains looking for food. The abundance of food had led to a boom in luminarian population during that time, packs of 15-20 luminarians would normally go out and hunt. However, the increase in population and now dwindling supply of food had caused several luminarians to begin eating plants, attempting to stop their hunger. The effect of this would be seen 2 thousand years later.

Only when the ice age finally ended, the luminarians begun developing again, expanding their now large tribes even further, until they dominated the planet.

Civilisation[edit | edit source]

After the ice age, several luminarian tribes were left on the planet, these large tribes would keep on growing and expanding, eventually starting nations and cities. These primitive luminarian cities constantly used stone to construct their structures, the ice age having wiped out most of the vegetation on the planet. The luminarians having secured dominance over the other animals, started to learn more about them, prompting them to set up farms and rear these animals. Other luminarians were more interested in hunting animals then rearing them, and developed tools more suited to hunting animals and would later be used as weapons during warfare. It was during this golden age where the luminarians had quickly increased their technology and living standards.

As it so happens with the luminarians aggressive nature, wars between 2 nations would occur. Wars fought during this period of time were normally a mix of ranged forces and melee units, ending in very bloody battles between the 2 nations. Only years later did the aggressive nation of Yml-gaerth developed gunpowder and learned about the crude oil, eventually creating the first motorized vehicle. A mobile cannon on wheels. Other nations soon copied the idea of motorized vehicles, creating new designs out of it and improving the luminarians level of technology even further.

As luminarian technology developed, so did their aggression. More and more technology was dedicated to warfare, mechs, battlesuits were quickly being introduced during this era. More battles were fought between opposing nations, nations conquered. Eventually it boiled down to 2 equally aggressive nations, Yum-paheel and Luminaria. Both factions waged vicious war against each other, both on land, sea, air and even space with primitive spaceships. In the end, Luminaria suceeded after the development of Nuclear warheads and launched mulitple simultenous devastating strikes aginst Yum-paheel. This victory would seen their homeworld named luminaria as a sign of dominance and ushered in a new era of peace. The luminarians once again kept updating their tech, enchancing everything about their lifestyle.

The Millenium War[edit | edit source]

Not long after their major wars on luminaria, the luminarians begun exploring the vast space, colonizing planets around them. However, it was not long before they realized they weren't the only race in space, moreover not the race with the best technology. The first race they encountered was the zorox, a race of humanoid mammals with advanced ranged technology with cunning to boot.Initial relations with the zoroxians were friendly at first, both empires begun trading resources and technology with each other. However, relationship soured when it was evident the zoroxians were sabotaging luminarian planets, causing an all-out war between the 2 empires.

The zoroxian army and empire were vast and powerful, moreover, due to poor government, the luminarian military were unable to defend against the zoroxian fleets. After a string of devastating losses, the luminarian military split from the government, this gave the military more funding and lesser obstructions. Allowing them to fight the zoroxians on their own terms. Luminarian commanders begun to embrace the value of adaptability after realising that the zoroxians normally conformed to a single tactic during a battle. Luminarian troops and vehicles wnet through major changes, their armaments gave each commander more tactical flexibility, allowing them to fight the zoroxians toe-to-toe.

This war had also led the luminarians to discover nanotechnology, nanoconstruction was invented, allowing the luminarians to quickly churn out more machines of war, denying the zoroxians their numerical superiority. Nanobots were also used to help supplement every soldier's blood, Increasing oxygen supply, increased resistance against biological warfare and a quicker time for blood to clot, reducing the number of casualties and evening the odds between the luminarians and zoroxians. The luminarians also experienced a massive technological upgrade during the war, their already formidable weaponry were being improved at an extremely fast rate to compensate for the zoroxian's expertise in ranged firepower.

It was also during this war the luminarians developed their xenophobia. The zoroxians would manipulate lesser races to attack the luminarians, this constant assault by races the luminarians had no ties with had caused them to think that other races while extremely hostile to them, creating a sense of xenophobia within the empire itself. The luminarians lashed out heavily against any empires that were in range of their territory while fighting the zoroxians.

A thousand years after the war begun, it was pretty clear that the luminarians would win the war after all. In the luminarian empire, the 3 generals decided to focus more on the future then the current war. All 3 of them believed that without any allies, the empire would surely fall, however, their predecessors did an excellent job of indocitrinating the luminarian population on xenos. Hence, a small select group of luminarian commanders were picked, to locate any allies amongst the stars.

The Great War[edit | edit source]

The luminarians first joined the great war after the events on outpost XC-11, a desperate last assault by the zoroxians in an attempt to seize the outpost and use it as a staging ground to assault luminaria. Their efforts were foiled by a space captain, commander spark and the timely arrival of the aeveria confederation. After the incident of outpost XC-11, the luminarians utterly crushed the zoroxians, while commander spark entered peace talks with the aeveria confederation. From there, the luminarians have learned about the great war and joined the peacekeepers, participating in some conflicts such as the battle for nu-zartar and the stormclouds incident.

However, the luminarians would also meet the zaretians, after raiding one of their bases for intel, the luminarians declared war on the zaretians after the battle of nu-zartar.The zaretians would prove to be one of the luminarian's greatest foes, especially after the stormclouds events, where the luminarians lost commander spark to them and inadvertently caused the luminarian split to occur.

The Purge[edit | edit source]

See the Luminarian split page for more info.

Current Era[edit | edit source]

Now, after the luminarian split, the luminarians would re-emerge from their seclusion, 8 months after their disappearance, the luminarians have come back in full force. Much stronger then they were before, the luminarians have constructed multiple devastating battlestations. A large number of their forces include advanced military units like battlesuits and mechs to supplement their low number of units. The luminarians new technology enhancements has reduced their casualty rates even further. Hence, despite their small population and territory, the luminarians are still a force to be reckoned with, their highly advanced units and sheer durability makes them a strong supportive force for the peacekeepers.

Though their first few engagements with the warlords have gone rather badly for them, especially the battle of norsus, the luminarians have collected sufficient data on their new allies and foes. And in order to combat these new foes, the luminarian military has been upgraded to counter these new threats. More battlestations specifically suited to combat certain races have been developed and are currently being deployed with devastating results on zaretian worlds and margan fleets. Their forces often have good synergy with other peacekeepers, and hence have taken up a supportive role in the peacekeeper alliance, assisting other empires such as the karahotdoum and the aeveria confederation.

Lately, xenophobes have launched assaults on luminarian held worlds, requiring a large number of luminarian fleets and armies to be recalled back to defend their worlds. Though the xenophobes outnumber the rebels 9 to 1, the rebels can still hold their ground in the face of such overwhelming odds, a testament to their powerful armor and shielding. The split must be resolved, though which side may come out victorious is not as clear cut as before

Relations[edit | edit source]

The Luminarians have a few diplomatic ties with other races in the Epic war.

Friendly[edit | edit source]

Aeveria Confederation[edit | edit source]

The 4 main races of the aeveria Confederation

"They saved our asses quite a few times, kudos to them." -Comannder Lyrek

"Amazing that they've got so many other races in just one confederation." -Commander Lumira

"I have a bad feeling about their ACI..." -Sgt.Biriska

The Luminarians first encountered the Aeveria Confederation during the battle over outpost XC-11. Their assistance in helping defend the outpost led to peace talks between the non-xenophobes and the Confederation, leading to an alliance. The 2 would later assist each other in certain key conflicts such as the battle of Nu-Zartar and the norsus conflict.

The Luminarians are intrigued by how seamlessly the aeveria confederation integrates different species without much issues as they have never seen a confederation such as the aeveria survive that long with so many other species in it.

The Rach[edit | edit source]

The Rach, picture obtained from a optics feed

"I like these guys, they're similar to us, but at the same time rather different." -Unidentified luminarian soldier

"Our forces and their synergize extremely well, we should integrate our forces some time." -Commander lyrek

"Where is the armor on this thing? Isn't this vehicle supposed to be armored if its a tank?" -Luminarian engineer conversing with a rach

The luminarians first met the rach on the planet norsus, helping the rach retake the planet from the warlords. However, their part was minimal due their weak fleet in orbit and insufficient ground troops. After the loss of Norsus, there has been minimal interraction between the rach and the luminarians, due to the assault by the xenophobes and the rach being busy rebuilding their empire.

The Luminarians are impressed with the advanced stealth technology the rach possess. Commander Prioxis in particular is interested in engaging the rach in tech trades, hoping to get some idea of how rach stealth works and see how it could be implemented to supplement the failing luminarian stealth technology, though if it involves stripping off armor off luminarian units...

Empire of Diablos[edit | edit source]

"Brave and strong, their many qualities makes them one of the best peacekeepers" -Commander Lumira

"A code of honor? Only well established empires actually manage to pull that off." -Commander Prioxis

"Must be nice to be so tall..." -Luminarian soldier

The Diabloians were first introduced to the luminarians in the peacekeeper conference which the aeveria confederation had setup. Though the luminarians have had little chances to interact with the Diabloians, the luminarians have heard much about the diabloians from other peacekeepers. The luminarians highly respect the diabloians for their many exploits and their role as one of the leading peacekeeper races.

Karahotduom[edit | edit source]

"Excellent warriors, these karahotduom are a force to be reckoned with" -Commander Izahsh

"I'd suggest we outsource our military jungle training to these guys." -Commander Lyrek

"Our main providers of carpets and fezzes." -Unidentified luminarian civilian

The luminarians first met the karahotduom during the peacekeeper conference which the aeveria confederation had hosted. The luminarians have had little chances to work with the karahotduom pre-purge, only after the purge have the luminarians and karahotduom begin working together. Their recent engagement being the battle of norsus. The karahotduom have also helped to jump-start the luminarian economy through trade and as such, the luminarians hold a very positive stance towards them.

Neutral[edit | edit source]

Holy Nepharian Empire[edit | edit source]

The nepharians

"I don't like them, but they're trying to suck up to us, As long as this truce goes, I won't put a bullet in their heads."

"How the hell did they evolve so fast?"

The Lumninarians first met the nepharians during the Ioria conflict. Due to the nepharians rapid expansion, the luminarians were forced into combat with the nepharians for control of the small galaxy, which ended up dealing heavy damage to the nepharian operations in the galaxy. However, luminarian operations were also halted due to the nepharian allies dealing a massive counterattack on their planets and were forced to retreat. Thought the luminarians were about to launch an assault on nepharian territory during the great war, the start of the purge and the letter recieved from the nepharian leader, placed them in an uneasy truce with the nepharians.

Most luminarians don't have much love for nepharians, preferring to ignore them outright on many occassions. This negative stigma was caused by how the nepharian reliance on their allies caused their defeat in Ioria, similar to that of their long time enemy, the zoroxians. However, most military higher-ups agree that the nepharian zealotness could be something to learn from.

Hostile[edit | edit source]

Zaretian Empire[edit | edit source]

The Zaretians

"Shit eating lizards." -Commander Prioxis

"A sea of green, gun wielding lizards...reminds me of a certain video game..." -Commander Lyrek

"I don't even want to know what sort of tea they make..." -Luminarian soldier

The Luminarians first met the zaretians during operation filetheft. Though tthe operation was a success, it had set the luminarians up for open retalliation from the zaretians. Both forces would clash several times, notable examples being the stormclouds events, battle for nu-zartar and the siege of nythor. Both forces suffered heavy casulties in each battle, with both forces sometimes winning by a small margin.

The zaretians are the only current race the luminarians are in full blown war with. Even after the great purge, the luminarians have constantly been on the assault against the zaretians, fighting them during the planet of norsus. The heavy use of mechs by the zaretians also mimics that of the luminarians, however, the luminarians despise the zaretians inflexible tactics.

Margan Empire[edit | edit source]

Several margan on norsus

"Get me some tranquilizers, maybe those will have an effect on these murderous herbivores!" -Sgt.Hreban

"You've got to give it to them, they're actually quite good." -Commander Lyrek

"Didn't their parents tell these guys they shouldn't play with fire?" -Luminarian soldier

The Luminarians first met the margan on the planet norsus, engaging the ferocious margan in conflict. Though managing to have the upper hand in the technology department, the suicidal and fanatical margan managed to heavily damage the luminarian force on norsus. Apart from norsus, there has been little interaction between the margan and luminarians.

The Luminarians are somewhat impressed by the margan's cunning and ferocity, many commanders believing that their military would be better if they had a bit of the margan's fanacticism. However, the luminarians are highly disgusted with the margan's experimentation with bionics, especially after hearing about margan archons.

The IAE[edit | edit source]

"The oddest warlord I have ever seen. Their motives and methods differ heavily from the other warlords." -Commander Izahsh

"A waste of their potential, they would have been better off as peacekeepers then warlords." -Commander Prioxis

"They seem to focus on miniaturizing their weapons, while we make ours as large as possible..." -Luminarian techie

The IAE are an enigma to the luminarians, first encountered on norsus where the luminarians engaged the warlords, but apart from that the luminarians have little to no contact with the IAE at all. Data obtained from norsus indicate that the IAE have a high level of technology. So far, the luminarians believe that the IAE would be better off working under the peacekeeper banner then siding with the warlords.

Asanian Syndicate[edit | edit source]

"A race of fishes with uncoventional ideas for combat. Every single battle with them will be a good way to improve on each of our units." -Commander Lumira

" Every single battle with them exposes flaws we never found in our units, and we take their feedback to heart, covering these flaws up with better technology." -Luminarian engineer

"Apparently, the fishes here are so fresh, they try to blow our heads off." -Unknown luminarian soldier

The Luminarians first encountered the asanians during the battle of norsus. Their unorthodox tactics heavily damaging the behemoth battlestation. Since Norsus, there has been light skirmishing between the luminarians and asanians, with each battle, the luminarians obtaining important data on both the asanians and several weaknesses on their own units, leading to a drive to increase their own technology to better counter these fishes.

The luminarians have a respect for the asanians, mainly in their rapid advances in technology. It is also due to this conflict that the luminarians have had a boost in their own teching, not to mention the recent improvement in luminarian units to better combat the asanians.

Notable figures[edit | edit source]

In the luminarian empire, there are quite a few notable individuals. Some are the more iconic commanders, who lead the luminarian ground forces, while others are the promising soldiers who have performed valiant feats.

Commanders[edit | edit source]

In the luminarian hierarchy, commanders are the leaders of the luminarian military. Second only to the generals, the commanders are given free reign on how to conduct their operations, be it from a show of overwhelming force or a guerrilla warfare esque battle. Commanders are normally some of the brightest and talented squad leaders, with several years of experience behind them and a highly detailed course of stratagems taught to them at the scholaris progenium.

Luminarian commanders vary in tactics, some prefer to utilize more blitz troops then others, some prefer an aggressive style of warfare. But it matters little as each commander is trained to adapt his strategies or in some cases, follow a completely new line of thinking to achieve victory. Most commanders are expected to go into the battle themselves, wielding their own exotic weaponry. Be it a huge flamethrower to a gunhammer. Every battle to them is like chess, completely new and fresh, never the exact same.

Commander Lumira[edit | edit source]

Commander Lumira and the ascendant sovereign

"She practically redefined turtling in the army. No one knows how many layers of shields, turrets, anti-nukes you have to go through, and that's just one of her outposts..."-Commander Lyrek

Description: One of the sole remaining commanders during the purge, Lumira is the current leader and tactician of the Luminarian rebel military, as such, she rarely leaves for the battlefield, instead, training the new generation of luminarians to prepare for a new era of battles.

Armaments: Large Phazon Claymore with energy field, allowing for devastating melee capabilities, also has a ballistic alloy shield.

Tactics: Lumira favors a defensive style warfare. An avid user of the heavy support forces, most tactics of hers involve a concentrated defensive line with over lapping fields of turret fire and shields while all the vital parts of a base are placed in the middle, forcing opponents to waste valuable troops and time attempting to break the defense, before lashing out with a violent counterattack of nukes, artillery and bombers. Though she does some times blitz through enemy forces with a piercing armor column or execute multiple hit and run operations.

Past records: Lumira was born alongside 3 other siblings to a rather well-off family. A headstrong young girl, lumira and her siblings were conscripted into the army at the age of 16. During the mandatory 2 year period of conscription, lumira was involved in a variety of conflicts, performing spectacular feats of tactical thinking and bravery and as such quickly worked her way up the chain of command. Eventually capturing the attention of one of the generals, after the mandatory 2 years were over, she was offered the chance to stay in the military and be promoted to a commander. She gladly accepted the offer.

It was there and then she met commander spark, her rival and eventual friend. During her time in the scholaris progenium, lumira was disgusted at several of the tactics other commanders would use during their simulated war games. During that period of time, most luminarian commanders favored highly aggressive tactics which led to the massive casualties the luminarains took in return for a quick win. She took it upon herself to develop a more defensive orientated tactic that still utilized the ferocity of the luminarian army. Her adapted stratagems performed well against other commanders, obliterating their early assaults while keeping most of her men alive. Her defense-orientated tactics earned her the nickname, "Snapturtle.'

She met Commander Spark during one of such war games, like her, spark was also a young prodigy. Her all-or-nothing blitzkrieg style warfare had been rather effective during the simulations. As part of an assignment, both spark and lumira were tasked to work together. Due to their difference in tactics, both lumira and spark were at loggerheads with each other, constantly dueling each other. Several of these matches have had their replays stored and is still in use at this time of writing. Eventually, both would learn to respect each other's tactics and this friendship would carry on during their military careers.

After graduating from the scholaris progenium, Lumira was heavily involved in both the conflict and the research department. Participating in the Umerra and Ferikian campaigns, her tactics were extremely effective in several key battles, eventually helping the lumianrians to take over both fortress worlds. Lumira had also been the progenitor of several luminarian designs, some of these include the Aegis Base Shield Generator, Demolisher Anti-matter mobile artillery and the mobile shield generator. Her expertise in the area of defense had increased the survivability rate and would later eventually see most of her ideas incorporated into the standard luminarian forces.

3 years later after her promotion to commander, lumira would join commander spark and 4 other commanders to form the department of forign relations, a covert group of commanders sanctioned by the generals to handle relationships with the new aliens, the aeveria confederaion. The entire operation was carried out smoothly until the stormclouds incident occurred, costing the life of commander spark. Although devastated at first, the weight of the burden that was once on spark was now on her shoulders and the entire operation couldn't afford another hiccup like that.

On 0BR, ulran launched his offensive on the luminarian rebels in the process, he killed all but 2 of the non-xenophobic commanders, Lumira and tza'dik, along with 80% of their troops and civilians. The deaths of so many luminarians weighed down on her mind, she felt that it was her incompetence that led to the events of the purge. However, despite all her protests, most of the surviving rebels still urged her to be their leader, unable to back down from their requests, she conceded.

8 months after the purge, lumira still rules the now flourishing rebels, rebuilding their fragmented and destroyed army and guiding the rebels forward. Even though many still believe she has done the best job that no one else could have done, the responsibility of taking care of the rebels still weighs heavily on her shoulders and despite her toughened exterior, the strain is still evident on her face.

