Zaretian Monarchy

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Zaretian Monarchy

"The Might of the Universe rests upon us"

Faction: Warlord
Homeplanet: Zartar
Lifespan: 500-1000 Earth Years
Species: Unknown
Currency Zaretian Coins
Governing body
Founding Members House of Sovereign
Government Monarchy
Current King/Queen King Breys
Former King/Queen Moscassin
Archetype Warrior
Main territory The Colonial Zaretian Prime
Color Green and Black
Military Conscripted
State Expanding
Population Unknown
Notable for Empire Size, Goals, Age, Army
Technology Futuristic
Empire Size Thousands of Planets

History[edit | edit source]

Culture[edit | edit source]

Biology[edit | edit source]

The zaretian body.png

The Zaretians are a race of bipedal omnivorous reptiles, the average Zaretian stands at around 5 to 7 feet tall. They have a very similar set up to humans; two eyes, two arms, two legs and a humanoid upright stance, but unlike humans they have tails to keep them balanced. Facial feature wise, they resemble many earth lizards. Zaretian's eyes are wide set, giving the Zaretian 240 degree vision a feature that creatures of prey are given, but as a consequence the Zaretians can't see directly in front of it. Often Zaretians will turn their heads to see what's in front of them. Zaretians are diurnal creatures, their vision is typically adapted to daylight conditions, with color vision and more advanced visual depth perception than most.

They have multiple-layers of special skin, one layer which is called the outer layer shields the other layers of the Zaretian's skin this layer is the green part of their skin, a layer of skin that stands directly above the outer layer is called the Tendious-layer is a special skin layer that's harder than the outer layer, it's purpose is to shield the major blood vessels and organs, it's the black colored area of the skin. There's a third layer of skin under the other 2 layers known as the Inner-Layer, this layer is incredibly soft and hosts all the major blood vessels that the other layers of skin protect. It's generally unknown what the main purpose of this layer is serve as a cushion for the major organs under it. Zaretian blood is very different from many Earth animals, it starts out bright red, but as time goes on it decays in a matter like many dead creature. As stated before it starts out bright red but as time goes on it gets darker and darker until it's black. By this time all cells are dead and it'd be nearly impossible to state which Zaretian's blood it belonged to. This is often called 'Drakenin Goo' because by the time Zaretian's blood reaches this state it's very sticky, hard to move and smells horrible, the only known way to remove it is to remove whatever surface it's sticking to.

As stated before, Zaretians are omnivorous, but they often eat fruit from Zartar and other approved places instead of meat. Because, most Zaretians are the on the go type and fruits require no cooking and they can just take a bite out of one. Another reason is that fruits provide vitamins, and other key chemicals for the body that meat can't. Zaretians can live off of one meal for months because their digestion process is very slow, so the Zaretian food demand is very low.

They produce sexually, with the Zaretians having male and female. Male Zaretians process a pair of forked Hemipenises which are held within' the body at all times until they are needed, then they are forced out of the body. Zaretians only use one of them at a time. Both genders of Zaretian's reproductive organs are shielded by the Tendious-later, keeping 3 scales that retract when mating occurs and fall back into place when the mating is complete. Unlike most other reptiles, Zaretians are Ovoviviparous giving birth to their young live instead of in eggs.

Characters[edit | edit source]

Generals[edit | edit source]

Gancarda[edit | edit source]

"Serve the King, and he'll lead you into imperfection" - Gancarda to a interviewer

