Wingle Union

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The Wingle Union or more commonly known as the Wingle Empire is a collection of the species known as Wingle that was founded to repel outside invasions and various dangers from their worlds and to keep a militaristic eye over the vast expansion of the occupied space. The Wingle are a very neutral race and do not attack without proper justification and with much reason. Their incredibly ideological to their core character and are very moral with their religion. They rarely step out of line or stir the pot, but when they do, you can be assured somethings wrong. While they share many of the ideals of Peacekeepers, all encounters with the two sides thus far have been beneficial or very beneficial Warlord encounters that have gone on without incident. The Wingles favor both sides as supposed to other neutrals that want nothing to do with the Epic War, but do not however provide for just one party and not the other.

Wingles are not a very physically powering race, they tend to focus more on their ability to problem solve and make situations less destructive and more understandable. Their aimed at creating strategies to get past their enemy rather than just stomping on it and killing it. Their thinkers more than fighters but find a way to incorporate both into a pot of bad luck for those on the receiving end. With their increased power in vision, communication and thought, they are a step above the rest in that sort of sense but suffer from more physical stresses. Essentially meaning all forms of hand to hand combat with a Wingle are fairly short lived for a Wingle, that they are EXTREMELY susceptible to diseases, growing famished quickly, weather changes dramatically affect skin, they have a hard time lifting things without assistance from technology, they have various other physical disabilities.

The Wingle Union
Faction: Neutral
Homeplanet: Athenousis (Destroyed)
Lifespan: 100 - 175 Years
Height (In Feet): 5 to 6
Genders Female/Male
Currency Intergalactic Basic (Sporebucks)(Credits)
Current Number of Wars 2

Philosophies[edit | edit source]

The Wingles have a diversity of Philosophies.

Religion[edit | edit source]

There is only one religion the Wingles keep. Its commonly known by the Wingles as "Lingdomism". The word comes from a passage in the religions base book. The "Holy Booklet". Much like other religions, it is a booklet in which all knowledge of Lingdomism is found in. The book was written by an unknown author, as skeptical as it sounds its a trusted source by the Wingles for many different reasons. The holy book is mainly seen as a Wingles "owner manual" for life.

• The Holy Book The Holy Book is filled with answers and instructions for each and every Wingle. How to live their own lives, how to properly educate, what the future held for many generations of Wingle, and so much more. It is without exception, the most holy thing a Wingle can own. Hence its name.

The book is cut up into sections. The first of which being the most logical and generic start to any book. Creation and evolution. How the Wingles came to be. It took many thousands of years before "creation" or any other parts of the book were taken seriously by every Wingle. Though for many thousands of years there has been inconceivable proof that the first part of the holy book was indeed exactly what happened word for word. Through fossil discovery, alien archives, and study all of what was said was proven.

• War

Much of the text from the Holy Book talked of War and what it should be properly used for. For thousands of years it was entirely miss understood. The Wingles simply would never have had war with each other if all had understood. The Book says clearly ""You are only to use war if it means the survival of the race, the survival of your neighbor, your nation. You will not use war to settle disputes with each other! Those who do are not of the World!"" This quote was taken directly from the book. It mainly and even clearly addresses that war is to never be used to fight other Wingles. Self conflict is never necessary and there are always ways around it. War should only be used on competing races from other worlds, it proclaims. Its no wonder no Wingle ever could understand. They had no scientific proof other life existed, let alone threatened them. So for thousands of years Wingles fought each other without understanding the Book in its entirety and payed a heavy price for it.

• The Great Prophecy

The great Prophecy is what the next section is named in the Holy Book. This was the largest section in all of the book and it too went unnoticed and comprehended for thousands of years. Now in the modern days of The Wingle this section no longer carries any weight. As it is complete. Instead of this section foretelling future events, its more of a history book.

The Great Prophecy is mainly a collection of small and large prophecy's that were all at some point fulfilled and are now observable facts of history. The final prophecy ever was the completion of Wingle prophecy itself. It culminated in all Wingles learning the correct way of living, how everything works, and as massive burst of knowledge. After thousands of years Wingles simply could not learn the ways Lingdomism. They learned through terrible punishment they did to themselves.

This final prophecy was massive,

"You, each Wingle alive during that time, and each whom has ever lived. You have not kept the laws of this Book for many thousands of years you have looked the other way, and for thousands of years your civilization suffered what no living creature should ever have to go suffer. All of which you brought on yourself. Because you have not kept the word, all terrible things will befall you."

"You will come to the brink of destruction, if you (As a Race) had not had an enlightenment, there would be no Flesh left to burn. These will be the last days of your ignorance. Your potential for disaster cannot grow worse without you, All Wingles, killing your entire race off."

"You have brought Self Conflict; WHICH IS NOT THE WAY (War). War Invites Poverty, which will bring many Famines to the land. Disease will come knocking and kill seven out of ten of all Wingles. Their deaths will be long and painful. As will your trial or death."

"And in the final hours, you think you are victorious, you think you have won, you take no consideration to the many billions that have died. Yes the many billions that have died at the hand of you and your mistakes. As most nations have fallen in your trail of cold blooded murder, you will too. The world only will have minutes to stay alive. Yes even your very soil is at stake."

"With the final minutes approaching, you will see what no Wingle will see now or ever. You will indeed see that you, all Wingles, have been ignorant of all knowledge long enough. They will come from the sky to keep the nations from destroying the soil. Yes a race of which is not Wingle will come and make peace. You will learn from this sky race. You will learn everything there is to know. You will learn the ways of living. You will learn this books ways, you will learn what you have never heard of before, you will be unbreakable."

"The time has come for all Wingle to learn from the sky race. Indeed they will not only be a new father, but your teacher and your friend. They have set fourth to teach you the books ways. And because you will keep the Book, every Wingle will have peace among each other. War will never be a thing of the past and it WILL come again, next time, in a different mask. The likes of which you have never seen, but soon you will see. Only then will you know what War is for."

Detailed accounts of the Prophecy can be found in history.

Military Intervention[edit | edit source]

The Wingle live by their religion, but do not force it on other races. Within their "book" it is made clear that there are certain exceptions to the proper use of war. The Wingle military interventions are usually carried out on a battle going on with other races when there is a justified reason to enter the battle and pick sides. Usually the Wingle will assist the losing side if the Wingle deduce that they are in the right and are being unfairly targeted. They assist in battle, but they will not invade worlds unless it becomes necessary. Often because the Wingle pick sides, they can make quick enemies inadvertently to some degree. Their kindness is a double edged sword. Only if the opposing force they helped fight against attacks them back in their own territory, then a War is declared. A very rough example would be the Nepharian Kran Faction's assassination of the chancellor on Cityscape during the Escalation Conflict, it would not have become a war if the Kran had not continued to attack Wingle.

The reason the Wingle assist and help other races so much is because their holy book instructs them to be giving but at the same time vigilant, and wise. Wingle want to help simply because it feels right, because it is the right thing to do. They feel that they are slightly superior above other races because they intervene for caring reasons, while other races do it for selfish, and often cruel reasons. They don't force their religion and ideals on people but do demonstrate them. Usually when they succeed in operations, they eventually gain allies, which makes the trade off of some lives a good one. As gaining allies can only mean good for both the Wingle themselves, and the other race. (Although recall, these interventions are not done to "get" anything.

• Criticism

Although the military interventions have helped save many lives and entire races in the Wingle past, they have received strong public criticisms from many Wingle's because of the obvious flaw in the ideal. By helping other races, they pick sides, causing wars with other empires usually. Citizens recognize this, and do not like what is inevitably conceived. There have been protests and movements against it, even though their holy book approves of grounds for operations like those. So then, of course, people question the legitimacy of the book and the religion itself. But skeptics are usually turned down, because the book has keep the race in order since the start of the space stage. Although it is still very disputed among Wingle citizens.

Knowledge[edit | edit source]

Knowledge and information falls under two categories, education and diplomatic information exchange.

• Diplomatic Information Exchange

Because the Wingle desire so much to give to other races, then of course, information would be no exception. When the Wingle come into contact with another race, they offer them basic knowledge, like how to grow foods that they grow, or how to preform certain other basic acts. They want to share what they know. However, as giving as the Wingle are, they are not gullible. Only when an alliance is formed do the Wingle share technology and exchange combat information. Unless the situation is immediate and dire enough, the more important information is kept for allies. They share their powerful shipbuilding technology with other races, their ice particle powered weapons, their tips on developing certain kinds of vehicle technology, and much more. They will even share their way of life which they live by, if it is asked of them. This has only occurred twice in all of Wingle history because there are few empires that adopt outside religion.

