Combat Proxies of the Telkevan Union

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The following is an exhaustive list of the drones and combat proxies currently utilized by the Armed Forces of the Telkevan Union. For the rest of the arsenal, view Telkevan Military Arsenal. For details on how robots are employed on the battlefield, see Telkevan Battle Doctrine.

Remote-Controlled Drones[edit | edit source]

Name PK Call sign Description
O10 'Vald' Squad Supply Carrier Bee Valds are unarmed quadrupedal drones that carry weapons and supplies. They are capable of carrying several hundred kilos (100s of lbs) of weight and can run up to 80kph (50mph) when unencumbered.
O120 Modular Weapon Platform Wasp Known colloquially as 'treads', 0120s are remote-controlled drones that can be equipped with up to three weapons systems. Configurations often include machine guns, grenade or rocket launchers, and in boarding operations, shotguns.
O2 Spotter Gallfly Spotters are flying drones that act as spotters for artillery and other long-range weapon systems. Combined with satellites, weapons can easily pin-point targets once they are within range.
O50 Aerial Modular Drone Yellowjacket 050 are relatively small drones that can be carried by users wearing drone command armor. Depending on their configuration, they can perform acts such as scouting, repairing damaged equipment, and/or hacking into electrical systems.
OL90 Mobile Bomb Hornet OL90s are mobile bombs frequently employed by saboteurs, guerilla fighters, and regular soldiers against unsuspecting vehicles and structures.
OH45 Explosive Ordinance Disposal Horntail OH45s are tasked with the dangerous job of disarming bombs, protecting soldiers from having to put themselves in harms way, though specialists are nonetheless trained in disposal for when it proves necessary.

Combat Proxies[edit | edit source]

Bipedal[edit | edit source]

Name PK Call sign Role Description
CD-I10 Arkava Jackal General-purpose Arkava serve as the current baseline for humanoid combat drones. They are fitted with a rudimentary Yolkavach program which gives them some tactical ability, though they are still expected to defeat most opponents through force of numbers. They can be equipped with a variety of weapons.
CD-I19 Chyr Dhole Melee Chyr are fast and agile drones fitted with melee weapons such as saw blades and electrified wrist-blades.
CD-I77 Nyrog Tanuki Air assault Nyrog use jump jets and explosive weapons to harass enemy forces.
CD-I15 Vera Wolf Shock trooper Vera are equipped with sophisticated Yolkavach giving them behavior akin to an experienced soldier. Operating in squads and frequently equipped with heavy weapons, they are deployed into the thick of fighting to break enemy lines.
CD-I50 Hazej Fox Field commander Hazef are heavily armed and armored platforms fitted with Selshezak which coordinate nearby drones.
CD-IT80 Sutha Direwolf Field commander Sutha are experimental platforms currently utilized by Telkevan A.I constructs. They are the largest and most powerful of the humanoid combat drones, having been fitted with vehicle-grade armor plating and equipped with battlesuit weapons.