Empire of Galdera

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Empire of Galdera
Repzork Flag2.png

"Embrace the light of our eternal Monarch, and together we shall bring harmony to a shattered galaxy."

General Information
Creator Amaker
Active: 0AU (After Unification) - present (5,857 years)
Founding Document Imperial Covenant; Galderan Pact
State Religion Deltausyleris (Children of Syleris)
Allegiance Neutral
Capital Galderis Fortress, planet Kovas
Member Races Arkevon Empire (Founder)
Empire of Ilsur
Zenuran Union
Jaset Confederation
Yin'vair Dominion
Valdar (Zhagavian Republic)
Ligua franca Kyrgalon
Sporecast [1]
Central Government Constitutional Monarchy with an elected Senate
Current Ruler Empress Kazadair III of the Hieruset Dynasty
Heir to the Throne N/A
Senate Leaders Aktaz Salar (Arkevon)
Zhanseif Bovol (Nevelin)
Alamati Okat Kalguri Xarsat (Zenura)
Haljasa (Jaset)
Ketsarta Oldurasati (Yin'vair)
Ilvyaden Nolaklak (Renesat)
Ikthia'hazeth'kesai (Taervand)
Adras'nzania (Zhagavian Republic)
Economic Model Post-Scarcity Socialist/Capitalist hybrid.
Currency Alro
Armed Forces
Current Xelva: Ahkavas Teldiv
Current Valxelva: Kelevien Valrus
Current Noxelva: Joldm Nassadis Basur (Nevelin)
Indilim (Jaset)
Nazatek Sadim Nokture Malad (Zenura)
Hok'ten Zhaseif (Yin'vair)
Headquarters Guardaros ('Citadel')
Service Branches Imperial Army
Her Majesty's Special Forces
Ascendant's Guard
Recruitment Two years of mandatory service after graduation.
Allies N/A
Neutral Empire of Diablos
Aeveria Confederation
Betel Recyclers
Confederation of Derahs
Karahotdoum Empire
Rach Empire
Sauran Solidarity
Warbot Industries
Delani Remnants
Kastalian Survivors
Holy Nepharian Empire
Khasii Consulate
Transmetallic Confederation
The Gronian Imperium
The Wingle Union
Enemies Repzork Empire
Zaretian Monarchy
Margan Empire
Necraal Kingdom
The Xeverra
Skrey Nation
Asanian Syndicate
Conkirite Dictatorship
Biomatter Swarms
Nalstros Space Pirates

The Empire of Galdera (Pronounced [Gal-dare-ah]) is an interstellar nation comprised of several alien races. Initially founded over five millennia ago by Emperor Kazadair I of the Arkevon following the Wars of Unification, the empire has grown into a major power that encompasses eight member states as well as a powerful and technologically sophisticated military. The current ruler is Empress Kazadair III of the Hieruset Dynasty, which has ruled the empire since its founding.

The Galderans are a very religious people; the majority of the population, including the royal family, follow the teachings of Syleris, the goddess in the center of the empire's state-sponsored religion, Deltausyleris. The primary goal of the empire is to spread Syleris' teachings across the galaxy and eventually unite all races under the goddess' rule -whether it be through diplomacy or war- as part of her 'divine will', her supposed plan to cleanse the galaxy of its corruption and usher in a new golden age for all life in the galaxy.

The Galderans became aware of the Great War shortly after their first encounter with the Repzork Empire, an Arkevan nation founded by refugees who had fled during the Wars of Unification. The two have since been locked in conflict as the Galderans attempt to bring them under imperial compliance and put an end to their bloodthirsty ways. In fighting the Repzork, the Galderans became aware of the Warlord Pact. Concluding that defeating the pact would be for the good of the galaxy, the Galderans have intervened in the Great War as a neutral power and have launched attacks against several Warlord targets.

History[edit | edit source]

The Galderans have a proud and extensive oral tradition, and one of the most common ways that they express this is through 'Vulgas', which roughly translates into, 'Sagas.' While their history is written down, the Galderans much prefer to tell their stories through song and poetry when possible. For the Empire's history, each Vulga encompasses a different time period, and is named based on the general 'theme' of that time period. Each era can last as short as a few years or encompass several centuries. Most of the information on these Vulgas come from traveling 'Skalds' who travel across the stars and recite stores from Galderan religion and history. Such skalds are common sights when the Empire is forming an alliance with another species and is trying to assimilate them, though there are many groups who claim no affiliations and simply travel as they wish.

Pre-Modern History - Vulga of the First Convert[edit | edit source]

The Arkevan species is believed to have originated in the eastern reaches of the continent of Nolsaria. From here, they expanded outward to the Varo, Hasrid, and Knalkrik Islands and into Chelksrin; Kalkrik is believed to have been ignored due to its inhospitably cold climate. As Arkevan tribes migrated into Chelksrin, they encountered the Karusar, reptilian beings similar in appearance to terran frilled lizards. The two soon competed for resources and land, speaking a millennia-long feud that would take on religious significance. As tribes developed into nations, the Karusar effectively cut off Nolsaria from the rest of the world, and would sporadically invade the mainland to take captives, food, and resources. The Arkevon likewise would invade Chelksrin, but neither side ever managed to seriously threaten the other, partly because they still fought among themselves.

It was during this period when the now legendary king, Xarvok I Hieruset, rose to power in the Kingdom of Nolsara, a powerful nation located along the southeastern coasts of Nolsaria. The king was driven to eliminate the Karusar, and knew that uniting the Arkevon to his cause was the key to victory. He is also the first recorded follower of Syleris, and played a major role in spreading his beliefs across Nolsaria. Xarvok and his followers claim that Syleris spoke to the king in a dream, promising him a vast empire and the elimination of the Karusar in exchange for his service, though there is no proof to confirm this truly happened. Nevertheless, Xarvok traveled across Nolsaria, brokering deals and forming alliances with the various nations in preparation for his invasion of Chelksrin. By the end of his mission, most of Nolsaria was ready to fight by his side.

Using the Knalkrik Islands as a forward position, the full might of Nolsaria caught the unprepared Karusar completely by surprise. The kingdoms of Chelksrin quickly succumbed to the onslaught, and the Karusar were spread far and wide as they attempted to escape, but the Arkevon continued to kill them wherever they found them. References to Karusar holdouts would sporadically appear in the historical record over the next few centuries before stopping; with no sightings in centuries, researchers have concluded that the Karusar were completely wiped out.

Keeping to his word, Chelksrin was divided among the victors. With the continent now free of resistance, travelers and migrants were able to travel across Kovas, eventually meeting up with those who had managed to get past the Karusar generations prior. Xarvok I now controlled the largest nation on Kovas at the time. But the peace was short lived as tensions flared up with the northern kingdoms, followers of the god, Oltavar. They were resistant to Xarvok's efforts to spread the word of Syleris, going as far as to attack traveling priests. They were also not subtle about some of their more gruesome practices, having sacrificed countless Karusar to Oltavar during the invasion of Chelksrin. These differences soon led to a long war between the two. But thanks in part to the Nolsarian's Kavrass cavalry, Xarvok gained the upper hand, and the sons of Oltavar were pushed back to the northern reaches of Kovas. Hoping to avoid capture, they assembled a fleet and sailed north, taking refuge on Kalkrik. Believing they would die, Xarvok did not pursue, focusing instead on his kingdom.

Founding - Vulga of Strife[edit | edit source]

The Nolsarian Kingdom persisted for several centuries in various forms before eventually reforming into the Nolsarian Empire. The empire maintained religious and political influence throughout Nolsaria, having made Syleris the dominant deity and the Hieruset dynasty being exceptionally wealthy and powerful. The empire formed an immediate rivalry with the Kalrians, the descendants of the northern kingdoms that had fled to Kalkrik, when Kalrian forces invaded northern Nolsaria in an attempt to reclaim their former homeland. The invasion was repelled; nevertheless, the Kalrians and Nolsarians would wage countless wars over control of both Nolsaria and Hasrid island. While the Kalrians were never able to establish a permanent foothold on Nolsaria, Hasrid would change hands numerous times, and would become contested more frequently as metal and oil deposits were discovered.

By the beginning of the modern era, the Nolsarians had become one of a few global superpowers. Over the span of a few centuries, they had control over all of Nolsaria, the Varo, Hasrid, and Knalkrik islands, had a foothold on the northeastern-most regions of Chelksrin. As their power expanded, so too did their desire to unify Kovas, believing that it was the first step in Sylris' grand plan to usher in a new golden age for all life in the galaxy. The Nolsarians had long used peaceful means to rally people behind their cause, but while they converted many, the other world powers, including the Kalrians, were ambivalent or even outright hostile, seeing Syleris as little more than a tool to control the populace. This and other ideological differences, as well as mounting territorial disputes and increasingly limited resources caused tensions to gradually rise across Kovas, leading to a worldwide cold war.

The Nolsarians were at the forefront of technological developments throughout this era. They were the first to send an Arkevon into space, and later, were also the first to develop Faster-Than-Light travel, which sparked a colonization race among the world powers that saw the Nolsarians establish a sizeable interstellar empire comprised of six worlds and several asteroid bases. The first military starships and strikecraft were also developed during the colonization race.

During the colonization race, Emperor Kazadair I came into power. Kazadair, a somewhat fanatic follower of Syleris, had grown tired of his empire's attempts at diplomacy when it had become clear that it was not going to work in achieving Syleris' goals. He ordered a massive buildup of the military in preparation for an attempt to unite the Arkevon through force. Seventy-Six years before the founding of the Galderan Empire, he launched an invasion of the Kalrian Empire, sparking the Wars of Unification, one of the bloodiest and most destructive wars in Arkevan history. Though it began between the Nolsarians and Kalrians, the conflict quickly escalated into a free-for-all between the global powers as each sought to achieve various objectives while eliminating their rivals.

The Nolsarians fought on a number of fronts, with some of the bloodiest battles being fought between them and the Kalrians. After successfully capturing the Kalrian capitol in one swift offensive, but failing to capture the royal family or their top generals, the Nolsarians initiated a brutal 'planet hopping' campaign that saw the two nations clash in the predominantly subterranean Kalrian settlements. The resulting carnage from these battles was catastrophic for both sides, but while the Nolsarians suffered grievous casualties, the Kalrians were on the brink of defeat. In a desperate maneuver, the Kalrians, refusing to surrender, assembled a fleet of ships in their outermost colonies. Much of the surviving Kalrian government, as well as millions of soldiers and civilians, were loaded into these ships while what remained of the Kalrian military stayed behind to distract the Nolsarians. In what became an infamous act of incompetence, the Nolsarian officers in charge of the offensive received reports of the Kalrian's plans, but failed to act upon it, convinced that the Kalrians were instead preparing a last stand. It was only after the fleet had fled that the officers had realized their mistake. Nevertheless, the remaining Kalrians were eventually defeated and subdued. Several attempts would be made to locate the fleet in the months that followed, but none of them were successful, and the Nolsarians abandoned their efforts.

By the closing days of the war, most of the global powers had collapsed and were absorbed into the Nolsarian Empire. The only opposition left were the Lekonians of Lekeron. Lekeron, while it had not directly fought Nolsaria for much of the war, had been severely weakened due to being invaded on multiple fronts. They knew they had no chance of victory, but being a people who held themselves to a code of honor, refused to surrender and would instead die fighting. But while the Nolsarians were preparing to strike, Queen Erulel Hisanth, the ruler of Lekeron, stepped forward and challenged Kazadair to a duel to the death. If Erulel won, the Lekonians would fight to the last man. But if Kazadair won, the Lekonians would surrender without another shot. A ceasefire ensued as Kazadair locked himself in his inner sanctum to pray on the matter. When the emperor emerged, he accepted the duel. The two agreed to fight on a large courtyard located on Dasius, one of Lekeron's remaining colonies.

Generals, guards, and family members alike came to watch the duel while billions more viewed through televised broadcast. Both opponents had to use a melee weapon; they could not bring any form of ranged weaponry, though they could bring their power armor. Kazadair brought with him the mighty two-handed war hammer, Xarvok's Fury, while Erulel brought both a dagger and a mace, which many considered to be a somewhat unusual choice. With a shot from the referee's pistol, the duel began. The two monarchs fought fiercely for several minutes, inflicting many wounds upon each other before Kazadair was finally able to deal the finishing blow by impaling Erulel's head with the spike of his war hammer, piercing Erulel's skull and killing her instantly. Honoring their queen's promise, the Lekonians surrendered unconditionally to the victorious Kazadair, bringing an end to the Wars of Unification.

To honor Erulel's memory, her equipment is kept on display within Galdaris Fortress, and her body received the traditional Lekonian burial. Kazadair, while victorious, would walk with a limp for the remainder of his life due to the injuries he sustained during the fight. He refused any treatment to fix the limp even up to his death.

After the Wars of Unification began the Vulga of Mending. During this period, the Arkevon focused on rebuilding and mending their ideological and cultural differences so as to direct themselves towards a common cause. Both the military and the church played a substantial role during this time, with both providing relief to war torn areas and the military acting as a peacekeeping force. The church instilled hope into any willing to listen, leading many to convert to Syleris. Most surviving military elements from the former superpowers were inducted into the empire, as were their technology and equipment. Those units that were not inducted were instead disbanded, or in some cases, put on trial for war crimes. This was also the time in which some royal families, such as the Lekonian dynasty, married into and eventually were entirely assimilated into the Hieruset dynasty.

Vulga of Wonder[edit | edit source]

With the Arkevon now unified, the Nolsarians were prepared to dedicate their empire to Syleris' cause. They renamed themselves into the 'Empire of Galdera', in reference to their submission to Syleris' authority, symbolized by her fortress, Galdera, and announced a celebration dedicated to the unity of the Arkevan people and their new purpose. The Army of Nolsara was renamed into the Galderan Armed Forces (GAF). This triumphant celebration marked the beginning of the 'Vulga of Wonder', a period of intense optimism, wonder, and faith in Syleris. Many who had previously doubted the goddess would eventually come to be converted to her cause. A continuation of this celebration is held annually as the 'Day of Unification'.

Following the end of the festivities, the Galderans began to expand their empire, but after several decades, they came to a worrying realization: they were seemingly alone in the galaxy. Though military expeditionary fleets catalogued numerous worlds and countless animal and floral species, no signs of intelligent life were found. This isolation led to a period of nationwide depression known as the 'Era of Doubt', in which many began to despair about whether or not Syleris' divine will was true; if they were truly alone, then it meant that they had either severely misunderstood their own sacred texts, or that they were fraudulent. Both posed a threat to the very foundation of the fledgling empire. A frantic search for sapient life began, and Syleris' devotees called upon her for an answer or a sign in order to ease their fears.

An answer finally came in the form of a commander named Nalkia Treledash, who was among the many who were scouring the stars for life. Nalkia had spent many fruitless weeks scanning for sapient life in pursuit of his goal. Just as he was ready to give up and return to the empire to rest, he came upon a new planet and his vessel's sensors detected unnatural formations on the surface. Aerial reconnaissance revealed several seemingly abandoned alien structures. Intrigued, Nalkia and his men immediately made their way down to investigate.

The long-abandoned structures were a part of a larger complex that extended deep underground. The complex had been sealed shut, but Nalkia and his men were able to break their way inside. The interior had not been untouched for centuries, and some of it was still in workable condition. Various relics were recovered, ranging from artwork to firearms. Word was sent back to the empire, which erupted in celebration; while no living life had been found, the installation served as indisputable proof that it existed and that it simply had to be found. The Era of Doubt thus began to come to an end, and Nalkia was hailed as a hero throughout the empire. The planet he discovered was named in his honor.

Nalkia's discovery also sparked interest in the brand new scientific field of xenoarchaeology. It was soon made an official policy to secure and uncover similar artifact sites whenever possible, as sometimes they would contain new technology and other artifacts. The military established the Xeno-Artifact Recovery Division, or XARD, a division of the navy tasked with recovering and studying extraterrestrial artifacts. Exploratory fleets were sent out to uncharted space to locate relics for study. Those that were found to have a use were carefully reverse-engineered and repurposed, leading to a host of technological advancements in various fields such as cybernetics, space travel, and terraforming. Relics that were of no use were instead given to historical societies for study and preservation.

Vulga of Unity[edit | edit source]

Three years after Nalkia's discovery, the Galderans were contacted by emissaries from the Empire of Ilsur, another fledgling interstellar nation. Taking an interest in the Galderans and their culture, the Nevelin sought to establish friendly relations with the empire, believing that cooperation would be beneficial to both parties. Though much of high command was wary of the extraterrestrials, the empire agreed to talks, and after a short period of negotiations, the two signed a Non-aggression pact and began trading basic resources. As the Galderans warmed to the aliens, the two established a formal alliance. The following years saw rapid technological advancements, such as the development of the first energy weapons, improved FTL engines, new generations of power armor, and the first gravity generators, the predecessors to modern gravity manipulation engines.

As the Galderans continued to expand, it began to encounter other aliens. While some were hospitable, others were hostile, and saw the Galderans and their beliefs as a threat to their way of life. The Galderans and Nevelin, having pledged to protect one another, fought against these threats together. Commanders during this time quickly noted that Galderan and Nevelin tactics could synchronize extremely well; the Galderans could act as the vanguard of an offensive while the Nevelin made strategic strikes at weak points and harassed the enemy's back lines. Combined with superior numbers and firepower, the two allies quickly defeated those who stood in their way, and in the process developed a deep respect for one another.

Eventually, the Galderans proposed that they and the Nevelin united into one nation. This was met with considerable support from both sides, both from within their respective governments and in the civilian population. Over the next two months, the leaders of both nations assembled and drafted the Galderan Pact, an updated version of the ancient Imperial Covenant that served as the basis for the Nolsarian Empire. The document established how the new government would function, how aliens were to be treated and inducted, the immutable rights of the nation's citizens, and provided the foundation for the modern Galderan military.

Great Vulga of Conversion[edit | edit source]

The 'Great Vulga of Conversion' encompasses the majority of Galderan history, chronicling their rise into a major force within the galaxy as well as the induction of many new races into the empire. Many aliens who came in the way of the empire also met their end during this period. Due to its considerable length, this period is often broken down into smaller tales which cover specific events.

Galderan-Zenuran War[edit | edit source]

At the beginning of what would become known as the Great Vulga of Conversion, a small exploration fleet accidentally crossed over into the territory of the Zenuran Union, a highly aggressive isolationist state that regarded all intelligent life as a potential threat. Without warning, the Zenura attacked and destroyed the fleet, but not before it was able to send a distress call. The Zenura sent a message of their own, declaring that if the Galderans were to intrude again, it would lead to war. Unfazed by the Zenura's threats, an outraged Galdera declared war against the Union in what would become the first test for the new Galderan Armed Forces.

Initially, it appeared to the Galderans that the conflict would be short lived; their combined fleet of Arkevan and Nevelin vessels made short of the Zenura's orbital defenses. However, once they made it to the ground, the tide quickly turned as it was realized that the entirety of the Union's army was comprised of heavily armored battlesuits supported by walker units and excessive anti-air/orbital guns that made it dangerous for most ships to move into firing range. The Galderans had considered battlesuits and walkers in the past, but had long regarded them as impractical and abandoned the concept; thus, they had no strategy for engaging them. Forced to fight the Zenura with minimal air support, the Galderans were defeated and forced to retreat. Zenuran reinforcements then arrived from the mainland and repelled the Galderan fleet before launching a counterattack into Nevelin space.

The Galderans were forced to rethink their strategy for dealing with what was an unprecedented threat. With head-on assaults proving largely futile, the empire relied heavily on Nevelin doctrine, which subsequently allowed the Galderans to pick off some of the Zenura's anti-air defenses, gradually allowing the Galderans to reattain air superiority as the comparatively weak Zenuran air force was unable to fight back without ground support. Troops were equipped with significantly more anti-tank weapons, including the first anti-battlesuit rifles, while research & development studied Zenuran mechanized units and produced the first generations of Battlesuits and mechanized combat walkers, or MCWs. The first MCW was the Ilindov, while while tall, stiff, and unsuited for direct front-line combat, still proved to be a reliable heavy support unit.

Gradually, the Zenuran offensive was ground to a halt; having predominantly fought more primitive societies, the Union was slow to respond to the Galderan's rapid change in tactics. Additionally, Zenuran losses were harder to replace due to the time it took to train new pilots and the resources needed for each suit. After having razed several colonies, the Zenura were forced to withdraw, and the Galderans launched a second offensive into Zenuran space. From then on, the empire held the initiative. Though the empire suffered considerable losses as the Zenura fought at every given opportunity, they slowly advanced forward, with colonies either surrendering or fighting to the last. Towards the end of the war, the Union was defeated at Haladras, their military headquarters, completely crippling their fighting capabilities.

With the Galderans nearing the homeworld and its forces now unable to effectively fight, Zenuran high command requested that the government unconditionally surrendered to the Galderans, knowing that the empire would grant them mercy. The government refused, forcing high command to overthrow the government and issue the surrender itself. Most Zenura stood down, with the rest quickly succumbing to Galderan forces as they moved in to instill order. Zenuran space would be occupied for the next several years as the Union was assimilated into the empire.

Though the induction process was slow, largely because the Galderans had to work through the Zenura's intense xenophobia, the Zenura have since become a loyal and instrumental member of the empire. Most Zenura retain a deep respect towards the Arkevon and Nevelin both for their fighting prowess and having shown the Zenura mercy despite their xenocidal aspirations. The union has contributed heavily to the empire's industry and military, playing a major role in the development of MCWs, battlesuits, starships, and other armored units and heavy weapons.

Sometime later, the Galderans came across Morlda, a Zenuran-named world that housed a large trove of ancient artifacts. XARD forces were promptly deployed to recover anything they could find. Archaeologist quickly concluded that the world likely served as a military colony for a still-unknown civilization. Though many of the artifacts were too deteriorated to be of much use, there were still a number of sealed underground vaults in relatively good condition. Inside were several surviving relics, including a small cache of hard light weapons and what would become known as 'shells', robotic bodies that could house a brain.

Induction of the Jaset[edit | edit source]

At around the mid-way point of the Great Vulga of Conversion, a colonization fleet discovered Nathazk, the homeworld of the Jaset. Scans revealed that much of the world had been devastated by nuclear weapons and that portions of the surface were still irradiated. Believing that the inhabitants were likely dead, the fleet prepared to establish a settlement on the world and begin restoring the biosphere. However, they then discovered that the inhabitants had in fact survived, and were just starting to return to the surface. The military then stepped in, directing the colonization fleet elsewhere while a perimeter was established around Nathazk. Small drones were sent to surface to gather intelligence while high command deliberated on its course of action. The drones discovered that some Jaset were still fighting each other deep within their underground shelters with whatever weapons they could scrape together.

Though some, especially the Zenura, who saw the Jaset as unreliable and incompetent for having destroyed their own homeworld, wanted to leave the Jaset alone, the emperor, Xelva, and others took pity on them. It was decided to send aid to the Jaset and, if possible, induct them into the empire. A relief fleet comprised of peacekeepers and aid workers was assembled and sent down to the surface. The Jaset, fearing an invasion, panicked, and retreated underground, though a small few immediately attacked, though their primitive and degraded weapons were ineffectual. The Jaset calmed, but remained wary, once they realized the empire's intentions. Nevertheless, some Jaset refused to listen, and had to be eliminated as marines swept across the planet to secure settlements and gather the Jaset's remaining leaders.

When Jaset leaders had been assembled, the Galderans gave them three options: join the empire as a member state, in which they would help the Jaset restore their homeworld and introduct them to the galactic community; to decline membership, in which the Galderans would help them rebuild to a certain point and then leave; or to decline membership and have the Galderans leave immediately. After deliberating among themselves for several hours, the Jaset put aside their differences and agreed to join the empire. They were subsequently united into one nation, and the Galderans spent several long years helping the Jaset to rebuild their cities, restore Nathazk, establish colonies of their own, and teaching them how to utilize Galderan technology.

The Jaset entered a golden age the likes of which had never been seen before in their history. Unfortunately, even this did not end the old feuds they had between one another. As the years went on, old tensions flared once more, threatening to destroy what the Jaset had built once again. As a result, the military was once more called in to take control of the situation. In order to end the bickering, the emperor ordered the Jaset nation to be split into states and for their homeworld to become a neutral planet, leading to the creation of the modern Jaset Confederation. Though many Jaset were initially unhappy with the decision, it helped to finally bring an end to any potentially significant infighting.

Induction of the Taervand[edit | edit source]

Near the end of the Vulga, the Galderans came across the Taervand, a species of arachnid-like creatures originating from the moon, Taurvis. The Taervand hold a deep respect for nature, many to the point of worshiping various nature gods, and are skilled in genetic engineering, which they use both for civilian and military purposes. The Taervand initially puzzled the empire, as while they possessed advanced Faster-Than-Light technology, they possessed only a handful of colonies, and expressed little interest in territorial expansion. The Taervand explained that they did not wish to 'disturb' other worlds unless they needed to. The empire assumed that the Taervand would resist induction; but instead, they willingly became a member of the empire without firing a shot in what has since become one of the most peaceful inductions in the empire's history. Some believe that the Taervand's leadership was intimidated behind the scenes, though there is no information to support this theory.

Galderan-Naelkvan War[edit | edit source]

Sixty-seven years prior to the modern era, the Galderans detected a moderately-sized fleet at the edge of their border. Upon noticing the intrusion, they were contacted by representatives of the Naelkvan Empire. The Naelkva, who had discovered the Galderans after a small scouting party had infiltrated their borders, accused the expansionist empire of having infringed upon their sphere of influence. A long conversation between the two parties followed, during which the current Galderan empress, Kazadair III, became directly involved. Though the Galderans sought a peaceful solution to the issue, they were also unwilling to cease their expansion, feeling obligated by their faith to continue. The Naelkva rejected their offers, ultimately threatening to conquer and subjugate the Galderans if they did not turn back and abandon several of their colonies. Realizing that fighting was now inevitable, Kazadair ordered imperial forces to open fire on the Naelkvan fleet, which after a brief fight, was destroyed, marking the beginning of the Galderan-Naelkvan War, also known as the Vulga of the Great Battle.

Initially, the Naelkva thought little of the Galderans, believing that the conflict would be little different from their ongoing border war with the neighboring Teruzar. A moderate amount of troops were deployed into Galderan space, with Naelkvan command believing that their superior technology and firepower would prove sufficient. But while they managed to deal a considerable amount of damage to outlying Galderan colonies, the Naelkva had severely underestimated the scale and perseverance of the Galderans, and the invaders soon found themselves outgunned as the empire became fully mobilized. The Naelkva retreated, prompting the Galderans to launch their own invasion. The Naelkva, now understanding the stakes, deployed a second, larger force that pushed the Galderans back into their own territory.

For the next sixteen years, fighting was centered in Galderan space as the Naelkva conquered or razed any colonies in their way, capturing and forcefully inducting prisoners into their augmentation program as they went. The Naelkva's forces were commanded by an elusive general who was known only by their code name: Sharugar, the name for a hydra-like creature supposedly originated ancient Naelkvan mythology. Sharugar was a masterful tactician, on many occasions defeating considerably larger armies through deception and careful maneuvering, which set him apart from a number of his subordinates, who instead tried relying solely on the Naelkva's technological superiority, a gap that was slowly closing as the war progressed.

The Naelkvan invasion eventually stretched into Taervand territory, culminating in the invasion of Taurvis. Though the Taervand themselves were ill-prepared for the attack, imperial reinforcements from across the empire put up fierce resistance. The battle was initially in the Naelkva's favor; but as the battle dragged on, the advantage swayed towards the Galderans as attrition took its toll. The Naelkva's supply lines were stretched and vulnerable to raiding, and no matter how many blows they dealt to the Galderans, the empire kept sending more troops. This put considerable strain on the Naelkva, allowing the Teruzar to end the stalemate and begin marching into Naelkvan space and causing unrest in the ancient race's various vassal states. The final blow was struck when the Galderans shot down Sharugar's flagship, which was stationed in orbit above Taurvis. Sharugar and many of his cohorts managed to escape on lifeboats, but were all hunted down and killed in the days that followed. Sharugar met his end at the hands of Noltara Vaseevia, a Nevelin Halrog who claimed his equipment as a trophy for her family, who were leading aristocrats in the Nevelin mainland. With Sharugar's death, Naelkvan forces lost the initiative, and were repelled from the Taervand mainland.

With the Naelkvan front having collapsed, Galderan high command initiated Operation God's Wrath, a counter-invasion of Naelkvan space and the largest offensive thus far in the empire's history. Utilizing all available troops and resources, the Galderans swiftly reclaimed their lost territory and plunged into Naelkvan space, burning or capturing any colonies in their wake. As they advanced, they came across the Renesat, one of the Naelkva's vassals. The Renesat had risen up in revolt and were already engaged in battle by the time imperial forces arrived. Seeking revenge against their former masters, the Renesat pledged to fight alongside the Galderans for the rest of the war.

As the Naelkva continued to incur heavy losses on both fronts, they enacted several policies to try and make up for the loss in manpower. This in turn resulted in increased unrest in the remaining vassal states, which could see that their masters were in a weakened state. As a result, the vassals began to rise up in rebellion. The Naelkva attempted to retain control, even going as far as to commit various atrocities to scare the populace into submission, but even this failed to stop the revolts, ultimately forcing the Naelkva to pull back so they could focus on the Galderans and Teruzar. Before the Naelkva had fully retreated, the Galderans reached the vassal colonies of the Yin'vair and liberated them.

The Naelkva managed to keep fighting for thirty-one years, but while they scored a number of victories in that time, they could not halt the Galderan's advance. By the closing weeks of the war, the Naelkvan's military was almost entirely exhausted, and most of their territory had been conquered. In a desperate last maneuver, they evacuated most of their remaining colonies, bringing the refugees to the inner colonies, which were protected by a border blockade. With the blockade acting as their final line of defense, the surviving Naelkva began to relocate into large 'exodus ships' with the intent of fleeing and finding a new location to settle. This effort proved extremely slow-going due to various logistical complications and the panic within the populace itself.

Intent on ending the Naelkva's threat for good, the Galderans launched an all-out assault on the border blockade. After an extended period of intense fighting, the Galderans broke through, and the bulk of their forces made way for the Naelkvan homeworld, where they successfully encircled and destroyed and Naelkva's flagship, killing what remained of the Naelkva's leadership and effectively destroying their government. No longer considering the Naelkva to be a real threat, the Galderans shifted their efforts on securing the largely unscathed core worlds. The remaining Naelkva either fled, were captured, or in a small few cases, died fighting.

By the war's end, the Galderans had conquered the entire eastern half of the Naelkvan empire, with the western half being split between the Teruzar and several former vassal states. This included the Naelkva's core worlds, which while pilfered and in a few cases deliberately sabotaged, were otherwise completely untouched by the war, leaving a trove of valuable historical and technological information behind for the Galderans to look through. Parts of the core worlds were also opened up to civilian habitation, with these areas being retrofitted to be usable by imperial citizens. Many Naelkvan colonies outside the core, however, were not so fortunate; many colonies had been razed to the ground or were severely damaged, with the most extreme cases being worlds that suffered significant environmental damage that left them neigh uninhabitable. These factors, combined with the Galderan army being stretched relatively thin so as to maintain a presence throughout the newly acquired territory, left the colonies open to scavengers and pirates. The Galderans temporarily ceased all expansion in the region so that they could focus on rebuilding and restoring their newly-acquired colonies.

While many Naelkvan escaped the Galderans, hundreds of millions more instead found themselves inside the empire. Most of them were soldiers and civilians that had been left behind by their brethren, especially during the Naelkvan's chaotic evacuation. Instead of enslaving or exterminating them, these Naelkva were forcefully inducted into the empire, though not considered a true member state, thus having no representation within the senate. In order to reduce the likelihood of a revolt, the military divided the Naelkva into several smaller groups and placed them in isolated communities across the empire. The empire has spent a great deal of time and resources in efforts to 'reeducate' the Naelkvan so they could better integrate into imperial society. In the years since, many Naelkva have come to begrudgingly accept the Galderan's dominance or have fully embraced the empire's culture and beliefs, though some still try to fight against it. A smaller group of Naelkva had in fact defected to the Galderans, having grown disillusioned with the Naelkva's hostility and treatment of alien life. These Naelkva were not placed into isolated communities, and were instead given free reign to explore the empire. Military personnel were inducted into various auxiliary units.

Both the Renesat and the Yin'vair were inducted into the empire as the fifth and sixth member state, respectively. The Yin'vair, adhering to their code of honor, pledged their loyalty to the Galderans for having liberated them, and had taken a liking to many of the Galderan's attributes. The Renesat had joined begrudgingly, they initially intended to remain independent once the Naelkva were defeated; however, they found themselves completely enveloped within the empire's new territory. Faced with either relocation or the awkward political situation of being an enclave, the Renesat opted to join the empire, though a small few refused, forming various guerilla factions that to this day fight against the Galderans. Both member states had been badly mauled in their fight against the Naelkva, and the Galderans would supply both of them with a significant amount of monetary and material aid.

While victorious, the Galderans themselves paid a heavy price for victory; the war was the bloodiest in imperial history, with billions of soldiers and civilians being wounded or killed. So great was the need for manpower that soldiers had been taken from other fronts to fight the Naelkva, and many factories had been retrofitted to meet the demand for weapons. The Taervand in particular suffered greatly, and are still in the process of recuperating their losses to this day. But while the Galderans mourned for the dead, they also celebrated; the defeat of Sol is thus far the nation's greatest achievement, and is by many believed to be the ultimate proof that Syleris is on their side. The Naelkva's defeat is now celebrated annually as a national holiday, and a vast complex located on one of the worlds that once comprised the Naelkva's border blockade commemorates those who died, including the Naelkva who had defected.

For the military, while its losses were staggering, the aftermath of the war served as an opportunity to rebuild itself from the ground up with new and improved equipment. Over the decades that followed, a far-reaching modernization initiative took place that saw nearly every aspect of the empire's arsenal updated and various new research and development programs initiated. Some of the significant developments of this time included the latest model of Gatranus power armor, the MKIV; lance cannons, extremely powerful particle weapons that serve as siege and heavy support weapons; the creation of the first Dreadnought-class vessels; the development of the first superheavy walker units, most notably the Gaulderog Armored Assault Fortress (AAF); and Project Orsaron. Later on, designers would also begin creating what would become the first Assault-class starships.

Cold War & Valdar Crisis[edit | edit source]

While the Naelkva had been eliminated, troubles for the region they inhabited did not end. The Naelkva's destruction left behind a massive power vacuum in the sector. Most of the former vassals were in a state of chaos; fighting against their former rulers left much of their infrastructure badly damaged, and many of the vassal's leaders, who had all been put in place by the Naelkva, were overthrown. Homelessness, hunger, and disease all ran rampant. The damage was also psychological in nature; over two centuries of Naelkva propaganda and indoctrination left many still loyal to the old regime and unaware of the outside world. The forceful relocation of millions left the displaced feeling alienated by those around them. These factors and more led to severe political and economic instability that quickly spawned fighting among the former vassals. Tensions also flared over leftover Naelkvan technology and yet-unclaimed territory.

Both the Galderans and the Teruzar sought to fill the power vacuum and aid the vassals, but they had vastly different end-goals in mind. The Galderans aimed to induct the vassals and introduce them to Galderan culture while the Teruzar wanted them to remain independent. As the two learned more about the other's ideologies, their hostility towards one another grew, and continued to do so as various vassal factions chose one side or the other. But neither nation wanted to engage in another war, so they attempted to use diplomacy to settle the dispute. This proved futile, and soon, a cold war fell upon the sector, with the former vassals becoming battlegrounds for proxy conflicts as the Teruzar and Galderans pumped resources and aid into those who had sided with them.

Though seldom engaged in direct conflicts during the cold war, the military still played an instrumental role, particularly Her Majesty's Special Forces. Army forces acted as peacekeeping forces in several areas, preventing fighting between feuding former vassals as the empire acted as a mediator for peace. Numerous special forces units were dispatched to acquire Naelkvan technology, dispose of certain individuals, gather intelligence, and various other tasks. The navy supplied the bulk of the aid to willing vassals. Internally, the modernization initiative continued; as Project Orsaron was finalized, the military began secretly amassing Orsaron armies and was preparing to employ them as the empire's new vanguard.

Trapped in the middle of the conflict were the Valdar, the previous dominant power in the sector prior to the arrival of the Naelkva. The Valdar held unto a vast trove of technology left behind by the Ulkathi, a long-dead ancient race that seemingly treated the Valdar as their 'inheritors'. Though Ulkathi text remains untranslated, they left behind a large collection of paintings known as the Ulkathi Murals, which appear to represent Ulkathi history, religion, ideals, and more. The murals and technology have played a central role throughout the Valdar's history. Many felt that they should spread the Ulkathi's teachings across the stars so as to 'enlighten' others and bring about order. The current government, however, felt otherwise, believing that the Valdar should keep the Ulkathi's secrets to themselves and that other aliens could not be trusted with them. The nation had been becoming increasingly isolationist prior to the Naelkva's arrival; in fact, instead of fighting against the Naelkva when they invaded the vassals, they did nothing. The Naelkva had used this to their advantage, establishing a treaty that ensured the Naelkva would not invade so long as they had access to the Ulkathi's technology. The government, despite their beliefs, signed unto the treaty, considering the avoidance of war to be more important. The Valdar's apathy played a big role in the Naelkva's successful conquest of the region, and left most bitter towards them. This did however cause a great deal of outrage in the Valdar mainland, with many considering the government to be spineless cowards. Since the Naelkva's collapse, many Valdar were becoming more eager to end isolationism, reform the one-party government, and in many cases, side with either the Teruzar or the Galderans. These groups were met with increasingly harsh opposition as the government began to see them as credible threats to their authority as the threat of a Naelkvan invasion was no more.

Initially, the Valdar remained neutral in the ongoing cold war, and both sides, though resentful, respected that neutrality. But towards the end of the cold war, as tensions were intensifying and conflict seemed increasingly likely, Empress Kazadair III made the unprecedented move of arriving to Valdar space and requesting an audience with the ruling council. The council narrowly voted to let her in, leading to several days of deliberations, during which Kazadair won the support of several Councillors, including Adras'nzania, one of the oldest members of the council. But just as the council was preparing a vote on whether or not to form an alliance, Levani'desatha, another Councillor, initiated a long-planned coup of the government and declared herself dictator, swearing that she would protect the Valdar from the 'intruders' from the outside. This in turn sparked a massive civil war within Valdar space as several factions sprung up in opposition of both Levani and each other.

A few hours into the civil war, two secessionist states formed: the Ulrasni Enclaves, which backed the Teruzar; and the Zhagavian Republic, which supported the Galderans. They were led by General Ulrasnia'Iltomoya and 'Adras'Nzania respectively. Having declared their allegiances, both quickly found support from their respective allies, who deployed troops to fight off the now-retreating loyalist and secure their new allies' territory. After only a few days, Levani and her loyalist, not wanting to be trapped in a two-front war, joined with the Ulrasni Enclaves.

What followed was the 'False Peace', a weeks-long period of heightened tensions as all sides mobilized their forces and prepared for war; the Valdar were intent on uniting their nation back together one way or another, and both the Galderans and Teruzar had come to terms with the fact that was was inevitable. In order to send the Zhagavians into disarray, the Teruzar and Ulrasnians formulated a plot to assassinate Adras'nzania. Several spies were sent in to figure out the best way to go about it; however, one of the spies was actually a double agent working for the Galderans. They revealed the plot to Kazadair, who responded by having several Arnan guards stationed around Adras. When the assassins arrived, they were swiftly captured or killed by the royal guards. Now with a casus belli, the Galderans declared war against the Teruzar, and have launched offensives into both Ulrasnian and Teruzan territory. The Galderans currently maintain a strong advantage in the conflict, but progress is slow-going and their enemies have refused to back down.