• Education

Wingles are open to a vast amount of knowledge at an early age. They are taught virtually everything in their first 5 years of living. From Lingdomism, to science, mathematics, history and so much more. Most of what their learn they will never forget. The memory capacity of a Wingle is very high. Most elderly Wingle, recall almost any moment of their life with perfect accuracy. So can any other Wingle.

Once the five year education cycle of a Wingle is complete, they have little left to learn. Aside from experiences to be experienced there is only one other thing a Wingle must learn before their life comes to a close. How to build charterer. This takes a lifetime to learn. What exactly is it? Character building is a proses that is required in order to become a Leader or king.

You may only qualify for Leader ship if you have military training and a strong character built. A Wingle is only truly wise if he has a built character. What are the qualifications for obtaining a character for a Wingle?

- Advanced Education

Advanced knowledge in many different fields.

- Combat Skills 

Knowing how to defend yourself if you or anyone around you is in danger.

- Long-suffering

Has suffered a major loss of some kind or been severely tried in life. Usually this involves depression cycles. Wingles learn from their experiences, suffering is no exception.

- Wisdom 

Has much wisdom, makes good choices and does not speak ignorantly. Usually wisdom comes with age and always with experience.

- Strength

Knows how to overcome temptations and wrong thoughts and replaces those with proper thoughts. This often prevents crime or political abuse.

Each of these make a Wingle on the inside. Because of this, the Wingles have fair leaders. Wise ones, ones that are impossible to be corrupted. Each and every leader is largely intelligent, kind, sensible, experienced and has "been there". A leader knows so much through being educated, through personal experience, tragedy close to heart, and so much more. Most Wingles see their leaders as perfect.

Biology and Quantum Neuroscience[edit | edit source]

Wingle biology is the study of the makeup of the Wingle as a whole, while Quantum Neuroscience is the study of the Wingle brain and thought capacity and how it affects the body.

Biology[edit | edit source]

The basic Wingle is about the size of an average human, sometimes bigger. They are not big when put next to other, more larger races.

Male and Female bodies.

• Body

The Wingle body is not very complex in itself. It is rather simple when you compare it to other races who each have incredible physical abilities. Although Wingle's do have various abilities in their thought, more on that later. The physical body of all Wingles can support itself, but it is very weak without medical or technological advancements. Historically, many Wingle perished due to their incredible susceptibility to diseases of every kind. Bacteria could kill them in a matter of hours if it were not for the medical advancements and technological advancements. Fortunately, this does not happen anymore and Wingle do not die from diseases from their own world. Ones carried over from other empires do not typically cause harm,although there have been some breakouts that were quickly dealt with. This is not to say Wingle are no longer affected by illness, it is entirely possible a super-pandemic could be unleashed by an alien entity of some kind. Something the Wingle have yet to encounter in the cosmos.

Disease is the biggest enemy of the Wingle body, but unfortunately it is not the only one. They have various disabilities that keep them from doing things that other races could otherwise do very well. They are physically weak. They cannot thrash you to the ground and beat you to a pulp. Unless, you are even weaker than them, which is not a common trait. Wingle require technology to lift many things and help them construct things such as buildings, homes, vehicles, weapons, and so fourth goes the list. They simply do not have the muscle, they break easy.

• Male / Female Comparisons

Both the Male and Female Wingle bodies have most of the same features in the same locations, there are variations though. The males and females have differing feet, eye sockets, size, and parts. While the males have several webbed toes, the females have only two. The females have flagella, the males have none. The males have thinner eye sockets, the females are thicker. These feature differences are both visibly subtle and noticeable.

The only difference in abilities from the two sexes is that the female do not grow their eyes back because of their stronger eye sockets, while the males do because they are thinner than the females and can be more easily created using natural tissue found in the Wingle's body. It is important to note that these do not grow overnight. They often take years to fully recover all points of vision. It is also very uncommon to lose an eye for a Wingle because they need to be forced off or cut in order for it to happen. When the eyes bump on something by mistake or get caught on something, they can be squeezed into the neck kinda like a turtle can pull his head into his shell. This is so that way they don't get stuck on something or get their eyes all messed up from too much dust or anything really. It is very silly to see.

• Important Organs

The important organs in the Wingle, the heart, the brain, and jaw/mouth are all vital the the life of the Wingle. The Jaw/Mouth, is located at the end of their necks. They are the only parts on the Wingle that are exoskeleton bones. The mouth is made up of two powerful jaws that comprise the mouth. They have a very powerful bite that can pretty much snap any food in half. Unless of course, the food is as hard as a rock. It will not break the jaws but it will not be able to penetrate them. In between the two jaws is the hole you would call a mouth. It digests the food. It is very small and often cannot be seen.

Then there is the brain, which is located in the chest. Details on it can be found in the next section, Quantum Neuroscience.

Lastly, the heart is located in the side of the central body. It is usually on the left side although sometimes there are some who have been born with hearts on their right side. This is a more common trait in females. The heart deals with the blood-work of the entire Wingle. It's duty is similar to that of a human, only it location is different and the Wingle can survive for several hours without it.

Quantum Neuroscience and Quantum Abilities[edit | edit source]

The average Wingle uses 80% of their brain. The more experienced ones use 90%. The brain is a huge factor in the Wingle's life and abilities. It goes far beyond controlling the entire body and allowing the creature to live and think.

• Quantum Abilities

Quantum abilities are simply what they mean, abilities and advantages using the brain. All Wingles have them with older or more experienced ones having much more of it.Some are increased memory capability, greater thought, less impulsiveness, greater spacial comprehension, increased senses, and the ability to share thoughts with other Wingle. It is important to note that these are not psychic powers, and cannot be used directly on another alien or creature. It is something that only works with other Wingle. While the other abilities make the Wingle a step above the rest in thought, this does not mean they have "the force" or mind powers of any kind. Even if the Wingle is vastly smarter than his or her opponent, which is often the case, it is still up to the individual to act on those thoughts physically. Which can be the resulting problem. Since the Wingle have many physical disabilities.

Wingle's are not born with these, they must grow in the brain over time. Usually after the child Wingle has learned the sum of his or her education, they begin to form these abilities. Usually increased senses will come first before the rest of the abilities. The abilities come to existence when enough of the Wingle's character is built up, when the Wingle has overcome various pulls and temptations, and when certain chemicals in the brain begin to change as the Wingle ages. It is much like puberty in human, although in the Wingles case, it causes much more crazy and radical behavor. Not necessarily disobedience, but more so, just plain out wackiness and unrealistic thoughts and goals. Some Wingle, who do not meet the biological or character requirements do not have these abilities, although their numbers are in the few and they are usually poor and living in places space travelers do not typically visit.

History[edit | edit source]

There have been very many wars, conflicts, and disturbing acts. Though the only ones that shall be listed are the important ones and most noticeable ones.

Pre Space Age[edit | edit source]

Before the Wingles entered the Galactic Community, they fought each other like most races. They brutally murdered each other for thousands of years with warfare even though their religion always told them not to. Most of the Wars the Wingles ever fought were with each other. Nine of of ten of all wars the Wingles fought were with each other. Self conflict ended with the Wingles only World War.

The World War[edit | edit source]

The Wingles only bared witness to one single world war. It was massive and far more destructive then anything before it. It even surpasses some modern space wars that have occurred. More Wingles died during the 6 Years it lasted then in all the wars combined previously over thousands of years.

A photo of the march to Trila, the Capital of South Jerussia.

It was the worst time in all of Wingle history. For the first time the Wingles actually had the power to erase all life from the planet in a single blow. The Wingles created weapons of mass destruction that could easily take out a small continent. The war began due to a number of worldwide circumstances at the time. Ultimately it had a lot to do with the nature of most Wingles at the time. Every society had degenerated to the worst possible character. There was no regard for the lives of other Wingles even in the most affluent and wealthy countries which had a lot, and still wanted more. All character traits from the generation from that time were the polar opposite of what all Wingles one day would consider "good qualities". Due to technological advancement, the most destructive weapons ever had been invented during this time. The people with the worst character ever, had the worst weapons ever, in terms of destruction capabilities. Religious deception then ignited the war, with shallow promises from the Holy Zanien Empire, the entire world was in deception over the religion they claimed to keep but did not really know. The Holy Zanien Empire, which played a huge role in starting the war, formed due to economic crisis in the world. With the help of a highly influential church organization known as the Zanien Church, the economic downturn in the world was halted because the Zanien helped unify the otherwise doomed countries through faith. The Zanien promised exactly what the people of the time wanted to hear, riches and wealth, so long as they obeyed their laws. All who did not accept their religion and laws under this unified set of countries were put to death in a holocaust like manner. The religious deception was so great and so wide spread that barely anyone questioned the Zaniens authority and thus how the Zanien, in combination with political leaders, helped bring about a massive union of countries using faith and promises of riches. This left anyone who did not join their union, the be cut off from economic aid and ultimately made many other countries that were out of the loop impoverished and nearly incapable of launching any attack on any Zanien State.