Status: Active
Age: 391
Title: The Knight of Zartar
Family in army: None

Gancarda is one of the oldest and most memorable Generals in the Zaretian Army. He's one of the least sinister Generals out there, since he believes that this long war has made the Zaretians savages and blood thirsty and will often in spite of their reputation will often spare a army if they surrender or tell his forces to avoid firing at civilians. With the death of Vipenite, he has become the King's decorated Servant, making him the replacement for High General. Gancarda rose through the ranks of the Elite Guard to commander and after serving the former King Moscassin, he was promoted by King Breys to General when he took over because of his experience in the battlefield and overall level-headedness in mostly every situation those who oppose Zartar throws at him. Another thing that made him famous was that he was the first General out there to fight, when the Great War began. Defeating the Rach until he was in a faithful battle with the Rach Commander General Gorach. He described the battle a few years later "Gorach was a worthy opponent, if only his people had given in we wouldn't have to destroy them. While I don't approve of slavery, it's a great alternative for those who fear death to the point they would give away their freedom, their pride, their honor... now I sound like Atles..." Now a days he's the General against the Gronian campaign.

Vipenite[edit | edit source]

"He was a great General in his time, he won't be forgotten" - King Breys on VipeNite's death

Status: Deceased
Age: 129
Title: The King's Favorite
Family in army: N/A

VipeNite was the King's assistant and acted as High General before his death at the hands of the Nepharians. He started as a sergeant with the leadership of a Commander but lacked the bravery. He survived many battles without even firing a shot, he just commanded his team from the back of the group. Eventually his cowardice was noticed by the Superiors who commanded him and he was almost executed for not serving the King with honor and for the deaths of his squad when they were ambushed. But when the King caught wind of the execution he decided to give him a second chance as a commander since there was a shortage of them because they attempted to rebel against the new rule of Breys and they were killed in a short firefight. A job where they didn't expect him to be on the front lines getting shot at. He proved himself by brown-nosing Breys, winning many battles, he was promoted to a new rank that Breys made up on the spot: High General (giving him control over the rest of the Generals) this angered the rest of the current generals for a period of time before they folded in and went with the commands of King Breys.When the Great War came around he was Gancarda's replacement in the Rach front, when the Homeworld was finally invaded and the Rach were pushed off their homeworld, he turned what was left of the planet into a fortress. And the Rach that were too slow were enslaved. Afterwards he worked in the crusade against the Diabloians for a short time until he was given a mission that would be impossible to get wrong, take out a Nepharian base and use it as the staging ground for the Nepharian invasion front, VipeNite was trilled when he learned that he could be facing another race of bible-humpers. But his plans of using holo-troopers went wrong he was caught by surprise by a team of Nepharian commandos and killed. The king was grieved of this lost, while the rest of the generals were glad of his death in secret. General Gancarda was given the rank of High-General when the King learned of his demise.

Lord Atles[edit | edit source]

"Hmph, this war would be over by now if I lead the Zaretian Frontier... If only these Rebel could get something done for once instead of throw rocks at tanks with their damn picket signs up demanding 'unity' and 'peace', cowards" - Atles to a interviewer

Status: Active
Age: 523
Title: Lord of Warriors
Family in army: None

General Atles

Atles, was the son of a former General who was killed when King Breys took over, when he was young he was obsessed with his father's work as a General and soon as he got older and older, got bitter about the state of the empire and the leadership, such as when the former King was talked out of the Monarchy's Conscription act, which would force children from birth into hard cold soldiers or at General Gancarda shows of mercy. He is a proud loather of many things that other empires base themselves around such as religion, nature, joy of others and love, one thing Atles would love doing more than anything is crushing the souls of his foes before he kills them. He also rarely enjoys anything, the only emotions Atles ever feels is rage (Joy only comes with the suffering of others), because of this he's also disliked by many of the Generals. He also dislikes them back for not sharing his beliefs, Atles is also often accused of being a traitor or assisting the foes of the Monarchy because of his 'the empire would be better if I ran it' attitude. Atles leads the front against the Diabloians since the start of the war.

