Oltari Mythology

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Cosmology[edit | edit source]

Primordial Chaos[edit | edit source]

Primordial chaos is the natural state of creation. It is described in the Oltelkar as a vast, swirling sea of black water and smoke from which beings and objects emerge with little rhyme or reason. Beings of sufficient spiritual strength can 'tame' the chaos and bend it to their will, but chaos itself is infinite and will inevitably return to its natural state at some point in the future. Because all of creation emerges from the chaos, all are fundamentally influenced by the nature of chaos.

Helia[edit | edit source]

Helia is the home of the Oltar Clan. Here, the gods reside in a vast palace with chambers dedicated to each deity and their attributes. It is often described as 'vibrant' and 'beautiful beyond compare', and supplies all those who live within it everything they need and desire. Only Repzork who have achieved legendary deeds are allowed to reside in Helia; these men and women live in or around the palace and spend their days serving their patrons and preparing for Dusk, the end of days in which all will be destroyed.

Lythra[edit | edit source]

Lythra is the home of Nilzeli and is where those who were not deserving of Helia go upon death. It is regarded as a place of rest, as it is in many ways similar to the real world, albeit Lythra lacks many of the world's evils. Nilzeli herself resides in a modest home among the people and frequently strolls across Lythra to speak to its inhabitants. Other deities, notably Yinve, Xitav, and Faea, also occasionally pass through Lythra.

The Pit[edit | edit source]

The Pit is located in the lowest depths of Lythra and is a land of ceaseless darkness and ice. Ruled over by Golgolag, the Pit is where those who have committed heinous crimes go to receive their punishment. Once an individual receives their punishment and proves repentant, they are sent to live out their days in Lythra. Only a few particularly wicked individuals remain in the Pit on a permanent basis due to their transgressions and unrepentant spirits.

Mythical History[edit | edit source]

Creation[edit | edit source]

In the old cycle, all was untamed chaos. The old gods, the Beasts, ruled over this primordial realm, but rather than bringing life, they instead consumed all that emerged from the abyss, for their ravenous hunger could not be quenched, nor could their anger be sated. All were subject to their dominion save for the Five Scribes, the keepers of all knowledge, who watched the Beasts from the place beyond chaos. The Beasts vied for the Scribe's parchment, hoping to divine the future, but the Scribes denied their every offer. In a fit of rage the Beasts attempted to strike down the Five, but they could not, for the Scribes were just out of reach. They thus returned to the Chaos and hoped for a time that the Scribes would grow weak.

After many eons, the Gods emerged from the chaos and challenged the Beasts for dominion over the cosmos. The Beasts fought back, but after many days of warfare, the Gods prevailed, bringing the cycle of the Beasts to an end, but not before they made one, single creation: the Nygalara, a creature of spite and malice. Given the burden of avenging its kin, the Nygalara fled into the void, where it would bide its time until it was ready to enact its revenge.

The Gods then took the corpses of the beasts and with them brought order to chaos, creating both the realm of the Gods and the realm of mortals. However, the tainted blood of the Beasts corrupted the Gods' creations, spawning diseases, hardships, and all other ailments that would plague man and god alike. The Gods accepted this as the intervention of fate itself, for in these hardships all would grow in strength and thus earn their right to live.

During this period, many of the Gods, bound by oaths and by marriage, organized themselves into clans. One of the first clans to emerge was Clan Oltar, founded by the God-king Oltavar, his wife, Lluawit, Oltavar's brothers, Saertu and Sarikarak; Visar, who had forged Oltavar's armor and weapons; and Athovat, a loyal follower of Oltavar. Oltavar and Lluawit soon sired Hruthvar & Hruthvair, Riigr the Hero, and Livunyr. Hunovo, Golgolag, Faiok & Yuvon, Xitav & Faea, who bore Yinve; Akla, Nilzeli, and many minor deities and their servants gradually joined the clan. Vyras would join the pantheon at a much later date, though her origins have been lost to time.