Status: Currently training more commanders to be in the rebel homeworld

Ascendant Soverign[edit | edit source]

The ascendant sovereign dispatching 2 zaretian soldiers

"Always have your allies close, and your enemies under your boot." -Commander Lumira

The Ascendant Soverign is Commander Lumira's personal battlesuit. Lumira personally oversaw the design of this battlesuit, from the basic design to its completion. The ascendant soverign like other personal battlesuits are a personification of the commander's fighting style, in this case, The ascendant Soverign is a powerhouse, Armed with a phazon claymore and power gauntlet, the ascendant soverign in a monster in melee, wiping out any who dare approach it. Combined with its powerful shielding and toughened armor, the Ascendant Soverign is a melee powerhouse and an inspiring figure to the luminarians.

The Ascendant Soverign is one of the luminarians prized suits, and as such, it is outfitted with the best and latest tech the luminarians can offer. Its melee weaponry, both the phazon claymore and power fist were both hand-crafted to perfect specifications. The phazon claymore is the main weapon the Ascendant Soverign uses, its long reach and power is capable of cutting through battlestation armor, and by extension, the phazon claymore can slice through anything. The power gauntlet is more of a secondary weapon, Capable of wrenching weapons from vehicles, tanks and crush heads into a fine paste of blood,gore and bone. Its thick shielding and armor has made it near invulnerable to most conventional weaponry, only dedicated anti-vehicular weapons can scratch its armor.

However, the ascendant soverign is rarely used. The luminarians would prefer it not to be destroyed, however in the few cases were the ascendant soverign has been deployed, the devastation it wrecks on everything is a sight to behold. The ascendant soverign inspires its fellow luminarians to follow its lead as it brings its wrath down on its enemies.

Commander Lyrek[edit | edit source]

Commander Lyrek and some men on norsus

"It still amazes me that this guy managed to get into the scholaris progenium"-Sgt.Erikan

Description: Lyrek is one of the younger commanders in the luminarian army, recently graduated from the scholaris progenium, lyrek hasn't seen much combat and is tasked to reform alliances with the luminarians original allies and learn diplomatic skills at the same time.

Armaments: Lyrek uses a heavily modified pistol and a custom built electric blade, this setup allows lyrek to easily switch from ranged to melee combat depending on the situation at hand.

Tactics: Lyrek uses most textbook luminarian strategies due to his lack of experience, but this has not prevented him from thinking up unusual strategies to combat his foes. The recent talks with the rach have taught him the benefits of speed and mobility, resulting in the increased usage of small mobile groups of soldiers to flank and assault undefended locations. Lyrek also prefers using the standard forces more then the blitz or heavy support forces as he believes the standard forces are far more versatile then the other 2.

Past records:Lyrek's past have been shrouded in mystery, not many know of his true origin and those who claim they do, their accounts seem to contradict each other. Many do know however that he was a refugee upon one of the ships, escaping the purge. In a month's time, he was admitted to the scholaris progenium, a move made by lumira that stunned everyone in the military. Despite all the arguments, she has stood firm by her decision, making many wonder what did lyrek do to impress lumira.

However, after much digging, we do know that lyrek's real name is actually Arcadius. A young luminarian, Arcadius was the only child of a rather ok family, his other siblings killed in their eggs by a disease. A brash and headstrong boy in his youth, he joined up with the military at the age of 16. Arcadius performed extremely well in the military, his rise through the ranks was extremely fast, by the end of his 2 year conscription period, Arcadius had risen to the rank of a captain, a feat nearly none could match. It was at the end of his 2 year stint he was offered the chance to join the dead 5, the elite luminarian black ops team. To be offered the chance to join the dead 5 was a high honor in itself, moreover at the young age of 18, it was nearly unheard of. Arcadius immediately accepted the offer.

Arcadius role in the now renamed dead six was that of a heavy support, and it suited him fine. Following the other members of the group into the most dangerous assignments, arcadius performed his role well, assisting the other members during heated firefights. It was during this period of time, he learnt a lot of skills in infiltration, combat and tactics. These skills would later help him during the purge and post-purge eras.

When the purge occured, Arcadius was split up from the team, each of them being sent to different locations. It was during one assignment when arcadius learnt of the slowly disappearing members of the dead six. One by one, each of them turned up MIA. Knowing something was amiss, he headed back to luminaria, only to be met with an ambush. A heated firefight occured in the streets of luminaria, with enforcers and other soldiers hot on his tail. Barely managing to get out of luminaria alive, Arcadius changed his identity to Lyrek, intent on locating the rebels. Fortunately for him, he managed to board a rebel ship, and posed as a refugee like the rest of the luminarians aboard.

After the purge, lyrek would meet up with lumira, and during the meering, could have revealed his true identity to her, hence his promotion to the scholaris progenium. During his time there, Lyrek was known as a joker, playing pranks on the other commanders. Though many disliked his laid back and carefree attitude, none could dispute that his strategies were both effective and unorthodox.

After his graduation, Lyrek was assigned to look out for their past allies, scouting the galaxy for news. Lyrek is also looking out for news on his missing squad-mates, hoping that they're still alive and well.

Now, Lyrek is currently on norsus to locate the source of the beacon, and would eventually help out the rach and other peacekeeper forces.

Status: At planet norsus, assisting rach and other peacekeeping forces in retaking the planet

Iconoclast Majoris[edit | edit source]

The Iconoclast Majoris, after destroying 2 zaretian mechs

"Did you really think I wouldn't have a bigger gun? I'm a dammed luminarian and don't you ever forget it!" -Commander Lyrek speaking to a group of about-to-be-killed enemy soldiers

The Iconoclast Majoris is commander lyrek's own personal battlesuit, lyrek personally designed his battlesuit, adding several top-of the line functions to it. The Iconoclast Majoris is the perfect personification of lyrek's favorite style of combat, from his time in the dead six. The Iconoclast Majoris is both fast, strong and has stealth features, lyrek uses his suit with deadly effect. Appearing out of nowehre to unleash a withering hail of fire, capable of taking out most mechs, vehicles and soldiers with ease, combined with the suits powerful armor and ablative shielding, makes the Iconoclast Majoris a powerful battlesuit and even more so in the right hands.

The Iconoclast Majoris is outfitted with the latest luminarian technology. Its most prominent weapon being a powerful APPC-875 Phazon cannon, capable of firing high velocity rounds at a high-rate of fire, annihilating any in its field of fire, the sheer volume of fire easily rips through shielding, armor and bone. Even more devastating is the Iconoclast Majoris's ability to cloak for a limited time, allowing it to move to a better firing position or intimidate enemy forces. Its thick layers of armor allow it to soak the same volume of damage as it dishes out. As such, this combination of stealth, firepower and defense is suited for commander lyrek's personal fighting style of hitting hard and fast.

Despite Commander Lyrek's attempts to remove all weaknesses with the Iconoclast Majoris, The Iconoclast Majoris cannot move while firing the APPC-875, the recoil generated by the weapon is too intense to allow it to be fired on the move. This has reduced the overall mobility of the battlesuit itself. However, this minor setback can be compensated for with the increase in armoring. As such, the Iconoclast Majoris is not to be messed with.

Commander Amarylis[edit | edit source]

The 2 forms of Amarylis, the battlesuit, and the child

"More like the queen bitch of the luminarians..."-Unidentified soldier

Description: Amarylis is a battlesuit, or more to the point, a broken body fused with a battlesuit. At the age of 14, she was promoted to commander, the youngest commander to date. Amarylis has seen many things. She has killed at the age of 7, lost many limbs and organs at 10 years old, including both her wings, an arm, a leg, and an eye. Enslaved by pirates for 3 years and lost everyone she knew. Before finally being interred into a battlesuit. Amarylis Still serves the luminarian empire in hopes of finding and killing the pirate lord that caused her pain. Many don't question that even at a young age, she's seen and experienced what 99.9% of the entire luminarian population will never see or experience in their lives, hence many don't question her motives or tactics as she's one of the most mature and experienced commanders the luminarians have to offer

Armaments:Amarylis integrated with a powerful battlesuit, capable of wielding any weapon.Be it a pistol to a Lascannon, a dagger to a claymore. A master at using every form over luminarian weapon, her battlesuit enhances her already formidable skills,allowing her to perform extraordinary feats of physical prowess. Her battlesuit can also adapt to the different roles she requires, Blitz for example, removes the shield in exchange for a jetpack, and faster motion adjustments, resulting in faster speeds. Heavy on the other hand, increases power to the shields in exchange for slower motion.

Tactics: A strong believer of demolishing enemy lines with overwhelming firepower, Amarylis Bulldozes past enemy lines, meeting even the most vicious of opponents blow for blow, some say she's merciless, others say that her battlesuit is powered on her rage. Some even whisper she's a margan in lumi skin, most likely due to her habit of charging straight into enemy lines, as if knowing today is not her day to die. As a result of this form of strategy, she was one of the most vocal commanders that led to the authorization of battlestations, and is now the chief commander of the design and production of battlestations.

Past records: Amarylis was supposed to have a carefree life on terrius, at the age of 7, she was still unexposed to the horrors of the galaxy, until pirates laid waste to terrius, capturing her and her sister to be used as sport for a twisted gladitorial games in which children from various species were forced to fight to the death, with only 1 victor. Amarylis emerged from the games, scarred and emotionally burdened from it. The deaths of her sister and the many other aliens she killed had a large impact on her. Some say the games had caused her to mature at such a young age, having to face the horrors of it, while others believe her anger is just a facade, to hide her conflicting emotions. Nonetheless, she was kept on the pirate amarda for 3 years, before a strike team managed to extricate her out. During her time in there, she lost a large number of organs and limbs, her right arm, left leg, an eye and both her wings along with most of her organs.

When she arrived on norvus medical station, she was just a quivering hunk of meat, major blood loss had caused much of her organs to fail, resulting in immediate interment in stasis. In order to keep her alive, Technicians and doctors worked for 5 months, fusing her broken body with a battlesuit. At the end of the process, Amarylis was still alive, better and stronger then before, but, it was at a huge cost. 3 months after she was interred into a battlesuit, amarylis enlisted to join the army, mainly for the purpose of finding that pirate lord.

Joining the 5th heavy support squadron, where her uniqueness would not be noticable, Amarylis proved to be one of the strongest warriors in the army, she took great pains to learn how to utilize every single weapon in the army, from day to night she continously trained, and is now capable of wielding any weapon in the luminarian arsenal with deadly effciency. From assault rifles to huge force mauls. This did not go unnoticed by commander spark, who promoted amarylis to squad leader.

As a squad leader, Amarylis performed her role impeccably, she was always the one who would dive in headfirst, inspiring her squad members to follow her. The sheer devastation wrecked on her enemies was both demoralizing to the enemy and inspiring to the luminarians. As Commander Lumira would later remark, "She leads through action, not through words."

After the purge, Amarylis would take up the mantle of commander, along with the responsibility of the creation and use of battlestations. Though commanders are expected to deal with other races, Commander lumira has yet to send Amarylis to any diplomatic meetings, prefering to keep her on the frontlines where her leadership and inspiring prescence would be better utilized.


Status: Preparing the next generation of battlestations, while listening for news on the pirates, rumors indicate she's mobilizing her forces to an unknown location

Commander Izahsh[edit | edit source]

Izahsh readying his hammer against a incoming margan.

"If he ain't swinging, he's shooting."-Luminarian soldier

Description: Izahsh is one of the newest graduates from the scholaris progenium. Izahsh was an assidous soldier before the purge, under the commmand of the now traitor commander Tza'dik. A skilled soldier in his own right, Izahsh worked his way up to be the second in command of tza'dik. When the purge occured, he defected from tza'diks command. Now, one of the more experienced commanders, Izahsh is a skilled tactician, though he relies a little heavily on vehicles.

Armaments: Izahsh wields a weapon of his own design, a gunhammer. Capable of firing 12 rounds before its clips empties, Izahsh uses the gunhammer effciently, swinging away at enemy forces and firing at any trying to flee. The gunhammer is capable of crushing most vehicular armor or leaving a caved in skull.

Tactics: Izahsh is like most other luminarian commanders, adaptable. He anaylses the situation at hand before tailoring a specific strategy to counter his opponents. However, unlike the other commanders, Izahsh prefers using a large numbers of vehicles in his tactics, mainly due to the fact that vehicles offer more armor and are much more survivable then being on foot, much like a hammer itself.

Past records: Izahsh was born to a family of 7, at as young age, he was one more the most athletic in his school, capable of performing much feats of agility. At the age of 16, he was conscripted into the army like all other luminarians of his age. His fitness and speed kept him alive during the mandatory 2 years of military conscription. During this period of time, he participated in several major campaigns, including the disastrous Hekate campaign, one of the 308 survivors. That episode still haunts him to this day, The entire campaign claiming 2 of his siblings and 550 thousand other lives.

Right after the Hekate campaign, he immediately signed up for permanent military duty, the shame of losing his 2 siblings were too much for him to bear. He felt that he couldn't face his parents after that incident, burying his sorrow in his work. At the age of 19, a new division of soldiers was opened, the assidous soldiers. Heavy melee soldiers with the ability to teleport. The idea of teleporting had intrigued him from the start, and he signed up for the division.

The Assidous program had been one of the most interesting and fun divisions in the army and Izahsh agreed with that description. Izahsh was one of the first few members in the program, led by commander tza'dik. A skilled warrior in his own right, Izahsh worked his way up, eventually becoming tza'diks second in command. By then, Izahsh was 25, a formidable warrior, his mastery of the hammer and teleportation devices allowed him to wreak havoc on the zaretians. Combined, the 2 of them were a force to be reckoned with, taking down mechs, tanks and even aircraft.

However, things got explosive during the purge, after his breakout from the zaretian prison and infilitration into the xenophobe battlestation, Tza'dik confided in Izahsh his plans. Izahsh was horrified at his superior's suggestions to betray the rebels and tried to reason things over with him. Eventually their disscussion became an argument,and before Izahsh knew it, it came to blows. Both of them duelled inside the battlestation, but tza'dik was too strong, defeating Izahsh and Commander Aeternus.Left for dead inside the battlestation, Izahsh slowly crawled out of the battlestation, and managed to get on a dropship bound for what was left of the rebel fleet.

After the purge, Izahsh managed to catch Commander Lumira's attention, a powerful warrior and skilled tactician from his days as tza'diks second in command. Offering him the opportunity to be a commander which he readily accepted. Now, after his time in the scholaris progenium, his skilled insights into battles, powerful strength for a luminarian and experience on the battlefield have made him a formidable commander at the age of 27. Commander Lumira has not placed him in charge of any operations for the time being, but some say she intends for Izahsh to go up against the xenophobic luminarians

Status:Currently awaiting further orders from lumira

Abaddon Dominaris[edit | edit source]

The Abaddon Dominaris.

"Don't even bother running."-Commander Izahsh

The Abaddon Dominaris is Commander Izahsh's personal battlesuit, Izahsh oversaw the constructiong of the battlesuit, desiging the Rockethammer from scratch. Like with all other personal battlesuits, the Abaddon Dominaris is carefully built to suit Izahsh's prefered style of combat. Harkening back to his days as an Assidous soldier, the Abaddon Dominaris is practically his old role. Armed with a powerful self designed rockethammer, the Abaddon Dominaris teleports from soldier to soldier, annhilating all that it is under its gaze. This combined with the shielding and armor of the other battlesuits, make the Abaddon Dominaris a walking monster.

The Abaddon Dominaris wields a powerful rockethammer, a weapon designed by Izahsh himself. The rockethammer is virtually an upgraded version of the gunhammer Izahsh wields, instead of firing bullets, the rockethammer like its name suggests, fires rockets at its foes. The Abaddon Dominaris uses this to take down fleeing opponents, ground aircraft and blow open a hole in an armored tank. The rockethammer can also fire the rockets as it hits anything, Making it capable of cracking open the toughest tanks. This combined with its ability to make short teleports make the Abaddon Dominaris an absolute terror on the battlefield.

However, the teleportation on the abaddon dominaris is limited, everytime it makes a short hop, the shields on the abaddon go down for a few seconds, exposing the armor. But even with this weakness, the abaddon is still as heavily armored as it is shielded, making it an extremely hard foe to down.

Commander Des'ia[edit | edit source]

Des'ia freezing 2 zaretian troopers with her Cyro gun.

"Careful around her, slip up and she'll floor you."-Commander Lyrek

Description: Des'ia is also another new graduate from the scholaris progenium. Once a Cyrosoldier, Des'ia is one of the last few remnants from the now cancelled cyrosoldier division. Des'ia, like her weapon of choice is cool under pressure, never making hasty or impulse-driven commands despite the situation at hand. Though she may not be as strong as the other commanders, and her tactics a little unorthodox, Desi'ia has shown to be a capable commander.

Armaments:Des'ia wields a heavily modified Cyro gun, a remnant of her old days in the cryosoldier intiative. It fires blasts of liquid nitrogen that instantly freeze an enemy on contact, allowing her to easily dispatch an enemy by bashing her gun against the frozen soldier, shattering his icy prison and his body parts.

Tactics:Des'ia prefers to utilize the slide and sweep styled tactics. She normally attempts to wrest as much territory away from her foes through a slow yet strong advance. Before following up with devastating surgical strikes. She has used many variations of this strategy to great effect. Even though she normally uses the same strategy over and over again, she, like all other luminarian commanders will not hesitate to scrap her preferred tactic for a new one.

Past records: Des'ia prefers to utilize the slide and sweep styled tactics. She normally attempts to wrest as much territory away from her foes through a slow yet strong advance. Before following up with devastating surgical strikes. She has used many variations of this strategy to great effect. Even though she normally uses the same strategy over and over again, she, like all other luminarian commanders will not hesitate to scrap her preferred tactic for a new one.

Past records:Des'ia was born alongside 4 other siblings to a rather poor family. At a young age, She normally took good care of her other siblings, acting like a elder sister to them. At the age of 16, she like all luminarians of her age, joined the military. During her time in the military, she signed up to join the cyrosoldier divison, a group of luminarians with experimental weaponry that spewed out liquid nitrogen. During her stint in the cyrosoldier divison, Des'ia was involved in several battles, using her cyro gun with deadly effciency, preventing the melee-orientated aeonite army from getting close to luminarian firing lines, saving many of her comrades. However, the cyrosoldier division was closed down due to the lack of firepower and soldiers. And as such, after 2 years of the military, she returned to a normal life.

At the age of 38, Des'ia had started a family with another luminarian, having 5 children. However, 2 years later, the events of the purge occured, and Des'ia's husband went to help the rebels escape from the xenophobes while she and other rebels evacuated from the xenophobe held worlds. She never saw him again after the purge.

During the settlement of the new homeworld, Commander Lumira approached Des'ia with the intent of asking her to join the luminarian military again. Though at first she was hesistant of leaving her newborn kids alone, but eventually relented. Commander Lumira quickly realised her potential during the aptiude tests and immediately sent her to the scholaris progenium, intending for her to be a commander.