Peacha[edit | edit source]

"No comment" - Peacha to interviewer

Status: Active
Age: 183
Title: King's Favorite assassin
Family in army: CorZu (Brother), Xenia (daughter)

Peacha started out during the age of King Moscassin, as a assassin. She would work long missions alone and hope to get extracted by the army. When King Breys finally took over the empire she thought of rebelling against him and his rule but, she at the time was just a grunt. So she continued serving the mad King Breys until he noted her stealth abilities, he decided to form a entire military division around her incredible stealth skills, so the Night Shade division was born, but though she inspired it, she wasn't in command of it. Another Stealth oriented General known as General Axe lead it with his over-sized ego. She was disappointed in the choice of leadership but she reminded herself that she was just another grunt. When General Axe made a fatal decision of unavailing the Nightshade division (which is supposed to remain strictly hidden) he was executed. When another needed to take the initiative of the head of the division she was promoted to Axe's spot and made the head of the Nightshade division, ever since it was just a team of 20 Zaretians. Now it's a small army of up to thousands of Night Shade agents, including the sub-division that her brother CorZu made and the Nightshade Elites.She's pure of heart compared to many of the other Generals, making stealth and ambushes her main attack method because it lowers soldier casualties. But due to these tactics she often goes against Gancarda for dishonorable tactics. She's had many doubts about the sanity of the King due to the long war going on and his growing erratic decisions, but in truth she's just a grunt. She fights in the Luminarian front as she did when they first declared war.

Lord Rex'Abilion[edit | edit source]

"Everyone in the army looks up upon me" -

Status: Active
Age: 328
Family in army: Tes'Abilion (His brother)

Rex Abilion was a Elite in the army before he was promoted to a Commander then a full on General. He's a famous icon among the Zaretian people due to the battle of Res, when he was a commander. He saved the planet from a full on pirate attack by sacrificing his own ship so that the pirates wouldn't get away with the goods. He was believed to be killed by the pirates but a few weeks later he returned to the Monarchy unharmed. He told people that he managed to survive the ship's destruction by sheer will power (when actually he escaped through a escape pod). It was put forward that he be promoted by Gancarda and Peacha to the King and so he was promoted to the General rank. Because of his fame and new General status, he's become more proud of his abilities and became arrogant and condescending, he also expects to be liked by all of the people of the Monarchy. Due to his arrogance, he started the war between the Zaretians and the Gronians when he invaded a planet and threatened to enslave all of the Gronians. Instead of taking the front against them he now leads the Diabloian front.

General Varthos[edit | edit source]

"A new era has started. Hopefully the older Generals will be able to keep up..." - Varthos to Peacha on Zartar's Capital Day.

General Varthos

Status: Active
Age: 203
Title: Lord of the 18th battalion
Family in army: None

Varthos was a Commander under General VipeNite before his death. He wasn't the most brutal commander out there compared to the Generals, but he's willing to sacrifice his forces just to defeat a enemy in addition he's very reckless (which he calls risk taking). He has a charismatic personality, which has made him one of the favorites among the Generals. Mostly the ones that don't hate everything. Since Ganos was demoted from the General rank, he now leads the front against the Aeveria Confederation.

Commanders/Admirals[edit | edit source]

Admiral Helios[edit | edit source]

"Serving the monarchy is such a troublesome task, if you're one of those tools Breys and Gancarda keeps making 'Generals' " - Helios to interviewer

Status: Active
Age: 700
Title: None
Family in army: None

Admiral Helios (formerly known as General Helios before stepping down and being succeeded by General Bore'Ock) commands the large and mighty 18th fleet the second largest Zaretian war fleet. He's the oldest Admiral in the Zaretian army. He's highly respected by his fellow Zaretians and feared by his enemies. He was leading the space offense against the Delanians, until the Gronianss attacked the Zaretians (and some other races) in full force, forcing the 18th Fleet to relent. Now Helios runs the defensive operation, meaning he protects the many Zaretian planets against the many enemies of the Zaretian monarchy while the other fleets go off and commence the grand offense. It's a stressful job, but Helios can handle it. But during one faithful defensive movement against a fleet of Madarian ships, the capital warship he was in was destroyed. He managed to escape by his right arm was pinned under some debries, a Wave Trooper helped him remove his arm so he can escape. Even though Zaretians can regenerate lost limbs it's a very slow process and can easily take years to complete and his right arm was his writing hand, so the Zaretians used their experimental cyborgnetic programs to give him a temporary arm. Now he continues to lead as the most popular Zaretian Admiral out there. And unlike the other Commanders, Helios serves under none. Since he defends the Monarchy against foes.