When their labor was complete, the gods and clans divided the world amongst themselves. Oltavar, after confiding with Lluawit and his brothers, chose Kovas. However, other clans, namely Clan Nezri, led by the god-queen Thalhu, also claimed Kovas, sparking a quarrel. Not looking to fight a relative, Oltavar proposed that the clans divide the planet between them. Thalhu agreed to take much of Chelksrin and the Knalkrik archipelago while Oltavar claimed much of Nolsaria and Kalkria.

As he was exploring and forming the land, Oltavar came across Telkevon and Kilune, two Repzork who had recently emerged from the watery womb of Kovas with the rest of their young race. The two mortals were dumbstruck by the god-king's majesty and began to worship him. Moved by their reverence, Oltavar promised to bless the couple's labors and to teach them the ways of his clan in exchange for their loyalty. Both Telkevon and Kilune accepted, and the three established the Blood Covenant, binding mortal and god to this day.

Each of the Oltar gods imparted gifts of knowledge to Telkevon and Kilune:

  • Oltavar taught the two of fatherhood, strategy, leadership, war, and how to perform blood rituals.
  • Lluawit taught them motherhood, how to tame animals, the purpose of rain, and the benefits of peace and rest.
  • Hruthvar & Hruthvair taught them how to mend their wounds, the rules of hospitality, and showed them across Nolsaria, leaving no place untouched.
  • Riigr trained them in combat and taught them to live for a greater purpose than themselves.
  • Livunyr taught them farming, how to cook, and how to create poisonous concoctions from local plants and animals.
  • Saertu taught them of fairness, the rule of law, how to run a government, and of the significance of oaths, particularly blood oaths. He warned them against evil, for he would judge their souls in the next world.
  • Visar taught them building and engineering for both artistic and practical applications.
  • Sarikarak taught them how to perform magic in all of its forms, including writing.
  • Akla taught them how to hunt and survive when separated from their pack. He also warned them of the dangers of their innate, inescapable primal instincts.
  • Xitav taught them how to meditate in order to control their emotions and of the purpose of dreams.
  • Faea taught them how to read the stars, of hard work & diligence, and to heed her visions, for they would be the closest one could get to knowing the future.
  • Yinve taught them how to enjoy the moment without fretting over the future. She also introduced alcohol to the couple, producing such a strong drink that both Telkevon and Kilune passed out, much to the irritation of those who had yet to teach their lessons.
  • Hunovo taught them of bartering, money, and of ethical work practices.
  • Nilzeli comforted them in regards to their own mortality, taught them how to bury their dead, and to always revere their ancestors.
  • Golgolag taught them of the necessity of fear and of the time and place for revenge.
  • Athovat taught them of discipline, perseverance, and how to train their bodies for optimal performance.
  • Faiok taught them how to swim, sail, and fish.
  • Yuvon taught them to always seek out the silver lining even in dire circumstances and to never discount something as truly worthless, which she demonstrated by transforming sand into glass.

With this knowledge, Telkevon and Kilune set out to start a family and formed the first tribe, which would in due time become the first kingdom. The gods left to Helia and Lyrthra, their domains, but they continued to visit the mortal world.

The Death of Riigr[edit | edit source]

Though not Oltavar's firsthatch, Riigr was considered the greatest of Oltavar's children for his heroism and prowess. Even after he had taught Telkevon and Kilune, whom he had grown attached to, Riigr remained in the mortal world to continue helping them and to protect them from threats they were not yet ready to manage themselves. For this he earned a prominent spot among the first Repzork.

The Nygalara had watched the creation of the world with a baleful eye. It detested that which it saw, and planned continually on how it would bring all back to chaos. Though still young, the Nygalara saw an opportunity to increase its strength and to spite the Gods by consuming the Repzork and Nezriim. Waiting for the Repzork to be alone with Riigr, the Nygalara arrived to Kovas and brought with it devastation, its very presence tainting the seas, blackening the skies, and spreading death among the plants and animals. Riigr stepped forth to challenge the beast, and the two fought a long and vicious battle, during which the Repzork fled to a nearby cave. Riigr wounded the beast with his twin axes nine times, the final blow inflicting a deep laceration across the Nygalara's face. Knowing it would soon die if it continued, the Nygalara fled back into the void. But while Riigr had been victorious, he too was wounded, his injuries seeping with the Nygalara's poison.