Second Vulga of Strife and the Great War[edit | edit source]

Main page: Galderan-Repzork War, Great War

Prelude[edit | edit source]

Several months after the empire's declaration of war against the Teruzar, an exploratory fleet at the outermost edges of imperial space received a distress call from an unidentified race claiming that they were being invaded and required immediate assistance. The transmission was sent to high command, who in turn deployed a response fleet to the signal's origin. They arrived a few hours later, only to be immediately set upon by unidentified ships which refused any attempt to communicate. Rather than retreating, the response fleet stood its ground and awaited reinforcements from the mainland. When they arrived, they pushed back against the attackers and forced them to pull back, allowing the Galderans to deploy troops to the planet below. Once on the ground, the Galderans discovered that they were fighting fellow Arkevon, sparking mass confusion on both sides. Nevertheless, the two continued to fight for several hours before the Galderans finally repelled the invaders. Several prisoners, including a small handful of officers, had been taken prisoner in the process.

After the battle, the Galderans gathered the planet's inhabitants and the prisoners to sort out what had transpired. The Galderans quickly discovered that the unidentified Arkevon were from the Repzork Empire, which originated from the Kalrian exodus fleet that had escaped during the Wars of Unification five millennia prior. DNA tests were conducted to confirm their genetic heritage; though the Repzork-born Kalrians had were genetically 'purer' than the more mixed Galderan-born Kalrians, there was an undeniable link between the two. The planet's inhabitants went at great lengths to describe the various atrocities that the Repzork had committed, including ritual sacrifice of prisoners, genocide, and the consumption of sapient beings. The Galderans were initially skeptical, believing that the inhabitants were exaggerating their claims, but a thorough search located a number of sites that the Repzork had used for their rituals. After discovering the sites, doctors took several corpses and dissected them to see what they had consumed and confirmed the defender's claims.

These findings were relayed back to high command and the senate before being unveiled to the general public. The nation was shocked and horrified. The Kalrian exodus fleet had, for most people, faded into memory; it was widely believed that the fleet was lost and that what had become of it would never be uncovered. Few believed that they not only had survived, but also thrived, in that time. Galderan-born Kalrians were particularly outraged, as their wayward brothers and sisters were still practicing the same "barbaric" practices that they had long put behind them. The church saw the Repzork as being in defiance of Syleris command to have all Arkevon united under her banner. These factors led to the senate voting and Kazadair voting unanimously to declare war on the Repzork and bring them under Galderan compliance.

Vier Varo Arvintis, a veteran of the Galderan-Naelkvan War and the highest ranking officer to volunteer for the Orsaron Program, was transferred from the Teruzan front and put in charge of engaging the Repzork. Since the empire still had little knowledge on the Repzork beyond what was attained during their initial engagement, Varo deployed numerous spies into Repzork territory to gather intelligence. Meanwhile, the rest of his troops established defensive positions at the edge of Galderan space, waiting for an attack that never came; the Repzork, with the bulk of their forces invested in Operation Thunder Charge, had also established defensive positions, not possessing the manpower for a large-scale assault.

While in Repzork space, the spies discovered the Repzork's involvement in the Warlord Pact and of the ongoing Great War. With this discovery, the spies switched their objective to uncovering more information on the war. In doing so, they uncovered the various atrocities committed by Warlord forces, including the invasion of Norsus, the Repzork's invasion of the Betel, the Zaretian's slave empire, and the Margan's hatred for all life. Once more, Kazadair and the Senate voted unanimously voted to declare war, concluding that the Warlords posed an existential threat to the galactic community and had to be eliminated at any and all costs.

While the Galderans agreed that the Warlords had to be stopped, they were more divided in regards to the Peacekeeper Alliance. Some in the Senate wanted to join the Peacekeepers, believing that being a part of the alliance would be mutually beneficial. Others, including Kazadair III, were wary. Though they supported the Peacekeeper's cause and saw some of them as being morally upstanding, others were seen with sometimes intense distrust, such as the Confederation of Derahs, Karahotdoum Empire, and in some cases, the Empire of Diablos. Others cited that they needed more information before coming to a final decision. Ultimately, it was decided that the Galderans would not join, at least not in the near future, but they would still provide the Peacekeepers support when the situation called for it.

Given the increased scale of the Galderan's objectives, the empire substantially bolstered and reorganized its forces. While Arvintis was still in charge of pacifying the Repzork, Kelevien Valrus, the second-in-command of the Galderan Armed Forces, was given overall command of all forces assigned to the Warlord front. Several more commanding officers, including Viers Fortsa Lonvai and Helgva Vasan, were also put under Kelevien's command. Almost all available personnel were also put under the general's command. Kelevien and her generals then assembled together and planned out what would become Operation Dark Angel, the empire's first strike against the Warlord Pact.

By now, the Repzork had spies of their own operating in Galderan space. However, while they knew the empire was mustering its forces, they did not know the true scale of the Galderan's armies nor of its intent. It was still assumed that the Galderans were mustering for an invasion of the Repzork mainland and were not going to attack the other Warlords, at least not soon. As a result, while the Repzork informed the other Warlords of what was transpiring, they also stated that they had little to worry about, leading to a false sense of security among some officials.

Before any invasion could be mounted, the Galderans had to establish a reliable route to the sectors most affected by the Great War. This was accomplished with the Warpgate technology introduced by the Valdar. Over the course of several months, small fleets of ships were sent to a largely unexplored region of space closer to the front and established fortresses in a small cluster of systems. These heavily-fortified installations were fitted with numerous large warpgates that would allow even large capital ships to move to and fro the mainland and the conflict zone. As this was going on, Arvintis launched several moderately-sized attacks against outlying Repzork colonies in order to tests their defenses. The Repzork, though haven taken a considerable toll from Thunder Charge, nevertheless proved to be both resilient and resourceful combatants, and successfully held most of Arvintis' attacks at bay.

Operation Dark Angel[edit | edit source]

A few weeks after the First Battle of Norsus and the Rach and Margan's disappearance into the Warp, the fortresses and their warpgates were completed. Kelevien and the vast armada under her command went through to meet the Warlords. As Galderan forces poured into the region and made their way towards the front lines, Kazadair III sent out an open transmission proclaiming the empire's cause to any and all in the sector. Arvintis, leading from his flagship, the then one-of-a-kind Goddess-class Assault Dreadnought Her Majesty's Regards, and with several armies of Orsaron supersoldiers acting as his vanguard, sent his men against the Repzork. Helgva Vasan was deployed against the Zaretians while Fortsa Lonvai was assigned to the Necraal. Troops were also sent to support the beleaguered Peacekeepers, especially those who had been hardest hit by Operation Thunder Charge.

Member Races[edit | edit source]

Arkevon Empire[edit | edit source]


Main Page:Arkevon

The founders and 'face' of the Galderan Empire, the Arkevon are a saurian-like species originating from the tropical jungles of Kovas. They are by far the most powerful and influential race within the empire, controlling both the government and the military through the royal family and the Xelva, respectively. The Arkevon are a spiritual people; the vast majority adhere to a religion, with most, including the royal family, placing their faith in Deltausyleris and its various sects. The Arkevan devotees are especially zealous, believing that Syleris specifically chose them to spearhead her efforts in reclaiming and purifying the galaxy. As well as zeal, Arkevon also have a reputation for being fierce warriors who will seldom back down from a fight. Besides administration, the Arkevon are also responsible for producing the majority of the empire's military equipment, though they leave member races to develop their own specialized equipment to suit their particular needs.

Empire of Ilsur[edit | edit source]

Main Page:Nevelin

The Nevelin are a hairless, mammal-like species originating from the world of Ilsur. They have played an important role throughout the Empire's long history. They were the first alien species encountered by the Galderans, an event which removed lingering worries from the Era of Doubt and helped revitalize faith in Syleris; they also became the first species to ally with and eventually join the Empire, co-authoring the Galderan Pact which now serves as a model for integrating other species. The Nevelin hold a reputation for being both charismatic and diplomatic problem-solvers; this makes them well-liked across the Empire, though no bond is as strong as the one between them and the Arkevon, who hold the Nevelin as their most trusted allies. The Nevelin are the only species besides the Arkevon to regularly partake in diplomatic meetings between the Galderans and another species; besides trust, this is partly due to their vocal range and ability to better express emotions than the Arkevon. The Empire of Ilsur is also responsible for designing many of the starships and energy-based weapons that the Galderans utilize.

Zenuran Union[edit | edit source]


Main Page:Zenura

Prideful, militaristic, and highly intelligent, squid-like Zenura hail from the cold, damp world of Foldom. They are a physically unimpressive species; very short and very weak, the Zenura would be hopeless on their own in even ideal battlefield conditions; in fact, much of the time on their homeworld was spent fighting off the dangerous predators which constantly hunted them for easy pickings. However, they overcame their weaknesses through technology; the modern Zenura are highly skilled engineers and are infamous for coming up with creative and oftentimes violent solutions to problems. They make heavy use of robotics and machinery in their day-to-day lives, especially in the military; all Zenuran infantry wear highly durable Battlesuits on the field, which has led to many initially mistaking them for giant monsters or autonomous robots, a tendency which is known to frustrate many Zenura. Though they once fiercely fought against the Empire, the Zenuran are now a loyal member and have contributed a great deal to its technology. However, they retain a fierce independence streak and work hard to preserve their own culture and ideals; a small but notable example is that very few Zenura use the term 'Galderan' unless they are referring to the empire as a whole.

Jaset Confederation[edit | edit source]


Main Page:Jaset

Hailing from their homeworld of Nathazk, the Jaset Confederation is a collection of states all inhabited by the reptilian Jaset. While they are known for frequently getting into disputes among themselves, the Jaset show seemingly limitless loyalty to the greater Empire for having uplifted them from the ashes of nuclear war, which almost wiped out their entire race. Deltausyleris has a large following within Jaset society due largely to extensive cultural assimilation. The Jaset are an extreme example of sexual dimorphism, with females being significantly larger, stronger, and sometimes more intelligent than their male counterparts. As a result, Jaset society was almost exclusively matriarchal for most of their history, with women taking up all important roles. In older days, male Jaset often had less rights and privileges than their female counterparts and were sometimes victims of blatant discrimination. In the modern era, pressure from the Galderan Empire has diminished the matriarchy's influence and has brought equality between the two sexes, though the so-called 'old ways' have yet to entirely vanish. The Confederation has a reputation for being better soldiers than either scientist or diplomats; most of their technology is derivative rather than innovative, and they tend to be temperamental and scrappy towards outsiders. Jaset commanders, meanwhile, have shown themselves to be clever tacticians, while their soldiers can be very bold and sometimes unorthodox.

Yin'vair Dominion[edit | edit source]

Main Page:Yin'vair

The raptor-like Yin'vair come from the arid world of Nordak. The Yin'vair were forcibly inducted into the Naelkvan Empire just as they were establishing interstellar colonies; for the next two hundred years, they would be under the Naelkva's thumb, which had a major impact on their culture and outlook on life, especially since the Naelkvan were very interested in their impressive speed and strength, leading to many Yin'vair being forced into the Naelkva's military as brainwashed slave soldiers. During the war, the Yin'vair committed themselves to an all-or-nothing revolt; either the Naelkvan left, or they all died. The Yin'vair very nearly wiped out the Yin'vair and were only stopped because the resources required to finish the job was committed elsewhere. The Galderans arrived shortly afterward and began providing aid and protection. Showing immense gratitude, the Yin'vair pledged their loyalty to the Empire and became the next member state. The Galderans have kept their word, and the Yin'vair are now in an era of prosperity never seen before in their history. Though still small and young, they have developed a positive reputation within the Empire for their bravery, perseverance, and sense of honor.


Renesat Republic[edit | edit source]

Main Page:Renesat

The Renesat are a race of flying insectoid beings from the world of Reneska. They were once a vassal of the Naelkvan Empire, but were freed from their masters when the Galderans liberated them in the early years of the Galderan-Naelkvan war; the Renesat repaid the debt by fighting alongside the imperials (albeit to a limited capacity) for the remainder of the war. Though they wanted to remain free, they found themselves completely enveloped within Galderan space, and so they begrudgingly accepted becoming an official member state, though a small group of rebels fights against the Galderans in the hope of one day attaining 'true' freedom. The Galderans have done much to support the Renesat, who have become increasingly more trusting of their new partners. Despite these events, the Renesat have managed to maintain an optimistic outlook on life; they are well known for being a welcoming and cheery people.


Taervand Union[edit | edit source]

Main Page:Taervand

Originating on the dark world of Taurvis, a moon of the gas giant, Naela, the Taervand are four-legged, arachnid-like, nocturnal, creatures that possess two small 'arms' between their legs which can inject a paralyzing venom into prey. A reclusive race, the Taervand are seldom seen by outsiders, as they seldom leave their small handful of colonies unless it is a necessity, such as military service. As a result, the Taervand are poorly understood by the general populace. It is known that they are experts in genetic modification, which they use to develop weapons, augment themselves, and attain a better understanding of nature, which they hold in very high regard. Their regard for nature plays a large role in their seclusiveness; most Taervand wish to avoid the more materialistic and urbanized cultures of the other member states and thus retain what they view as a 'pure faith'. Numerous conspiracy theories surround the Taervand's genetics program, though none have been confirmed.

Zhagavian Republic[edit | edit source]

Main Page:Valdar


The Zhagavian Republic, known within the Valdar mainland as the Separatist Enclaves, are a collection of colonies which split away from the Valdar government and swore loyalty to the Empire of Galdera following Levani's takeover. They believe that Loyalist's longstanding policy of isolationism is not only morally wrong, but that it is endangering their people and making them vulnerable to outside threats. The Zhagavians also support reforming the government, which they believe has become corrupt and inflexible. The Zhagavians received support from individuals of all walks of life, to average citizens to high ranking military officials and Councillors. Prior to the schism, the Zhagavians only wanted to ally with the Galderans, believing that it would be mutually beneficial; but since the coup, they have placed their full support in becoming an official member state. The Zhagavians have proven to be a valuable asset to the Galderans, with whom they have shared technology, weapons, tactics, and other important information that aids their fight against Levani's loyalist.

Most Valdar are preoccupied fighting their wayward brethren. However, a small number of them are fighting in the Great War against the Repzork and other Warlord empires.

Territory[edit | edit source]

The territory of the Galderan Empire is somewhat unique; while most nations can be neatly divided into three segmented 'rims' of development: Inner, Middle, and Outer, imperial space cannot due to being comprised of several member states which each possess their own territory. This is especially true in the outer reaches of the empire in sectors that are inhabited by recently-inducted nations. Instead, each individual member state can be divided into their own set of rims, though in the case of older member states such as the Nevelin and Zenura, both of whose territory has been entirely enveloped by the greater empire, their colonies can be divided into only two distinct rims.

Rims[edit | edit source]

  • Aelovi: Roughly translating into 'heart', Aelovi refers to the Inner colonies of a member state. This region features the member race's homeworld as well as their oldest and most well-developed colonies. The former core worlds of the Naelkvan Empire also qualify as an Inner rim region due to their relatively pristine condition. Due to the importance of these colonies, they are oftentimes heavily defended and fortified. The Arkevan Inner Rim is protected by the 'Iron Shield', a vast border blockade comprised of fortress worlds, star bases, and naval vessels that constantly patrol the region and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Middle Rim: Outside of the Aelovi are the Middle Rim colonies. The worlds of the Middle Rim can vary greatly in development; planets closer to the Aelovi or regions of rapid economic development tend to possess urban centers or vast factories whereas colonies further out tend to be more rural. The region has also been referred to as the empire's 'breadbasket' due to much of the nation's food being produced here.
  • Outer Rim: The Outer Rim is the penultimate territorial rim and the last one with a significant civilian population. The worlds here are young, having only been recently colonized or conquered. Some planets were handed to the civilian government by the military; such colonies have a 'head start' in their development and already have established infrastructure for the populace to use. Outer Colonies get aid from other, more established planets in order to assist in their development. This rim has a reputation for containing many groups that do not fit within the norms of Galderan society, including many 'undesirables' and criminals. The Galderan government works hard to retain a strong influence in the region so that it can weed out criminal and occult organizations, but this is difficult due to the region's remote nature.
  • Front Line: Known also as the Frontier, the Front Line is the final rim of Imperial Territory. There is only one Frontier, and it encompasses the entire outermost edge of the empire. It is here where the Galderan Armed Forces fights many of its wars and colonies are surveyed for potential colonization. It is not a firmly established region; worlds will often change hands a number of times before the GAF can finally establish complete control of a sector. Civilians are not permitted to inhabit the Frontier. When parts of the Front Line stabilize and become 'established,' then the process of preparing the worlds for colonization can begin and that sector will become a part of the Outer Rim.

Notable Colonies[edit | edit source]

  • Kovas: Kovas is the political capitol of the Empire of Galdera and the planet of origin for the Arkevon. It is here where the royal family and their 'home', Galdaris Fortress, resides, as well as the headquarters of the Church of Deltausyleris, Trelshakul. Much of the architecture is surprisingly modern; this is because much of it was destroyed following the Wars of Unification. While this dealt a serious blow to historical preservation efforts, it did clear the way for improved urban infrastructure.
  • Guardaros: Code-named as 'Citadel', Guardaros is the main headquarters of the Galderan Armed Forces. It is a heavily fortified fortress world deep in the core worlds where imperial high command resides. Training, research, and production also take place here.
  • Zykorus: Zykorus is a fortress world which serves as the Galderan's primary command center for their activity in the Great War. While it is operational, it is still being actively developed with new additions frequently being added to it.
  • Ilsur: Ilsur is the homeworld of the Nevelin. The world is best known for being one of the most popular hubs for philosophical discourse in imperial space.
  • Foldom: Foldom is the homeworld of the Zenura. Prior to Zenuran industrialization, the world was inhabited by various forms of megafauna, many of which preyed on the Zenura. As the Zenura decided to fight back, most if not all megafauna were gradually wiped out. The Zenura have since had to scale-back their industrialization as they risked rendering the world uninhabitable.
  • Nathazk: Nathazk is the homeworld of the Jaset. Having had much of its infastructure wiped clean by nuclear fire, the Galderans have poured a great deal of resources into restoring the plater to its former glory. The world is considered to be 'neutral', no one Jaset nation controls it. Instead, the Arkevon oversee it.
  • Taurvis: Taurvis is the homeworld of the Taervand. The planet is notable for having two night-time periods; one in which one side of the planet faces away from the sun, and the other in which the planet is enveloped in the gas giant's immense shadow.
  • Reneska: Rekeska is the homeworld of the Renesat. It is best known for the titanic trees that reside in the land where the Renesat first originated. Dead and hollowed-out trees served as homes to ancient peoples and are still sometimes used today.
  • Nordak: Nordak is the homeworld of the Yin'vair. It is from the arid plains of this world that the Yin'vair species originated. It has been under heavy modernization and reconstruction efforts following the Yin'vair's liberation from Sol.
  • Setralkyus: Setralkyus was once the homeworld of the Naelkvan Empire. When the Naelkva fled, they left most of the infrastructure in the core worlds intact. As a result, the cities in Setralkyus were still in usable condition, albeit they required minor repairs and retrofitting. In modern times, the majority of the infrastructure built by the Naelkva still stands today, and the Galderans seek to actively preserve it both as a symbol of their triumph and for its historical significance. Researchers continue to study Setralkyus and other core planets.
  • Varhos: Formerly known as Nalrauldos, Varhos was a factory world within the inner rim built by the Naelkva to produce military equipment. During the evacuation, Naelkva had deliberately sabotaged some of the factories, though they did not have time to completely destroy the facilities. The Galderans have since repaired what they could of the facilities and have put them back to use.
  • Zhagavia: Zhagavia is the current capitol of the Zhagavian Republic, the Valdar separatist state which split from the main empire and declared its allegiance to the Galderan Empire. It is best known for its industry; a great deal of both civilian and military products are produced here, the factories fed by a number of mines located in nearby systems.

Government[edit | edit source]

The Empire of Galdera is a theocratic constitutional monarchy with three 'spheres' of government with varying levels of influence: National, Intraspecies, and Colonial; these three spheres of government are then split off into their own individual branches. Under the various branches lay the myriad of organizations and divisions which ensure that the Empire remains healthy, organized, and stable. Outsiders who have not taken time to study Galderan politics can oftentimes become confused by its vast structure and functions; the most confusion stemming from the fact that that two spheres of power - National and Intraspecies - both function under sometimes drastically different forms of government.

National Government[edit | edit source]

The National Government is responsible for managing the Empire as a whole. Its founding document is the Galderan Covenant, which in itself is based off the far older 'Imperial Covenant' that originated far back in the Arkevon's pre-unification history. As well as establishing the government, this document contains a list of immutable rights possessed by all citizens, including freedom of speech, the freedom to practice one's religion, and the right to protest and possess firearms, to name a few notable examples. Amendments and changes can be proposed, but require both the senate and the royal family in order to pass. The Covenant also sets in place several checks and balances to ensure balance between the various levels of government.

The National Government is split into four branches: Royal, Senatorial, Judicial, and the Church.

Royal[edit | edit source]

The Royal Branch is the chief executive power of the Galderan Empire. It is comprised of the emperor (or empress) and their spouse, as well as the rest of the royal family, though other family members do not possess any authority unless it is granted to them by the current sovereign. As the chief executive, the monarch possesses numerous responsibilities. All legislation passed through the senate must be sent to the emperor, who can either sign it into law, send it back for revisions, or veto the bill. The emperor is also the empire's chief-diplomat, and they can ratify treaties with foreign powers. They are also the commander-in-chief of the Galderan Armed Forces, though the task of commanding troops and updating policy has traditionally been delegated to the Xelva, as the empire's internal and diplomatic affairs takes up most of the monarch's attention. Finally, the Emperor has the authority to appoint federal officials; the most important example being their ability to propose members to the High Court, the most powerful federal court within the Empire's judiciary branch.

Though it is difficult, it is possible to impeach the incumbent emperor for various acts, such as treason. Over the empire's history, a small handful of rulers have been disposed in this manner. Another member of the royal family, typically a sibling, will rule the empire in their stead until the next heir claims the throne. Alternatively, the Emperor can call for the removal of senators, up to an including the entire assembly. This will begin a nation-wide referendum in which the populace votes whether or not to remove the senator; if removed, a new election will begin to replace the official.

Since the empire's founding, the royal branch has been controlled members of the Hieruset dynasty, which also ruled the Nolsarian Empire for much of its history; the royal family grew considerably in size following the Wars of Unification, when members of the family married members of other royal families, such as the Hisanth dynasty which ruled the Lekonian Monarchy. The Hieruset family is very devoted to the worship of Syleris, and has used both the Nolkaveka and supposedly, direct and indirect communication with the goddess as their guiding light for several millennia. The current reigning monarch is Empress Kazadair II, also known as the 'Slayer of Naelkva,' who is said to have been specifically chosen by Syleris to rule over the empire before she was born, and has been on the throne since the age of 24; she is currently 112 years of age.

In older periods of Arkevan history, the heir to the throne was chosen by the emperor selecting them from among his offspring. The concept of the firstborn inheriting the throne never developed within Arkevan society due to the fact that they never developed the concept of a firstborn to begin with; as an egg-laying species, Arkevon produce multiple children at once, and they tend to hatch at around the same time. However, in the modern era, the selection of an heir has been made into a more complex and thorough procedure.

For most of their life until the time for selection comes, potential heirs spend their time learning a wide variety of subjects from the best teachers the empire can offer. They are also taught by their parents and family members, and are occasionally brought along for work so that they can witness it first-hand. Additionally, these heirs are not exempt from military service; like all able-bodied citizens, they must serve two years in the military; this is the most dangerous part of the aspiring heir's life, and it is not unheard of for some of the heirs to be wounded or even die while on the battlefield, though it is very rare. All of the information acquired during this time -grades, general temperament, military achievements, etc - is collected and is then used for the selection of the heir.

When the time to choose an heir comes -typically once all of the children reach adulthood- the candidates, including all of the information acquired about them, are presented before the Senate. Each candidate must explain themselves and what they would do as ruler. The Senate must then vote who will be the next heir; a long, drawn out process that, even with all of the information presented, frequently takes several months or even years of deliberation. Once the Senate has made its decision, the vote is then passed along to the emperor for approval. The emperor can technically decide to veto it, but this is a very rare occurrence, and can be overruled by a majority vote. Once someone has been chosen as the heir, they need only to wait for their time to ascend to the throne. Experience has made senators very careful about who they pick as the next emperor; many senators have lost their seats over people who were dissatisfied with the chosen heir.

Due to their religious devotion and expansive military, many outsiders are under the impression that the royals rule their subjects through fear and brutality; for some, such fears would not seem unfounded. However, save for a few short-lived examples, the royal family has historically been very popular with the empire at large. In Kazadair's case, the people see her as putting the interest of the people and Syleris first. Even those who doubt the goddess' existence tend to view Kazadair to be a just and fair ruler; additionally, the monarch has shown little aversion to working with nonbelievers in order to advance the empire and her goals.

Senatorial[edit | edit source]

The Senate is the unicameral legislative branch of the national government. Its primary task is to draft, vote on, and pass legislation, which is then moved up to the royal branch for review and approval. Though legislation can be vetoed, the senate can overrule a veto with an overwhelming majority vote. The senate also has the final say in approving treaties with foreign powers, declaring war, and approving the monarch's federal appointees. Meanwhile, the monarch has the authority to dismiss one or more senators, up to and including the entire assembly. This begins a referendum in which each senator would be put up for election; the people can then vote to replace or to keep the senator. If the senator is removed, an election to elect a replacement begins immediately.

The senate is comprised of representatives from all of the empire's states, allowing all species, with the exception of the Naelkva, to have a say in their government. However, territories, occupied lands, military colonies, and corporate worlds do not have representation. Each planet has one senator who can serve two terms, both of which are six years in length. How exactly the senator is elected varies depending on the member state; many are democratically elected, but in a few cases they are instead delegated to the position by high ranking officials or are chosen by other means.

After each election, each member race elects a 'leader.' The role of this leader is entirely ceremonial; they act as a spokesperson and are often the ones to propose legislation on their nation's behalf, but beyond that, they have no extra powers. Some political parties have picked up on this tradition and have created leaders of their own. The Senate leaders can be removed and replaced at any time, though this act alone will not remove them from their Senate seat.

The Senate leaders are as listed:

  • Aktaz Salar - representative of the Arkevon.
  • Zhanseif Bovol - representative of the Nevelin.
  • Alamati Okat Kalguri Xarsat - representative of the Zenura.
  • Haljasa - representative of the Jaset.
  • Ikthia'hazeth'kesai - representative of the Taervand.
  • Ilvyaden Nolaklak - representative of the Renesat.
  • Ketsarta Oldurasati - representative of the Yin'vair.
  • Adras'nzania - representative of the Valdar.
Overseer[edit | edit source]

Appointed by the empress, Overseers act as watchdogs and are tasked with monitoring the activities of a member race's government to ensure that they remain compliant with Imperial law. Each member state has a team of Overseers, with the Jaset possessing multiple teams due to their unique political situation. Overseers compile monthly reports of a state's activities (which is submitted separately from that state's own report) and is reviewed in secret by the Senate and Empress. If any wrongdoing is found, appropriate action will be taken immediately.

The position of Overseer relies greatly on trust; abuse of the position for personal gain has occurred before, especially to races that have entered the Empire recently. To help reduce this, States are allowed to make claims against their Overseer which will be investigated by the royal branch. If found guilty, they are removed from office and imprisoned. Becoming an Overseer to begin with is difficult, as one must have a clean record and must have served within the government for several years, often decades.

Judicial[edit | edit source]

The Judicial Branch is tasked with interpreting and applying Galderan law to dispense justice and resolve legal disputes. There are two distinct parts of the Judicial Branch; the Lower Courts and the Higher Courts. Lower Courts are comprised of elected officials who hold authority in designated districts. The Higher Courts are federal courts controlled by appointed officials. The most powerful Court is the 'High Court,' which presides over the most significant cases and is run by people elected by the current monarch. The High Court also reviews legislation to ensure it is in accordance with the Galderan Covenant. Judges on the High Court serve until either removal, retirement, or death.

Church of Syleris[edit | edit source]

The Church of Syleris (typically referred to only as the 'Church' in informal conversation) is the official church of Deltausyleris. It is the Empire's oldest institution, predating even the Nolsarian Empire. The church is operated by the high priest/ess and a council of lesser priests. Though it is an official branch of the government and is led by the Empress, the organization itself does not hold any actual legislative or judicial authority. The church is officially nondenominational, though many different sects are represented within its ranks. Some denominations in the past have been declared to be heretical and have been barred from entry, a serious allegation that has been known to lead to that groups dissolution. The Church acts as Syleris' voice to the people; many thousands of priest and priestesses work across the empire and beyond to relay the queen's message of salvation to all willing to hear in the hope that they may join the Empire's cause.

Additionally, the Church helps meet the spiritual and physical needs of others, regardless of their beliefs. It has funded and constructed many temples and public structures such as hospitals and shelters. The Church also works to improve communities by caring for the poor, homeless, and sick. Orphanages and schools for the disadvantaged are also commonplace. On a larger scale, the Church is responsible for organizing numerous festivals and ceremonies of religious significance. Finally, the Church has a close relationship with the military; the primary aspect of this relationship is the appointing and training of chaplains who act as faith leaders to the troops. At times, generals or other high-ranking officials may also have a priest or priestess appointed to them.

The Church maintains a private security force known as the Temple Guardians. Separate from the military, the Temple Guardians are ex-military personnel of good standing who have been tasked with protecting individuals and locations considered important by the Church. Guardians utilize specialized armor and equipment which sets them apart from standard military forces. Rank is signified by color. The Temple Guardians, like the Church, does not hold actual sway like the military does, and does not normally take part in campaigns save for special missions or protecting a ranking member of the Church.

Intraspecies[edit | edit source]

Below the National Government are the Intraspecies governments. These are responsible for handling the affairs of a specific member species. Intraspecies governments can be structured in a variety of different ways, from a dictatorship to a democracy, so no two governments will look or operate the same. Unlike the National Government, Intraspecies governments only hold authority within their own borders; once they leave those borders, their laws are considered null, and they are subject to national law instead. Likewise, the National Government reserves the right to intervene and overrule the decisions of an intraspecies government. But as long as they do not infringe on the Galderan Covenant and also grant their citizens the rights listed in the document, they are otherwise free to do as they wish. Each of these governments maintain their own military forces to act as deterrents during invasion, but they hold no authority over troops outside of their borders; these soldiers are considered a part of the Galderan Armed Forces.

A description for each of the Intraspecies Governments is provided below:

  • Empire of Ilsur: The Nevelin are ruled by an aristocratic council that acts as both a legislative and judicial body. This council is led by a smaller council of four leaders who are voted from among the aristocrats and act as the Empire's leadership.
  • Zenuran Union: Parliamentary democracy.
  • Jaset Confederation: The Jaset have no single government; each state is operated by a different system of government.
  • Taervand: Information is sparse, but it is implied that the Taervand are split into a number of tribes whose leaders form a large 'tribal council' that is influenced by Taervand religious leaders.
  • Renesat: Presidential democracy.
  • Yin'vair Dominion: Closely follows the model of the Galderan national government, the main difference being that the position of executive is replaced by a trio of some of the eldest individuals in the senate, as they are seen as the most experienced.
  • Zhagavian Republic: Democratic republic.

Colonial[edit | edit source]

Colonial governments are responsible for administrating individual colonies. Like Intraspecies governments, the specifics of a colonial government depends on which member race holds authority on the world. This is not the case for federal colonies such as military planets, which all operate the same way regardless of their location.

There are four types of Colonies: Territories, States, Occupied, and Military.

Territories[edit | edit source]

Prevalent within the the outer rim, territories are colonies that have very recently been established and are not yet considered self-sufficient. They have minimal infrastructure, small populations, and generally rely entirely on basic industries such as mining and farming. As mentioned previously, territories receive aid from more developed colonies to help get themselves off the ground and defend themselves until a proper garrison can be established. Once territories are considered self-sufficient, they become states and receive senatorial representation.

States[edit | edit source]

States are colonies capable of sustaining themselves with little to no outside help. This means that they have a large and healthy workforce, a strong economy, and the ability to defend themselves from invasion, at least until reinforcements can arrive. While they must abide by the Galderan Covenant, individual states do have some leeway in how they administrate themselves and have the power to pass regulations and legislation specific to their own planet. They can freely trade with other states, but cannot interact with alien powers in any way without supervision from the national government. All states pay tribute to the empire via monetary and resources taxes. They must also raise up a local military garrison, part of which will stay behind to guard the planet while the rest will be shipped off to fight in the empire's wars.

Often, States within close proximity to each other -especially within the same star system- will form informal councils to discuss economic and political matters. Such Councils hold little official power, but they can be very influential on the administration of the member planets, including, in some cases, the State's senators.

Occupied Territories[edit | edit source]

Occupied Territories are planets which have been captured by the Galderan military either through the complete extermination of all resistance or the enemy surrendering. These worlds are controlled directly by the Galderan Armed Forces. Their fate depends on the outcome of the battle; if the defenders fled or were mostly exterminated, then the few survivors will be captured and relocated, and the planet will gradually be restored and either become a Territory or a Military Colony. Civilians on these worlds will be given the option of either joining the Galderans or returning to their home nation. In the more likely case of the population surrendering, the planet will be absorbed into the empire and will be controlled by the military until a proper government is established. This will begin the process of cultural assimilation, beginning with the laws being changed to reflect the values of the Galderan Covenant.

Military Colonies[edit | edit source]

Military colonies, as their name implies, are settled and governed directly by the Galderan Armed Forces. These Colonies vary greatly, and do not always have to serve a directly militaristic purpose. For every fortress world or outpost there are factories which keep them supplied, and for the factories there are mining worlds which provide the necessary raw materials. Research facilities produce new weapons and equipment while government farms provide sustenance for the troops. Military colonies are scattered all around the Empire. These worlds are administered by officials appointed to the position by Imperial High Command.

Civil Defense Force (CDF)[edit | edit source]

The Civil Defense Force is the law enforcement agency of the Empire. Though not a part of the military, all of its personnel have been through conscription on top of the already thorough training necessary to become an officer. The CDF has a large presence within the Empire and can be found practically anywhere including very recent settlements. The CDF is divided into several branches; it is further split into 'Secions.' A Section is a portion of the CDF relegated to a particular member state of the Empire. Each Section is largely comprised of individuals from the respective nation, but foreigners crossing Sections is not unheard of. Sections generally operate independently but share information and cooperate when it comes to cross-nation criminals and large crime organizations. During a crises such as an invasion, the CDF will assist the defending military garrison and help evacuate civilians.

When it comes to equipment, the CDF is by and large equipped with modified military surplus gear. Officers wear color-coded uniforms which covers the vital areas of the body with armor plating. 'Heavy infantry,' utilized during crisis such as riots, are equipped with modified Gatranus power armor. In such cases, the Zenura will operate small robotic exosuits, as the Union's standard-issue armor, the 8-foot tall Tetheos battlesuit, is considered too extreme for the majority of police actions. Melee weaponry consist of stun sticks or shock maces, and firearms consist of pistols, shotguns, and sub-machine guns. All weapons are loaded with non-lethal ammunition, but lethal ammunition is provided when the situation calls for it.

Culture & Society[edit | edit source]

On a planet-to-planet basis, Galderan culture is extremely complex and varied; what can be considered a social norm on one planet may be seen as a strange and alien concept on another a mere few systems away. The assimilation of numerous cultures, millennia of exploration across countless worlds, and the empire's eventful history have all played a role in forming many sub-cultures across the empire's vast holdings, each with their own nuanced ideals and beliefs. But despite this, there are still common threads which unify the population in its collective identity and its vision for the Empire. These threads are patriotism, faith, militarism, and collectivism.

The Galderans take great pride in their empire, believing that it is as close as any nation ever will get to becoming a true utopia in an imperfect universe. It is seen as part of the empire's destiny to eventually unite the galaxy under Syleris' banner, and the Galderans believe that only through their faith in their goddess can such a goal be achieved, as not even the ancient powers were capable of such a feat. In fact, they see their actions as being good for the galaxy as a whole, even if it is a 'necessary evil' such as war. These beliefs extend well beyond the religious; even many secular loyalist have proven themselves willing to lay down their lives for the state. Displays of patriotism are commonplace on many colonies, and perhaps the most blatant example of their nationalism resides in their own name, which forms the nation's national identity; all citizens, regardless of their species or origins, are considered to be a Galderan. Despite this pride, most individuals display little to no xenophobia, and often show respect to outsiders and their cultures. At the same time, the Empire is well known for its tendency to assimilate other cultures, and it does have limits to its tolerance. It has at times deliberately forced changes in another member race's culture, usually in the case that the trait goes against the Empire's ideals and code of law. Notable examples include reducing the influence of the Jaset's matriarchy and the gradual elimination of the Zenura's xenocidal tendencies.

Religion plays a central role in the lives of many Galderans; citizens are allowed the freedom to choose their faith, and the majority of the population believes in a deity or in some form of spirituality. By far the largest religion is the state-sponsored religion of Deltausyleris and its numerous denominations. Faith has brought together many otherwise different groups, and many look to Deltausyleris for guidance in their everyday life, from average citizens to high ranking politicians and military officials. Other religions include Lekosa, which followed the teachings of two beings named Gaura and Galandil, and Gaela, a Nevelin religion that worships a large pantheon. Religious freedom does however have its limits; certain faiths have been blacklisted by the Empire for being dangerous to the government and/or the population. Many forms of so-called 'magic' are also officially banned, with the punishment being imprisonment and the destruction of their paraphernalia.

Despite a stereotype that paints the Galderans as bloodthirsty warlords, the Empire does not actively seek out conflict and will in fact try to find a diplomatic solution to disputes before resorting to violence. Nevertheless, the Galderans do maintain a very large military which is seen as the lifeblood of the nation; without it, they would not have become a superpower and would have collapsed eons ago. It is considered an honor to serve within its ranks, and to flee the draft or be dishonorably discharged is considered an act of cowardice or even treachery. Because of mandatory conscription, most everyone is a veteran and knows fellow veterans and active-duty service members. This has had an undeniable effect on the population, helping to further cement a sense of national unity while also instilling many ideals into the general population including discipline, loyalty, and comradery. Topics such as glory in war and 'honorable' combat remain largely a matter of opinion; some do not believe in such ideals and consider them foolish and self-serving whereas others live by them to their dying breath.

The final uniting thread of Galderan culture lies in its collectivist ideals. Individuals are seen as being an aspect of a larger whole, and this greater whole holds greater priority than any one member. Each member is expected to -but often not forced- to put others above themselves and to work to the benefit of the group at all costs; this includes making personal sacrifices, even if it leads to personal injury or even death. Other threads of Imperial culture, such as devotion to Syleris and the Empire's militarism, help to perpetuate this mindset. Individuality is in itself not frowned upon, but collectivism has helped enforce political and societal conservatism as outlying ideas tend to be singled out. This does sometimes have its downsides as certain groups may become 'stuck in their ways'; but like other aspects of Imperial culture, the specifics can vary planet to planet.