Ganos[edit | edit source]

Status: Active
Age: 183
Title: The Sniper
Family in army: None

Ganos was formerly one of the Generals during the middle years of the war, until he was demoted for insubordination. Now he serves under the very General he loathed for as long as he served as a General, Atles. But when he did serve as a General he made his mark as a worthy combatant as he used fear tactics to scare his foes into surrendering, he also took no prisoners, executing armies one by one if he was in a bad mood. He's also very cocky and egotistical. Which is one of the reasons why he was against General Atles, they both are highly arrogant. When they were actually paired with each other they would attempt to flaunt their arability as leaders and try their hardest to make themselves seem better. Eventually this rivalry got Ganos demoted when he recently ignored orders by High General Gancarda, and threw the battle away. Instead of having him executed, Gancarda convinced the King to spare him and demote him down to a rank that Ganos loathed; a Commander. And all the forces under him were evenly divided to the other Generals.

Bore'Ock[edit | edit source]

Status: Active
Age: Unknown
Title: None
Family in army: Tales (brother)

Bore'ock was one of the commanders under General VipeNite before his death, he now serves under Lord Atles. He's one of the more laid back commanders out there, preferring to relax and enjoy the battlefield or scenery (before it gets destroyed), this attitude has angered Atles for a variety of reasons. A reason that Bore'Ock became a Commanders because like many of the other Commanders and Generals out there, he can lead well but unlike them he's a able soldier and a great pilot. His specialty is piloting mechs. Due to his incredible abilities as a mech pilot he has been chosen to pilot the experimental ZMC. His brother Tales made the design of the mech and CorZu perfected it. Tales and Bore'Ock want to get transferred to Admiral Helios.

Tales[edit | edit source]

Status: Active
Age: Unknown, but younger than Bore'ock
Title: None
Family in army: Bore'ock (brother)

Tales (full name Tale'ock) while not technically a Commander is regarded as one due to him taking every situation seriously and always completing them fully and without a single complaint (a trait that is very hard to come by in the army). He's CorZu's personal assistant assisting him in his many designs and ideas and even making one or two designs and letting CorZu take credit. He's also a very intelligent engineer and a incredible logician, though he chooses not to get shot, since that puts back his work several work days. Though unlike his brother he's very timid and at times over thinks things. But Like his brother Bore'ock he's a great pilot. Also designed the ZMC and helped CorZu perfect it. Tales and Bore'Ock want to get transferred to Admiral Helios.

Elites[edit | edit source]

Vario'Vese[edit | edit source]

"Piss off" - Vese to a interviewer

Status: MIA
Age: N/A
Title: The Best Elite the Empire has to offer.
Family in army: None

Vario'Vese is a Zaretian Elite apart of the Night Shade division and is one of the best at his work. Vario began as a intelligent and skilled Nightshade and impressed the generals through assassination, sabotage, kidnapping and blackmail. Personality wise he is emotionally cold and ruthless and generally doesn't like when other people talking, he likes to work alone but is willing to work in teams if his team mates aren't idiots and can handle things on their own and also due to this, he's highly used to not getting any support at all and missions where he has to get himself out of (that means zero extraction from the Zaretian army) he is also a part time mercenary, something that isn't usually allowed in the army but there's a exception with him; long as he doesn't do any missions what-so-ever against the empire he can remain a mercenary. He also has involvements with the Zaretian Elite, now commando Lyeria seeing that they were partners and Lyeria also trained Vario all the skills he knows in mech piloting. He is skilled in shooting mostly every type of gun (shotgun, machinegun, SMG) but usually sticks to his 2 revolers and his small Anti-personal SMG, his Revolers are modified Zaretian pistols and can easily put a hole and kill any unarmored creatures in less than 2 shots and his Anti-personal SMG has very little recoil and is made for gunfights should he get in one, it can hold and fire 60 rounds but the SMG has a chance of over-heating and jamming if fired too much and can rip organic targets armored or unarmored to shreds. While Vario is highly skilled in shooting guns and stealth, he isn't so good when it comes to melee combat and can easily be beaten in a one on one fist fight against any foe even Zaretian.