A photo of Zanien Guards.

The war had not officially began yet, but Wingle historians consider this the starting point of the worst time in Wingle history. Countries very quickly fell apart and many turned to civil war further dividing the countries. In total, twenty one countries and empires were entirely disbanded because of civil wars. They were usually reformed into democratic governments, but ultimately democracy did nothing because the countries under the Holy Zanien Empire did no diplomacy with those who rejected their rule. Eventually The Zanien went into these countries and took the citizens in them and turned them into slaves to help drive their new found super economy. Any who resisted and who did not do work were often killed along with those who did not comply with the Zanien laws and religion. Certain countries, who were thought to have been nearly invincible just a few short years before, were choked out, famished and forced to comply with the horrific laws of the Zanien for years.

Picture taken by an anonymous Lone Sniper, projects the Black Army Confederacy Conquering a city of the southern nation.

The Sovereignty of Kobal, a once worldwide super power, had to invade another country by the name of "South Bombad" for its water supply. The choke hold of the Holy Zanien Empire ultimately is what forced them to do this. There was not enough food or water supply in the countries outside the Zanien to sustain their populations. There was a state of global famine for the nations outside the Zanien. Eventually South Bombad and Kobal were able to launch weapons of mass destruction at each other. Having both once been super powers, they had the technological capabilities to do it. They fired weapons of mass destruction at each other and a few toward the Holy Zaniens "Holy city", although these missiles were shot down quickly by missile defense systems places around the Zanien boarders. And once again, the "lesser" countries took the blunt of the punch here and many of them were hit with weapons of mass destruction and the effects of these massive wars.

The Epidemic[edit | edit source]

The resulting lack of food for Wingles invited many Diseases and much of the world started to simply die. The worlds population before this war was 12 Billion, it quickly dwindled down to 10 billion 4 and a half years into the war. Billions died because of this war and there were many left to die. The largest and most spread Disease that killed so many is the GNU Virus. GNU is not short for anything and it is the actual name of the virus.

GNU comes from dead bodies that have been exposed to radiation for a week. It becomes airborne and is obtained through smell and breathing it in. Once in the body the GNU will disable the eyes and keep them from working. The Wingles three eyes will shrivel up and die. The Wingle will no longer be able to see. Then it shuts down waste organs. Once its this far in the body its too late to save a Wingle who has the infection. They will receive many other diseases as a result of their waste building up inside of them. On average, they will die within a week of becoming infected. This disease is the leading killer of these 6 years caused entirely by the war.

The Climax[edit | edit source]

Eventually a band of nations outside the Holy Zanien Empire formed and used what little they had left to try to take the Zanien with them to hell. (Hell in greek means Hades which in turn means - the grave, the ground.) These nations were outright insane. Their only intention and goal forming them together was the destruction of the Holy Zanien Empire. They launched scores of weapons of mass destruction at the Zanien homeland to devastate it,full well knowing exactly what their response would be! More weapons fired at them. This is widely considered to be the most ignorant.. outright shortsighted choice world leaders had ever made. All of the missiles were in air, all heading toward their destinations, life on the Wingle planet of Athenousis was about to end undoubtedly. Any survivors would meet a slow painful death by the scorched planets toxic landscape.

The launching of highly radioactive weapons of mass destruction.

And then, in a surprise twist, the Wingles had been saved. All of the weapons of mass destruction were destroyed in mid air and the resulting waste somehow managed to not be spread. This defied all logic the Wingles had known until that time. Coming from the clouds down onto the planet was an alien race known as the Rohos, the saviors of the Wingle race.

Union of the Rohos[edit | edit source]

The Rohos played a large role in the advancement of the Wingles. Their arrival on Athenousis saved the Wingles from destroying themselves at the final moments physically possible. The Rohos needed to set up on the planet in order to ensure that they could properly change the Wingles and educate them in the proper values. But first, the Holy Zanien Empire needed to be taken care of. The Rohos completely annihilated the governing body and false, deceptive churches that lead the world into chaos. The Rohos used the Wingles own religion to teach them what they have so desperately needed to learn for thousands of years with no punches pulled. It was discovered that the entire world had been lied to about this religion and so began the proper instruction by the guiding hand of the Rohos. Within a few years the planet was restored by the new Alien friends. However conflict quickly arose as many of the most powerful nations saw the Rohos as a common enemy from another world. These nations leaders would soon be forced into proper teaching along with the rest of the world.

Two Rohos

If a Wingle did not accept the new ways of education, they would have miserable lives and thus punish themselves. Much like before the War and the arrival of the Rohos. Rohos never killed Wingles ever. Not even a single murder. For 350 years the Rohos rose the Wingles up to new heights and after a few generations the Wingles would all be living perfect. The correct way. No more conflict ever took place with the Wingles and soon after it was globally seen that all Wingles had proper values and traditions.

Departure[edit | edit source]

After roughly 350 years the work of the Rohos stopped on Athenousis and they soon left the Wingles. They would one day meet again however it was time for the Wingles to start work on their new empire. In the last years of the Rohos presence on Athenousis, they began to share technology with the Wingles. They never exposed many high tech items to the Wingles up until the final years. Some of which was space tech, advanced photography, farming tech, medical care, entertainment, public transportation and so much more.

The Beginning of the Space Age[edit | edit source]

After the Rohos left their technology behind, the Wingles began their space program. In hopes of one day meeting the Rohos again, and for space exploration or even the possibility of expansion. All nations worked together with one single space program. It was difficult to fund for however because all nations still used different currency. This and many other divided traditions and ways still separated every country. Seeing as war is never the answer among other Wingles, all the nations of the world needed to do something. Indeed they did.

One World Government[edit | edit source]

The nations of Athenousis all agreed to a one world government, seeing as it was the only solution. One language, one currency, one leader, one capital, and one military. This transformation took only a few short years. Three years of change is all it took for the entire world to come entirely united. The space program and technological advancements went into full swing.

Early Exploration and Development[edit | edit source]

Shortly after the nations came under one government their eyes were fixed on space and every Wingle was determined to help reach it. It took about a year for the first flight to be scheduled and prepared for. The first one was a dangerous one and an unpredictable one. It was to test the effects on the body of the Wingle in space. Among many other questions the flight was a success and went without flaw.

Tail Grode, the first Wingle in Space. His picture is one of the first in color.

Tail Grode, a young Wingle became the first to travel into space. His spacecraft orbited Athenousis for 13 hours before it was fall back down and land in the ocean. While in orbit he took a number of pictures of the planet from orbit, as well as photos of the moon and other planets out in the distance. Tail would later become the first to set foot on the Wingles far moon of Bruta.

Kalitstine in orbit.

Six months later the Wingles launched their first artificial satellite from the Athenousis Central Spaceport. It orbited the planet for 56 years before being taken down, scrapped and replaced with newer much more advanced technology. Kalitstine was the name of the satellite and its purpose was to take pictures of the planet, the moon, and other nearby planets. Over its lifetime it took over 505,000 photos. It mapped out most of what is now Wingle occupied space.

Kalitstine was made up of metal materials like most spacecraft. It was customized for lasting long and even adapting to what would be future ways of doing things. It had a spacedock on the satellite for ships, and ships were hardly even talked about at the time let alone docking with satellites and stations. It is powered by four circular compression units that take what little air that is available just outside the atmosphere (or sometimes in it) and use air to power the entire satellite. The Air spins around in the compression units until it reaches a speed where it can be used to generate power. It works very similar to the way a Windmill does. Only its in space and its mechanics are slightly different. They generate the same way and have the same outcome.

Space Shuttles were later used as a way to get more Wingles in space quicker and more satellites up and running. Within ten years time over 402 satellites were orbiting Athenousis and their purposes varied greatly. The early models of the Wingle Space shuttles were very simple and worked well. A rocket can trust the object up into space and be contorted easily within space. As there is zero gravity, the controller, really is in full control.

A StarUniter Class Shuttle at Athenousis Central Spaceport

There were four models of the shuttle in total before it was discontinued for newer ships that function like the ones seen today. The most popular one was the "star uniter". The Star Uniter model was the cheapest to construct and took the least amount of time to build. You could have a shuttle ready within a few months.