Families tend to be quite large, sometimes far larger than the typical nuclear family observed in other societies. Both culture and biology play a role in this phenomenon. Biologically, almost all major races within the Empire are egg-laying species and have multiple children at once, the exceptions being the Nevelin and Yin'vair. They are also naturally inclined towards forming large social groups and will thus have many family members living in close proximity to each other, if not within the same home. Having children remains a personal choice, but some see it as a duty to ensure the Empire maintains a healthy army and work force. Some planets are valued primarily for their immense population and birthrate, particularly by the military.

Deltausyleris[edit | edit source]

Deltausyleris (translated as 'Children of Syleris') is the official state religion of the Empire of Galdera. It is a monotheistic religion that follows the teachings of Syleris, the goddess who is believed to have created the universe and to have played a major role in the formation and continued prosperity of the Galderan nation. Over half of the Empire's population is said to follow Deltausyleris and its numerous sects, and the religion has played an unequaled role in steering the culture and ideals of the Galderan people. Adherents believe that Syleris has forged the Galderans into a 'divinely led' empire in an effort to rid the universe of the 'darkness' that has enveloped it.

The theology of Deltausyleris is contained within the Nolkaveka, also known as the 'Text,' and as the 'Scriptures.' The Nolkaveka is comprised of numerous books, each pertaining to a different theme and/or subject. Of these scriptures, the most well known are 'Beginnings' and the 'Book of Hymns.' Beginnings recounts the story of creation, the mortal realm's fall from grace, and the role the Arkevon are said to play in Syleris' plans for the future. The Book of Hymns is comprised of numerous songs and poems centered around worship, wisdom, and ethics. Many look to the book for guidance, and many prayers have been derived from its text. The Book of Hymns is frequently printed as its own book separate from the others and can be found on many people, especially active-duty military personnel who will often recite songs before, after, and sometimes during battle.

The most important aspect of Deltausyleris is that of Syleris' 'Divine Will.' According to Deltausyleris, the galaxy was once a perfect home for the mortal races, pure and free of blemish. For many eons, the races of the galaxy lived under Syleris' light and enjoyed unmatched prosperity. However, in time, their arrogance grew; they began to feel that they did not need Syleris, and that they should take destiny into their own hands. This was initially instigated by a largely unknown, seemingly incorporeal entity referred to only as 'corruption' and 'anarchy', which 'spoke' to those willing to listen and eventually convinced them that their arrogant beliefs were in fact correct. In the end, the pride and foolishness of the mortal races led to their own destruction and corrupted the mortal realm, bringing it to its current state of immorality, suffering, and needless bloodshed. Syleris seeks to cleanse the galaxy of this filth and bring creation back to its former glory. The conversion of the Arkevon, the formation of the Galderan Empire, and the goal of conquering the galaxy are all part of this long-term grand plan. While the Galderans intend to convert as many people as possible, they are far from unwilling to let loose Syleris' judgment when the situation calls for it, such as the destruction of the Empire of Sol.

Arrogance and complacency are both seen as some of the worst flaws of creation. While being prideful of one's work is not in itself evil, placing yourself and your achievements above others is seen as a doorway to many other evils and eventual self-destruction. Complacency is seen as negligent and careless, especially in regards to one's spiritual life; Syleris has a plan for all of her creations, and all must strive towards that destiny. This extends into one's day-to-day life; rather than sitting idly by, one must put themselves in a state of continual growth and improvement. The artisan must always work to improve their craftsmanship, the scientist must keep moving forward with their project, and the soldier must hone their skills and do all that they can to be the best soldier they can be. Complacency should not be confused with being content, which is actively encouraged among the followers of Syleris as they believe that so long as they follow the monarch's commandments and teachings that they will be fine; being content does not inevitably lead to complacency unless it is taken too far.

Adherents of Deltausyleris believe that all intelligent life possesses a soul, and it is through this that they can interact with the spiritual realm around them and have a connection to Syleris; this sets them apart from so-called artificial life such as Artificial Intelligence Constructs, which do not and cannot possess a soul. This would mean that an A.I cannot interact with the spiritual realm in any meaningful manner, but the spiritual realm can interact with and influence it without its direct knowledge. Meanwhile, clones, despite being physical copies of another being, are believed to be wholly unique beings with their own unique soul. The so-called 'health' of the soul is of crucial importance in Deltausyleris; only through Syleris can a soul be redeemed and cleansed of sin, and only through Syleris can one be protected from the corruption of the universe. Those who do not follow Syleris are 'deafened' to the spiritual realm and are essentially dead; they will not be saved from judgment.

War is seen as being necessity in order to accomplish the goal of uniting the galaxy and curing it of its corruption; though many do seek glory in battle, to seek out and instigate so-called 'needless' bloodshed is considered a major sin that will lead to serious repercussions. The empire considers most if not all of its wars to be a part of its greater conflict against the darkness of the universe. This 'war' is both spiritual and physical. Spiritual in that both Syleris and corruption fight for the hearts and souls of the galaxy and physical in that the corruption uses both unwitting and loyal pawns to attempt to slow down and defeat the Galderans, with its ultimate goal being to destroy Syleris' followers. This is in fact the primary reason that the Empire places so much emphasis on its armed forces and in Deltausyleris. Free will is ultimately still a factor, and individuals can choose whether or not they wish to believe, but to not believe is seen as a risky endeavor in a galaxy-sized battlefield.

Language[edit | edit source]

For a civilization as diverse as the Galderan Empire, effective communication is an absolutely necessity for effectiveness and cohesion. Countless languages exist in the Empire, some of which are limited to only a few planets; additionally, most of the Empire's members are unable to speak one another's languages due to biological differences. The Arkevon, for example, cannot replicate the complex clicks and chirps of the Zenura and Taervand and vice versa. Differences in body language and its interpretation only serve to further complicate matters. The government plays a major role in ensuring that communication runs smoothly in the Empire. All citizens are provided with nearly-invisible translators that are either worn in helmets or placed directly on the ear. Special glasses and contact lenses that automatically translate writing are also provided freely. The Linguistics Department of the National Government was formed specifically to translate languages and add them to the translator's databases. This database is far larger than most others, and contains a large number of foreign languages, including the languages of the Repzork.

Regardless of active translation, the Empire does still possess a lingua franca: Kyrgalon, the most frequently-spoken language of the Arkevon. This language is utilized within the National Government and very frequently in the military. As a result, the vast majority of Imperial citizens are at the very least bilingual, knowing their native tongue as well as being able to write and understand Kyrgalon even if they cannot properly speak it. Being willing to learn and speak new languages without the need of a translator is still seen as a necessary skill in certain professions, particularly in the field of diplomacy, where it is viewed as a gesture of respect to learn another culture's language. Certain species are better at understanding each other than others, and thus diplomats from all nations are highly desired. For example, Arkevon linguist primarily communicate with other reptilians whereas Nevelin typically speak to mammalian species.

Architecture[edit | edit source]

Galderan civilian architecture tends to not follow any one specific style and instead incorporates ideas from all of the empire's various cultures. Military designs are much more standardized and tend to make heavy use of geometric shapes, sloped plating, and religious symbolism, particularly in its use of the triangle, a common symbol used to represent Deltausyleris as a whole. Common colors include shades of red, silver, gray, and black, but infantry armor can be a wide array of colors as it is often used to signify a soldier's rank and/or role. Some slight exceptions to standard military design do exist, particularly for equipment constructed for a specific species' anatomy, such as the Zenura, who tend to utilize more rounded designs. Firearms can range from big and bulky to small and rounded.

Economy[edit | edit source]

The currency of choice for the Galderans is the Alro, which exist in both a physical and digital format. Physical bills are made of a special type of plastic and have many intricate patterns and colors built into to them, making them difficult for the average counterfeiter to fake. The bills often include religious and historical icons on them, such as Syleris, mythological and historical heroes, and various landmarks. Alro bills are minted based on an octal number system, thus the values are 1, 4, 10(equivalent to 8 in base 10 systems), 20, 40, and 80(100). Coins are minted in 10, 24, 40, and 100. One cent coins have never been minted.

Technology[edit | edit source]

While some examples of Galderan technology may appear to be simplistic or even crude on the surface, as a whole, the empire actually possesses very sophisticated technology. This is the result of centuries of cooperation between the empire's members and its allies, conflict with other nations, and the reverse-engineering of alien artifacts. The empire has shown a fierce determination in acquiring technology, such as their efforts to capture the Ulkathi installations in Valdar territory. A surge of technological progress occurred during and following the Galderan-Naelkvan War and is currently underway following the integration of the Zhagavian Republic, albeit to a lesser extent.

Though it is by no means common, the empire does impose certain limits on particular technological fields that prevent them from being more actively pursued. Most notably, clones of sapient beings are outright banned; creating a clone specifically for laborious or military-related task is seen as being enslavement, and the government would much rather see children be adopted into willing families rather than have 'their spot' claimed by a clone. The empire, despite its own extensive use of Augmentation technology, has also shown some reservations regarding the philosophies surrounding bionics. Whereas many outsiders see augments as the end goal to reaching the 'peak' of their evolution and achieving immortality, the Galderans tend to see Bionics as a tool, a means to an end so that one may be able to better serve their community and Syleris. They are not seen as a necessity besides in medical emergencies. Some have expressed concerns that bionic idealist may be seeing augments as their own sort of god rather than putting their true creator first.

Gravity Manipulation Engines (GMEs)[edit | edit source]

Gravity Manipulation Engine (GME) is an umbrella term for a family of devices first built around in 503 AF. Before the development of GMEs, the Galderans had the ability to produce artificial gravity fields, but they lacked the means to to disable or manipulate gravity in any way. As well, such devices were quite large and could only be installed in bases and space-faring vessels. GMEs resolved all of these issues. They are smaller and more efficient than their predecessors. They can also modify the gravity around them, making it heavier, lighter, or outright negating it, which jump-started the development of anti-gravity technology, particularly hover engines. Certain GMEs can also 'shield' objects from the affects of gravity entirely, greatly reducing their weight and making them considerably easier to move. In modern times, GMEs can be found everywhere in both the public sphere and in the military.

The Galderans have also made strides towards weaponizing gravity. Referring to them as Gravity Manipulation Weapons, or GMWs, these research programs seek to fulfill various battlefield roles. Existing GMWs include melee weapons which utilize gravity to exponentially increase their striking power, making them capable of effortlessly shattering bones or flinging opponents across a room. Plans also exist for gravity bombs which crush all nearby objects without an explosion as well as a beam weapon which can forcible move or immobilize objects ranging from individuals to starships, but these are still in development.

Transportation[edit | edit source]

Space Travel[edit | edit source]

Space travel is achieved via the Sheldva-Kusori Jump Drive, an advanced form of Faster-Than-Light travel that bends space between the vessel its destination, dramatically reducing the travel time compared to older models, which simply accelerated a vessel to FTL speeds. Kusori drives allow a vessel to jump system-to-system in rapid secession, though they do need a very short period of time to recharge and cool down between each jump. With the help of the Zhagavian Republic, the Galderans have also begun to utilize Warpgates, portals which allow the user to travel between two locations. These gates can be connected to a network where each gate has a distinct set of coordinates, allowing a warpgate to connect to any other warpgate so long as it has the proper coordinates. For example, a warpgate on Kovas that connected to a gate on the the planet's moon could instead be redirected to the Citadel. Multiple warpgates can be connected to a single gate, but that one gate can only lead to one destination.

Warpgate travel, while significantly faster than standard FTL engines, is not instantaneous. The further away two gates are, the more time it takes for the user to reach their destination. Transit between cities on a planet takes only a few seconds, but it can take a few minutes to move between planets within a system, for example. But, this delay is only visible to those outside of the gate; to the one in transit, travel seems instantaneous even though it is not. The fact that Warpgates have travel time also produces a very unfortunate defect in that if one of the two gates is disabled, whatever was in transit is effectively 'deleted' from existence and is never seen again. This has led to some very extreme safety regulations so as to prevent gates from malfunctioning.

Public and business transportation between colonies is handled by the System Rail Network, or SRN. The SRN is a series of 'hubs' built in each star system where starships can come and go from one system to another. These hubs are generally located within a planet's orbit, and can be reached via one or more space elevators. Depending on how developed the colony is, hubs are usually either quite small or very large; the bigger they are, they more ships the hub can handle at once. Ships utilizing the SRN travel along predetermined, invisible 'star lanes' that connect one colony to another. These 'lanes' are determined by a few factors, such as distance, fuel consumption, and potential hazards. There are two different 'levels' of the System Rail Network; the first of these is the Public Network, which is utilized to move citizens and their belongings. The second layer is the Commerce Network, which is used exclusively for hauling raw materials, products, and other trade goods. Movement outside of the determined lanes of the SRN is strictly prohibited, and offenders can face fines, or if offenses continue, jail time and the revoking of their license. The military is not bound by the SRN, and possesses much more freedom in where it can go.

The System Rail Network is heavily defended. Fully-armed military personnel regularly patrol the hubs and transit vessels alongside disguised officers and remote-controlled drones. Combat vessels and fighters also stand guard in the event of an attack, and the hubs themselves are fitted with various hidden traps, turret emplacements, and armories for security forces.

Terrestrial Travel[edit | edit source]

An archived image of the Ilindov Mechanized Combat Walker, the very first armored walker.

Public transit within developed cities is handled almost exclusively by privately-owned mass transportation companies. Cities possess well-developed subway networks that connect to other nearby cities, airlines, buses, and other forms of mass transit. Armed guards are present in every form of transit in order to protect passengers and cargo. These guards originate either from the C.D.F or may be private security forces that have been hired by the business and approved by the local government. Personal transportation such as cars, bicycles, and motor-bikes are also readily available, though they are far more common in less-developed settlements. Cars and other motor vehicles are normally fitted with wheels, though models which utilize either treads or hover technology can also be purchased, albeit hover vehicles require specialized courses in driving and maintenance and are considerably more expensive. Civilians can also acquire personal spacecraft, but they are both expensive and require a significant amount of training. Most citizens would much rather utilize the SRN and consider personal craft to be an unnecessary expenditure.

The majority of terrestrial military vehicles utilize either hover technology or legs; with a small list of exceptions, treads and wheels have been almost entirely phased out. This trend began with the development of the Gravity Manipulation Engine and was accelerated by the induction of the Zenura, whose engineering made walkers and battlesuits a staple of the military. The few cases where treads are still utilized include when a vehicle's armor is too heavy and/or a weapon produces too much recoil for a would-be suitable GME to handle and treads prove to be more pragmatic than legs. A notable example of this is the Helkarak Self-Propelled Artillery.

Aircraft are similarly fitted with hover engines capable of traveling at the same speeds as a typical jet engine and are designed to operate both in an atmosphere as well as in space. Starships, up to and including capital ships, have been fitted with several large anti-gravity engines that allow them to enter a planet's atmosphere without immediately crashing into the ground.

Artificial Intelligence[edit | edit source]

Artificial Intelligence constructs were made possible through the Intelligence Processor (IP), an evolution of microprocessors. Available in hundreds of formats, Intelligence-Processors are purpose-built to fulfill a very wide variety of task. A.I is split into two categories: Simple (or mono) A.Is, and complex A.Is. Simple A.Is are built to fulfill one or more specific tasks. These can include charting a path for space exploration, controlling a city's maintenance drones, diagnosing illnesses, and performing the myriad of tasks which keep power armor and battlesuits functional. Mono A.Is possess only as much intelligence, though capacity, and adaptability as is required for their task. A Simple A.I designed to diagnose a disease would be incapable of comprehending other tasks.

Complex A.Is are capable of performing a wide array of tasks and can think, behave, and learn like a living organism, with the potential for possessing free will. While Simple A.Is are common and widely accepted, Complex A.Is are relatively uncommon, and remain a controversial subject. Some view them as a waste of resources whereas others fear that a Complex A.I may go rogue and attempt to overthrow its creators. In an effort to prevent this possibility, the Senate has enforced regulations that require various fail-safe protocols be installed into every Complex A.I. Supporters point out that a Complex A.I can perform tasks that a Mono A.I cannot, such as acting as a therapist and providing soldiers with company by inhabiting their armor (as well as performing better than a standard armor A.I). Though this tends to lead to the debate of how 'alive' a Complex A.I is; this debate is particularly prevalent among the religious, as Complex A.Is cannot, by definition, possess a soul, which they believe is the key to life.

Robotics[edit | edit source]

Robots have become a cornerstone of Galderan society; without them, the empire would not be able to function like it does now. This is due largely to the so-called 'Autonomous Revolution', which is widely considered to be one of the most significant technological developments in the empire's history. During this period, developments in robotics and A.I allowed autonomous machines to either partly or completely take over a large number of occupations which were once held by individuals. Examples include mining and construction. Initially, this had a negative impact on the economy as many were forced out of work. But in time, the economy adapted and rebounded, and it became stronger than it was before. With many physically-intensive and menial jobs now taken care of by machines, many were able to look for other, potentially more fulfilling and beneficial occupations. Others either managed to find a new position in their current job, such as that of a drone operator or a robotics maintenance worker, or they retained their position as robots were simply not capable of replacing them either due to the cost or the nature of the job. But while a great deal of labor has been automated, robots (and by extension, A.I constructs in general) are not allowed to work on their own. There is always someone nearby who can manually take over if a machine fails.

Perhaps no institution has benefited more from the Autonomous Revolution than the armed forces. Both on and off the field of battle, the effects of the revolution can be seen almost everywhere. Not only is modern automated construction considerably less labor-intensive, it is significantly faster than methods utilized before. In a single day, trillions of small arms are produced in the numerous factories and industrial words scattered across the empire that help to keep the war machine running smoothly. Robots fulfill a number of battlefield roles, such as bomb disposal, construction, reconnaissance, infantry support, and as mobile bombs. Such robots are often remote-controlled, but are occasionally semi-autonomous, with user interaction only occurring when necessary. Such machines have not, however, replaced the role served by soldiers or other personnel. This is due to a distrust of robots being allowed to fulfill such important roles as well as robots simply being considered to be inferior to organic beings. Most combat robots are built to be cheap and expendable.

Cybernetic Augmentations[edit | edit source]

Bionics and cybernetics have become a staple in the empire. With modern technology, a mechanical replacement for an organ or limb can easily be built and fitted onto an individual, rendering many once-crippling injuries and conditions a non-issue. These augments are oftentimes superior to their organic counterparts, boasting a longer lifespan and being less likely to break or fail. Certain augmentations can extend one's lifespan by up to several decades, a trend that has only increased as augments continue to improve. Bionics are available to the public for a relatively low price, and in the event of a medical emergency, are provided for free. The military uses their own augments that are more expensive but are built for the rigors of combat.

Cybernetics have had a notable impact on the empire's cultural. In some areas, bionics have essentially phased out the use of organic replacement parts. Some workers augment themselves so that they can work harder for longer periods of time without tiring. Soldiers will usually opt for mechanical replacements rather than organic parts for the sake of time and efficiency; others wear augments as a badge of honor to show what they have 'sacrificed; for the empire and/or to show solidarity with the bionics community as a whole. Many individuals have become increasingly interested in the idea of achieving immortality with the use of bionics, though currently this is not possible.

The latest developments in bionics have been spurred by Project Orsaron, a military program to create neigh-immortal supersoldiers by transferring a person's brain into a robotic body referred to as 'shells'. Shells come in various shapes and sizes; baseline models are general-purpose and tend to mimic the form of the empire's member races whereas other models will take on more specialized roles and unique design. Regardless of their role, Orsaron soldiers are faster, stronger, and more durable than their organic counterparts. Typically, these units are visually indistinguishable from actual robots, though a few Orsaron have covered their augments with synthetic skin. Orsaron has resulted in many advancements in augmentation technology, some of which have already made their way into the rest of the military and the general public. Since Orsaron's reveal, the program has also spurred a small but growing movement of individuals who will spend large sums of money to replace as much of their organic body with augmentations as possible.

Augmentations are not without their own history of opposition from certain groups and organizations both of secular and religious origins. Some fear augmented people, fearing that they may one day see themselves as superior beings and attempt to destroy, enslave, or forcefully assimilate their organic brethren. Others see them as an affront to god and/or to one's purity; to remove a part of oneself and replace it with what is referred to as 'false flesh' is believed to corrupt their spirit. Even within the military, some units are fiercely opposed to augmentations outside of absolute necessity. These views are particularly common among the Taervand, though most do tolerate those who possess augments. Some, such as certain Zenura, oppose augments due to pride, despite the irony of the whole of Zenuran civilization being possible due to their mastery of engineering. To them, the Zenura were able to rise above the hardships of their world despite their physical inferiority; as such, while they may utilize the machines they create, they continue to wear their flesh-and-blood bodies.

Opposition to augmentation often tomes in the form of peaceful protest around locations well-known for researching them or offering them to the public. Senators from certain planets have also tried to either slow down the trend or even make them outright illegal within their colonies; such attempts have never been successful, and have often been met with strong rebuke from the rest of the Senate and the rest of the empire. A few extremist groups take it a step further and attack those with augments as well as bombing the locations which offer them. As a result, facilities relating to augments are well-protected with armed guards and drones.

Galderan Armed Forces[edit | edit source]

The Galderan Armed Forces (GAF) is the military arm of the Galderan government. It is comprised of countless individuals from across the empire's many member states. Its headquarters is at an undisclosed location referred to only as the 'Citadel.' The Xelva, or supreme commander, is the official leader of the GAF and is the ultimate authority in both policy-making decisions and commanding troops; only the empress can override them. Alongside the Xelva is the Valxelva, who acts as a lieutenant and will replace the Xelva once they retire or die. Each member race is administered by a Noxelva with the exception of the Arkevon, who are managed directly by the Xelva.

The GAF is split into four service branches: the Army, Navy, Her Majesty's Special Forces, and the Arnan Guard, a small, elite branch that protects the royal family and enacts their will. Each branch is divided into corps, which are further split into divisions. Each branch is directed by an Aldalta, whose primary goal is managing the organization and logistics of their respective branch. Corps and division leaders are known a Kuldalta and Yildalta, respectively. Together with the Xelva, Valxelva, and Noxelva, these individuals form the basis of Imperial High Command.

Service in the GAF is mandatory for all able-bodied men and women once they graduate from compulsory education. They must serve for a minimum of two years unless they are grievously wounded, in which case they can be honorably discharged. The conscription period can be lengthened in the event of a national emergency. Once the mandatory period has ended, a soldier has the right to either continue serving or return home. The government can conscript them once again at any time.

While the GAF has national standards on equipment and training that all colonies must follow, planets are allowed some leeway that has led to some worlds specialized their troops towards certain types of combat and the use of particular weapons. With this also comes unique viewpoints and traditions among various armies. This often does not cause problems, but it has occasionally sparked tensions between drastically different army units.

Organization[edit | edit source]

Service Branches[edit | edit source]

The Imperial military is divided into a multitude of divisions that differ in training, strategy, purpose, and coloration. Each division works together on the battlefield to ensure victory for the Empire. Due to the specialization, some of the divisions largely incapable of working alone unless under perfect circumstances. If, for example, there was no space division, it would be neigh impossible to achieve orbital superiority and any ground force would be instantly wiped out.

The service branches are: the Imperial Army, the Navy, Her Majesty's Special Forces, and the Ascendant's Guard.

Imperial Army[edit | edit source]

Alternative Name: Crimson Hammer

Current Aldalta: Avala Uroso

Often referred to as the 'sledgehammer' of the Imperial military, the Crimson Hammer encompasses the bulk of the empire's planetary combat forces and is by far the largest division to currently exist. Comprised of trillions of soldiers from the various member races and billions of armored units such as walkers and tanks, the Hammer's epitomizes the Empire's offensive doctrines of overwhelming firepower, heavy armor, and attrition to crush the enemy. Due to the wide array of opponents and environments that the members of the Hammer face, most of the equipment that the division utilizes comes to them standard-issue, and is only modified either by individual regiments or when a specific situation calls for it.

The Crimson Hammer was among the first three divisions created shortly after the unification of the Arkevan species, the other two being Zenith and Steel Bulwark. They inherited most of the Empire's planetary combat forces at the time, and continue to do so in the present era. In the five hundred years since, their role on the battlefield has gone unchanged, as has their ferocity and perseverance. Time and time again the Hammer has shown its willingness to go against horrible odds to secure victory for the Empire. This is due in part to the influences of the various warrior cultures that permeate through the Empire as well as a zealous dedication to the Goddess that many uphold. Their combat effectiveness and staunch attachment to traditions have made the Crimson Hammer a symbol for the military and Galderan society as a whole.

The current Aldalta of the Crimson Hammer is a woman named Avala Uroso. Like many before her, she has worked hard to maintain the status quo the division has had over the centuries; on the other hand, she has been more welcoming to new technology than a number of her predecessors. Many assume this is because of her life-sustaining robotic augmentations. She is bold and blunt, and has been known to get into heated debates with her fellow Aldalta. Despite this, she remains in good terms with most of them, save for Naroveg, the Aldalta of Vahlsrod's Maw, whom she views as a group of 'cowards hiding behind walls waiting for someone to do the work for them.'

The Crimson Hammer works well with most of the other divisions. Many admire the efforts of both Zenith and the Steel Bulwark, rightfully claiming that the Hammer wouldn't survive without them. A strong, though often peaceful, rivalry exist between the Hammer and Vahlsrod's Maw, the division dedicated to biological warfare and sieges. Both are often at odds at who performs better on the battlefield, with some Maw members claiming superiority whereas members of the Hammer claim the Maw have no true honor nor do any hard work.

Marines[edit | edit source]
Home Guard[edit | edit source]

Alternative Name: Steel Bulwark

Current Aldalta: Uolith Zavek

If the Crimson Hammer is the sledgehammer of the Empire, then the soldiers of Steel Bulwark are no doubt its shield. While the Hammer focuses on attacking and invading, Steel Bulwark emphasizes defending and providing support to allied forces. The Bulwark's main goal has remained the same since it's creation: to defend the mainland against alien attack. The Bulwark is responsible for building the vast majority of garrisons and bases across the empire, earning them the reputation as the military's architects; likewise, they play a major role in the design of civilian cities as they help to make them more defensible. Much of the division remains stationed within the empire's territory, constantly on watch against invasion.

As mentioned before, the Bulwark also provide an immense level of support to allied forces during offensives. While the main attack force faces the enemy head-on, the Bulwark stays behind and builds fortifications to provide a safe landing zone and relentlessly bombards the enemy with artillery. Their infantry, -some of the most well-armored in the military- act as armored bulwarks armed with powerful weapons meant to suppress infantry and eliminate armored units. Once a planet has been conquered, a contingency of Bulwark troops will be left behind so as to fortify the planet and secure Imperial dominance.

When it was initially created, Steel Bulwark was an exclusively defensive division. It played next to no role during an active conflict aside from defending territory and securing already-captured land. The shift away from a purely-defensive role was a gradual process, initially beginning with the division's heavily armored infantry being deployed alongside Hammer forces. The construction of fortifications to secure a back line was initially a task that belonged to the Crimson Hammer, but the Bulwark began taking over the role when they proved more effective, faster, and less draining on the Hammer's resources. The Bulwark proved its mettle during the war with the Naelkva, where their fortifications would play a role in slowing the Naelkva's offensive and, even if the Naelkva did manage to break through, make the attackers suffer severe casualties in doing so. The Bulwark was also involved in the ensuing counteroffensive, and helped to chase the Naelkva back into their own territory.

The Aldalta of Steel Bulwark is Uolith Zavek, an aged commander who hails from a well-respected Lekon family. He has worked to strike a balance between the division's offensive prowess while still having enough troops to protect the mainland, a task he has thus far been successful at. Among the Aldalta, he often acts as a mediator, helping to calm down any contentions, especially between Vahlsrod's Maw and the Crimson Hammer. He is known for being rather rough towards Zenith over matters of defense.

Among the rank-and-file, Bulwark troops get along fairly well with the other divisions, especially the Crimson Hammer. Due to all divisions relying on them in some way, their is a unspoken rule against complaining about them when members of the Bulwark are around. More often than not, the contentions of the Bulwark are internal rather than external; its 'culture' has been shaken a number of times. The first major change was the combining of the Bulwark with the now-defunct naval division, another was the separation of Bulwark and what would become Vahlsrod's Maw.

Bio/Chemical Warfare Unit[edit | edit source]

Alternative Name: Vahlsrod's Maw

Current Aldalta: Naroveg Seret

Known also as "The Maw," Vahlsrod's Maw is a specialist planetary combat division dedicated to biological and chemical warfare. Currently, it is the youngest of the divisions, being formed in 390 AU. The Maw often sees action in fronts where traditional tactics have failed or the enemy is too entrenched. Their fighting style is much like that of a siege, they use their troops and toxic gasses to back the enemy into a corner and then relentless besiege them with artillery strikes and biological attacks until the enemy surrenders or is too weak to effectively fight. By the end of a battle with the Maw, the land has often been rendered into an inhospitable, toxic wasteland that can take years to repair. Out of all divisions, the Maw has the most equipment that is made specifically for themselves. This extreme specialization makes it largely useless outside of the division, but makes their own assaults all the more devastating.

To outsiders fighting the Maw, it would often seem as if many troops within Vahlsrod's Maw do not speak at all while fighting, earning them such nicknames as the "silent death." There is some truth to this; due to how some helmets work, soldiers cannot speak without exposing themselves to toxic chemicals, necessitating that they do not open their mouth. As a result, Maw helmets are almost always pressure-sealed, making it more difficult to speak loudly due as the helmet becoming akin to a muzzle. Maw soldiers are capable of speaking and communicating, but due to the helmet being sealed, it is quiet and muffled. To help compensate, the Maw has developed a complex systems of sigh language to assist in communication. The same holds true for the forces of Zenith, but in their case they only pressure-seal their helmets when in zero-atmosphere environments, and keep their helmets unsealed anywhere else.

When it initially formed, Vahlsrod's Maw wasn't a division; it began as a large regiment within Steel Bulwark. It's commander, Halkis Nelro, created it as an 'experiment' to gauge the effectiveness of a purely-offensive regiment of Steel Bulwark troops. In time, the regiment grew to be highly successful and quite large, but also had difficulties working with its own division, let alone the others, due to the specialized nature of their work. 47 years after the regiment first formed, the Xelva and Emperor at the time decided in the drastic action of reforming the regiment into its own military division. Most were shocked by the decision, unsure if it would be successful or able to find its place among the already-existing divisions.

After a number of years spent organizing and building up its numbers, Vahlsrod's Maw was deployed to the battlefield. Those who doubted whether it would work were quickly silenced as the division quickly proved its worth by crushing any resistance it came across. They would soon see action against the Naelkva, who were unprepared for the sudden change in tactics and equipment employed by the division. The Naelkva, though they dealt a harsh blow against the new organization, would suffer horrendous casualties anytime they fought them. Since then, the division has grown exponentially, and is just as respected as the others.

Naroveg Sevet is the second Aldalta in the division's young history. Raised by parents who were high-ranking officers within the Neivelin Inquisition, Naroveg is known for being zealous and suspicious of his fellow Aldalta. He often harasses Qralsek over her atheism and questions the faith of those he works with. He also has a feud with Avala, though this is over philosophical differences regarding how war should be fought. Regardless, he is still a competent commander, and works hard to improve and grow the Maw.

The Maw gets along best with Steel Bulwark, from whom the Maw gets most of their members. The Maw also has good relations with the Eyes of the Goddess, who often assist their operations on the battlefield to great effect. Similarly, they view Zenith the same way. As mentioned earlier, the Maw and the Crimson Hammer do not see eye-to-eye. Some members of the Maw see themselves as superior to the Hammers and believe that the Maw will eventually take the Hammer's place.

Navy[edit | edit source]

Alternative Name: Zenith

Current Aldalta: Qralsek Daloto

The Zenith Division is made up of the modern naval and aerial forces of the military; save for a few small exceptions, they encompass the whole of the empire's military fleets. Many consider Zenith to be one of, if not the, most important division in the military in the current age. The division is responsible for transporting the armies of planetary combat divisions such as Crimson Hammer and the Steel Bulwark to and fro the battlefield and within the empire, as well as keeping them supplied. On the offensive, they wrest control of orbit from the enemy, supporting their allies with bombardments. Finally, they share a role with the Steel Bulwark in defending the mainland against attack. Therefore, many believe that without Zenith, the military would rapidly collapse upon itself.

Compared to the other two divisions, Zenith had a slow start when it was founded. It was the smallest of the divisions and at first had to produce many of its ships on a planet, limiting the size in which they could be made and making them more difficult to build. It would be several years before large starports specifically for the construction of combat vessels would be built. Once this was accomplished, Zenith accelerated in size due to more vessels and needing more troops to man them. In modern times, Zenith is the third largest division, just behind Steel Bulwark.

Qralsek Daloto is the current commander of Zenith. A somewhat controversial figure due to being one of the few atheistic Aldaltas in history, a fact that has earned her the ire of particularly zealous individuals, Qralsek has worked hard to maintain her position and refuses the let her beliefs get in the way of her work. She is considered to be one of the more cooperative and cool-headed of the Aldalta, and is known friends with Uolith of the Bulwark.

Zenith view the Steel Bulwark as equals to them. They both rely on each other to some extent; Steel Bulwark helps construct shipyards and orbital stations while Zenith keeps the skies clean. They also like Crimson Hammer since the two also work together quite often. The work of the Eyes of the Goddess are appreciated, but like with Crimson Hammer, can end up overlooked by lower ranking infantry.

Armada[edit | edit source]
Infantry[edit | edit source]
Xeno-Artifact Recovery[edit | edit source]
Her Majesty's Special Forces[edit | edit source]

Alternative Name: Eyes of the Goddess

Current Aldalta: Nesaty Veral

The Eyes of the Goddess, simply referred to as the Eyes, are the special-operations forces of the military. They deal with all operations that cannot be solved by traditional military means, such as assassinations and intelligence gathering. They are also called in to alleviate highly dangerous or delicate situations. Aside from Vahlsrod's Maw, the Eyes have the most variety when it comes to equipment and task. Infantry within the division are segregated into specific roles and task. For example, the Ilvera handle situations involving stealth while the far less subtle Halrog Commandos operate with situations requiring more firepower. The Eyes are not just used against alien civilizations, they are also used within the Empire as a secret police force, ratting out dissenters and getting rid of them before they become problems.

The Eyes of the Goddess was created about four years after the three divisions were formed. Beforehand, each of the three divisions had their own regiments dedicated to special operations. However, this resulted in numerous problems. Firstly, loyalty issues arose, with some squads having difficulties cooperating due to division rivalries. Secondly, distribution of agents and their numbers became problematic; Crimson Hammer had more operatives than the others put together, resulting in most operatives operating outside of the empire, leaving few to monitor the interior to root out dissent. Three different spec-ops corps also resulted in communication problems between them, which became especially evident when rivalries arose. To resolve the issue before it got out of hand, the Xelva at the time dissolved all spec-ops forces and reformed them under one division, the Eyes of the Goddess. The move was highly successful, as the issues that previously existed either vanished with time or were diminished enough so as to not be a major issue.

The Aldalta of the Eyes of the Goddess, Nesaty Veral, is a quiet, reclusive individual. Records indicate that she worked as an Ilvera in the past before moving up to her current position, though her accomplishments have been kept hidden from the public eye. Many believe that Nesaty may not be her actual name, and may instead be a pseudonym. She doesn't talk about her personal life around others, instead focusing solely on her work. The other Aldalta are weary of her, unsure of her motivations and paranoid about being spied on.

The Eyes don't openly have any unified view or rivalry towards the other Divisions, but they do tend to view them with suspicion. The Eyes are well known for planting disguised members into the other divisions to root out dissent, or using an insider as an undercover agent. The frequency and success rate of such operations have never been disclosed, but enough individuals have disappeared to make many paranoid. Those who alert the division to possible acts of treason are well-rewarded if their leads lead somewhere, with some whistle blowers being offered a position within the division.

Ascendant's Guard[edit | edit source]

Current Aldalta: 'Kavras'

By far the smallest division, the Ascendant's Guard is tasked with ensuring the continued safety and protection of the royal family. The headquarters of the division, as well as the location of all of its forces, is in one spot; Galderis Fortress, the royal palace located in the capital city on Kovas. The guard is split into two separate groups: the low guard, who have no other official name, and the high guard, also known as the Arnan. The first sub-group, which visually resemble yellow-colored Elsekt with extra armor plating, protect the exterior of the fortress and the area surrounding it. These 'lesser guards' are often those who made it to training to become Arnan but ultimately failed. These individuals do not enter the fortress nor directly protect the royals. The task of defending the fortress and acting as the family's personal guard falls on the Arnan, or high guards.

Very little is known about the history of the Arnan Guard. It is known that the contemporary form of the Guard first appeared shortly before space colonization began and around the time the old guard vanished, which implies that the old guard was either phased out, replaced, or was reformed by the emperor of the time. Likewise, how it came to be a military division is a mystery to the public, and what led up to it has been a closely guarded secret. This has led some to form conspiracy theories, but most believe that the act was done simply to keep it in line with the military, and that the move was kept under the rug due the the organization being secretive in general. Much like the organization itself, its members are just as elusive. Any attempt to find records on guard members proves futile as the records have been purged from the public eye.

The Aldalta of the Ascendant's Guard is a mysterious figure who goes only by the code name 'Kavras.' The personal bodyguard of the Emperor, they rarely visit the other Aldalta, and are only sent to act as a representative. Besides that, nothing is known about them. Any records regarding the individual have either been stored away or destroyed, making it impossible to trace them. Their presence in meetings with the other Aldaltas frequently results in an uncomfortable silence to fall in the room as everyone else is too unnerved to say anything unless they are directly addressed.

The Arnan view everyone the same way: lesser individuals who are not to be trusted until the emperor says otherwise. They trust no one, and will not hesitate to use deadly force if it is deemed necessary. Their emperor-given authority cannot be challenged by anyone once someone is within their jurisdiction, even the Xelva must follow their directions. The only ones except from these rules are the royal family and anyone the emperor deems trustworthy.

The colors of the Arnan are the same used by the royal family. This is to show their position and to make their authority as the Emperor's chosen guards clear.

Command Hierarchy[edit | edit source]

Imperial Army Enlisted and Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks[edit | edit source]

The Imperial Army Ranking System (IARS) is the ranking system utilized by all planetary combat forces; this includes all soldiers within the Army of the Imperium, the Home Guard, and Bio/Chemical Marines. The speed in which someone is promoted in the IARS is dependent on a number of factors, including their combat effectiveness, intelligence, leadership skills, and time served.

[[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]]
Nakvor Nokor Qror Aldn Yinvn Vexn Soldoro Noldoro Olsoro Valralta
  • Nakvor

Nakvor is the lowest rank in the Imperial Army and is acquired as soon as an individual completes Basic Combat Training. Nakvor are often armed with the basic weapons of the Imperial arsenal, such as rifles and shotguns; they also have clearance for driving smaller vehicles, but not larger ones such as tanks and walkers.

  • Nokor

The Nokor is the next step up from the Nakvor and is generally reached after an individual has served on a few tours. They are in many ways similar to the Nakvor, though unlike their lower-ranking brethren, the Nokor have clearance to use some of the Empire's stronger weaponry, such as LMGs and rocket launchers. As a result, many Nokor have more specialized roles within a squad.

  • Qror

The rank of Qror is reserved either for soldiers who have served for at least two years or have shown higher-than-average competence with equipment and weaponry during training. Individuals at this rank have unrestricted access to all but the most exotic and experimental weapons of the military's arsenal and can serve in more technical positions, such as vehicle crewman and logistics officers. They are also allowed to utilize battlesuits. Though they are not considered NCOs, Qrors are sometimes assigned a small team of two or three lower ranking personnel.

