Delani Republic

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The Delani[edit | edit source]

Timeline[edit | edit source]

Shits getting redone

Modern Day Republic[edit | edit source]

The modern day Delani Republic is more akin to a coalition or confederation. Each colony is a small entity in its own right- most have chosen to join the Republic and pick representatives for the homeworld. The Delani Colonial Defence Administration is issued among member colonies to defend them. (More on this in the 'Military' section below.) Those that are not members are left on their own with minimal support.

The Colonial League, as it calls itself, consists of thousands of representatives. Most do not travel to the homeworld itself and take part in discussions and other actions of the League via hologram from their own colony. The Colonial League also provides minimal militia support to each other in times of war. They also supply the DCDA with production and human manpower. The Colonial League can be compared to the House of Representatives in the United States.

The Inner Worlds around the the Homeworld form the Seat of the Republic. High ranking politicians and governors from the Seat form the Ruling Ministry, which is only secondary to the Prime Minister. All laws and other actions passed or proposed by the League go through the Ruling Ministry, who either send it higher on up to the King or send it back to the League for revision.

The Homeworld picks one person to be the King. He passes or cancels all laws passed by the League and Ruling Ministry. He declares a state of war, is the supreme commander of the military and police forces, and approves colony's membership of the Republic among other things. He rules out of Nis Retaiant, the seed of the revolution, rather than on Demosrakus, the historical homeworld.

Military[edit | edit source]

The Delani Colonial Defence Administration (DCDA) is the overrall military force over the Delani Republic. Member colonies are alotted a force relative to their size and/or importance upon joining the Republic.

Service Branches[edit | edit source]

Colonial Marine Corps.[edit | edit source]

The Colonial Marines form the heart of the DCDA. They are the assault troops and the defence troops. Training is received over time and new recruits receive relatively little. The longer a Marine survives the more training he receives; in this way, veterans are organized into better and better squads. It acts as a way of singling out the best of the Marines and organzing them into a more efficient group.

Equipment[edit | edit source]
C80 Hellstorm Rifle[edit | edit source]

The C80 "Hellstorm" has been in service for many years now. It is a reliable, plasma-based weapon that has seen over three decades of usage. It can be equipped with additional equipment such as forward grips, grenade launchers, cryo launchers, bayonets, scopes, etc. as emphasis on versatility has been placed on it.

Firewraith Flamethrower[edit | edit source]

The "Firewraith" is carried by Marine Flamers and is used to clear out bunkers, trenches, basically any kind of emplacement. It is very powerful and the napalm it shoots is nigh impossible to get off. It can melt through most infantry armor and is even used in some cases against light tanks and APCs. It is, however, somewhat volatile; the napalm tanks carried by the user are self sealing but this only protects them to some degree.

Gemini Heavy Rocket Propelled Munitions Launcher[edit | edit source]

The Gemini RPML is basically a rocket launcher. It fires a large rocket propelled bullet at high speeds. The launcher isn't the complex part so much as the shells are. They are made of steel and coated with depleted uranium; three small rockets are attached to it allowing it to travel at high speeds and long distances; the inside of it contains explosives along with plasma. When it impacts the plasma is flushed into the explosives, which goes off, and also causes severe burning to anything unlucky enough to be in the blast radius.

Juno Sidearm[edit | edit source]

The Juno is a trusted and reliable sidearm that has been in service for more than 50 years. First manufactured for security forces among colonists leaving the homeworld, it shoots slugs that have a small charge that cause small damage to an area; this has evolved from the fact it was originally a blunt, non-lethal bullet that exploded in a strong electrical charge meant to paralyze the target.

Kaleidoscope Railgun[edit | edit source]

The Kaleidoscope was not it's intended name; it was actually a codename given to it by the DCDA's weapon development comission. Starting out as a long range, powerful sniper rifle, the project evolved into a DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) Project. It launches a bullet at very high speeds through the use of magnets. It has a scope that is integrated with the user's HUD, which has to be implemented through a special headset, which allows the user to see through the scope without actually looking through one; hence this not only increases the usability of the weapon for the user but also prevents it's highly precise fire from being utilized by an enemy should it fall into enemy hands.

XC90 Mauler Assault Rifle[edit | edit source]

The new Mauler Class Assault Rifle is set to replace all Hellstorm rifles in the Marine Corps. in twenty years. It fires much heavier shots than the Hellstorm, and features a built in rocket propelled long range grenade launcher. It is also more robust and is better in more inclement climates, and is even more customizable than the old C80. The only thing holding it back from full-scale usage now is the fact most factories are geared towards Hellstorm production and they use almost no similar parts.

Paratroopers[edit | edit source]

The Paratroopers act as shock troops within the DCDA. Technically under the jurisdiction of the Marine Corps., they still retain some degree of autonomy. They are considered the "best" of the DCDA's main forces. They utilize a modified version of the common "Bulldog" Aerial Transport to make air drops.

They use the same equipment as the Colonial Marine Corps. with some variations, such as the Hydra Carbine, which is essentially a cut down version of the Hellstorm.

