Sporecast[edit | edit source]
Description[edit | edit source]
The Bumble are a very charismatic and simple people. They are traders, pure and simple. Their fleets are an economic backbone in the sector. Many goods and spice transactions pass through their hands at one point or another. They hold a position of non-involvement in any conflict, in turn no race has outright attacked their trade routes.
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East Arm Trading Alliance[edit | edit source]
The East Arm Trading Alliance (EATA) is comprised of many trading camps. Some camps are set up on colony worlds, open to any race wishing to drop in and browse the camp's inventory. Most of a colony camp's inventory is from shipments that were never claimed by a buyer or from shipments where no payment was recieved. This merchandise can often be purchased at discount prices. Many young Bumble begin their careers in the EATA working at one of these camps.
Other camps are starship trading camps. These camps are stationed aboard massive trading ships. Each ship is assigned to a partcular sector and handles all shipments and oversees all sales within that sector, any given sector can have multiple Starship Camps assigned to it.
Buildings[edit | edit source]
Town Hall[edit | edit source]
Housing[edit | edit source]
Round Tent
Factories[edit | edit source]
Entertainment[edit | edit source]
Vehicles[edit | edit source]
Land[edit | edit source]
Hover Sale
File:Hover Sale.png
Land vehicle used to transport shipments from one location to another. Hover Sales are lightweight and can be towed by Pay Days to and from planet surfaces. The bear no armaments, so as such they are driven in a convoy for safety.
Sea[edit | edit source]
Air[edit | edit source]
Space[edit | edit source]
Bumble Trading Ships
File:Bumble Trading Ship.png
These massive ships are the back bone of the Bumble run East Arm Trading Alliance. Each ship oversees a trading route/sector. The ships are too large to enter a planet's atmosphere so the crew runs operations from orbit.
Pay Day
The Pay Day class ship is one of the oldest designs of the Bumble fleet. It dates back to their first journeies into space. Not much has changed from its original design. The ship wasn't intended for long term space travel. The premier designs didnt include an FTL drive, however the ship could traverse the star system in a matter of days. Newer models include a limited FTL drive capable of jumping only to nearby stars. Presently the Pay Day is used as a transport shuttle to carry personel and shipments between ships and to/from planet surfaces where trader ships can't go.