As the Repzork emerged from the cave to observe the aftermath, they found a dying Riigr. The god reminded the two of their duty to the clan and to the world cycle before finally perishing. Oltavar and the other gods arrived soon after, and both the god-king and Lluawit wept over Riigr's body. Riigr and all of his possessions were then taken to a pyre where his remains were cremated. Clan Oltar mourned Riigr's death for three months, but none so much as Athovat, who remained at Riigr's funeral pyre several days after the others had departed.

Oltar-Nezri War[edit | edit source]

Following Riigr's death, peace reigned on Kovas for many years. The Repzork and Nezriim, despite some incidents, enjoyed regular trade and permitted free passage through each other's lands. However, God-Queen Thalhu and her clan came to envy the bountiful land of Nolsaria, for much of the Nezriim's homeland was comprised of arid deserts. They plotted to claim Nolsaria for themselves by slaying Oltar and the Repzork. They decided to attack on the anniversary of the God's victory over the Beasts, during which many of the Gods would be drunk and partying.

When the day finally came, all of Clan Oltar, along with most Repzork, were enjoying the festivities, with the exception of Athovat and, ironically, Yinve. Athovat had left the party early to resume her watch while Yinve had followed her in an attempt to bring her back to the party. As they were talking Athovat spotted three Nezri far in the distance. The two goddesses questioned the Nezri as to why they were so far from home, to which the Nezri, who were in truth acting as scouts, claimed that they were tracking the Nygalara. Incredulous, Athovat demanded to know where they had seen it. The scouts, intent on luring away and killing the two, led Athovat and Yinve down a random path. After several minutes of walking, the Nezri made their move, the group's leader drawing a dagger as he prepared to stab Athovat in the neck. Yinve witnessed him draw the blade, and before anyone could respond, forcibly bit down on the Nezri's arm and twisted it until it broke. Athovat then drew her weapons and fought the other Nezri, all of whom were slain after a brief skirmish. An enraged Athovat then brought the corpses before Clan Oltar, declaring that Oltar had been betrayed. Thalhu, learning of the scouts' fate through a forest beast, sent a messenger to Oltar declaring that the incident was a misunderstanding. Oltar returned the messenger's corpse. Thus began the Oltar-Nezri War.

Though the gods and their respective children fought bitterly for many years, the burning flames of war soon simmered into a stalemate as neither side could defeat the other, for neither were united under one banner. The Repzork and Oltar ruled northern Kovas, but many of their brethren elsewhere followed after other gods and spirits, some of whom were hostile to Oltar and its ilk. The Nezri likewise endured the same. Thus, both races fought enemies within and without for generations.

That was until a new deity by the name of Syleris, the self-proclaimed 'Queen of Light', emerged. She had established a following among the Repzork of southern Nolsaria under the banner of King Xarvok I. Syleris and a few of her loyal followers traveled to Helia to meet with Oltavar and his brethren personally. She pledged to support them in their campaign against Thalhu, and with her charisma and magical talents quickly found favor within the clan, a few even accepting her as an honorary member of Clan Oltar.

With Syleris and her followers now at their side, Clan Oltar and the Repzork turned the tide against Thalhu. As the Repzork overran the Nezriim cities of Chelksrin, Oltar and Syleris fought and eventually slew all of Clan Nezri. Thalhu was the last to fell, Oltavar using his burning war hammer, thaelvak, to crush the god-queen. With Clan Nezri defeated and the surviving Nezriim subjugated, the Oltar gods celebrated their victory as the Repzork settled new lands.

The Betrayal of Syleris & The Exodus[edit | edit source]

This newfound peace would prove short-lived. There were those within Clan Oltar, namely Sarikarak, Xitav, Faea, Vyras, and Athovat, who had never come to trust the so-called Queen of Light and who had carefully watched her every move during her visits. Two months after their victory over Nezri, Xitav and Faea witnessed a vision of Sylerie crowning herself emperor upon a field of ash and ruin during a shamanic ritual. The next day, Athovat tasked Vyras with tracking Syleris during her next visit. Vyras, transforming himself into an insect, followed Syleris back to her domain and managed to get inside just as the gate closed. Inside, Vyras overheard a conversation between Syleris and Prince Ulukir, one of Xarvok's sons. The queen of light commanded Ulukir to overthrow her sister, Queen Faera, who had inherited the throne following her father's death. Ulukir was to crush the world under his heel, Syleris securing his conquest by slaying his divine opposition.