The Uniter resembles what was conventional aircraft for the time. The four elevons, mounted at the trailing edge of the wings, and the rudder/speed brake, attached at the trailing edge of the stabilizer, with the body flap, controlled the orbiter during descent and landing.

The Uniters payload bay measures 15 by 60 feet (4.6 by 18 m), comprising most of the fuselage. Information showed that the payload bay was designed specifically to accommodate the Kalitstine 5 X spy satellite operated by the Empire. Two mostly symmetrical lengthwise payload bay doors hinged on either side of the bay comprise its entire top. Payloads are generally loaded horizontally into the bay while the uniter is oriented vertically on the launch pad and unloaded vertically in the near-weightless orbital environment.Three (to sometimes four) Space Shuttle Main Engines are mounted on the Uniters aft fuselage. The engine nozzles can swivel 10.5 degrees up and down, and 8.5 degrees from side to side during ascent to change the direction of their thrust to steer the Shuttle.

The Prolis'ian Wars[edit | edit source]

These wars occurred when the Wingles were just forming their empire. An evil zealot race known as The Prolossis raided several Wingle colonys for their rich Purple spice. This is a critical area for the Wingles development, as at the time, Purple spice was most valuable and the Wingles had a substantial amount of it. Without even knowing how truly rare and valuable it was.

A Prolossis Royal Zealot.

The wars spanned over for at least 7 years before the Prolossis surrendered to the Wingles when their fleet attacked the Prolo planet Tikin'mai, their primary shipping port. The attacking Wingle fleet destroyed the Prolossis fleet and Tikin'mai was taken into occupation. There were no rebellions following this.

The Prolossis would later team up with the Conqrix to destroy the homeplanet of the Wingles.

The Spice Struggle.[edit | edit source]

Four short years after the Prolis'ian Wars, another spice related conflict started. This time multiple races were involved. Including the infamous Zaretain Empire. Who were soon destined to become warlords of warfare. The main races involved here were the Wingles, a race of robotic creatures known as Blue Bots, Pip's which were bird like creatures, and Zaretians. At the time, the Wingles were the most powerful among the races.

Every race had a spice that they tended to defend. Blue Bots had Blue, Zaretians green, Pips yellow, and Wingles with the most rare Purple. There was a lot of controversy behind closed doors. It was believed that the Zaretians double crossed the Wingles to join the Blue bots to destroy the Wingles and take their spice. However it was what you would call a double double cross. Confusing the minds of most the Zaretians went back to the Wingles where they teamed up to shut down the evil and over powering blue bots.

An operation was launched at the main command center of the Blue bots where the fleets of both Zaretians and Wingles decimated the Blue Bots. There they ordered all Blue Bot units to shut down immediately. Soon after the Blue bots and their evil were wiped from the face of the galaxy. Their colony's and planets were equally divided amongst the Zaretians and Wingles. To this day there is no evidence they ever existed other then history books and scarp metal.

The Conqrix[edit | edit source]

The most infamous war of all the others was the Conqrix wars. The Conqrix were a spawn of the Grox. The Conqrix would infest worlds in massive numbers and killed everything in their way to turn every world into their own factories. Which would make more Conqrix. Their numbers multiplied very fast. Many many battles were had with the Conqrix. They first showed up during the very end of the Spice Wars. Where they eradicated the Pips before the Zaretians and Wingles even knew they were in trouble. Zaretains began new wars with other races and were forced to back out of the fight un willingly. Leaving only the Wingles to combat the Conqrix.

This war only lasted several months. However it was the most deadly conflict in Wingle history on all fronts, on all planets effected by this war.. over 2.5 Billion lives were lost as a direct result of the Conqrix Wars. Not counting Conqrix loses. It was not just Wingles but many other empires that were slaughtered by the evil of the Conqrix.

A Conqrix Clone.

The Conqrix were unstoppable, and planned to do terrible things to the galaxy however the Wingles stopped them from their plans during the "Fall of Athenousis" the single most important battle of the Wingles wars. The fact that their homeplanet was under attack is not even half the reason this battle was so important. In fact, it was very small in comparison to the real reason everyone was fighting there.

The Fall of Athenousis[edit | edit source]

The great battle took place on the Wingle Home World. Conqrix, and Prolossis were the attackers and the Wingles did not have much time to combat them. The battle was 5 days long. By the 3rd day the Planet was glassed by the Attackers and the cites and population were wiped out. Including most of the senate and government.

The truth behind all of the battle was soon revealed. The Conqrix had found 8 other ancient sites left behind by an ancient, unknown race. There were 9 of them in all, the ancient site was buried beneath Athenousis. The Wingles had no idea until the Conqrix found it. This one was absolutely massive in comparison to the other sites. It had exactly what the conqrix were looking for. An artifact they had been searching for sense they were first created.

A conqrix battle on the planet.

It was a key of some sorts, it was to power the 8 other installations that would connect together wipe the galaxy clean of a race if needed.. How it would work is that you take a living, breathing creature and put it in the chamber located inside the 9th installation, that will power the other installations and it will fire and kill off that entire race in a almost god like stroke. The Conqrix had killed almost all the wingles on the planet. They needed one, single subject to do this. The only one close enough by was a Captain White. A great Captain of the Wingle empire that was sent out with his squad to stop the Conqrix from turning on the Installations.

At one point, Whites squad was all that was left on Athenousis still fighting. The defending force was gone. Him and his squad had the odds against them. They stopped the Conqrix from activating the installations on the 4th day. They were able to just barely signal the main fleet that they needed help and that Athenousis was dust. The main fleet had immediately stopped their operations. On another planet where they were also fighting Conqrix and came to help save White and his squad. They had the scared key with them as well, that was going to be used to turn on the installations. However the Conqrix wielding it was killed by one of Whites squad members.

Captain Skylashas on Athenousis

The Prolossis turned on the Conqrix for an unknown reason following the arrival of the Wingle fleet on the 5th day. Making things even more out of control there were now three massive army's clashing. White and his men made it to their extraction point where a Wingle general took the icon and everyone escaped the planet. Though right as they were boarding their shuttle.. Captain White was shot down. The fleet left behind the remaining Conqrix and Prolossis to duke it out.

Captain White was later medically operated on several different times. He was to live but he needed to go into cryo sleep. To this day he remains in Cryo Sleep.

The Installations that are meant to kill off entire races were all destroyed after the Conqrix conflicts. To prevent such things from happening again. The device found in the 9th installation was used on the Conqirx. Safety measures were not taken and the device was used on them due to the desperate situation.

Epic War Involvement[edit | edit source]

First Contact:[edit | edit source]

The Wingle empire entered the War when a Nepharian fleet fleet suddenly and deliberately attacked the Wingle fleet just outside of the orbit an uncharted Desert planet. Nepharians were said to be after the substance the Wingles were transporting to a secret base on the desert planet. The main flagship of that fleet the Concord was the ship that carried the substance. The Nepharian raiding parties managed to bring the Concord down and it crashed to the desert planet.

The Uncharted Desert Planet (in atmosphere).

A battle took place on the sands of this distant planet. The Wingles battled their way off the planet and it was a long journey. A warhero and Col.Holland teamed up and gathered up survivors and took over a Nepharian radio device. They signaled a nearby fleet. Without knowing it they signaled the IAE. The IAE came in and helped the Wingles escape the planet.

The plot of the Council[edit | edit source]

Shortly after the Nepharians fought Wingle forces, A plot was formed by the new chancellor of the Wingle council to cripple the Nepharians and hopefully quickly move on to more important operations and tasks for the empire. A space captain helped carry out this plot by forming his own squad of extremely specialized war heros with a skillful set of abilities. The squad has no official name but it may be commonly refereed to as "The Squad". The squad is made up of skillful aliens from around the galaxy that each have their own different specialties and backgrounds. Some are more infamous than other but they are all in one way or another necessities for the Wingle councils plot to be carried out.

The Squad[edit | edit source]

Captain White[edit | edit source]
White on Athenousis

Captain White is among one of the most infamous Wingles alive for his brave actions on the battlefield. White is approximately eighty one years of age and has served in the Wingle Military since age twenty five. He has been in hundreds of battles and is the most experienced warrior the race has to offer. His combat abilities are widely seen as some of the most amazing ever in the history of the Wingle. A living legend for certain. Though he is infamous for many different reasons, the most famous of his actions were displayed during the Fall of Athenousis where he battled thousands of Conqrix alongside a group of other space captains and helped save the races existence that was threatened on that exhausting battlefield.

