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Because Remusians

Todo in no particular order (04/01/2021)

  • Continue to consolidate pages into smaller ones
  • XE-CH and Collection Events
  • Royal Coalition Original members (see personal notes, Book 4?)
  • A Proposed Sector maps of Tomastahl, and the formerly used sector, mostly for a visual reference to know who is positioned where, landmarks, key but not all chokepoints ect. (NOT EXCESSIVELY DETAILED I S2G)
  • Frontier Corps and Epsonne Langsing
  • Events: The Calamity, Kusheen Campaign, The Collection Conflict,

Additional Thoughts and potential questions for Discussions

  • More Space Fauna cause abstract space entities are fun
  • Petition to call Tomastahl XenoChytrid Hive Ognir
  • Does the Rift Incident really need its own page, due to how short it ended up being?
  • Anti-Biomatter Task force -> Anti-Chytrid Task Force ?

Zaret Theater/Civil War Organization (10/04/2023)

1st Ring (Pulled straight from discord)

  • Lichen: Gancarda is deployed for this conflict, after it is resolved, he is moved to Baltreos to work with Atles until he is recalled back home to defend against Op. Burning Lance.
  • Baltreos: Atles Stays here for most of the Civil War, at least until the Civil war starts to ramp up. Here, Atles is able to persuade WL Diabs to trap/kill/neutralize Rex Albions and put it on the PK Diabs, or other. Gancarda joins him to replace Rex for a time, and somewhat disrupts Atles plans until Gancarda is recalled. Helios is moved from the Rigni Campaign to Baltreos to assist Atles.
  • Rigni Campaign: The overarching PK Campagn that culminates with the capture of the foretyess world of Rigni, the last defensive point protecting Nu-Zartar. THis campaign is drawn out across the Three Rings of the Conflict. Defenses are initially led by Varthos, supported by Peacha/Helios. Helios is later sent to the Baltreos front once Gancarda is recalled to Nu-Zartar in the later half of the Rigni Campaign.
  • Breys: The constant shuffling of Generals becomes rather Chaotic for the Monarchy's Military, and puts Brey's skills as a leader/commander into question. After several (albeit unnamed) losses in the Rigni Campaign, Breys blames Helios for them despite making the strategic calls himself. Sends Helios to Baltreos and recalls Gancarda. This, among other things, contributes to Helios' siding to Atles later in the war.

2nd RIng (Derived Mostly from my own notes and legacy sources)

Rigni Campaign Continues through Operation Burning Lance, Which constitutes Operation Watchtower, Fissure, Black Ice, Isomer Battle of the Thethea Nebula and the Battle for the Gorraage Pocket.

  • Operation Watchtower: Nuverians make a push into Zaret Space to capture Valkoro, where General Varthos has been stationed. Zaretian Forces Lose the fight, and make an attempt to flee through the nearby Thethea Nebula, temporarily disrupting Nuverian sensors attempting to track them.
  • Battle of the Thethea Nebula and Battle for the Gorraage Pocket: Having temporarily evaded Nuverian sensors, Varthos and the remnants of his battalion prepare to make a stand in the Nebula. Shortly after Nuverian Forces descend on them, General Peacha and her forces arrive and create an opening through the nearby Gorraage Pocket, allowing Varthos and what remains of his forces to narrowly escape capture. Shortly After, Sauran Forces move into the Area to assist the Nuveria in securing the region.
  • Operation Isomer: Shortly after Varthos' escape, Sauran and Nuiverian Forces converge and form a beachhead and outpost around Valkoro and its surrounding area, creating an offensive outpost on the Zaretian Front.
  • Operation Black Ice: Using information provided by Defector Attopos the Great and the PK Backed Zaretian Rebels led by Ex-King Moscassin, Nuveria NCI Operatives infiltrate an installation deep in Zaretian space to gain information on Nu-Zartar and its surrounding planets and defences. (Optional Idea: while the Operation was successful, they encountered a team of Zaretian Nightshades in the area, Led by former Rach Emperor Coradine, who is now working with the Zaretians, and potentially also the Vechtramil)
  • Operation Fissure; Using the information gained from operation Black Ice, the Nuveria make another push into Zaretian Space, cutting off several logistic and supply routes to other Zaretian Fronts. This leaves the The Zaretian Military scattered in its ability to stop the push of the Peacekeepers.
  • The Rebels: As the PKs advance into Zaretian space, Moscassin and his rebels are more able to create unrest and disturbance among the Zaretians still Loyal to Breys, which causes Breys himself to become more paranoid and scattered than previously. The Pks knowledge of Zaretian Tactics (in some cases) and logistic also affects Breys. Breys begins to become distrustful to most of his Generals and advisors, becoming something of a recluse. Breys also starts to make sporadic and poorly thought out decisins militarily. This later causes him to make poor strategic choices, including the deployment of the RS-18 Missile on the Baltreos front. The Rebels assist the Pks in further disrupting defences and assets in Zaretian Space, Paving the way for them to Siege Nu-Zartar. This however, is limited primarily by the Rebel's fewer numbers, and the assault still remain takes a substantial amount of time away, and further pushes into Zaretian territory before Nu-Zartar can be reached.