  • Aldn

The Aldrn is the starting level for non-commissioned officers in the Imperial Army. To achieve this rank, soldiers must serve for at least three years, pass through advanced training, and express competent leadership skills. On the field, Aldn command sub-groups of a squad, with either a few personnel or up to half of the squad under their command depending on the scenario. They also have the clearance and training to drive heavy units such as tanks. Off the field, they assist their squad leader in running the squad by assisting in training and helping them to maintain their equipment. Aldn equipment is no different from their lesser counterparts.

  • Yinvn

The Yinvn are arguably one of the most important positions among the non-commissioned officers; this is because the Yinvn command squads, which form the foundation for all unit formations that follow it. Depending on the situation and race they originate from, Yinvn can manage anywhere from four to fourteen soldiers, as well as their assigned vehicles. To make them readily recognizable, Yinvn armor is the color of a service branch's chosen elite color; some regiments also grant them altered armor designs as well. Many Yinvn, particularly those originating from the more nationalistic regiments, possess banners mounted on their back to inspire troop and raise their morale. While these almost always displays the Empire's official emblem, a few examples of more specific banners, such as the Nevelin flag, also exist.

  • Vexn

NCOs with around fifteen years of experience will usually be promoted to the rank of Vexn. Vexn often have two or more squads under their command and act as tactical and logistics advisors to platoon commanders (who are Commissioned Officers rather than NCOs). In terms of equipment, Vexn are very similar to their Yinvrn counterparts, with the exception that most Vexn (as well as the ranks above it) do not wear banners on their back.

  • Soldoro

Soldoro are the primary NCOs at the company level. They perform many of the same duties as the Vexn, but simply have a larger sphere of influence at least five to ten years more experience.

  • Nolvoro

Nolvoro are the chief NCOs at the battalion level. Though again performing similar duties to Vexn, the Nolvoro is considered particularly important (like the Yinvn) due to the fact that a battalion is the smallest army unit that can perform independent operations. As such, Nolvoro have ten to fifteen years more experience than their lesser. Much of their time is spent personally inspecting the companies, platoons, and squads to make sure they are up to army standards. Nolvoro are often the superior officers at outpost and small bases when a CO is not present.

  • Olsoro

Olsoro are the highest ranking Imperial Army NCOs that serve on the battlefield. They also perform similar duties to the Nolvoro and Soldoro, but again have a larger sphere of influence and more responsibilities. They act as senior advisors to the battalion commanders and often have Nolvoro report to them to receive a status on their forces. Olsoro can also be given command of large military installations; likewise, they may also be in command of extremely large ground vehicles such as superheavy walkers. Olsoro armor is a darker shade of a branch's elite color than those below him, usually the same color as his or her superior officer.

  • Valralta

The rank of Valralta is the most senior NCO position one can obtain in the Imperial Army. Valralta act as advisors and assistants to a service branch's Aldalta, relaying matters and concerns that relate to the general infantry of the Imperial Military to help in the policy-making process. They are also sent to act as an Aldalta's stand-in and are used to both inspect troops and relay orders from the higher tiers of command. As they do not participate in combat, Valraltan equipment is often more ceremonial than it is practical, with head-dresses, robes, and other embellishments being fairly common. In the past, there used to only be three Valralta at any one time; one for each service branch. The vast size of the Empire, as well as the addition of member races, has necessitated the need for more. As such, there are numerous Valralta currently serving, with one working in every majorly-populated sector of Imperial space.

Navy Enlisted and Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks[edit | edit source]

The Imperial Navy Ranking System (INRS) is very similar to the IARS, with the exception of it applying to all forces within the Imperial Armada rather than planetary combat forces.

[[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]]
Halkr Drenr Valnr Hinsi Zinvi Linvi Orovov Zharsov Charsov Valralta
  • Halkr

The Halkr are at the bottom of the latter in the Imperial Armada. Unlike the Nakvor of the Imperial Army, the Halkr do not participate in direct combat very often. More often than not, the Halkr act as guards for the vessels they reside in. They seldom take part in boarding operations and do not have the training or clearance for piloting vessels.

  • Drenr

Drenr are the next step up from Halkr. They form the bulk of the Imperial Armada's offensive infantry force, being deployed on ship-boarding operations and assaulting other space-bound installations. Other Drenr, more attuned towards engineering than for combat, act as technicians and engineers on their vessels; however, they often lack the specialized knowledge necessary to operate the more advanced systems of the vessel and are relegated to simpler task until they are deemed ready to begin advanced training. Though technicians seldom take place in boarding operations, they are still fully capable of fighting and often help defend the vessel during an attack. The majority of pilots also begin at the rank of Drenr, and can be seen piloting fighters, bombers, dropships, and other small aircraft.

  • Valnr

The Valnr are the Armada's equivalent of the Qror. Many Valnr go through an advanced engineering class to further their education of how to operate and maintain starships; as a result, many Valnr can be seen working on the more advanced and technical portions of the vessel. On the field, they can utilize many weapons and can lead a small team of individuals. Similarly, Valnr pilots can command up to two other vessels.

  • Hinsi

Hinsi, like Yinvi, command sub-portions of an infantry squad or a portion of an aerial 'wing' (a squad of air vehicles, which is generally made up of 4-8 vessels). As the third highest-rank of technicians, Hinsi act as assistants to sector overseers.

  • Zinvi

Zinvi are the equivalent to Vexn and carry many of the same responsibilities. When operating as technicians, Zinvi are often referred to as 'Sector Overseers,' as they are responsible for making sure a certain portion of the star ship remains functional.

  • Livni

In regards to both infantry and air forces, Linvi are platoon commanders. There is no technician equivalent of the Linvi.

  • Ovorov

The Ovorov is the armada's company commanders.

  • Zharsov

There are three 'types' of Zharsov, though they all function similarly, their sphere of influence varies greatly. Standard Zharsov oversee all personnel in a section of a vessel, making sure that engineers and personnel are both doing their tasks. Other Zharsov are offensive in nature, and are the highest ranking soldiers typically involved in boarding operations. The final variant oversees the pilots on the vessel, making sure that pilots and engineers are doing properly taking care of their assigned ships.

  • Charsov

Charsov are high ranking individuals that are tasked with personally overseeing all personnel on a vessel, making sure that they are following regulations, are healthy, and are prepared for operations. Depending on the size of a vessel, there may be multiple Charsov on a vessel to divide the work. They can also act as advisors to the vessel's captain. When in combat, Charsov serve as advisors to battalion commanders.

  • Valralta

Imperial Armada Valralta function in the same manner as their army equivalents.

Special-Operations Enlisted and Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks[edit | edit source]

Separate from both the army and the navy, Her Majesty's Special Forces possess their own ranking system. It functions in many ways like the previous two systems, and still falls under the jurisdiction of the Commissioned Officer corps. Differing ranks can be difficult to distinguish, the only official way being the amount of colored stripes an individual has on their armor; the more stripes, the higher the rank of the individual. Special forces have notably less ranks than the others, but it takes a significantly longer time to climb the latter, and requires considerably more training to even qualify for recruitment.

[[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]]
Halkar Ulkar Xolkar Kavta
  • Halkar

An equivalent to a Qror in the Imperial Army, the rank of Halkar is the starting position within the special operation's branch. Individuals entering Special Forces training endure much more grueling and intense training than their counterparts; on the other hand, with their enhanced training, Halkar have greater access to the Empire's arsenal than their equivalents. Halkar cannot command other forces within their own branch, but can technically take a position of authority over lower-ranking soldiers of the other ranking systems. Halkar do not have stripes on their armor.

  • Ulkar

Ulkar command cells, which are small squads consisting of two to five individuals. Cells are the most commonly unit organization for the service branch, and are frequently sent in small-scale operations or for infiltration. Ulkar visually look similarly to Halkar, with the exception of a colored stripe on their shoulder and chest.

  • Xolkar

Xolkar are the squad leaders of the service branch, leading groups of around six to twelve individuals depending on the scale of the operation. As well as having two stripes, their armor may also be a different color from the rest of the squad, but this is not always the case. Due to their experience, Xolkar are sometimes sent alone for some missions.

  • Kavta

The Kavta is currently the highest rank within the Eyes of the Goddess. They are operation commanders; they oversee all squads, cells, and individual units dedicated towards a specific mission. They operate on the field, and often with many decades of experience on their side, can be incredibly dangerous fighters and strategists. Due to the Eyes of the Goddess acting as the 'arms' of High Command, Kavta often possess much more authority and control than typical NCOs. Unless stated otherwise, Kavta are free to overrule orders given to them by low-ranking officers. However, they do not have the authority to command non-Special Operations forces unless it directly pertains to their mission. This has helped to make the Kavta, as well as the rest of the branch, looked at with suspicion and distrust.

Commissioned Officer Ranks[edit | edit source]

The Commissioned Officers are the true commanders of the Imperial Military; they are the ones charged with planning and devising strategies. Officers, which share ranks and positions within both the navy and the army, are trained at special academies generally located on Haldron Fortress Worlds or within the core of the Empire or a respective member race. Candidates have either served for over a decade or showed grades in leadership and strategic planning that were much higher than average. Up until the rank of Nier, CO's armor colors match that of a branch's elite colorization. Once one reaches Nier, this armor is replaced by black, gray, and purple; the colors of High Command.

Many COs, especially those in the lower rungs who tend to serve directly on the battlefield, possess advanced, high-quality armor designed for both protection and intimidation. The armor is made up of durable armor plating that can take much more damage than a lowly soldier; they also possess powerful shield generators. Appearance-wise, their armor is oftentimes very different from that of an average soldier or NCO. Symbols and etchings are common on CO armor; their helmets are molded into the shape of fierce animals, mythical beats, or historical images; and the suit is built in a way to make the officer seem larger than they may actually be. Battlesuits are another common sight among COs, though these rarely have more customization and are base-model suits.

[[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]] [[Image:]]
Tarnas Varnas Zorvas Ailvo Halvo Nolvo Nier Aier Vier Aldalta Valxelva Noxelva Xelva
  • Tarnas
An example of a Tarnas.

The rank of Tarnas is the bottom tier of Commissioned Officer ranks and is granted as soon as one graduates from an academy. Most Tarnas are former Vexn and Yinvn (or their naval equivalents), though a few examples of higher-ranking NCOs signing up for the academy do exist. Tarnas in the army serve as platoon commanders while their naval equivalents command small air detachments comprised of fighters, bombers, or gunships.

  • Varnas

The Varnas of the Imperial Army exercises control over a company-sized unit; its equivalent within the navy has command over numerous air detachments.

  • Zorvas

Zorvas in the army command a battalion sized unit, their naval equivalent of the Zorvo exercises command over the smaller vessels of the navy, such as corvettes and frigates.

  • Ailvo

In the army, the Ailvo are individuals granted authority in specific regions of a planet, be it a city of a forest. Due to having to control such a vast area, Ailvo are seldom seen in combat, and this becomes increasingly prevalent as one climbs the rungs of leadership. At most, Ailvo in ground operations may partake in combat operations within their own general vicinity. In the navy, the Ailvo are captains of many of the medium-sized vessels of the armada, such as destroyers and support carriers. Again, these individuals rarely partake in combat, but are expected to do so if an enemy boarding operations poses a serious threat to their vessel. Beginning at this rung and stopping at Vier, it is becomes extremely common for at least two officers of the same rank to be operating in the same area. This is mostly to ensure that there will be a back-up in the event one dies; this also helps distribute the administrative load, which becomes important in the higher rungs of Imperial command.

  • Halvo

The Halvo of the army are granted authority over a region such as a continent; in the navy, Halvo are commanding officers in some of the largest vessels, such as dreadnoughts and troop carriers.

  • Nolvo

An individual with the rank of Nolvo in the army is expected to command troops on a planet; it is the final rank in which officers frequently participate directly in ground operations. In the navy, these officers command fleets and task-forces.

  • Nier

Imperial Army Niers are charged with all forces in a specific solar system; in the navy, Nier are in command of large fleets.

  • Aier

Aier are officers charged with all forces in a specific region of space, this region usually defined by the general of the specific theater they are operating in. Within the army and the navy they operate the same. Aier are also present within the Empire and act as rapid-response commanders in the event of an attack; this has a reputation as sometimes being an extremely boring job, as commanders within the deepest portions of the Empire are left with little to do besides managing his forces.

  • Vier

The Vier are high ranking officers charged with the task of commanding all forces being deployed to a specific theatre; it is the highest position most officers will be able to reach in their lifetime. Depending on the conflict they are deployed to, a Vier can be in command of armies ranging from several hundred thousand troops and several fleets to armies of billions and fleets composed of hundreds or thousands of vessels. Oftentimes, a single Vier will be deployed against a race, and he will use the Aier and Nier under him to manage specific regions; rarely, a second Vier will be deployed alongside heavy reinforcements. Even more rarely, three Vier will be deployed to a region, though this has happened only a handful of times.

  • Aldalta

The Aldalta are the chief commanding officers over a specific branch of the Imperial Military. Along with the Vier, Noxelva, Xelva, and Chief Military Advisor to the Emperor, the six Aldalta make up one of the major parts of Imperial High Command. As well as forming strategies and commanding forces within their branch, it is the Aldalta's duty to ensure that the forces under their jurisdiction are receiving proper training, equipment, and care. To help them in their task, the Aldalta utilize the numerous Valraltas as their eyes and ears, and will convene with them for advice. The Aldalta also work closely with research and development; they review recent technological and weapon developments and plan how it will be utilized within their branch.

  • Valxelva

The Valxelva is the second-in-command of the Imperial Military and is the lieutenant to the Xelva, the supreme commander of the military. They are heirs to the rank of Xelva, and will take over once they are gone. They can hold much of the same authority as their superiors, but they have to be granted it. Depending on the Xelva, a Valxelva can either have a large degree of power or will have essentially no power at all and only acts as an observer. They are students, tasked with following the example and teachings of the Xelva so that they can be fully prepared to take the reigns when the time comes.

The selection process for the Valxelva is lengthy and extensive: candidates (who must be Korvar) are chosen from officers who have decades upon decades of experience and have shown complete and unshaken loyalty to the Empire and the throne. Candidates must go through hours upon hours of tests that will gauge their ability to think strategically. Numerous individuals put in their input during the process, including the six Aldalta, the Senate, and those under the candidate's command. Ultimately, the decision falls upon the Emperor and the Xelva.

  • Xelva & Noxelva

A rank exclusive to the Korvar, the rank of Xelva is the highest rank in the Imperial Military; answering only to the Emperor and his or her military advisor, the Xelva has complete and otherwise unchallenged control over the entire military. Only one Xelva exist at any point in time, and these individuals are officers who have decades upon decades of experience and unrivaled zeal towards the Empire's goals. Xelva very rarely command from the front, instead commanding the military on a mass scale from the Haldron Fortress of Guardaros. In the occasions a Xelva brought themselves to the front, it is usually in times of crises for the Empire where a monumental amount of forces will be deployed to end a grave threat. In normal cases, the Xelva will send their lieutenant, the Valxelva, to conflicts in place of himself. The reason is two-fold: the Valxelva will gain important experience, and the Xelva will be able to concentrate on the military as a whole instead of a specific region. The rank of Xelva is a life-long position; they serve until they die or leave from their position either through retirement or removal by the Emperor. When this happens, the Valxelva, will take command.

The rank of Noxelva works much the same as the Xelva, only it is exclusive to member races. Like their counterparts, they exercise complete control over their race's armed forces. Regardless of that, they are ultimately subordinate to the Xelva, even within their race's own borders; granted, the actions of race's within their own borders are typically inored unless it defies Imperial law or otherwise affects those outside. The many Noxelva and the Xelva often convene togather to discuss strategies and joint-operations between their forces, as well as policies regarding interactions between the races. As the ranks are essentially considered the same, many informally refer to a Noxelva simply as a Xelva, including some actual Xelva, resulting in some mild confusion to the general populace in regards to how the ranks operate.

Members[edit | edit source]

Imperial Armed Forces[edit | edit source]

Leader: Xelva Ahkavas Teldiv

Headquarters: Guardaros

The Imperial Armed Forces (IAF) is the fighting force of the Arkevon Empire and is the primary segment of the greater Imperial Military. A functioning institution for over two-thousand years, the IAF has gone from a force of conscripts and armored knights fighting to expand a fledgling kingdom to a major military power that has spread an Empire across a vast swath of space. The IAF rests at the very top of the Imperial Military hierarchy; while individual member races have a large degree of authority over their troops within their own borders, they are subject to IAF High Command and the Emperor outside of their own borders, and are not permitted to act independently towards aliens, making the IAF the main organizational and logistical force behind the overall Imperial Military.

The Command Center for the IAF is the Haldron Fortress World of Guardaros. Guardaros was the first of its kind in the Empire, built shortly after the unification of the Korvar species. What once was a world similar to Kovas in size and climate was turned into a planet-wide military installation sustained with advanced life support systems and carefully maintained gardens. In its infancy, it was used to both protect the newly formed Empire and to direct the military. As the Empire has expanded the the objective of protecting what is now the 'core worlds' region became less pressing, Guardaros has faded somewhat into the background; regardless, the installation still serves as the IAF's command center and is the location where core world recruits are sent for training and deployment. Many of the Empire's elite troops are also sent to here and the surrounding worlds for advanced training.

The IAF is monolithic in scale, both in terms of its sheer size and the scale of its operations. It dwarfs the other member race's armies in size; with trillions of soldiers deployed all throughout the Empire. Thanks largely in part to the Arkevon's naturally high birthrate, a large, constant stream of recruits flows in from the hundreds of colonies under the Empire's control. Thousands of factories and dozens of vast, industrialized worlds work around the clock to produce all of the armor, equipment, and ammunition that the IAF needs to keep functioning; likewise, immense orbital shipyards help to maintain the Imperial Armada and build new vessels for its ever growing fleets. Some of the IAF's industrial capabilities are utilized to produce equipment for the other member races, helping to keep them well-supplied. With garrisons and command post built all throughout the Empire's territory, as well as various patrol vessels to keep watch for threats, the IAF can rapidly respond to threats and mobilize its units; meanwhile, billions of troops can be readily deployed to fight in the Empire's conflicts, such as the Great War, where the Korvar have pulled IAF troops from all across the nation to combat the Peacekeeper Alliance.

The IAF has traditionally had an emphasis on offensive strategies and overwhelming firepower, and it shows in both their equipment and strategic doctrine; the IAF is infamous for its massive offensives and large-scale frontal assaults designed to utterly obliterate an opposing force through brutal, non-stop attrition warfare that tends to leave few to no survivors on the opposing side. They also frequently lay siege to well-defended positions; surrounding them, cutting them off from any supplies, and chipping away at their defenses with relentless artillery and bomber strikes until a breach is made. This style of warfare often leads to a great deal of collateral damage in the form of massive civilian casualties, significantly damaged or completely destroyed infrastructure, or even severe environmental damage. To much of the IAF, this matters little; civilians are largely considered to be little more than unarmed combatants, and damage to the biosphere can simply be repaired after the conflict. Many commanders will even deliberately attack civilians in order to spite the enemy and bait them into making rash decisions.

Almost all combat personnel within the IAF, from regular grunts to field commanders, wear a variant of the highly modular MKIV Gatranus Armor, offering at least modest protection against small-arms fire and explosives; higher ranking and generally more seasoned soldiers tend to receive higher quality, more expensive armor as they climb the ranks. Most of the IAF's infantry weaponry is comprised of ballistic weapons such as the famous N-SA12 standard-issue assault rifle, as well as some electronically-powered rail weapons. Energy-based weapons have slowly begun to rise in prominence, though they are still held back by technological limitations; Melee weaponry has also made a resurgence within IAF regiments, though currently they remain relatively uncommon and are used only in niche rolls, and many suffer similar limitations to energy weapons. IAF squads typically operate with a fairly large number of troops, with the smallest squads being around five soldiers and the largest being up to fourteen soldiers. Equipment originating from the various member races, particularly the Nevelin and the Zenura, have been adopted within IAF ranks, sometimes resulting in new or modified infantry roles.

In the realm of armor, the IAF has traditionally leaned towards heavy armor and firepower over mobility and stealth. IAF armor is easily recognized by its sharp, angular designs and geometric shape, as well as the use of large, sloped armor plates; rounded and smooth designs are practically unheard of for IAF armor. Thanks to developments in armor designs, some engineers have incorporated more ceremonial shapes into their vehicles, the most common being the triangle. The most obvious examples are tanks such as the Korvaros Siege Tank and Gantrivost; this has become a common way to distinguish more recent designs from older ones. Most IAF vehicles currently utilize ballistic-based weapons and railguns. Plasma-based weapons have been incorporated into more recent designs, usually on either very large vehicles that utilize them as their main gun or as point-defenses and turrets, but these are currently much more expensive than ballistic equivalents. The most common form of mobility for IAF vehicles is currently treads; but over the past century-and-a-half, both hover pads and walker legs have become more common; particularly legs, as the technology has resulted in an entirely new class of vehicle development in the form of various walkers.

Over the past one hundred years, with large-scale conflicts such as the war against the Naelkva, the Northern Siege, and most recently, the Great War becoming more commonplace, the IAF, as well as the greater Imperial Military, has been pushing for rapid modernization and technological advancement to bring the Empire up to par with the older, larger empires of the galaxy. Scientist, engineers, and corporations are constantly at work developing new equipment to help the war effort, much of which has found its way in the public realm in some form or another. The military itself will often try its best to salvage and steal equipment and technology from the Empire's enemies, hoping to reverse-engineer and replicate them; some troops in the IAF are dedicated solely to the cause of stealing technology. However, the IAF does not only steal from its enemies; it has occasionally stolen technology from its allies. The most recent example being the Margan, when the Arkevon secretly took many of their bionic-enhanced corpses and their weapons in for research.

The current Xelva of the Imperial Armed Forces is Xelva Ahkavas Teldiv. A member of the military since being drafted in 428 AU, Ahkavas is a veteran with decades of experience both as a soldier and a commander. Ahkavas has been one of the major driving forces for the continued advancement of the IAF, as he believes that only through constant technological and strategic advancement will the Empire survive; it cannot simply rely on its vast population and resource reserves. He has encouraged many of his subordinates, and even many in the private sector, to follow his lead, a push he has only made stronger with the onset of the Great War and the emergence of the Peacekeeper Alliance as a threat. Though constant war has dulled his personality, he is considered to be somewhat of a kind, fatherly-figure by his subordinates; he shows great care for those under him and is known for being slow to anger. His current lieutenant, and the heir to his position, is Valxelva Kelevien Valrus, who is currently leading troops against the Peacekeeper Alliance.

Grand Army of Ilsur[edit | edit source]

Leader: Noxelva Joldm Nassadis Basur

Headquarters: Avelis

The Grand Army of Ilsur (GAI) is the military of the Empire of Ilsur, the nation of the Nevelin. As the Nevelin were the first species to become a member state, the GAI was the first military force integrated into the Imperial military; this integration process would be used as a template for the future integration of other alien races. The GAI and IAF have a long history together, beginning when the GAI helped the Empire defeat the Quolvrian Republic and bring total unification to the Arkevan species. The two continues to work closely together; doing training exercises together, trading technology, and assisting one another in conflicts, all long before unification took place. The two developed a close bond, that, centuries later in the modern era, remains strong and unbroken.

The headquarters for the GAI is Avelis, the moon orbiting Ilsur. Terraformed into a habitable world centuries ago, the lush, oxygen-rich world is covered in many grassy plains and rolling hills. Few mountains exist on the world, and the ones that do are not very large. The world has three continents and two vast, blue oceans. Avelis is used by the GAI both as a primary command center and as a defensive installation with which to protect Ilsur. A number of long-range orbital cannons dot the surface, as well numerous stations and starship docks in the planet's orbit. An academy for training officers is also located here. The Nevelin once tried to build a gargantuan shield generator on the moon, one that could have theoretically protect Ilsur from orbital fire until it was destroyed; however, the plan fell through. Instead, the Nevelin have sought to build a system of stealth generators to conceal Ilsur and Avelis, much like what the Rach once did with Norsus; the program is currently underway, but it will likely be years before it sees completion.

The union between the GAI and the IAF proved to be a massive boon to both parties. The IAF, still a new interstellar military, gained a wealth of technology from their newfound allies. This in turn started what would be considered the 'third' industrial revolution which would continue with the Empire's first few wars with other alien powers. The Nevelin and their tactical doctrine also helped to fill a large gap that the early IAF had in the field of mobility. Whereas the Arkevon often utilize brute force and prolonged engagements to defeat enemies, the GAI often used precision strikes, meticulous maneuvering, harassment, and speed to quickly bring down their foes. The GAI kept this doctrine when it was integrated into the Empire, and still utilizes it to this day; Nevelin troops are often sent to attack the enemy's vulnerable positions and to flank them while the Arkevon and other member races keep the enemy focused on the larger conflicts. Some of these tactics, which were developed over two centuries worth of interstellar conflict prior to the GAI meeting the Arkevon, saw adoption into IAF combat doctrine; albeit in modified forms. Recently, the Nevelin have been integrating their squads with Yin'vair troops thanks to overlaps in strategies.

Centuries of cultural exchange between the Nevelin and the Empire have resulted in a stark cultural divide that is evident within Nevelin ranks. 'Traditionalist,' which are comprised of the more conservative Nevelin which typically originate from the Nevelin's mainland territories, almost exclusively use Nevelin-made equipment and have a strong tendency to operate in Nevelin-only squadrons. Utilizing the Nevelin-crafted Ladok Combat Vest, these mobile infantry practice traditional strategic doctrine and use their unrestricted movement to their full-advantage; many are well known for constantly ducking, dodging, and sprinting across the field, making them notoriously difficult to land a good hit on. The 'Reformist' as some refer to them as, are Nevelin who originate from various small communities spread throughout the Empire and from the fringes of the Nevelin mainland. These soldiers are much more open to utilizing equipment crafted by other races, and have adapted a somewhat more IAF-centric fighting style. Though some of these troops still utilize the Ladok, many others can be seen using Arkevan power armor. These soldiers also frequently operate in multi-species squads, and some even follow some of the Arkevon's cultural practices, with many of them proclaiming faith in the Arkevon's Goddess, Syleris. While most welcome Reformist soldiers, their rise has caused an increasingly intense controversy with the more extreme conservative groups within the Empire of Ilsur, some of which were not entirely on board with unification to begin with. They claim that the 'Reformist' have forgotten their cultural heritage and pose a threat to traditional Nevelin culture. Others, meanwhile, state that the cultural exchange has brought welcome strategic diversity to the GAI's infantry, and that the supposed 'corruption' of Nevelin culture is a non-issue. In fact, they state that the blending of cultures should be welcomed, as so far the cooperation between the Arkevon and Nevelin has brought nothing but prosperity between the two. Most presume that these conservative groups will soon die out, and that the controversy will thus disappear.

While the modern GAI possess many Arkevon vehicles in their arsenal (and vice versa), the GAI still maintains a large arsenal of Nevelin-built vehicles that it uses very frequently. These vehicles are set apart from the IAF by their their more animalistic and ornate designs; many examples of Nevelin armor are in some way inspired by wildlife from Ilsur, and the Nevelin are well known for embellishing their vehicles with decor that usually serves little purpose other than for appearance's sake. Over the past few decades, the Nevelin have begun a massive and expensive push to radically overhaul their armor, placing an emphasis on mobility and high-powered precision weaponry. All modernized designs now feature hover engines, with built-in emergency wheels or treads in the event hover stops working. they have also begun to move away from projectile-based weapons at a faster rate than anyone in the empire, focusing instead on high-powered lasers and, as of recently, plasma-based weapons. Due to the costs, R&D, and the sheer number of vehicles that would need replacement or updating, the Nevelin are still in the process of this modernization, resulting in what is currently a hybrid force of new and old designs on the battlefield. Some of these ideas have begun to expand to the other races of the Empire, such as the Korvaros Siege Tank and Kaldrak IFV both utilizing hover technology.

The Noxelva of the Grand Army of Ilsur is Noxelva Joldm Nassadis Basur. At 103 years of age, Joldm is currently the oldest of the Noxelva. He is a close associate and friend of Ahkavas Teldiv, the two having known each other decades before they reached their respective ranks. As a result, the two share many similar ideas, though they have been known to get in occasional debates, particularly regarding philosophical and religious matters. One well known example was around the time the Empire entered the Great War; Basur had many reservations about joining the Warlord Pact; distrusting many of its members more than even Ahkavas did. Basur detests most of the Warlord races for various reasons, but has come to realize that the Empire really had no choice in the matter; it was join them or die to the Peacekeepers. Basur has since stated that he would cooperate with the Warlord races, but would have nothing to do with them on a cultural or diplomatic level.

Armed Forces of the Zenuran Unity[edit | edit source]

Chief Commander: Noxelva Nazatek Sadim Nokture Malad

Headquarters: Fort Sanek, Zenur

The Armed Forces of the Zenuran Unity (AFZU) is the military branch of the Zenuran Confederation. Besides the Korvar themselves, the AFZU has the most combat experience out of the various member races; their nation had been in a constant state of war in an effort to expand its reaches and become a dominant power in its sector. They possessed no allies, and are currently the only race to have fought the Korvar in battle before being taken in as a member race (after the government that initiated the war was overthrown by the military). Among the Korvar and those they have fought, the AFZU has earned a reputation as a surprisingly dangerous opponent, capable of taking on larger powers and winning despite their smaller numbers; they also have a reputation as being skilled infiltration units.

One of many Zenuran battlesuit designs.

The headquarters of the AFZU is Fort Sanek on the Zenuran homeworld of Zenur. Sanek is a large facility, stretching five miles (8.04672 kilometers) in each direction. As well as being where the AFZU's high command resides, it is here where many of the new officers and commanders receive their training, as well as draftees from around Zenur for basic training. Sanek is located on Foldom, the continent where the Zenura are believed to have originated as a species. It was built specifically around the more isolated region of the continent, where the cool, damp forests still dominate the land. Sanek is well defended by a garrison comprised of several thousand soldiers, numerous anti-orbital cannons, and various other point-defense weaponry. The base is also protected by a massive shield generator that can repel orbital strikes. The underground portion of the facility has numerous virtual reality chambers to help train recruits in various environments.

The Zenura are a rather frail species; they are diminutive, they lack any skeletal structure, and also lack the strength for hand-to-hand combat. They are no match for most races across the galaxy. As a result, Zenuran soldiers do not exist in the 'usual' sense; most of their personnel operate as pilots. Flesh and blood Zenura are very seldom seen by most soldiers. Their reputation as pilots leads many to believe that the Zenura have no soldiers, instead leaving that role to the other member races. The reality, however, is that the Zenuran's general infantry forces is composed entirely of battlesuits, which has earned them the nickname as the, "Army of Giants" among many in the Imperial military. These battlesuits, which can range in size from eight to twenty feet (2.4384-6.096 meters) in height, come in a wide variety of designs that serve various roles on the battlefield, from direct assault units to back-line mobile light artillery units. AFZU battlesuits are frequently used to support large infantry detachments, using their heavy weaponry to take down vehicles and swaths of infantry; in other cases, they are deployed in squads of varying sizes, with many of these squads being dropped from orbit directly on enemy forces to wreck havoc and soften them before reinforcements arrive. The battlesuits greatly enhance the user's strength, making them the most physically powerful infantry available to the Empire, as well as unrivaled durability when compared to most infantry. All battlesuits have a built-in translator and voice transmitter, allowing the Zenura to speak in an alien's language without the need of a translator on part of the alien, which has led to some units using the Zenura to communicate with other aliens. The transmitter's somewhat robotic voice, combined with the fact that all Zenuran soldiers are in suits, leads many ill-informed individuals to initially conclude that the battlesuits are in fact advanced A.I controlled robots. This is a great insult to the Zenura, ans has been known to frustrate and anger them on many occasions. Due in part to the training necessary to pilot the battlesuits, the AFZU's infantry army is the smallest in the Galderan Empire besides the Yin'vair. Great care is taken to ensure that their suits are kept in a functional state, and will often salvage what they can from the battlefield so that they can be repaired or recycled into new models in the future.

Due to their unique physiology, the Zenura are unable to pilot most vehicles that were designed by the various member races of the Empire; all of the vehicles the Zenura possess have been built specifically to accommodate their anatomy and are used by them exclusively. AFZU vehicles can often be differentiated from others by their smooth, rounded, or even bulbous designs; as well, they are occasionally significantly larger than an average equivalent. Zenuran armor can be segregated into two categories based on their size and crew; the first category, dubbed the 'standard vehicles,' are relatively average sized vehicles piloted by an unarmored Zenura wearing little more than a jumpsuit. These are the more common of the two categories, and are generally designed to provide general support and transport capabilities to allied forces. They have a sphere-shaped compartment which contains the pilot somewhere within the vehicle. The next category, known as the 'battlesuit tanks,' are incredibly large vehicles piloted by Zenura wearing 8-foot (2.4384 meter) tall battlesuits. These seldom-seen rarities, armed with numerous weapons and possessing feet-thick armor and heavy shielding, are usually built around the purpose of absolutely smashing through enemy lines and transporting battlesuit squads to the battlefield. Due to their large storage capacity, they are sometimes used to transport smaller vehicles and multiple squads of infantry. Both vehicle classifications tend to use treads for mobility, though the Zenura have begun an effort to integrate hover technology into their designs.

The AFZU has a fairly large presence within the Eyes of the Goddess, the special operations branch of the Imperial Military. The features that make the Zenura unfit for direct combat, such as their small stature and lack of bones, becomes instrumental during infiltration missions. A Zenura can squeeze themselves into places no one else in the Empire is capable of, making them excellent at hiding and breaking into facilities. These operatives are often armed with at least one (typically poisonous) melee weapon, a side-arm, and grenades; though, like their vehicles, these are designed around their anatomy and are exclusive to them.

Like the Nevelin before them, the AFZU has been instrumental in advancing the Empire on a technological level, especially in regards to battlesuits and walkers. Since their induction, the Zenura have had a hand in designing many of the mechanized walker units of the various member races, most notably, the Xekelyin Battlesuit and the immense Gaulderog AAF, which was a joint-effort between the Korvar, Nevelin, and Zenura utilizing reverse-engineered Naelkvan technology, Zenuran Battlesuit Tank components, and Korvar starship designs. They have also helped to design many of the weapons currently utilized by battlesuits; and improved the efficiency of Korvar energy shielding.

The current commander of the AFZU is Noxelva Nazatek Sadim Nokture Malad, a fairly young Zenura born to the Sadim family in the settlement of Nokture on planet Malad. A military man his whole life, Nazatek rose through the ranks quickly through his merit and became the Zenura's Noxelva in record time, partly because of the previous Noxelva's untimely death. He is famous throughout the Zenuran Federation for his very enthusiastic, confident, and energetic attitude, which resonates with much the Zenuran population. He is also famous for his sometimes outlandish speeches, many of which have been recorded and archived, and are listened to by the Zenura and even other member races for inspiration before battle. While on duty or communicating with aliens, Nazatek is wearing his personalized battlesuit, one built more for ceremony and relating to aliens than it is for combat.

Army of the States[edit | edit source]

Chief Commander: Noxelva Indilim

Headquarters: Ilna

The Army of the States (AotS) is the military of the Jaset Confederation. Compared to the other armed forces of the Empire, the AotS functions quite differently; it is comprised of two different layers of administration. The first layer consist of each state's separate military forces. These forces are often little more than defensive units tasked with guarding Jaset territory and nearby Imperial Territory, and receive most of their funding internally. The next layer is the official Army of the States, which is made up of forces from all of the Jaset States and takes part in the Empire's wars. Jaset from the varying states are often segregated due to differing tactics and to avoid conflict between the differing ideologies. While the individual states' armies receive funding only from their respective states, the AotS receives funding and equipment from both the Jaset and the rest of the Empire. For as long as it has existed, the Korvar have played a significant role in keeping the AotS functioning by providing it with officers, extra training, and up-do-date equipment.

The headquarters for the AotS is Ilna I, the largest planet in the Ilna system. Ilna is located in the 'Neutral Zone,' a region of Jaset territory that doesn't belong to any of the individual states and is administered directly by the Korvar government alongside Jaset advisors. This region also includes the homeworld, Jasur, and a number of other worlds. Ilna I is in many ways similar to Jasur; it is large and dry, comprised of vast deserts, savannas, plains and the occasional jungle near the oceans. Different parts of the planet are dedicated to training and holding Jaset forces from the various states. Ilna has for many years become increasingly polluted due to the Jaset's attempts at rapid industrialization and modernization, as well as their own general disregard for the environment. The Korvar and other member races have recently intervened in to fix before it spiraled out of control.

Just as gender has played a significant role in the Jaset's culture and politics, it has also had a major impact on the military. There are far more female Jaset in leadership positions than there are men; while most cases are out of merit, others are due simply to the culture of the state they originate from. Females on the battlefield often take have heavy weapon's roles due to their greater size and strength, and often receive higher-quality equipment than their more numerous male counterparts. The level of inequality also depends on the state from which the soldiers originate; more conservative states like Aldor and Inok are the most notorious examples of inequality between the two genders. Some of the more progressive states, such as Nalsok, have slowly been bringing the two genders closer to equality, as well as various Jaset communities that exist throughout the empire. The other members of the Empire tend to ignore the matter, but the Korvar do play a major role in selecting the Jaset's higher ranking officers, such as their generals and their Noxelva.

The various Jaset states listed according to their military's size:
1. Aldor
2. Inok
3. Iktis
4. Nalsok
5. Ilta
6. Lintok
7. Haltset

Compared to its contemporaries, the Army of the States lags behind in terms of its armored units and starships. Much of their architecture, technology, and equipment, -most of which was already outdated pre-space technology- was lost in the Jaset's nuclear war. Due to having to rebuild nearly their entire civilization, the early Jaset did not have the industry necessary to supply their soldiers, let alone their population. This has been alleviated by a massive effort of the various Jaset states, the Korvar, and the Nevelin to rebuild and industrialize the Jasur and establish their newfound colonies. As a result, most of the Jaset's equipment is either burrowed from others or is partially based on allied technology; as a result, the Jaset are skilled at reverse-engineering and replicating technology, but have very little innovation. Very few examples of purely Jaset-made creations exist, and many of them are of somewhat poor quality compared to contemporaries. The easiest way to identify Jaset armor is their very old, seemingly outdated appearance; Jaset vehicles are never smooth or rounded; they are very boxy, with very simple shapes and either treads or tires, with tires being somewhat more common. While industrialization has helped the Jaset to catch up in regards to their military, they still lag behind in their arsenal of vehicles, especially starships. Jaset starships are few and far between, and are generally kept within a state's territory; the Army of the States preferring to hitch a ride on the more advanced and better designed vessels of other races.

What they lack in vehicles, however, they make up for in manpower; the Jaset have a surprisingly massive infantry army for the size of their combined territory. In the three hundred or so years they have been in space, their population has exploded due to a surplus of food, new colonies, and a massive decline in infighting. With the Jaset states gradually becoming more modernized and slowly expanding their territory, it is expected that the AotS may one day outnumber the GAI, at least in terms of total infantry. The Jaset tend to treat their infantry as being expendable; so long as the objective is fulfilled, every death would have been worth it. This is especially for true for males in the more conservative states, who are expected to readily give their lives for their government and wives. The smaller, more progressive states tend to treat their soldier's better and use more advanced tactics. Regardless, the majority of the AotS' infantry are shock troops trained to fight directly on the front. Most wear a variant of the MKV Falxion for protection and wield ballistic weapons produced within Jaset territory. More advanced infantry and special operations forces do exist, but they are notably uncommon compared to most armies.