Background[edit | edit source]

White was born on Athenousis in the southern most pole of the planet of Athenousis, where the temperatures were always brutally cold and unforgiving. He spent his early years fighting for survival. White left the planet at fifteen to go to a military training facility on Elucia, a farming world that seemed very much like home to White, with the exception of the terrain being much less harsh. While at the training facility he learned many different types of combat which include various hand to hand combat styles, all types of available Wingle weaponry, swords, and even piloting. He went on to train for ten whole years to master all the arts of warfare before he went on to officially join in battle.

His role in the Squad[edit | edit source]

Captian White's role in the appointed squad is to act as a co-leader, to act as a representative for the squad when the leader cannot, and create tactical forecasts that are meant to predict the enemies combat movements. While his fighting skills are remarkable his "tactical forecasting" skills are just as impressive. Tactical forecasting is the act in which someone with a greater knowledge of the battlefield tries to accurately predict the enemies plans, movements, forces and resources based off of gathered intelligence. It helps create plans for battles that squad mates may follow when engaging an enemy. Tactical forecasting is a good wild card against the typical enemy and usually will provide the squad with a certain reassurance that they already know whats going to happen, regardless of the likelihood of the outcome being good or not. It provides a boost in the spirits of the squad and with good forecasting, can mean to difference between life or death. Its essentially like trying to predict the future except with credible intelligence gathered and mixed together in a stew.As for his co-leader role, he is overruled by a Space Captain who leads the squad. As a co commander of the operations he is usually always right in the very center of the action and is often found not too far from the main leader of the squad.

Captain Skylashas[edit | edit source]
Captain Skylashas

Captain Skylashas is much like Captain White when it comes to notability around his empire. Captain Skylashas is the ace of the Skylashas military and is known mostly for his extremely brutal methods used on the battlefield. He was also on Athenousis standing by Captain White until the end and is also rather infamous for doing so.

History With Captain White[edit | edit source]

Its widely known that Captain Skylashas has a longstanding relationship with Captain White. They are like brothers almost and have been in so many battles together that its hard to imagine a single battle without them both being there side by side. Their history with each other is extensive to say the least. White and Skylashas first met as enemies during a small war in which Skylashas were targeting recently colonized Wingle worlds in which they could pirate from. White and Skylashas confronted each other in space when a Skylashas transport ship got away with purple spice and weaponry that was stored on military bases on the planet. White chased down the ship with a small Wingle star fighter and intercepted the ship and destroyed it. However Captain Skylashas managed to get aboard his own fighter and escaped the blast. He began dog fighting with Captain White amongst the debris of his ship. According to battle logs on both fighters, the confrontation lasted about forty five minutes before White received new orders and heavily damaged Captain Skylashas ship.

A few weeks later White would meet Captain Skylashas on the ground and they both had a battle on a small hill during a piracy on Eos. Recognizing each other from a few weeks before, they instantly were at each others necks. A close combat battle began on a hill that lasted for five-teen minutes without either of them being injured. They were a real rivalry for certain. The battle ended when Captain Skylashas team of pirates were done pirating the ores on Eos. Skylashas quickly tried to knock out Captain White and succeeded in doing so. Rather than killing him as he was unconscious, Skylashas had to quickly make a run for his ship before they left him behind. A month would pass and the mini war and piracy of Wingle planets had ended. The Skylashas even had become allies of the Wingles eventually. Because of this there were many joint military exercises with Wingle and Skylashas forces. Inevitably Skylashas and White would meet again in one of these exercises and simply decided to have a hand to hand fight to settle the score without killing each other. They had a brawl that lasted five minutes before they were broken up by other operatives.

Yet another week passed and White and Skylashas found themselves side by side on the battlefield. This time they would be working together to stop a massive wave of Conqrix that were trying to Genocide the Skylashas on the world of Largrange-3. The two captains took on one hundred and fifty Conqrix before wiping them all out. Leaving none alive, White and Skylashas killed off the entire attacking force that was in the town they were in. Recognizing each others abilities in combat, they stopped acting aggressive at each other and rather started working together on Conqrix operations.

Commander Meto[edit | edit source]

Meto is the third addition to the squad. Meto was not initially apart of the plan set fourth by the council and squad leaders but proved to be a valuable asset on the battlefield when White and The Squad leader broke him free. Meto is a Gronian Commander who was formerly in charge of a battalion of troopers before his battalion was almost completely wiped out in a Nepharain attack. He was taken in as a prisoner of war and set to be executed. However the break in to pick up Skylashas would void his execution time. He was taken in along with Captain Skylashas to join the squad after being broken out.


Meto is armed with a plasma spear much like the ones Wingle Honor Warriors wield, a shield, and various other blades and daggers making him an expert in close quarter combat and a very respectable trooper. He is gifted in the ability to clear out groups of people at once. As his weapons are all made up of close quarter weapons, hes perfect for what he does. Metos combat skills do however have a very obvious weak point which is that he cannot deal with far distance targets.

Background[edit | edit source]

Meto’s home plant is currently unknown but it is obvious that the planet he may have originated from was a Gronian colony. When he became an adult he joined sports such as “Galactic Fencing” which pins two players in an all out duel with each other with swords and body armor until they break one another’s sword or penetrate skin on one another’s body. That is where a lot of Meto’s combat skill came from, as supposed to strictly military training. He later became infamous for his arena battles on Gronian worlds. He was the king of Death matches; he never lost a single death match. He was known in the arenas as the god of punishment, as he was often pinned against dangerous criminals who were offered to fight in arenas rather than rotting in jail cells for life. After he was the god of punishment, Meto’s combat skills were recognized and he was asked to join the Gronian military force and fought in their military for several years before he quit on his own will. Meto was later rehired as a “Licensed Commander” which essentially meant he could pick his battles on any front. He would get involved in Nepharain battles which eventually led to him joining the squad.

Mare'sa Akul[edit | edit source]

Mare’sa is a Saruan scientist who was found on a strange world alone. Her roles in the squad, while essential, are usually behind the scenes, not often seen. She typically acts as a copilot for the Sympathy, the squads ship. When White is not piloting the ship, you can place your bets that Mare’sa is behind the controls. She also operates as a heavy infantry much like Skylashas, she is trained in the arts of heavy weaponry and explosives. One of her heavy weapons is a simple rocket launcher which typically bursts high damage at enemy vehicles. In addition to heavy weaponry, Mare’sa tends to be the more “technical geek” of the lot. Hacking into computers, repairing broken machinery, tending the wounded, got a chore for her and she will do it. A loyal and valuable asset to the squad, as every other squad member is. But her place is a necessity.

Orign[edit | edit source]

She originally came from an ocean world known as Deep Requiem, from an underwater colony which was very different from other worlds. Much like any space colony, the water colonies on Deep Requiem were like miniature planets within the water. The colonies had air, grass, many trees, cities, just like any city. Saurans however, prefer a more natural way of life, so many of the colonies are not very populated because of the space used to create more natural landscapes. These colonies are very consistent along the seafloor of the ocean world and are very close to each other, often within viewing distance from the sides of the colonies. When Mare’sa was a much younger Saruan she was known to be very intelligent and educated among her small town. As a starting carrier she was working with robotics, computers, and maintaining the towns recourses. Later she was asked to join the military as an intelligence officer and not as a warrior. She had no problem fighting unlike other Saruans but she was still kept from most conflicts. Until she became involved in an unforgiving space conflict with Zareitans which eventually led to her capture and forced labor in mines around the galaxy. She would later be freed by a space captain and would escape on her own and disappear from her society and live on the strange world she was found on for several months.

Eco Project[edit | edit source]

On the “strange world”, Mare’sa began her own project to rebuild the failing ecosystem on her own. For several months she worked to get the proper ingredients for spreading life, but for a good duration of the time all she could create of Arthropod based life. For many months she was never bothered, working day after day in poor living conditions inside a large cave, all for the greater good of the dyeing planet. She had no problem sacrificing or her own time, that much is certain. Mare’sa was not always isolated, she used to get on her ship and go back to her home colony to get more supplies, but just before the squad arrived to recruit her, a group of space pirates came and took her ship from her one day while she was resting. She had been stranded, with little hope, she continued to still work on her project as she faced what she thought was her life’s end, and then she would be recruited by the squad for the interventions to come.

Alimantre[edit | edit source]

Alimantre is the final addition to the squad and his role in combat consists of long range weaponry. He was found on an old Wingle colony that had been destroyed during the wars with the Conqrix.

