Luminarian Grand Assembly

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Luminarian Grand Assembly
Founded Pre Schism
Empire Luminarian Rebels
Type Main Governing Body
Status Active
Current Speaker Adalasia

The Grand Assembly is the main governing body of the Luminarian Rebels. It is the only governing body of the Luminarian Rebels in which every member colonies have equal representation and is the main deliberative, policy-making, and representative organ of the Luminarian Rebels. The goal of the Grand Assembly is to deliberate and enact economic, industrial and social aspects of the rebellion, appoint the Speaker for the Assembly and arrange and maintain diplomatic relations with other space-faring races.

The Grand Assembly currently meets under its Speaker for the Assembly in annual sessions hosted by one of the member colonies. Each session lasts till all major issues that the rebellion faces, either internal or external is addressed. The Grand Assembly can also reconvene in special or emergency situations.

Voting tends to occur on important questions, such as the budget or the appointment of members to the Defense Council. Each member colony is afforded one vote. A simple majority is only required to pass resolutions that all member colonies must abide by. However, in wartime, the Defense Council is able to override any resolutions that the Grand Assembly has passed.

History[edit | edit source]

Pre Schism[edit | edit source]

The Grand Assembly was formed 7 years after the end of the Colonial Wars. After being granted autonomy by then Emperor Baryoto, the Frontier Colonies begun forming alliances as many of them were not self-sufficient. The majority of the Colonies would fall under one of the three major frontier powers, the Luminarian Republic, the Aphu Technocracy and the Asterian League. Tensions flared between the 3 frontier powers as they contested with each other for resources and were also at the same time, being influenced by the Empire's covert PSYOPS actions.

The Grand Assembly was then formed by the Luminarian Republic, inviting the 2 other major powers to take part in an attempt to deescalate the tensions between the frontier powers. The first session was held at the planet Midale, with delegates from all 3 major powers attending. Within 3 sessions that lasted in total 24 months, the 3 powers were able to work out a system to nominally unify the 3 powers with the help of the Aeveria, starting with the creation of the Frontier Military and its branches, the Frontier Navy and the Frontier Military.

Until the Schism, the Grand Assembly would be used as a diplomatic avenue to address concerns regarding the frontier alliances. Its headquarters would be located at Midale, designated as a neutral ground by all.

Schism[edit | edit source]

After the Razing of Midale, the 3 powers convened the Grand Assembly at Mestrides. There they declared war against the Empire under the united banner of the Luminarian Rebellion.

The Grand Assembly would eventually shift to its current modern-day form during the course of the Schism, as the 3 powers declined due to the conflict. Their constituent member colonies were forced to provide more and more resources to the war effort and requested individual representation which was given.

By the end of the schism, the Grand Assembly would be the main governing body for the Frontier colonies, the 3 powers influence and power diminished beyond repair during the schism. With the Luminaria Armistice Agreement in place, the Grand Assembly would become the de facto governing body for the frontier and the rebellion as a whole. Despite the fading of the 3 frontier powers, they still have some influence in the Assembly and the Military. Colonies that used to be part of one of the powers tend to vote similarly, and traditions from the 3 powers still linger on in their respective BattleFleets.

Representation[edit | edit source]

As the Grand Assembly's job is to deliberate and enact economic, industrial and social aspects encompassing the rebellion, it does not interfere with how each member colony chooses their representative. As long as the member colony approves of their representative, said representative holds the member colonies single vote on resolutions and other matters pertaining to the rebellion. In cases where the member colony does not have a unified government due to either internal or external factors, they would not be allowed a representative in the Grand Assembly until a unified government has been formed.

Elections[edit | edit source]

The Grand Assembly votes in elections for both the Speaker of the Assembly and for the members of the Defense Council. These elections take place every 5 years. In the case for the election for the post of Speaker of the Assembly, candidates require nominations from at least 5% of all the member colonies to be considered for election.

Special and Emergency Sessions[edit | edit source]

A special session can be convened at the request of the Speaker for the Council or by the majority of member colonies. Most special sessions are usually convened to discuss and implement resolutions regarding domestic threats or external factors that may influence the domestic situation.

An Emergency session is usually convened within 24 hours by request of the Speaker for the Council. Emergency sessions are only conducted should the Defense Council be unable to act due to a disagreement between its members

Betel-Luminarian Diplomatic Ties[edit | edit source]

An Emergency session was convened by request of the Speaker for the Council, in regards to the incident where Luminarian representatives were slaughtered by Asanian forces, with suspected Betel involvement. The Grand Assembly was convened to discuss and potentially execute any hostile actions against the Betel. The resolution for hostile action against the Betel was voted down with a 54% majority.

A special session was convened by request of the Speaker for the Council, in regards to Luminarian/Betel diplomatic ties and the developing situation. The Lumi/Betel trade was brought up and voted upon, with a 61% yes majority, the resolution was passed and the Lumi/Betel trade deal was approved.