The Army of the States also has a fairly large presence within Vahlsrod's Maw, the biological/chemical warfare service branch. Prior to unification, some of the Jaset nations had a stockpile of chemical and biological WMDs that had survived the nuclear war and began using them on their enemies. Years of brutal fighting with these weapons had led to the Jaset becoming rather skilled in utilizing them. Up until the creation of Vahlsrod's Maw, this was largely ignored as the Empire did not use biological weapons very often. Once the Maw was created, a large number of Jaset forces saw integration into the service branch's ranks, and they are currently the most numerous member race within the branch. With newfound help from the service branch, the Jaset have rapidly become potent builders of chemical and biological weaponry.

The current supreme commander of the Army of the States is Noxelva Indilim, a female Jaset who was born on Jasur. Officially born to members of the somewhat progressive state of Lintok, Indilim renounced citizenship to any of the states shortly after joining the military, resulting in the loss of her middle and last name, Lintok Nila. At seventy-three years of age, Indilim is a fairly old Jaset, and she plans to extend her age through cybernetics and medical technology. Indilum has played a major role in helping to further build up and improve the Jaset military, following the model of Xelva Ahkavas Teldiv of the Korvar. Indilim has attempted to use her position to try and influence social reforms in some of the more conservative members of the Jaset, though this has been met with little to mixed success; some of these states now view her quite negatively, and support her only because the Korvar do so. In terms of commanding, she has been incredibly successful. Though she uses many of the more controversial tactics of her race, she has mastered them well, and has been introducing new doctrines and strategies from the rest of the Empire into the Jaset's doctrine.

Taurvan Guard[edit | edit source]
Yin'vair Self-Defense Forces[edit | edit source]

Chief Commander: Noxelva Hok'ten Zhaseif

Headquarters: Ketsarthenae, Nek'tes

The Yin'vair Self-Defense Force (YSDF) is the military of the fledgling Yin'vair Dominion and is the latest to be taken into the Empire. Long repressed by the oppressive and paranoid Naelkva and devastated during the Yin'vair's revolution, the YSDF is the smallest and weakest military force in the empire. They are also one of the least experienced; their only experience with combat prior to the revolt was the initial Naelkvan invasion as well as occasional raids which the Naelkva were primarily responsible for taking care of. Now rebuilt from the devastation of war, and now trying to make a name of themselves, the Yin'vair are doing all that they can to support their allies and expand their military while protecting their still infantile nation and population.

The command center for the YSDF is the Ketsarthenae installation on the world of Nek'tes, in the Thasok system. Nek'tes is more or less a sacred location to the Yin'vair people, as it was the first planet to break out in open revolt to Naelkvan rule. During this time, it was a bustling urban center with a populations of billions; it was the third most populated world of the Yin'vair. The Naelkva, struggling against the Korvar and various other revolts at the time, first sent what troops they could spare and began to slaughter the population. When this failed, they resorted to orbital bombardment; much of the planet's urban infrastructure was destroyed, and the population was reduced from several billion to just over one billion people. Relief only came when Korvar forces managed to reach the world and managed to wipe out all of the Naelkvan's forces in the region. Since then, much of the world has been rebuilt and the population has been on a steady increase. Ketsarthenae Installation was built after the war ended, and acts as both a command center for the Yin'vair military and a memorial to those who fought in the revolution. The main feature of the installation is a massive statue of a Yin'vair clad in traditional plate armor and wielding a spear. Unlike Fort Sanek of the AFZU, Ketsarthenae is not used for training, and acts in a purely administrative manner.

Though Yin'vair infantry are few and far between compared to the other races, their infantry have already begun to have an impact on the battlefield. Despite their size, the speed and agility of the Yin'vair is unmatched; not even a Nevelin soldier is able to keep up with them. They are also experts at guerilla warfare, which was used extensively against the superior Naelkva. As a result, most of these soldiers wield modified GAI weaponry due to them being small and lightweight. Many commanders frequently use Yin'vair troops for reconnaissance and enemy harassment. These soldiers are moderately protected with a shield generator and armor plating over the vital regions, though some parts are kept clear so as to retain their agility. On the opposite end of the spectrum are the Tethshonet, or Juggernauts. These soldiers have gone in the direction of the Korvar and Zenura and opted for having more armor and shielding for fighting on the open battlefield; as well, they also tend to wield IAF weapons. These soldiers wield full-body plate armor that burrows many components from Gatranus power armor. Though the Tethshonet lose a large degree of their flexibility, they can still run and veer surprisingly quickly. The Tethshonet often work alongside Nevelin infantry.

Like the Zenura, the Yin'vair are incapable of piloting many vehicles due to their anatomy; as a result, the Yin'vair possess their own vehicles tailor-made for their body type. Most of their designs have elements burrowed from the Nevelin and reverse-engineered Naelkvan technology. Compared to other vehicles in the Empire, the Yin'vair's are long and wide but usually not very tall (the exception being troops transports and some air vehicles). This is because the pilot lies down flat inside the vehicle rather than standing or sitting. Yin'vair vehicles are much like their infantry, being fast and maneuverable. Their ground units tend to utilize wheels or hover technology while all of their air units utilize jet engines and can hover in place. Though they're not very common on the battlefield currently, more and more commanders have been adopting them into their ranks, especially those engaging other high-mobility races where other armored units would be unable to keep up. To make up for their smaller numbers, the Yin'vair have also been working on a large number of remote-controlled and A.I controlled drone units to supplement their forces.

The Yin'vair have a long and positive relationship with Steel Bulwark that began when the Korvar liberated the Yin'vair. The Steel Bulwark kept a large contingent of troops in Yin'vair territory in order to protect civilians from raiders, provide the injured with medical assistance, as well as helping the Yin'vair to rebuild their settlements. The Steel Bulwark fortified their settlements and build a large number of military installations, such as Ketsarthenae, which was a joint-effort between the two. The Bulwark still maintains garrisons in the region due to the Yin'vair still being a new and relatively weak power. The Yin'vair have shown immense gratitude towards the Bulwark over the years and have attempted to follow in their footsteps; many Yin'vair have joined the branch's ranks or work in recently conquered enclaves to do what the Bulwark did for them.

The current commander of the YSDF is Nek'tes Zhaseif, the granddaughter of Tsarfov Zhaseif, a major leader of the Yin'vair's rebel forces during the revolt.Thus far in her career, she has been rather conservative in her actions, following in the steps of her predecessor to ensure that the Yin'vair military continues on the route is has been going. When she isn't busy, she often goes to personally meet and speak to her troops. Herself a veteran who served in Steel Bulwark, she has been exceptionally cooperative with the branch, and often looks for more ways in which the two can operate alongside each other and helping Enclave races assimilate into the Empire.

Army of Zhagavia[edit | edit source]

Regiments[edit | edit source]

Notable Regiments[edit | edit source]
Flaming Lance[edit | edit source]

Founded: 212 AU

Home System: Kalanos

Service Branch: Army of the Imperium

Leader: Ilsarohs Anansias

Specialty: Close-quarters-combat

File:Spore 2015-09-06 15-25-33.png
Anansias and numerous Lance soldiers shortly after the Empire reclaimed the planet captured by the Margan.
Flaming Lance armor design.

Formed in 212 AU under the command of Qeveg Dosa, the Flaming Lance is a rather famous regiment known for its somewhat out-of-the-box and unorthodox tactics that have sometimes gone on to become popular ideas in other regiments. Their name is derived from the flaming spear utilized by Vahnris, the Neivelin god associated with battle, masculinity, bravery, and artisan work. The Lance is also famous for the many battles it has played a role in, such as the civil-wars of the Era of Discord, the war against the Nealkva, the Zorock blitz, and as of recently, the Great War, where they have scrapped with the Empire of Diablos.

The home system of the Flaming Lance is the Kalanos system, a system located within the inner-rim colonies and fairly close to the Core. The system is comprised of three inhabited worlds; Kalanos, which serves as the system's capitol; Shorga, and Getis. Kalanos was a largely warm and dry planet covered in a great deal of mountains, savannas, and deserts that are separated by occasional jungles, forests, and tundra towards the poles. This made the planet popular with Lyvrn and Lekon, who both settled the planet in large numbers. Of the two, Lekon culture became predominant over the others, influencing the planet to become a major hob for philosophy, progressive ideals, and general debating about morals, religion, and honor. This lived on in the soldiers that would be organized into the Flaming Lance. Such examples of Lekon thinking within the Lance would be the use of the Lekon code of honor and their affinity for plays and stage performances as a means of off-duty entertainment.

The specialty of the Flaming Lance is in close-quarters combat, particularly in urban environments. They are often summoned by commanders to attack heavily urbanized planets and military installations. The best example of this was during the Siege of Taltyos at the very end of the war against the Naelkva. Here, after several years of fighting, a large detachment of Lancers managed to breach and clear a heavily fortified Naelkva base, allowing allies to swarm in and use it as a gateway to similar forts, allowing the Empire to eventually bring an end to the stalemate. Lance equipment is tailored to this particular battlefield environment, with their armor featuring extra plating to defend against sudden ambushes and traps. The armor is given to all soldiers as soon as they are made a part of the regiment, regardless of their status. In terms of weaponry, they utilize a great deal of close range weapons like shotguns, flamethrowers, and heavy assault rifles. A notable aspect of the Lance's arsenal is the use of melee weaponry. The Lance was one of the first regiments to utilize the then-new plasma-based melee weapons when they were first distributed, and were successful enough that other regiments began to copy them.

The Flaming Lance have been involved in the Great War from the beginning of Galderan intervention. They helped defend Zykorus against Margan attack and then went on to recapture the colony lost to the invaders. The Lance despises the Margan and considers them to be little more than pests. Since then, they have been sent against the Empire of Diablos as part of the Hammer Offensive and much of the regiment's forces remain stationed in the Warlord-controlled regions.

Iron Scales[edit | edit source]
Iron Scale armor design.

Founded: 335 AU

Home System: Tresda

Service Branch: Home Guard

Leader: Ilsarohs Relindes

Specialty: Siege, anti-Zorock operations.

The Iron Scales are a regiment of Steel Bulwark that was founded in 335 AU in the Tresda system. Among Steel Bulwark regiments, they are among the ones focused more on offensive actions. They frequently travel alongside Crimson Hammer and Zenith to assist in conquering planets and then fortifying them before leaving to re-join the invasion fleet and leave the duties of occupation to defensive regiments. The name of the regiment is a play on the name of the division it serves as well as its definition; whereas Steel Bulwark is a reference to the division as a whole, Iron Scales was intended to emphasize the strength of individual soldiers, which coincidentally would prove itself true during the Zorock blitz.

The Tresda system is the home system of the Iron Scales and is comprised of one inhabited planet; Tresda. Tresda is an earth-like planet that is about the same size as Kovas. The planet's most notable feature lies in its flora, where a valuable extract that is used in many antibiotics was discovered. The planet also features two inhabited moons; Nalor and Ralor, which serve as defensive stations for the planet in modern times. The Tresda system is located within the northern reaches of the inner colonies in land once controlled by the Qualdran Republic before the Empire defeated the Republic and unified the Arkevon. The two main ethnic groups of the planet are the Kalks and Quolvrians, with small communities of Sycera and Avrin scattered around. In its early history, the planet earned a reputation for being rather rebellious against the Empire, who responded by attempting to appease some of their lesser demands while maintaining control. This went up until the era of discord, where Tresda was one of the systems that defected. The planet was almost immediately besieged by loyalist forces, but kept fighting despite an elongated siege that cut off outside help. The planet was eventually re-captured after several months of fighting. During the ensuing occupation, the Empire did its best to look benevolent by helping the injured, reconstructing damaged property, and allowing the planet's remaining garrison to remain so long as they didn't take offensive action. The tactic worked, and in modern times, Tresda is a loyal, if somewhat independent and secularist, planet that has done its best to improve its image to the rest of the empire.

In 335 AU, about twenty years after Tresda's rebellion, the system organized and formed the Iron Scales. Like many former defectors, the planet and its military was met with skepticism about the loyalty of the unit and its ability to work cohesively with other elements of the military. This made much of the regiment determined to prove itself; they worked hard to improve their image by doing such acts of assisting beleaguered allies and fighting alongside their allies on the field. As time passed, they would come to become a trusted regiment with a reputation for defending its allies. This reputation would be solidified during the Zorock's blitz into Imperial space. During the invasion, the Iron Scales would attempt to assist in repelling the invaders, but were pushed back. Rather than retreating, the regiment's main fleet landed on the colony of Dresva, a moderately developed outer rim colony that was soon to be attacked by the Zorock. The regiment extensively fortified the colony and prepared to defend it until reinforcements arrived.

For three weeks the colony held out against relentless attacks from the Zorock, who had taken over many nearby colonies. The Zorock bled a great deal of troops and resources into taking the planet as they believed that something of value was on the surface due to the heavy fortifications when, in reality, the planet held little strategic value. Eventually, reinforcements from the mainland started their major counteroffensive and eventually reached Dresva, which was the one colony in the area that was not captured. Dresva would then be used as a staging area to launcher further assaults that would eventually force the Zorock out.

For their actions, the Iron Scales were hailed as heroes. In the eyes of many, they represented how the formerly-rogue colonies had redeemed themselves and had proven themselves to be a worthy part of the Empire. All personnel in the regiment was awarded for their efforts with metals and accolades from high command. However, the regiment also payed dearly for their work; most of the regiment died over the three week period, along with many of its officers and commanders. Had the counteroffensive taken any longer to arrive, it is likely the defensive force would have been completely destroyed. Shortly afterward, the regiment was taken off the battlefield and relocated to Tresda to rebuilt its numbers and chain of command.

After several years, the Iron Scales built itself back up and was deployed back out into the battlefield. They served on the Zorock frontier up until the time it stagnated into a stalemate. Since then, the regiment has been fighting in the Great Northern Siege to great success. They have yet to be deployed to the Great War.

The Iron Scales specialized in siege combat and, due to their history, fighting the Zorock. Their customized armor, which is gifted to recruits as soon as they join, is a slightly trimmed down variant of typical Steel Bulwark armor designed to reduce weight and make them slightly more mobile to fit with their more offensive doctrine. Their weaponry involves explosives and other heavy weapons, and many soldiers bring a great deal of grenades with them. An uncommon modification to the armor are its two wrist-mounted flamethrowers. While they have a fairly small ammunition tank, they are extremely effective in close quarters combat.

Skull Eaters[edit | edit source]

"Crush their skulls! Crack their spines! Stain the land with their own blood!" - A common term used by the Skull Eaters before battle.

Founded: 203 AU

Home System: Salaheth

Service Branch: Army of the Imperium

Leader: Ilsarohs Halteus

Specialty: Arctic warfare

Skull Eater armor design.

The fittingly named 277th 'Skull Eaters' regiment was formed in 203 AU under the command of Ilsarus Karsas "Skull Eater" Helsed, the namesake of the regiment. The name comes from a duel Karsas had only a few years before the formation of the regiment. During a conflict with a now-destroyed alien empire, Karsas challenged a failing enemy commander to 1-on-1 combat. The enemy commander accepted, but mere moments into the duel, Karsas ruthlessly bit down on the commander's head, tore it off, and ate it, earning him his gruesome nickname. This and many other grisly acts of the regiment's first commander left a strong impression on the already grim regiment, molding them into the seemingly psychopathic regiment that they are today.

The Skull Eater's home system is the Salaheth system, a moderately wealthy colony located within the Empire's middle rim. The system contains two habitable planets, Salaheth I and Salaheth II, as well as a few colonized moons. Salaheth I and II are unusual in that they both possess predominantly cold climates, with II being colder than the other. Most people avoided colonizing the system for this reason, save for those who wanted to live a more isolated life, were willing to put up with the climate to make a living, or wanted to live independently and test themselves by surviving out in the harsh climate. Not many religious individuals went to the system, leaving it in a largely secular environment that often sought to prove the Arkevon's superiority as a species. As a result, proving one's strength and perseverance is a big part of the world's culture, with many children proving their manhood by taking a rite of passage that involves spending two weeks alone in the wilderness before being conscripted.

It should come as no surprise that the Skull Eater's specialty on the field of battle is in arctic combat, which is a trait not often found among regiments. Whereas most regiments shun the cold and only have the amount of training required of them, the Skull Eater's embrace the ice and snow and possess an intimate knowledge of how to live and operate in it. These rare traits make the Skull Eaters desired by many commanders who are fighting races like the Zorock, who thrive in such environments naturally. Many Skull Eater troops are also known for being skilled at tunnel warfare due to a number of underground settlements that exist in the Salaheth system.

The Skull Eaters are known for their sometimes disturbing ferocity on the battlefield, which has even made some other Arkevon put off by them. Following the example of their first commander, they are dirty, brutal fighters, willing to do anything in order to win and viewing any sense of honor as a setback. The majority of the regiment does not follow the teachings of the Goddess, so all of the usual ceremonies that many do before and after battle are absent, replaced with the regiment's own traditions. One notable difference is the way in which they consume dead bodies. Whereas the more religious regiments often wait until after the battle and do the ceremonies before feasting, the Skull Eaters ignore this and consume them at any point in time. The Skull Eaters are very proud of their heritage and history, and they often mock those who complain about the cold weather or can't prove themselves worthy of the regiment's standards.

The Skull Eater's arsenal is general-purpose like most Crimson Hammer regiments, the only difference being that their gear is modified to better function in sub-zero environments. Their armor features swapped out armor plates on the shoulders and hips, extra-plated gauntlets, a lighter chest piece for improved mobility and a helmet made in the visage of the Xelvek, a fierce predator from Salaheth I. Besides the helmet, the most notable modifications include the cosmetic robes that hang off their armor. Recruits entering the division have to first serve alongside the regiment in battle before they receive the armor.

In recent history, much of the regiment's forces were deployed against the Zorock to great effect; they played an important role in invading the Zorock's own territory in the early days of the war. Their involvement dimmed as the battle turned into a stalemate and their forces were deployed elsewhere. A number of detachments have been deployed to aid in the Great War, where they have so far been deployed against the Empire of Diablos as part of the Hammer Offensive

Notable Battles

Era of Discord 217AU-230AU

Over the course of the Era of Discord, the Skull Eaters remained fiercely loyal to the empire. As their colony stayed loyalist, the Skull Eaters were a part of the forces sent to bring rebellious colonies back under compliance. Compared to most other regiments, the Skull Eaters showed little restraint in their assaults against non-compliant colonies and military forces alike and frequently used terror tactics and rapid assaults to quickly bring colonies under control at the cost of collateral damage. As a result, some rebel forces simply surrendered when it became known that the Skull Eaters had been deployed against them, especially when it became obvious that they were losing the greater conflict. Though the regiment was immensely successful, they had earned themselves a violent reputation and came to be disliked and feared by many.

Invasion of Nalovi 527AU-530AU

While the Skull Eaters saw limited action during the Zorock blitz, they were on the forefront of the counter-offensive that followed. Nearly the entire regiment was deployed to take part in the invasion of Nalovi, one of the major states of the Zorock republic. They carved a bloody and burned path through Zorock settlements, razing settlements to the ground and slaughtering everything they came across. It is claimed by survivors that, "The snow and rivers ran red with blood," and that they, "hung the corpses on poles and along buildings so as to mock us and show off their trophies." The Skull Eaters were present at the invasion of Nalovi's homeworld of Jasius and played a major role in conquering the world. Among the individual regiments involved in the invasion, the Skull Eaters had amassed the most kills, with most of them being civilians.

Death's Reach[edit | edit source]

Founded: 390 AU

Home System: Altov

Service Branch: Bio/Chemical Marines

Leader: Ilsarohs Neluvi

Specialty: Biological/Chemical warfare

Death's Reach armor design.

The regiment that would come to be known as Death's Reach has a somewhat unique beginning; they predate the existence of the Bio/Chemical Marines, being the very first Steel Bulwark regiment formed for the purpose of biological warfare several years before Vahlsrod's Maw came into being. It was formed under the command of Halkris Nelro, who would go on to become the Maw's first Aldalta; it was then placed under the command of Nelro's lieutenant, Halakis Vala, a man known for his religious zeal and his determination to cleanse the galaxy of all unworthy sentient life. Death's Reach is the most veteran regiment of Vahlsrod's Maw, having participated in a great deal of battles and having a large number of experienced soldiers within its ranks. As a result, they often see combat in some of the most fierce conflicts, where their experience and zeal is paramount to turning the tide of battle.

The home system of Death's Reach is the Altov system, a system near the edge of the middle rim of Imperial territory. Altov currently has three inhabited planets: Altov I and II, and Ghasaret; though of these, Altov II is the most prominent and possess the regiment's headquarters. Altov II is a warm planet, featuring many jungles, forest, and marshes and often has rough and rugged terrain. The established colonies and the surrounding regions are safe to explore and inhabit, but outside of these zones, exploration becomes much more dangerous. The wild jungles are full of poisonous plants and hostile, venomous wildlife; the swamps and marshes frequently belch out toxic gas that kills anyone not wearing safety equipment. However, these 'Toxic Wilds,' as the locals have referred to them as, also feature benefits; many of the toxins have been used in the production of chemical weapons, and new medicines and antivenoms have been produced from samples gathered from here. As a result, expeditions to these dangerous locations have become rather frequent, and the region has been declared off-limits to settlers. The population of the system is somewhat of a mix between the Nolsarians, Altans, Lyvrn, and Quolvrans primarily. Early on in the world's history, a very religious group of Arkevon had moved into the system and became a heavy influence in the sector's developing culture. Death's Reach was heavily influenced by the religious development of the sector and that of its two commanders; most of its members are fiercely zealous towards Syleris, though it is a quiet and subdued manner. To them, they know what they do is 'right' and that those they fight have no chance of a good afterlife, and thus they have no need to loudly proclaim their faith aside from prayer.

Death's Reach is viewed as the golden standard of Vahlsrod's Maw; their tactics and doctrine have defined the division's strategy since it has been created and continues to do so to this day. They revolutionized biological and chemical warfare, and know how to utilize it in a wide variety of ways in many environments. From open battlefields to underground settlements, Death's Reach can adapt to almost any battlefield situation. Typical of Maw regiments, the equipment utilized by Death's Reach is heavily specialized to fit their users, with such examples as toxin rounds, corrosive grenades, and specialized artillery shells and bombs. Their deadly capacity is furthered due to the fact that they are often reached out to test new and experimental designs, and are often the first to receive them once they begin mass production.

Death's Reach was among the many that were brought to combat the Peacekeepers once involvement in the Great War began. They were initially going to be first utilized against the Aeverian Confederation during the border blockade, but were instead put under Varo Arvintis' command in order to fight the Diabloians. Here, they quickly became infamous after the massacre of Alvainos; where, after weeks of inconclusive fighting between the Empire and Diabloian defenders, Death's Reach was brought in to bring the stalemate to an end. To this end, they flooded as much of the facilities as they could with a colorless, odorless toxic gas. Though many were safe due to being in undamaged portions of the bases or they were wearing the proper safety equipment, many others, including civilians, were caught unaware and died. The regiment, after some waiting, then flooded the facility with all of their troops at once and managed to clear out the survivors, claiming Alvainos for the Empire. They have since become a target for revenge by many.

Gate Crashers[edit | edit source]

Founded: 540 AU

Home System: Kiloth

Service Branch: Army of the Imperium

Leader: Ilsarohs Trosera Anosh

Specialty: Mechanized warfare

A very new and unorthodox regiment, the 109th 'Gate Crashers' were founded in 540 AU by its current commander, Ilsarohs Trosera Anosh. It is unique in that none of its personnel are standard infantry; all of its members are either vehicle pilots, particularly walkers, or pilot battlesuits. Trosera came up with the idea after witnessing the Zorock's heavy usage of walkers and battlesuit units on the battlefield. Since then, Trosera desired to test the possibility of entirely-mechanized regiments rather than the typical hybrid regiments. In the thirty-seven years of its existence, the Gate Crashers have rapidly become more notorious for their deadly efficiency on the battlefield, and other commanders have begun to look into the idea of mechanized regiments working alongside more traditional formations.

The command center for the Gate Crashers is in the Kiloth system, a system within the Middle Rim of Imperial territory. Particularly, Kiloth I. Kiloth was chosen as it was already being used for the production and research of mechanized units and had a fairly large population of engineers, researchers, and pilots as a result. As well, it had varied geography, from cool, rolling plains to frigid cold mountains; new and veteran pilots alike can learn or sharpen their skills on the world. Kiloth is a wealthy system funded by its strong research, valuable flora, and the mining of rare materials; as a result, many of the colonist here are wealthy, and have become somewhat aristocratic compared to most; lineage and family reputation are held in high regard, and it isn't uncommon to have someone passing down their equipment to an appointed 'heir.' The population is primarily composed of Nolsarian, Lekon, Lyvrn, and Sycerians. Many Nevelin also reside in the system alongside populations of Zenura that reside in the colder regions. As a result, the Gate Crashers have a great deal of diversity within their ranks, though its culture is very traditionalist and religious in nature. Many of the walkers and squadrons within the regiment are named after great heroes or religious figures, and there are a fair number of Chaplains operating among its forces.

The Gate Crashers are undisputed masters of mechanized warfare of various forms. Constant training and thirty years of fighting has sharpened their skills and allowed them a variety of opportunities to experiment with new tactics and strategies, many of which are starting to see adoption in greater military doctrine. The Gate Crashers can just as readily fight the enemy on an open field as they can in a crowded urban metropolis and be just as effective. The Gate Crashers are often sent ahead of a main attack force and have been utilized in a variety of maneuvers, from slamming into the enemy force like a sledgehammer and overwhelming them to flanking them from behind and even to orbital drop straight into the enemy, often resulting in many troops simply being crushed by the drop pods. Compared to other regiments, they rarely work entirely independently, mainly because they're not a very large regiment on their own as their equipment costs a significant amount of money and resources to produce and maintain.

The Gate Crashers possess a wide array of mechanized units, ranging from the lightly armored Gavros ISW to the six-legged Kavras. The most common sight up until very recently was the Dreavarok Battle Walker, which was essentially the regiment's Main Battle Tank. Shortly before the beginning of the Hammer Offensive, the regiment was given a large number of number of recently-built Olvorak Assault Walkers for a field test. So successful was the test that many pilots had their Dreavaroks replaced with the Olvorak, leaving their old units to either be placed in Kiloth's storage bays or given directly to the military to be permanently decommissioned. Alongside their walkers are their equally-important Battlesuits, which form the regiment's base infantry unit. These battlesuits are comprised almost entirely of Xekelyin Battlesuits and their variants, with Zenuran troops using armor suited for their anatomy. With much of the personnel being somewhat wealthy and affluent, many have personalized their equipment to some degree, be it with family emblems, colors, or even attachments; so long as they don't defy regulations, they have free reign to do as they wish with their gear.

Until the Great War, the Gate Chargers had been deployed to the sectors affected by the Great Northern Siege; while they were inspired by the Zorock's tactics, they actually did not get to fight them on many occasions. They remained in this position until the Hammer Offensive, where they were brought in to combat the Empire of Diablos. Since then, the regiment's forces have been split between combating the Diabloians and other Peacekeeper powers, particularly the Aeverians.

Flame of Syleris (Anti-Biomatter Task Force)[edit | edit source]

Founded: 577 AU

Home System: Nydair

Service Branch: Bio/Chemical Marines

Leader: Vier Elseron Nethali

Specialty: Anti-Biomatter operations

The Flame of Syleris is the task-force that has been put together by high command in order to push back against the Biomatter Swarms and purge their species. Though it is officially a temporary task-force, the force operates in many ways like a regiment, down to having its own 'home system.' Unlike other regiments however, it does not accept forces from only one system; the Flame takes in forces from across the empire, regardless of their previous division. The soldiers within the task-force are often veterans, soldiers who have served longer than the required fifteen-years and possess a strong loyalty to either the Goddess or to the Empire as a whole. The Flame of Syleris has rapidly grown in size within a few months as it continues to scour the stars for signs of infestation in what is likely to become an eternal crusade against the Biomatter menace.

The home system of the Flame of Syleris is the Nydair system, a system in close proximity to the Haldron Fortress World, Zykorus. A planet within the Zykorus system, Nindis, was also considered, but was deemed possibly hazardous due to its close proximity. Nydair was chosen due to it being untouched by the public and largely left alone by the military. Nydair I, the location of the Flame's home base, is a dead planet, devoid of any biomass and possessing little atmosphere. As such, the task-force's bases are built within large dome constructs and underground facilities that have built-in life support. It is in these facilities that strategies are planned, soldiers spar and train, and new equipment is tested. The facility continues to grow larger as the need of the regiment expands. A number of stardocks are also in orbit to allow for large craft to be built, repaired, or stockpiled for operations.

The Flame of Syleris is single-minded in its goal in exterminating the Biomatter, and it shows in their equipment and policy; unless they are fired upon, the task-force is not allowed to open fire on Peacekeeper forces if they are combating the Biomatter, and they are prohibited from being used in campaigns against anything beside the Biomatter. Their equipment is tailored for countering the Biomatter, utilizing incendiary weapons, acidic weaponry, explosive rounds, and a variety of energy weaponry so as to cauterize injuries. It has proven to be a constant arms-race against the Biomatter as both sides are constantly trying to adapt to the other. Attempts are currently underway to try and create an adaptable pathogen that targets the Biomatter, though the project is in the earliest stages of research.

The Flame of Syleris has engaged the Biomatter multiple times over the many months; most engagements have taken place in the frontiers and uncolonized regions of space as the Galderans continue their search for the Biomatter's point of origin. Large colonies have so far been spared an attack by the Biomatter, though contingerncy plans are currently being drafted in the event of one.

Combat Doctrine[edit | edit source]

While specific tactics still depend on fleet composition and their opponent, Galderan naval combat makes frequent use of the so-called 'hammer and anvil doctrine'. This doctrine makes use of two main battle lines: the anvil, also known as the front line, and the hammer, also known as the artillery line. The front line, which is comprised of the bulk of the fleet, closes in on the enemy and engages them in medium-to-close quarters with the intent to box the enemy in. The artillery line is comprised of the armada's strongest assets, and focuses its firepower against weakened vessels and the opponent's most powerful warships.

The armada possesses a wide array of kinetic and enegy-based weapons that are each used for specific task. A mix of precision lasers, flak, and autocannons are used to ward off missiles, strikecraft, and boarding pods while torpedos, missiles, and railguns are used to dispatch smaller vessels while softening capital-class ships. Spine-mounted railguns, heavy energy weapons, or an overwhelming barrage of missiles/torpedos are then used to finish off vessels. The Armada's most powerful assets are their 'Lance Cannons', exceptionally powerful energy weapons capable of shearing apart most capital craft in only a few hits. Lance weapons are, however, very energy intensive, and take a relatively long time to cool and recharge.

The hammer and anvil doctrine has thus far proven itself on the battlefield, but it does have its own share of weaknesses. Most notably, highly mobile forces may be able to get around the anvil and strike at the artillery line. Though the artillery line has the firepower to hold its own, it often does not have the mobility to be able to respond quickly. To help circumvent this, the artillery line is protected with an entourage that helps to buy it time.

Repzork Empire[edit | edit source]

Zaretian Monarchy[edit | edit source]

Necraal Sovereignty[edit | edit source]

Asanian Syndicate[edit | edit source]

Skrey Clans[edit | edit source]

Saracin Empire[edit | edit source]

Biomatter Swarms[edit | edit source]

Weaponry and Equipment[edit | edit source]

The Galderan Armed Forces boasts an impressive arsenal of weapons. They are best known for their various ballistic weapons which range from simple pistols and assault rifles to handheld railguns and micro-missile shotguns. They also produce a wide array of energy weapons and more exotic firearms such as the X-ND, a powerful flamethrower-like weapon which utilizes corrosive acid; the G-GD5 Impaler, a coil-gun that fires metal spikes to impale foes; and the T-GD27, nicknamed 'Teknar's Wrath,' which utilizes lightning bolts and electricity. Their Battlesuit arsenal is just as diverse, with enlarged versions of infantry weapons as well as their own unique firearms. Some of these weapons, particularly their standard-issue ballistic weapons, are incredibly commonplace; having been produced in the literal trillions, it is inevitable that these weapons have found themselves in various markets outside of the empire. As a result, various wealthy third-party organizations can be found utilizing Galderan weaponry.

Imperial infantry also make use of a wide array of melee weapons, such as war hammers, daggers, polearms, swords, and flails, to name a few. These weapons typically utilize blades made out of plasma, razor-sharp saw blades that can effortlessly slice through lightly-armored infantry, or blades which vibrate at an extremely high frequency. Blunt weapons, such as the war hammer, instead rely on either pure brute force, one-time use explosive charges, or are fitted with aforementioned gravity manipulation technology. But for the most part, these weapons are uncommon, and the smaller ones tend to be used only as backups rather than as primary weapons. Some of the more powerful and advanced melee weapons are rewarded to soldier's for performing great deeds and for exemplary service; many Champions use personalized melee weapons which were gifted to them when they were promoted.

The design philosophies of Galderan weaponry varies somewhat depending on the race which built them. Arkevon and Zenuran weapons tend to be designed with their power armor in mind. These armors possess artificial muscles that enhance their strength. As a result, their weapons tend to hit hard and are sometimes too heavy, unwieldy, and/or produce too much recoil for most unarmored individuals to properly use. Nevelin and Yin'vair weapons are smaller, lightweight, and boast a sometimes significantly faster fire-rate to compensate for being not as powerful. Renesat weapons focus on precision and range, as many Renesat soldiers work as scouts and rangers rather than as front-line infantry. Jaset weapons are few and far between as they much more frequently use weapons designed by other races. There is a notable divide in the types used that is based on gender; females, being the stronger of the two genders, tend to utilize Arkevan weapons, whereas males will arm themselves with Nevelin firearms.

Combat Armor[edit | edit source]

See also: Body Armor

All active-duty military personnel are equipped with either a suit of power armor or a larger and more powerful battlesuit. The empire possesses a wide and varied array of armors, the majority of which are produced by rival companies working under contracts, though a small few are designed directly by government agencies. Such suits generally make use of rare and exotic technology that has not yet been put into mass-production. Regardless of their designers, the majority of suits share many characteristics, with exceptions only accounting for a specific species' anatomical needs or the armor's purpose.

Galderan armors can be split into two layers: the fibrous layer, and the armor layer. The fibrous layer consist of a skintight jumpsuit that primarily acts as an interface between the user and the armor. It also insulates the user and hardens on impact with a high-speed projectile, providing some defense against kinetic impacts. The armor layer is split into the systems and plating layers. The systems layer is an exoskeleton that frames the armor and is where the armor's internal components are stored. The plating layer is the suit's armor plating, which is usually made up of layers of metal alloys. It is also where auxiliary components are installed. Armors designs can vary significantly; for example, some armors built for speed may not have an exoskeleton and will thus lack certain internal components that are commonplace in more typical suits.

Power armor is not exclusive to the military; due in part to the royal family's use of armor, power armor has become a status symbol among the wealthy, who will purchase tailored suits for exuberant prices. These armors are usually more ornamental than they are practical, and would not be suited for the battlefield. Additionally, they may have certain features stripped so as to 'demilitarize' them.

Models[edit | edit source]
MKIV Gatranus Power Armor[edit | edit source]

(Clockwise from top left)
The standard Gatranus model of the Arkevon, Nevelin, Renesat, and Jaset. The Renesat model is one of the more unique variants, as it is technically a mobility/utility armor; the Renesat's natural flight capability was seen as too valuable to bog down with heavy armor plating, thus resulting in the lighter model.

The MKIV is the latest iteration of the Gatranus series of protection/utility armor developed by Halseus Engineering, a leader of power armor development within the Galderan Empire. The Gatranus is seen as the 'gold standard' for front line combat armor and is the most prolific armor suit in the military, being used by units from all member races with the exception of the Zenuran Union. The standard-issue model encases nearly the entire user's body, including horns, wings, and tails, with thick armor plating which thins around the joints to allow for mobility. It comes with all available internal components, as well as a full set of artificial muscles to enhance the user's strength and carrying capacity.

The Gatranus is designed to be extremely modular, allowing for individual armor pieces and components to be easily removed and replaced, allowing for near-limitless versatility. As a result, alongside the many official variants, many unofficial modifications exist among specific armies in order to reflect their traditions and strategic doctrines. Regardless, they do still need to follow standard color-coding identification rules, whether it be via stripes on the shoulders or the armor plating as a whole.

Outside of the armed forces, the C.D.F (Civil Defense Force) utilizes the Gatranus for their 'heavy' infantry which are deployed during riots and other events requiring the use of heavy equipment such as invasions. Some private security forces have purchased suits for their own use, though an artificially high price prevents them from being purchased in bulk. Wealthy and powerful individuals within Galderan society may purchase ceremonial versions of the Gatranus which, while not suited for the battlefield, serve as a symbol of their social status. Allied nations are also frequently given tailored Gatranus armors as a gift.

MKVI Ladok Combat Vest[edit | edit source]
A Nevelin wearing Crimson Hammer-model Ladok armor.

Produced by Lindev Forges, one of the oldest Nevelin arms companies, the Ladok series is a set of mobility/protection armors that have become become a popular alternative to the Gatranus. Many Ladok designs are heavily inspired by the armors used in ancient times. The standard model is comprised of an armored vest that encompasses the torso, a helmet, greaves, gauntlets, shin and wrist guards, and flexible armored plates that protect the shoulders and thighs. Ladok suits are substantially lighter and more agile than a Gatranus, making them an excellent fit for the Nevelin's style of warfare. However, Ladoks lack a full internal exoskeleton, artificial muscles, or power lock. Instead, the armor relies on an enhanced fibrous jumpsuit that can harden to enhance one's punches and kicks and lock the body in place. Though still not as efficient as a power lock or artificial muscles, these features allow the Ladok to remain competitive against more durable armors.

Ladok helmets are often heavily customized, primarily among Nevelin users. Masks have played a role in Nevelin society for centuries, as they were used to both mark one's position in society as well as to provide anonymity so that one may be able to express their feelings without fear of retaliation. As a result, many have adorned their helmets with unique markings and/or etchings. The 'eyes', while not being necessary, possess tiny cameras inside, and are capable of glowing, though this feature is generally used only during special occasions or for intimidation. The tusks prevalent on many helmets are entirely ornamental, being based upon powerful tusked creatures from their homeworld, and cannot be utilized as weapons.

The Larok is primarily used by the Nevelin, but it has also become popular with the Yin'vair and Renesat. Specialized squads of Arkevon and Jaset have also made use of the armor. The armor is seldom used by space-bound infantry due to its inferior temperature controls and life support. As it is less expensive than the Gatranus, some private companies own a number of suits, but the producer is very strict on who can possess what they consider to be an 'icon' of Nevelin culture.

Drekonis Infiltration Suit[edit | edit source]

The Drekonis is a mobility suit used exclusively by Her Majesty's Special Forces. Specifics of the design depend on the infantry utilizing it, but in general, the armor possesses a built in-stealth generator and only protects the vital areas and joints with armor plating. Instead of a full helmet, the standard model utilizes a mask-like headpiece, still providing all sensory information but lacking any air filters; the mask can readily be switched out with a Gatranus helmet or a dedicated gas mask when necessary.

MKXV Sentinel Armor[edit | edit source]
A Zhagavian Lancer wearing Sentinel armor. The armor's default brown coloration has been stripped away and replaced with silver painting.