Background[edit | edit source]

Alimantre originally wanted to be an architect, but his family was poor and he lacked access to higher education despite his quick-witted intellect. Frustrated by unreachable dreams, he decided to join the Kamorran Expeditionary Corps and bury his regrets under the rigid discipline of a military lifestyle. KEC enlistees are guided through the system based on their aptitudes, so they usually wind up in positions they are good at. Alimantre turned out to be a skilled marksman, the attention to detail and ability to consider all angles of a situation that made him pine to be an architect serving him just as well with a rifle. His shots are precise and well-planned, and he never wastes a bullet. His weapon of choice is an 88-Series VK-6212 "Firenze" miniature railgun, known for its ability to ignore crosswinds, ensuring pinpoint accuracy at much longer distances than normal for a weapon of its size. With a dossier like that, Alimantre's KEC career was set to be long and successful. But fate has a way of defying trends.


At the end of his fourth and final year of probationary duty, just before he was eligible for vertical movement within the KEC hierarchy, his patrol was pinned down on top of a sand dune in the middle of the Grand Tarcian desert on Kamorra. They had been on the trail of an illegal arms dealer known as Gidge the Beautiful, and they found her. And her entire posse. Her "beauty" was trumped only by her ferocity, and Alimantre's unit was slowly overwhelmed despite their superior equipment. To make matters worse, a raging sandstorm made air support impossible. That kind of pressure is not good for sniping, but as he watched his comrades fall one by one around him Alimantre realized the gravity of his situation. He had no backup and no cover. Half mad with grief and desperation, he found it impossible to surrender. He kept firing, and his targets kept dying. He was shot twice in the left shoulder and once in the neck, but he barely noticed. Whenever he ran out of ammo he freed the nearest gun from its owner's dead grip and continued on. By the time his battle frenzy faded he was alone on the dune. No ally or enemy had survived. He passed out from blood loss and was picked up two hours later when the sandstorm subsided enough to get a dropship in. His official recorded kill count for that one battle was listed at 71 in just under an hour, enough to instantly qualify him for promotion to official Sniper rank. It was not until he regained consciousness in a military hospital that he learned that Gidge was supposed to be captured alive. This one flaw in the operation was enough to get him marked "unreliable" in his file despite his impressive victory. He knew that from that point on he was doomed to be pigeonholed in the KEC, so the instant his contract expired he grabbed his stuff and left. He has since made a living as a freelance sharpshooter.

The Nepharian Escalation[edit | edit source]

The Nepharian Escalation as its been called, is the series of events and interventions that began the full out war between the Wingles and Nepharians. It's the period in which official war had began.


The Cityscape Assassination[edit | edit source]

The Wingle and IAE held a meeting on the Wingle Planet Cityscape. The meeting was a discussion of many things. Trade, Technology, construction projects and other classified Intel. The meeting was however cut short when the Council Buildings became a large crime scene. Numerous Wingle Council members dropped dead during the meeting. Including the Grand Chancellor of the Empire. A search was conducted to figure out what really happened to them, for now we are under the impression the party favor drinks were poisoned and whoever drank it, would be next. Later an IAE assassin came by to kill as many members of the council as possible. This was also cut short when a Space Captain took him down before he could get to the meeting room. Under the impression the IAE were trying to kill the Wingle leaders while they were there in some sort of secret plot, the people still alive left in charge held the IAE diplomat captive under the real answers came out. It was concluded that the Nepharians were trying the frame the IAE by using another IAE to kill Wingle council members. This IAE Was a hired assassin by the Nepharians, only with orders to kill as many as he could.

Whites Revival Effort[edit | edit source]

On the old Wingle colony, "Genesis", Captain V. White remained in cryosleep. With the formation of a squad requested by the Wingle council, the first choice of a squad member was Captain White. White was a legendary war hero in the Wingle empire and was an obvious first choice, however, the planet he was resting on was being invaded by Nepharain forces at the time. It was later discovered that there was an information leak, and the Nepharians were actually out to kill Captain White in his sleep before the Captain of the soon to be formed squad could reach him. After the recovery of White a large skirmish broke out between the Wingle and Nepharain forces there. Soon after the Captain was away with White, the battled ended leaving the Nepharains victors, even though they failed their main objectives.

Breaking Skylashas Free[edit | edit source]

Soon after White was taken in, he suggested an old friend of his be recruited to the squad. Captain Skylashas as the name says. He had very recently gone missing, so there was effort put into finding him. As it had turned out, Skylashas had been abducted by pirates which seized his personal ship for goods. They sold Skylashas off to the Nepharains and they placed him in jail where he was confined as a special prisoner. There they observed him and began to make tests on him. Skylashas was used as a "labrat" until White and the Captain came and freed him with a small attack force. They had slowly waltzed their way into the base and freed all the prisoners by mistake, causing a large riot which threw the base into utter chaos.

On their way out, Skylashas, White and the Captain were looking for ways to get out, when a Gronian by the name of Commander Meto, agreed to help them find a way out. Meto would later be in debt to the Captain and be chosen to join the squad as well. On the way out of the base, a large mech appeared, known as the Nepharain Ech0 M1, which was vastly superior to any mech the Wingle had ever encountered. It was almost a super weapon. The Ech0 mech was invulnerable to their weaponry and could not be shot down. The Captain, having a quick thinking head, lead the Nepharain mech into a power supply which was inconveniently located and it took down the Ech0 mechs shields, which made it possible to shoot down. However the power current was strong enough to destroy the entire mech and it was destroyed. After the squad made it off world, an investigation was started in the Wingle council with the data collected from the battle to help find out just what it was.

Phyla's Introduction[edit | edit source]

With the squad aiming to recruit Alimantre on another destroyed Wingle planet, a Nepharain general known as Phyla Kran was hunting down the squad and attempting to eliminate them for their previous attacks on the Nepharians. Phylas personal ship shot the squads ship out of the sky and it crashed down to the Wingle world Alimantre was on. There the Captain was captured by Phyla Kran and they talked for a shot while before Alimantre came from no where and tried to shoot down Phyla, but instead hit her men and helped the Captain free. Afterward, the both of them attacked a group of Phylas men that had been engaging the other members of the squad. Afterwards, Alimantre and the Captain confronted another Ech0 mech, this time with no shields and was able to be shot down. It may have been destructible this time, but its weaponry and mobility was far more superior then that of the M1 model that had been engaged previously. The pilot was none other than Phyla Kran, who just barely cheated death before. But it was proven that she was indeed a cat with nine lives, and escaped the mech while it was in combat with the Captain.

Operation Ech0 and the Kran Faction[edit | edit source]

The squad was complete and ready for its interventions on the Nepharains, its first target was the Ech0 mech factories on the Nepharian city world of Lo'Sherai. There the large Wingle attacking force was supported by the squad, and together they moved into the city to destroy the factories. Once the factories were destroyed, Nepharians began to turn each other in a civil war like manner. All around the city where the main factories were located, random acts of betray began. Phyla Kran sent orders out to her own men to turn on all and her men began to up rise against the regular Nepharian forces. Soon after she ordered that a Super Carrier from the fleet be detonated in atmosphere of the world, so that the derbies would kill off all of her enemies in a single decisive blow.

Recognizing the many millions of lives that we at stake, the Nepharains and Wingles ordered a temporary cease fire, which turned out to be a more permanent one. After the debris were done showering, Phyla Kran released a statement in which she announced her own, private faction, known as the Kran Faction. Which was made up of her own personnel. The Kran Faction had been planned for a long time, it just needed an alien race to help trigger it as planned. The Wingles were used by Phyla to start her own Faction, in fact Phyla claimed responsibility for all the conflicts with the Wingle thus far and used information control to denounce the production of her own Faction, stating that the resources used were going toward the Wingle front. The Ech0's were also used in the funds but over eighty percent of all Ech0's developed were Kran Faction types only and they were made for the invasion of other worlds, which was Phyla's next move.

The Nepharain - Wingle War ends, Phyla's war begins[edit | edit source]

With Phyla's massive military force, she begins to attack various Wingle, Nepharain, and IAE worlds with her army of Ech0's and faction members.The very first attack was on an IAE world. The reasons for this attack remain unclear at best and only Phyla Kran probably understands why she ordered the sudden attack. Although it is suspected by some that they were attacked for being friendly with the Wingle and Nephaians, her two sworn enemies. Regardless of the reasons, the Kran Faction attempted to take over the planet but they failed when the Squad arrived to help get rid of them. The arrival of Wingle reinforcements sealed the deal. And the Kran were almost entirely annihilated. It is recorded that the IAE suffered the most losses however. This attack only made the IAE join the war effort against the Kran and in the grand scheme of things, caused the exact opposite of what the Kran may have desired. Later, another IAE base would be attacked. However this attack also failed due to the efforts of a group of IAE Croylarys engineers.

