Space Travel (Branding)

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Overview[edit | edit source]

Realspace, subspace, and abyssal space can each be utilized for faster-than-light travel, each having its own set of advantages and disadvantages:

Jump drives[edit | edit source]

Jump drives are realspace FTL drives which 'bend' space between the vessel and its destination; once ready, the ship is then flung towards its destination in a manner similar to that of a slingshot. Jump drives are limited by their long charging & cooldown period, which can trap users if they jump into an unfavorable situation. Additionally, jump drives can only go in a straight line and have no means of concealment.

Subspace drives[edit | edit source]

Subspace drives are the default method of travel for most races. Subspace is comprised of an ever-changing network of 'currents' influenced by gravitational bodies and abyssal anomalies. To travel with the current is the fasted method of subspace travel, but is not the only way; ships can fly against or even outside of the currents, though this will increase travel time. Subspace travel is faster and more precise than jump drives, but requires more energy to utilize and significantly more computing power to navigate.

Deepdrives[edit | edit source]

Also known as trenchdrives, are a relatively new development for most of the races of ESG. Deepdrives enter abyssal space to facilitate FTL travel. While undeniably the fastest and stealthiest form of FTL travel, as most do not fully understand how to counter & detect it, it is by far the most dangerous form of travel. Abyssal space itself is poorly understood and boasts hazards such as gravitational anomalies, time dilation, and potentially hostile 'energy beings' which often attack those unfortunate enough to encounter them. Deepdrives also require even more energy and processing power than subspace drives, severely limiting the vessels capable of equipping them.

Space Travel Infrastructure[edit | edit source]

Specialized installations can be used to either streamline or hamper FTL travel:

Jump gates[edit | edit source]

Jump gates are mobile space stations used to 'fling' vessels towards their destination with the vessels having to use their own engines. Jump gates are one-way; if used in place of jump drives, vessel will be entirely incapable of independent faster-than-light travel. Efforts to create similar gates for subspace engines are often frustrated by Subspace's constant state of flux.

Anchors[edit | edit source]

Anchors operate as lighthouses for subspace engines; they monitor the local currents and relay this information to nearby ships, reducing the processing power required for jumps and thus accelerating travel. Some states are experimenting with abyssal anchors for deepdrives.

Null-fields[edit | edit source]

Null fields produce artificial gravity wells which can render subspace travel in the field's vicinity difficult if not outright impossible.