Developed by the Valdar, the MKXV is the 'standard template' for all of the Valdar's general-purpose infantry armor. Like the Ladok, the Sentinel does not fully cover the limbs in armor, instead protecting it with individual plates. The armor itself is decent, able to provide adequate protection against small arms fire and shrapnel, though heavier weapons can pierce through it relatively easily. Many variants of the suit have been created: Heavy Gunner, Blade Dancer, Sharpshot, Siegeman, Shock Trooper, Nightshot, Moondancer, and the Astral Knight.

MKX Squire Armor[edit | edit source]

The MKX Squire Armor encases the user in a full-body suit of armor, providing both improved protection and the benefit of an internal skeleton and artificial muscles to the wearer at the cost of some of the Sentinel's ability. Until recently, the suit was a rather uncommon sight; no conflicts had justified large deployments of troops wielding the armor, thus relegating it to a few select groups. With the onset of the Valdar Crisis however, Squire Armor has made a massive resurgence, and has gone into full production for wide use across the loyalist Valdar's remaining troops. Originally, Squire Armor was built to be utilized by Astral Knights and Shock Troopers, though more variants are expected to be pressed into service soon.

MKXVII Support Armor[edit | edit source]

Somewhat similar in appearance to the Squire, the MKXVII 'Support' is the Valdar's dedicated utility oower armor. It possesses a stronger internal power supply than Standard sentinel armor and possesses more ports. The armor itself is less durable than Sentinel armor so as to make way for the ports and components, necessitating that users be protected by their allies. The most well known user of utility Armor is the Guardian, which utilizes a bunker shield generator. Another example is the Illusionist, which can create convincing holograms to distract enemy forces and draw their fire.

MKV Mirage Armor[edit | edit source]

The MKV Mirage is the Valdar's template for infiltration armor. It features an enhanced Stealth Generator and Power Supply to allow for extended periods of invisibility; this power can be diverted to the armor's Shield Generator to boost its strength when necessary. The Mirage is comprised primarily of an armored vest that protects the torso, boots, and a helmet. Armor to protect the upper and lower limbs are common, but also optional. The Mirage is very fragile, but it also succeeds in being very lightweight and quiet. Mirage suits are used only by a few dedicated special-operations forces, most notably the Star Watch.

Standard version of the Hilgne Armor.
MKII Hilgne Combat Armor[edit | edit source]

The MKII Hilgne is a product of Halseus Engineering designed for those who cannot afford power armor, particularly mercenaries and private security forces. The armor is comprised of numerous thick, somewhat bulky armor plates which protects the vital areas of the body; the armor just barely falls into the definition of powered armor, as while it retains a helmet, power supply, and fibrous jumpsuit, it lacks any and all other features, including ports for auxiliary components. This does make the user somewhat more mobile, but the armor is still vastly inferior to any military-grade suit, and as a result, is not used within the armed forces.

Battlesuits[edit | edit source]

Galderan battlesuits are essentially bigger and more powerful power armor suits; they share all of the same features, including the defensive, mobility, and utility classification. Some suits require the user to be stripped down to their fiber jumpsuit before they can enter it, though a few can be worn while the user is still wearing their armor, essentially making the battlesuit a 'third skin' and further enhancing the user's durability. They are distinguished from larger walkers in that walkers require a designated driver compartment and steering components whereas battlesuits do not.

Thanks to the significantly enhanced strength found in some battlesuits, the armors have their own class of weaponry. These weapons are far too large and heavy to be used by standard infantry, and are oftentimes much stronger than their small-arms equivalents.

MKV Xekelyin Battlesuit[edit | edit source]
Three different varieties of the Mechanized Battlesuit: Standard, Zenith, and Vahlsrod's Maw

Another product of Halseus Engineering, the Xekelyin Battlesuit is a protection/utility battlesuit which was produced and released alongside the Gatranus. The base model is fairly large and heavily armored, and the user does not need to remove their power armor in order to pilot it. The Xekelyin was built to compliment the Gatranus, and as such, can be modified into either a full-blown weapons platform, with weapons capable of being built unto the arms, shoulders, breastplate, and back, as well as the ability to hold battlesuit-class guns, or be converted into an excessively heavily armored bulwark equipped with a guardian shield generator to protect its allies. Xekelyin are also sometimes deployed in full squadrons designed to act as heavy shock troopers.

MKXI Tetheos Battlesuit[edit | edit source]

Standing at a 8 feet (2.4 meters) in height, the Tethos protection/utility suit is the standard-issue combat armor of the Armed Forces of the Zenuran Union, and as a result is the most ubiquitous battlesuit in the Galderan military. While modern designs take inspiration from the Arkevon, the suit is used exclusively by the Zenura, as they are the only species small enough to fit inside of the suit's driver compartment, which is located within the suit's large, spherical 'head'. It shares many similarities with the Gatranus and the Xekelyin, being well-armored and highly modular, allowing for many different variants to be produced. One such example replaces the suit's two arms with six arms that are each equipped with a plasma blade, turning the suit into a close-range combat specialist.

MKIII Sizerian Battlesuit[edit | edit source]

The Sizerian is a mobility battlesuit produced by Alamati Corporation, a joint venture between Arkevan and Zenuran arms manufacturers. It is unique among Galderan battlesuits in that it is the first and so far only battlesuit designed specifically for flight. The Sizerian is lightly armored, and built on a small, lightweight frame; users cannot be wearing power armor when donning the battlesuit. The Sizerian makes up for its limited durability through the use of a strong shield generator and its incredible speed; the Sizerian is equipped with an extremely powerful jet pack as well as a pair of retractable wings for steering and thrusters built into the lower legs for added speed. While it cannot quite match the speed of fighters, the Sizerian can match the speed of many gunships and dropships and promptly destroy them with an arsenal of explosive weaponry. The Sizerian also supports ground forces by performing strafing runs and raiding enemy positions.

While Sizerians can eliminate aerial vehicles with its weapons, it has become a sort of game among some pilots to board their targets, typically with the purpose of personally eliminating everyone on board or forcibly yanking the pilot out of their seat; this feat is made easy with the use of magnetic boots and claws designed to grip into the metal plating.

MKIII Julsur Battlesuit[edit | edit source]
A MKIII 'Julser' wielding two plasma blades.

The MKIII Julsur mobility/protection battlesuit is the flagship product of Ilsuvar, a Nevelin competitor to Lindes Forges. The armor serves as a notorious example of the somewhat blurry line that distinguishes battlesuits and power armors; the armor could easily pass as a suit of powered armor, but the Grand Army of Ilsur officially classifies it as a battlesuit due to the many differences between it and the grand army's standard-issue armor, the Ladok. The Julsur is currently the smallest battlesuit in the imperial arsenal, standing only a few inches taller than its wearer, which reduces its weight and allows it to get into places that other suits would have trouble reaching. It is also the most mobile battlesuit besides the Sizerian; its legs have extra artificial musculature and a complex system of springs and hydraulics in order to increase its speed. Like the Ladok, the Julsur has built-in voice activated adrenaline boosters.

On the battlefield, Julsurs are often deployed in their own individual squads and are assigned to 'berserker' roles; they flank and ambush enemy forces, engaging them in close quarters and shredding them apart with various melee weapons, such as wrist-mounted energy swords, axes, and swords. The Julsur is the only battlesuit incapable of wielding battlesuit-class weapons as it lacks the necessary strength to properly do so. As such, it wields infantry-class weaponry instead; however, it can still wield some heavier infantry weapons more easily than other soldiers.

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Weapon names can be split into three separate parts: a single letter that signifies the projectile the weapon uses, the weapon's classification (LMG, AR, etc) and the model number. For example, an N-KSA27 would, when written out plainly, say, "Ballistic heavy assault rifle model 27." Battlesuit, vehicular, and starship weapons all share this naming convention, with the addition of a second letter paired with the first so as to designate its role. Battlesuit weapons use X, vehicles use V, and starships use L. For example, an XN-AI3 reads, "battlesuit ballistic assault rifle model 3.'



N: Ballistic

D: Needle

G: Sabot

L: Plasma

O: Laser

Z: Particle

T: Electrical

Q: Sonic

CH: Hard Light

F: Poison

H: Incendiary

X: Acid

A: Cryo

I: Explosive

Weapon Classification

AI: Rifle

SA: Assault Rifle

KSA: Heavy Assault Rifle

NA: Sniper Rifle

ER: Shotgun

OR: Pistol

VDI: Sub-Machine Gun

NLI: Light Suppression Gun (LMGs, etc)

KLI: Heavy Suppression Gun

GR: Autocannon

UG: Cannon

QR: Launcher (Grenade/other)

QRV: Launcher (Rockets)

ND: Projector (flamethrower, etc)

GD: Unique/Experimental

Note: Occasionally, some of the terms for weapon classifications are mixed together for added clarity. For example: EROR, a shotgun pistol.

Infantry Weapons[edit | edit source]
Pistols[edit | edit source]


A staple of both the military and the C.D.F, the N-OR57 is the general purpose sidearm of both organizations and has a strong presence in the civilian sector as well. It is an average-sized select fire pistol that can shoot in semi-auto, bursts, or full automatic. While the military and CDF variants can both use armor-piercing rounds, civilian models cannot; unfortunately, a large number of CDF-model N-OR57s have made their way into the black market, granting criminals and underground organizations access to them.


Referred to as the 'pocket cannon', the N-ORAI5 is a heavy pistol that uses high-caliber rifle rounds. It is designed for users wearing power armor, being too large and producing too much recoil to be comfortably used by most unarmored individuals. The N-ORAI5 can punch through a heavily armored target at ranges far exceeding most pistols, though it has a slow rate of fire, making it less than ideal against large groups. The N-ORAI5 has become synonymous with commanding officers due to many notable individuals, including Varo Arvintis, making use of one.


Popular with commandos and starship-bound infantry units, the N-ORER10 is a six-shot select-fire shotgun pistol that uses standard shotgun ammunition. While being just as deadly, the N-ORER10 is less effective at longer ranges due to its smaller barrel, resulting in a wider spread. A variant of N-ORER10 is also available to the public, where it is a popular home defense weapon.


The L-OR2 is a short-to-medium range plasma pistol with two alternate firing modes. The first is a semi-automatic mode that discharges small bolts of plasma which are effective against lightly-armored targets. The second firing mode charges the weapon for several seconds before discharging half the battery in a single shot. This bolt is powerful enough to overload personnel shields in one shot and can burn a hole straight through well-armored infantry. Many squads have at least one soldier armed with an L-OR2 for picking off targets.

H-OR 'Scald'

Informally referred to as a 'Scald,' the H-OR is a miniaturized flamethrower designed for personal defense and rapid response to close-quarters engagements. Utilizing highly pressurized napalm, the H-OR can reliably hit a target about 15 feet (4.6 meters) away and is hot enough to burn through most standard armors. The main limiting factor of the Scald, aside from its rather low range, is its relatively small fuel reserves; despite the tank itself being fairly large, it burns through it very quickly, necessitating frequent reloading. Considered a niche weapon, especially compared to more conventional pistols such as the N-ORER10, the Scald is mostly popular with a select few regiments.

Submachine guns[edit | edit source]


N-VD121 with a drum magazine.

Though sub-machine guns have long fallen out of use among general infantry in favor of assault rifles, they still retain a presence in the C.D.F, Her Majesty's Special Forces, private security forces, and certain specialized regiments. Among the SMGs still in use, the N-VDI121 is among the most popular. Small, cheap, and easy to maintain, the N-VDI121 uses the same ammunition as the N-OR57 and boasts a high rate of fire with moderate accuracy, making it ideal in enclosed spaces. C.D.F models are modified to accept non-lethal rounds.


Initially designed by the Valdar to dispatch lightly-armored infantry from more primitive nations, the D-VDI13 fires 7-inch long flechettes that break apart when entering the skin. Both standard and poison-tipped flechettes can be loaded into the weapon, which can hold 45 rounds in a standard clip. Some attempted to modify the weapon so that it can use crystalline ammunition derived from Margan crystals, though this project was swiftly denied due to ethical and ecological concerns.

Rifles & Carbines[edit | edit source]


The iconic N-SA12 is an Arkevan-made assault rifle that is the standard-issue weapon across all service branches. A well-balanced weapon, the N-SA12 boasts a moderate rate of fire for an assault rifle and manageable recoil. While it shines in short-to-medium ranged engagements, it cam comfortable hit targets at longer ranges with its three-round burst. Like the Gatranus, the N-SA12 has been designed to be especially modular, resulting in a large number of specialty versions, some of which are used exclusively by individual armies. It's common for soldiers to attach rail-mounted shotguns and grenade launchers to their N-SA12s.


A high-powered alternative to the N-SA12, the N-KSA72 is a large and heavy rifle designed for users wearing power armor. It uses rounds typically found in sniper rifles, greatly increasing its power at the cost of a slightly reduced rate of fire, and for unarmored users, extreme recoil that makes it practically unusable unless its mounted unto something. Besides its ammunition and increased size, it is in many ways similar to the N-SA12, including its modularity. N-KSA72s are especially popular among the Arkevon and female Jaset.

N-NLISA3 'Storm Rifle'

Identified by its small size and smooth design, the Nevelin made N-NLISA3, also known as the storm rifle, boasts the highest fire rate of all modern Galderan rifles, surpassing even most submachine guns. Though each individual round is not particularly powerful, the stream of concentrated fire is more than enough to overwhelm personal shields and can rip into groups of lightly-armored infantry with ease. Storm rifles are used exclusively in short-range, as the recoil the weapon produces makes it almost entirely useless at longer ranges. Some have modified their storm rifles to be belt-fed, allowing them to fire right up until the barrel of their weapon begins to melt from overheating. These modified variants are referred to as 'shredders'.

CH-SA57 Photon

The photon is a hard light assault rifle of ancient origins that was first discovered in the years following the Zenura's induction into the empire. When initially recovered, what would become the CH-SA57 was inoperable; it was only after many years of careful study and repeated attempts on reproduced models that scientist were able to get the weapon to function properly, though they are still not entirely sure how the weapon works. A single CH-SA57 can be a devastating asset capable of burning through flesh and punching through metal with equal fervor, though the weapon is so expensive to reproduce that it is reserved only for the empire's most elite units.


The G-NA37 is the empire's most prolific sniper rifle. It is a miniaturized railgun that can reliably hit and kill a target from over a mile away with its dense tungsten projectile. Though seldom used, the N-NA37 can be loaded with special depleted uranium sabots to take out even heavily armored targets.

N-AI50 Coilrifle

An N-AI50 Coilrifle.

Popular with rangers and as a squad support weapon, the N-AI50 is a designated marksman's rifle designed for medium-ranged combat. It serves as a middle ground between the range of sniper rifles and the fire rate of an assault rifle. The N-AI50 utilizes coils, necessitating a battery alongside ammunition.

G-GD5 Impaler

A recent development, the G-GD5 'Impaler' uses high-powered coils to propel large metal stakes at extremely high velocity. The stakes have enough force to pierce straight through obstacles and even battlesuit armor plating. The weapon has earned a reputation for occasionally propelling infantry hit by its projectiles backwards and impaling them to walls, earning the U-GD5 its nickname. The G-GD5 has become very popular among heavy infantry and commando units for its sheer destructive power against armored infantry. However, the G-GD5 has a low rate of fire compared to other weapons and is not particularly accurate at longer ranges, limiting it to close-to-medium ranged engagements.

Machine Guns[edit | edit source]


The N-NLI34

Developed shortly after the Galderan-Naelkvan War, the N-NLI34 is the GAF's gold standard for automatic squad support weapons. The N-NLI34 is effective for both point-defense and mobile infantry, being relatively light while boasting good accuracy and a high rate of fire. It can use both standard drum magazines or ammunition belts. Most squads possess at least one gunner who uses the N-NLI34.

N-KLI10 Gatling Gun

The flagship product of the rapidly growing 'Adranar Armory' corporation, the large and imposing N-KLI10 is a three-barrel, man portable gatling gun. Though most frequently mounted on vehicles or defensive emplacements as a static defense, the N-KLI10 has been used by mobile infantry squads, particularly in situations where pinpoint accuracy is less of a concern. Arkevon and female Jaset are the most frequent users of the weapon in its portable form. Capable of firing around 2,500 armor-piercing rounds per minute, the N-KLI10 can clear a corridor or a room or mow down a group of infantry in mere seconds. Like the N-NLI34, the N-KLI10 can either be belt-fed or use a 250-round ammo box.


Derived from reverse-engineered Naelkvan designs, the Z-KLI7 is a shoulder-fired, 6-barrelled particle rotary cannon. Its most notable feature is its camera, which is mounted on top of the weapon and is designed to sync with an armor's visual relay, allowing a soldier to fire accurately while keeping their body concealed under cover. The Z-KLI7 is superior in many ways to the N-KLI10, boasting superior a fire rate of 3,200 rounds per minute and better armor-piercing capabilities. However, Z-KLI7s are considerably more expensive and time-consuming to produce and are somewhat unwieldy, especially for new users. Due to the combined weight of the weapon's battery, ammo reserve, and cooling vents, the Z-KLI7 can only be properly used by armored personnel.


A Steel Bulwark trooper utilizing the L-KLI4.

The L-KLI4 is a heavy plasma machine gun similar in many ways to the L-OR2. Like the pistol, the weapon has an alternate firing mode; after several seconds of charging, the L-KLI4 will produce a powerful stream of plasma for 3 to 4 seconds. This beam is capable of piercing light vehicle plating or several bunched-up targets. However, the L-KLI4 will be rendered entirely inoperable for several seconds as it recharges, leaving the user vulnerable to retaliatory fire. Overuse of the charge mechanic can cause the weapon's components to begin melting.

Shotguns/CQC Weaponry[edit | edit source]


The N-ER23 Automatic Shotgun

The N-ER23 is the standard-issue shotgun used across the military. It is a select-fire weapon that can fire semi-automatically, in two round bursts, or in full-auto. The shotgun can accept a wide array of ammunition, but the most commonly used shells are powerful armor-piercing slugs and flechette shells. By default the weapon has a fairly low spread, making it effective against single targets at a range of about seventy-five meters, though how much spread it produces can be easily modified. The N-ER23 is particularly common among starship-bound infantry due to its ability to clear a room during boarding operations. It has also gained traction with anti-Biomatter task forces, who use it to take advantage of the Biomatter's reliance on close range.

I-ER5 Pump Action

The I-ER5 was the child of desperation; its first iteration was built by forces that had lost contact with high command for several weeks while stranded on a hostile world. Beginning as a highly modified N-ER23, the weapon's ingenuity was enough to have it picked up by a company and made into an official part of the empire's arsenal. The I-ER5 is a magazine-fed semi-automatic pump action shotgun that utilizes micromissile shells. Like the N-ER23, its spread can be modified, allowing the I-ER5 to be equally effective against armored targets and groups. Due to the recoil produced by the weapons and the weight of its ammunition, only armored individuals can effectively wield the I-ER5.

Projectors[edit | edit source]

H-ND10 Flamejet

The H-ND10 "Flamejet" is a flamethrower popular with both the army and anti-biomatter forces. The weapon features a simple design, with a heavy, reinforced tank situated on the back between and a hose that feeds fuel into the nozzle. The age-old design makes it easy to maintain and repair, though users often need assistance putting on and replacing tanks, particularly the Arkevon. The weapon uses an extremely hot and sticky napalm that is almost impossible to remove and is capable of melting through the plating of many lightly armored vehicles. The H-ND10 has a maximum effective range of twenty-five meters.


A Vahlsrod's Maw soldier armed with the X-ND.

Used primarily by the Bio/Chemical Warfare Unit, the X-ND is a flamethrower-like weapon that uses highly corrosive acid that can melt armor and flesh alike. The acid is made up of a few chemicals that are kept within their own tanks until they are mixed together as they leave the nozzle. A special corrosion-resistant material lines the inside of the weapon, preventing the acid from melting the gun itself. The X-ND only has a slightly lower range than the average flamethrower but has the benefit of rendering enemy cover completely unusable due to the acid itself as well as the toxic fumes it produces.

T-GD27 'Teknar's Wrath'

Deriving its nickname from the weapon's designer and most infamous user, Teknar Zochaze, the T-GD27 is an anti-infantry/battlesuit weapon that utilizes static electricity. The weapon is powered by two fairly large and heavy batteries situated in the bottom compartment of the weapon, necessitating the use of power armor for most races to wield. The T-GD27 features a switch near the trigger that allows the user to automatically modify the weapon's electrical charge. At low charges, the T-GD makes an effective multi-target stun gun capable of incapacitating infantry. At around medium strength, the weapon fries electrical components and can kill several people at a time. When set to maximum strength, the T-GD27 produces an extremely powerful bolt of lightning capable of severely damaging or outright destroying battlesuits as well as light armor. While technically classified as a short to medium range weapon, the bolt of lightning can reach much further, up to several hundred feet away from the user; however, this is very inaccurate and prone to missing.

Teknar's Wrath is an uncommon sight on the battlefield. Though very powerful in the hands of a skilled user, it is difficult to utilize properly; improper use can result in accidental friendly fire that can incapacitate or kill much of a squad. As a result, soldiers who use the T-GD27 are often seasoned veterans who are specifically trained to wield it and are given their own dedicated position within a squad.

Launchers[edit | edit source]


The I-QRV77 is a light-weight and versatile shoulder-fired missile launcher that is capable of both dumb-fire and locking onto targets. It can accept a multitude of different missiles without the need of modifications, allowing a user to effectively take on any target by simply using a different missile. Some of the more exotic types of rockets compatible with the I-QRV77 include a missile that, upon detonation, sprays acid in all directions, as well as a cluster missile that splits into smaller missiles to cover a wide area.


The I-QR10 grenade launch is an accurate semi-automatic launcher that can fire up to eight grenades in rapid succession before needing to reload. Equally fit for defensive and offensive operations, the I-QR10 is a popular way for squads to quickly increase their firepower, though it is overshadowed in some regiments by rifle-mounted grenade launchers. The C.D.F also makes use of the I-QR10 for crowd control and anti-riot operations.


Shock Trooper firing an Z-GD3.

Another result of the empire's integration of Naelkvan technology, the Z-GD3 is a shoulder-fired particle cannon similar in design to larger lance cannons. After about five seconds of charging, the Z-GD3 unleashes a powerful stream of particles powerful enough to punch straight through a tank or even a building, instantly vaporizing anything in its wake. Featuring surprisingly little recoil and pin-point accuracy, the Z-GD3 can hit a target at ranges equivalent to that of a sniper rifle. It is most often used as a long-range heavy support, as its cool down and charge up times make it impractical for close-range engagements.

Mechanized Battlesuit Weaponry[edit | edit source]
Pistols[edit | edit source]
Submachine guns[edit | edit source]
Rifles[edit | edit source]


The NX-KSA15 is a battlesuit sized assault rifle inspired by the N-KSA72 line. It shares all the features of its smaller, man-portable counterparts. The XN-KSA15 is popular among pilots looking for extra versatility and utility, as the gun is not bolted unto the suit like some other weapons are and it is effective at most ranges. Most pilots attach a bayonet or rail-mounted weapon to their rifles.


The XG-NA4 is a powerful railgun-based sniper rifle used by most battlesuit pilots to take out armored vehicles. With a range of over two miles, the XG-NA4 can take down an armored unit or battlesuit long before the enemy realizes its there. The rifle has also been used in closer ranges, with a squad's rear guard providing overwatch while the rest of their team advances.

Machine Guns[edit | edit source]

XN-KLI5 "Chainsaw" Autocannon

A MIB using the XN-KLI5.

Affectionately referred to as the 'chainsaw' by many of its users, the XN-KLI5 is a very large, two-handed belt-fed heavy machine gun. Initially designed to be used on vehicles, the original design was down-scaled and given to battlesuits to provide a way to support allies with suppression fire and cleave through hordes of infantry. It quickly earned a reputation as one of the most feared weapons of the battlesuit arsenal, capable of wiping squads in seconds and tearing apart lightly-armored vehicles. The drawback of the KLI5 is its cumbersome size, which makes it difficult to use in claustrophobic environments.


A battlesuit firing the XN-GD3.

The XN-GD3 gives the power of anti-aircraft tanks to battlesuit pilots. It is a large pack comprised of two rotary cannons that is mounted on the battlesuit's back. Sophisticated targeting computers and hydraulics allow the XN-GD3 to lock unto and track low-flying aircraft such as gunships and dropships. While capable of taking down fighters and bombers, this is more difficult to achieve.The NX-GD3 is incapable of hitting ground targets, so to compensate many users wield weapons such as the XN-KSA15 and XN-ER50.

XN-KLI2 Minigun

The XN-KLI2 are wrist-mounted, six-barreled miniguns optimized for close quarters combat. As one of the smallest non-shoulder mounted weapons of the battlesuit arsenal, the XN-KLI2 is lightweight and easy to use, making it a popular choice for many, especially starship-bound infantry and anti-biomatter units. The XN-KLI2 has the highest fire-rate of all battlesuit weapons, firing at a rate of five-thousand rounds-per-minute. A modified version of the weapon exist for use by infantry, who often use it as a stationary turret.

Shotguns & CQC Weapons[edit | edit source]

XN-ER5 Scattercannon

The XN-ER5 Scattercannon is a select-fire heavy shotgun. It fires large, fist-sized shells which contain pellets capable of shredding apart infantry and battlesuits. When set to full-auto, it can fire at a rate similar to that of some assault rifles, producing enough recoil that many battlesuit pilots need time to adjust to it. Like the N-ER23, its spread can be adjusted.

Projectors[edit | edit source]


The LX-ND1 is a powerful anti-tank weapon. By default, the LX-ND1 uses a stream of superheated plasma akin to a flamethrower, resulting in its classification as a projector and making it deadly at close range against both vehicles and groups of infantry. For longer ranges, the XL-ND1 can be set to fire individual blasts of plasma.

XX-GD6 Toxin Sprayer

Used exclusively by the Bio/Chemical Warfare Unit, the XX-GD6 is one of the least conventional weapons in the Imperial arsenal. It is a system of small sprayers spread out across the chassis of a battlesuit, all connected to one or more central tanks located in the back. These sprayers propel highly toxic, normally invisible gasses out almost constantly, turning the suit into a walking cloud of death. A single suit can quickly flood a building or any small, enclosed space, killing any unprotected person within minutes.

Launchers[edit | edit source]

XH-QRVAIX-3 Revolving Launcher

A continuation of older Zenuran designs, the XH-QRVAIX-3, also known as the 'Revolving Launcher,' is the standard issue rocket launcher used by battlesuits. Visually, it resembles a vastly oversized assault rifle with a gigantic barrel and a revolver-like cylinder case that contains four rockets. It is semi-automatic, and can prime and launch a missile within half a second of the previous one being fired, allowing the user to lay down a hail of rocket fire in a short period of time; this has been made even more devastating with the use of certain missiles, such as cluster missiles. The XH-QRVAIX-3 is especially popular with shock squadrons as it can quickly overwhelm unprepared troops. The revolving launcher also features lock-on targeting like the I-QRV77.

XH-QR7 Mortar Cannon

The XH-QR7 is a large mortar cannon that is mounted unto the back much like the XN-GD3. This allows the pilot to act as a highly mobile light artillery piece able to be right there along the front lines and provide support to squads in places where the heavier artillery can't target without risk of friendly fire. Pilots utilizing the XH-QR7 tend to stick with supporting squads of infantry who can help protect it against close enemies and provide extra ammunition. Unlike the XN-GD3, weapons can be mounted on the shoulders, weapons which tend to be focused on close-medium range combat.

Weapon Attachments[edit | edit source]

Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]

See also: Melee Weapon

The reintroduction of melee weaponry came as a surprise to many throughout the military. For centuries, many considered the concept of melee weapons to be obsolete and archaic, something to be left behind in ancient history. This changed with the introduction of plasma-based weaponry. During the Vulga of Unity, with the help of the Nevelin, Engineers began to experiment with creating blades made of plasma energy, and within a few months, had created the first plasma blade prototypes. These prototypes were soon given to infantry units that would later become the first Xeskerah. The test proved to be a rousing success, and within a few months, mass production of the first plasma-based melee weapons began. In the years that followed, saw blades, high-frequency blades, and gravity weapons would also become a part of the empire's growing arsenal.


To the Arkevon, especially those of Nolsarian and Lyvrn descent, the war hammer is to them what a sword is to humanity. Hammers have been used throughout all of history due to their versatility and the Arkevon's own resistance to metal blades which had rendered slashing weapons inefficient compared to thrusting or blunt weaponry. Hammers have always played a prominent role in their iconography and culture, and have been used by famous individuals such as King Xarvok and Emperor Kazadair I. As a result, the Haldak was one of their few melee weapons being utilized before the official reintroduction of melee weaponry. The Haldak features a large, blunt head that can easily break armor and knock someone to the ground. The opposite of the head is a large spike, allowing the user to impale a target. The opposite end of the handle features a similar spike. A more recent iteration of the hammer replaces the spike with a plasma blade. The Haldak comes in three separate sizes. The smallest is a one-handed version commonly utilized by infantry, the next is a two-handed version. The final size is about as large as a fully-grown Arkevon and is utilized by battlesuits. Gravity Haldaks have also been produced and are usually gifted to prominent individuals as a sign of prestige.


A powerful weapon in the hands of a skilled user, the Elavru is a long, twin-headed pole weapon. Over the years, many iterations of the Elavru have been created, but almost all of them feature the same general properties; they range between four to eight feet in length, with each end possessing a 1 1/2 to 3 foot long blade, with each blade facing the opposite direction of the other. Modern Elavru can have either plasma blades or chain blades. While a very deadly weapon capable of slicing or impaling multiple targets at a time, it is difficult and time-consuming to master. They are seldom seen on the battlefield except when used by highly trained wielders, earning them a deadly reputation with other races.


Occasionally confused for a variation of the Elavru, the Voldar is a spear which can range from three to nine feet in length. Though the ancient origins of the Voldar have been long forgotten, its purpose is obvious: piercing armor. There are two version of the weapon: one possessing a three-foot long blade and another having three blades arranged in a trident shape; the trident variant is a common sight in religious ceremonies. Though the Voldar is quite effective against armor, it is probably one of the least common weapons in the empire's arsenal. Most consider it to be unwieldy and inefficient. The primary users of the Voldar are jetpack mounted infantry, who use it to impale infantry as they descend towards the ground.


The Jakure is a three-to-four foot long sword designed by the Nevelin. Swords had been a part of Arkevan society long before the Nevelin arrived, but had never gained the notoriety they had in other societies. Unable to effectively slice through the Arkevon's thick scales, the only swords that existed were for stabbing and thrusting; they were often eclipsed by hammers, daggers, and axes as a result. The Nevelin revived the art of swordsmanship within the empire, and with the creation of chain and plasma-based melee weapons, have brought swords back to the battlefield.


Orezon are small, one-handed axes designed for hacking and slashing infantry. Its light weight and small size has made it one of the more common sights on the battlefield, being used by many soldiers as a way to quickly dispatch a target. The most famous users of the Orezon are the Xeskerah, many of whom make it their go-to for hacking an enemy to pieces while they use their wrist blades for stabbing more armored targets. Some users are known to carry around two of the axes, allowing them to take down multiple targets at a time.


Made famous by Her Majesty's Special Forces, the Qovolr are small, lightweight daggers frequently used in assassinations. While several types exist, the high-frequency format is the most common as it is the quietest. While commonly associated with assassinations and stealth, most soldiers on the battlefield also use the Qovolr as a personal defense weapon, utility tool, and bayonet. Many Xeskerah have a dagger strapped to each wrist, both to make room for extra weapons to hold and to quickly stab someone, or even to ram into targets with the help of their jetpacks.


The Ikka is a Zenuran-made melee weapon similar to a dagger. Instead of featuring a handle, it fits over one of the Zenura's hands like a large glove. It is most often used by Zenuran spies and battlesuit pilots as a last-resort option. No other race currently utilizes the Ikka or any modified variant of it due to its design.

Explosive Equipment[edit | edit source]

Grenades and other explosive devises follow a somewhat similar naming convention to guns, using the same coding to specify what type of munitions they utilize; this also helps to reduce confusion with the double-digit codes utilized by infantry weapons. They utilize single-digit codes to differentiate their classification, though retain the model number.

D: Grenade

Q: Mine

Z: Missile

Grenades[edit | edit source]


The I-D9 is a standard-issue fragmentation grenade utilized by all divisions of the military. It is an exceptionally powerful grenade designed to be used by mobile assault forces in open environments. As such, the I-D9 has a very large blast radius and can launch dozens of hard, metal fragments; each of which can easily pierce infantry armor. Due to its impressive power, the D-I9 is noticeably larger than an average fragmentation grenade.

I-D2 'Cluster'

Additionally designated as 'cluster' to help avoid confusion, the I-D2 is a cluster grenade. Before detonating, it will split apart and scatter small bombs in all directions. The I-D2 can be calibrated to either detonate mid-air, raining ordinance on enemy forces, or to detonate after hitting the ground; effective for clearing rooms. The I-D2 is not as powerful as an I-D9 fragmentation grenade, but it does possess a much larger blast radius.


An old design largely untouched aside from its chemical mixture, the H-D23 is a powerful incendiary grenade utilized heavily by the Crimson Hammer and Vahlsrod's Maw. It uses a highly volatile, sticky, napalm-like substance that melts armor and is extremely difficult to remove. With its long-lasting burn, the H-D23 is most commonly used against groups of lightly armored infantry or to drive infantry out of fortifications. More niche uses include damaging visual sensors on certain walkers and blanketing cockpits and view ports with fire, rendering them unusable.


Used exclusively by Vahlsrod's Maw, the X-D3 is a grenade that utilizes the same deadly chemical concoction as the X-ND. Upon detonation, it explodes and shatters, launching acid and projectiles in all directions, covering anyone nearby in deadly acid. The X-D3 is extremely effective against unarmored and armored infantry alike, but it is somewhat dangerous to handle; the X-D3 is designed to detonate as soon as it hits something after it is primed. Improper use can pose an extreme risk to allied forces, so soldiers often receive specialized training before being granted the weapon. The X-D3 has found extensive use in the Anti-Biomatter Task Force, where its acid can take down multiple targets at a time and prevent regeneration.

G-D11 'Spiker'

The G-D11 is a unique grenade of the Imperial arsenal, both in its design and its method of attack. The G-D9 is built much like pre-modern grenade designs, with the bomb attached to a stick; this is largely due to the numerous spikes which protrude from the explosive. These spikes can get stuck unto clothing and flesh, making the G-D11 a semi-effective sticky bomb. Rather than utilizing chemicals or fragments, the 'spiker,' as its name implies, uses razor sharp flechettes designed to cause intense bleeding and shred apart flesh. The flechettes are designed to break apart once they enter the flesh, getting stuck and making it much more difficult to heal; many victims quickly bleed to death. However, the Spiker is much less effective against armoring and shielding than a typical grenade. The G-D9 most often sees use in more closed-in environments where the I-D9 and its explosive power would be too destructive.

Personnel[edit | edit source]

Conscription and Training[edit | edit source]

All citizens, regardless of gender or social status, must serve a minimum of two years in the military once they finish primary school and reach a certain point in biological maturity. The age at which they are conscripted varied wildly depending on the species. Certain medical conditions, as well as certain criminal offenses, can exempt one from military service. Soldiers can be honorably discharged if they are grievously injured, though they can also opt to be sent back to the field after undergoing augmentation procedures.

Before their training begins, all recruits must complete an aptitude test which determines their knowledge and skills. One's grade on the test plays a heavy role in where they will go in the military; cadets who express a potential for leadership may be sent to become squad leaders, for example. Once the test is complete, the recruits officially begin training, which will take a few months or more depending on what service branch they are being sent to as well as what role they will play. One training is complete, they officially begin service and are deployed wherever they are needed; once the two years compulsory period is over, they then have the option is either returning home or staying with the military for as long as they wish. Some soldiers opt to become permanent soldiers, fighting for as long as they are able-bodied. Those who return home become permanent members of the reserve, and can be brought back into service in times of crises.

Failure to comply with the draft is widely considered to be cowardly and shameful, and is met with serious legal consequences. Those caught dodging the draft are fined and imprisoned, and are henceforth barred from service until they can prove to be trustworthy. These individuals, as well as anyone else who dodges the draft, will lack a mark on their identity which would indicate their service; this prevents them from being able to keep most jobs, own a home, or even purchase certain goods. They also face discrimination. Dedicated draft dodgers tend to flee to regions populated by the Avrin, who show either indifference or support for their actions. They may also find sanctuary somewhere in the outer colonies.

Infantry Classifications[edit | edit source]

Soldier[edit | edit source]
The four current iterations of Arkevan Elsekt, starting from the left: Army of the Imperium, Home Guard, Bio/Chemical Marines, and Imperial Armada.

The Elsekt are the rank-and-file soldiers of the Imperial military. Spending months training in a variety of environments ranging from jungles to cities to spaceships and taught how to use any available weapon from the arsenal, the Elsekt are prepared for any scenario conflict can bring against them. The equipment an Elsekt starts out with depends both on the race they originated from and their regiment; for example, many Arkevon will wear Gatranus armor while Nevelin soldiers will instead possess the Ladok Combat Vest. Four of the six service branches utilize a variant of the Elsekt: Army of the Imperium, Home Guard, Bio/Chemical Marines, and the Imperial Armada.

By far the most numerous of these Elsekt are those belonging to the Army of the Imperium. These soldiers, sometimes referred to as 'Hammers,' form the bulk of the military's general-purpose planetary combat infantry. While it can vary regiment to regiment, most Hammers maintain a balance between mobility and protection, wearing armor considered to be middle-ground in terms of its protection. These soldiers have the widest arsenal available to them; ranging from assault rifles, shotguns, rocket launchers, semi-auto rifles, and machine guns. They also carry at least one melee weapon with them, usually a hammer or mace, or sometimes a dagger. Some may forego a rifle and instead use a two-handed war hammer or polearm.

The Elsekt of the Home Guard have put an emphasis on protection over mobility. Among the Elsekt, they are heavily armored walking tanks, bolstering thick, durable armor and powerful shield generators. They are the second most common type of Elsekt, and can frequently be seen working alongside Elsektof other branches or operating within their own squads. These heavily armored bulwarks operate on the frontlines alongside their other partners, using their armor to take the brunt of the fire and lay down automatic or explosive fire. They can trade-in their heavy weaponry for a very large shield to provide mobile cover to nearby allies. Alternatively, they can replace their shield with other options such as N-KSA72s or Impaler rifles and simply use their obscene armor take the brunt.

Bio/Chemical Marines Elsekt are the least numerous of the Elsekt corps. They utilize a specialized version of the Gatranus tailored to toxic environments and biological warfare. Their helmets feature more advanced air filters than usual helmets, helping to survive in especially toxic environments. The armor also tends to share many traits of the Steel Bulwark, namely having more armor plating than average, but this can vary between regiments. These soldiers have become popular on the Betel front, where many regiments from other divisions have borrowed their equipment and many Vahlsrod troops have been deployed due to the toxic environment. Infantry use a mix of weapons, both weaponry available to other divisions, such as the N-SA12 and N-AI50, or weapons unique to them alone, such as the X-ND. Soldiers in the Biomatter task forces are even more specialized. Many of them use explosive rounds which, while not as effective at piercing armor,can easily go through flesh and blow it apart.

The Elsekt of the Imperial Armada are fairly common among the corps but are seldom seen by many; they spend almost all of their time in space. As a result, they are only really seen by outsiders during boarding operations. Their training includes several weeks in virtual-reality simulations within replica vessels to help give them a general sense of the vessel's layout, as well as how to fight in them. Many possess better-than-average engineering knowledge as they maintain a part-time job as maintenance workers aboard the vessels they reside on. As well as protecting their own ships, they have the task of boarding and assaulting enemy vessels directly either to disable them or to capture them. Their armor is built to survive in the vacuum of space, and features built-in jetpacks and large air tanks in the torso. These Elsekt are typically armed with weapons tailored to close-to-medium range combat, with popular choices including shotguns and ARs. Rarely, long ranged weaponry is also utilized, but this only occurs if boarding an extremely large vessel.