Unable to escape without making himself known, Vyras hid within the citadel until he managed to escape through an open window the following morning. He reported his findings to his cohorts, who then informed the rest of the clan. As they were discussing their options, a messenger entered the chamber and informed them that Faera had been imprisoned and that Ulukir was marshaling his troops. Expecting Syleris to attack soon, most of the gods left the chamber to secure the citadel and to support their mortal followers, leaving Oltavar, Saertu, Sarikarak, Vyras, and Golgolag. Once the others had left, the messenger sealed the door behind them and revealed herself to be Syleris. The five charged the queen of light, who quickly proved immune to their magics. Oltavar was grievously wounded when Syleris drove her blade into his shoulder, but before she could finish him off, Saertu stepped between the two, losing one of his wings in the process. Vyras grappled the queen from behind and drove a dagger towards her neck, but instead of piercing Syleris, it instead broke the necklace which had been protecting Syleris from Oltar's magic. Syleris pushed Vyras away, but began to freeze due to her proximity to Golgolag. Sarikarak used the opportunity to open a hole in the earth under Syleris that led straight to Golgolag's domain. As Syleris fell, Golgolag and Vyras chased after her. Vyras lost an eye in the skirmish, but drove a dagger into Syleris' left knee. Golgolag then gained the upper hand, but Syleris produced a bright flash of light, allowing her to escape.

Though Syleris had been driven off, the Repzork of Kovas were not so fortunate. Ulukir, with the aid of Syleris' followers, scored several victories against the Repzork, many of whom fled to the Kalrian colonies in an event known as the exodus. Ulukir's victory would prove hollow, however, as plague ravaged his ranks and ultimately claimed the king's life. Queen Faera claimed the throne and ended the crumbling invasion. The Repzork left on Nolsaria would never recover and were ultimately subjugated by the western kingdoms. Those on Kalria, uniting under the leadership of Hilthera, the late wife of Selshezak, began the long process of rebuilding. This marked the beginning of millennia of near-constant warfare between the Repzork and their Nolsarian rivals that would culminate in the Wars of Unification and the Second Exodus, which would see the founding of the modern Repzork Empire.

Dusk[edit | edit source]

Dusk is the final era of the modern creation cycle as prophesied by Xitav and Faea, who are said to have witnessed parts of the Dusk while performing a shamanic ritual. In the vision, they saw creation in turmoil. Creation itself, withered with age, had begun to rot from within, which in turn brought forth pestilence and cataclysm. This in turn led to warfare between the god-clans and their mortal children as they struggled to survive and to revive their world. Then, from the old chaos emerged the Nygalara and its spawn, intent on fulfilling its ancient promise. Syleris, and all like her who sought to control the coming cycle, emerged alongside their armies to do battle. Clan Oltar, knowing that their defeat was inevitable, went out to meet these two foes alongside the vanguard of Helia. One by one the gods fell until only Oltavar, Akla, and what was left of the god-king's chosen Repzork were left. They would fall in battle against Syleris, but not before permanently scarring the Queen of Light's face and destroying one of her eyes, ensuring that they would be remembered in the next world.

The exact details of Dusk vary from community to community. Some claim that Athovat will avenge Riigr's death and slay the Nygalara, but will in turn succumb to its minions. Others say the opposite, or they outright leave the beast's fate ambiguous. Others believe that one of the gods, perhaps Vyras, may survive into the next cycle or that Saertu will deal a mortal wound to Syleris at the cost of his own life. Due in part to the First and Second Exodus, it is difficulty to conclusively prove which rendition of the most accurate. At the same time, such details are considered unimportant. No matter what happens, the Repzork will not live to see what happens after the battle. The Repzork instead focus on the actions of the participants; despite knowing that they would die, Oltar and the Repzork decided to fight to the last instead of cowering in fear. Dusk serves as a testament to bravery in battle and a commitment to one's duties even in hopeless circumstances.