During the Scholaris Progenium, Des'ia was normally the mediator between quarrelling commanders, easily defusing the situation. Many do believe she was cut out for the role of diplomacy as well as combat after the first few simulated war games. Her motherly figure made several other commanders to respect her, her strategies made others fear her.

Now, after graduating from the Scholaris Progenium, Des'ia wields her ancient, but still powerful Cyro gun, disabling enemy forces before they can get close to luminarian lines or deploy walls of ice to create cover, her prowess with the cyro gun is unmatched, and she uses it effectively in conjunction with her tactics, to disable her enemies and deliver powerful blows against enemy forces. At the moment, Des'ia has yet to be placed in charge of any operations for the time being.

Status: Awaiting orders from commander lumira

Tempest Finaria[edit | edit source]

The Tempest Finaria, creating a small blizzard.

"Lay your weapons down, or I'll send you to the timeout zone."-Commander Des'ia

The Tempest Finaria is commander Des'ia's personal battlesuit. Commander Des'ia personally oversaw the creation of the mech and even created the cyro cannon from scratch. Like all other personal battlesuits, the Tempest Finaria is carefully created to suit Commander Des'ia's fighting style. The Tempest Finaria is a quad legged battlesuit, a unique design as quad legged battlesuits are not as easy to control as a humanoid. Despite this, Des'ia uses the Tempest Finaria to deadly effect, incapacitating large numbers of enemy forces and trample them underfoot. As with the other battlesuits, the tempest is heavily shielded and armored, and is capable of shrugging off the worst blows with ease.

The Tempest Finaria is one of the more unique battlesuits that have been made. Containing a "Blizzard" generator, the Tempest Finaria can unleash trillions of nanobots containing liquid nitrogen. In the air, these nanobots swirl around the Tempest Finaria, excreting small amounts of liquid nitrogen. This causes the temperature around the Tempest Finaria to rapidly drop, and creates and effect similar to a blizzard. Combined with its powerful cyro cannon, the Tempest Finaria can easily decimate unprepared forces, causing hypothermia and encasing them in ice. The Tempest Finaria also sports a greatsword, though Des'ia rarely uses it, prefering to use the powerful legs of the battlesuit to crush enemy forces underfoot.

Despite the benefits of the Tempest Finaria, it has several disadvantages. One of them being that it is less effective on lava or desert planets, as its abilities are diminished due to the heat, another drawback is its armaments weakness towards flame based weaponry, as the flames can easily melt the ice cages the Tempest Finaria produces. However, despite these drawbacks, the Tempest Finaria is to be feared, its ability to create devastating snowstorms out of nowhere can easily disrupt enemy troop movements and electronics while its immense melee prowess can easily dispatch any incapacitated soldier, tank or mech with ease

Commander Prioxis[edit | edit source]

Prioxis, after shanking 2 zaretians

"The best shanker in this dysfunctional group." -Commander Lyrek

Description: Commander Prioxis is one of the newer luminarian commanders, recently graduating from the scholaris progenium. In the pre-purge era, Prioxis was part of the special operation forces. A talented warrior, his skills with the knives are unparalleled by any other luminarians, combined with his mobility and cunning, makes him one of the more dangerous commanders to go toe to toe with.

Armaments: Prioxis normally wields lightning knives, though he's capable of using other knife like weapons with proficiency. These lightning knives can easily open chinks in an enemy armor, and discharge high amounts of voltage through a body. Combined with his training and experience, Prioxis can easily find a chink in any armor, and makes sure the opponent pays dearly for it.

Tactics: Prioxis's tactics normally resembles his style of fighting, combined with tactics learned from his days as a luminarian spec ops, Prioxis normally observes his foe, analyzing their tactics and locating weaknesses through the use of advanced intelligence gathering, before lashing out with devastating surgical strikes aimed at disrupting the opponent while using jammers, cloaking devices to prevent his opponent from replicating his tactics. Though he isn't afraid to use a huge push if the situation requires.

Past records: Prioxis was born with a rare genetic disorder, at the age of 3, most of his muscles begun to degenerate. Resulting in the loss of his wings and severely impairing his movement. Despite this setback, Prioxis persevered, forcing himself to walk normally and continue his life. At the age of 16, he was offered the choice not to join the army due to his condition, he refused and signed up for the military like the other luminarians of his age. Training rigorously alongside several of his squadmates, he made it a point not to let anyone know of his disorder. Eventually overcoming his disorder through sheer determination. After his basic military training, Prioxis joined the special operation forces, one of the most demanding departments in the luminarian military.

As the special operation forces required the use of wings for most of their operations, Prioxis underwent a surgery to fit prosthetic wings on him. These wings would help him keep up with his peers and be used as a makeshift weapon. During his time in the special operations forces, Prioxis picked up many tactics and observation methods. At that time, the intelligence department was severely lacking in technology. Utterly disgusted with this, Prioxis spearheaded several initiatives to improve the luminarian intel gathering, which led to the redesign of the radar and eventually, Prioxis himself would design the mortem crux class battlestations after the purge.

During the purge, Prioxis at the age of 38 was one of the few special operations members that sided with the rebels, having being approached personally by commander spark a few years ago. Prioxis's knowledge about intel warfare and gathering had a profound impact on the purge, managing to keep the loyalists off the rebels tails through the use of Jammers, cloaking devices and countermeasures. Prioxis was also credited with breaking through the jamming fleet protecting ulran's battlestation during the events on nessara, ultimately saving the rebels from defeat.

After the purge, he was approached by Commander Lumira with the offer of becoming a commander. He readily accepted, joining the scholaris progenium alongside the other luminarian commanders. In his time there, Prioxis was known for his patient tactics, using the power of intelligence to outmaneuver and cripple his foes. After graduating, Prioxis would assist Commander Amarylis in the development of battlestations, and being one of the few luminarians that has a cordial relationship with her.

Terragon Pinnaclis[edit | edit source]

The Terragon Pinnaclis.

"With me around, no one can hear you scream" -Commander Prioxis

The Terragon Pinnaclis is Commander Prioxis's personal battlesuit. However, unlike the other commanders, the Terragon Pinnaclis is not tailored to Commander Prioxis's preferred style of combat, instead focusing on pure brute strength. As Commander Prioxis puts it," Sometimes, guile and cunning ain't gonna cut it." The Terragon Pinnaclis is a humanoid battlesuit, armed with a powerful phazon axe and a power claw. This provides the Terragon Pinnaclis enough strength to tear apart enemy fortifications with sheer ease.

The Terragon Pinnaclis is outfitted with the state of the art of intel warfare equipment. Capable of jamming enemy intel systems with ease, create false blips on their radar systems and completely hide an attacking squad from all sensors. This makes the Terragon Pinnaclis a pain in the ass to track down, combined with Prioxis's intellect and strategy, Prioxis uses the terragon pinnaclis to deadly effect, creating traps within traps, and making sure the enemy is having a dammed hard time. The terragon pinnaclis is also capable of hovering, greatly increasing its mobility and assisting other squads in combat.

However, the Terragon Pinnaclis suffers in the shielding department due to power constraints. Nonetheless, the Terragon Pinnaclis is to be feared. By rights it is an extension of the mortem crux battlestation, as the sure chaos caused by this battlesuit is second to none. And as commander prioxis has demonstrated several times, it is a complete horror on the battlefield

Armed forces[edit | edit source]

The Luminarian Military Forces were decimated during the purge, as a result, not many luminarians are left. This has caused research to be diverted into improving survivability in combat, newer mechs and vehicles, and better weapons. Not only that, the shortage of troops required changes in the organization chart and tactics, requiring all the remaining commanders to change and adapt to the changes.

Organization chart[edit | edit source]

The remaining Forces have now been organized into Standard, Blitz and Heavy Support classification.

Standard Forces[edit | edit source]

The Basic Standard Troops

"Cannon fodder, very durable cannon fodder"

The Standard luminarian forces make up the bulk of the luminarian army, General all purpose units capable of holding their own against most types of units. Each Soldier has an Optics targeting gear, Medpack Wound healing system embedded in their armor.

Each standard troop is taught how to improvise on the field, the elites, are allowed to have no set limits on a squad size, allowing them to Select how many men they require to complete an objective assigned to them. This allows the commander free reign to concentrate on the crucial part of the conflict, while leaving the other non-important assignments to the elites. The sheer scale of independence each elite is given, nearly always throws their opponents off. Thus, the standard forces of the luminarian army is adaptable and almost ready for any situation

Despite being the most numerical of the 3 classifications, the luminarians will be outnumbered in almost any conflict. Therefore, a battle of attrition will no doubt wear down the standard forces. Leaving them weakened and outnumbered. Despite being a general all around force, they still need vehicular, blitz, and heavy support to be used effectively. Also,they lack the firepower and speed of the heavy assault and Blitz forces. But, despite this failings, the standard forces are still one of the most important aspects of the luminarian military and should never be underestimated.

Soldier[edit | edit source]

3 luminarian soldiers in combat

"Don't worry, your armor is strong enough to shrug off their bullets" -Luminarian elite to several new soldiers.

The luminarian soldier is the most basic unit the luminarian rebels can muster against the forces of the warlords and the luminarian xenophobes. They, along with many other elements of the luminarian military stand firm against their foes, countering a vast array and large numbers of enemy units with their advanced armor, sturdy assault rifles and grim determination.

Background[edit | edit source]

"You should be lucky, in our days, we didn't have such a luxury of such a high rate of survival." -Luminarian elite

As the battle rages on between the peacekeepers and warlords. There is without a doubt that the luminarian rebels are currently on the defensive. As large battlestations are being produced to deal with huge swarths of enemy units, none should forget about the humble soldier. Conscripted men and women of the luminarian empire who constantly fight outnumbered and outgunned. These soldiers are given advanced technology and sufficient training to deal with their foes.

The current luminarian soldier design was created a week before the split occured. Commander Lumira, Aeternus, Mistran along with a group of scientists and strategies came together to brainstorm the latest design of the soldier on the planet Luminaria. The previous design of the soldier had little in the way of armoring, preferring to compensate with a powerful plasma pulser and an assortment of other attachables like grenades instead. Taking into consideration the lack of avaliable servicemen that they had, the comittee worked together for 3 days, outlining several important features and key weaknesses in the armor. Only until a general compromise was achieved, would the armor be sent for testing. Results of the testing would show that the newer armor would have significantly reduced the amount of battlefield casulties by a huge 60%, a feat that hasn't been achieved by the luminarian army for over a millenium. However, the tests had also shown that the current design of the soldier would have problems dealing with enemy armor. This was soon rectified by modifying the current assault rifle design into a new one which allowed it to fire concussion rounds. The optics system was also introduced to the new design, helping to increase its lacklustre firepower.

The new soldier design would prove essential during the split, the xenophobe's plasma pulsers had little effect on the rebel soldiers while their weak armor was easy decimated by concussion rounds and pinpoint accuracy provided by the optics system. Even if a soldier was wounded in the midst of a heavy firefight, the experimental medpack system would patch moderate sized wounds in a fair amount of time, allowing him/her to head back into the fray. These new improvements would allow the rebels much more ease in creating a defensive line, allowing them to dam the xenophobe advance, nullifying their advantage in numbers and allowing more refugees to escape. Coupled with the vast array of gadgets each soldier was allowed to bring, ranging from deployable shields to EMP grenades, had increased their efficiency dealing with anything their foe could throw at them.

After the split, the current soldier design recieved several tweaks to further more enhance their survivability, including a new and improved medpack system, advanced optics systems and an optional nanobot infusion which helped improve the soldier's oxygen intake, increase his immunity to diseases and shorten the amount of time it take for the blood to clot. These small adjustments to the soldier had helped improve the survivability rate further, which was essential when dealing with the combined forces of the zaretians and margan on norsus, where the sheer ferocity and numbers of these 2 warlords proved a match for the luminarian elements. Despite their weak firepower, the luminarian soldiers are one of the most effcient designs throughout the peacekeepers, Where almost every single feature of its armor and armaments enhance existing strengths and compensate for weaknesses . Like with all other luminarian units, the soldier is even more effective when accompanied with other units such as the powerful tremor battlesuits or the quick assault soldiers.

Despite the survivability rate offered by this new armor, each armor costs a lot more due to the amount of work and rarity of metals required to create it. Though nanoconstruction helps to offset the large cost by a fair amount, it would be unfeasible to equip every soldier with it. But this problem will only arise if the rebels manage to reunite the luminarians together, which could possibly take a century or even more to accomplish. In the meantime, the luminarian soldier is outfitted with some of the best equipment and good training before being sent to fight on the frontlines where they risk their lives against overwhelming numbers, protecting the interests of the luminarian rebels.

Tactics and Use[edit | edit source]

"Stick as a group, strength in numbers, death as individuals." -Luminarian soldier

As the basic infantry fielded by the luminarians, these soldiers normally fulfill a key role in most strategies. Their powerful armor is capable of repeling small arms fire and can even shrug off anti-infantry fire for quite sometime. Their assault rifle, coupled with the advanced optics system allows the luminarian soldier to lay down pin point fire even at ranges exceeding 450 meters and in large numbers, lay down a volley of suppressive fire. The large variety of accessories the soldier can bring into the battlefield allows them to deal with a large number of threats, ranging from infantry and even aircraft.

Most soldiers normally work in medium sized groups, numbering up to 50 while being led by a luminarian elite, the natural small stature the luminarians have allows them to easily find cover and their headpiece is even resistant to sniper shells, making it hard for a sniper to get a clean kill off a luminarian soldier. In many cases, a large mass of luminarian soldiers easily cleave through an opposing base, with the wounded lying behind, medpacks quickly at work, allowing them to quickly reinforce their mates once their wounds have been healed.

Though the luminarian soldier is powerful, it lacks any form of melee equipment, as shown in the norsus conflict, soldiers caught unaware by the margan blades usually suffer a painful death, as such it is normally common for a group of assault soldiers to be stationed behind the main firing line, using the jet packs to quickly dispatch any enemy melee unit before it gets to close to the firing line.

Armaments[edit | edit source]

The basic luminarian soldier utlizes a wide variety of weapons and accessories to get the job done. These armaments are further categorized into 3 sub-categories, offensive, defensive and support. Listed below are a few of the more commonly used armaments.

Offensive Equipment[edit | edit source]

AGF-600 Assault Rifle

The AGF-600 Assault rifle is a specially designed assault rifle used by the luminarian soldiers. Made of a rugged, high impact polymer, the AGF-600 is resistant to battlefield conditions, resulting in less money spent repairing rifles that were damaged by enemy fire or the environment. The AGF-600 was designed and made specifically for ease of use by the conscript soldiers the luminarians field.

The AGF boasts one of the highest rates of fire for any assault rifle, firing about 700-800 rounds per min, in large numbers, they are capable of creating a supressive field of fire, preventing enemy infantry advances through chokepoints.Moreover, the weapon is linked to the soldier's optics system, assisting him/her in taking out enemy units accurately. However, its small calibre size of the bullets it fires makes it unfeasible for any luminarian soldier to use the AGF-600 to deal with any form of enemy armor, hence the modification of the rifle to allow soldiers to fire off concussion rounds.

Concussion round

The concussion round is one of the more unique pieces of weaponry that the luminarian soldier uses. The concussion round is similar to a frag grenade in many aspects, however, the energy released by the concussion round is directed diagonally upwards, unlike a frag grenades, which releases the energy in a spherical radius. This concentration of explosive power usually sends cover flying, exposing the vulnerable infantry who were huddling behind it to a deadly spray of bullets. In many cases, the infantry huddling behind cover is also sent flying due to the explosive force, making it effective at dislodging enemy units from fortifications as well.

Other uses of the concussion round is also evident, with many soldiers using the concussion round to damage vehicle systems and in large numbers, possibly even destroy a heavy battle tank. Other uncoventional uses include using the concussion round against aircraft, where a successful hit will result in the plane being sent spiralling to the ground, though it requires much skill to hit a fast moving plane with it even with optics assistance.

Optics system

The Optics system is also another essential armament that all luminarian soldiers utilize. Basically an eyepiece with an in-built HUD, the optics system provides essential information to the soldier, examples such as the windspeed, location of allied troops, location and type of objective and known enemy weakspots. The optics system is also linked with the wielder's weapon, providing him/her with the ability to scope without needing to attach one onto the weapon.

The Optics system is also linked to the commander's own database, combining the multiple feeds together, the luminarian commander is able to see the battlefield unfold in safety, without having to go onto the battlefield himself. This allows him to react more quickly if the enemy changes their tactics and always be one step ahead of his foe.

Defensive Equipment[edit | edit source]

Medpack MKII Armor

The latest armor design for the luminarian soldier integrates the reknown armor with the experimental medpack systems. The Medpack MKII armor is made from an alloy of titanium, which is carefully created atom by atom using nanobots, hence, each piece of the armor is extremely tough and durable. However, the creation of the medpack MKII armor is extremely time consuming, hence it requires a large factory in order to even produce them, let alone mass-producing them.

In each armor plate, there is a series of nanoscopic tubes that encompass the entire armor. These tubes are made of a semi-permeable material and is connected to a small box on the side of the legs. These box act as minature pumps, moving concentrated nutrients and nanobots across the tubes. Upon the detection of a wound, nanobots quickly stream to the affected location, sealing up the wound using the concentrated nutrients as quickly as possible. This process usually takes about 45 mins for medium-sized wounds.

Deployable temporary shield

The DTS-875 Is one of the more popular choices that luminarian soldiers bring into the field. Based on the same principle as the Aegis shield generator, the DTS-875 projects a domed shield from a medium sized tube,which houses the projecter and the batteries required to power it.

The DTS-875 is normally used to assist luminarian soldiers in holding a position. The shield is powerful enough to withstand constant enemy fire for approximately 5 mins. Despite the rather weak shielding it provides, the DTS-875 is easily mass produced, allowing luminarian soldiers to be able to carry about 2-3 DTS-875.

Support Equipment[edit | edit source]

EMP Grenades

During the Battle for Norsus, it was common to see luminarian soldiers going up against large and heavily armored tanks. In such situations, Soldiers are also equipped with EMP grenades, capable of stopping that has electronics for a short period of time, allowing the soldier to get away from threats it usually can't handle.

Sniper[edit | edit source]

The luminarian sniper, staying cool even under fire

"They cannot hit what they cannot see."

Description:The Luminarian Sniper, trained rigorously alongside the special ops and the commandos, the luminarian sniper is also an adapt in the ways of stealth. Armed with some of the finest gear the luminarian can offer, the luminarian sniper is armed with a APX-900 Sniper rifle, an experimental "Shimmershield" cloak, an advanced optics system and a medpack MKII integrated field. As such, each sniper is a veteran in stealth combat, second only to the rach.