Vario is also a highly skilled mech pilot, he pilots the fast and powerful Purgatory, a custom made Zaretian mech made for speed and firepower, and unlike other Zaretian mechs; It's painted black instead of green. Purgatory is armed with 2 Plasma Auto-rifles and a long ranged missle launchers and heavy boosters. Purgatory is very powerful and is stronger and faster than most of the other Zaretian mechs (except the Armored Core which is on a equal level to it and the Universal Colossus, Revenant and Overlord) and Vario can piilot it really well (thanks to his training by Lyeria). And something that is very rare with Zaretian mechs is that Purgatory can be controlled by Voice/AI something that was once limited to the Armored Core.Vario can call Purgatory through his radio and Purgatory will be transported by a Zaretian Lifter straight to where Vario wants it or Purgatory can be orbitally dropped.

Sai'Ax[edit | edit source]

"The best Zaretian racer slash pilot reporting for duty, General" - Sai'Ax's generic greeting message for Generals

Status: MIA
Age: N/A
Title: The Queen Racer
Family in army: N/A

Sai'Ax wasn't the best Elite out there, she's cowardly, has bad reflexes, and worst of all she's horribly irresponsible. But she makes up for these flaws by being one of the best pilots the Monarchy has out there. If it's a mech, tank, fighter ship, or even the Shadow of Domination, she'll operate it like a expert. Which is the reason why she's a Elite, despite those few aforementioned flaws she's a great leader and level-headed about most dangers. She's also a excellent mechanic able to fix any machinery on the fly with ease. But since her uses are limited aside from vehicle work she at times is left behind on the ship and in bases, so she often puts her skills to the test by entering many galactic races and flaunting her skill and more importantly making her ego bigger. She has her own frigate she named 'ego boost' which is fast enough to outrun most ships and armored enough to survive a good hit if one of them manages to get a shot in. She often works as a pilot to the Generals, her ship is fast and armored enough to get them to point A and B should the need arise. Right now she's off duty, since Elites that has served long enough or gained the affections of the Generals can take breaks for periods of time. She's been sighted in neutral territory working as a Star Racer.

She along with Vario'Vese, Jaydoc, Xenia and Janor'Artious are currently MIA after a classified mission titled operation banshee.

Jadoc[edit | edit source]

"No." - Jadoc rejecting a interviewer

Status: MIA
Age: 123
Title: None
Family in army: N/A

Jadoc (full name Jadoc'Homotos) is a Zaretian Nightshade Elite, he's one of Peacha's favorites. Personality-wise he's childish in most situations (that don't involve combat) but when the time comes he's a serious Elite much like the Generals expect the Elites to be. He'sfriends with a lot of the other notable Elites, aside from Vario'Vese who he hates with a passion, one of his best friends is Xenia the daughter of his boss Peacha. He was once one of the Night Shade division, wasn't one of the best Night Shades out there, but he had drive. But after a mission that Peacha issued to assassinate enemy leaders, a majority of the Night Shade Elites were killed, aside from Vario'Vese and Xenia who succeeded in their missions. There was a emergency recruitment drive, 1/5's of the Night Shade divisions were promoted to Night Shade Elites, Jadoc was one of them. He received his training and was at the top of his class. But his first mission was disastrous. On a mission to recover information secretly from enemy forces he was spotted and gave away his team. They escaped but, this made Peacha and some of the other Generals frown upon him. But he made up for it in his second mission where he assassinated a small empire's leader so they could be enslaved.

