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Ever found yourself pronouncing "Betel" as "Beetle"? Ever twitch uncontrollably as a fellow EAW member mispronounces "Drew"? Well set the record straight! Put the proper version on the following page. (Please keep in Alphabetical Order)

Empires[edit | edit source]

IAE - eye-ay-ee (I don't take no chances)

Necraal Sovereignty - neck-rah-al sov-reign-ty (Derp)

Repzork Empire - Rep-Zork

Important People[edit | edit source]

IAE[edit | edit source]

Arzen G. Semorron (Grand Marshall) - Ar-zen Sem-er-un

Damaran Brosak (Admiral) - Dam-uh-rin (or Dam-ar-an) Bro-zak

Daro Vitran (General) - Dar-oh Vih-tran

Kalai Z. Enleru (High Admiral) - Kuh-lie En-lair-oo

Kemmo Daedion (Senator) - Kem-oh Day-dee-un

Lundura (Lady Itzal) - Lun-dor-uh

Rima Shrodalsi (Supreme High Almirant) - Ree-muh Sh-ro-dahl-see (All-mer-ont)

Telan Merodac (Admiral) - Tell-in M-air-oh-dak

Necraal Sovereignty[edit | edit source]

Horr'or (Former King) - Whore-oar (I shit you not, thats how you say it)

Bael'thir (Prince) - Bail-thir

Sa'i (High Lord) - Sigh (Bet your having a great laugh right now, arent you faggot?)

S'ile (Prince) - Sigh-el

Ro'as (First Lord of the Sor) - Row-az

Repzork Empire[edit | edit source]

Alivaris (princess) Ali-vair-is

Elseron Nethali (General) - El-sar-on Ne-thal-i

Karetath (Crown Prince) Kar-e-tath

Likana Raldalvi (High General) Li-kana Ral-dahl-vi

Orvah (Diplomat) - Or-vah

Vailovi (Empress) - Veil-ovi

Zervath (Emperor) - Zer-vath

Zurar Azakeia (High Admiral) - Zu-rar Aza-kaia

Planets/Systems[edit | edit source]

Ivn (Necraal Homeworld) - eye-vin

Kovas (Galderan Homeworld) - Ko-vas

Norsus (Rach Homeworld) - Nor-sus

Species/Races[edit | edit source]

IAE[edit | edit source]

Croylarys - Croy-lars

Euskanians - Yoo-skay-nee-ins

Nesaprosia - Nes-uh-pro-shuh

Reevit - Ree-viht

Necraal Sovereignty[edit | edit source]

Necraal - Neck-rah-al

Virisus - Veer-ee-sus

Phaeris - Fay-ris

Transmetallic Confederation[edit | edit source]

Aumpnuuk - Omp-nook

Chromium - Crow-mee-um

Renduura - Ren-der-a

Zn - Zee-enn

Other[edit | edit source]

Betel - Bay-tell

Margan - Marr-Gan (Gan rhymes with van)

Rach - Rahch (Rhymes with match)