The Shimmershield cloak is an advanced piece of hardware, capable of distorting light, the shimmershield can also distort radar, making the sniper near invisible. Moreover, the Shimmershield hardens on impact, making it somewhat bulletproof, essential in assisting the sniper when he has to relocate. The shimmershield has proven to be extremely efficient, reducing 70% of original sniper mortality rates. The APX-900 is also much lighter and more concealable then the APSR-900. Allowing snipers to quickly hide after firing every shot. This coupled with the Advanced optics system given to them, allows extremely precise shots.

Unfortunately, the APX-900 has to sacrifice armor piercing capabilities so as to make it lightweight. But this weakness can be masked for a while by using the advanced optics, which can assist the sniper to quickly take out a tank crew, rendering the tank immobile till the enemy recaptures it or the lumis use it against their foes. The luminarian sniper, is not to be underestimated in any circumstance. Its sheer accuracy makes it extremely formidable against its foes, and can slowly turn the tables towards the luminarians favor given enough time.

Marksman Battlesuit[edit | edit source]

The marksman, taking out a zaretian avenger.


The marksman is one of the newer battlesuits to come of the production line. An upgrade over the basic sniper that's already in service, the marksman revamps some of the long held beliefs of a basic sniper, making it one of the more unique and unconventional designs in the luminarian army. Basic testing has shown that the marksman has enough potential to be fully integrated into the luminarian army as an elite sniper upgrade.

One of the many key things about the marksman is the complete lack of concealment, instead it sports some of the strongest armor in the luminarian arsenal, along with a powerful APSR-9001. This means the marksman can act as a support fire role, quickly dispatching enemeies as it advances. Its upgraded optics systems give unparalled precision, coupled with the sheer strength of the APSR-9001, the marksman easily dispatches any who would dare come its way, while shrugging off any rounds coming its way. Moreover, the marksman draws fire and attention from the luminarian snipers, allowing them to attack from the shadows, without much fear of retaliation.

The marksman suffers several drawbacks due to its role. Mainly due to it attracting most of the fire, the marksman has to be weighed down with armor, reducing its effective mobility. This however is not so much of a drawback as the marksman's role is to draw fire away from the snipers, not move into position. Overall, the marksman is a powerful battlesuit, striking fear into its enemies as it casually blasts heads apart while advancing into enemy lines.

Luminarian Elite[edit | edit source]

An elite and a few soldiers on planet.

"With me men! Today we show these fools our true might!"

The latest revision of the luminarian elite has swapped out the partial battlesuit in favour of a complete battlesuit. This grants the veterans much more armor, strength and speed, allowing them to be more effcient in taking down their foes. Their years of combat experience have honed their skils to a fine point, coupled with their battlesuits, make the luminarian elite one of the strongest units the luminarians can field (That isn't a battlestation).

The new elites are given the Crovus-class nbattlesuit, reknown for its speed and optics system. The elites are armed with a powerful LRF-1080 rapid fire rifle. Capable of firing large .95 slugs with deadly accuracy and decent rate of fire, the elites can easily cut down swarths of of enemies, and even take down most small to medium vehicles with deadly effciency. Coupled with their updated optics system, their accuracy is only 2nd to the marksman battlesuits. This coupled with their powerful jetpacks, allow them to devastate their foes, while their armor shrugs off any returning fire.

However, the elites suffer from a few disadvantages, one of them being the inability to fight in melee. The elites, unlike their previous itenartion, lack any form of melee weaponry, having to resort to their fists which aren't strong at all. However, this disadvantage can be nullfied if a proper firing line is set up, killing/incapacitating any who come close. This redesign of the elite divison has performed well during testing and its use is now widespread in the luminarian military

Blitz[edit | edit source]

A squadron of Grav Bikes attacking

"Get in, blow shit up, get out."

The Blitz Forces are made up of rapid response troops like the assault soldiers, Grav Bikes and ahwaska battlesuits. The Blitz Forces Strive to get into a troubled spot and quickly provide backup to the other luminarian forces. Outfitted for speed and Firepower, they may lack the Optics targeting gear and medpack wound healing system the Standard forces have.

The Blitz forces Usually have a jetpack, Quick moving vehicle or are capable of drop podding. This allows the Blitz Forces to strike swiftly into the heart of enemy territory, taking out important structures before getting out, or quickly supporting other troops when needed. This maneuverability is dangerous in the hands of a creative commander. Hit and run attacks, masterful feints, harrassment. The biltz forces can do it all and with minimal losses. Coupled with the high disruption of their attacks and the unpredictability of them, they can easily sow confusion and break morale quickly.

But, the Blitz forces are unsuitable for long engagements with the enemy. And their tactics are also unsuitable for the engagement of fortified locations. Thus, this force is not needed during siege style battles and should be kept out of them. their rather low survivability is also a downside to their swiftness. And, if The opposing force has good intel, the shock and awe forces of the Blitz squadron would be rather dampened as a result of it. But, the blitz squadron is like a scalpel, inserting themselves into the most accurate locations to do the most damage.

Assault Soldiers[edit | edit source]

An assault soldier finishing off an incapacitated margan melee soldier

"Our enemies shall fall before our spears!"

Description:Assault Soldiers are the luminarians fast response melee units, Armed with a XPR-90 jetpacks, A lightning spear and powerful armor, the assault soldiers are classified under the blitz section due to their mobility. First seeing action around orunos prime, the assault soldiers quickly wiped out zaretian forces, their lack of an anti-melee unit allowed the assault soldiers to quickly eliminate zaretian forces, moreover, the jetpacks gave the assault soldiers near unparalleled mobility. Since then, the assault soldiers were an official soldier class in the blitz forces, and the most recent changes are shown now...

Assault soldiers were used to be armed with a sword and shield, although extremely effective, the sword and shield combo could not penetrate heavier vehicle armour. But, with recent breakthroughs in armour and medpacks, the assault soldier can forgo the shield and in return wield a lightning spear, capable of penetrating armour and has a longer reach then the sword. As with all luminarian lightning weapons, touching the blade will electrify the opponent, causing muscle spasms and incapacitating the opponent for long periods of time, making it a deadly melee weapon.

Unfortunately, Assault soldiers have the highest mortality rates among all the other classes, despite their strong armor, the assault soldiers will tend to take the brunt of the enemy attack, resulting in many assaults lost. Their lack of having any ranged weaponry will hinder their attack capabilities. However, most of these disadvantages can be nullified by using the jetpacks to close in on their opponents and allow them to get out of harms way. As such, the assault soldier should never be overlooked

Ofanim Soldiers[edit | edit source]

An ofanim quickly dispatching a Zaretian soldier

"Fools! You bring a knife to a gunfight!"

The Ofanim Soldiers are assault soldiers trained in the art of ranged combat instead of melee combat. The ofanims were first mobilized during the siege of terranus, where the quick moving aeonite melee forces made short work of the luminarian assault troopers, as such, the ofanims were created to deal with the threat of melee units. Armed with the same XPR-90 jetpacks, dual LGR-500 rapid fire pistols, optics HUD system and medpack MKII armor, the ofanim rain death from above.

Ofanim soldiers place a huge emphasis on both accuracy and speed. Using their jetpacks, each ofanim soldier can quickly jump into combat, blazing away at their enemies with their dual pistols. As they were trained in the art of dealing with melee attackers, the ofanim can easily outmaneuver melee forces, kiting them and eliminating squads of enemy melee troops. But the most devastating thing about ofanim soldiers are the Optics and the rapid fire pistols. With these 2 pieces of equipment synchronized, nearly every bullet manages to find its mark, easily cutting huge swaths through enemy infantry lines

But, the ofanims can not deal with fortified locations or enemy armor, their armor being way too thick for the ofanims pistols to have any significant impact. As such, ofanims are to be kept out of heavy armor concentrated battles. Despite these shortcomings, the ofanim are excellent anti-melee and rapid response fire support units, finding their way into many commanders tactics.

Marines[edit | edit source]

A skirmish between luminarian marines and a margan squad

"Normal infantry? Pah!"

Marines are the luminarian mainstay boarding and insertion troops. Capable of being drop podded, the marines are suited to quickly assaulting enemy ships or quickly inserting themselves behind enemy lines, easily taking out artillery, and other behind the front line units. Armed with the quintessential AGR-750 pulse rifle, medpack MKII armor and a optics HUD system, the marines can easily take out almost any opposition facing them.

Promising soldiers are sometimes chosen to join the marine forces. Trained more rigorously then the normal soldier, the marines are prepared for any situation. They also have more access to the armories compared to the normal soldiers, due to the dangerous situations they would normally face. Mainly working in squads of 5, the marines are dropped into the hottest landing zones to clear a path for other troops. Their AGR-750 pulse rifles can easily rip through most infantry armor and can damage vehicular armor. Also armed with incendiary grenades to quickly dispatch large numbers of enemy infantry. Their adaptability and sheer strength has made the marine forces into one of the most elite units in the luminarian army

Though extremely powerful, the marines suffer a lack of numbers, moreover, due to their dangerous nature of their objectives, there are only a few marines in the entire army, prompting luminarian commanders to use these men with caution. But despite this, the luminarian marines are extremely useful in almost any circumstances and should never be underestimated

Heavy Support[edit | edit source]

some battlesuits and a mech of the heavy support

"Take huge gun, Spray and pray."

The Heavy Support forces are made up of the remaining mechs and battlesuits that aren't in the Blitz and standard forces, Having the largest armour and biggest guns of the 3 forces, the heavy support forces are meant for attacking fortified enemy locations, and for that, they lack mobility but make that up with sheer firepower.

Heavy support forces Are capable of pummeling Bases into oblivion, their multitudes of heavy weapons Can obliterate squads of infantry, battalions of tanks and bases, not only that, they've some of the strongest armor given to them. Allowing them to keep firing their guns even under hostile conditions. Not only that, the heavy support forces are also capable of calling down orbital bombardments if the space above the planet has been conquered, adding to their destructive firepower.

But, There are extremely little heavy support units, a loss of one mech/battlesuit will be a blow to them. Moreover, Heavy spport units lack the mobility of the blitz and standard forces, movement from one area to another will take a long time, requirinjg the use of dropships are other transport capabilities. This will prove a hindrance to commanders suffering under hit and run attacks. Moreover, without good intel, heavy support units will not be able to accurately fire at the enemy, making this force recon-intensive. but all in all, the heavy support force should not be overlooked due to their low maneuverability, underestimating this force will cost you dearly

Tremor Battlesuits[edit | edit source]

2 Tremor battlesuits dispatching a trapped demolisher war machine

"Tremble in our wake!"

Tremor Battlesuits are the basic anti-vehicle battlesuits of the luminarian army. The role of anti-vehicle units were originally filled by the luminarian Rocketeers. But due to the lack of population, the luminarian army could not afford to waste lives on such dangerous roles. Thus the creation of the tremor battlesuit lines. Much heavily armored then their infantry predecessors, the tremor battlesuit can wield much heavier weaponry.

Each Tremor battlesuit is armed with a powerful AP-900 Lascannon, Aptly named the "screamer" due to the sounds made by the lascannon when firing. The AP-900 lascannon fires an extremely intense burst of light, quickly melting through the thickest of armor and super-heating bodies till they explode. Making the AP-900 extremely dangerous to both vehicles, infantry and aircraft alike. Moreover, each Tremor battlesuit is armored with 3 layers of reinforced ceramite, rendering it immune to small arms fire and resisting even tank shots. As such, the tremors are excellent fire support and anti-vehicle units.

Unfortunately, the AP-900 can only fire off 2 shots before having to replace its heatsinks, forcing each tremor to avoid wasting its shots on insignificant infantry. Also, the tremor is one of the slower battlesuits in the luminarian army. Requiring use of transports such as drop pods or dropships to transport teams of tremor battlesuits across the battlefield. But, the tremors sheer efficiency at dispatching vehicles

Mars Exosuits[edit | edit source]

A squad of Mars exosuits in Norsus

"2 guns are better then 1!"

Mars Exosuits are a recent new addition to the luminarian arsenal, exosuits are classified as an easy to use battlesuits. Unlike battlesuits, exosuits require only a month's worth of training, whereas battlesuits require about 6 months. This allows the luminarian army to increase the amount of exosuits it fields, thus saving more lives and increasing its general firepower,essential due to the luminarians low manpower.

Mars exosuits are heavily armored, more so then a basic infantry unit, but lesser then a battlesuits. The mars can be classified as an upgraded soldier unit, wielding 2 assault rifles instead of one, and its concussion blast uses real rockets, then a simple frag grenade like attack. thus allowing it to incapaciatate tanks more easily then a basic soldier. Its armor is also quite resistant to gunfire, Allowing it to shrug off machinegun like bullets. The exosuit also sports a more impressive medpack then the basic soldiers, allowing for faster recovery times. This allows the soldier inside a much better chance of survival then being on foot.

However, the Mars exosuits are much slower then soldiers, requiring the use of transports. The large frame of an exosuit also hampers it, making it a larger target for enemy forces. The head is also exposed, allowing an enemy sniper a chance to kill the mars exosuits with ease. However, the advantages that the mars exosuit provide to an army outweigh's its disadvantages, the increased firepower the Mars provides easily makes a difference during combat, allowing it to mow down scores of enemies while recieving little damage in return.

Upsurge Battlesuits[edit | edit source]

Upsurge battlesuits, currently in operation

"We come from the depths."

Upsurge battlesuits are huge underwater battlesuits, created for ambushing naval vessels. The upsurge were created to deal with the threat of naval battlestations and ships, their suits being specifically armed for that sort of combat. Its capable of surviving in the deepest of oceans, for days at times by abosrbing the disssoved air in the oceans or if failing that, use its large air tanks. Its one of the newest and largest battlesuits created by the luminarians.

The upsurge are equipped with a powerful plasma spear, back mounted harpoon launchers and an arm mounted torpedo launcher. The upsurge were designed with ambush in mind, staying at the sea floor waiting for vessels to arrive, they use their torpedos to damage sea vessels or underwater infantry, before using their harpoons to drag the vessels or men down into the depths or propel themselves straight into the vessel, using their plasma spear to kill or heavily damage their targets. Their heavy armouring makes them extremely hard to dislodge from the seabed, and hence are extremely hard to destroy.

However, the Upsurge suffers from a lack of mobility. Requiring dropships or drop pods to get them into location. The upsurge also suffers on land, only using its plasma spear to hack away at enemy lines. This causes the upsurge to also be of limited use against underwater infantry. However, the sheer armor and effciency in denying the enemy passage through the waters makes it an important part in naval warfare.

Battlestations[edit | edit source]

"If the human geneva convention existed today, we most likely broke all their rules with these things."

Battlestations, A Luminarian invention. Huge hulking vehicles of unimaginable size bristling with powerful weapons. Each one dangerous in its own right, be it a mobile large factory, or a huge spacestation. It would take an immense amount of firepower to bring one down.

The battlestation concept was created after the new homeworld was colonized, The commanders, most newly promoted, others like amarylis, were also invited. after witnessing the xenophobes creating massive warmachines dubbed battlestations, a debate soon flared up. Some commanders refused use such monstrosities, claiming it is immoral and against the very foundations of what they stood for. Others claimed that, without the battlestations, the rebels would fall.

The debate was only resolved when commander-to-be Amarylis put her fist down literally, demolishing the table and shocking almost everyone in the meeting. Claiming that their enemies don't follow the same moral handbook as the luminarians follow. To refuse to build battlestations would require a trade-off in lives, something that is too precious.

Now, Commander Amarylis oversees the design and construction of new battlestations, Land battlestations are created with the concept of using ancient luminarian predators, religious dieties, their main focus is for imtimidation, whereas space battlestations follow the concept of practicality, and being larger then land battlestations.

A land battlestation usually has about 100-350 luminarians onboard, depending on the size of the battlestation, whereas space battlestations usually have about 1000-2500 crew members onboard. Every single battlestation is usually commanded by an operator, who is in charge of the entire battlestation and the crew inside.

The Baharroth Battlestation[edit | edit source]

The Baharroth

"You cannot fight a god and expect to win!"

The Baharroth Battlestation is the pinnacle of Luminarian Mech Battlestations. Armed with 2 pairs of wings outfitted with Decimation cannons, 2 Anti-matter claws with in built Zephyr cannons, an Inferno cannon mounted in the mouth of the battlestation. having about 20 layers of adamite, The Baharroth is a monstrosity on a planet, Easily blowing up orbital ships and ground forces with its Decimation cannons, Shredding apart huge battalions with easy precision, and capable of boiling the seas. The baharroth is one of the non-prototyped battlestations in the luminarian arsenal.

Currently being deployed around the Zaretian border colonies, destroying planets in hours and leaving only a charred husk of what used to be a planet in its wake. Coupled with the Hermes battlestation carrier, allows it to leave unseen and quickly. So far, The baharroth has yet to be reported to the zaretian officials in zartar, allowing its campaign of terror to continue undetected and deep into zaretian territory.

But, the Baharroth has lesser interior defenses then the other battlestations. But still, Rows and scores of turrets and elites still patrol the interior. It would take an army to get inside it and destroy the reactor core. Also, the ashes in Lava worlds would render the sensitive equipment of the baharroth incapable of working well, reducing its accuracy, as a result, the baharroth does not "Cleanse" any lava worlds for the time being.

Bastion-Class Battlestation/Battlecruiser[edit | edit source]

The Bastion orbiting a planet

"We are the Bastions, the fortresses, the castles, that none of you can overcome."

The Bastion-class battlecruiser was originally made to make up for the luminarian's weakness in combating space fleets. But, after seeing the viability of Space-type battlestations such as the Requiem battlestaion, the entire bastion class was redesigned to be a Anti-capital ship battlestation, as such, its designation as a battlecruiser has not changed. as such, the Bastion-class sports numerous large pulse cannons, capable of obliterating most ships with ease, a large number of point defenses and nuke silos. it is also capable of loading frigates and corvettes, and has a small ship production facility to help in heavy space conflicts.

But, the most devastating part of the bastion-class isn't its armour, but rather its powerful "Giganlith" experimental plasma cannon. Capable of cutting through large numbers of enemy forces, the Giganlith also has an interesting property, any ship near a 10 mile radius of its beam has all its electronics fried and becomes a sitting duck, making this a powerful opening weapon. The use of a Giganlith on a planet is akin to that of a planet buster. The beam cuts through the crust all the way into the core and out, at the same time heating the core of the planet till it explodes. Its still unknown whether the Giganlith will have any effect on a star...

Unfortunately, the bastion is still in an experimental state, as such, only 3 of these battlecruisers are currently operational, patrolling the outer luminarian colonies. Moreover, the bastion cannot take on a large fleet by itself, the bastion isn't a front line assault unit, but rather a support unit, firing barrages of nukes and constructing Automated frigates from the behind the front lines. But nonetheless, the bastion along with its other battlestation counterparts are not to be underestimated and treated with extreme caution.

Basilisk Assault Battlestation[edit | edit source]

The basilisk on field

"You stare into the eyes of death!"