Later there were numerous assaults on Wingle worlds but many failed. A few succeeded but the Kran quickly left the worlds and did not claim them as theirs. The reasons for that, are entirely unknown. Only the affects are known. They slaughtered many Wingle in these attacks, most of which were civilians, and that the Kran Faction did not develop any additional territory because they did not claim these worlds. Some Wingle generals, while thankful that they did not claim the worlds, have openly called them ignorant and blinded because of their unpredictable and confusing motives and choices in these matters and attacks.

Lastly, there were many attempted takeovers of the Nepharian main government itself but all such attempts failed.

Views on other Factions/Races[edit | edit source]

[edit | edit source]

The Wingle are neutral for a reason. They see both factions of the epic war have major flaws. However, they still assist some races they feel are just. The Wingle view on the Warlords is mixed. While they do not agree with their philosophies and genocidal tendencies for the most part, they have a certain respect for certain member races such as the IAE. The Wingle have more relationships with the Warlords than they do Peacekeepers but are in no alliances with them.

The IAE[edit | edit source]

The Wingle view the IAE not as a murderous group of aliens, but rather as a corporate type evil to those that are not of benefit to them. Despite this, they like the IAE a lot for their numerous acts of assistance and for their all around reasonable and respectable attitude where other races in the Epic War are severely lacking in.

Relationship: Friendly, peaceful.

Zaretian Monarchy[edit | edit source]

The Wingle have fought alongside the Zaretian in the distant past and remain to be friendly with each other despite their now different goals.

Relationship: Friendly

The Margan Empire[edit | edit source]

The Wingle have little data on the Margan Empire but have heard of their destructive capabilities on other empires. There have been no public statements about them and they have not come into contact ever.There is not enough data on them to conclude they are a hostile force to their particular existence.

Relationship: None

The Miir[edit | edit source]

The Miir, seemingly out of nowhere, attacked the Wingle one day and have had no conflicts since. A war has been declared but since there have been no disputes since, it is debated whether or not the war should be considered over or subsided.

Relationship: Enemies

Repzork Empire[edit | edit source]

The Wingle have the same views on the Repzork as they do the Margan.

Relationship: None

[edit | edit source]

The Wingle have many of the philosophies that the peacekeepers have, but have never come into contact with any of them. While they do share a lot of traits, the Wingle do not like how they are simply existing in order to get rid of the Warlords. They view their efforts as pointless and perpetual, without any progress being made. In fact, the only progress the Wingle think the Peacekeepers have collectively made is going backwards. This view was set in stone by the events of Norsus. They also question the methods of some of the Peacekeeper member empires, seeing them as strange or even too violent.

Aeveria Confederation[edit | edit source]

The Wingle see the Aeveria as overall pretty sensible and wise. No contact has been made but the Wingle have heard a lot about them.

Relationship: None

Empire of Diablos[edit | edit source]

The Wingle admire the physical strength of the Diabloians and have also heard many tales of them. There are no negative views on them to be mentioned other than the possible legitimacy of some generals and admirals.

Relationship: None

Karahotdoum Empire[edit | edit source]

The Wingle simply do not understand the Karahotdoum.

Relationship: None

The Rach[edit | edit source]

The Wingle view the Rach as.. well thieves. That is the only gripe the Wingle have with them. Other than that, many think that they could relate to each other in a good way because they both are without a functioning home plant. Some suggest that Wingle Generals are contemplating intervening in some of their conflicts. Although such claims have yet to be confirmed or denied.

Relationship: None

[edit | edit source]

The Wingle applaud those who have chosen to remain neutral, seeing them as making a good choice, and much more sensible than the empires caught up in the war. Though at the same time, the Wingles have mostly fought against neutrals, due to the fact that they all have a lot of varying ideas.

Sauran Solidarity[edit | edit source]

The Wingle view the Sauran as probably the most morally grounded of all the races in the Epic war. There are no complaints and some generals would like to get into contact with them.

Relationship: None

The Gronian Imperium[edit | edit source]

The Wingle like the Gronians from what they have heard, they view them as isolationists, a wise stance in a conflict like the Epic War. There has been no contact apart from a small group of Gronians who were rescued by Wingle forces once.

Relationship: None

Holy Nepharian Empire[edit | edit source]

The Wingle feel like they got off on a bad foot with the Nepharian due to Phyla Kran's actions. Without knowing it, these two empires fought a war they didn't need to fight. That war ended luckily and the two empires now engage in joint military operations against the splinter, Kran Faction of the Nepharian's, led by Phyla Kran.

Relationship: Tense, at war with Kran Faction

Important Colonies[edit | edit source]

The Wingle Empire has many hundreds of small colonies. Many large ones, but few important ones. The ones they do have that hold significance are considered extremely important to the entire empire and if one is lost then it is a massive disaster for the Empire. These colonies keep the Empire running, growing, and exceeding its barriers of the empires reach.

Athenousis[edit | edit source]

Athenousis is the Wingle home planet which the Wingles originated from. It once controlled the entire Empire on its own and was the central command of the entire empire and race. It was the most populated planet out of all the colonies. Found in the very center of a cluster of other large colonies and other systems all controlled by the Wingle. Wingle occupy this part of space entirely.Athenousis was lost and re captured recently after the Battle of Athenousis which is a massive event in the History of the Wingle. When it was regained some year after its loss, an operation was conducted to restore the planets ecosystems, water, atmosphere and life. The planet before had seas of lava and dust, now has been restored to water. Its the first step in a long process but thats what it looks like today.

A Wingle standing on a hill with the ruins in the background right behind him.

Almost all parts of the planet is grass or dirt. The restoration project for this planet has gone fairly well, but apart from getting grass properly functioning again the planet is still pretty screwed up from the Battle. Its not habitable for large populations and military personnel, researchers, workers and traders are allowed on the planet. Its not safe anymore. The planets weather is wicked and has grown infinitely worse because of the battle that rocked the planet. Volcanoes for example, go off much faster then before. Often super volcanoes make some areas blocked off or destroyed entirely. Rubble does not even get a chance here. Radiation patches are scattered so far around the planet that its not possible to walk and explore without dieing from radiation or other forms of gas. The atmosphere has significantly weakened in addition to all these other issues. The sun can physically burn you if you stand in front of its light too long and even kill you. This is also another effect from radiation related problems.

The planet is a giant skeleton of the empire. Thats probably the best way to describe it. The cities are dead. There is no life at all other then Wingles exploring and skulking around. The planet has no real use anymore. But its still deep in the hearts of most Wingles. Thats why its being rebuilt and fixed up of course. Its not technically important to the survival of the empire anymore due to it being replaced by Cityscape. Its considered an important colony due to its special nature. Its the location where the Wingles came from. Its where everything started. Its not at all shocking they still hold it dearly.

The planet is not very well defended anymore since it does not need it. Most of its orbital defense was wiped clean off the orbit anyway. It would take many years to replace it all if it were even necessary. A single fleet watches over the planet though. Its considered by some operatives infamously to be the most boring job around the galaxy. They get to sit and watch the place, with nothing going on and nothing to fight or watch other then rubble, its easily earned its reputation.

Cityscape[edit | edit source]

Cityscape is a large planet that is mostly one big city. It is the current home of operations for the empire and it gave birth to the Restored Wingle Council program that was started after the mass murder of most of the senate on Athenousis. It has become the most important colony of them all as of recently. It has a very large population and is home to not just Wingles, but many other species and races. However, the planet is still entirely under the control of Wingle. This serves as the location as the Wingle Capital due to Athenousis being almost entirely leveled by the Conqrix. Though the central powers of the empire are currently located here, it could change in the future when Athenousis is fit for mass colonization once more. Until then Cityscape takes its place as the seat of power for the empire.

A Wingle officer and a tank just in front of the intelligence center.

Cityscape is home to more then just political and metropolis cities. Cityscape is also home to the military central intelligence agency which houses all information on the entire empire. Whether it be coordinates to every colony, history, economic info, etc. Its a massive digital library with far more then just information on the Wingles. It also serves as a public information center to races that are not banned from the Intel center. Races as a while can get banned as a result of war or recent conflicts. To ensure safety of the more private information. Which is also stored there but is kept away from the public eye.

The Capital building and its court yard which is empty.

As mentioned the Wingle council is located on cityscape in a centralized location in the middle of the largest city Ath (named after Athenousis, deprived from the first three letters in the name). There are several buildings. Most of which are merely monuments to Wingle war heroes or infamous Wingles from over the centuries. There is the main capital building, office buildings where bills are formed, a military leader building, trade and production building. There are buildings for just about every front and then there is one master building which is the capital. All the other buildings are located south of the Capital building and the area where they are located is a field which is entirely off limits to the public.