He along with Vario'Vese, Sai'Ax, Xenia and Janor'Artious are currently MIA after a classified mission titled operation banshee.

Xenia[edit | edit source]

"I am Peacha's daughter, anything else..." - Xenia

Status: MIA
Age: 213
Title: None
Family in army: Peacha (Mother)

Xenia is General Peacha's only daughter (only child as well) and she follows in his mother's footsteps and became a Night Shade. After dedicating almost her entire young life to the army she finally reached the next step in her mother's footsteps, a Night Shade Elite. She's had a mission success ratio of 4.2 she tries her best to get a successful mission, then hides the ones that fail. She's a great friend of the other Zaretian Elite Jadoc and Janor'Artious while she dislikes Vario'Vese and is neutral about Sai'Ax. Secretly, Peacha her mother planned on starting a special team of Elites, with her as the leader. The members of this team were originally Jaydoc, Vario'Vese, Sai'Ax and Janor'Artious. But on their first mission, they went MIA. It's unknown if they're alive or not. Peacha isn't saying any details, though she sends out other Night Shades to search for the team or any clues about their where-abouts.

Rouges/Rebels[edit | edit source]

Vanos'Vrarock[edit | edit source]

"Ah, being a mercenary is such hard work... especially when you start a 'stereotype' that every Zaretian enjoys rampant 'teabagging'. I know I only did it 'once' and now it's all over the Galaxy... I feel 'proud'... " - Vanos to a dead body

Status: MIA
Age: 417
Title: That Zaretian Mercenary
Family in army: None

Astrology[edit | edit source]

The Monarchy's territory consists of thousands of planets each acquired through different means (Conquest, Colonization, Purchase), and its numbers of Slave States vastly increasing it's size, arguably making it one of the most expansive civilization in the Galaxy. King Breys and his cohorts is constantly striving to bring The Monarchy ever lasting rule to the Unknown Regions of Cyrannus and indeed beyond the galactic rim.

The entire population of the Monarchy would be nigh impossible to count, but estimates range from ten quadrillion to the more likely thirty five to forty quadrillion inhabitants. Most heavily populated worlds are supplied by supplies and resources from other Monarchy held worlds, meaning that planets can support high populations, without falling into disorder or anarchy.

The Monarchy, due to it's large size has a lot of planets listed as their own. To keep things organized, most of the Monarchy's planets are divided in six different Sectors, represented by there own Governors the planets play a vital role in the history and economic of the Monarchy. Zartar will be mentioned specifffically, as it is the most important planet.

List of Sectors[edit | edit source]

Sector 00/01: The Royal Zaretian Prime[edit | edit source]

The very heart of the Monarchy it contains the fewest planets of any of the other sectors (A merely twenty planets) but the Royal Prime is reserved for the Elites and upper Class of the Monarchy. It sits in the very core of the Monarchy because it is where it started, it contains the Zaretian home world Zartar. Most Civilians are strictly not allowed within' this sector without special reason or else unless they're workers or servants. There are far stricter rules and regulars for Aliens.

The main reason why the Prime is more exclusive than the other Sectors is that the Monarchy is filled with undesirables, and is very crowded. With the Prime supposed to serve as a paradise for the wealthiest, the Generals, sometimes even diplomats on route to speak with King Breys personally. The Royal Prime is also heavily defended, due to being in such proximity to Cetho, the Military Capital of all Zaretian forces, also due to if the Royal Prime falls so will the Monarchy and everything it believes in, and everything it came to build. Also, to keep out the pilgrims.

Sector 02: Military Capital Cetho[edit | edit source]

The Sector strictly dedicated to Military operations, unlike the other Sectors which each have their compact little piece of the Monarchy, the Military Capital spans over a good 40% of the Monarchy, and every Military planet is considered to be apart of this sector. Like the Royal Zaretian Prime civilians are strictly not allowed inside of the Military Capital and if one unauthorized ship even drifts near a planet they will be fired upon by the Land-to-Orbital cannons or by any active ships in the vicinity.