The Basilisk is the forefather of all the luminarian battlestation mech classes, its origins date back to the need of a large weapons platform to annihilate heavily entrenched bases from long distances, After many trials and re-designs, the luminarians required a gargantuan chassis to account for the numerous nuke silos and Phazon annihilator cannons. As such, few prototypes were created, and the most efficient is what you see being deployed onto valkosian territory.

The basilisk Is outfitted with over 20 nuke silos on its tail, 2 Huge phazon cannons on its sides and the iconic Quantum Disruptor cannons. Moreover, its "mouth" Can project a terrifying roar, echoing throughout the planet before obliterating its surroundings. Its nuke silos give it unparalleled range and destruction, while its Phazon cannons blow apart the biggest mountains with sheer ease, leaving nothing but a few crumbling rocks. But, its main feature is its Quantum Disruptor, Capable of firing it at a planet 40000km away, the Quantum disruptor can easily smash bases from almost anywhere, making it extremely deadly to fortified planets and orbiting space fleets

But, Unlike the more refined battlestations, the basilsks doesn't have the durable shielding and armor that the others sport, making it rather vulnerable to orbital bombardments, Making it unsuitable for defensive style warfare. As such, it has always been making incursions into the valkosian territory, obliterating bases and planets in mere minutes, before leaving with its hermes carrier

Rapture-Class Battlestation[edit | edit source]

Rapture class maintaining orbit above a uncolonised planet

"Our enemies doom have finally caught up with them!"

The Rapture Class Battlestation is the primary offensive battlestation for the luminarian fleet, The rapture was first concieved after the purge, during the purge, multiple battleships could not withstand the combined overall power of the xenophobe armada, causing massive damage to the rebels as many civilians were trying to flee in the battleships. In order to prevent such a massacre from happening again, a project was carried out, to design the rapture, a safe haven and the most dangerous ship of the luminarian fleet.

The rapture class may look undefended, but as soon as it gets into combat range, all manner of weapons start popping out from the hull. Heavy plasma cannons, nuke launchers, Vulcan guns. The wide assortment of weapons the Rapture has makes it hard to solely defend against it. Moreover, the Rapture sports experimental Crystal lattice shielding and Titanium ferrium compound armor, Making it difficult to pierce its hull as it charges straight into the enemy lines. Blasting away in a huge field of fire and generally causing chaos as smaller ships are rammed aside. But, the Rapture is also equipped with a Quantum wake generator, Upon its activation, all units in its area of effect have their warp drives disabled and become floating ducks.

But, the rapture lacks much planet bombardment weaponry, only having a handful of S-G Bombardment cannons, Requiring the use of Bastions or other ships to commence planet bombardment, nonetheless, the rapture is a powerful front-line assault ship, capable of carrying large populations of luminarians to colonize a conquered planet or escape from a doomed planet and should never be underestimated in any circumstances

Mortem Crux Battlestation[edit | edit source]

A Mortem Crux class battlestation

"None can hide from us!"

The Mortem Crux battlestation is a support class battlestation for the luminarian fleet. Mortem Cruxes were first envisioned to be a variant of the Rapture class battlestation, removing the transport space for additional guns and armor. However, the idea was scrapped due to the creation of assault citadel class ships. Hence, the mortem crux design was then used to fulfill a normally overlooked role of the luminarian fleet, making it an intelligence and support battlestation. Allowing most admirals unsurpassed skills in commanding their fleet and analyzing their opponents.

The Mortem Crux sports one of the most impressive sets of radar suites, this allows extremely accurate readings of the current location and enemy fleet formations, also, the mortem crux can have insightful technical data about any ship, be it luminarian or zaretian, the mortem crux can analyze the ship down to its basic element components. Not only that, the Mortem crux excels in intelligence warfare, ECM jamming, false radar blips, the mortem crux can effectively shut down communications of an enemy fleet, rendering them useless.

However, the mortem crux compared to other battlestations is lacking in both armor and weapons, making it one of the weakest battlestations. However, its impressive array of support weapons and intelligence gathering and warfare make it an equally dangerous foe to fight against.

Behemoth Transport Battlestation[edit | edit source]

A Behemoth battlestation moving through a lava planet

"Move aside!"

The Behemoth transport battlestation is a support class battlestation. The Behemoth was created to siege heavily fortified bases, with powerful armor and weapons, along with a large cargo hold that can transport armies straight into the heart of enemy fortresses. Its sheer size and armor has allowed it to withstand even the heaviest of bombardments that can be thrown at it. Save another battlestation or an assault citadel, the behemoth is an unstoppable force, crashing into enemy bases and letting all hell fly.

The behemoth has sacrificed weapons for more cargo space, allowing for about 30 thousand lumis and mechs to be stored. However, it still should not be underestimated. Its frontal inferno cannon is so powerful it melts straight to the core of a planet, superheating the air in a 200 meters wide radius from the flames. Instantly killing anyone in it. The sides are armed with cannons and heavy machine guns, capable of taking out most land forces and its tail can keep off any foes from attacking its rear. These armaments allows it to break through most defense lines to deploy multitudes of troops straight into the base

The behemoth however, lacks any AA, Requiring the use of escorts to fend off any bombers. Moreover, it is rather slow and large for a transport, allowing enemy bases to setup their defenses before it arrives. However, the sheer armor allows it to negate even the most heaviest of orbital bombardments and defenses as it trudges straight into the enemy base.

Aren'scura Battlestation[edit | edit source]

The Aren'scura, Clutching a zaretian capital ship in one hand

"You dare challenge our might?"

The aren'scura is one of the more unconventional battlestations, armed with nothing more then a huge metal taiha (club). The Aren'scura was designed to combat the xenophobe battlestations, through the use of superior speed and strength. As a result, the aren'scura lacks any sort of heavy hitting ranged weaponry, closing in on enemy battlestations and bases quickly. Its huge taiha makes it easy for the aren'scura to cleave through anything, be it a battlestation or a base. Coupled with its speed, makes it easy for the aren'scura to dispatch enemy battlestations with sheer ease and effciency.

The huge taiha the aren'scura wields is made up of adminminite, one of the strongest and most durable metals found in the asteroid belt surrounding the homeworld. Capable of shearing off skyscrappers without leaving a dent in the taiha. Combine the power and devstation caused by the taiha with the aren'scura's speed, which is about 3x faster then an average battlestation, Makes it a virtual monster on the battlefield. It also has a hidden overboost function, allowing to close distances with amazing precision and speed. The aren'scura shines at taking out other battlestations.

However, as a result of lacking any form of ranged weaponry, the aren'scura is weak against space borne vessels, however, its armor allows it to shrug off most orbital bombardments to get the job done, despite this particular weakness, the aren'scura is an inspiring and deadly figure to the luminarians.

Archer Battlestaion[edit | edit source]

The Archer, scouring the stars for any hostiles

"Hear the roar of the ion!"

The archer battlestation, created for the purpose of dealing with enemy flagships or trench warfare. The archer is a large mobile artillery/anti-orbital cannon that dwarfs most of its counterparts. The sheer devastation wrought by the archer has given the luminarians much pause for thought, as its pulses of ion energy can easily wipe out fleets of enemy ships and large military installations with ease.

The archer has a quad barrelled repeatable ion cannon, allowing to continously fire a stream of high-explosive, devasatating ion pulses at a fleet in space or a specific area on the planet. Moreover, the archer can cailbrate the strength of the ion pulses, a smaller ion pulse results in lesser damage, but a faster speed, whereas a huge ion pulse can easily devastate huge swarths of enemy forces, but takes a while before it reaches its intended location. This allows it to take on any size of fleet or army, the variation in pulse strength can also help to sow confusion in enemy ranks. But, the most devastating of its qualities is the ability to launch pulses at anywhere on the planet, using the curvature and gravity of a planet to accomplish this. With the archer on a planet, nowhere is safe, not even in the space above it.

However, the archer lacks any AA or close range weapons, enemy troops that can get to the underbelly of the archer can do massive damage to it. This problem is partially rectified by having an escort around the archer at all times, moreover, small airpads have been extended from the main body of the archer, allowing for troops to quickly reinforce it. This disadvantage is outweighed by the sheer amount of area denial the archer provides, taking out any fleet or army on the planet it resides.

Assault Citadel[edit | edit source]

"And if you thought battlestations were bad enough..."

Assault Citadel's are the pinnacle of luminarian technology. Larger, stronger and more destructive then a battlestation, Assault Citadels are capable of wiping out more then 3 battlestations, and in a sense, obliterating huge fleets and planets with ease and precision.

Assault Citadels were an evolution of the battlestation concept, Intelligence accquired from other empires showed several experimental battlestation class designs. Not wanting to lose superiority in terms of firepower or intimidation. The first assault citadel was completed, with commander amarylis in command. Currently, land assault citadels are far too expensive to construct, but rumors of a third assault citadel being designed have been in circulation for some time.

Regalia-Class Assault citadel[edit | edit source]

The first Assault citadel

"Be it margan or zaretian. None can escape us, for we are death manifest!"

The Regalia Class is a joint cooperative design initiative between the luminarians and the Aeveria confederation. 2 copies of the same ship were produced for both empires. The Regalia class and the Citadel ADW are the first of their kind, even larger then battlestations, as such, they were re-classified into assault citadels, massive warships dwarfing battlestations. So far, the Regalia Assault citadel is the only known Assault citadel that has been constructed and is operational.

The regalia class sports huge multitudes of powerful point defenses and weaponry. Loading 4 gignalith cannons on its maw, the regalia can easily decimate battlestations with sheer ease. Also, the regalia sports 10 huge shipyards, Able to construct and field battleships during conflict. This allows the regalia to easily take on any fleet with ease, As it itself can construct a fleet to defend itself. It also sports multiple planet buster launch sites, allowing for simultaneous quick destruction of enemy planets, Making the regalia assault citadel a dangerous foe to encounter.

The regalia however, lacks the storage space for transporting colonists due to the space being taken up by weapon and armour systems. This makes it hard for the Regalia to hold any important planet as insurgent forces on ground cannot be taken out by orbital bombardments easily. However, It can deal with planets in a very permanent fashion with its guns and powerful weaponry, Making the Regalia class a true monstrosity.

Vector to the Heavens[edit | edit source]

The Vector to the Heavens

"This shall be their guiding light, their beacon, straight into death's arms!"

The Vector to the Heavens is a huge assault citadel, dwarfing most of the other assault citadels and battlestations by a huge measure, originally a huge wreckage located near the new luminarian homeworld. By building on this wreckage, the luminarians managed to complete the vector to the heavens in a year and a half. The sheer size of the Vector to the Heavens is capable of supporting an entire planet's population and the military forces of the strongest fortress world.

The vector has an experimental Graviton annhilator cannon, in essence, an extremely powerful version of what is on the Requirem battlestation. Instead of just having the power to annhilate planets, the Graviton annhilator is capable of firing a powerful material akin to that of a neutron star, causing the planet or an enemy fleet to be crushed into mere specks,The blast is as large as a small stars diameter, making it impossible to escape the field. This combined with its extremely thick armor and powerful weaponry, makes the Vector to the Heavens impossible to destroy through conventional means.

Unfortunately, the vector at this point of time is low in manpower, only 10 million luminarian reside in this assault citadel, also, the sheer size of the Vector to the Heavens means it moves extremely slow, making it more of a defensive weapon then an offensive weapon. But despite this, The Vector to the Heavens is an ungodly weapon of destruction, Obliterating most fleets and battlestations with ease.

Tanks[edit | edit source]

The Luminarians employ loads of different vehicles for militaristic purposes. A tank is defined by luminarian terms as an armored vehicle, capable of being propelled on its own. Tanks have been fielded by the luminarians since the beginning of civilisation, their armored capabilities and strong frames allow them to carry a multitude of weapons that couldn't be fitted on a mech's frame. Tanks still play an integral role in luminarian forces till this day, their high armor and powerful weapons essential in holding the line or plowing through enemy defences

Riptide IFV[edit | edit source]

2 Riptides

"Drown them all in a wave of bullets!"

The Riptide IFV was designed and prototyped by the Luminarian Military R&D department. Initial tests in different scenarios proved its worth to be mass produced as a small light anti-infantry APC. Originally designed with wheels, it was swapped out for hover engines due to the wheels being unsuitable for swampy terrains.

The riptide was rather heavily armored for a hover IFV, It was also armed with an assault cannon to mow down approaching infantry with ease, not only that, but the IFV could also transport 5 men. This allows tactical flexibility, using the IFV to counter infantry, while the men inside could either assist the IFV or Defend it against vehicular attacks. Also, the hover capabilities of the IFV allowed it to transport soldiers across large bodies of water unlike an APC, which could only enter small bodies of water. Allowing more tactical options to any smart commander

But,The IFV is unable to soak large amounts of anti-vehicular damage, also, its assault cannon can not penetrate thick vehicular armour of main battle tanks. Rendering it useless in large vehicular shootouts. But, its fast maneuverability is the greatest asset this IFV has over some counterparts in different empires. the Riptide is a tactically flexible vehicle that most commanders should not overlook

Light Tank[edit | edit source]

Engaging a zaretian rockhead

"Break their spines!"

The Luminarian Light tank Godwyrn pattern 7 is the official MBT of the luminarian forces, made by Fer'vanos Godwyrn, A military researcher, the luminarian light tank is a sturdy mass producible tank that is capable of holding its own against opposing vehicles. Thus, making the Godwyrn pattern 7 light tank the bulk of the luminarian armed forces.

The light tank is heavily armoured with Titanium plates, also, its equipped with a powerful Gauss cannon. Allowing it to take out opposing tanks with ease, its armour also allows it to withstand harsh blows, rendering it an invaluable tool for commanders, its also capable of fulfilling many different roles, attacking fortified locations, ambushing enemy convoys, it can do most. Coupled with its rather quick speed for an MBT, the luminarian light tank is capable of doing a somewhat capable job of hit-and-run attacks, also, its capable of being loaded up into a dropship, increasing its maneuverability.

But, the light tank is unable to deal with hordes of infantry, its low rate of fire makes it easy for anti vehicle infantry to quickly destroy it. Also, it does not carry the firepower needed to destroy specialized anti-vehicle tanks. but, its adaptability to confront most situations make it the backbone of most luminarian vehicle corps.

Rapid Strike Tank[edit | edit source]

Firing a Ferranium Round

"Hit them hard and fast! Don't let up!"

The Rapid Strike tank is the main testbed for the new Luminarian tech. "Vulkoras" pattern MKIII, The Vulkoras is a powerful ferraium cannon mounted on the experimental "Sabertooth" hover chassis. The powerful Ferranium cannon fires a High powered, Armour Piercing Round, Capable of penetrating most Armour types and exploding inside the opposing tank, Destroying the Important controls and crew members with ease.

The "vulkoras" is capable of loading APDS artillery shells, in this mode, the vulkoras can function as a makeshift artillery cannon, Moreover, due to the new Gyro-stabilization engines used in the thrusters of the "sabertooth" Chassis, the "vulkoras" does not suffer the recoil experienced by the firing of the APDS artillery. This combined with the speed of the "sabertooth" chassis, makes the "vulkoras" a devastating weapon in the hands of the luminarian commanders. Their ability to quickly hunt opposing armored support and eliminate enemy buildings and slow moving units, proves the luminarians ability to quckly update their forces, not suffering the technological stagnant state other empires are in.

Unfortunately, The "Vulkoras" is still in an experimental state, as such, not many "vulkoras" Rapid Strike Tanks are fielded in combat. Moreover, The vulkoras" also experiences the major Disadvantage of using hover based Chassis, the lack of armour. This makes the Vulkoras vulnerable to units with high initial shot damage (AKA, laser cannons) As they can't escape the weapon projectiles in time. But nonetheless, The "vulkoras" will be the next MBT of the luminarian forces once its disadvantages have been worked out

Heavy Tank[edit | edit source]

Taking out 3 Rockhead MBTs

" You cannot harm us! You are weak, foolish and reckless!"

The Luminarian Heavy Tank is the next step in the luminarian hover tech, Capable of sporting stronger armour then the Rapid strike tank, The heavy tank "Ravastra" Pattern MKII is the latest Luminarian heavy tank design currently being deployed on field. Being as heavily armored and just as destructive as the original heavy tank, The "ravastra" is faster and can traverse water. its Dual Gauss cannons have be refitted with Advanced capacitors, allowing for faster rates of fire.

The "Ravastra"'s Dual Gauss cannons can sustain a high rate of fire, this allows the "ravastra" to hold the line against armored columns and reduce its vulnerability to infantry. Firing high-powered HEAT shells, the sheer amount of damage the HEAT shells do against vehicles makes it a good tank hunter. Destroying both the crew and the circuitry inside, moreover, the "Ravastra" is way more mobile then some other races heavy tanks, this allows the "Ravastra" to also function as a hit and run unit, kiting enemy forces and destroying them with ease.

However, the "Ravastra" lacks any form of AA, requiring AA escorts or obtaining air superiority to keep them functioning. Also, if melee units can get close to the "ravastra", it cannot fire back at them. but both these weaknesses can be countered by the mobility of the "ravastra" as such, making it a powerful unit to construct.

Artillery MKII[edit | edit source]

The new luminarian artillery, a devastating and dangerous unit even by itself

"Our shells shall blot out the sun!"

The luminarian artillery MKII is one of the newer designs to come out from testing, completely surpassing its predecessor in almost everyway possible. The MKII is currently being heavily deployed on field, replacing their older designs. The MKII sports heavier armor and shielding, a hover based chassis, a faster rate of fire and even more destructive potential then the MKI. This has allowed the luminarians to catch up with other empires in terms of raw destructive power while keeping the luminarian's durable armor and powerful shields coupled with its fast speeds for an artillery vehicle.

The MKII sports the latest in luminarian weapon design, a rapid fire plasma artillery cannon. This new and improved design is far superior then the MKI's anti-matter artillery cannon, capable of firing one shell every second, the MKII can easily blanket an area with devastating plasma fire, supressing enemy units, heavily damaging mechs and vehicles, rip apart shields and demolish bases with ease. A few of these units can easily deny areas, preventing the opponent from expanding or passing through. The MKII can also opt to reduce its firing speed for more accuracy, allowing for devastating combinations where one group of MKIIs surpresses enemy units while another group picks them off. These new upgrades have made the luminarian artillery MKII a dangerous and powerful unit if used in the right hands, effectively hindering enemy movements and demolishing any static defenses.

However, while it's firing, the MKII needs to remain stationary coupled with its rather large size makes it an easy unit for enemy air units to pick it off. Moreover, it cannot fire at units directly infront of it, hence requiring the use of luminarian support vehicles are required to fend off air attacks and counter-artillery. Also, it needs to be escorted due to the lack of direct fire weapons. However, the MKII is now an integral part of the luminarian forces for its sure destructive power and area denial it provides.

Ameliorater Tank[edit | edit source]

A few Amelioraters can easily take down huge squadrons of air units with ease.

"If your species was supposed to be in the air, you would have evolved with wings!"