A Cityscape sea port.

Most of the planet may be a city, but its mostly covered by water. Most of the continents are artificial. There are so many cities everywhere it can boggle the mind. There are even underground cities to be found where most of the poor are located. The higher up you get the richer you get it seems. Hardly anyone from the surface traverse to the underground due to its slummy nature, so there is little documentation of it. To add to the inconvenience there are groups of poor wingles who even have devised tribe like groups to combat anyone who comes down. So that they may kill them and take their gear. Of course this soup from hell makes a great hideout for criminals and thugs alike. Its been found that escaped convicts go to the underground when they cant get off world. Police and city officials often have to give up on finding many that vanish into the underground because its simply too much effort for one convict.

In the past there have been no large scale conflicts on the planet. It has not been invaded by any empire and remains untouched. Much like the other important colonies its tightly defended by orbital defense. No empire in their right mind where dare even attack, if they did they would need an incomprehensibly large fleet in order to even touch down on the surface, let alone take over the planet. There have been small skirmishes in the upper atmosphere of the planet however all of them have been put to rest very quickly by auto defensive turrets and ships. There is a very large military presence on the planet. Millions are stationed on the planet. Most the military population is found near the capital due to the largest military base being close by and the largest training center is also found near the capital. All these important areas can be found in the city of Ath.

Nova Prime[edit | edit source]

Nova Prime is a Winterized world that was the first settled colony outside the home Wingle system. It is a research colony that is of high importance to the upgrading of tech every few years. Its an ideal place for the research because a lot of Wingle Tech is actually based off of Ice particles, strange as it may sound, Ice on this planet has a certain element in it which raises its value. The ice particle is mostly found on star ships and it helps power engines and mechanical devices. Nova Prime serves the military collectively do to its purpose in the economy and tech development. As all innovations in tech must be passed by military operatives before it can be publicly used. Most of the material made here is for military use anyway.

The planets snowy tundra serves as a great place to test weapons and vehicles. Large bomb testings sites can be found all over the planet. Many of which cannot be entered without proper protection. Radiation and other poisonous gasses are scattered all over the place and will kill anyone who is not properly equipped. The ecosystem here is very small. There are only roughly one thousand five hundred different organisms here due to the tests specifically from bombs over the years. Much like other colonies the more controversial actions happened early in the colony's founding. Too many bombs of too much power were blown off and it killed a large amount of the food chain as a result.

Research Laboratory

Disasters have happened here in the past as expected. One miscalculation led to the death of thousands of Wingles stationed here. It was said to be the most powerful bomb they had yet for fighters and jets. It far exceeded what they thought to be powerful. The bombs first test was demonstrated publicly, the reason so many died. Thousands attended this the demonstration. None of them went home. The bomb was dropped from a large fighter and it went off and instantly fried the entire area. It was not meant to do this in such a large radius. Its effects were only supposed to be limited to the range of at least a small building or enemy fighter. Not a park size explosion. One cant help but wonder how a simple miscalculation could make such a massive difference.

Its only successful because its Ice Particles and other ores can be replenished quickly. Unlike other worlds that have ores such as Oil, these do not take millions of years to replenish. They can take a maximum of a few weeks. Nova Prime supplies much of the galaxy with this Ice Material however its very rare and Nova Prime is the only planet known to have this element. When its sold, it goes for a very high price.

Eos[edit | edit source]

Eos is another critical ore mining colony that is the furthest from Wingle occupied space and is no where near the cluster of inner colonies. It is vital to the Wingle economy because there is a very large demand for the ores found here. Most of the fleets platting comes from ores found here, not to mention tanks, weapons and even pedestrian vehicles. There is constantly trade going on through this planet and its not uncommon to see aliens you probably have never seen before here. Its a strange world especially in the populated districts. It could pass for a homeless trash pit. Many homes are made from scrap and such and the miners there like it that way. Its surface is very red/orange/brown, It is very rocky and has large areas of the landscape that are not habitable by any creatures. Wingles included.

A below ground mining operation on Eos.
An above ground mining operation on Eos.

This colony was first founded only roughly one hundred years ago and has gone under many different owners over those hundred years. Wars have been all over the place and rebellions are usually at the center of it all. Miners find conditions poor and unfair according to a recent survey. Most of the miners are convicts or people that should be in a prison but have been spared for actual work. If the convict is seen as worthy of at least work he will be sent here. There are no alien miners and miner positions are only limited to Wingles for very specific reasons. One of them being that rebellions in the past have also centered around alien related problems. Such as stealing for research for their own race or empire, their own gain, etc. Only military personnel and employees are found along side the miners.

It has ice caps on it however it was recently discovered the northern one dissipated for unknown reasons.So its better to say it had ice caps and only has one as of late. Scientist and skeptics alike are puzzled about this. Ice caps don't simply vanish. There was a large scale investigation on it recently from the Wingle council. Its probable that there is something wrong with the general region as the planet itself remains unaffected from this strange happening.

Elucia[edit | edit source]

Elucia is a beautiful farming colony that neighbors Athenousis. It is the central hub where food is made for Wingle consumption and is even a large exporter to other races such as the Skylashas. Most of the food for the empire is made here and it is critical to not just the economy but the very survival of the race.

The Greenery of Elucia

Elucia is a very plant heavy planet with billions upon billions of different life forms. Most of the life consists of plant life and variations of Mushroom like plants. Creatures here are very hostile and often rather large. The creatures here are abundant and thrive. The sheer height of the creatures can at times be breath taking or even astonishing. Many large scale creatures call this place their home and its not uncommon for farmers and factories to be attacked by packs of creatures at a time.

A Wingle standing around some shrooms snifin' em

Due to the importance of the colony, there is an extremely large amount of defenses no mere skirmish could take on. Orbital defense, large army always on the planet. Guards are everywhere. Some farmers think its more like an occupation on steroids. Would not be too far off. There are checkpoints and bases everywhere. Due to it being neighbors with Athenousis, military fleets are constantly passing by it. If any race attacked it, no matter the circumstances, its probable that the entire taking force would be wiped out and destroyed. It has more planetary defenses then any other colony apart from Athenousis itself.

In the past there have been battles on this planet. The massive conqrix fleet tried to attack the planet during their mass sweep through inner colonies but were called away do reinforce the battle on Athenousis at the time. The attacking fleet lost half of its population already from orbital battles and first waves on the surface. It could have been a massacre.There have also been large rebellions waged by Wingle colonists. Mostly started by farmers due to not getting a fair pay. This occurred soon after the colony was founded. Farmers found they were not getting enough pay for feeding the entire empire. Along with a very strict and abusive military presence this started conflictions that lasted for two and a half years. It was mostly guerrilla warfare. Soon after those two years, the local military leader was killed. With a new leader, the war stopped and farmers got their pay and military officers who were abusive were fired and sent to be miners on Eos.

Inferno Prime[edit | edit source]

Inferno prime is a rocky world in which the empire produces most of its metals. The materials mined from Eos are made into their respected items here on Inferno Prime. The world, as mentioned, is very rocky. Its climate consists of high temperatures across the planet and the planet is 61% lava do to the core of the world being much lager than other worlds. The cores magma rises to the surface in trillions of gallons per-minute in many spots around the globe and it is constantly cooling do to the constant terraforming work of Wingle operatives on the planet. While there are many possible advantages to having this world in their possession, the WIngles do not populate the world largely. There are a few small cities scattered in the less hot spots but for most aliens the world is uninhabitable. The population is only within in the tens of millions and no higher. Most of the personnel on the world are robotic. Robotic labor is not a very popular trend around the Wingle’s other important recourse colonies because of their stern beliefs in building character, but there are some exceptions with Inferno Prime being one of them due to the temperatures.

Inferno Prime
Rock Formations

The world was initially in possession of multiple other races but was eventually taken by the Wingles a few hundreds years ago after a dispute with a lesser known, now extinct race, known as Kota. The Wingle governments invested in a large sum of cash to the colonies reconstruction after the wars on Inferno Prime. Wingle technology replaced that of the former races making it fully suitable for their living conditions. The colony was attacked during the Conqrix wars only once but the conflict quickly ended as the invading forces were blasted out of the sky and crashed into nothing but seas of molten lava, proving that the Conqrix did in fact have a weakness, stupidly large amounts of lava. The Planet was never attacked again since; however the planet does suffer from many pirating attempts from various races and factions. It is fairly easy to pirate on this world because the security is not very good. Due to the smoke and fumes trapped within the atmosphere, the radar and tracking devices on the world do not work nearly as efficiently as on other worlds.