Talk:Empire of Diablos

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  • 4 Big Clans + Diablos each with their own sphere
  • Led by an appointed Elder
  • Worried about aggressive expansion and coalitions, so aligned with PK bloc
  • Respect for older population and less for young
  • Culturally can only grow a beard after 100
  • Age quickly toward end of life but maintain plateau of strength
  • Korsair's injuries occurred before the war
  • Pride in their weapons & their quality.
  • Lots of young people because of booming population, so they are sent off to war easily
  • The non-Empire clans might include some Warlord-aligned ones
  • Some clans joined up with the Empire after the Empire showed off its military might in the War
  • Other clans pretty ticked off that the Diabs aligned with PKs
  • Diabs DO NOT take orders. Nobody infringes on their sovereignty, but it's not a concern because of Diab self-confidence that even the Aeveria couldn't impose their will on them (this is where they differ from Warlords)
  • Diabs are sort of okay with imposing on others, but don't tend to see themselves as needing others.
  • Excessive civilian casualties can result in a Diab having his wings torn off as punishment. Capital punishment if malicious. It is a matter dealt with internally.
  • Opportunistic Omnivores, prefer meat. Typical rations quite large.