Jet Trooper[edit | edit source]

Both alternatives to one another, the Servas and Xeskerah are infantry extensively trained to utilize jetpacks. Unlike the Elsekt, both Servas and Xeskerah are often veterans who have earned prestige on a few campaigns. This is due to the increased risk both classes take on, especially the Xeskerah. They have received modified armor and weapons as part of their profession, and as a result of their veteran status, they often hold more sway than some of their Elsekt brethren. This often isn't official power however, as most of them are not squad leaders.

All iterations of the Servas (top) and Xeskerah (bottom).


Like their less mobile Elsekt brethren, the Servas are front-line assault infantry, trained to either support their squads or crush their enemy through constant, unrelenting strikes. The Servas often utilize their jetpacks to reach higher ground for an improved vantage point or to constantly get in and out the thick of the fighting. Their role can depend on what the composition of the rest of their squad is. If it contains Elsekt and other units that can't fly, then the Servas often offer support and reconnaissance information. If the entire squad consist of Servas, then they are purely offensive.

Crimson Hammer, Steel Bulwark, Vahlsrod's Maw and Zenith all utilize the Servas, though compared to the Elsekt their roles can have more diversity. The Crimson Hammer has the most assault-oriented Servas and most frequently operate within their own squads. These troopers utilize mid-range power armor and a wide arsenal of melee weaponry, assault and semi-auto rifles, and explosive ordinance. Whereas many Elsekt carry a combat knife or hammer with them, Servas prefer to use Orezon axes or even Elavru pole weapons. The Servas of the Hammer have a reputation for being adrenaline-seekers and daredevils who perform seemingly insane acts such as jumping onto a battlesuit's head or boarding fast moving vehicles

Like their Elsekt counterparts, the Servas of Steel Bulwark are heavily armored, though not so heavily that they'd be unable to fly. These Servas often work in hybrid squads and serve a supporting role. Unlike their Elsekt equivalents who fight directly on the front, these Servas stay behind the line and use their mobility to keep up. Outside the Imperial Mainland, they are often seen in developed regions such as urban environments or in rough, mountainous terrain where they can find high ground from which to shoot. They provide heavy mid-range support with high-powered explosive weaponry such as rocket launchers, or they can hold down a defensive strong-point with a heavy automatic weapon. Unlike Hammer Servas, they forego the use of melee weaponry.

While the least seen of the bunch, the Servas of Vahlsrod's Maw are perhaps the most infamous. These Servas operate as a hybrid between the offensive prowess of Crimson Servas and the heavy support offered by Bulwark troops. They utilize stripped down Bulwark armor but often use many of the same weapons as the Hammers, modified to fit Maw standards, or their division's own weapons. However, the most dangerous aspect of these soldiers are not their weapons, but their armor; built inside is a miniaturized version of the Xekelyin Battlsuit's XX-GD6 Toxin Sprayer. A common tactic of these Servas is to do constant fly-overs of the enemy so as to deliver their toxic payload where battlesuits and artillery may be unable to reach. Many of these troops also utilize X-D3 grenades and the X-ND to rain down a corrosive stream on those down below.

Servas serving in Zenith don't exist in the same way that they do in other divisions. As all troops in Zenith already have jetpack training for both zero-G and starship environments, the Servas' advantage on planets is nullified. As such, most Servas in this division also receive basic leadership training and take the positions of squad leaders. Aside from their armor, they overall have the same arsenal and strategies as their Elsekt followers.


Patience is a virtue, and few among the Empire's general forces represent this quality as well as the Xeskerah. Introduced alongside the reintegration of melee weapons, the Xeskerah are lightly armored infantry trained to ambush and harass the enemy. Their job is to infiltrate enemy lines and to pick off specific targets, be it commanders or special infantry, and to eliminate isolated units. They also function as saboteurs, laying down mines and destroying artillery and other strategic positions. Unlike the Servas, the Xeskerah always operate independently, forming their own squadrons rather than mingling with other units. The Xeskerah corps is currently the most dangerous position in the military, with its casualty rates being proportionally high even compared to the Elsekt. As a result, standards for the position are extremely high, and those veterans who survive multiple battles often become role-models for others to follow. These experienced Xeskerah can eventually ascend to a position in the Eyes of the Goddess, usually becoming infiltration and spy units.

Compared to other divisions, Xeskerah between the divisions have fairly little differences in their equipment and strategy as they have a rather linear role. Their armor is some of the lightest among infantry so as to allow them increased mobility and speed. As the Xeskerah often get right up to their targets, many utilize melee weapons like wrist-mounted Quovolis daggers for armored targets and Orezon axes for cleaving through troopers. Many also utilize weapons such as shotguns and heavy assault rifles.

All standard divisions save for the Steel Bulwark utilize the Xeskerah. The Bulwark doesn't have its own version of the Xeskerah as it doesn't possess any role that the Bulwark could make use of; their focus on heavy armor and support runs counter to the Xeskerah's light armoring and fully offensive strategy.

Ranger[edit | edit source]
Orbital Shock Trooper[edit | edit source]
Champion[edit | edit source]
Special Operations[edit | edit source]

Unlike other infantry (with the exception of the Ascendant's Guard), Special Operations forces exist only in the Eyes of the Goddess Division and do not have any equivalents within the other divisions. Spec-Ops forces also do not utilize full-body power armor unlike their brethren; they instead use armor that covers only the vital areas of the body. The un-armored areas are protected by an advanced nanoweave fiber and a state-of-the-art shield generator. This allows spec-ops forces to be much more mobile and capable of sneaking without the loud clanking of armor.

The three main types of spec-ops infantry, in order starting from left: Kosero, Halrog, and then Ilveras.


Masters of stealth and subterfuge, the Ilveras are the true stealth forces of the Eyes of the Goddess. They encompass all stealth and espionage operations that take place outside of the battlefield, whether that be assassinations, capturing vital intelligence, or sabotaging the enemy prior to an invasion. They also see use on the battlefield, sneaking behind enemy lines to disrupt communication and supply lines. During such operations, they work closely with the Koseron, with the sniper providing visual support and taking down threats whenever possible. Ilvera are highly specialized infantry, with many of them being trained to do specific tasks, making them extremely proficient in their field. Ilvera have a preference towards lightweight weaponry, and often utilize such weapons as the N-VD121, N-AI50, and N-ER23 for close quarters. When it comes to sidearms, most prefer something that will stop something in one hit, and thus many utilize a silenced N-ORAI5. Practically all Ilvera are armed with a dagger for assassinating targets up close.

A number of Ilvera are deployed on colonies and within regiments belonging to other divisions to act as a secret police force. Operating outside of the CDF's jurisdiction and instead answering directly to High Command and the government, they are used to spy on politicians and other positions of rank within the populace and military. If someone is condemned as an threat to the empire and its people, they either get captured and imprisoned, or assassinated. The assassinations are generally framed to make it look as though political enemies or rebel forces were responsible, concealing the existence of the Ilvera operatives and stirring up opposition and hatred for that group.


The Kosero are highly trained snipers tasked with shattering the enemy by eliminating key targets, providing allies with long-range support, and providing reconnaissance information. Most Kosero are picked from any of the other divisions for their expertise in long-range combat and are then extensively trained for several months on the art of sniping and stealth. Equipped with a shield generator, the Kosero can sneak to a location, eliminate a target, and escape just as quickly as they had arrived. A Koseron can remain on the field for weeks or even months at a time thanks to the fact that they take a long time to digest their food. As such, most Koseron, before they go out on a mission, will eat an especially large meal and supplement themselves with rations. Some take it a step further and push their immune system, consuming wild animals and fallen foes raw so that they can remain out longer.

The iconic weapon of the Koseron is the N-NA37 sniper rifle. A typical unit will often have carry eight batteries along with several clips of ammunition. For close range engagements, they are typically armed with the N-ER23 or the N-VD121 as well as a sidearm. For melee combat, they often utilize the Orezon or a Quvolr.

Halrog Trooper

Whereas most spec-ops forces are trained for stealth, subterfuge, and subtlety, the forces of the Halrog corps are trained to do the exact opposite. Hand-picked from soldiers of the Crimson Hammer and Zenith who have proven themselves to be incredibly skilled fighters, the Halrog are assault commandos sent on extremely dangerous missions where stealth is either unnecessary or has failed. Such operations include rescuing an individual or theft of a valuable object. Trained to focus solely on the objective and work extremely quickly, the Halrog are fast and brutish, and don't hesitate to gun down anything that happens to get in their way. Of the three variants of spec-ops infantry, the typical Halrog wear the most armor, though still not as much as a standard Elsekt would. Their shield are, however, exceptionally strong thanks to utilizing a powerful generator. And despite their reputation, they do in fact utilize stealth generators on a frequent basis.

Also in contrast to the typical stealth operative is the Halrog's arsenal. They utilize loud, powerful weaponry that can easily stop a soldier in their tracks, such as the G-GD5 Impaler, N-KSA72, and the N-ORAI5. Though more uncommon than in the Servas corps, some Halrog will equip themselves with a melee weapons along with as jetpacks for the added mobility. Popular choices include wrist-mounted Qovolr or the Elavru.

Arnan[edit | edit source]
The armor worn by the Arnan Guard, seldom seen outside the confines of the Emperor's fortress.

The Arnan Guard are those exemplary individuals who have earned one of the most respected and important positions a soldier can achieve: becoming a member of the Guard tasked with protecting the Empress and her family. They are individuals who have dedicated their whole life to serving the Empire and defending its ideals. They represent the very best the military has to offer, with the Guard made up of hardened veterans who have served the military for decades and have fought in some of the most violent and destructive battles. Very few Arnan are known to exist, and the exact number has never been released. Experts often state the number is likely between only one hundred to a thousand at most.

The selection process for an Arnan is long, tedious, and dangerous. Candidates are selected from any of the five divisions based on their skill, loyalty, faith, and how long they have served for. Once they have been selected, they are taken to an undisclosed location on Kovas. Here, they go through a grueling, multi-month long training process where they train against each other and other Arnan to hone their skills. They must also take religious classes that have them memorize a variety of rituals and verses from the holy text that are important in prayers and rituals; as well as various psychological and loyalty test to assure sound mental health and that they are in-line with the Empire's ideals. Such classes start with a few dozen soldiers at most, but then progressively go down to only a few individuals by the end. Once they have successfully passed the training, they must then partake in a ritual. In the ritual, the initiates are blessed by the division's clerics, the recruits will then swear an oath to protect the Emperor and the Empire as a whole. Once they have done this, they will be given their armor, and once they have put it on, they must take another oath; an oath of silence. The Guard will then not be allowed to talk at any time while on duty unless it is necessary to do so. Once this has been completed, they have officially become a member of the Arnan, and will be shipped to Galderis Fortress and assigned a position.

Galderis, however, is a very safe location as it currently stands; attacks on the installation are exceedingly rare and often minuscule in scale. Many would thus argue that the skill of the Arnan Guard is being put to waste. In reality, the Arnan Guard do see deployment on the battlefield; usually in small groups as commanding officers alongside a contingency of Special-Operations forces, the Arnan Guard are deployed on missions that are too delicate for the military to handle and are considered to be of great importance to the government. In such cases, they answer only to the Emperor, the Xelva, and if granted authority, the Valxelva. An example of the Arnan's work was the assassination of the rebellious Valxelva, Keroteth Nalas, who began the Era of Discord. In other cases, the Arnan are deployed simply as messengers for the royals, where they will go to personally deliver messages to individuals. A rare occurrence, this is only done when the Empire fears of possible interception.

The Arnan possess some of the most advanced and exotic technology that a soldier can currently get their hands on. Much of their gear is cutting edge and sometimes much more advanced than what the rest of the military currently has. Their armor can be considered to be a very new model of armor as it is in many ways an improved Gatranus. The plating has been improved and made more durable. It features a powerful shield generator that allows for manual control, essentially allowing the user to direct where most of the shield's energy is being focused. For example, if being shot from the front, the user can shift the shield to focus there, making the shield significantly harder there, but leaving him vulnerable from behind. Thanks to improved energy capacitors, it can remain functional for weeks longer. An improved stealth generator has also been built in. Various other small improvements to the HUD, medicine injectors, foam injectors, temperature controls, and other aspects have been improved upon. Their arsenal, likewise, is just as advanced, using the most recent coilgun and energy-based weaponry, some of which have yet to see use in the rest of military. As of recently, many Arnan have also begun to replace parts of their body with cybernetic components, extending their lifespan and improving their fighting ability even further.

The Arnan Guard are well known for being extremely zealous followers of the Goddess. The unit follows the words of the Holy Text to the letter, and serve out the rituals on a sometimes daily basis. Their traditions, as well, are derived from the texts. Though the background and identity of the guard has been long deleted, it is assumed that simply no atheist exist within the Guard due to the training courses requiring knowledge of the text and the guard itself looking down on those who don't hold to their standard of faith. Their armor often reflects this; it is covered in etchings of symbols and icons derived from stories told in the text.

Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Armored Fighting Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Kaldrak Infantry Fighting Vehicle[edit | edit source]

A Kaldrak supporting Shock Troopers.

The Kaldrak is the empire's go-to Infantry Fighting Vehicle and Personnel carrier. It is faster and more agile that most vehicles thanks to utilizing hover technology for movement. The Kaldrak can carry up to six passengers as well as one pilot and gunner. These traits have made the Kaldrak especially popular on the frontier worlds, as it can quickly traverse the untamed terrain and quickly bring troops from one outpost to another. On the battlefield, the Kaldrak uses its mobility to move troops to and fro the front and provide support to allied infantry. It is commonly utilized by medical personnel, who use the Kaldrak to bring wounded soldiers back to a nearby base so they can be healed.

Weapons wise, the Kaldrak is armed with a armor-piercing autocannon for picking off and suppressing enemy infantry. Between the autocannons are two small railguns for armored targets. It also has two smoke grenade launchers that provide cover for infantry, as well as a small missile launcher for taking out enemy gunships.

Tekarak Light Tank[edit | edit source]

One of the remaining Tekaraks on patrol through a fringe world.

An aging design that has fallen out of use, the Tekarak Light Tank is a fast, relatively maneuverable tank designed for harassing infantry and providing reconnaissance. Easy to produce and maintain, a large number of Tekaraks could be constructed relatively quickly, allowing for a them to be deployed en masse on the field. The tank's primary arms consist of two powerful autocannons that can make quick work of most lightly armored vehicles. However, the Tekarak has been declared unfit for the battlefield due to advancing technology and the vehicle being outperformed by various others. Production of the Tekarak has since ceased, and many were scrapped or re-purposed. Remaining Tekerak models reside either on the frontier, as they can easily navigate the normally rough terrain of these worlds; or have been granted to the C.D.F as a form of riot control and transportation.

Mark-30 Xarvok Assault Tank[edit | edit source]

The completely redesigned MK30 Xarvok MBT.

One of the oldest and most successful lines of military equipment in history, the M-27 Xarvok is the latest in a long line of heavily armored main battle tanks designed for spearheading charges. The tank has remained in use for hundreds of years thanks to its balanced offensive and defensive capabilities as well as its ease of production. The tank has heavier armor compared to many race's MBTs, allowing it to take more hits in exchange for a loss in mobility present in other tanks. Though this makes it a somewhat poor choice for hit-and-run attacks, the Xarvok's armor easily allows it to lead direct assaults on enemy positions.

The Xarvok's main guns are two large armor-piercing rail guns which are able to be either fired at the same time, or individually to hit two different targets. It is also armed with a HMG for taking out infantry targets. The HMG can be replaced by other turrets as well, though it is not a timely process that can be done on the field. Because of the fact that the tank has treads, it is less agile than hover tanks, and at more risk of being crippled if the treads are damaged. The slow nature of the vehicle also makes it poor at hitting fast, lightly armored units, and the vehicle itself has nothing to directly counter air unless it sacrifices its anti-infantry power. Despite these flaws, the Xarvok continues to be immensely successful and many refuse to let go of it out of nostalgia. As such, a replacement for the machine is unlikely to happen for a very long time.

Nolsara Siege Tank[edit | edit source]

A Nolsara dispatching a Repzork T-77 on the ruins of Baltreos.

The first design in a brand new line of armored vehicles, the Nolsara Siege Tank is the current pinnacle of Arkevan tank designs. It utilizes a completely new chassis with the newest and most advanced components, and may be expanded upon later if the line proves to be successful. The Nolsara was among the first Arkevan tanks to hover, allowing it to move over water and low-lying obstacles with ease. It is superbly armored, with thick plates covering much of the body and the tank itself shaped like a heavily slanted V. The shape and plating makes it practically immune to most conventional explosives and projectiles as their impact would be spread out and mitigated. The only real threat to the Nolsara comes from plasma weaponry, dedicated tank-killers, or its rear armor. To allow for such as heavily slanted shape, the rear of the tank had to be made very wide and flat, making it much weaker compared to the rest of the tank's armor. To compensate, Nolsara tanks work in groups, with two to four tanks per-group, each helping to cover the others back and encircle targets. The Nolsara also has a light transport capability, being able to contain six solders (not including the crew, which is made up of three individuals) in its rear compartment. These soldiers are often heavy infantry assigned to protect and support the tank.

The Nolsara is designed as a dedicated tank and building killer, and its weapon has been built to match. The main gun of the Nolsara is a state-of-the-art high powered railgun that can hit a target from absurdly long ranges. The railgun utilizes a shaped charge that easily punches through armor, but directs all of its force into one area. This makes the Nolsara extremely effective against singular targets, but it possesses practically no splash damage, making the Nolsara worthless against swarms. Likewise, the cannon takes several seconds between each shot due to needing to cool down and charge back up each time. A remote-controlled machine gun is mounted on top of the turret, though this can be swapped out for a different weapon.

Gantrivost AA Tank[edit | edit source]

Two Gantrivost in position.

The Gantrivost is a medium-armored anti-air tank designed for eliminating hostile air with precise shots. Built on a decently armored, three-treaded chassis, it can move and keep up with the attack force fairly easily. On the battlefield, the vehicle is either kept behind the main line with other AA and artillery emplacements, or when on the move, near the middle of the group so it isn't immediately vulnerable. Its common for the tanks to work in conjunction with Xekarvai, the Gantrivost focusing on low-flying gunships or dropships while the Xekarvai focuses on targets higher up in the sky or are more heavily armored.

The Gantrivost is armed with two twin-barreled autocannons that can fire both in burst and in full-auto. The cannons can be modified to either use flak rounds to deny airspace to the enemy or traditional ammunition for focusing down single targets. The cannons can also be used against ground targets, particularly infantry, to cause respectable damage. To keep infantry at bay and still focus on the air, the Gantrivost is also armed with a forward-facing machine gun.

Deralis Heavy AA Tank[edit | edit source]

Deralis AA Tank.

Though most consider the Gantrivost to be a perfectly fine design on its own, some began to see potential for improvement on the somewhat aged design. After much work by a hybrid team of Crimson Hammer and Steel Bulwark engineers, the Deralis Heavy Anti-Air tank was produced. Though it was initially based on the Gantrivost's design, the engineers became more ambitious and eventually made the vehicle into its own unique design. It has a completely redone chassis that is better protected and larger, allowing it to store ammunition within its hull. As well, its targeting system has been improved upon for better precision.

Rather than two twin-barreled autocannons, the designers swapped them out for two significantly more powerful gauss-powered gatling guns. Like the smaller autocannons, the gatling guns can be configured to either fire armor piercing rounds or flak. Boasting an absurd rate of fire, the Deralis' payload can easily shred apart gunships and dropships or swarms of drones in with deadly efficiency. The Deralis' guns can be lowered to ground targets, turning it into an efficient anti-infantry element. It also features a heavy machine gun to keep infantry at bay during normal operations. Since its inception, the Deralis has rapidly rose in popularity, and has become increasingly common on the battlefield. Though with its slower speed and greater cost, some commanders have opted to stick to the Gantrivost for certain operations. Most predict that the tanks will be used inter-changeably until the Deralis becomes cheaper and more common.

Xekarvai MLRS Platform[edit | edit source]

Xekarvai MLRS launching a salvo of rockets.

The Xekarvai MLRS Platform is an artillery weapon of mass suppression and terror. It is armed with two large rocket pods, carrying up to 18 missiles in total. In battle, these are often used just prior to starting an assault, typically with large groups of Xekarvai launching their rockets all at once in various directions, making the volley neigh impossible to avoid. The pods are also capable of firing rockets one at a time or in groups, and can load various types of rockets. Though mainly used against enemy installations, the Xekarvai also has success against air units thanks to a built-in lock-on system.

The main flaw of the Xekarvai is reloading. Once it has emptied its entire pod, it takes a several minutes before it is ready to fire again. This period leaves it vulnerable to retaliation. To defend itself, it has a turret built into it, and is guarded by an escort. In rare cases, some pilots have even used rockets against nearby vehicles, though this is incredibly dangerous due to the risk of friendly fire.

Helkarak SPA[edit | edit source]

A battery of Helkarak SPAs

The Helkarak Self-Propelled Artillery is a heavy walker designed for long-term bombardments against enemy fortifications. It is currently the mainstay artillery bombardment vehicle, being the perfect fit for the Arkevon's long term, siege style of warfare. The Helkarak was developed to replace its old predecessor, the SASR Artillery Tank. Though immensely effective when first deployed, the SASR eventually became obsolete, its main gun not meeting up to new standards and its heavy armor mixed with its treads making it a nightmare to utilize in some terrain. It also did not have much room to store ammunition, needing to resupply fairly frequently.

In response, engineers developed the Helkarak. The walker was significantly larger in order to store much more supplies as well as receive a heavier weapon. The walker was also given legs to help improve its mobility. The Helkarak is armed with a heavy artillery cannon based off a modified dreadnaught cannon, following the philosophy of "throw out as much power as physically possible in one go." The cannon produces so much recoil that smaller vehicles are unable to handle the recoil and get crushed. This hasn't stopped the cannon from being adopted into other designs, such as point-defense turrets and starships. The Helkarak proved hugely successful and has been the mainstay artillery tank for the past two hundred years.

As it is an artillery walker, the Helkarak has no reasonable way to defend itself at close range, especially against air targets having to rely on support from other forces. The cannon has also proved dangerous to allied forces, causing friendly fire because of the massive blast radius and/or collapsing buildings. As such it is not used in certain situations, most notably, the Betel war front.

Walkers[edit | edit source]

Herukar Infantry Support Walker[edit | edit source]

Two Herukar providing support to an Arkevan squad during Operation Dark Angel.

A replacement to the aging Aldran ISW, the Gavros ISW is a light-weight and relatively small walker designed to provide anti-infantry support to squads. Small, inexpensive, and fairly light-weight, the Gavros has gained extreme popularity with regiments focused on combat in close-quarters environments such as cities and jungles where the walker truly shines thanks to its ability to navigate such cluttered environments with ease. Its chassis was built with a high amount of flexibility in mind, meaning the walker can hunch downward to make itself shorter or shift the entire gun upward or downward, allowing the walker to sometimes fit inside of large-enough buildings and passageways; albeit, its movement will be handicapped as a result. As well as providing anti-infantry firepower to allies, Gavros have often been deployed in groups as 'hunter squads' which are tasked with hunting down and eliminating small camps and groups of infantry. Some regiments have at least one squad of Gavros fully dedicated to hunting down targets. These squads generally consist of at least five walkers, though some have had as many as ten.

The Gavros' main armament is its two massive autocannons that that utilize armor-piercing explosive rounds. Capable of shredding apart a battlesuit's torso plating, the autocannons make quick work of most infantry and light mechanical units. As with a great deal of other vehicles, the autocannons on the Gavros can be interchangeably replaced, though currently the only weapons designed for such are a rocket launcher and a large flamethrower.

As of recently, designers have once again taken the Gavros to the drawing table, and have begun looking for various ways in which to improve it. Some believe in adding more mobility via jump-jets whilst others believed a more armored design would be better. Due to the growing disagreement, designers have split into various teams and, with advice directly from the Divisions, have begun to work on multiple official iterations of the walker, none of which have yet to be finished.

Olvorak Assault Walker[edit | edit source]

An Olvorak utilizing flamethrowers during the invasion of Sevethos.

Unveiled to the public at the onset of Xarvok's Hammer, the Olvorak is a brand new versatile combat walker designed to bring the power and versatility of a Main Battle Tanks to walkers and to compete against the 'Dreavarok' line of walkers. Constructed to be used in a number of environments, the Olvorak is equally as effective in urban environments as it can be on the open battlefield. While still possessing heavy armoring like many Arkevan vehicles, it is deceptively mobile. The walker is often hunched downward to keep a low profile at the cost of speed, but it can quickly stretch out its legs, making it a bigger target but capable of running much faster, allowing it to chase down targets. It's legs are reinforced so as to allow it to withstand stress from falling. Walker squads can be as large as six individual mechs, but the typical group has three or four.

An Olvorak equipped with two arms and an MLRS Pod.

The Olvorak's weapon systems are built with extreme versatility in mind. Every weapon on the walker can be removed and replaced with another configuration, though it can't be easily done on the open battlefield and has to be done before deployment. Careful planning can mean that the walker will be prepared for any possible scenario thrown against it. The mech does have a default configuration, which is in many ways akin to an improved Xarvok. Its two main guns consist of cannons that are both stronger and possess a longer range than a single Xarvok shell. Built into the body on both sides of the walker are two small railguns that serve to supplement the main cannons while they're reloading. Under the cockpit is a heavy auto-cannon for eliminating close-range targets; an MLRS pod is built into the very top for artillery and anti-air.

While the Olvorak proved very successful during Xarvok's Hammer, where it amassed a very high number of both vehicle and infantry kills, it still has a long way to go before becoming meeting complete acceptance. Many still stand by the Xarvok, citing its successful five-century service record. Others point how the Xarvok is simply more convenient; as it stands, the Xarvok, while not as strong, is both quicker and less expensive to produce than an Olvorak. Others are simply weary of the new design, wishing to see it action more before making a decision. Many in high command believe that, while the Olvorak may not entirely replace the Xarvok, it will go on to be a highly successful asset to the military, and that both will be used interchangeably.

Kavras Assault Crawler[edit | edit source]

Two Kavras walkers.

The Kavras Assault Crawler is a multi-purpose walker first built by the Galderans during the Galderan-Naelkvan War. Since its inception, the Kavras has become an iconic part of the Galderan arsenal, and is a staple is most armies.

Kavras walkers are 20 meters in length, 5 meters wide, and 10 meters tall. They are hexapodal, with four primary legs and two smaller 'stabilizer' legs which evenly distribute the walker's weight. Its feet are magnetic, and like the smaller Herukar, are strong enough to lift the Kavras up sheer vertical surfaces. The walker can move at speeds of up to 65 km/h, and like most Galderan walkers, is able to operate in any environment, including the vacuum of space. The walker is heavily armored on all sides, with the thickest armor being on the front, side, and rear. An internal shield generator provides the walker an extra layer of protection.

A standard-issue Kavras is equipped with four weapons systems. Its primary weapon is a larger and more poweful iteration of the railcannon used on the Nolsaria siege tank. Two forward-facing heat-seeking missile pods are situated underneath the main gun. Two rotating heavy machine guns are located on the underside on each end of the walker. This arsenal makes the Kavras effective against both infantry and ground vehicles, though it leaves it unable to effectively engage aircraft.

Kavras crews consist of one pilot, one commander, three gunners, and two engineers; the number of gunners and/or engineers can vary between models. The pilot, commander, at least two gunners, and the engineers all reside within the 'bridge', which is in the front half of the vehicle. The bridge features an advanced sensory and communication array, allowing the walker to act as a mobile command center. The rear compartment, as well as containing the rear gunner, can hold up to thirty Arkevan soldiers or ten battlesuits for transport. A deployable ramp at the rear of the vehicle's underside allow crew and passengers to enter and exit the walker.

The Kavras' main weaknesses are its underside and its legs, particularly the stabilizers. The underside is the least armored segment of the walker, rendering it vulnerable to mines and other high-powered explosives. Due to its hexapodal design, multiple legs need to be disabled before the Kavras is rendered immobile. The stabilizer legs are the most crucial to mobility; if both are disabled, the walker will soon fall under its own weight, even if its primary legs are still functioning.

Variants[edit | edit source]

Bruiser: The bruiser features substantially more armor than the standard model. Though it is considerably slower and has trouble traversing rough terrain, it makes up for it with its durability, and is popular with front-line assault forces.

Aegis: The Aegis model is based on the MIBS Palisade used by the Valdar. It is equipped with a large shield generator that produces a dome around the walker, protecting itself and anyone within it while allowing them to fire out of it, transforming the walker into a mobile bunker. Aegis models do not have a main gun, but they still retain the underside weapons and missile pods.

Carrier: The carrier model sacrifices portions of its bridge and ammunition stores for extra transport capacity. Though it can no longer be used as a mobile command center, the carrier can hold up to forty-five Arkevon soldiers or fifteen battlesuits. It still retains its weapons systems and shield generator.

Backbreaker: The backbreaker has been fitted with a miniturized lance cannon, similar to those found on some capitol ships. Backbreakers are extremely effective against fortifications and slow-moving heavy units. But while the turret can move up and down, it cannot turn. Additionally, given the cannon's immense size, the Backbreaker features less armor, lacks any other weapon systems, and cannot transport infantry.

Medical: The medical Kavrass has retrofitted its rear compartment into a mobile hospital. It has no other major differences to the standard model, but due to its role, is seldom used directly on the front line, and instead follows an army while picking up wounded along the way. Civilian models that have their weapons stripped can sometimes be found in major disaster areas.

Mechanized Infantry Battlesuits (MIBS)[edit | edit source]

Knight[edit | edit source]
Crusader[edit | edit source]
A Crusader providing fire support to a Valdar infantry squad.
Paladin[edit | edit source]
Templar[edit | edit source]
A Templar supported by two Olvoraks.
Catapult[edit | edit source]
Palisade[edit | edit source]

Dekaroth Fortress Walker[edit | edit source]

A Dekaroth providing support as two Kavras march to the frontline.

Originating as an experimental modification of the Helkarak that was eventually made into its own project, the Dekaroth is a tall, heavily armored walker designed first and foremost as an advanced support unit and as a troop transport. Much of its time is spent behind the main attack force as it batters enemy units with a wide array of weaponry. Its height allows it a clear vantage point for the pilots, allowing them to find their targets with relative ease. The chassis is quite spacious on the inside, capable of holding four full squads of marines that drop down from a hatch located on the bottom.

The Dekaroth is armed with three weapons. The first, mounted directly under the walker's 'head' are twin plasma repeaters that can fire powerful volleys capable of destroying most tanks. Mounted are both sides are railguns that fire powerful, long-range rounds at a fairly slow rate, making them fit for ranged support but unsuitable for defense. Mounted on the very top is an artillery cannon that, while it doesn't match the power of the Helkarak, can fire at a somewhat faster rate, allowing it to suppress a larger area and continually pummel infantry and armor.

The main flaw of the Dekaroth, and the main reason it doesn't see use directly on the front lines, are its legs. While offering a height advantage, they are incredibly vulnerable to heavy firepower and make the walker a bigger target. It also performs poorly in rough terrain, limiting its use to places with relatively flat ground. It also has no weapons for which to defend itself from air units, necessitating an escort to protect it from gunships and bombers.

Gaulderog Armored Mobile Fortress (AMF)[edit | edit source]

A Gaulderog leading an armored assault.

Aptly described as a 'battleship on legs', the Gaulderog Armored Mobile Fortress (AMF), also known as 'Kazadair's Lance', is a superheavy multirole walker designed to act as a mobile command and control center, transport, and assault vehicle capable of single-handedly engaging armies, heavily fortified positions, and other superheavy units.

The Gaulderog is currently the single largest terrestrial vehicle serving in the Galderan Armed Forces, standing at 300 meters tall, 320 meters long, and 200 meters at its widest point. Its entire frame is covered in several meters of starship-class armor plating that is protected with a powerful shield generator, allowing the walker to shrug off prolonged fire from all but the most powerful of weapons. The interior contains many of the same facilities as those found on a starship, including a bridge, armory, medical ward, power station, and a barracks/storage bay. The crew is comprised of about five thousand personnel comprised of one or two commanding officers, pilots, engineers, and guards. The storage bay has space for an additional 1,500 troops and their vehicles that are all deployed via a gravity lift located at the bottom end of the walker.

The Gaulderog's main gun is the VZ-UG75, a scaled down version of the particle lance cannon utilized by the Vahnris-class Dreadnaught. The cannon draws ammunition from a particle reserve located in the gun's base and is powered by several generators that line the gun's 300-meter length. The cannon is capable of demolishing vehicles and structures in a single volley, and can angle itself upward, making the Gaulderog an effective deterrent to low-flying starships. However, the gun takes roughly ten seconds to charge, and produces an extremely loud noise in the process, giving potential targets a brief opportunity to seek cover. It also has blind spots both directly above it and around its legs, as the walker's large body can prevent the gun from lowering itself very far. The gun releases excess heat through eight sinks, four located at the sides of the gun's base and four located on the top, that open each time the cannon fires. The vents are an ideal target for aircraft, and their destruction can, depending on the number of vents, significantly hamper or outright stop the cannon from being able to fire without overheating or even exploding.

Even if the main gun were to be disabled, the Gaulderog still boasts a powerful arsenal. Four independently-operated railcannons are located at the front for engaging targets that enter the VZ-UG75's blind spot. The sides, top, and bottom of the hull are lined with various energy-based point-defense guns for engaging missiles, aircraft, vehicles, and infantry. Flanking both sides of the VZ-UG75 are a total of ten tactical missile silos equipped with a plethora of missiles for specific tasks, up to and including nuclear warheads. This is arguably the Gaulderog's most powerful weapon, as it allows the walker to strike targets across a planet, even if it is far away from the battlefield.

With the partial exception of the main gun, the walker is powered by two fusion reactors located at the very core of the walker, allowing the Gaulderog to continue operating in a theatre for months at a time before needing to refuel. Though generally harmless, the reactors can become over-stressed and volatile, potentially triggering an explosion akin to a small nuclear bomb that destroys both the Gaulderog and everything in the surrounding area. This is an extremely rare occurrence, as the reactors have an expansive network of fail safes that force the engines to shut down before they can detonate. Nevertheless, two such walkers have exploded in its history, though one case is believed to have been on purpose.

Due to the walker's immense size, it cannot be built at any of the empire's factories; instead, individual parts are built at specialized facilities. These parts are then shipped up via space elevator to a stardock where the walker is then pieced together. Thus far, six sites have been designated for the production of AMFs, with more being planned. Once completed, the walkers are then loaded into specialized Galandil-class carriers invasion carriers and remain there until they are deployed via oerbital drop. Anti-gravity generators built into the feet allow the walker to slow its descent so as to prevent a small-scale earthquake when it lands. Gaulderogs are only ever fielded in major engagements, and generally only one will be fielded, or two in rare cases.

Despite a relatively young service record, the Gaulderog has already been overhauled once. The MKI Gaulderog, which was utilized during the Galderan-Naelkvan War, was about fifty meters shorter than the MKII and utilized a spinal railgun taken from a Kazadair battleship rather than the VZ-UG75. It also lacked the tactical missile silos, being much more focused on engaging similar Naelkvan assets directly on the front lines. Dozens of MKIs saw use during the Galderan counter-offensive, and proved instrumental in defeating the Naelkva. Its success led to the MKII, which was initially unveiled during the Galderan-Derahs Cold War. Currently, only two MKIs are known to still exist for the sake of preservation, with the rest having been recycled or destroyed in combat.

Vahlsrod Armored Crawler[edit | edit source]

Amphibious/Naval Vehicles[edit | edit source]

As time goes on most naval vessels are becoming less and less common. With starships replacing many of their traditional roles and most ships being too difficult and impractical to transport, most naval vessels -save for smaller ships and submarines- have been decommissioned or stationed on planets to perform a purely defensive role. The only vessels that are utilized during an invasion are either amphibious transports, submarines, or ships small enough to traverse rivers and waterways.

Alvarak Raider Craft[edit | edit source]

An Alvarak Raider strafing a target.

The Alvarak is a small vessel designed for quick and continuous hit-and-run attacks and escaping before the enemy realizes what happened. Too small and lightly armored for the open sea, the Alvarak is almost exclusively used around rivers and lakes, often to clear a path for a larger attack force. It is considered an oddity among Arkevan vehicles due to the designers utilizing stolen Zorock technology that allows it to go at incredible speeds, faster than any non-flying vehicle is capable of, at the sacrifice of a good deal of armoring, though this isn't considered too big of a problem due to its intended role.

The Alvarak features a modular weapons system that allows engineers to switch out the vessel's weapons at any given time. The factory-default iterations features two large rocket-pods as its main gun alongside two heavy-machine guns. The rocket pods can be swapped out for a Xarvok MBT-like dual-cannon, a flak cannon, or an artillery piece. The machine guns can be changed out with rocket launchers, grenade launchers, or experimental plasma repeaters.

Velos Amphibious Transport[edit | edit source]

Velos Transports making landfall alongside Korvaros Siege Tanks

Part transport and part Infantry Fighting Vehicle, the Velos Amphibious IFV is designed for carrying infantry across water for amphibious assaults and supporting infantry charges. It is capable of carrying either eighteen marines or five battlesuits. Once it has brought its infantry to the target and deployed them, it can continue onto the battlefield and act as an APC and support tank. The Velos' armament consist of a rapid-fire cannon that fires high-explosive rounds that can make quick work of lightly armored vehicles and infantry. On top of the turret is a MLRS pod that can target both air and ground forces. At the very front of the vehicle are two smoke grenade launchers that provide cover for infantry.

The main flaw of the Velos is its mobility. Much like the Korvaros, it is equipped with heavy armor plating that keeps it planted to the ground and protects it from heavy fire, but once it gets on land it moves at a rather slow pace compared to other transports. It is also almost completely defenseless underwater, having nothing to counter submarines or mines aside from fleeing; as a result, it is only safe to deploy the Velos when the water is clear or with an escort. It's weaponry also pales in comparison to most tanks and mechs, making it easy prey for those vehicles.

Heltas Submarine[edit | edit source]

The Heltas serves as the Galderan's main naval vessel utilized during an invasion. They are carried to-and-fro space-borne carriers by specialized ships specifically designed for carrying the submarine. The Heltas operate in packs of 2-4, with each vessel working to corner and surround enemy vessels. Equipped with a highly advanced power generator and large food reserves, Haltas can remain operational for years, which has occasionally resulted in stubborn commanders continuing to harass defenders long after the rest of the army left. The submarine is also armed with an array of stealth equipment, such as stealth generators and thermal maskers, making it difficult to detect under normal circumstances.

The Heltas' main weapon consist of two homing-torpedo launchers mounted around the bottom of the hull. These launchers can target and track a target for a few miles, meaning the Heltas can fire a quick volley and then flee before it is caught. Mounted on the top are two turrets armed with heavy railguns that work above and below the water, and are used both defensively and offensively. Finally, a ballistic missile launcher is built into the back of the vessel, allowing the Heltas to launch a variety of missiles at ground forces.

Halvek Basttleship[edit | edit source]

A Halvek unloading its weaponry.

