Acropolan Empire

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Made By: itsglenn

Acropolan is a very large galactic superpower empire located on the Orion belt, famous for their Knights, diplomats, and philosophers who do what will benefit the galactic community and not just their own race, they will protect and help others. Acropolans fall back on traditions, but are also very progressive, their cities remind of classical times, but their technology is top of the line. This technology makes them extremely prosperous, and their trade routes are many. Acropolan relies on their military for defending them and their Federation of Species. Therefore each Knight is top of the line, and trained to act with a code of honor, bravery and are complete selflessness, thinking only of their nation and the federation. Though the knights are beyond brave, they are not foolish. Each decision is questioned, so that the one they make is quality, off and on the battlefield. With these extremely skilled soldiers and leaders and top notch technology, the Acropolian military is a model and EXCEPTIONAL force and is something that each race should respect enemies fear. Recent victories include the Frost wars, which Acropolan defeated the Conkirite dictatorship.