3rd Ring

The conclusion of the Rigni Campaign, Breys' continued downward spiral and the Fate of Nu-Zartar. Relevant events include Rigni Campaign, Melum Telum Incident, the Second battle Of Baltreos, Operation Riposte and the Battle of Nu-Zatar.

  • Melum Telum Incident: Zaretian Nightshades Conduct thier own version of Operation Black Ice where they infiltrate a Classified NCI research base housing an experimental NCI cruiser being jointly developed by the Nuveria and the Remusians. While the destruction of the Crusier is successful, it is also learned that Attopos the Great has been feeding information to the PKs, but his allegiance to Moscassin remains concealed (?). Attopos does escape, but Breys' paranoia is at an all time high.
  • Second Battle of Baltreos: Diab lines are rejuvinated with fresh soliders and Forces led by Atles and Helios are forced to retrteat to the confines of the Baltreos Command Center. Word of this reaches Breys, who erratically gives the order to deploy the experimental Firestorm RS-18 Against the enemy. Word of this reaches Atles and Helios too late, and while it decimates the PK attack, Zaretian soldiers are also cought in the crossfire. This pushers Helios over to oppose Brey's rule. This act also eliminates Atles' WL leaning Diab contacts who he had been working with.
  • Conclusion of the Rigni Campaign. A long assault on the Fortress World of Rigni begins, lasting several long months. PKs finally prevail, and the Rigni campaign concludes. Plans for Rigni to become the new forward offensive base are set into motion.
  • Operation Riposte: Another Poorly thought out plan created by Breys, The ZAretians Mount a counter attack to take back Rigni. WHile they are successfull in doing so, they lose it once again as the PK front line is being moved up to Rigni. PK forces encircle the facility and the occupying Zaretians retreat.
  • Battle for Nu-Zartar: With the Zaretians in disarray from the failure of Operation Riposte and Breys' poor judgment becoming more apparent, PKs begin their assualt on Nu-Zartar.

Volty's Notes & Thought-noggins

  • In regards to Coradine - I do like the idea of keeping Coradine in the lore, but I don't feel like working with the Zaretians, or really the Warlords in general, is the way to go (Unless I'm just not privy to changes that had been made). As much of a loon as our favorite double-agent emperor is, he was still ultimately concerned with the Rach's survival, albeit in the most accelerationist way possible. As far as he is concerned, the Rach came out stronger from the events of Norsus because they realized how messed up and cruel and galaxy is, and thus could actually adapt to it. If he's working with the Zaretians or Vechtramil, it would have to be for some ulterior motive, otherwise I just see him doing his own thing
  • The Telkevan Union and Ohgyag can still be involved in the conflict as it was previously; that being said, while the RS-18 did begin its lore as a Telkevan WMD, I do like the idea that the Union was more hesitant to use it and ultimately did not approve of its use on Baltreos. It'd help establish a rift between the Union and Monarchy that ultimately contributes to A. the Union ditching the Pact, and B. the potential that the Union might covertly help Atles* (derp) in his coup because they're that sick of Breys (I'm still uncertain on this idea though).
  • There was the proposal (by Hang I believe) for War of the Mech King to be a part of the 3rd Ring stage as another one of Breys' blunders. The King was constructing the vast war machine but was overconfident in his ability to protect it, so instead of relocating it, it stayed put, resulting in its destruction. Something along those lines. I like the idea so I'm throwing it back out here.
  • I think there might be mild confusion about the Rings, or I'm just misreading what's been written. Each 'ring' is defined by a target of military significance, and the Peacekeepers need to break each ring in order to establish a clear supply line/foothold for subsequent incursions into Zaretian space. So it would effectively be (Some name I honestly forgot)-----> Valkoro ---> Rigni ---> Nu-Zartar. From Nu-Zartar they would theoretically jump to Cethos, and then to Zartar. Of course this isn't set in concrete and I'm really only saying it because the 1st ring's description sounds like a description for the conflict as a whole rather than what happens there specifically. If I'm misunderstanding feel free to disregard this entirely lol