Designed by Steel Bulwark engineers specifically to defend highly populated cities and harbors, the Halvek Battleship is considered by many to be a 'mobile wall.' Immensely large and packing a large arsenal of weaponry, the battleship can engage multiple vessels at once and take a beating. They often form the backbone of naval barricades, lining up together to form a wall the enemy will be unable to pass and using their immense weapons to support allies or pound nearby ground troops. It also has an impressive cargo capacity, capable of carrying hundreds of troops and a few dozen tanks. Due to the resources and cost required to make one, Halveks are a rare sight, and are currently only located within the core worlds and certain planets in the 'middle colonies' region.

The Halvek has four primary weapons. The first, mounted on the top, are two double-barreled cannons that fire on vessels or be used as a relatively accurate artillery pieces. Closer towards the ends of the vessel are two massive railguns. The third weapons system are the four MLRS pods, with two mounted on each side of the vessel. These pods are primarily used against aerial targets, but like the cannons, can be used on ground forces in a Xekarvai-like barrage. Finally, two torpedo cannons are located on the ship's underbelly, and have proven very effective at dispatching hostile subs and other vessels.

Aircraft[edit | edit source]

Havros Gunship[edit | edit source]

Havros Gunship on patrol through a recently besieged city.

Based on designs older than space travel, the Havros series of attack helicopters are a successful line of vehicles that have been used by the military for centuries. The contemporary iteration of the Havros is a multi-purpose vessel designed for picking off enemy forces, harassment, and providing heavy fire support to allied forces. When working independent of ground forces, Havros often operate in groups of between two to six and work to encircle and trap enemy forces and harassing ground forces with repeated strafing runs. When attached to ground forces, they often move ahead of the group to provide reconnaissance and stick close during combat. Though used everywhere, it is especially common in cities as the taller buildings help to provide the gunships a moderate level of cover.

By default, the Havros is armed with three weapons systems. The first of which is a chin-mounted machine gun. Two heavy railguns, much like the ones utilized by the Kaltreon, are stationed on the wings and serve much the same purpose. Finally, it is also armed with standard missile pods and rockets that can be mounted individually on the wings.

Xelvalder Close-Air Support Gunship[edit | edit source]

A Xelvalder providing fire support to cornered Arkevan forces.

One of the most fearsome assets of the IAF's air forces, the Xelvalder CAS Gunship is a heavily armored vessel designed for laying waste to ground forces through repeated strafing runs to clear the way for advancing ground forces. It is yet another old concept that has found use in the far-future, with its earliest roots dating back to the pre-space era. The plane is well known for its durability; possessing some of the thickest armoring of any air unit and equipped with a shield generator. A few stories exist of Xelvalder pilots losing one of the ship's engines and still being able to safely land the plane back at its designated location. As well, like the Kaltreon, it has invisibility against standard radar, and is capable of flight in a vacuum.

The Xelvalder's infamous arsenal consist of two large 'Lavahn' gatling cannons. These cannons spew forth a stream of HEAT rounds at an extremely high rate of fire, forcing its way through heavy armor plating with relative ease. A volley of fire can easily shred apart tanks and infantry with extreme efficiency. For precise, heavy blows against heavily armored targets and bases, the Xelvalder is armed with four missile pods and can be equipped with rockets.

The primary flaw of the Xalvalder is its performance against fighters when in an atmosphere. While it can navigate and operate in the vacuum without a problem, its heavy armor makes it relatively slow and sluggish when in at atmosphere. It is much better at moving in a straight line and making wide turns; it is easily outmaneuvered by lighter and more nimble aircraft. With no way to keep up and avoid getting hit, the Xelvalder is very susceptible to interception and often has Kaltreon escorts to ward off air hostiles, or it will fly when air superiority has been achieved.

Starships[edit | edit source]

The starships of the Imperial fleet epitomize their engineering and doctrine. They are mobile walls, massive in size and heavily armed and armored. They can both hold their ground on the defensive and act as a spearhead during an invasion. Imperial starships are divided into several classifications.

Strikecraft[edit | edit source]

Strikecraft are split into a number of distinct sub-classes:

Fighter[edit | edit source]

Fighters are moderately armored strikecraft capable of flight both in-atmosphere and the vacuum of space. They are generally used to protect friendly bombers while warding off hostile strikecraft. When in-atmosphere, they can perform various tasks, such as strafing runs, precision bombing, and dog fighting.

Kaltreon Fighter[edit | edit source]
A Kaltreon Fighter.

Based heavily on stolen Naelkvan technology salvaged shortly after their war with the Empire, the advanced and highly-successful Kaltreon is the empire's general purpose fighter. Capable of flying both in atmosphere and in the vacuum of space, it is used for a wide variety of tasks including dog-fighting, strategic bombardments, and reconnaissance. Thanks to its advanced armor plating, the fighter is invisible to standard radar, though it isn't able to cloak itself like many infantry units can. To help it keep up with faster and more agile fighters, designers installed four boosters that can temporarily boost the fighter's speed which has also helped pilots in dodging enemy gunfire and rockets. Kaltreon's often works in groups of up to four or more vessels, with some fighter groups containing up to twelve or so fighters.

The Kaltron's armament consist of three weapon systems. The first of which is two autocannons that are mounted near the front of the vessel. These autocannons are the fighter's standard weapon when engaging other enemy aircraft and have proven somewhat effective in attacking ground targets so long as the pilot is high enough off the ground. The next set are two railguns that are situated to the left and right sides of the cockpit. These railguns utilize miniaturized tank rounds meant to eliminate heavily armored targets. Finally, the Kaltrson is armed with missile pods, with at least one on each wing, that fire heat-seeking rounds. For sorties against ground forces, the Kaltrson can also have bombs strapped to its underside.

Interceptor[edit | edit source]

Interceptors are lightly-armored strikecraft exclusive to space. Given they do not need to be aerodynamic, interceptors are built entirely around speed and firepower, with their main form of protection being shielding rather than armor. Whereas fighters are both defensive and offensive, interceptors play a purely defensive role by protecting sub-systems and engaging boarding craft.

Valkea Interceptor[edit | edit source]
Swarmer[edit | edit source]

Swarmers are cheap, expendable, individually weak variants of interceptors that are controlled by an A.I rather than being piloted. As their name implies, Swarmers are meant to overwhelm threats through sheer numbers. Capital ships have one or more 'swarmer 'pods' that the strikecraft deploy from. Due to their small size, a vast number of swarmers can be stored on a single ship. While effective against strikecraft, swarmers lose most of their effectiveness against anything larger than a corvette.

Tagorak Drone Fighter[edit | edit source]
A group of Tagorak engaging an Aeveria Twilight.

The Tagorak is a small, expendable drone fighter that is designed for wresting control of the skies through sheer force of numbers. They have no pilots or controllers, instead relying on a hive-mind A.I that is based where they were deployed from. They possess very little armor in order to lower production cost and make them more nimble. Producible in massive qualities and having no regard for their own self-preservation, these drones are deployed in massive swarms that can easily dwarf the opposing force's air force.

The Tagorak has a simple armament of two autocannons and two missile pods, both of which can be switched out or have different rockets or bullets loaded into them, though this is seldom done unless it is during production in the factory. Tagorak's are incredibly easy to destroy; a single fighter can destroy dozens of them before being overwhelmed. The most effective method for destroying them is to use explosives or EMP-based weapons, or better yet, to destroy their A.I core.

Serilus Scout Swarmer[edit | edit source]
Bomber[edit | edit source]

Bombers, like fighters, can travel both within an atmosphere and in space with equal efficiency. In space combat, bombers are generally sent to strike the vulnerable sub-systems of larger vessels, such as bridges, weapons, and engines. Bombers are almost always escorted by fighter wings as while they do possess some defenses, they cannot operate entirely on their own.

Savusar Bomber[edit | edit source]
Neilset Bomber Fortress[edit | edit source]

The Neilset Bomber Fortress is a heavy bomber designed for extended bombing campaigns. Somewhat larger than the Xelvalder CAS Gunship, the Neilset is very large and spacious on the inside, and is capably of carrying several tons of bombs, from standard dumb bombs to nuclear warheads and other super-heavy explosive ordinance. Featuring the same heavy plating as on the Xelvalder and featuring a shield generator, the Neilset is capable of taking a severe beating even from anti-air weapons before it goes down. To defend itself passively, the Neilset almost always has a fighter escort of Tagorak and Kaltreon fighters following it, and it has four point-defense turrets on the body that are capable of shooting down fighters. When on the field, Neilset are often deployed in fairly large groups that can contain up to twenty or so bombers all of which have their own escorts.

Heavy Gunship[edit | edit source]

A recent and more experimental design, heavy gunships are close-air-support gunships that have been designed to operate both in space and in-atmosphere. In space, they operate as heavy fighters, possessing the firepower to take on corvettes and even small frigates. In some other armies, heavy gunships would qualify as a corvette.

Eviscar Heavy Gunship[edit | edit source]

Corvettes[edit | edit source]

Corvettes are the smallest classification of warship within the Galderan navy. They are most often tasked with clearing mines, supporting and sometimes storing strikecraft, detecting cloaked vessels, and escort.

Dresekul-class[edit | edit source]
Hieruset-class[edit | edit source]
Olanar-class[edit | edit source]

Frigates[edit | edit source]

Frigates are larger and more heavily armed than corvettes and are normally tasked with escorting and supporting capital ships, patrols, reconnaissance, and when able, supporting ground troops.

Zarellia-class[edit | edit source]
Ulsuvar-class[edit | edit source]
Ghajavi-class[edit | edit source]
Azelon-class[edit | edit source]
Falkero-class Boarder[edit | edit source]
A Falkero

The Falkero-class Boarder is a heavily armored boarding craft that can carry up to seventy-five soldiers or twenty-five Xekelyin battlesuits and load them into an enemt vessel. Boarding bays are present on both the front and side of the ship, allowing for multiple angles of entry. To ensure a safe landing, Falkero have heavy armoring and shielding, and also tend to have an escort of some sort with them. Normally consisting of Kaltreon and Tagoraks.

Though not possessing much firepower, the Falkero does possess a few broadside cannons. These cannons are more for weakening or blowing a hole into the hull of a ship rather than combat against enemy forces. Aside from these cannons, they are completely unable to defend themselves from enemy forces.

Yinivi-class Observer[edit | edit source]

Cruiser[edit | edit source]

Cruisers in the Armada are non-combat vessels that carry out a wide variety of tasks, such as carrying freight and scouting out new planets for colonization. Some cruisers are equipped to be able to perform missions independently, and will have a small hangar bay and an array of weapons so that it can defend itself. Though practically never intentionally taking part in a battle, cruisers are considered to be the workhorse of the armada and one of its most valuable assets.

Navalisk-class[edit | edit source]
Kolkori-class[edit | edit source]

Carriers[edit | edit source]

Carriers are broadly split into two categories: Strike Carriers and Invasion Carriers (more often referred to as 'tank carriers' in informal conversation) It should be noted that carriers are not the only vessels capable of carrying vessels and troops. Carriers, frigates, corvettes, and sometimes even battleships and dreadnoughts are capable of carrying either ships, troops, or both.

Strike carriers[edit | edit source]

Strike carriers are oftentimes the smaller of the two sub-categories. They focus primarily on space combat and carry strikecraft, corvettes, and sometimes even frigates if they are large enough. They often stay within the artillery line, though sometimes they can be found just behind the anvil line so that their passengers can more rapidly escape a bad situation. Strike carriers are moderately armored and normally carry a small array of long-range weapons.

Vazelov-class[edit | edit source]
Invasion Carrier[edit | edit source]

Invasion Carriers are larger carriers that are tasked with ferrying ground forces to and from a planet. Such vessels are large out of necessity; they need to be able to carry one or more Gaulderog AAFs and thousands upon thousands of ground forces and all of their supplies, for example. While they are capable of entering a planet's atmosphere due to their anti-gravity technology, Invasion Carriers more frequently deploy small vessels to move troops rather than doing so directly. Unlike strike carriers, invasion carriers are not equipped for combat, possessing only small spine railguns, point defenses, and swarm pods. They rely instead on exceptionally heavy armoring, powerful shields, and other vessels to protect themselves and their cargo.

Galandil-class[edit | edit source]

Battlecruiser[edit | edit source]

Battlecruisers are roughly cruiser-sized vessels that serve as the smallest capital-class ships. Their name is derived from their origins; the original battlecruisers were cruisers that had been retrofitted for combat. They serve a role similar to that of traditional destroyers; they are small, nimble, and are packed with an array of weapons.

Asara-class[edit | edit source]

Battleship[edit | edit source]

Battleships are the general-purpose combat vessels of the Galderan navy. They perform a wide myriad of tasks, such as frontline fighting, planetary bombardment, raiding/ambushing, and more.

Kazadair-class[edit | edit source]

Destroyer[edit | edit source]

Destroyers are heavily armed and armored battleships designed specifically for eliminating capital ships of a similar or larger size. At least one destroyer will often be included in a battleship squadron. The most infamous aspect of destroyers is the exceptionally armored 'plow' that they will often use as a battering ram to finish off a damaged vessel. Due to being so focused on eliminating capital ships, destroyers are normally not able to perform orbital bombardments, though exceptions do exist.

Kalrea-class[edit | edit source]

Dreadnought[edit | edit source]

Developed late into the Galderan-Naelkvan War, Dreadnought-class vessels are the largest and most powerful vessel within a fleet. They are found almost exclusively within the artillery line, and are well protected by a large entourage of ships. They are designed primarily for eliminating enemy capital ships, and can be armed with a large array of powerful weapons. They are sometimes not equipped with dedicated orbital bombardment weapons as they are not necessary; their main guns are often sufficient for fulfilling the role.

Vahnris-class[edit | edit source]
The Vahnris Dreadnaught, the most fearsome ship of the Imperial Navy.

Just as the Gaulderog reigns supreme as a ground assault vehicle, the multi-mile long Vahnris Dreadnaught is one of the crown jewels of the Empire's naval armada. These gargantuan vessels are only present in the largest fleets, and make up an armada's vanguard. Fitted with the most advanced armoring, shielding, and weaponry available to the Galderans, these vessels are often the first to be deployed to battle, and are designed for destroying enemy vessels. However, the Vahnris can do much more than just that, as the vessel was made to be both multi-purpose and self-sufficient, much like significantly smaller cruisers. Vahnris' can contain tens of thousands of soldiers, and has the supplies to exist on its own for several months. Four massive hangar bays line the bottom of the vessel and contain a large number of fighters, bombers, and transports. These hangars also contain boarding vessels and can house a few of the same troop carrier as the ones utilized by the Hacerods to move troops to a planet's surface. As a result, it is not uncommon to see Vahnris working alongside carriers once orbital supremacy has been obtained, or for a dreadnought to be deployed in place of a standard cruiser for extremely dangerous situations.

The Vahnris is armed to the teeth with a vast array of weapons systems. The hull is littered with hundreds of point-defense turrets to ward off encroaching vessels and missiles. To further defend itself, the hull has a number of Tagorak Drone Fighter pods built into its hull, allowing the vessel to deploy hundreds of the drones that will swarm around the ship like an insect swarm. Lined across the top of the vessel are larger cannons that can easily cripple smaller vessels like frigates and corvettes or soften up larger targets. The real ship-killing capabilities of the Vahnris resides in its multiple broadside cannons and frontal railguns. A continuous volley of fire from the broadsides or frontal cannons can make quick work of a vessel's protective hull. The frontal cannon located right in the center is particularly dangerous, being many times more powerful and running almost the length of the ship. The cannon, though it takes significantly longer to fire, has been known to blow clean through un-shielded vessels. Torpedo pods are built into the sides and front of the dreadnought, each of which can unleash a number of torpedoes which will track their targets. Finally, the Vahnris can support allies on the ground using a number of heavy cannons mounted on the under-belly of the ship.

The Qualdars is undoubtedly the Empire's most powerful naval vessel, but it is also its most uncommon. Due to the extreme cost of producing and maintaining the vessels, there are rather few of them compared to any other naval vessel. Vahnris' are often a very important asset when deployed on the field and are treated with great care, as one being extensively damaged, or worse, destroyed, is enough to turn the tide of a battle very quickly. However, there is no glaring weakness of the Vahnris that can be utilized against it, the only way to destroy it would either be through brute force or breaking it from the inside. As a result, only a fairly small number of Vahnris' have ever been destroyed, and the ones that do often end up taking several vessels with them, becoming a sort of martyr to their allies.

Assault[edit | edit source]

Assault is a recent and still-experimental designation. Assault vessels are exponentially more powerful iterations of existing capital-class ships. Assault ships are partly terror weapons; being so large and powerful, the idea is to simply scare a foe into submission, preventing a fight from occurring at all while securing dominance. This works best with smaller, more primitive empires. For those willing to put up a fight, assault vessels possess the best armoring and most powerful weaponry in the entire navy, and are capable of engaging multiple capital ships on their own or deploying an inordinately huge amount of troops. They are thus similar in concept to Luminarian Battlestations, though they are much smaller and even fewer in number; only two known Assault-class vessels are participating in the Great War.

Goddess-class Assault Dreadnought[edit | edit source]
Zervath-class Assault Carrier[edit | edit source]
Erulel-class Assault Destroyer[edit | edit source]

Diplomatic Relations[edit | edit source]

Warlord Pact[edit | edit source]

Repzork Empire[edit | edit source]

Status: War

"Brothers, what have you done?! How many innocents have you murdered in the name of your false god? How many have you consumed in your voracious hunger? How many have you enslaved? All these years, I believed that we as a people had risen above this, but no! You cowered away in the dark, carving a path of death and bloodshed across the stars. You are a stain upon the Arkevon people, you are an abomination unto the goddess!"

"We will bring them under compliance or die trying; we cannot allow the Repzork Empire to continue existing."

"Well, that solves one mystery."

The Galderans were horrified when they discovered the Repzork Empire. It was long assumed that the exodus fleet that had fled during the Wars of Unification was either destroyed or would simply never seen again; but not only has their ancient rival survived, they have thrived, and have spent the past several millennia practicing the same barbaric ways that the Galderans worked so hard to eradicate back in the homeland. Believing it to be Syleris' will that all Arkevon exist under Galderan rule, the empire has made it its top priority to topple the Repzork regime and induct the populace so that they can be assimilated and reformed.

Margan Empire[edit | edit source]

Status: War

"It's a shame they escaped before we could intervene. I would have enjoyed crushing them under my hammer.

"If they ever return, we will show them no mercy. They are beyond forgiveness."

"Words cannot be used to describe the magnitude of their atrocities."

The Margan chased the Rach into the Warp before the Galderans were able to engage them. However, they have heard many stories of their actions, and have witnessed the aftermath themselves firsthand. Fearing that the Margan may one day return, Imperial High Command has made it a priority to gather as much information on Margan military technology and tactics as possible so that they can be better prepared to fight them. The Galderans intend to utterly exterminate the Margan species, having concluded that they are irredeemable and are too great a threat to the galaxy.

Zaretian Monarchy[edit | edit source]

Status: War

"The entire regime rests on Breys' shoulders; remove him, and it will collapse."

"Their naming conventions leave something to be desired."

"They were doing /what/ to the prisoners?"

Though they undoubtedly consider the Monarchy to be an enemy, the Galderans have expressed pity towards the Zaretian people. They entirely blame Breys and his brutal rule for placing the Zaretians in their current situation, and seek to put an end to the mad monarch's reign so that more moderate elements can take control. As well as fighting them head-on, the Galderans are also in contact with a small number of resistance groups operating within Zaretian space who they supply weapons and information to.

Necraal Kingdom[edit | edit source]

Status: War

"Take that wreck back to base. There is much we can learn from these 'titans'. "

"There is some modicum of honor among the Warlords."

"How. . . how do they talk? Or eat?"

The Necraal Kingdom is the only Warlord that the Galderans genuinely respect as they, in their view, are the only ones to fight with any dignity and honor. Were it not for the current war, the Galderans may have tried to form diplomatic relations with them. News of a small number of Necraal abandoning their post and/or defecting to the Peacekeeper Alliance has also intrigued the empire, and the Galderans are attempting to get in touch with them. Necraal technology is also of interest, particularly their mechanized units.

Skrey Nation[edit | edit source]

Status: War

"It's like looking at a window into an alternate reality, one I am very glad we avoided."

"The Skrey can be reformed. We just need to get them away from the Pact."

"They're big, dumb, and clumsy, but they're also undeniably strong."

The empire think little of the Skrey, viewing them as the weakest member of the Warlord Pact. Comparisons to pre-assimilation Jaset are relatively common; with that in mind, the Galderans hope to subdue the Skrey and induct them so that they can reform them into a 'proper' member of the galactic community.

Xeverra[edit | edit source]

Status: War

"A friend of the Repzork is forever an enemy of the Galderans."

"They're not nearly as frightening as they look."

"Sink back into the deep!"

First-contact between the Galderans and the Xeverra took place in and around Betel space as the empire began operations in the region. Seeing them as little better than the Repzork they were cooperating with, the Galderans aim to chase the Xeverra out of Betel space and take the fight directly to their fleets and colonies. However, compared to other Warlord powers, the Galderans still possess relatively little information on the Xeverra, and know little beyond what they have encountered thus far.

Asanian Syndicate[edit | edit source]

Status: War

"They are utterly unsustainable; even if we fail to defeat them, they will collapse under their own weight."

"I didn't think we would find something more vile and repulsive than the Repzork."

"Oh, that's not right!"

Though they are impressed by the Asanian's engineering and efficiency, the Galderans find the Syndicate as a whole to be utterly revolting in every regard. The Taervand have expressed a particular hatred towards Gastan Industries, seeing their genetic engineering to be a corruption of a once pure concept. The government is currently deliberating on what to do about the Syndicate; some believe that they cannot be saved and must be wiped out whereas others believe that they can be redeemed if the Asanian government and the corporations are completely dismantled.

Conkirite Dictatorship[edit | edit source]

Status: War

"It troubles me that a plain-old military dictatorship is one of the less morally reprehensible members of the Warlord Pact."

"We have bigger priorities right now. We'll deal with them later. But if the Acropolan call for aid, we will come."

"They don't come off to me as being dedicated to the Pact. They just really, really don't like the Acropolan.

The Galderans have not made contact with the Conkirite Dictatorship, but due to them being a member of the Warlord Pact, still considers them to be a combatant. With the vast bulk of the Conkirite's forces locked in a stalemate with the Acropolan Empire, the Dictatorship is low on the Galderan's list of priorities, and no offensives are currently planned or underway.

IAE[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"The empire has no official statement in regards to the IAE at this time."

"And I thought the Nevelin liked masks."

"They seem pleasant enough."

Currently, the Galderans are unaware of the fact that the IAE have been providing financial and military aid to Warlord forces. As a result, they consider them to be an uninvolved neutral power, and have little interest in interacting with them.

Peacekeeper Alliance[edit | edit source]

The Rach[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"These are the founders of the Peacekeeper Alliance? A collection of naive thieves with a worthless "army"? No wonder Norsus was lost."

"They had good intentions, but they were so woefully unprepared for the task. I hope, if they still live, that they have learned from their mistakes."

I was unsure if kleptomaniacs could have much of a moral high ground. Then I remembered who they were fighting."

Like the Margan, the Galderans have not personally encountered the Rach, but they have studied them, and have heard rumors of Rach still existing somewhere in the sector. The Galderans are unimpressed by the founders of the Peacekeepers, thinking them foolish for engaging in a major war with such an underdeveloped military. Some also find them untrustworthy due to their secretive ways and thievery. Nevertheless, if the Rach did return, the empire would be willing to assist them in rebuilding both their civilization and their military.

Aeveria Confederation[edit | edit source]

Status: Friendly

"It's clear we don't exactly see eye to eye, but I believe the Aeveria can be a valuable ally."

"A true leader among the Peacekeepers."


With the Rach having disappeared, the Galderans consider the Aeveria Confederation to be the de facto 'leader' of the Peacekeeper Alliance. Though the Galderans tend to see other imperialist states as competition, the Galderans look fondly upon the Aeverians due to their many democratic policies and laws. Empress Kazadair has expressed interest in forming an alliance with the Confederation.

Empire of Diablos[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"We're not exactly on the same side, but so long as they're not shooting us, I'm satisfied."

"Right now, their ferocity is a necessity. But what will happen once the Pact is defeated? Who will they fight then?"

"Regardless of whether or not you trust them, the Diabloians are an inspiration. Their bravery, their honor, it is something that we should all aspire to."

Of all the Peacekeeper powers, the Galderans respect the Diabloians the most. They find their honor, bravery, and combat prowess to be worthy of praise; this is especially true among the Arkevon, Zenura, and Yin'vair. Diplomatically, however, the empire is very wary, concerned about what the Diabloians will do once they run out of Warlords to fight. Regardless, the Galderans still seek to form an alliance with the Empire of Diablos, at least for the duration of the Great War. The Galderans have been supporting the Diabloians in their war against the Repzork; in particular, they have launched attacks at the foothold the Warlord has within Diabloian space. Currently, these attacks are not alongside Diabloian forces, though the Galderans hope to eventually fight side-by-side with them.

Karahotdoum Empire[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"They don't make music like this back home."

"Why would Syleris place their eye behind their ears? Was she having a bad day?"

"Their entire civilization can be best summarized as 'seedy'.

The Galderans maintain a neutral stance towards the Karahotdoum Empire. While there is some interest in traditional Karahotdoum culture as well as in trading, the government distrust the Karahotdoum due to their avarice as well as some of the questionable or downright malignant actions they have committed. The Galderans currently do not intend to pursue an alliance with them.

Sauran Solidarity[edit | edit source]

Status: Friendly

"It's a shame so many of them have utterly abandoned the concept of faith; they have allowed themselves to become blind to the unseen forces in this universe."

"If and when the Margan return, the Sauran are the galaxy's best chance at survival."

"One of the few Peacekeepers truly dedicated to keeping the peace."

The Sauran are seen as a valuable member of the Peacekeeper Alliance by the Galderans, partly because of their advanced terraforming technology which can undo the damage caused by races such as the Margan, Asanians, and Biomatter. The Galderans have made a point to establish diplomatic relations with the Solidarity and safeguard them from Warlord incursions when possible.

Confederation of Derahs[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"I frankly wouldn't be surprised if we found ourselves at war with them when the Pact is gone. That is, if they don't start killing each other first."

"The Peacekeepers need to be careful; one rotten fruit will spoil the whole bunch."

"A kingdom divided cannot stand."

The Confederation of Derahs is a commonly-cited reason as to why the Galderans refuse to join the Peacekeeper Alliance. The Galderans strongly distrust the Confederation and sees them as unstable and untrustworthy, largely because of Feltis, the Alknan Territories, and the increasingly militaristic Nalovian Kingdom. These feelings are mutual, with the Confederation trying to persuade the Alliance to have no business with the Galderans.

Luminarians[edit | edit source]

Status: Friendly

"Already the Luminarians have been through much hardship. I pray that one day they will find peace."

"We need to build something bigger."

"Never underestimate the short ones."

Though they have yet to officially meet, the Galderans hold the Luminarian Rebels in high regard for having fought valiantly against Ulran and his loyalist. Imperial engineers are in awe at their super-heavy mechanized units, and the Zenura in particular are joping to one day cooperate with rebel scientist.

Kastalian Survivors[edit | edit source]

Status: Friendly

"The Kastalians must be preserved. They are too valuable to allow the void to consume them."

"I'd be more than willing to offer them asylum in our territory, though something tells me they wouldn't accept that."

"When you said they were once a vast and powerful empire from ancient times, I wasn't expecting a huge fat bird."

The Galderans have not officially contacted the Kastalians, but maintains a friendly stance towards them and seeks to assist them in their survival. In order to avoid potential conflict with them, the Galderans have enacted the unorthodox policy of not claiming Kastalian relics and instead allowing the Kastalians to reclaim them. While there is a great deal of support for the measure, it has been met with opposition by some who wish to use the ancient equipment.

Betel Recyclers[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"Safeguarding the Betel from the Warlord Pact is of utmost importance, not only to protect their people, but to prevent the Pact from claiming their resources."

"This is why modern societies need to leave developing races alone."

"They're going to need. . . a lot of work, if we ever do assimilate them."

The Betel Recyclers were among the the first Peacekeeper powers that the Galderans established direct contact with. Unfortunately, though the empire wants to help the Recyclers push the Repzork out, relations have been troubled by incidents of friendly fire where Betel soldiers will mistake Galderan-born Arkevon for Repzork. In order to avoid further incidents and potential retaliation, commanders have opted to work away from Betel forces when possible, and Arkevon have been removed from ships supplying aid to the Recyclers. Relations have also been troubled by tensions between the Betel and Sauran. Nevertheless, the Galderans still seek to assist the Betel in pushing the Repzork out and improving their abysmal infrastructure. Considerations have also been made for potentially inducting the Betel at some point in the future.

Acropolan Empire[edit | edit source]

Status: Friendly

"Their cities feel lifeless. They're just too perfect, too clean. It's beautiful, but bland all at the same time."

"They certainly live up to their reputation, I can say that much."

"I feel like the Nevelin would enjoy debating their philosophers."

Direct contact has not been established with the Acropolan Empire. However, the Galderans find their ideology and code of honor to be commendable and maintain a friendly stance towards them. The empire is willing to lend them assistance if they require it, and have considered aiding them in their conflict against the Conkirite Dictatorship, but these plans are currently on hold.

Dragoneteran Monarchy[edit | edit source]

Status: Friendly

"I'm admittedly skeptical of their abilities since they nearly lost their homeworld in their very first engagement with the Zaretians."

"Strangest name I've heard in a long while, but they seem pleasant."

"I can't shake the feeling that somehow we're distant cousins."

The Galderans outwardly support the Dragoneteran Monarchy and intend to maintain positive relations with them. However, in private, they doubt the Monarchy's abilities after hearing reports of what had taken place at the Dragoneteran homeworld of Aserai.

Delani Remnants[edit | edit source]

Status: Friendly

"Rach, Betel, Kastalians, Delani. . . is it just me, or are there a worrying number of Peacekeepers who are just not prepared for galactic warfare?"

"The empire is fully prepared to welcome them as a new member state if they decide to go down that route."

"The Asanians will pay the price for their crimes."

The Galderans are committed to the preservation of the Delani Species and have expressed an interest in offering them asylum and/or member status within the Galderan Empire. However, no official proposal has been made.

Neutral Races[edit | edit source]

Holy Nepharian Empire[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"They're certainly one of the more unique races we've come across."

"I have a feeling we're not going to get along very well."

"What's this goo I keep hearing about?"

Though the Galderans are unaware of the ongoing Cold War between the Repzork Empire and the Holy Nepharian Empire, they have unwittingly pushed the advantage back towards the Nepharians by drawing Korvar resources and attention away from the region. The empire currently has no plans to contact the Nepharian Government and is hesitant to do so, concerned that their differing ideologies could be a source of tension in a time in which the Galderans want to remain focused on the Warlords.

Khasii Consulate[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"Look, I know we need to protect them from the Repzork. But for the love of Syleris, I /never/ want to speak to them again."

"If enlightenment was as easy as possessing a weird eye, I'm fairly certain the empire would be quite different."

"What they call art I just see as a bunch of tacky, confusing nonsense."

Most Galderans find the Khasii to be pretentious, vain, confusing, and generally unpleasant to be around. But despite the Khasii's negative reputation with the general populace, the government seeks to form an alliance and begin trading with the Khasii, and is assisting them in their fight with the Repzork.

Transmetallic Confederation[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"What little information we have seems to suggest that they lean towards the Peacekeepers. Perhaps we can try to establish relations with them?"

"Secretive lot they are; I don't trust them. What do they hide behind the veil?"

"All I see is yet more competition."

The Galderans currently have little information regarding the Transmetallic Confederation and has little interest in interacting with them unless it is deemed necessary. Official distrust the Confederation due to their secrecy.

The Wingle Union[edit | edit source]

Status: Friendly

"There is a special place in Vahlsrod for those who sit by while evil runs amok."

"They're among the most level-headed nations in the region."

"Wait, they're not Peacekeepers?"

The Wingle are seen as one of the most morally-grounded races in the region. At the same time, they are resented for their limited involvement in the conflict, with many Galderans believing that they are essentially permitting evil to persist right on their doorstep. Officials nevertheless intend to establish relations with the Union in the near future.

Gronian Imperium[edit | edit source]

Status: Neutral

"The activities of the Gronian Imperium are currently of little concern to us. They have no business with us, and we have no business with them."

"After the whole episode with the Valdar I'm left wondering if isolationism can ever truly work. Perhaps the imperium can prove me wrong."

"I don't care so long as they keep shooting the Zaretians."

The Galderans currently have no intentions of interacting with the Gronian Imperium. As far as they are concerned, so long as the Gronaisn do not bother them, they will respect their isolationism.

Nalstros Space Pirates[edit | edit source]

Status: War

"I don't know where they came from, and frankly I don't really care."

"They're never going to go away, are they?"

"A worthless and vile race."

The Nalstros have plagued Outer Rim for some time. Attempts to capture and assimilate Nalstros have failed, leaving the Galderans with no other choice than to exterminate them. Pirate-hunting fleets now scour the stars, searching for any signs of the Nalstros, which they and all other imperial forces will attack on sight.

Other[edit | edit source]

Biomatter Swarms[edit | edit source]

Status: War.

"Any proposal to research Biomatter with the intent of weaponizing them will be promptly rejected. Their existence will not be tolerated; our efforts will be focused entirely on their destruction."

'No. I refuse to believe the goddess created these abominations. They are unnatural, a crime against life itself."

"The Repzork got one thing right: the Biomatter need to go extinct."

The Galderans have encountered the Biomatter on a number of occasions. Like the Repzork, they have decided that the Biomatter pose an existential threat to life in the region and must be destroyed. They have organized troops specifically assigned to combating the Biomatter, and have constructed several research facilities with the intent of discovering the Biomatter's weaknesses, and if it is possible, a cure.

Valdar[edit | edit source]

Status: War.

"Brethren, your leaders chain you to old, dying ways! Why do you continue to follow them into oblivion?"

"Give them time. They will come to see the light."

"It didn't have to be this way."

The Galderans see the Loyalist Valdar as misguided at best and downright malicious at worse. They fully supported the Zhagavian Republic in calling for reform and putting an end to the policies of isolationism. Galderan officials are now committed to defeating Levani's loyalist and reuniting the Valdar under the Galderan bganner, an act which would open up the Ulkathi's many installations to research by imperial scientist.

Notable Individuals[edit | edit source]

Empress Kazadair III[edit | edit source]

Xelva Ahkavas Teldiv[edit | edit source]

Valxelva Kelevien Valrus[edit | edit source]

Dagger of Kelevien[edit | edit source]

Possessing no official title, 'Dagger of Kelevien' is the informal name for a squad that operates under the direct authority of Valxelva Kelevien Valrus. The group is comprised of individuals hand-picked by Kelevien herself -likely with permission from Ahkavas Teldiv- though the exact qualifications she looks for in individuals, besides their obvious combat ability, is uncertain. Seldom seen publicly and even more rarely spoken of, little is known about the organization or its members. No public records exist of the squad and any personal information has seemingly been removed entirely, making them impossible to trace. They have never been addressed by their birth names, instead referred to by their code names or serial numbers. The exact goal of Dagger is uncertain, but they are rumored to work closely with both the Eyes of the Goddess and Ascendant's Guard. All known members of Dagger are known to have extensive cybernetic augmentations, likely undergoing the same augmentation process from the Orsaron Program.

Members of Dagger were first spotted by Peacekeeper Forces during the Hammer Offensive, working either alone or in small groups towards various different objectives. Some reports indicate that they may have been working alongside Varo Arvintis, though what connection the two have is unknown. Why they did not appear during the attack on the Aeverian Border Blockade or in previous conflicts is uncertain.

Gaura[edit | edit source]

Gender: Female

Serial Code: 397-1443

Associated Color: Green

Equipment: Jet boosters, Personal cloak, wrist-mounted shotguns, two swords, assault rifle, pistol.

Named after the old, wise, and ironically kind goddess of death in traditional Lekon religion, Gaura is a member of Dagger and is believed to be one of, if not its primary, commanders. She can be readily identified by a green-colored stripe going down the middle of both of her shoulder plates. She can also be identified by her serial code, which appears on her left shoulder plate. Having undergone an intensive augmentation process, very little of Gaura's organic body is left, as evidenced by her unnaturally thin appearance and agility. She also seems to have had her vocal cords changed out, allowing her to quickly modify her own voice to sound either masculine or feminine. She may also be able to imitate another individual's voice. Other augmentations include four jet boosters; two on her back and one on each shin; a personal cloaking field; and two shotguns, one built into each of her arms. These shotguns are observed to be able to fire six rounds before needing to be reloaded, and she has used them in both mid-range and melee combat.

Besides her shotguns, Gaura is often seen wielding a customized assault rifle when on the field. The weapon has a gray color scheme with two green stripes going down each side of the weapon. The rifle uses a form of armor-piercing incendiary ammunition, and has been observed to literally set some foes on fire after they have been hit by a few rounds from the weapon. The weapon also features an underbarrel grenade launcher and a bayonet mounted to the right side of the barrel. She is also armed with a pistol, though this has no notable unique traits. Gaura's melee weapon of choice are her two swords, an unusual choice given swords have never been particularly popular in Arkevan society. One of the swords is a full-size one measuring four feet in length; the other is akin to a small dagger and is only one foot in length. Both are plasma based weapons. In melee confrontations, she tends to dual-wield both swords, using the smaller one for quick thrusts or blocks while the larger one is used for attacking. Accompanied by her shotguns, Gaura can quickly dispatch hostiles in melee confrontations.

Onvau[edit | edit source]

Gender: Male

Serial Code: 253-1907

Associated Color: Blue

Equipment: Internal electricity conductor, two-handed war hammer, various heavy weapons.

A large and imposing figure, Onvau appears to be Dagger's heavy weaponry specialist. Onvau's body is considerably well-armored, covered in numerous thick, heavy reinforced plates that are like those used by the Home Guard's forces. Onvau has a single blue-colored 'O' letter on his right shoulder plate, with his full serial number on the other. Onvau has never been seen utilizing otherwise common equipment utilized by augmented infantry, such as jetpacks or stealth generators. What Onvau does possess is a powerful electrical generator built into his heavily armored torso. This generator, which produces a loud hum, crackling, and a glow that emits from small gaps in the armor when activated, is capable of producing and utilizing powerful electrical charges in combat. Onvau can manifest electrical attacks both as a continuous stream of electricity or a single, powerful lightning strike; both are capable of either disabling or killing infantry and damaging unprotected electronics. This weapon is so far unique to Onvau alone, and has never been utilized by anyone else, indicating that it is likely a very experimental design. It is also believed to be quite heavy, as Onvau is notably slower and less agile compared to other augmented soldiers. The generator also seems to be rather energy intensive, as Onvau's energy shields have sometimes been known to temporarily deplete themselves after extended use, likely to divert power to the weapon.

Besides his electrical augment, Onvau has also been noted to carry a variety of heavy weapons, particularly a belt-fed light machine gun or a rocket launcher. Like Gaura, the weapons appear to have a customized color scheme, with the weapons being black with blue trimming. Along with these he also wields a large two handed war hammer of traditional Arkevan design. Onvau is able to utilize his hammer as a conduit for his augments, channeling electricity through the hammer to electrify his foes as he hits them or even fire bolts of lightning from the hammer's tip. The hammer itself can be seen crackling with electricity while Onvau utilizes it.

Vier Varo Arvintis[edit | edit source]

Vier Helgva Vasan[edit | edit source]

Priestess Qalrova Ghasene[edit | edit source]

Diplomat Orva[edit | edit source]