Cetho[edit | edit source]

"Heh, any 'enemy' of the Monarchy got a big pair if they come anywhere near Cetho. You know 'why'? Because that's where all the soldiers are"

Without a doubt the Zaretian Military Stronghold. Cetho is a massive arctic planet which is five times the size of Zartar or Earth. It is the training grounds for mostly all of the Zaretian Monarchy's Forces (Serving around 60%, with the other 40% divided among Zartar and

Planet Cetho

several other planets). The large planet has great use for it's thousands of training centers and barracks. It contains many battalions of both fresh and veteran soldiers in what they dubbed 'residential sections'

Cetho also serves as a factory world, building most but not all of the Zaretian Vehicles, Mechs and ships. After construction they are sent out to the other Zaretian worlds/forces and assigned pilots and are used in active combat. Though the Monarchy is also finding ways to create vehicles on the battle front, making mass construction of vehicles on other worlds somewhat redundant. While some of the Army's forces can't be built on the spot (such as the Crasher Mobile Fortress). It is also worth noting that some of Cetho serves as a testing ground for experimental Zaretian weapons, and houses many of the Monarchy's greatest minds and weapon makers.

Cetho is also where most of the diplomatic meetings take place in the Diplomatic center in the north, most recently there was a meeting between the Asianians and the Volunteering Monarchy Commanders/Generals. Speaking of which, most of the General's operate and deploy forces straight from Cetho.

Sector 03: Inner Zaretian Prime[edit | edit source]

Every planet that surrounds the Royal Zaretian Prime is considered to be apart of the Inner Zaretian Prime. It is in fact the safest part of the Monarchy

A Colony in the Inner Prime

due to it being so far away from the Outer Prime, which is considered to be the most prone area for attack. Much of the inner prime is residential colonies or agricultural worlds (farming fruits and other Zaretian meals)

There's much disagreement over which planets should be considered to be apart of Sector 00/01 because of the proximity of the two cuts of the Monarchy. Certain Governors within The Royal Prime state that certain high grossing planets within' the Inner Prime should be vacated, refurbished and declared apart of the Royal Prime. Many officials within the Inner Prime disagree stating that planets that are of Sector 01 are final. King Breys ruled that for now no new planets will be added to the Royal Prime without his say.

Sector 04: Outer Zaretian Prime[edit | edit source]

The sector 'Outer Prime' consists only of new planets being currently developing and rests on the outer rings of the Monarchy's rule. Planets that were recently conquered by the Monarchy and are being 'adjusted' for civilian life are also considered to be apart of the Outer Prime. Though at this point in the war most planets conquered/colonized are turned into military worlds and are often considered to be apart of the Military Prime and the Outer Prime.

A growing issue with workers/soldiers in the Outer Prime is that their planets are meat shields for the rest of the Monarchy because the foes of the Monarchy are targeting the Outer Prime in order to dig into the Inner Prime and even the other sectors. King Breys has responded by increasing military presence in developing worlds and installing Anti-Orbital Cannons to help stave off attack.

Sector 05: Tyres Kingdom[edit | edit source]

Sector 06: Cyres Unity[edit | edit source]

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Friendly/Allies[edit | edit source]

Margan[edit | edit source]

Status: Friendly (For Now)

"Hmph, our first Ally. And here we were for seeing them as useless, being in the warp really gave them balls."- Lord Vathos.

The very first race the Monarchy met during the very first days of the war. During a diplomacy meeting between the Monarchy and the Margan the species known as the Rach appeared and attacked both forces, hoping to get an assassination on King Breys(Which his death in the early days of the war, could have easily changed a lot of things). The Margan share an similar hatred of the Rach which goes so much deeper.