The Luminarian Ameliorater Tank is the newest mainstay AA tank the luminarians now utilize. Compared to its predecessor, the hermes AA tanks, the Ameliorater sports stronger armor. shielding, mobility and a stronger weapon system. The Amelioraters new dual rapid-fire railguns surpass the hermes AA missiles in both rate of fire an destructive potential, combined with its hover based chassis, the Ameliorater can easily move to provide support and down most enemy planes with ridiculous ease.

The Ameliorater's dual rapid-fire railguns are a new breakthrough in weapon design, sporting an improved cooling and reloading system, the Ameliorater can fire shells at an astonishing speeds, combined with its fast rate of fire, a few Amelioraters can easily put a stop to any air pushes, destroy incoming orbital drop pods, mechs and vehicles and may even severly injure floating fortress type units. Every shell fired by the Ameliorater is extremely accurate, and can penetrate most armors. Considering that most air units aren't heavily armored, the Ameliorater's fast rate of fire can down enemy planes in a few seconds. A few of these can ensure that the skies above luminarian space are free of enemy aircraft. As such, the Amelioraters are constantly used by luminarian commanders, for their heavy armor, mobility and devastataing firepower.

However, as the Ameliorater uses railguns instead of missiles, fast flying planes stand a chance to get through the Amelioraters field of fire since railguns can't track their targets unlike missiles. Moreover, unlike the hermes AA tank, the Ameliorater lacks any form of direct fire weaponry, only in extreme cases will the Ameliorater have to use its railguns on ground targets and even then may cause friendly fire. However, these faults can be easily nullfied by escorting the Ameliorater with proper units, and as such have made the Ameliorater the bane of all enemy aircraft.

Space & Aerial Crafts[edit | edit source]

The luminarians employ a variety of flying crafts, be it the hulking Bastion battlecruisers to the nimble and swift Luminarian fighters.

Luminarian Fighter[edit | edit source]

A luminarian fighter in a dogfight

"The skies are our domain, you tempt fate by stepping into it."

Luminarian fighters are mainstay AA aircraft, armed with 2 machine guns and a 2 secondary pulse rockets, the Luminarian fighters are devastating anti-bomber and anti-gunship units. Coupled with their speed, the luminarian fighter can quickly swoop in and intercept incoming aircraft with ease

The luminarian fighters are extremely fast and powerful in their own right, Their machine guns are armed with Arco bullets, capable of quickly chewing through the armor of other aircraft and setting them ablaze, disrupting engine power and quickly grounding the opposing craft. Their pulse missiles are also effective in Destroying enemy aircraft outright.This coupled with their rather quick speeds, have become a bane for most zaretian commanders. Though their main aim is eliminating enemy air, the fighter can also attempt to engage ground-side forces, though with terrible accuracy

However, the luminarian fighter is extremely vulnerable to ground side AA, its armor isn't as strong as other empires fighters, thus, its overall survivability is low. Thus requiring commanders to make full use of it speed rather then using it in an attrition war. But, the fighter is extremely important to luminarian forces to quickly intercept incoming bombers and gunships to prevent heavy losses, therefore, in most enagagements, there will always be a few of these to wrest air superiority. Making in a mainstay in luminarian forces

Luminarian Bomber[edit | edit source]

A Bombing run

"There will be no respite for you cretins! The dooors of death will always be on your back, and we are its hands!"

The Luminarian Bomber ORCA pattern 3 is the mainstay bomber of the luminarian forces. trading the amount of missiles it can carry for more armour and speed, the luminarian bomber is capable of widespread destruction with its 4 Specter Anti-ground missiles. Also installed on board is a nanobot re-loader system. allowing the Luminarian bomber to have unlimited bombing runs till the targets are destroyed or the bomber is.

The ORCA pattern 3 Bomber sports heavy armour comparable to that of gunships, allowing it to stay in the air for long periods of time even with concentrated AA firing on it. Moreover, The Specter Anti-Ground Missiles cannot be intercepted easily by point defences on ships due to the Jamming signal given out by the missile. Decreasing the point Defense Accuracy. These missiles can also be used in conjunction with other weapons. Allowing destructive weapons such as the nuke to actually close in on a ship without being intercepted halfway.

Unfortunately, the bomber lacks any method of defending itself from airborne threats, requiring fighter or Gunboat escorts to increase their survivability. Their speed also makes them a vulnerable target for SAM missiles, as they're unable to outrun them compared to a fighter. But, The specter missiles and their capability of destroying large areas efficiently makes them an important tool in every luminarian arsenal.

Luminarian Light Gunship[edit | edit source]

Light gunships taking out a demolisher war machine

"One chink is all we need."

The Light Gunship "Dagger" Pattern MKIII is an easily built gunship. Using minimal resources, luminarian commanders can easily construct the light gunship in early stages of an operation. Armed with a minigun, the light gunship can easily tear apart infantry and in numbers, destroy tanks. This is helped with its low resource cost and build time, allowing commanders to field a large force of these units in a short amount of time.

The light gunship excels in the early stages of warfare, able to quickly eliminate enemy scouting positions with ease, and also a great base defender. Its minigun shreds both infantry and lightly armored vehicles. but, in the later stages of warfare, Large numbers of these ships can be fielded, a huge swarm of these ships can quickly devastate an opposing army, leaving nothing but metal scraps in their wake. moreover, the light gunship has a few smoke grenade launchers, making it difficult for opposing forces to accurately fire at it.

However, the Light gunship is extremely vulnerable to AA flak, as many gunships can be taken down in no time at all. Also, fighters can wreak through the gunship swarm, requiring AA to escort these units. But, despite these failings, Luminarian commanders swear by its power and mobility, that should not be underestimated no matter the situation

Luminarian Arcovain Scout frigate[edit | edit source]

The Arcovain

"There is always more to explore."

The Arcovain scout-class frigate is the smallest yet an important vessel in the luminarian armada. Quick, nimble and fast, the Arcovain can easily explore new pockets of space with its highly-efficient Krota MkIII ion engines, Also Equipped with a vast array of sensors, The arcovain can easily scan and map pockets of space, locate and detect cloaked enemy ships and relay targeting coordinates to other ships in the vicinity, drastically improving the accuracy of the entire fleet if used right.

The Arcovain is equipped with a twin-linked laser cannon, although not strong, it can easily damage fighters and bombers. allowing small groups of Arcovains to harass weakly defended enemy positions. Also, its sensors not only can scan and map out enemy positions, can also create false radar blips, easily scattering enemy forces to hunt down these blips, while allowing the main fleet to quickly jump in and flank enemy forces. This combined with its ability to relay targeting coordinates to friendly forces, allow smart commanders to easily set up traps and overwhelm his opponent with sheer concentrated firepower.

But, The arcovain lacks any heavy armor to ensure its survival, also, due to the high costs in constructing the sensor arrays, not many arcovains can be fielded in a battle. This combined with the sensitivity of the Sensors, causes the arcovain to be useless in nebulae, hindering its effectiveness, otherwise, the arcovain is an important ship in the luminarian armada, overlooking one will prove fatal

Salvation Gunboat[edit | edit source]

Firing Proton torpedoes at a hammerhead frigate

" Salvation gunboats at the ready, our foes beware!"

Salvation gunboats are the basic frigate escorts of the luminarian armada. Basically just a combination of a fighter and bomber mixed with a gunship-class armor, the salvation gunboats can fulfill the role of a fighter or bomber during engagements. Moreover, its gunship class armor increases its survivability. combined with the speed of a fighter due to its engines, the salvation gunboats are extremely deadly to all ships in numbers.

The salvation gunships are armed with quad pulse lasers, these pulse lasers easily destabilize the armor of most fighters, quickly disintegrating their armor and causing massive damage. Coupled with their semi-fast fire rate, the pulse lasers can easily destroy fighter/bombers/gunships and even frigates in large numbers. But for the heavier targets such as a cruiser, the salvation gunboat is armed with a bomb bay, allowing for weapons such as photon torpedoes to be fired from, assisting the luminarian armada in destroying heavily armored targets.

But, the salvation gunboat is a jack of all trade and a master at none. Fighters with their faster turn speeds and smaller sizes are way better then the salvation at dogfighting and bombers specter missiles are more deadlier then torpedos. but, the salvation is still not to be underestimated as it can supplement an existing force with more versatility and firepower. As such, it is one of the more common vessels in the luminarian armada

Javelin Class Light Frigate[edit | edit source]

Engaging zaretian hammerhead frigates

"Pierce that bubble of ships!"

The Javelin Class Light frigate is the main backbone of any luminarian fleet. Armed with dual rapid fire laser cannons and broadside "Redox" pattern missiles. The Javelin class is also easily mass produced, owing to its minimal wastage design and medium sized armour. The Javelin can be used for almost any situation. Ranging from providing fire support to patroling sectors, the Javelin can do it all and with good efficiency

The Javelin is only crewed by 3 luminarians, due to their lack of population, all ships are given a rudimentary AI, to run the basic needs of the ship. This allows more frigates to be fielded as less men are required to crew them. Also, the Javelin does have a auspex device, allowing for quick scans of any possible cloaked ships. Moreover, the javelin also sports the experimental Redox pattern warheads. The redox pattern has 2 warheads, the bigger one to penetrate the armour and a smaller one to inflict heavy damage into the hull and cripple important internal areas such as crew bays, the bridge and engines. Making hordes of javelins dangerous to an opposing fleet

However, the lack of crew members makes it hard for the Javelin to perform manual repairs. Moreover, its armor is not as thick as other luminarian ships and its shielding is rather sub-par. But, the Javelin class is capable of being mass produced, this combined with its versatility has found its way to become the backbone of the luminarian fleets

Concourse class light carrier[edit | edit source]

A concourse carrier dispatching fighters

"We carry the swarm."

The Concourse class is the most basic carrier the luminarians have in their armada. Sporting basic maintenance and storage facilities, the concourse can carry up to 30 fighters or bombers, and has 3 plasma repeater point defenses to stave off enemy fighters/bombers. Though not the best carrier in the armada, The concourse is mass producible, allowing for legions of fighters/bombers to be transported into a battlefield.

The Concourse is a basic carrier, armed with the bare necessities, it still can repair and maintain fighters or bombers, a few concourse carriers can easily launch a swarm of fighters and bombers and its 2 plasma repeaters protect the concourse from any stry enemy bombers that managed to break through the frontlines. As such, the concourse is indeed an essential unit in every fleet, maintaining their swarm of fighters/bombers.

But, the concourse is lightly armored, as such, it must be placed behind the frontlines to ensure its survivability. Moreover, its rather slow speed makes it vulnerable to raiding crafts such as corvettes and blockade runners. However, despite these shortcomings, the concourse can be mass produced and is an essential part in many admirals fleets due to its particular role

Naval[edit | edit source]

Unlike many other empires in the great war, the luminarians still continue to use the water bound ships. These ships are normally durable, capable of mounting powerful weaponery and act as an effective defensive manuever. Most of these ships are even more adaptable then the land,air or space forces, capable of dealing with as many threats as possible. The luminarian navy could be considered one of the most developed amongst the other races.

Capricorn Attack Boats[edit | edit source]

A Capricorn dispatching a zaretian Fighter

"We protect the skies"

The Capricorn is one of the smallest luminarian sea vessels. One of the many problems the luminarians encountered was that in a naval fleet, ships had to move in formation due to their large size, as such, the cruisers weren't able to provide anti-air fire to several points in a luminarian fleet. Hampering their effectiveness and one of the main reasons that ships were sunk. The luminarians quickly reviewed their data and came up with an effective solution, the Capricorn attack boats.

The Capricorn sports a single "Guardira" AA Flak cannon, the same kind that is mounted on Boreas cruisers. The "Guardira" class flak cannon boasts a high rate of fire and a large shrapnel spread, allowing the Capricorn to quickly down swarms of enemy craft with ease. However, the main benefit of the Capricorn is its small size and mobility. Allowing it to weave through the fleet with ease and provide AA support throughout the entire fleet. Effectively denying the enemy a chance to use their air force to damage the luminarian fleet.

However, the Capricorn lacks any form of ship-to-ship weaponry, making it reliant on other ships such as the tiamat frigate and cetea destroyers. However, the Capricorn has a symbiotic relationship with other ships and as such is still heavily used by the luminarian navy for its mobility and its strong anti-air fire.

Norvus Craz Annhilatus[edit | edit source]

"They dive into the depths of hell, and constantly manage to defeat the devil over and over again."

Norvus Craz Annhilatus or NCA for short, is an elite group of luminarians. A heavily mechanized force, NCA is usually called upon when dealing with battlestation sized opponents, or even assault citadel classes. Armed with the best technology the luminarians have to offer, NCA combines the best technology with the best soldiers, utilizing the most experienced veterans in the luminarian army. In NCA, the veterans usually pilot battlesuits, mechs and even superheavy-class vehicles that have been specially redesigned to deal with battlestation-sized foes and during the recent xenophobe threat, NCA has performed superbly, destroying 4 xenophobe battlestations with minimal losses.

NCA was created after the purge, this branch was started by Commander Lumira with a small squad of 15 luminarian elites who fought with her during the purge era, having some experiences with dealing with the xenophobe battlestations. Back then, Commander Lumira understood that the xenophobes would always be ahead of them in numbers, no matter how hard they tried. As a precautionary measure, NCA was created to deal with opposing battlestations without any backup support. At this point of writing, there are currently 250 members in NCA, ready on hand to deal with any battlestations.

NCA answers only to Commander Lumira and Commander Amarylis. The 2 of them usually dictate where NCA goes, attacks which battlestation and such. Most members usually reside on a heavily modified mortem crux class battlestation, outfitted for stealth and speed to get these elite soldiers ASAP to the combat zone. NCA are also users of quantum rifts and as such, are also stationed on the assault citadels, ready for combat should an opposing battlestation be found.

Quake Battlesuits[edit | edit source]

2 Quakes watching a xenophobe battlestation

"All with fall, be it a machine or an alien."

The basic battlesuit utilized by NCA, the Quake Battlesuit is a redesigned tremor battlesuit, sporting extremely heavy armor, shielding and an assortment of weapons specially designed to deal with a battlestation. The Quake was first conceived as an upgrade to the current tremor battlesuits, but was scrapped due to its high costs and mineral requirements. Commander Amarylis acquired the plans and made some modifications to it, replacing several weapons and increasing its overall firepower and defense. First few trial runs with these battlesuits have proven a major success, most of its weapons allowed it to penetrate the battlestation's armor and shielding, and was able to deal with the firepower and soldiers that were sent against them. Thus, it has become the main battlesuit of NCA.

The Quake battlesuit sports 4 different weapons. The first is a modified "Blazrius" pattern flamer, a flamer modified for a large cone spread of fire. The flamer's main purpose is to deal with enemy infantry or vehicles that surround a battlestation, using the large volume of fire it sprays is enough to deter most melee troops from interrupting their assault and forcing any foes out from cover and buildings. Its second weapon is an autocannon, spewing out huge 30mm caliber bullet shells at a high-rate of fire, making it effective with dealing with enemy superheavy elements, tanks and ripping large chunks out of the battlestation's armor. It also sports a Lascannon, capable of piercing straight through shields and incinerating the armor underneath, combined with its miniaturized nuclear warhead pod, allows the Quake to do some damage against an enemy battlestation. Combine with its thick armor and powerful shielding, the Quake battlesuit can hold its own even when an enemy battlestation is firing at it.

However, the quake lacks mobility, requiring the use of orbital insertion pods or dropships to get it quickly to the frontlines. Once reaching the frontlines, mobility is usually no longer a problem. Thus, its heavy armor and shielding, paired together with its overwhelming firepower makes it a staple unit in NCA. Moreover, the quake is constantly being used by veterans, allowing its true potential to shine.

Zephyr Battlesuits[edit | edit source]

A zephyr about to take on a zaretian mech

"Hope is for the transient"

Zephyr battlesuits are the rapid-response battlesuits utilized by NCA. Zephyrs are redesigned versions of the typhoon battlesuit. Sporting way more armor, shielding and a much more powerful weapon. Zephyr battlesuits are currently the fastest battlesuits in the luminarian army. Like the Quake, the zephyr was originally conceived as an upgrade to the current typhoon battlesuits, but it was relegated to NCA due to the unfeasibility of using it for the army. Commander Amarylis redesigned the zephyr, giving it more armor and shielding for it to be able to survive an encounter with a battlestation. In the recent xenophobe threat, the Zephyrs have played a crucial role in downing the xenophobe battlestations, locating weakspots in the battlestation and exploiting them.

The zephyrs are armed with an ancient luminarian polearm weapon. The blade of this weapon is capable of bending, allowing the user to use it as a scythe-like weapon or a spear type weapon. This provides immense tactical flexiblilty to the user. While utilizing it like a scythe, The zephyrs can usually take on large swarths of opponents and deal punishing damage to large mechs, essential when dealing with the enemy army surrounding most battlestations. In a spear, the zephyrs can use it to easily down superheavy mechs and hit weakspots in the battlestation armor, though its rather hard to take on massed infantry with it. This allows the Zephyr to be able to deal with a large variety of enemy units. Combined with its heavy armor and impeccable shielding, the zephyrs can usually take on and harass a battlestation.

However, in order to wield their weapon, the zephyrs usually have to forego using a ranged weapon, this severly exposes them to unesscessary enemy fire at times and by keeping them at bay, the zephyrs can't do any damage. However, their high armor and shielding makes this issue trival, and combined with their powerful jetpack, the zephyr usually can close in on most targets quickly. As such, the zephyr is a powerful unit and only veterans know how to utilize it to its true potential

Notable fleets[edit | edit source]

The luminarians have quite a few fleets and armies to defend their planets and attack others. However, several fleets have accomplished several feats that have made them rather renown throughout the empire. These fleets are normally commanded by an admiral alongside a commander.

Battlegroup Arcanium[edit | edit source]

Battlegroup Arcanium

Fleet size: 206

  • 1 Rapture Battlestation
  • 25 Battleships
  • 30 Cruiser-class ships
  • 50 Frigate-class ships
  • 100 Gunboat-class ships

Admiral: Cyrilus

Commander: Lyrek

Past Records: The Battlegroup Arcanium is one of the smaller fleets in the luminarian armada. However, it has performed splendidly in its past few engagements, facing off larger fleets while sustaining minimal losses. The Battlegroup Arcanium was originally a small task force during the pre-purge era, having joined up with a larger fleet during the stormclouds events. It's main role back then was to provide long-range fire support, consisting mainly of whirlwind cruisers.

However, during the purge, the Battlegroup Arcanium was mainly tasked with evacuating refugees, one of these refugees being Lyrek. It was also part of the battle over Nessara, where 70% of the battlegroup was destroyed by the xenophobe battlestation and its surrounding fleets.

Now, after the purge, the battlegroup has had its numbers increased, and is now commanded by Admiral Cyrilus and is normally accompanied by Commander Lyrek. The current Battlegroup Arcanium has seen much conflict, having destroyed several zaretian fleets and participating in the disastrous Norsus campaign.