Militia[edit | edit source]

Each member of the Colonial League is expected to raise a planetary militia. They are in no way at all standardized; each Militia Army represents the planet itself, and is armed with whatever local equipment the colony produces. Many aim to imitate the Marines, but some take great pride in their militias and is considered more honorable to be a militiaman than a Marine (In spite of militia conscription, rather than volunteer Marine service; this is still seen as a privilage in being "selected" for service) in some places; in some cases the militias are on par with (or even better than) the main forces.

Special Forces[edit | edit source]

The Special Forces is a broad term for a plethora of different units. One of the most common is the Ripper; a Marine on steroids dressed in armor with blood red highlights, a full face helmet, and a large CQC Claw and sword.

Notable Military Formations[edit | edit source]

313th Marine Assault Division "Death's Head"[edit | edit source]

The 313th Marine Assault Division was comissioned in the inner worlds, being made mostly of young men and women from rich families there. It was soon smashed during the civil war, being torn from the inside from those that supported the monarchists and those that didn't. It is notable for the monarchist contingent making up a large part of the force that brought down the old President's Building.

Later, with the advent of the Asanian-Delani War, it was recomissioned, this time out of many poorer worlds on the fringes of the colonial league. It was stationed on Neros during the beginning of the Delani-Asanian war, and was the first and hardest hit planet. Nonetheless, they 313th managed to evacuate a large amount of civilians before escaping themselves.

After the battle lines had evened out, the 313th MAR was chosen to lead the assault on Asanian forces on the jungle-covered of Aumoros. The Asanians, seeing it as a resource rich planet, had landed there to strip mine it; the Colonial Defence Administration, seeing a chance to take the war to them, decided to allocate forces there.

Marine Ranks[edit | edit source]

(All subject to change)

Under-class Troops[edit | edit source]

  • Trainee
  • Recruit Class 1 (RC1)
  • Recruit Class 2 (RC2)
  • Recruit Class 3 (RC3)

Low Officers[edit | edit source]

  • Officer Class 1 (OFC)
  • Officer Class 2 (OFC2)
  • Chief Officer (COF)

High Officers[edit | edit source]

  • High Officer, Lowest Order (HOL)
  • High Officer, High Order (HOH)
  • Captain (CAPT)
  • Captain Class 2 (CAPT2)
  • Officer-Commander (OFCOM)
  • Commander (COM)
  • Low General (LGEN)
  • High General (HGEN)
  • Rear General of the Stellar Marine Corps. (RGEN)
  • Grand General of the Stellar Marine Corps. of the Delani Colonial League and Republic (GGEN)

Naval Ranks[edit | edit source]

Enlisted Men[edit | edit source]

  • Seaman
  • Specialist (Repair Workers, Firemen, etc.)
  • Deckman (Spacefighter Carriers Only)

Naval Aviation[edit | edit source]

  • Deck Officer (Commands Deckmen, Takes part in plane takeoff clearance duties)
  • Deck Captain (In charge of commanding planes on and off the deck, hands orders down to Deck Officers)
  • Aviator
  • Aviator High Class
  • Aviator Officer
  • Squadron Subcommander
  • Squadron Commander

Naval Low Officers[edit | edit source]

  • Seaman Middle Class
  • Seaman High Class
  • Ship Officer

Naval High Officers[edit | edit source]

  • (Ship type) Sub-captain
  • (Ship type) Captain

I.E., Battleship Sub-captain, PT-Boat Captain, Cruiser Captain, etc.

  • Task Force Admiral
  • Vice Admiral
  • High Admiral
  • Fleet Admiral

Armors[edit | edit source]

Serapis III-Class Composite Armor[edit | edit source]

The Serapis III-Class is the most common type of Armor with the Colonial Marines. It is made of solid, tough plate armor in a slightly convex form that is highly effective against projectiles as well as a heat regulating (although this has it's limits; very cold climates still call for arctic gear) anti-plasma skinsuit worn over the body. The helmet is made to fit around the user's head, and the goggles, which contain the HUD, can be flipped up out of the way, but not taken off without some force; it is integrated into the helmet. This makes a formidable combination; the plate armor is not fully connected allowing for the Marine to take advantage of his or her innate speed and agility while also being protected from most different kinds of weaponry, as well as making it easier for him or her to remove the armor plating itself or shed it in the case it becomes so badly damaged it simply gets in the way.

Peregrine Class Paratrooper Armor[edit | edit source]

The Peregrine armor is essentially the same thing as the Serapis III. It is slightly more expensive due to the fact lighter yet just as strong material is used in the plating. The armor is typically painted with light blue accents and often is adorned with feathers, a tradition harkening back to tribal society thousands of years ago. It is also made to support the jump-pack used by paratroopers in the back. It carries enough fuel for them to guide themselves during a combat drop as well some extra for use on the ground, such as aiding in scaling walls, getting up buildings without fighting through the inside, etc.