While the Zaretians declared a long and bloody war against many of what are now called "Peacekeepers" the Margan sat back doing absolutely nothing. This made the general opinion of them change from Mighty empire to pink cowards, it gotten so bad that the Monarchy considered cutting ties with the Margan.

Then all of that changed when after a bloody war with the Rach the Zaretians got the exact location of the Rach home world and launched a vicious invasion of their stealthed world. The Margan also joined in the invasion while Zaretian forces were given a strict 'Open Fire' order if any of the Margan got in the way. Eventually the Rach were pushed into a pocket dimension known as 'The Warp' the Margan followed behind them and the Zaretians figured that they all died.

Ten Years later the Margan return, along with the Rach and declare war against most of the other Peacekeepers and helped take the load off of the Monarchy. King Breys demands that there be a meeting between the two species.

Neutral[edit | edit source]

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Military[edit | edit source]

The army of the Monarchy is unmatched by any race in the Epic War, it is the Monarchy's main goal. Their forces are split up into several 'Divisions', with the main division being nick named The King's Finest,. Which is the backbone of the Monarchy's forces, being all purpose and housing trillions of trillions of forces of every gender and racial group. There are several more division such as the Wave Division, Elite Division and the House of Sovereign.. Their armies are no stranger to war, and neither are their enemies.

A Zaretian Firebase

The Monarchy is unmatched on land combat mixing both Infantry, Mechs and Vehicles in their main attack force. With every soldier from General to Lowly Grunt being heavily organized and trained to follow orders. While their land armies are incredibly powerful and diverse, their air and space are trumped by more technology advanced species such as the Lumarians, or the Aeveria.

Divisions[edit | edit source]

The King's Finest[edit | edit source]

The largest Division of the Monarchy's mighty army and the Back Bone of all military operations. It makes up a good 60% of the entire Zaretian force, consisting of a uncountable force. Every General and Soldier in the army starts here, nobody starts at General in the army. Unlike the Peacekeepers forces, all Zaretians in the King's Finest are drafted. There's a criteria for recruitment, you must be a healthy male or female Zaretian and must have no former injuries or any disabilities and must be -considered- an adult.

The most important thing in the King's finest is Hierarchy. For each army or armed force deployed, they are commanded by a General or a Commander under a General. If there is an armed forced operation there has to be an Leader.

Unit Profiles[edit | edit source]

Infantry[edit | edit source]

Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Light[edit | edit source]
Mauler Light Tank[edit | edit source]

The Mauler is the de facto MBT of the Monarchy's army. While it's almost inferior in almost every way to the far more powerful Payne, it's popular within the Monarchy's main army because of it's easy to mass produce and it's far smaller than the bulky giant. Which means it's far more versatile in many more situations than the Payne.

Two Maulers Ready to engage a Aeveria Samuel

While it's not as powerful or armored as several of the Heavy or in some cases Medium Class vehicles. But for a light tank it's far more armored than most other species, and in most cases it will come victorious in an one on one encounter against tanks such as the Rach MBT or the Gronian G1-67, while falling short to tanks such as the Aeveria. Which in most cases the Mauler is assisted by several other vehicles of the same model.

Weapon-wise the Mauler is armed with double Gauss Cannons, these cannons are direct fire and often are accurate enough in most close-to medium ranged encounters. It isn't used outside of close or medium range which most of the time during mid ranged combat the shot will lose velocity and do a quarter of the damage. Which is why the main tactic for the Mauler is to flank other tanks and deliver close range blasts to the vital areas of a tank. Every Mauler has a crew of three Zaretian pilot, one to operate the main guns, another to operate the tactical information systems and targeting, finally the last pilot is used to maneuver and operate the treads.

Hunter Ghost[edit | edit source]

The all favored scouting vehicle is known as the Hunter Ghost. It is rumored to be the fastest hovering vehicle of all of the Monarchy's army. -To be finished later-

Medium[edit | edit source]
Heavy[edit | edit source]
Ultra Heavy[edit | edit source]