Tactics[edit | edit source]

The luminarian forces are diverse and adaptable, as such, their tactics are also as diverse and adaptable, allowing a skilled commander to be able to change tactics on the fly and throw his opponent off. In the great war, the luminarians constantly have to deal with other races in matters of warfare, some friendly, others hostile. And as such, the luminarians will attempt to make full use of their allies strengths to cover their weakness or bolster their strengths.

Peacekeepers[edit | edit source]

During the great war, the luminarians have joined the peacekeeper faction and as such, have alliances with many of its members

Karahotduom[edit | edit source]

Although the luminarians have not worked much with the karahotdoum as compared to the aeveria confederation, the recent data obtained from combined military training has helped the luminarians to find out how to support the karahotduom best. The karahotduom usually have stronger military forces and expertise in jungle environments, whereas the luminarians excel in survivability and urban warfare. Hence, both the luminarians and karahotduom have good synergy with each other.

In terms of tactics, the luminarian commanders are much more flexible then the karahotduom commanders, and as such, the luminarian commanders usually take charge of the karahotduom expeditionary fleets. The karahotduom's "fez doctrine" is normally looked down upon by the luminarians, believing its a inefficient method of doing combat.

In land warfare, the luminarians will normally use their much more durable vehicles to take the brunt of an assault, letting the karahotduom to utilize their much stronger weaponry to deal with their foes. In jungles and deserts, the luminarians prefer to take a backseat role, allowing the karahotduom to utilize their training in such environments, in urban warfare, the karahotduom are normally used as support, their powerful miraj artillery to deal with entrenched foes while the luminarians move in.

In sea warfare, the luminarians will normally take a centerpiece role with their advanced naval vehicles. Only in cases where the luminarian fleet is insignificant will they let the karahotduom take main role.

In space warfare, the karas will normally take the reins of the operation. Due to the weakened state of their space armadas, the luminarians are happy to let the karahotduom take control of their forces.

Warlords[edit | edit source]

During the great war, the luminarians have constantly attack or been attacked by members of the warlord faction.

Zaretians[edit | edit source]

The zaretians are one of the luminarians earliest enemeies during the great war, as a result, have more knowledge about zaretian tactics and units. Between the 2 of them, the zaretians have the upper hand in numbers and firepower, whereas the luminarians have stronger shields and armor to deal with the zaretians. This has normally led to stalemates during direct assaults and is ultimately a waste of lives and money for both empires.

In terms of commanders, the luminarians usually have an advantage, as zaretian commanders and generals aren't as flexible mentally. Luminarian commanders can easily swap their tactics, resulting in unpredictable and unorthodox tactics to throw zaretian commanders off. As the zaretian general sent to fight the luminarians, Peacha's stealth tactics have been countered by bait and ambush tactics. As such, the luminarian commanders will normally best their zaretian counterparts.

In land warfare, the luminarians are normally outnumbered by the zaretians, combined with their more powerful mechs, has caused many casulties. Luminarian commanders usually deploy heavy anti-vehicle elements such as tremor battlesuits to nullify the advantage the zaretians have. Luminarian soldiers are also armored pretty heavily, along with their small stature allow them to find cover easily, improving their survivability. Both armies are normally on equal footing, hence strategy is the decisive factor in land warfare.

The luminarians have the upper hand in sea warfare, their ships are normally stronger, heavily armored and more effcient then their zaretian counterparts. Unlike the zaretians, the luminarians still consider sea warfare as an important part of their armies, hence putting in more emphasis in their navy then the zaretians. During naval combat, the luminarians have an advantage in tactical flexibility, firepower and durability, these factors easily nullify the zaretian's advantage in numbers, giving the land forces an advantage with shore bombardments and more.

In space, the zaretians massive fleets can easily dispatch the luminarian's under developed fleets. The wide range of zaretian ships normally tip the scales in favour of the zaretians, combined with their firepower and numbers, negate whatever armor and shield advantages the luminarians possess. Luminarian admirals usually have to call upon a battlestation's assistance to deal with zaretian fleets, and in most cases, a battlestation's prescence normally results in a luminarian victory.

The luminarians are masters at battlestations, and its due to the battlestations that have prevented the zaretians or any other warlord from easily blitzing through luminarian territory. Although several warlords have constructed their own battlestations, the luminarian's battlestations usually come out victorious, if not, an assault citadel is called in. On the zaretian front, there is an abundant use of Rapture-class, Behemoth-class and Mortem Crux-class battlestations. This combination of battlestations can easily lay siege to zaretian planets and fortress worlds with ease.

Neutrals[edit | edit source]

Planets[edit | edit source]

A list of all known Luminarian owned planets

Inner colonies[edit | edit source]

The Inner colonies were the first few colonies set up by the fleeing luminarians, the inner colonies normally have the strongest defenses and are the most developed.

The Homeworld[edit | edit source]

The Homeworld

"Skyscrappers as far as the eye can see."

The Luminarian Homeworld was the first planet to be colonized after the purge, located near a rich asteroid field, the Luminarian homeworld is the main center of power for the empire, a bustling huge world city, the luminarian homeworld is also the most hardest planet to take over. Underground, a complex defensive network has been established, reaching every surface of the planet. Moreover, tunnel systems underground allows quick hit and run assaults on any would be invader.

The Luminarian homeworld has shaped its city layouts in weird designs, as the more orderly and organized a city is, the easier it is for the enemy to invade and control the planet. As such, every city layout is designed to give an advantage to the defenders, with many alleyways, narrow passages creating chokepoints and cover. Moreover, the defensive network underground will assist the defenders in repelling invaders, in the form of popup turrets, providing more unexpected resistance against any invader. This combined with a space fleet containing several battlestations, makes the luminarian homeworld near impossible to assault easily, forcing anyone who wants to take this planet to fight for every inch of the planet.

The luminarian homeworld is also host to the Scholaris progenium, where all would-be commanders are trained and honed in their tactics, the loss of the homeworld will cause devastating morale loss to the luminarians and dry up their talent pool, essentially dooming the luminarians to extinction in the long run. As such, large scale defenses and tactics has been drawn up to prevent the world from being destroyed.

Culture[edit | edit source]

All known luminarian culture will be located here

Core philosophies[edit | edit source]

The Luminarians have 3 different core philosophies that guide them for the time being, each philosophy can be changed at any time, but its extremely rare, the last time it was changed was after the rebellion.

Life[edit | edit source]

After the massacre of luminarians, in which millions were lost in a short span of time, the luminarian empire has become orientated towards the conservation of life. Soldiers are now capable of shrugging off wounds that would have killed them before the new armor system was implemented. The Reaper suits are also another case of conservation of life, Capable of rebuilding a wounded soldier while he battles on with his friends. However, this shift towards the conservation of life has caused them to be rather immoral in several races viewpoints. The creation of battlestations was once such debate,where Commander Amarylis used the argument of a thousand luminarian lives worth more then a million warlord lives. But despite this philosophy, the luminarians will still sacrifice themselves if their deaths would save even another life regardless of it being their fellow luminarians, or an ally

Adaptability[edit | edit source]

A core value of the luminarian military that was eventually spread to the public. In the war, The luminarians found out quickly that to stick to one strategy would be suicidal, this has caused major reevaluation of of the entire military structure, simplifying it and giving commanders much more control. Squad leaders were told an objective and then left to do it in whatever way they see fit. Leading to multiple unorthodox strategies being launched against the zaretians, effectively dominating any army bound to a single tactic. In luminarian society, Businesses are extremely flexible, changing with the times and producing stuff that people want, instead of stagnanting, leading to an extremely competitive market that benefits the people. In school, Luminarian children are also extremely adaptable in handing in homework, much to the bane of teachers.

Technology[edit | edit source]

Luminarians abhor stagnancy, always seeking out ways to expand their existing tech, innovating upon new features and functions. Their entire military went through 7 overhauls in the past 10 years, as they keep working on expanding their arsenal. Several examples of this continous upgrading, include the battlestations, medipack armor, and optics system, recently introduced into the luminarian military, as such, many luminarians are tempted to go into the field of science. Currently, the luminarians are currently combing through the data on norsus, anaylsing several new technologies they would like to acquire. Even obsolete or unfeasible technology have notes collected on them, just in case they're needed

Politics[edit | edit source]

In luminarian society, the entire governement is split into 2 different parts, One controls the general population, the other controls the military assests. This change was created in the early days when the luminarians first achieved space flight and encountered other aliens. In the past, most luminarian generals and commanders were hindered by red-tape, too many politicians bickering about their social status to get anything done. When the luminarian military suffered a string of devastating losses against the zoroxian armada, the luminarian generals seized their chance, splitting the military away from the governement, giving them much more freedom and guarded their funding from these politicians and finally putting an end to the chain of losses they endured.

To this day, the government is still split up, and after the luminarians entered the great war, this independence away from the civilian governement is more important then ever.

Military[edit | edit source]

Inside the luminarian military, there are several ranks and designations.

Generals[edit | edit source]

The Luminarian Generals hold the highest position in the entire military. Most of them are veterans of many wars, they have seen and participated in many battles, each of them has had their minds honed in tactical thinking and have led many armies through many campaigns. As such, each luminarian general knows every strength and weakness in the army and is capable of utilizing the army to its fullest.

Each luminarian general is highly revered by the luminarians. Their positions are a testament to their wisdom and combat prowess, only the best and brightest can ever hope to fill their ranks and that already small number is thinned out further through stringent testing measures. These tests are important as the generals have almost absolute power within the military.

At this current point in time, there is no generals in the luminarian army. Commander Lumira is currently the acting general in charge of the luminarian forces, at the same time, she is actively seeking for potential commanders that could be a general.

Commanders/Admiral[edit | edit source]

A rank lower then a general, commanders still hold a respectable position in the luminarian military. Every commander has spent a respectable amount of time in the military and participated in several campaigns. Their time in the scholaris progenium has taught them much about strategems and tactics, allowing them to effectively lead an army while their combat skills inspire the troops under their command. In the hierarchy, commanders lead operations that have been tasked by a general.

In the luminarian military, once promoted to a commander. The luminarian will be able to choose his armor design, personal weapon of choice and a personal battlesuit which they can oversee during its construction.

Sergeants/Officers[edit | edit source]

A rank lower then a commander, a single commander usually have 30 sergeants with them, though this number varies depending on the operation. A sergeant's role in the military is command squads, these squads vary in number and units which the sergeant chooses depending on the assignment given by the commander. To be promoted to a sergeant, a luminarian must show tactical thinking and be observant of the battlefield.

In the luminarian military, Sergeants normally use a battlesuit that their division uses. For example, assault soldiers will be allowed to use the typhoon battlesuit.

Soldiers[edit | edit source]

The basic starting rank of all luminarians who enlist in the army. They first must undergo basic training for 3 months, toughening their body up for the rigours of warfare. After the basic training, each luminarian is allowed to select a division of his choice, in every division, the luminarian must undergo more training specially suited for his particular profession. For example, assault troopers have to undergo melee and jetpack training.

Civilian[edit | edit source]

The civilian government is normally made up of a group of luminarians elected by their peers to represent their views. In the pre-purge era, every planet would elect 1 senator, which would represent the entire planet's views and such. These senators would normally convene in luminaria, usually to discuss the people's needs and such. At the end of these meetings, the 10 representatives, usually from the strongest luminarian planets, would convene and allocate funds to the other colonies.

However, this system although great in theory, in practice failed. The senators would normally argue with one another, trying to get funds for the most inane things possible. In the words of commander lumira, "A complete shitfest that never got anything done."

In the post-purge era, Commander Lumira has to deal with the civilian side of the government due to a lack of leaders. In time, she hopes to find another suitable method of governancy that actually works and isn't a complete flop.

Religion[edit | edit source]

Luminarians are allowed to believe in what ever religion they want. But mainly most luminarians are atheists, while others follow spode or the 3 luminarian gods.

Baharroth[edit | edit source]

Baharroth, or the hallowed father. In mystical times, Baharroth was said to father the luminarians, an ancient god that resides in the heavens above. He is said to watch from the heavens above, guiding the luminarians towards their goals. The most believed version of baharroth is said that he controls the sky and space, hence most depictions of him is a winged dragon, claws the size of continents, and wings the as large as the circumference of a planet. However, many luminarian scientists believe that baharroth is infact an animal that the luminarians had evolved from, hence the belief that baharroth is the father of all luminarians. Scientists also believe that the luminarians attributed his powers over the sky and space due to the fact that ancient luminarians found the baharroth almost all the time flying, hence his powers over the sky. Commander Amaryllis has created a battlestation resembling his likeness as a form of intimidation.

Aren'scura[edit | edit source]

Aren'scura, also known as the Goddess of death. In mystical times, Aren'scura was the wife of baharroth, residing in the same heavens as him. It is said that while baharroth gave the luminarians life, Aren'scura gave was the one to invite them back into the heavens, providing them the gift of death to allow the souls of the departed luminarians to stay in the heavens above. Aren'scura is known to have powers over death and the caves that dwell underground. Many depicitions involve her as a humanoidish creature, with dragonlike features and a very unique headdress starting from her shoulders. As with Baharroth, scientist believe Aren'scura is actually the female version of the baharroth species, staying in caves to protect the young, lashing out at any who enters her cave. This attribute was also related over her powers of death and underground, while the unique headdress was speculated to be some form of mating ritual equipment, a bone like structure that protruded from the back. Commander Amarylis battlesuit was shaped in the likeness of Aren'scura, with the headdress being the most prominent feature.

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Social attitude[edit | edit source]

The luminarian rebels are a rather friendly bunch of people, gladly helping their allies and each other as much as possible. Having to start all over again after the purge, most, if not all luminarians above the age of 16 had contributed to the building and colonization of planets, helping the entire empire to grow quickly. During this period of time, the luminarians pooled all they had, only taking what they needed and returned it once they no longer required it. Despite this practice having only been carried out for 4 months it has been ingrained in many of their minds and has thus made them a rather sociable group

However, The events of the purge had also instilled a rather grim undertone to them. This grim outlook has manifested itself in several areas, for example the widespread use of weapons of mass destruction, battlestations and assault citadels are examples of this. Some commanders have believe that it is important to use whatever means nesscessary to get the job done, and this line of thinking has indeed been carried out a few times, the use of battlestations to indiscriminately wipe out whole planets being one of the examples. Despite their friendly outlook, the luminarians still do have a darker side to them.

Conscription[edit | edit source]

In the pre-purge era, the luminarians utlized conscription, all luminarians, regardless of gender have to serve at least 2 years in the military at the age of 16. The practice has been put into place for over 300 years, during the luminarian war with the aeonite and zoroxian empires. As such, most luminarians do have a bit of military experience and can handle themselves in a combat situation.

In the 2 years of mandatory military service, most of these new recruits are sent to low-risk campaigns, only a few unlikely luminarians are sent to the more dangerous battlefields. In these campaigns, luminarians are taught the basic skills of survival on a foreign planet, these skills would benefit any luminarians thinking of joining up with the colonization programme. It was also this set of skills that allowed the luminarians post-purge to quickly claim and colonize their new homeworld despite the large variety of dangers on it.

However, not all luminarians follow these rules, fleeing their worlds before they signed up for the military. The luminarian government treats these luminarians as outcasts, preventing them from setting foot on any luminarian held worlds as a form of punishment. Most of these luminarians would end up as mercs for hire, techinicians and perform oddjobs for various races or corporations like Nova accross the galaxy.

In the Post-Purge era, the luminarian rebels still have conscription put into place, this time with 3 years instead of 2. Commander Lumira seeks to rebuild the fractured and fragmented luminarian army, and this is one of the most effcient, if not the only sustainable method.

Cuisine[edit | edit source]

As the luminarians are carnivorous by nature, most luminarians consume meat. For the luminarians, they're able to consume most kinds of meat, only a select few are inedible to them. Due to their short size and rather slow metabolism, luminarians normally do not require much to eat, along with the heavy usage of nanobots to supplement their energy intake, most luminarians can go for days without food, relying on their nanobots to give them the energy required.

Most luminarian foods include a medium serving of cooked meat, flavored with certain types of sauces, some even include a small serving of plants, though it is more for taste then any nutritional value due to the inefficiency of the luminarian digestive system to properly process the nutrients in the vegetables.

However, It is highly common in luminarian society to fast often and regularly. This is normally due to the fact the the fats absorbed from foods are normally stockpiled near the stomach, near the legs. Having way too much fats will cause the luminarian to be unbalanced. Hence, most luminarians have to follow a strict diet in order to carry out basic functions.

As such, the luminarians normally follow the platonic diet, in which they usually fast for days, before feasting. This diet resembles prehistoric times, where luminarians usually go for days without food unless they have a successful hunt. Platonic dieting usually keeps a luminarian fit and removes the chance of him/her being obese due to extended periods of fasting.

Death[edit | edit source]

Despite doing all that they can to prevent death, the luminarians still cannot escape from it. If a luminarian body can be recovered, it is normally cremated on the planet they were killed in. One could say that the luminarians prefer the process of cremation over than burying for practical reasons, as a graveyard takes a large amount of space which could be used for other purposes to help the living.

However, if a body could not be recovered, the luminarians will add his/her name to an online database, along with a biography and several pictures of him/her. The entire database has been wiped clean during the purge, and is now active as of this moment. This database is a reminder to all luminarians that even with their superior tech, battles can still be lost.

Luminarians have also been working on ways to advert death, the closest they've ever gotten to doing that is the introduction of the Reaper Suits. Any fatally wounded luminarian can be encased in these suits, slowly regrowing their damaged body while still capable of helping their fellow soldiers in battle. However, these suits costs too much and as such, only important luminarians are encased in a reaper suit.

Technology[edit | edit source]

As with all other races, the luminarians specialize in several technologies, helping to shape their force composition and new future units.

Nanotechnology[edit | edit source]

"Small things can make huge stuff, reminds you of us doesn't it?""-Excerpt from a luminarian technician conversation

The Luminarians heavily specialize in the nanotech department. Its the main reason why the luminarians can quickly produce a large number of warmachines in such a short number of time. Moreover, the research done in the nanotech department has helped to develop several other important equipment the luminarians use on a massive scale, like the medpack systems for example. The benefits obtained from the use of nanomachines are too much to list, countless lives have been saved through the use of nanobots, be it from eradicating a terminal disease or through the medpack system.

Nanoconstruction[edit | edit source]

Engineers using beams of light to direct nanobots into constructing a power generator

The main reason for delving into nanotech is to look for a method to produce warmachines that isn't labour intensive. Luminarian scientists and engineers worked for weeks to locate a simple yet effcient method of mass producing vehicles. The final solution they devised was to use nanobots.The first few concepts were crudely implemented, nanobots would follow a lazer, depositing materials at the end of the beam before going back to the resources pile to grab more materials. This technology would be later refined, with the nanobots knowing where required a certain alloy, create that particular alloy by bonding elements with each other from a massive scrap heap, and slowly building a vehicle from the ground up. This technology would soon be adapted to the frontlines, war factories would use a large number of these nanobots to construct new vehicles and mechs while a battle rages on. This technology would also be incorporated into the engineers, mobile construction vehicles, allowing for a rapid setup of bases anywhere as long as there is a pool of mass to collect resources from.