Phoenix I-Class Powered Armor[edit | edit source]

The I-Class of Phoenix armor is rare at the moment, expensive to make, and unlikely to go much further than being operational in Force Recon fireteams. It is extremely tough and pumps an expensive gelatin, Territe, through the skinsuit. The skinsuit itself is made to build up a large amount of gel where an impact occurs, spread the hit over the skinsuit, and then hold the bullet inside of it. The armored plating is much heavier than the normal Phoenix armor and requires an (At the moment) fragile mechanized support system to move, but testing has shown it to be able to withstand a direct hit by a grenade, laying on top of it, on a flat surface with the wearer still being alive. Nonetheless, while the armor can take a whole hell of a lot of punishment, it is very expensive, hard to keep going, and useless in most frontal combat due to the fact enough hits to the motors that allow the wearer to move make it completely inoperable.

Military Commendations[edit | edit source]

High Honour of Valor[edit | edit source]

This is the highest military commendation awarded to any Delanian military troops. Having it's origins in the World War I Kokolian 'High Medal of Service' it is revered by any troops that are given it. Awarded fifteen times in history; only two have lived to earn it. Others were awarded it posthumously.

Royal Citation of Exceptional Service[edit | edit source]

Given to troops, squads, or even units to commend them for exceptional performance in the field of battle. Most recently given to the squad that acted against BioMatter forces during the Returium incident.

Warrior's Medal[edit | edit source]

Given for taking wounds in combat for the better of the Republic. Friendly fire does not count. Troops must continue fighting in combat after tehir wound to be awarded this. If a troop dies whilst taking fire and fighting, at least other three soldiers must have seen it.

Foreign Service Ribbon[edit | edit source]

Given to troops that have spent one full deployment in the war. It is colored with one blue, one red, and one white stripe. The Blue stands for freedom, the red for bloodshed spilled for freedom, and the white for peace and purity gained through it.

National Defence Ribbon[edit | edit source]

Given to any soldier that has spent one full deployment garrisoning a Republic planet. It is marked with a grey shield surrounded by red, standing for defence and sacrifice.

The Medal of Bravery[edit | edit source]

Given to a soldier who has done a great deed in combat, while putting his/her life with disregard for their own life for the better of a fellow troop.

The Ultimate Sacrifice Medal[edit | edit source]

Given to a troop that has died while doing a great deed in combat.

Diplomatic Relations[edit | edit source]

Zaretian Empire[edit | edit source]

The Zaretians are, in all honesty, a race of sh*theads.

They pose a threat but dont seem to mind us that much.

Sauran[edit | edit source]

The Sauran are a noble race. We should avoid fighting them and attempt to create good relations, however, their recent cooperation with the warlords may hinder this. They are allied with us against the Asanians and should be given great respek knuckles.

IAE[edit | edit source]

We don't know much about the IAE. Their technology seems to surpass ours in many respects, however.

Diabloians[edit | edit source]

The Diabloians. A strong and mighty race of warriors. We are glad to have them on our good side in any case. They are our allies against the Asanians and may be the most valuable ally we have.

Asanian Syndicate[edit | edit source]

We are at total war with these bastards, and see no reason to seek peace.

Highly dangerous, consumerist, hyperactive. Hell, they can see our rounds in mid air. They are, however, not stronger than us, unlike most other races; if we can hold a solid defensive line, we can push them back out of our own space.

Delani Remnants[edit | edit source]

Our mislead brothers and sisters that still cling to the old regime. They launch terror attacks against our outer colonies, but it would take too much effort and give too little effect to hunt them all down.

Notable Wars[edit | edit source]

Delani Expedition to Norsus[edit | edit source]

The Delani Expedition to the Rach world of Norsus (Known then within military structure as Operation Spearhead) consisted of the largest fleet assembled since the Revolution. They proceeded to Norsus without trouble, but mere days before reaching their target, they got word of the Asanian attack and were ordered to pull back to the homeworld.

Going against direct orders, young Fleet Admiral Heimarak instead redirected his fleet to the Fringe Worlds, supposedly evacuating thousands from attacked worlds. It's current status is unknown- many imply he and the fleet have gone rogue due to the implications of what the Admiral had done while others say the fleet was destroyed by the Asanians.

Asanian-Delani War[edit | edit source]

More on this later

Recent Engagements[edit | edit source]

The Returium Incident[edit | edit source]

The planet was never named, simply scanned to show deposits of Returium on the surface. Still a huge commodity, four fireteams were sent down. They all went off the map, leaving one to fight it's way out of the BioMatter to get to an extraction point. This was what initiated their involvement in the war.

The IAE Invasion of Demosrakus[edit | edit source]

Ruled no longer canon by gorx.

Battle of star system PZ98075[edit | edit source]

The only known source of an extremely rare and useful mineral was found on a large asteroid in a distant system. Mining team 8872B/Z was sent down to mine it, along with the PT Boat Triumphant Centurion. Shortly afterwards, a Zaretian force arrived that destroyed the Triumphant and crushed the Marines deployed there. The cruiser Jubilant Victory soon arrived and deployed members of the 741st Marine Regiment to the surface to aid the trapped troops and miners and recover any samples of the mineral. They succeeded in destroying the Zaretian base set up there while saving the troops stranded their as well. Shortly afterward, the Zaretian warship bombarded the asteroid before warping away in flames. The Jubilant Victory returned to parades and a bitter victory, with many men saved but a new and potentially groundbreaking resource lost as well.