The benefits nanoconstruction has brought to the luminarian military are staggering. Rapid construction of bases allow the luminarians to quickly setup a prescence on a planet, vehicles can be patched up and repaired during a battle itself as long as an engineer is nearby. The biggest benefit of it all was that the nanobots could use almost anything, from scrap metal to refined Garmium to construct a tank as it does all the chemical bonding by itself, reducing the need to refine and extract metals, the most a luminarian operatioon requires is an earth digger to produce large amounts of mass, where the nanobots can take the task from there.

However, Nanoconstruction has several drawbacks to it, one of them being the immense power drain. The power required to bond elements together is extremely high, and as such most luminarian bases need to set up a good power supply in order to use this technology. The heavy reliance on power also creates an additional weakness in the luminarian base, blow up the generators and the base cannot function or expand. However, the use of nanoconstruction has made the construction of battlestations, from a waste of resources to a beneficial investment. Hence, unlike other empires, the luminarians can afford to construct so many of these hulking behemoths.

NanoFabrication[edit | edit source]

NanoFabrication utilized by a RD-ACU

NanoFabrication is a scaled down version of nanoconstruction. Originally touted as one of the key defining features in luminarian base construction, Nanofabrication quickly lost favour with many commanders, most of them prefering to use the more energy consuming but faster nanoconstruction methods. As such, Most luminarian scientists and engineers had abandoned nanofabrication quickly and redirected their efforts into improving nanoconstruction instead. Most data on nanofabrication however, where still archived by the luminarians, and have been referred to many times by luminarian engineers and scientists, using it as a guide to improve the existing nanoconstruction methods. However, after being approached by the aeveria confederation to assist them in building a rapid deployment mobile command vehicle, the luminarians have provided them with the nanofabrication technology.

Although both nanofabrication and nanoconstruction are relatively similar, they differ mainly in terms of how they construct. Nanofabrication clumps the nanobots together with metal and some energy, this combination is then expelled out through the nanopoint, taking the form of a sphere. these nanobots would quickly begin defining the frame of the blueprints, before slowly building it from the ground up, and finally finishing off the building with armor and paint. This method does not require a huge amount of energy unlike nanoconstruction, and since many other peacekeepers are not as advanced as the luminarians in terms of energy manipulation, nanofabrication was then utilized in the RD-ACU, and later the Warlord version of it.

However, compared to nanoconstruction, nanofabrication takes a longer time to construct units, that and while the unit is being created, it is highly vulnerable to enemy assault, even more so when the unit is still having its basic frame outlined by the nanobots. Even though nanofabrication utilizes a smaller energy drain compared to nanoconstruction, the energy cost required to even use a nanofabricator is considered ludicrous by many other empires, as such, a high yield core is installed in the RD-ACU. The explosion caused when the core overloads, can cause a catastrophic detonation, wiping out anything except the sturdiest units in a large blast area. However, nanofabrication has been utilized effectively on many combats where RD-ACUs have been deployed, the sheer capability of constructing a base in minutes what would have taken days have made nanofabrication an essential tool in the RD-ACU's deployment.

Nanorobotics[edit | edit source]

Nanorobotics was a by-product of nanoconstruction, however, it has helped to improve the luminarian lifestyle and standard of living extensively. As the engineers got around to create the basic worker nanobots used in nanoconstruction, most of them realized that nanobots could be also used in other methods, including healthcare and electronics. This led some of them to branch out from creating the nanobots used for construction work to start working on adapting the design for medicinal purposes. The first few designs dealt with the creation of synthetic blood. Instead of using red blood cells, they replaced the cells with nanobots containing the haemogoblin pigment. The nanobots were a resounding success, this new tech had solved one of the luminarians problems, the lack of blood donors. Not long after, the nanobots were adapted for more purposes, including electronics.

The impact on luminarian society was immensely beneficial. More and more diseases were now capable of being treated, their lifespans were increased from 100 to 150. Electronics begun to fail less, with nanobots repairing any damages. It also had an impact on the luminarian military, the creation of the medpack system being one of them. Moreover, more lives were saved through the introduction of the nanobots. Soldiers can take an injection containg nanobots that helped increase oxygen transfer, increase blood clotting speed and fight off most diseases and most do. Helping to reduce the already low casualty rate even further. More nanobot intensive methods include the complete regrowth of most organs through the use of nanobots and a lot of nutrients.

Nanoweaponry[edit | edit source]

Nanoweaponry is not used extensively by the luminarians, although the have defenses set in place for such weapons, the luminarians do not think that nanoweaponry is effective at all. Mainly being that nanoweaponry takes a little too long before effects can be seen, moreover, they feel that nanoweaponry has a limited scope. Several planets actively discourage the use of nanoweaponry, for example, a frigid place would hamper with the nanobots power cells as chemical reactions are extremely slow in frigid conditions, hampering their effectiveness against their foes. Hence, their limited scope and ineffectiveness in certain cases has made them rather unfeasible in the luminarian eyes.

However, the luminarians fully expect other races to use nanoweaponry, as such, several defensive measures have been taken to prevent a nanoweapon assault on luminarian held bases and men. Battlesuits for example use extremely intensive filters, reducing the threat of biological and nanobot threats aginst them. Soldiers who have taken a nanobot infused injection ususally have nanobots that will target and destroy foriegn materials in their bloodstream, hindering any biological disease or nanobot assault on their very being.

Quantum Technology[edit | edit source]

"Quantum Tech,to put it simply, limited teleportation."

Quantum technology is one of the newer fields the luminarians have begun to experiment in. As with their unending quest to reduce mortality rates and improve survivability, the luminarians have discovered quantum technology while on this quest. The benefits of quantum tech is not as apparent as it seems, as only a few new fields have begun to be researched. So far, only one new design has been created from quantum tech.

Quantum gates[edit | edit source]

Looking through their data, the luminarians came to the conclusion that the loss of life during an invasion was mainly contributed to dropship or droppod destruction. To them, this loss of lives is completely unacceptable, hemce, scientists attempted to develop a completely new way of transporting troops into a planet without the risk of them dying before landing on a planet. the answer was to use quantum technology in the form of gates. By interlinking 2 gates together, orbiting ships can transport men from the ship itself into a planet's other quantum gate directly. This removes any chance of dropships being shot down, reducing the death toll.

Quantum gate technology is one of the fastest methods of teleporting large armies straight onto a planets surface. No doubt basic teleportation has been developed by most other races, quantum gates can easily transport an entire army down to a planet with ease, providing there is also another quantum gate on the planet itself. Quantum gates are also extremely useful in both invasions and defense operations. By having a quantum gate on planet, reinforcements can be easily transferred on planet should there be a ship with a quantum gate in orbit.

However, Quantum gate technology has several limitations to it, the most obvious would be the need for 2 quantum gates in order for the benefits to work. Without a quantum gate on planet, the luminarians would still have to use dropships and droppods to get on planet, rendering this technology null and void. Another limitation would be the excessive power drain. The quantum gates require large amounts of power to function, hence bases need to construct large numbers of power generators while ships in space need to divert power from other areas to start up their quantum gates. However, the reduction in the loss of lives have made the quantum gates to be widespread and are now incorporated as a basic requirement in most luminarian held planets.

Quantum Rifts[edit | edit source]

A by-product of quantum gates, quantum rifts are a new experimental technology that is currently being tested out. Basically an upgraded version of the quantum gate, quantum rifts nullifies the need for another gate, coupled with its increased range, allows the luminarians to transport soldiers to without exposing them to enemy fire.

Quantum rifts allow the luminarians more flexibility in deploying their forces. With virtually no form of technology capable of blocking quantum rifts, this allows the luminarians to easily send reinforcements or setup ambushes with near unparalled ease. These rifts can also be used to beam men to enemy ships, allowing the luminarian marines to easily capture the ship. Mechs and such can also be brought down into enemy bases with near pin-point accuracy, by-passing most exterior defenses and creating havoc in the base. This sheer flexibility has caused research into quantum rifts as one of the main priorities.

However, the current state of quantum rifts is highly experimental. It has an immense energy requirement that only 3 battlestation class nuclear power cores can fulfill, moreover only a small number of men can be transported through this method. Hence, its only been incorporated into the 2 assault citadels, the regalia-class and vector to the heavens as only they can fulfill the power requirements. However, the luminarians have been working extremely hard to refine this new technology.

Nuclear technology[edit | edit source]

"Huge boom.'"

The luminarians have long often sought to find a powersource that generates large amounts of energy to power some of their more devastating weaponry. Logically, after a period of time looking for power sources, they've stumbled accross nuclear energy, it provides enough power for their large constructs and is used in several weapons like the "An-k-leh Annhilator" class missiles.

Nuclear Power Cores[edit | edit source]

In their search for a power source that could work for their weapons of mass destructions, the luminarians stumbled accross nuclear power. Its high energy output has made it widespread in several mech designs and would eventually be incorporated into the battlestations and assault citadels. After much experimentation, ther luminarians have managed to reduce the size of the nuclear reactors, yet giving approoximately the same amount of output. This has led to the proliferation of the nuclear power cores, most luminaran heavy mech/tank/ships use these cores to power their weaponry and other equipment.

The nuclear power cores allow the luminarian to construct huge warmachines, more over the reduced size of these cores allow for more weapons and other equipment to be loaded onto a design. Hence increasing their overall effectiveness in combat. Moreover, nuclear power cores aren't as environmentally damaging as other fuel sources such as coal or petrol, as long as the power core doesn't blow up.

The nuclear power core has several drawbacks as well, the most obvious would be a meltdown. Should a meltdown occur, the power core could potentially explode, destroying everything around it and releasing radioactive materials into the planet. Worst of all, should a battlestation fall, its explosion could render the entire planet uninhabitable for several milenia. As a result of this, not all luminarian designs utilize the nuclear power cores, and those that do have a core dampener to prevent an explosion. However, the core dampeners can be overriden by commanders, allowing them to use the nuclear power cores as a makeshift weapon. Hence, the benefits of the nuclear power cores outweigh its disadvantages, coupled with its safeguards, make it a viable source of energy for the luminarians

Nuclear weaponry[edit | edit source]

Nuclear weaponry is a by-product of their search for the nuclear power cores. Unlike several other peacekeeper races, the luminarians are not above using nuclear weaponry to wipe their foes. One of the most common nuclear weapons in the luminarian arsenal are in the form of a guided payload (aka missile). The most common iteration would be the "An-k-leh Annihilator" class bunker-buster missiles. Its deadly efficiency against most bases have made it one of the more used weapons to crack a base, annihilating defenses and defenders, making it easy for some luminarian units to easily move in to annihilate the remaining wounded defenders.

Nuclear weaponry has been used to great effect by the luminarians, wiping out bases that they have no intent on capturing with ease. Moreover, should the luminarians be beaten back, the radiation caused by the nuclear weaponry would take a long time before it can be cleared, making sure that the enemy cannot reuse any of his assets. This combined with their sheer destructive power has made these weapons a staple in most space-to-ground bombardments.

However, these weapons has several drawbacks as well, the radiation caused by these weapons is a double-edged sword, also hampering the luminarians. Only battlesuits and other sealed mechs and vehicles can enter a area bombarded by nuclear weaponry. But despite these drawbacks, nuclear based weapons are till in use by the luminarians, their sheer efficiency and power being the only things that the luminarians use them for.

Battlestations[edit | edit source]

Battlestations are one of the things that the luminarians are famous for. The battlestations are a compilation of every single tech the luminarians specilaize in, only through these technologies allow the luminarians to quickly construct such hulking monstrosities. Nanotech is one of the main ways the luminarians use to construct the battlestation, Quantum tech is sued to transport materials and parts to the battlestation construction facilities and nuclear tech is used to power these behemoths.

Armor[edit | edit source]

Like other luminarian units, battlestations sport one of the toughest armors in the known universe. Every single battlestation has many layers of armor and each layer is heavily reinforced, the sheer durability of this armor allows the battlestation to survive some of the hottest landing zones, march through fortress planets and withstand a star's heat for a few weeks. Although it takes a large number of resources to build these battlestations, the luminarians find that each battlestation saves lives that would have been used to siege a base, and can damage an opposing army's morale. This combination allows the battlestation accomplish near impossible feats with few lives lost. The sheer durability of the battlestations has made it one of the main reasons why the luminarians extensively use them.

A recent developement to the battlestation armor is ablative shielding. The battlestation with this upgrade projects a shield, energy based weapons that hit the shield will be redirected into a large array of capacitators hidden behind every layer of armor. The kinetic energy of bullets and the like will also be redirected by the shield, further powering the capacitators. As energy is only redirected, the battlestation is capable of projecting the shield for long periods of time. Once the capacitators behind the armor has been fully charged, the operator of the battlestation can release all the energy in a huge explosive blast, destroying everything around it. The explosive energy is directed to be released away from the battlestation, ensuring that the next layer of armor is not damaged.

Despite the raw damage of the ablative shielding, detonation results in the loss of one armor layer, this reduces the amount of damage the battlestation can sustain. However, every battlestation has a large number of armor layers, so their its effectiveness is not heavily compromised by this drawback. Ablative shielding gives the battlestation a powerful tool in their already devastating arsenal, should a battlestation be overwhelmed or is in danger of being boarded, ablative shielding will nullify this threat. As the advantages outwiegh the disadvantages, ablative shielding is now added to every new battlestation where old ones are currently being re-fitted with it.

Power Supply[edit | edit source]

Every battlestation sports heavy, devastating weaponry, a large number of shields, intel gathering systems and quantum gates. In order to utilize these power hungry systems, luminarian engineers utilize a modified version of the nuclear power cores. Instead of being compact, these cores are extremely huge, but the sheer volume of energy one of these cores provide is capable of powering a battlestation. And as such, these nuclear powered cores are a staple for every single battlestation.

In most battlestations, there are at least 3 of such cores. Though only 1 is required to power the battlestation and its myriad of systems, the other 2 are used as backup should anything happen to the first core. but in dire situations, the battlestation can utilize all 3 cores, drastically improving its speed, damage, shielding and rate of fire. Moreover, these backup cores can be used to specialize in one area. For example, a damaged battlestation could use its reserve cores to power its shielding, creating a shield that is next to impossible to be pierced. This ability allows the operator in charge of the battlestation to increase the effciency of the battlestation to suit the battle at a cost of safety though.

However, this massive energy supply is also one of the battlestations weakness. A meltdown of a core is capable of crippling the battlestation, effectively destroying it. A meltdown of all 3 cores effectively "kills" the battlestaion. Meltdowns also create a huge explosion, destroying the battlestation along with a lot of the surroundings. Hence, these cores are normally placed where the battlestation's armor is the thickest, making it hard to destroy the cores from the outside. Even if the enemy seeks to deal with the cores by boarding the battlestation, they must deal with the large numbers of turrets and soldiers onboard.

Weapons[edit | edit source]

One of the main reasons why the battlestations were created was the need for a heavy siege platform. In the pre-purge era, the luminarians had massive problems dealing with zorox fortress planets, their forces weren't strong enough to take down the zorox defenses and if they did, the luminarians suffered heavy casulties. A need emerged for a powerful siege unit that could withstand the heavy blows the zorox's dished out and return the same amount of fire. This led to the creation of the first battlestation, a heavily armorred walker bristling with guns. The sheer effciency of the battlestation would later evolve and the use of battlestations become widespread for their durability and sheer firepower.

On every battlestation, its weapon systems are normally classified into primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary weapons are weapons that do exactly what the battlestation is meant for, while secondary weapons are those that assist the battlestations main goal, while tertiary weapons are weapons that do not relate to what the battlestation is meant for. Using the archer battlestation as an example, its ion cannons are primary weapons, while its cruise missiles are a secondary weapon, any other weapon system onboard is classified as a tertiary weapon.

This sheer variety of weapons onboard every battlestation gives it unparalled versatility to deal with any threats. Coupled with its durability, makes every battlestation a terrible monster on the field. Commander amarylis,has designed most land battlestations based on the luminarian predators of old, giving each battlestation an intimidating design. Coupled with its sheer size and heavy weaponry, many cower at the sight of these battlestations.

Operations[edit | edit source]

Current luminarian operations across the galaxy

Conflict[edit | edit source]

Operations involving warfare will be listed under this section

Norsus Conflict[edit | edit source]

"The biggest clusterfuck currently in the galaxy." -Commander Lyrek

Summary: An unknown distress beacon was located in the nearby sector Commander Lyrek was currently orbiting, what was strange about the distress beacon was that it used old peacekeeper codes, Commander Lyrek and his strike force landed on the planet, noticing that it was under zaretian control. Making their way into the city, they met up with an alien species called the rach. Following this rach, lyrek soon encountered the prescence of another alien race, the margan, and enagaged in combat with them. By then, Norsus was beset upon by many different empires, ranging from the diabolians, to the IAE. The battle for norsus still rages on.

Commanders:Commander Lyrek, Leads ground forces

Admirals: Admiral Cyrilus, leads the space fleet orbiting norsus

Important factors: The arrival of multiple unknown races fighting over 1 planet has escalated into a full blown war. A rapture battlestation has been provided for admiral cyrilus's control

Status: On-going

Construction[edit | edit source]

Large scale construction operations, mainly related to battlestations will be listed under this section.

Behemoth Project[edit | edit source]

"Trojan horse, or more to the point, an armored trojan horse that spews molten lava and holds millions of men." -Commander Prioxis

Summary: The Behemoth project oversees both the construction and the testing of the behemoth battlestation. The Behemoth completed construction at the planet Kyraxion, 1 AR, 8 celestial-body months. Basic load tests were continued on Kyraxion. The behemoth was then transported to Yherajik, 1 AD 9 celestial-body months. Basic weapon and armor tests were carried out. Current status of behemoth is at *******, Transporting the behemoth to norsus for the final on-scene test before removing experimental tag.

Commanders:Commander Amarylis, Chief commander of battlestations

Important Factors: No irregularities to report

Status: On-going

Archer Project[edit | edit source]

"Really? 4 huge fast firing ion cannons? And I thought amarylis couldn't get any more twisted then that" -Commander Gerwin

Summary:The archer project oversees the construction and testing of the archer battlestation. Completed construction in orbit of the planet phoenix, 1 AR 6 celestial body months. Basic load tests were completed on the planet Kyraxion, along with combat testing. Damage sustained during a combat test has relegated it to repair. Completed repairs at 1 AR 9 celestial-body months. Transported to the planet Gream for more testing.

Commanders: Commander Amarylis, Chief commander of battlestations

Important Factors: Ion bursts fired by the archer are extremely explosive and dangerous, capable of levelling a mountain or capital ship with ease. Cause of damage on kyraxion.
